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1 2 3 4 Student's Score Non-Verbal Skills: Class: Name & Registration No.: 1. 2. 3. 4

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1 2 3 4 Student’s
Student reads with Student occasionally Student is able to
Generally looks at the
Eye Contact no eye contact. uses eye contact. present the project
audience, but generally to
while reading looking at the audience
Non-Verbal the teacher.
and making them feel
Skills included.
Slumps or leans Sways or fidgets Occasionally sways or Stands up straight and
during during much of fidgets, but stands up still with both feet on
Posture presentation. presentation. straight with both feet the ground, and moves
on the ground most of the hands for emphasis.
the time.
Student mumbles, Student’s voice is low- Student uses a clear
Student’s voice is clear,
very low voice and medium, but part of the voice, rhythm and tone,
and most of the
do not use any tonal audience still has some so that all audience
Elocution differences. difficulty hearing
audience members can
members can hear
easily hear the
presentation. Tonality presentation.
Oral Skills barely changes.
The tone used changes.
Student does not do Student pronounces Pronunciation is good, Student pronounces
any effort regarding incorrectly some but some constructions mostly everything
Pronunciation pronunciation. terms, mostly and terms are incorrect. clearly and correctly.
vocabulary of the
Student has a good hook
Audience cannot Audience has some Students presents
and presents information
understand the difficulty following information in a
Organization presentation because presentation because logical sequence
in logical, interesting
sequence which audience
there is no sequence student jumps around. which audience can
Contents of information. follow.
can easily follow.
Student does not Student is at ease with Student demonstrates
Student is comfortable
Subject appear to have a information and full knowledge and can
with information, but is
Knowledge grasp of answers questions answer and elaborate on
only able to answer
information;cannot satisfactorily, but most/all questions asked
simple questions.
answer questions fails to elaborate.
about subject.
The images used Visual aid showing effort
The presentation The audience could read
changed from blurry and creativity is used
Presentation Visual had small fonts and the slides and the
to high- resolution. thus improving overall
blurry pictures. It images were generally
Text varied depending presentation.
has been difficult good.
on parts.
The team did not One or two members of The team was mostly The team run perfectly
know when to the group have focused coordinated, but there coordinated, with
speak, or what role most of the were some moments clear guidelines about
Teamwork Coordination were having. Only presentation. The rest of of doubt and/or each member’s role.
one person leads the group did not have unbalance. A minority Each member has
the group. clear instructions about of the members of the participated.
their role. group did not know
what to do.

/ 32

Total marks = x 100 = % %


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