Robertson 2006
Robertson 2006
Robertson 2006
DOI: 10.1002/anie.200503083
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
2338 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Chemie
required charge separation. Charges migrate and are collect- overview of dye characteristics and illustrate the ways in
ed at a transparent conducting electrode (electrons) and Pt which dye design has been used to enhance the efficiency of
electrode (holes). A number of parameters are used to cells. The key challenge at present is to obtain efficiencies that
characterize the detailed performance of a photovoltaic are comparable to that for the optimized I /I3 /volatile
cell;[2] however, in this Minireview discussion is limited solvent cell by using an HTM that is more suitable for mass
mainly to the overall efficiency of conversion of solar-to- production and long-term stability. The design of dyes will
electrical energy of the cell (h) and also to the incident photon therefore be presented in this context in the quest for
to current efficiency (IPCE), which gives a measure of the photovoltaic (PV) cells that are efficient, robust, and cheap
efficiency as a function of wavelength of the incident light. to manufacture.
Following the initial development of this type of cell by
O3Regan and Gr6tzel,[5] there has been further extensive
study and optimization of the design, including modifications 1.2. General Design of Dyes
to the nanocrystalline semiconductor, the redox electrolyte,
and the dye. Currently, the most efficient DSSCs show Progress in the optimization of the dye component of the
efficiencies of over 10 %, which is sufficiently high to be of cell has been made through systematic variation of the
practical utility. The cells that display the highest efficiency, ligands, metal, and other substituent groups in candidate
however, use an HTM comprising an I /I3 redox electrolyte transition-metal complexes.[2, 15, 16, 17] This systematic study has
solution that gives rise to poor long-term stability and resulted in the development of mononuclear[2] and polynuc-
manufacturing complexity.[6] The involvement of volatile I2 lear[18] dyes based on metals such as RuII,[19–21] OsII,[4, 22, 23]
and volatile solvent requires the cells to be sealed, and PtII,[24, 25] ReI,[26] CuI,[27] and FeII.[28] Besides transition-metal
additionally, the I /I3 redox electrolyte can be corrosive complexes, a range of organic molecules have been explored,
towards the Pt electrode. Although some commercialization with recent examples including coumarin,[29] squaraine,[30]
of DSSCs has begun, new aspects of cell design are being indoline,[31] hemicyanine,[32] and other conjugated donor–
intensively explored to continue to address these limitations acceptor organic dyes,[33–36] and the best efficiency reported
and open up DSSC technology to much wider exploitation. was 8 % (see Figure 7 a in Section 2.5).[31] Porphyrin dyes[37, 38]
Thus, a number of alternative redox mediators and electrolyte and phthalocyanine dyes[39] have also been explored.
systems have been explored, including I /I3 in either solid The dyes used in DSSC technology must conform to a
polymer,[7, 8] gel,[6] ionic liquid,[9] or plastic crystal[10] systems; number of essential design requirements in order to function.
solid inorganic materials;[11] CoII/CoIII[12] and SeCN / They must bind strongly to TiO2 by means of an anchoring
(SeCN)3 redox couples;[9] and hole-conducting organic group, typically carboxylic or phosphonic acid groups, to
polymers[13] and small organic molecules.[14] However, a ensure efficient electron injection into the TiO2 conducting
reduced efficiency has so far been achieved for such cells; band and to prevent gradual leaching by the electrolyte. The
for example, the maximum cell efficiencies observed for the LUMO of the dye must be sufficiently high in energy for
gel-electrolyte systems, organic HTM systems, and ionic efficient charge injection into the TiO2, and the HOMO must
liquid systems are around 6, 4, and 8 %, respectively. In each be sufficiently low in energy for efficient regeneration of the
of these cases, the efficiencies are less than that for the oxidized dye by the HTM. The dye must absorb solar
optimized I /I3 /volatile solvent cell as a result of factors such radiation strongly with absorption bands in the visible or
as reduced hole mobility, poorer electron-transfer kinetics, near-IR region, preferably covering a broad range of wave-
and poorer contact at the dye–HTM interface. Much is now lengths. Electron transfer from the dye to the TiO2 must also
understood concerning loss mechanisms that arise within the be rapid in comparison with decay to the ground state of the
system, and key processes are indicated in Figure 1. dye. Dyes that show emission in the solution state at room
Some recent overviews that discuss general aspects of temperature have typically been used, although this is not
DSSCs[1, 2, 4] have appeared along with a series of articles that essential.[40]
give a detailed account of several specific topics within the The family of complexes [{(4,4’-CO2H)2(bipy)}2RuX2]
field.[3] The aim of this Minireview is to provide a general (bipy = 2,2’-bipyridyl; X = Cl, Br, I, CN, NCS) perform
well;[19] for example, the dye [{(4,4’-CO2H)2bipy}2Ru(NCS)2]
Neil Robertson studied chemistry at the (N3) and the doubly deprotonated analogue (N719, Figure 2)
University of Edinburgh and obtained his give a solar-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency of over
PhD there in 1992. He then carried out 10 %. Use of a terpyridyl ligand led to the so-called “black
postdoctoral work at the Freie Universit$t dye” (Figure 2), which gives a very high IPCE across the
Berlin and University of Wales, Bangor,
wavelength range 400–700 nm and a cell efficiency of over
where he first developed an interest in the
electronic and magnetic properties of molec- 10 %.[21, 41] Dyes are often referred to by codes (as indicated in
ular materials. After a Royal Society of the figures), which will be used in the remainder of the article.
Edinburgh/BP Research Fellowship at Edin-
burgh (1996–1999) and a lectureship at
Imperial College London, he took up his 2. Current Developments in Dye Design
current position (2001) as a senior lecturer
in chemistry at the University of Edinburgh.
As previously mentioned, the key limitations of DSSCs
arise from the I /I3 liquid electrolyte and this has neces-
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2339
Chemie N. Robertson
sitated the exploration of other cell designs that use an Recent work has illustrated that this approach can be
alternative HTM. Initial research into these modified cells extended further and that dyes with attached electron-donor
with novel designs typically used dyes that were previously groups can locate the cationic charge at a greater distant from
optimized for a cell with an I /I3 solution electrolyte as the the TiO2 surface.[43, 44] For instance, the substituted porphyrin
HTM (e.g. N3 or N719). As studies develop, however, it is shown in Figure 3 a attaches itself to the TiO2 surface through
apparent that innovation in transport materials should be
carried out in conjunction with the development of new dyes
to maximize the improvements in efficiency and stability.
Thus, the exploration of new dye designs specifically for solid-
state and quasi-solid-state cells is currently an area of high
priority that has started to receive increased attention. Key
approaches to this area of research are described in Sec-
tion 2.1–2.5.
2340 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Chemie
dyes that have shown the highest cell efficiencies have used minimized, with charge injection only just fast enough to
carboxylic acid linkers, although a recent study into phos- compete with excited-state decay such that loss through
phonic acid linkers reported the highest efficiency ( 8 %) for charge recombination is also minimized. Variation of the
any dye with a non-carboxylic acid linker (Z955, Figure 4). In nature of the linker group between the dye and the TiO2 can
this case, modification of the linker from carboxylic to play a crucial role in this optimization and hence on the cell
phosphonic acid groups resulted in efficiencies achieved.
an interrelated series of changes in In an attempt to control these interfacial electron-transfer
the characteristics of the device; for processes, Haque et al. studied an azobenzene dye encapsu-
example, a blue shift of the absorp- lated within a cyclodextrin molecule attached to TiO2.[53] The
tion maxima, good stability of the cyclodextrin comprises a hydrophilic outer layer, which is
device, and slower charge-recombi- suitable for adsorption onto the TiO2 surface, and a hydro-
nation kinetics for Z955 relative to phobic inner surface. The spatial separation of the dye from
the analogous dye with carboxylic the TiO2 increased, however, the charge injection yield was
acid linkers (Z907, see Figure 5, Sec- comparable with a non-encapsulated dye analogue, in keep-
tion 2.3). The increased number of ing with the kinetic redundancy argument. Importantly, the
protons on the phosphonic acid increased separation also led to a significantly slower rate for
Figure 4. Ru–polypyridyl groups compared with carboxylic k6, offering potential gains in cell efficiency. As well as these
dye Z955 with phosphon- acid groups has been suggested as a effects, the encapsulation approach has the possibility to
ic acid linker groups.[46]
factor in modifying the performance enhance photochemical stability, redox reversibility, and
of the dye, as it has been observed electroluminescent efficiency.
that the efficiency of the solar cell These recent examples illustrate that much is now under-
can be influenced by changing the protonation of the acid stood concerning the optimization of kinetic parameters for
groups. This is attributed to the effect of the bound dye on the interfacial electron transfer. These studies, however, have
energy of the TiO2 conducting band, such that N719, which is typically involved use of the I /I3 solution redox electrolyte,
deprotonated, gives a higher cell efficiency than the proton- and an important next step will involve the exploitation of
ated analogue N3 (Figure 2).[41] these ideas in improving the lower efficiencies currently
Besides the protonation state of the carboxylic acid group, achieved in cells with alternative solid and quasi-solid hole-
the position of these linker groups on the bipyridyl moiety has transport materials.
been explored.[49, 25] The large majority of studies involving
bipyridyl groups employ 4,4’-substituted derivatives. The
study of a Ru complex with carboxylic acid groups in the 2.3. Hydrophobic Dyes
3,3’-positions of the bipyridyl revealed a decreased efficiency
of the cell,[49] whereas a study of Pt dyes showed the opposite Dyes attached to TiO2 through carboxylic acid groups are
effect with a slightly improved efficiency for the complex with susceptible to desorption from the surface under the action of
3,3’-substituted bipyridyl.[25] As substitution at the 3,3’-posi- trace quantities of water and has serious consequences on the
tions necessitates some twisting of the ligand, the consequen- long-term stability of the resultant solar cells. It has been
ces of the electronic alteration to the dye when bound to TiO2 reported that dyes with attached
may be difficult to predict, however, it seems that further hydrophobic chains (e.g. Z907, Fig-
study of complexes with 3,3’-substituted bipyridyls is merited. ure 5) can display an enhanced sta-
Charge injection from Ru–polypyridyl dyes linked bility towards desorption from TiO2
through carboxylic acid groups is extremely rapid, and for induced by water in the liquid or gel
dye-sensitized TiO2 covered with an inert solvent it occurs on electrolyte.[54, 6] A cell based on Z907
a femto- to picosecond timescale from the excited singlet and using a polymer gel I /I3 electrolyte
triplet states of the dye, respectively.[50] In a complete was shown to combine a cell effi-
DSSC,[51, 52] charge injection occurs on the picosecond time- ciency of 6.1 % with excellent stabil-
scale, with the composition of the redox electrolyte playing an ity to both prolonged thermal stress
important role in modifying the energetics of the TiO2 and light soaking that matched the
conduction band and hence the charge-injection rate. This criteria required for the outdoor use Figure 5. The amphiphil-
extremely rapid process leads to injection yields that ap- of solar cells.[6] Besides the role ic dye Z907.
proach 100 % for many dyes. However, as the excited-state played by the gel electrolyte, the
lifetime of dyes such as N3 can be as long as 50 ns, high stability was attributed to the hydro-
injection yields may still be achieved with an injection rate phobic properties of the dye which enhanced stability towards
that is several orders of magnitude slower than those water-induced desorption. This effect was illustrated with an
observed. The unnecessarily rapid charge injection is referred analogous cell, which used N719 in place of Z907 as the dye,
to as “kinetic redundancy” and is important because the rates that displayed much poorer stability to thermal stress.
of charge injection (k1) and the charge-recombination loss A significant loss mechanism involves recombination of
process (k6) are correlated, as both are influenced by the electrons from the TiO2 conduction band directly with the
strength of electronic communication of the dye with the HTM, known as the dark current (k5). In addition to the
TiO2.[52] For an optimum device kinetic redundancy should be above considerations, it has also been suggested that dyes
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2341
Chemie N. Robertson
2342 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Chemie
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2343
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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 2338 – 2345 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2345