Nabi Full Thesis
Nabi Full Thesis
Nabi Full Thesis
Entrepreneurs have taken hold across the globe and have undeniably impacted the
world of business forever. Over the last two decades entrepreneurship has emerged as
arguably the most patent force the world has ever experienced. Economic development
has become the main concern of the government. However, this concern is gradually
shifting from government role to free enterprise role in view of global changes, which
development is to be caused by individuals alone and not merely by the government. This
transformed him from a nomad to a cattle rearer, to a settled agriculturist, to a trader and
to an industrialist. Now, entrepreneurs are persons who initiate, organize, manage and
control the affairs of a business unit and they combine all factors of production to supply
goods and services, whether the business pertains to agriculture, industry, trade or
development under free enterprise. Agricultural and industrial developments are caused
An Entrepreneurs innate mental flexibility, their vision for long-term planning and
the ability to tolerate ambiguity and changes better than men are a valuable asset for
every venture and also their capacity to negotiate in marketing the product to prospective
investors, suppliers and customers. These are the present day requirement of the complex
business world.
The word 'entrepreneur' had its origin way back in twelfth century. But the earliest
usage of the term 'entrepreneur' is recorded in the French military history of seventeenth
century. It is derived from the French word, 'entreprendre', which denotes 'to undertake'.
production, the opening of a new market, and the discovery of new raw material supply
goods produced. Of these roles, the role of the organizer makes all the difference in the
final outcome from his activities. Unless entrepreneurial skills and competencies of the
community are utilized in a useful manner, they are bound to remain unproductive and
retard the development process of the economy. However, the nature and degree of
contribution varies with the society depending on the challenges it offers and the
environment it provides.
economy, as the success of these industrial enterprises depends largely upon the
capabilities and the talents of the entrepreneurs and there by promotes the
industrialization process. To make the small scale industry more dynamic in accelerating
one of the strategies for accelerating the process of economic development particularly in
the developing countries, and this in turn depends on the availability of a large number of
base in the economy through expansion and diversification of the entrepreneurial talents
since they generate employment opportunities and thereby reduce the regional
imbalances and the concentration of economic power. Small industry development has
opportunities and to facilitate the redistribution of income and assets, minimizing the
levels of inequalities in a developing economy. The small enterprises are more labour
intensive and they use the appropriate techniques of production in order to achieve
efficiency. The development of these enterprises industry facilitates the growth and
The investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs.25 lakhs (Rupees twenty five
lakhs only).
The investment in plant and machinery is more than twenty five lakhs rupees but not
The investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 5 crores but not exceeding Rs.10
The investment in equipment is more than 10 lakhs (Ten lakhs rupees) but does not
The investment in equipment is more than rupees 2 crores but does not exceed rupees 5
entrepreneurs through innovation6. The innovation may be in the form of the introduction
of a new product, discovery of new supply of raw material, and new form of
organization. He has made a distinction that the innovator discovers new methods and
new materials, while the imitator utilizes these methods and materials. He has stated that
the entrepreneurs are men of vision, drive, and possess talent and utilize the opportunities
actively prompted by some agency within the system. It is an ‘entrepreneur who provides
economic leadership that changes the initial conditions of the economy and causes
Group level pattern theory (Young, 1971) this theory postulated that instead of
individuals, groups with higher differentiation have the capacity to react. He designed
maintain and project. Differentiation is defined as the diversity. Some members of the
solidarity group excel at combining resources like labour, capital etc. in new ways and
they become entrepreneurs. This theory of change is based on society’s incorporation of
reactive sub group. A group will become reactive as per young’s theory, when the three
conditions coincide. That is, firstly, when a group experience low status recognition;
secondly, when the denial of access to important social networks and thirdly, when the
group has better institutional resources than other groups in society at the same level.
additional personality traits. According to him, managerial skill and leadership are the
naturally suggests a method for the development of entrepreneurship which depends upon
new and better way. This is synonymous with the innovative characteristics given by
Schumpeter (1934). Second is decision making under uncertainly, i.e. risk as identified
by Cantillon (1755) McClelland’s major contribution lies in extending our understanding
for achievement. For people with high need for achievement, profit is a measure of
warmth, self-reliance, training and low father dominance. The casual sequence of
Lim, 2008).
In Input Completing and Gap Filling Theory (Liebenstin, 1968)distinguishes two broad
associated with managerial function of the business and the entrepreneurship which is
to be well defined and completely known. But theory is silent about the keeper of the
knowledge of production function, where and to whom in the firm this knowledge is
supposed to be available is never stated. In reality there exist larger gaps in knowledge
An Upsurge of Interest (Baptista & thurik, 2004; Arend, 1999 and Henderson, 2002).
Most of the researches on entrepreneurship gained momentum in the last two decades due
to its implications for issues such as unemployment, and impeded economic growth and
development. Most of the research on entrepreneurship concentrates on analyzing the
firm creation process that too when the decision to create the firm has already been taken.
It has been observed that in all studies no attention has been paid to those internal
processes and external factors which give a push to people in that direction. This aspect is
refers to entrepreneurial orientation From this point of view the important thing is not an
individual’s will to create a new firm, but what is that particular thing which made the
person to have that kind of orientation and zeal to opt for that kind of activity which has
the mind set of firms engaged in the pursuit of new opportunities (Lumpkin & Dass 1996;
Wiklund, 1999; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2003). The impact of entrepreneurial orientation
Wiklund & Shepherd (2005); Hughes and Morgan, (2007), but without serious
attentionpaid to the factors and conditions which produce this specific mind-set.
friends etc.) would contribute to shape society for exposure and individual’s perception
for these opportunities (Welter 2007). Personality, exposure factors and family therefore
The rapid changes occurring in society as a result of globalization and due to
facing are not just effecting life style but also the ways through which people earn their
livelihood. Although everyone is making constant efforts to combat with the problems
arising in their fields but the most suitable way to get rid of these kind of problems is the
business and is the dynamic process of vision and change which requires an application
of energy and passion toward the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative
which has the potential to revolutionize the way business is conducted at every level and
young generation especially, for those who are highly motivated in converting their
creative talent into production resources. It is in this context that there is a serious need to
planning, organization, and management and the entrepreneur has to discharge these
functions for attaining the industrial efficiency while managing the enterprise.
inventions in order to make new combinations and thereby produce newer and better
goods which increase the profitability of the enterprise. The entrepreneurs have to deal
with the innovative activities of introducing new technology in production, creating new
new methods and process of manufacture and the formation of monopolies, and
alternative market forms, new methods in marketing and distribution. These innovative
production while maximizing the economic yields, in order to sustain the economic
Entrepreneur has to possess the risk bearing quality so as to deal with the
uncertainties. Risk taking propensity of the entrepreneurs mostly depends on the cultural
environs and that of the economic conditions that prevail in the economy. The
entrepreneur has to face several risks connected with the market fluctuations, competition
cycles, incurring of heavy losses, uncertainty in the demand for products due to changes
in the preferences of consumers, and frequent changes in governmental policies and that
An entrepreneur while planning for setting up the enterprise, he has to assess the
resource potential and conduct the feasibility study for commencing the project,
considering the input requirements, investment requirements, and by conducting the cost
benefit analysis considering the different variables. He has to perform several activities
relating to planning, such as selection of the product line, by estimating the demand
potential and the location of industry considering the locational advantages of raw
materials and infrastructure and that of the market and the form of organization,
assessment of the fixed and working capital requirements, and identifying the
institutional and non-institutional funding agencies, find out the ways and means to
minimize the cost of production, considering the technological changes, analyse the
marketing opportunities and evolve the appropriate marketing strategies and fulfil the
formalities that are required in accordance with the changes in the government policies.
enterprise/industry, since it is the most important factor that contributes for the growth of
the industry.
He has to make efforts in procuring the required capital for meeting the daily obligations,
to run the production on a continuous basis. He has to raise the resources adequately for
the fixed capital and for meeting the requirements for expansion of the unit, so as to make
the industry/Unit economically viable. In addition, he has to forecast the long-run
financial requirements for effecting modernization and expansion of the unit, in order to
sustain the growth of industry for enhancing the production and supplies in accordance
with the growing demand for the product He has to adopt proper accounting system and
safe and better working conditions and fair wages. An entrepreneur has to adopt good
marketing management strategies to cope with the changing customers’ requirements and
changes in demand, and plan the supplies accordingly through the maintenance of the
factors such as the availability of raw material, quality of labour, technology, market
potentiality, capital, profit and infra-structure, the availability of raw material and its
supply enlarge the economic opportunity and consequently promote the development of
entrepreneurial activity are also influenced by the availability of labour and its quality,
particularly the supply of skilled and semi-skilled labour. The availability of qualitative
labour supplies facilitates the division of labour and increases the dexterity of labour
which improves the production and the productivity of the industrial units. This in turn
attracts the new entrepreneurs to undertake and diversify the entrepreneurial activities in
and reduce the cost of production, particularly the changes in the production process
minimize the wastage and improve the quality of product. This may also lead to the
reduction of the entrepreneur's risks and create a conducive atmosphere for the
required to sustain the development of an industry and to meet the requirements for the
profitability and facilitates the process of additional capital formation and thereby results
in the sustenance of industrialization with the increase in the income and employment.
The availability of power and transport and the provision of industrial estates and
well developed communications, basic amenities including water supply motivate the
Competition, the size and form of market, also influence the development of
entrepreneurial activities and the quality of entrepreneurs. Developed markets and the
level of profits facilitates the growth of entrepreneurship and that of the entrepreneurial
activities which induce the prospective entrepreneurs to commence the various industrial
units and to make an entry into new ventures while expanding the existing industrial
undertake risk taking and innovative activities associated with creativity increases which
attainment of higher level of profits along with the development of new industrial
entrepreneurs which urge them to undertake the industrial activities that are economically
sound and widen their perspective, while increasing the resourcefulness of the
Entrepreneurial development is also influenced by the facilitating factors like the
encouragement and the co-operation from big business houses and friends and relatives,
of the social factors such as mobility, security, compelling reasons, and values ascribed
by the society, dissatisfaction in early jobs and materialization of the ideas and skills so
socioeconomic background. Entry into industrial activity was greatly influenced by the
caste to which a person belonged. Father’s place of work was the training ground for
entrepreneurs. Because of this Indian industries were cottage and small. Medium and
large scale manufacturing units entered the industrial scenario with the textile
manufacturing units started during the latter half of the 19th century. Until 1948 the idea
of entrepreneur development was absent because of the British rule. The first Industrial
Policy Statement in 1948 provided the guidelines for industrial and entrepreneur
under the Ministry of Industries in the year 1954. Under- Small Industries Development
Organisation, Small Industries Service Institutes are created throughout India to offer
training and economic information to develop small scale industries. In the year 1970 the
Small Industries Service Institutes have started the entrepreneur development training. In
the year 1954 the National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training was started at
Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh to train the officers of the Small Industries
training in the year 1970. The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development inthe state of
Gujarat has started the entrepreneur development training inthe year 1970. Thus the
entrepreneur development training has become a movement in India in the year 1970.In
the latter years, the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, the Technical
trainees, structured class room lectures, factory visits and in plant training in industries,
assistance and counselling to establish business units. The success rate of the training is
measured based on the number of trainees who start their business units after the training.
The national average rate of success is 32 percent for the programmes sponsored
by All India Financial Institutions. The success rate of the Entrepreneurship Development
organizations are also of the view that measuring the performance of the
because the programmes help in transforming the social, economic and cultural scenario
to widen the scope of the source for supply of entrepreneurial human resource.
selection of trainees (Raval et al 1987). But there is considerable scope and need for
trainees and trainers have pointed out the absence of avenues or mechanism for practice
percent of the trainees do not start industries even after two years of training. About 48
percent of the trainees give up the idea of starting their industries. All these data indicates
are to be developed.
promote the supply of entrepreneurs for accelerating industrial development, prevent the
to promote balanced regional growth and, to extend the benefits of economic progress to
less developed areas, while preventing the concentration of economic power, to develop
the entrepreneurial talents and skills in different strata of the society and to promote the
human resources development. It has also been designed to build up socialistic pattern of
social and economic ills, to facilitate the optimum utilization of resources and to take up
new and promising industrial activities venturing, inorder to enhance the economic
prosperity for bringing about the desired social change to sustain industrial development
have been formulated and adopted by several agencies to augment the supply of new
entrepreneurs, and to promote their talents. These programmes are formulated by the
agencies connected with the government such as the entrepreneurial development cell
for the entrepreneurs in acquiring the entrepreneurial talents and to cope with the
emerging challenges in sustaining the industrial development. These programmes are also
Corporation of India (IRCI). Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) the small
Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and the Nationalized and Commercial
the Entrepreneurship Development Institutes (EDI) at the all India and State level, Centre
(TCOs), District Industries Centres (DICs), Small Industries service Institutes (SISIs),
India Investment Centre (IIC), Administrative Staff College of India. Small Industry
Extension and Training Institute (SIET), State Financial Corporations (SFCs), Rural
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and the Indian Institute of marketing management
(IIMM) and others. Entrepreneurial Development programmes are also designed and
provided by the international agencies like the International labour organization (ILO),
World (ACWW).
and select the prospective entrepreneurs so as to give training for these first generation
has been formulated by the Entrepreneurial Development Institute of India and its aims at
providing the right type of entrepreneurial training and the provision of follow-up-
Institute of India indicates that the careful selection of the entrepreneurs has to be done in
order to identify the potential entrepreneurs by assessing the technical and managerial
aptitude and the social background. To augment the supply of entrepreneurs for
The model has been formulated to offer training in the aspects connected with
project planning and in decision making regarding product choice, market expansion, the
utilization of subsidies and other incentives offered by the government and in the
unit successfully.
post-training for the entrepreneurs in the various aspects by considering the success and
entrepreneurs. This Model further intends to provide the entrepreneurial counseling and
Entrepreneurial development programme Model of small industries Extension and
entrepreneurs and try to fill the gap between the supply of entrepreneurs and demand for
Model formulated for the promotion of entrepreneurs covering the aspects that are
programme -Model of SIET, the Entrepreneurial education has been assigned priority in
providing the economic insights, and assist these entrepreneurs in selecting new industrial
activities/ areas by preparing the project feasibility reports for these industrial activities.
This model aims at the setting up of the local entrepreneurial promotional agencies with
the necessary executives and personnel for providing the entrepreneurial motivation and
counselling and the creation of entrepreneurial forums to discuss the achievement and
success and the problems of the entrepreneur, in order to recognize the promising and
the supportive activities related to the establishment of the industrial unit, particularly in
buildings. This model aims at the extension of consultancy services for the entrepreneurs
in the selection of technology and suitable plant and machinery and the possibilities of
acquiring the raw materials and in the utilization of power, water and other common
facilities and on the available tax reliefs and concessions and the marketing expansion
sustaining the activities related to the efficient management of the industry, in order to
promote entrepreneurial development, and the policies I models adopted for augmenting
of the development of small industry, reveal that there is close relationship between
of the study that there is no relation between entrepreneurial development and industrial
associated with entrepreneurship. The attitude of male reservation creates difficulties and
problems at all levels, i.e. family support, training, banking, licensing and marketing. The
Entrepreneurs in rural areas have to suffer still more. They have to face not only
resistance or reservation from men but also from elderly women who are ingrained in the
attitude of inequality. Problems cited pertain mostly in obtaining finance, delays in the
insensitivity to the particular situation of women, or due to gender biases. Most women,
however, find marketing to be their main problem, In spite of Government Policies and
Schemes offering development programmes and funding, the lies a line of gap that shows
deviation in plan and execution, this of difference requires a systematic and depth
analysis into the cause for and solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs in
Dharmapuri District.
To provide growth-minded business owners with the tools they need to take them
importance; through this study the researcher as found out the real problem faced
by the Entrepreneurs and what the need to overcome such problems. In this respect
the Government and policy makers may take an appropriate policy for promoting
Entrepreneurs in the country. Its impact will reflect in the social development of
opportunities and also improves the standard of living of the people in general.
H02: There is no significant difference between size of enterprise and level of Economic
constraints implied lack of investment for promoting the business and paucity of working
capital for successful running of business. It is the duty of the Government to offer
necessary financial assistance in time for entrepreneurs for successfully running their
business units. Further, in order to avoid financial problems, entrepreneurs have to learn
the procedures to be followed for availing loan at the earliest from the banks and
financial institutions. Moreover, it is advised to rural entrepreneurs not to avail loan from
Reduce their social constraints, entrepreneurs have to inculcate the habit of moving along
with their workers, improve ability to extract work from team members, enhance their
planning and decision making ability, and learn to maintain proper books of accounts and
Raise their knowledge level; entrepreneurs have to improve their writing skills, oral
with co-workers, improve their thinking ability, improve their listening ability or caliber
and constantly keep them updated on latest development that took place on their business.
Reduce the entrepreneurial constraints the entrepreneurs have to understand their risk
oriented training programmes and should improve their analytical ability by undergoing
apart from inculcating the basic principles to be followed before promoting a business,
type of business to be promoted, procedures to be followed for availing loan may train
their success.
entrepreneurs may maintain good rapport with senior entrepreneurs in their locality and
seek their assistance on how to improve their personal entrepreneurial skills. Further,
entrepreneurs have to undergo various soft skill training programmes organized by
To improve the business skills like planning, improving decision making capacity, to
To improve the entrepreneur’s technical skills, District Industries Centres may inculcate
level of success.
1. This study is based on primary data and therefore carries all the limitations of not
3. This study assumes that the information and data provided by entrepreneurs as
The research covered four years, carried out from 2016 to 2018 .During this study
period the data was collected from the primary sources, covering three districts
Dharampauri of Tamil Nadu State. The secondary data’s covers the Industry profile and
Review of relevant literature. Analysis and interpretation of the data were also done
during this stipulated period. Thus the data’s were rough drafted and here presented the
current synopsis.
and unique to the prevailing stock of knowledge in any field by developing a new
properly accomplished through any study only through pre planned and well defined
steps applying perfectly applicable methods in each steps there by facilitating the
collection, analysis, and drawing conclusion smoothly and meaningfully. With a view to
effectively carry out the study conceptually and methodologically structured research
design is a must.
The Dharmapuri district was then a part of the Salem district. During the British
rule in the country and even till 1947 Dharmapuri was one of the Taluks of Salem
District. The Dharmapuri district was formed as a separate district on 02/10/1965 with its
headquarters at Dharmapuri.
average literacy of the district was 91.2% compared to the national average of 72.99%.
The district had a total of 3,75,873 households. There were a total of 7,51,170 workers,
hold industries, 233,546 other workers, 98,174 marginal workers, 10,248 marginal
industries and 33,610 other marginal workers. The population of the district is roughly
Pappinaickanahalli, Pulidikarai, Settikarai, Sivadi, Somenahalli, Thadangam
Universe: Instead of obtaining information from each and every unit of the universe,
only a small representative part is studied and the conclusions are drawn from that basis
Sampling Unit: The sampling unit was limited to selected areas of Dharmapuri district.
Nadu is taken. It is focused on the problems of Entrepreneurs in the study area. The total
number of units collected from the records of the District industries centre. The whole
source of data from whom the information to be collected that is the universe was
specified. Once the universe was identified, total numbers of respondents adequate
enough to represent the universe were selected. The researcher adopted stratified random
The primary data has been used in this study for carrying out the analysis in
conformity with the objectives of the study to draw the inference. Primary data needed
for the study has been collected from entrepreneurs of the Small scale industrial units in
Dharmapuri districts of Tamil Nadu in order to examine the efficiency and performance
with the entrepreneurs has been used, to obtain the adequate information regarding their
The secondary data has been collected from the publications, websites, which are
been needed for the study. In addition, information and data needed for the study has also
been collected from various government agencies such as District Industries Centre,
Development Institute.
After the formulation of the questionnaire cum interview schedule, Pilot study was
conducted. A sample of 50 respondents from the population was selected. Based on the
Interview schedule and also based on the suggestions of the respondents, relevant
modifications were done to the instrument. Then the schedule cum questionnaire
The collected data have been analyzed with the help of statistical tools like percentage,
Chi-square test, Non parametric Fried Man’s test, ANOVA, Regression analysis,
This chapter presents a brief introduction of the study, statement of the problem,
objectives of the study, Methodology Limitations and chapter scheme of the study.
The Second Chapter deals with the review of related concepts and the already existing
literature on this research topic. This chapter also deals with the various empirical studies
The Third Chapter briefly presents profile of the study area. The theoretical framework of
Chapter 4: Data Analysis
The Fourth Chapter provides the analysis and interpretation of the study. In this chapter
the collected data from the respondents were statistically analyzed and presented in the
The Fifth Chapter includes findings, suggestions and conclusion for improving the of
Chapter-V: Summarises the key findings of the study and offers suitable suggestions to
An attempt has been made to study the earlier studies which were very popular in the
field of entrepreneurship. Having determined the research problem and its worthiness, the
researcher had decided to make an empirical study of the problem. There had been a
continuous research in the field of entrepreneur which proves to be very useful and
provides an insight into the objectives of the study. A brief account of important studies
In almost all Research studies conducted in the above fields, the importance of
launching were stressed. There have been several studies on entrepreneurs. It was
Cantillion (1755) who coined the term “Entrepreneurship” in French. The term
“Employer”, though the precise meaning is “the undertaker of the project”. In the 16th
Century the Frenchmen who undertook military expedition were also referred to as
“Entrepreneur”. John Stuart Mill (1848) popularized the term in England. According to
the Social Science Encyclopedia by Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (1985), the term
economic growth. The entrepreneur was the central figure in the process of development.
along productive lines. The entrepreneurial activities stimulated progress and formed the
the pre-condition of economic growth. Small Scale Industries constituting about 90% of
the total registered units not only enhanced employment but also broadened the industrial
base and enabled entrepreneurship to spread to more regions and layers of society.
are indicative of high need for achievement are likely to behave entrepreneurially. He
performance for moderate risks and a propensity to work harder in such situation (ii) a
belief that one’s personal efforts will be influential in the attainment of some goal and
pleasure derived from this belief. (iii) A tendency to perceive the probability of success in
attaining a goal as being relatively high, (iv) a need for feedback regarding success or
David McClelland and David G Winter(1969), Motivating Economic Achievement,Free Press-Collier-
Macmillan,New York and London, pp.409
failure of one’s efforts (v) the capacity to plan ahead and to be particularly aware of the
passage of time and (vi) interest in excellence for its own sake.
society. He represents certain ascertainable levels of education, social status and types of
own attitude towards occupation, (ii) the role expectations held by sanctioning groups,
and (iii) the operational requirements of the job. Society's values are the most important
Ganesan, R., Dilbagh Kaur and R.C. Maheshwari (2002) 3 in their article stated
same is duly imparted and conscientiously induced. This argument holds strong
particularly when such a strategy is being tried on Entrepreneur. In the present context
many of the theories dealing with entrepreneurship has seen a divergence from practice.
It is seen that many entrepreneurs are motivated on their own to start their own
entrepreneurial input. They learn the same through trial and error. Keeping these views
on entrepreneurship, this article deals with the problems, which these self-motivated
entrepreneurs con front, and then highlights the prospects and the future challenges. The
article establishes the role entrepreneurial training can play in making the ventures
Cochran, T.C. (1968), “Entrepreneurship”, International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Macmillan and Free
Press, Vol. 5
R. Ganesan, Dilbagh Kaur and R.C. Maheshwari “Entrepreneurs Problems and Prospects”, Journal of
Entrepreneurship, SAGE Publications, Vol. 11, No. 1, 75-93 (2002)
initiated by these self-motivated women self-sustaining. The article identifies the concern
areas of these women who are in business and also proposes what kind of entrepreneurial
training would be ideal. The authors feel that when more women initiate businesses
without such formal training, one should probably then start investing resources into
making them stand on their own. The article has also identified certain special factors and
problems women in business generally confront and the gendered root of such problems.
The suggestion is that these problems could be taken care of through investing in building
Mitra, Reshmi (2002)4 This article examines factors that influence the growth of
women-run firms in order to understand why so many of them remain small. The study
firms are investigated in order to suggest how the main constraints can be addressed.
Beena and Sushma (2003)5 revealed that probably in this country, Entrepreneur
potential has not been tapped. So, many more Entrepreneur should be encouraged to take
Mitra, Reshmi, “Article: The growth pattern of women-run enterprises: An empirical study in India”, Journal of
Developmental Entrepreneurship, August 2002.
C.Beena and B.Sushma-“entrepreneurs managing petty business: A study from
motivational perspective”- Southern Economist Vol.42, No: 2, Mar 15, 2003.
up small business activities. Entrepreneur involving in such kind of activities will become
self sufficient, self - dependent and more confident in facing life challenges and hurdles.
These entrepreneurs should be registered with the government so that they can be given
given career guidance in people’s polytechnics which will shape them as entrepreneurs.
As far as the state and central government are concerned a scheme should be evolved for
extending additional concessions for women entrepreneurs for setting up industrial units.
entrepreneurs revealed that the main motivating factor to start an enterprise was to earn
money by both men and women entrepreneurs. The units set up by them were mostly
micro enterprises. Traditional activities such as handicrafts and handloom still dominate
the type of activities undertaken by the entrepreneurs. The units of both men and women
entrepreneurs managed finance through their own sources. The study concluded that
Determined efforts from women entrepreneurs supported by congenial climate can bring
A. Jeevanantham, “Development of Women Entrepreneurship in Trichirappalli
District” - 2003, Bharathidasan University, Trichy.
Poonam Sinha, Associate Faculty Member, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Guwahati, “Women
entrepreneurship in the North East India: Motivation, social support and constraints.” Indian Journal of
Industrial Relations Vol 38, No.4, April 2003.p 425 - 441.
Sindhu S. Narayan and P.S. Geethakutty (2003)8 entrepreneurship has been
and lack of employment opportunities paved way for many unemployed youth including
women to take up small-scale business units. In this study entrepreneurial success index
Australia. The analysis of the study highlighted that the rate of failure in female-
Dangoria (2004)10 discussed in their study that to improve the health care outreach in
Scheme (ICDS) villages (total population 4 400) of the Narsapur Mandal of Medak
district of Andhra Pradesh (AP). Local women (one per village) with an education level
equivalent to seventh grade, were trained in aspects of preventive and curative health
care, and nutrition. These women advise the community, particularly women, on health,
nutrition, sanitation and family planning. They register all pregnant women, ensure
antenatal check-up, compliance with taking of iron folic acid tablets, record blood
Sindhu S. Narayan and P.S. Geethakutty, “level of entrepreneurial success among women entrepreneurs in
agribusiness”, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 41, pp. 41-44, 2003.
Watson J (2003), “Failure Rates for Female-Controlled Businesses: Are They Different?”, Journal of
Small Business Management, Vol. 41. No. 3, pp. 262-277.
Mahtab.S. Bamji, PVVS Murthy, M. Vishnuvardhan Rao and Devyani Dangoria, “Impact of Women
Health and Nutrition Entrepreneurs and Mobilizers on Health and Nutrition of Rural Children and Mothers’
Knowledge and Health-related Practices”, Regional Health Forum WHO South-East Asia Region Volume
8 Number 1, 2004
pressure, identify at–risk pregnant women and treat minor ailments for which the
community pays them. Records of deaths with age and cause, and births with birth weight
(wherever possible) are maintained. ‘Dais’ (traditional birth attendants) are also being
trained so that both groups of women can work in tandem. While no monthly stipend is
paid, a daily wage is given for days of training and small incentive money of Rs.5/- for
each vital event reported. The positive outcomes after three years were: remarkable
and child feeding; increase in institutional deliveries; reduction in perinatal and neonatal
mortality, (infant mortality also declined after three years), and reduction in morbidity
and in the incidence of vitamin A deficiency (Bitot’s spots) in preschool children. There
was only marginal improvement in child nutrition, and no improvement in the incidence
Shiv Ganesh, Rebecca Gill (2004)11 this paper is a critical examination of the
entrepreneurs in a Northwestern state in the U.S. We argue that the free agent metaphor
The free agent metaphor is especially evident in our participants’ stories about the
reasons they chose to become entrepreneurs. Here, they identify themes of autonomy,
confidence, opportunity and self-expression. The constraints hidden by the free agent
conclude the paper by discussing the implications of our findings for understandings of
Jamie Cistoldi Lee (2004)12 This article highlighted a case study of a non-
governmental organization in Costa Rica that initiated a pilot program in 2002 to expand
computer class. This program was developed in order to increase women's access to and
control over technology. It was important to analyze the success of this and other
programs from the perspective of the participants and to understand how such programs
changed behaviours in the public and private sphere, on the micro and macro levels. The
article specifically assesses how and in what ways this program altered job experiences
for the women participants, modified their role within the family, reformulated the
individual's perspective of self, and empowered the students. The data was collected over
several months of field work and included over 20 in-depth, semi-structured interviews
and two focus groups with 33 respondents. Qualitative methods were used to analyze the
individual experiences of the students in the program to better understand the successes
and failures of this type of program in the context of development for women in the Third
employment over the years and the historical place of women entrepreneurship in today’s
Jamie Cistoldi Lee, “Access, Self-Image, and Empowerment: Computer Training for Women
Entrepreneurs in Costa Rica”, Gender, Technology and Development, SAGE Publications, Vol. 8, No. 2,
209-229 (2004)
Andrea Smith-Hunter, “Women Entrepreneurship Across Racial Lines: Current Status, Critical Issues,
and Future Implications”, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, SAGE Publications, Vol. 3, No. 4, 363-
381 (2004).
economy. It continues by analyzing data statistically on women entrepreneurs in the
United States across racial lines, with a particular focus on Hispanic women
entrepreneurs. The article ends by examining the critical issues that are important for
evolve management styles, they need to become more assertive, more forceful in their
exercise of legitimate power and authority. This will entail not only the empowerment of
in the big enterprises. They are mainly concentrated in the Small Scale Industries (SSIs).
The various constraints in business and the family burden restrict them to start the
K.Kamalakannan - “The role of financial institutions in development of women entrepreneurs”
Kurukshetra, April, 2005, vol.53: No:6.
M.Swaminathan and V.Buvaneswaran, “Empowering of women entrepreneurs in rural family business”
SMART Journal of Business Management Studies Vol 1, No.2 July - Dec 2005.
Arundhati Chattopadhyay, National Productivity Council, New Delhi. “Women and Entrepreneurship”,
Yojana Vol: 49, Jan 2005.
Prema Basargekar (2007)17 discussed in their research that to analyzes the
to women. It provides the present scenario of women entrepreneurs in India and the
various challenges, which they are facing in the changing global scenario. It then focuses
on marketing challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, and the various strategies used
entrepreneurship has gained worldwide popularity in recent years. Women are becoming
entrepreneurs presently comprise 10% of the total number of entrepreneurs in India, and
this figure is found to be increasing every year. If the prevailing trend continues, it is
likely that in another five years, women will comprise 20% of the entrepreneurial force.
The women-owned enterprises in India have increased to 7%, with Tamil Nadu recording
the highest growth of 18%. With this background, the research examines the motivating
factors of women entrepreneurs in Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu. The various
motivators were categorized into 'Pull' and 'Push' factors. The study uses a descriptive
research model, with the help of non-probability sampling design and a convenience
method for sampling data collection. Data were collected from 47 respondents. It was
found that many of the women entrepreneurs in this study were motivated by the 'pull'
Prema Basargekar, “Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges Faced”, The ICFAI Journal of Entrepreneurship
Development, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 6-15, 2007.
Shankar, M. M. and Vijayalakshmi, M. E., “A Study on the Motivating Factors of Women Entrepreneurs
in Chennai”, The Icfai Journal of Management Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 46-54, 2007.
Kilby (1969)19maintained that socio-cultural factors impeded the development of
entrepreneurial characteristics in Lagos. L.E. Grayson concluded from his research that
these being potent and latent entrepreneurial capabilities, as in India, Pakistan, Kenya and
Development of contacts, breaking away from the vicious circle of isolation and
A number of social scientists have contended that entrepreneurship is the key variable
that links the socio-cultural milieu with the rate of economic development. Recently,
even economists have shifted the emphasis from the rate of capital formation to the
determinant of the rate of economic growth. There are several research studies on the
family traits, backgrounds and experiences and as a member of certain ethnic groups that
reflected their general cultural values in the professions they chose. These personality
characteristics are the forceful reflections of these antecedent conditions and these
economic growth.
Kilby, Peter (1969), Industrialization in an Open Economy, Nigeria, University Press,Cambridge,Ch. 10, Section
Young, F.W. (1971), A Micro Sociological Interpretation of Entrepreneurship, quoted from Peter Kilby.
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Free Press, New York
Kailash Chander (2001)21 pointed out the importance of entrepreneurship for the
socio-economic development of any nation and had laid emphasis on more and more
Anwar (2002)22from the social point of view opine that the wide-spread
unemployment in India is one of the chief reasons for the socio-economic problems.
Unemployment implies frustration and anger of the unemployed, which may find
expression in agitation and outlet even in violence. Unemployment among the Indian
educated youth is also an alarming problem which has become more pronounced in
recent years. Therefore, efforts should be made to provide employment through the
development oriented, and industrial activities should be conducted to keep pace with
international standards. This calls for committed entrepreneurs with regard to adoption
and adaptation of innovative methods of production, technology transfer and coping with
Kailash Chander(2001) "Emergence of industrial Entrepreneurship" in Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management Ed. By B.S.Bhatia& G.S.Batra, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Saikh, Anwar (2002), “Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes“,Seminar Research Paper,
Wadia College.
Carter, Gartner, and Shaver & Gatewood (2003)23explored and compared the
reasons that nascent entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs start enterprises and make
career choices. The results of their research indicated that the main reasons individual's
start enterprises are self- realization, financial success, roles, innovation, recognition and
model viz., horizontal model and vertical model. The horizontal model suggests the
comprehensive study of business potentials of that area. This agency would also make an
division of it into separate sub-systems to cater to the needs of the core system of
Vertical model prescribes a pattern of a big mother industry and the feeder units.
However, within this system, all the feeder units are centres of production, and supply
development. He observed that women possessed many traits required for entrepreneurial
Carter, N. M., Gartner, W. B., Shaver K. G., & Gatewood E. J., (2003). The career reasons of nascent
entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 18 Issue 1, pp-13-39.
Srivatsava, A.K., R.C. Mishra and N.S. Bisht (1988)Developing Entrepreneurship: A Strategic Layout,Man
and Development, Vol. 10, No.3, pp.117-124.
Sahney, M., (1989) Women Entrepreneurship On the Go, Financial Express, Oct. 14, p.7.
and capability of hard work, what they lack is the opportunity. Hence he suggested that
Wings in the District Industries Centres and publicity in government owned electronic
Sadhak (1989)26 put forward a Resource Linked Integrated Model. The contention
of this model was that while initiating entrepreneurship development, local conditions
available manpower and above all, natural resources should be taken into account so that
suggested that separate EDP institutes for backward and non-backward areas should be
entrepreneurship education should be made a part of the curriculum. The main features of
the model include: (i) The process of education shouldbe such that it facilitates learning
and helped in converting what is learned into a tool of action; (ii) Such an education
in an individual; and (iii) Such an attitude, when encountered with positive social and
Sadhak, H., (1989)The Role of Entrepreneur in Backward Area, Delhi: Daya Publishing House, 1989.
Selvam, M., (1990). Expanding Entrepreneurial Base, Laghu Udyog Samachar, Vol. 15,No.4, pp. 3-8.
society, wherein there are adequate entrepreneurs and also all required infrastructural
attitudes, motivation and competencies could be infused among the people at an early
stage in their lives and suggested a two-stage model. In the early stage of education, the
comparatively moderate inputs of motivation and very little inputs for competencies in
the beginning years of school life should be given to germinate entrepreneurial culture. In
the higher secondary stage, themaximum inputs related to competencies might be offered,
entrepreneurial spirit.
small-scale industrial units. The study also made an attempt to examine the impact of
development of entrepreneurship. The primary data was used to collect the information
technical qualifications and came from families of people in service or practicing the
Akhouri, M.M.P., and S.P. Mishra (1990)Entrepreneurship Education: A Conceptual Base, Approacti and
Metiiodology, Indian Management, Vol. 29, Nos. 11 & 12, pp. 53- 65.
Ramamurthy, S., Mary V. Jessica and T. Krishna Kumar(1990).Entrepreneur's Profile:Some Aspects,Khadi
Gramodyog, Vol. 36, No. 10, July 1990.
same profession. This might be due to the fact that people possessingtechnical skill for
handling machinery and also for technical expertise they hired people with past
experience. It was also observed that educational qualification did not have an influence
on capacity utilization. It was suggested that people with a personal urge were to be
selected and trained and these entrepreneurs performed the task of transforming the
potential into effective productivity. They concluded that the entrepreneurs having
undergone Entrepreneurial Development Programmes met with greater success with the
development. He observed that human beings were an integral part of the society
subjected to the total environment and hence man should not only adjust himself to the
situation, but also control the situation in a dynamic way and try to exploit it fully so that
it might give the desired result. He suggested that this was possible through training and
the Entrepreneurial Management Training Programme was one such training to be given
under these four phases: The first phase includes identification and selection of an
Individual to become entrepreneur. The second phase involves providing education to the
selected potential entrepreneur for his all-round development. Under third phase, an
individual is exposed to various areas of risk, uncertainties, hazards and tensions in order
to gain the actual work experience. And the last phase concentrates on training and
retraining for enriching the entrepreneurial qualities through various teaching andlearning
Upadhyaya, R., (1990)Entrepreneurship Development Through Training Programme, in Uddin, (ed.,) pp.
Wood and Young (1993)31 analyzed the type of education that wasneeded for
successful entrepreneurship. They surveyed 100 of the most successful entrepreneurs and
executives in business world to determine when, how and in what areas an entrepreneur
creativity was not included in the present curriculum. To conclude, the models of
Africa, such as the difference between the social world in which an entrepreneur lives
and the economic world in which he has to operate, undeveloped, institutionalized ways
states that most of the self- employed persons are associated with a business only because
Wood, Jacqueline N., Young, John E., (1993). Entrepreneurshi'ps Requisite Areas of Development: A Survey of
Top Executives in Successful Entrepreneurial Firm, Journal of Business Venturing (March); Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc; 655 Avenue of America, New York,
Harris, John R., (1970).Nigerian Entrepreneursliip in Industry, in Eicher and Liedbiolus(ed.,) Growth and
Development in Nigerian Economy, East Lausin: Michigan University Press, p.310.
Kilbey, Peter(1971),Hunting the Heffalump in Entrepreneurship and Economic Development The Free Press,
(Ed), New York, pp.1-30.
the yare unable to find other forms of employment. Personal and family funds were the
important sources of initial capital and for expansion they re- invested their earnings. It is
also observed that rural entrepreneur is not likely to exhibit any entrepreneurial qualities
a major determinant for economic and social progress. Kurbalvi discussed the issues in
The analysis states that the potential contribution of small enterprises in generating
employment and income in rural areas of Africa is increasingly recognized. SBEs played
There were about 56000 small enterprises operating in Botswana with over 125000
employees in the formal and informal sectors. There has been an alarming trend in the
ownership of SBEs by foreigners. The government in order to fulfill the goals of vision
2016 has embarked on the citizen economic empowerment programme to enable the
fulfilment of socialjustice. SBEs had proved to be the best option in making a livelihood.
have observed that backwardness of the Marathwada was mainly due to the absence of
the right type of entrepreneurs in the region. The objectives of his study were to: trace the
development of an industrial unit and locate the exact problem of small entrepreneurs at
Deshpande, M.U. (1984), Entrepreneurship of Small-Scale Industries, Deep and Deep Publication, New Delhi, p.
the various stages. The study suggested guidelines for the healthy growth of the small
industrial units in an underdeveloped region. For the purpose of the survey of the small-
scale industrial units in the Marathwada region, three centers, i. e. Aurangabad, Jalana,
and Bhir were selected. The deliberate selection of these three centers had been effected
with a broad spectrum of representative samples from places that have varied commercial
The author concluded that the government efforts to create favourable conditions
for the development of industrial sectors in these underdeveloped regions are paying
the backwardness of the Marathwada region was mainly due to the absence of the right
economists and management experts should help the development agencies. This team is
expected to evaluate not only the economic feasibility of the proposed units but also that
Klofsten (2000)35 took up Sweden to be the study area of his research. He found
that in the country, there were many initiatives to stimulate individuals to act in an
Magnus Klofsten, (2000) "Training entrepreneurship at universities: a Swedish case", Journal of European
Industrial Training, Vol. 24 Issue: 6, pp.337-344,
entrepreneurial manner, including professorships in entrepreneurialism at universities,
new courses and training programmes. Firms such as Ericsson, Telia and Saab had
established “innovation units” to stimulate new ideas and utilize the energy and ideas of
their employees. The article tried to describe and analyse an initiative: the
Entrepreneurship and New Business Development Programme (the ENP programme) for
enterprises. The model was developed by the centre for innovation and Entrepreneurship
at Linkoping University and a private network of enterprises. The article began with a
general and the training of start-ups within the milieu in particular. The first conclusion
of the study was that it was possible to stimulate entrepreneurial behaviour in many ways
and the same would lead to positive outcomes for example, an improvement in the
quality of new projects and firms. In order to prove the point, author came up with a
successful model for the training of entrepreneurial behaviour in individuals. The model
businesses, but it was probably applicable to other types of environments in which it was
desirable to stimulate start-ups. Some of the previous studies pointed out that despite of
high positive talk about entrepreneurship, certain barriers still existed, both on the supply
side and in the execution of entrepreneurship training. The barriers ranged from clashes
in internal priorities and questions about necessary competence to the credibility of the
one supplying the training. The second conclusion was to create an acceptance for these
types of activities both in the university world in the form of support from the
university’s administration and in the target group for which the programme was
designed. To succeed, proposal for 13 success factors, were given which included not
only pedagogical, milieu and competence aspects, but also target-group related aspects.
Over the years a large number of articles have been written on business support and
business training, the two main categories of support that were highlighted in the paper
one most studied) dealt with static arrangements, like the description of facilities,
referred to a support of more “hands-on” nature that investigated and took into
consideration, for example, a firm’s actual need for management support, the
heterogeneity of the population of firms and the needed to learn by doing. The third
conclusion was that process orientation was preferred over configuration orientation in
the training of entrepreneurship because the former’s dynamism and pedagogy one was
able to meet the individual participant’s need of support in a better way. The paper
generated a number of implications for continued research and practice. The most
important task for those intending to carry out research in entrepreneurial behaviour or to
understanding of the mechanisms underlying the criteria for success. Particular attention
was needed to be paid to those mechanisms at work behind an individual’s real need for
entrepreneurship training. The research questions that arose from the paper were what
methods could be used to determine an individual’s need for such stimulation? What
methods could be used to determine whether an individual was an effective recipient of
such stimulation? What stimulation was needed? Who determined what type of
stimulation was necessary? What follow-up could one make to determine whether
training was successful? And what time-interval should be used in such a follow-up? This
way the paper opened up various areas of research for the interested researchers.
education was ranked high on policy agendas in Europe and the US, but little research
was available to assess its impact. The interest was found to decline somewhat although
skills. While many studies found positive effects, others cautioned that entrepreneurship
were likely to employ more people than their non-academic counterparts and founders
with university education apparently made higher investments in their business than non-
academic entrepreneurs. the paper had to make three contributions: to develop a new
pre-test–post-test design and to address the welfare implications of the results for future
evaluation of entrepreneurship education. The study was completed on the basis of three
hypotheses: the variance of beliefs after the course is greater than the variance of beliefs
before the course; if signals are consistent then beliefs after the course would be stronger,
stronger pre-course signals lead to stronger beliefs after the course; and if students
Von Graevenitz G, Harhoff D, Weber R (2010). The effects of entrepreneurship education. Journal of
Economic Behaviour and Organisation,Vol 76 pp: 90-112.
received consistent signals, then those among them who had received signals before the
course would change their beliefs less. The setting for data collection was the Department
surveyed through written or an online survey. The hypotheses were tested using learning
model, and the model showed that Bayesian updating had effects on students’ beliefs
the variance of beliefs, once non-normality of the distributions was allowed by using
Levene’s robust test or Brown and Forsythe’s median test. Another result indicated that
as predicted. The third result showed that marginal effect was generally highly significant
and negative for all groups of students who changed their beliefs. The probity regression
result with consistent and strong pre-course signals indicated that the strength and
opened up several avenues for future work mentioning to further test the present
entrepreneurship courses and seek to establish whether the framework also described
effects of other types of education, which were intended to help students discover their
proclivity for a specific type of work. Secondly, an integration of the framework with the
theory of planned behaviour was likely to be helpful in further identifying exactly which
benefits and costs that entrepreneurship education could affect. Finally, the integration of
uncertainty into models of skill formation over the life cycle held out the promise of a
entrepreneurship taking the area of western Romania for the case study. Their paper
School, a project financed by the European Structural Fund. The paper proved that
entrepreneurship education and training were with the motive to acquire knowledge and
skills, to identify talents, to undo the risk-adverse bias of many analytical techniques and
to encourage new start-ups and entrepreneurial ventures. Writers found that despite these
aims some entrepreneurship programmes did not address the real needs of entrepreneurs
and there were sometimes significant differences between the perceptions of the training
providers and the entrepreneurs’ expectations and needs. The problem directed to assess
covering the real needs of potential entrepreneurs. The paper made a mention of Vroom’s
motivation (M) and ability of the person (A): P=f (M*A). Van Vuuren using Vroom’s
business skills: E/S = f [M*(E/S*B/S)]. Many more models were developed taking these
Anca DODESCU & Alina BADULESCU(2011) Women Entrepreneurship in the Western Romania. Research
Results and Policy Recommendations, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Volume 18, No.1 (554) pp. 25-48
two models as the basis for development in the area of entrepreneurship, where
business plan utilization etc. Further, the authors explained the AntrES programme that
was financed by European Union Social Fund covering the area of western Romania with
a target of 1800 women and implemented through six partner universities with the
involvement, especially in rural areas, to initiate and develop their own business, in the
context of sustainable development of their communities. The target groups were divided
in three groups – first 288 wishing to develop their own business, next 1440 wishing to
set up their own business and last 72 the students of Economics, trained to spread
awareness and spread the positive attitude towards the entrepreneurship. The project
preparation of business plans and putting them into practice, leading to increase in the
number of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This proved positive and further lead
to direct and indirect job creation, poverty reduction, fostered regional development,
women development and positive changes in the lives of 1800 target group of West
Dr. S. S. Khanka,(2009) Entrepreneurial development: S Chand publication. P-5
innovativeness. According to the author, success of a small enterprise is, to a great extent,
Studies at CBS and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in September 2010. The
objective of the workshop was to use the participants’ joint knowledge and experiences to
discuss and provide conclusions on what role entrepreneurship development has played
processes that foster and support productive entrepreneurship in the society. The
workshop had twenty participants with long standing insight to the challenges of
development needed a holistic approach which must include economic, social and
cultural attitudes toward entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. From a policy and systemic
perspective, the points were: changes in regulatory business institutions and international
trade policies; the need for entrepreneurs to take initiatives and have sustainable business
entrepreneur is a person who could cope up with the challenges and had a plan to develop
his business. Through study it was found that individual initiatives were formulated
Schaumburg-Muller, H., Jeppesen, S., & Langevang, T. (2010). Entrepreneurship Development in Africa:
Report from a Workshop 6-8 September 2010. Frederiksberg: Centre for Business and Development Studies, CBS.
according to the specific country conditions and the local context, they were integrated in
facilitate system changes in key policy areas etc. Certain recommendations that were
given were: vertical strengthening of the educational system to include broad acceptance
Development in India”. Some of the major challenges the researcher short listed were
lack of easy finance, shortage of raw materials, historical and social restrictions. The
researcher also observed that lack of technical knowledge and availability are among the
major challenges. He suggests that an environment should be created for the success of
women entrepreneurs also. It should be ensured that the entrepreneurs have access to the
right skills and capital. The researcher came to the conclusion that government sponsored
development activities have benefited only a small selection of women. A large majority
the level of unemployment in Nigeria and how far entrepreneurship has thrived, and also
examines the major problems of entrepreneurship and thus proposing some possible
strategies that can promote effective entrepreneurship that will help control
Valamathi, A (2010), “Challanges to Entrepreneurial Development of India”, The Economic Challenger, Lata
Khothari, Ajmar, pp. 40-43
Anyadike, N., Emeh, I. And Ukah, F.O. (2012). Entrepreneurship development and employment generation
in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. Available in http://www.universalresearch
unemployment and thus generate employment for the Nigerian youths especially. The
methodology used for the research is exploratory research. The data has been collected
training and other economic, social and political factors. The prospects of
generate employment abound hence the government fully appreciates the opportunities
growth and development as well as the constraints and difficulties in their operating
environment. The government has established various support institutions and relief
constraints, which entrepreneurship typically face if not to eliminate them. The support
focus on the funding of Small and Medium Enterprises to agencies and departments all
meant to give a flip to the fortunes of Small and Medium Enterprises. It is also pertinent
to note that government policies behind the establishment and operations of the Small
and Medium Enterprise support institutions had not been effective and productive. From
all indications of observed lapses inherent in them, the policies were either defective in
their formulation and conceptualization, or were not truly and religiously implemented.
Our investigations also revealed that part of the reason why the policies were not
effective could be explained by the fact that the operators, managers or proprietors of the
Small and Medium Enterprises were neither consulted nor involved in the formulations of
the policies, which were expected to solve their problems; hence, there were apparent
misplacements of priorities and emphases. The major recommendations of the study are
that the federal government should accelerate the power sector reforms and reestablishing
the power sector to end the looming energy crisis in Nigeria. This is to encourage
terms of enterprise activities. The Religious, Ethnic and Political violence and crisis
should be controlled by all means necessary as it displaces people and cause serious harm
on their means of livelihood; many companies have left Nigeria because of violence in
certain areas of the country. Therefore, by all means necessary, any act of violence should
in Nigeria in the act of entrepreneurship. This is in lieu of the assertion that knowledge is
power. We are aware that there you win Nigeria, there is National Directorate of
Institutions’ Curriculum in Nigeria but more still need to be done as these platforms are
just being institutional. They ought to be proactive and pragmatic. If they cannot fit in the
prescription, a new one can be created to take their place. There should be a government
one of the major problems of entrepreneurship development in Nigeria (Anyadike
Nkechi, 2012).
Akanwa and Akpanabia (2012)42, examined the need for promoting employment
secondary data from scholars/ authors in the field. They concluded that, government and
its agencies should deliberately encourage entrepreneurial culture and skill in Nigeria in
order to attack and eventually reduce the high level of unemployment situation in the
development in Nigeria and way forward. He is of the view that in this era of shrinking
job creation will be lacking. He concluded that entrepreneurship is essential for rapid and
sustained economic growth but there is urgent need to change the mind-set of the average
Nigerian especially the youths towards embracing self-employment and de-emphasize the
Akanwa, P.U. & Akpanabia, N.H. (2012). Entrepreneurship Development as panacea for unemployment
Reduction in Nigeria.
Baba, G.K. (2013). The Challenges of Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria and way forward. Journal of
Business and Organizational development. Available in retrieved on 10th March, 2017.
Okoye-Nebo, C. Iloanya, K. & Udunze, U. (2014). Youth unemployment and Entrepreneurship Development:
Challenges & Prospects in Nigeria. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian. Journal of Business and Management Review
providing the enabling environment for the youths to be gainfully employed for economic
entrepreneurial development.
has again gained currency across the globe and female-entrepreneurship has become an
important component. India is one of the fastest emerging economies and the importance
investigation in which the researchers identified 43 motives for starting business amongst
women entrepreneurs. Principal component matrix was used for factor analysis and
Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalisation was used for rotation, which yielded eight
Money, Opportunity, Escape, Family Support and Recognition from other. The motives
were further classified into push and pull elements (Turner, 1993) on which Wilcoxon-
signed rank test was performed, the statistical test revealed that relatively pull motives
attract women entrepreneurs more than the push motives for starting business.
afford to ignore. There are however a number of constraints to women owned businesses
that need to be addressed. In overcoming these obstacles, there are actions to be taken by
women business associations. It is important for entrepreneurs to join hands with
can be turned into legitimate policies. Globally, women are enhancing, directing, and
changing the face of how business is done today. Ultimately, female business owners
must be recognized for who they are, what they do, and how significantly they impact the
about 10% of the total entrepreneurs in India. It is also clear that this percentage is
growing every year. If prevailing trends continue, it is not unlikely that in another five
years, women will comprise 20% of the entrepreneurial force in India. Women
Entrepreneurs may be defined as the women or a group of women who initiate, organize
and operate a business enterprise. Government of India has defined women entrepreneurs
of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of employment generated in the enterprise
to women. Like a male entrepreneurs a women entrepreneur has many functions. They
should explore the prospects of starting new enterprise; undertake risks, introduction of
phenomenon in India. By and large they had confide themselves to petty business and
tiny cottage industries. Women entrepreneurs engaged in business due to push and pull
factors. Which encourage women to have an independent occupation and stands on their
on legs A sense towards independent decision-making on their life and career is the
motivational factor behind this urge. Saddled with household chores and domestic
responsibilities women want to get independence Under the influence of these factors the
facing small scale women entrepreneurs in Kenya and initiatives put in place to counter
the challenges. The study employed desktop research. MSEs Baseline survey, recorded
that 612,848 women in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Kenya, accounting for
47.4 per cent of all those in MSEs. The study showed that women tended to operate
enterprises associated with traditional women’s roles, such as hairstyling. The small and
micro enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the Kenyan Economy such as creating
jobs however they face serious challenges such as lack of finance, discrimination,
problems with the city council, multiple duties, poor access to justice, lack of education,
among others. The study established that many stakeholders from both public and private
sector are helping empower women entrepreneurs in Kenya: such as formation of women
and informal financial support, and donor initiatives among others have been put in place.
The study recommends that women in entrepreneurs need to be accepted and supported
financially, legally and more capacity building should be made available. Further
Fridah Muriungi Mwobobia, “The Challenges Facing Small-Scale Women Entrepreneurs: A Case of
Kenya”, International Journal of Business Administration, Vol 3, No 2 (2012).
Rangarajan R and Lakshmi R (2012)48 discussed entrepreneur is a person who accept
challenging role to meet her personal need and become economically independent. There
are economical, social, religious, cultural and other factors existing in the society which
entrepreneurship is very stumpy in India, especially in the rural and down-trodden areas
as well. Entrepreneurship amongst women has been a recent concern. Women have
become aware of their existence, their rights and their work situation. As the male
domination is higher in rural and down - trodden areas, women are being treated as
slaves. The attitude of society towards down-trodden women and the constraints in which
they have to live and work are not very conducive. With this we delve in to investigate
the challenges and problems faced by women in down-trodden areas. A sample of 110
women was taken for the study. As a result of this research, it has been found that even
though they are facing incalculable problems from many ways to do their business, they
are earning for their livelihood and leading life in a pathetic situation. It would be better
if the government and the NGO organization initiate steps to organize workshops in order
to accumulate their efficiency and give proper guidance to make their lifestyle still better.
Rangarajan R and Lakshmi R, “A Study On The Challenges And Problems Faced By Entrepreneurs”,
SRM Management Digest, Vol.1, No.1 (2012).
vital part in the development process. At the present era small scale industries assume a
critical part in industrialization for developing country. In Indian economy the small-
scale industry sector contributes a major part more than five decades. Small entrepreneur
Khadi & village industries like SSI possess on essential place in the Indian economy in
generating income and employment to rural labour force especially to those living below
the poverty line. Small scale industries utilize local raw material and manpower and
develop local initiatives and coordinate the development of promotion and small scale
industries need low capital investment for the era of income and employment.
In India both Government and private sector work cooperate for entrepreneurial
development, the small scale industrial sector is completely left for private entrepreneurs.
Nobody can deny this reality that the improvement of small scale sector is mainly due to
entrepreneurship. “Age of mammoth associations are gone and the future lay with small
and dynamic, effective productions groups that could respond rapidly to customers’
needs. Small scale industry assumes an important role in a country’s economy. These
effects provide the base industrial development and economic growth in the country.
These industries, more important for entrepreneurs of small means whose access to
industrial credit is limited, require lesser skill and smaller capital but provide more
employment opportunities. Although most such units were in government control, they
stayed denied of the industrial credit which were likewise in government control at that
time economist are of the view that one of the reasons of increase in the poverty level in
the country is the stagnation in small industry due to the lack of institutional credit and
expected to manage various affairs of the business and to innovate or imitate new things.
With confidence and competence he should meet unforeseen and adverse situation.
of the qualities of entrepreneurship is that the ability to find an investment chance and to
risks and making the necessary investment under conditions of uncertainty and
Stems: from the French word ‘entrependre’ which means one WHO undertakes or
Richard Cantillon: An enterprise may be a one that pays an exact worth for a
product to sell it at AN unsure worth, thereby making decisions about obtaining and
production- land of one, the labour of another and the capital of yet another and thus
produces a product. By commerce the merchandise within the market he pays rent of
land, wages to labour, interest on capital and what remains is his profit. He shifts
economic resources out of a district of lower and into a district of upper productivity and
bigger yield.
Schumpeter: in keeping with him entrepreneurs area unit innovators WHO use a
method of shattering the established order of the prevailing merchandise and services, to
Entrepreneurship is a composite skill, the resultant of mix of many qualities and traits.
These include imagination, readiness to take risks, ability to bring together ant put to use other
factors of productions, capital, labour, land, as also intangible factors such as the ability to
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
Person Object
Process of
Chart: 3.3.1.Concept of Entrepreneurship
From the classical economic to the post-Keynesian analysts, the topic of the
advances. Not only were pure economists such as Marx, Weber, Sombard and Veblen.
leader and that his role in fostering economic growth and development is pivotal one. At
present, however, there's no agreement at to what constitutes the essential activity that
makes the enterpriser a vital figure. While some economists have identified the
In all crisis situations, there is one critical factor. There is one consider every scenario
which will be cited as being the straw that skint the camel’s back! In listing some of
today’s possible critical factor, such familiar words and phrases as: limited natural
has the initiative, skill for innovation and who looks for high achievements. He is a
amendment chemical action} agent of change and works for the great of individuals. He
puts up new inexperienced field comes that make wealth, open up many employment
"to undertake". The term "entrepreneur" seems to have been introduced into economic
theory by Cantillon (1755) but Say (1803) first accorded the entrepreneur prominence. It
identified two clusters of thought on the meaning of entrepreneurship. One group focused
second group focused on the outcomes of entrepreneurship (e.g. the creation of value).
The word "entrepreneur" comes from a French root ‘entreprendre’, meaning, "to
undertake". The term "entrepreneur" looks to possess been introduced into theory by
Cantillon (1755) however Say (1803) 1st accorded the enterpriser prominence. It was
Joseph Schumpeter but, WHO very launched the sector of entrepreneurship by
(Maurer,Shulman, Ruwe & Becherer 1995:526). Sharma and Chrisman (1999:12) known
2 clusters of thought on the which means of entrepreneurship. One cluster targeted on the
second cluster targeted on the outcomes of entrepreneurship (e.g. the creation of value).
He is innovative
Tends to persist in the face to adversity
a fourth issue of production together with land labour and capital. The sociologists feel
Republic of India ar saying} that Gujaratis and Sindhis are terribly enterprising. Still
others feel that entrepreneurs area unit innovators whoreturn up with new ideas for
WHO perceives chance, organizes resources needed for exploiting that opportunity and
exploits it. Computers, mobile phones ,washing machines, ATMs, Credit Cards, Courier
Service, and Ready to eat Foods are all examples of entrepreneurial ideas that got
Entrepreneurs can be classified into four groups depending upon the driving
a. Natural Entrepreneurs
Those who take business as profession on their own either by self planning or motivated
through money factor and also for keeping themselves busy are natural entrepreneurs.
b. Generated entrepreneurs:
Those who have been encouraged and trained through specialized training programmes
c. Forced entrepreneurs
Those who are compelled by circumstances such as the death of father or husband
with responsibilities falling on them to take over the existing business and.
many of the avenues of employment to women in agriculture and industries and thus
enabled them to find ways of supplementing their family income. As a result of this, a
Entrepreneurs are not only a product of their ambitions, but also of the aspirations
of their family members, friends and relatives. Sometimes certain compulsions also lead
them to the entrepreneurial positions. It is inferred that the low income group has given
equal importance to both earn money thereby supplementing in husband’s income and fill
in leisure time.
limitations on mobility and a desire for economic and social independence forced more
and more women, especially over the last decade, to look for newer avenues of income
Some recent researchers indicate that several peoples are becoming entrepreneurs
especially the middle class peoples due to the pull and push of traditional and changing
adventure with an urge to do something new and to have independent occupation. Under
the push factors, women take up business enterprises to get over financial difficulties
ventured into their business because of some compulsions. The compulsions cited were:
home, to adopt better lifestyle and to settle children. This group distinctively falls under
some compulsions.
the perceiver, while the push factors denote a response born out of extraneous
compulsions. While neat, unalloyed cases of pull or push factors are hard to come by in
real life situations- there is almost always a mixture of the two-the distinction may,
nevertheless, be useful as a frame of reference, For they connote, in essence, positive and
As such, both in the rural and urban sectors women especially belonging to the
middle class are trained towards entrepreneurship to fulfill their aspirations both
geographical mobility than entrepreneurs, more so in the case of young, married women
who need to take care of their families. These women can use their skills and available
local resources to start their own enterprises. However, the location of the enterprise and
the strength of relationship with contacts are very important as it determines the
entrepreneur’s ability to acquire and employ the resources available in her community.
The entrepreneur is the person who bears risks, unites various factors of
production & carries out creative innovations. On the contrary entrepreneurship is the set
will function effectively when it has the right mix of people, backgrounds and
entrepreneur? The following table helps us to study the relationship of entrepreneur and
TABLE 3.8.1
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
Administrator Administration
Aimer Aim
Delegator Delegate
Inspirer Inspiring
Educator Education
Leader Leadership
Nurturer Nurturing
Creator Creation
Programmer Action
But conceptually, they are different yet they are just like the 2 sides of a coin. Experience
shows that entrepreneurship as an economic function is not a single point but rather a
range of behaviour. There are six critical dimensions that distinguish entrepreneurial
Strategic orientation
Commitment to opportunity
Compensation policy
Desired future state involves growth or change
Yes No
In Matrix defining entrepreneurship one can see how the present position
influences whether one is entrepreneurial or not. It stands clear that particular skills,
talents and attitudes towards risk influence the perception as to whether an outcome is
place themselves in their particular box for rational reasons relating to their own lives;
however for the firms desiring to build entrepreneurial spirit, action is required.
involved in its implementation and to be willing to change. During the formulation of the
dream, everyone participates (including the leaders), & this allows people to start seeing
3.10. Link between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
Intrapreneur is the key person in the organization who strives to make the
TABLE 3.10.1
Entrepreneur Intrapreneur
organization organization
skilled person
Entrepreneur Intrapreneur
entrepreneur is methodical & does not violate elementary and well- know miles”.
However the researcher in addition to what Peter Drucker stated feels that there are
some common aspects which will never perish & they are risk taking, creativity,
independence rewards. These commodities will continue to be the driving force behind
business process and can be viewed from different conceptual perspectives. The earliest
definition, dating from the 18th century, used it as economic term describing the process
of bearing risk of buying at certain prices and selling at uncertain prices. Later the
definition was broadened to the concept of bringing together the factors of production.
Early this century, the concept of innovation was added to the definition of
something new in the economy – a method of production not yet tested by experience
in the branch of manufacturing, a product with which consumers are not yet familiar, a
countries. In these countries the financial, technological, economical, social resources are
not abundant and they are limited but the demand is plenty. As a result there is a huge
scope for imitated products. Hence Hoselitz feels that Imitator entrepreneurs have a
Definition: -
“Industrial units with a capital investment of not more than Rs.1 crore are treated as small
(ii). Investment level
Small Scale Industry (SSI): - Include every one of those endeavours having an
terms or by lease or by hire purchase, not exceeding Rs.60 lacks. Following the Abid
(ceiling on investment in plant and machinery for SSI and auxiliary undertaking to
Rs. 3 crore. This definition of SSI and ancillary undertaking has since been
to the order the industrial undertaking in which the investment in plant and
Ancillary Units: fixed investment of ancillary units are not exceeding Rs.75 lacks
case might be to various units for production of different articles. Given that the unit
implied in (a) & (b) might not be subsidiary of or owed or controlled by some other
ancillary undertaking. The ancillary undertaking is required to supply not less than
50percent of its production or services, as the case might be to one or more other
Tiny Units: - allude to endeavors having fixed investments in plant and machinery
household services in rural areas and towns with the population not exceeding Rs.5
lacks and having fixed investment in plant and machinery not exceeding Rs.2 lacks.
Household Industries: - cover artisans, skilled craftsman and technicians who can
work in their own houses if their work requires less than 300 sq. feet space, less than
SSI in India was first evolved in 1950 and officially defined based on the size of
gross investment in fixed assets (plant and machinery, land, building etc.) and in addition
as far as the quality of the workforce in the unit concerned. This paradigm experienced a
few changes over a period of time. In the late fifties, a shift from a workforce-based
invested in plant and machinery was embraced as the sole standard for characterizing a
unit small-scale or otherwise. Different ideas, namely ancillary and tiny were presented in
1960 and 1977 individually. Small-scale Service Establishments (SSSEs) started in 1985
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and later it modified as Small-scale Service and Business (industry related) Enterprises
(SSSBES) in 1991. In 1988 the government of India included the term Women
Entrepreneur's Enterprise it shows the 51 percent equity held by women and later in 1991
it was reformed.
This sector covers a wide range with two plainly identifiable segments, is.,
present day small-scale industries, including tiny units and power looms and conventional
Small Industry industries like Khadi and Village Industries, Handlooms, Handicrafts
Sericulture and Coir industry. Both the segments have their own exceptional attributes as
3.11.1 Traditional Industries
2) Handlooms
3) Handicrafts
4) Coir
5) Sericulture
2) Export oriented SSI units
5) Power looms.
The Small Scale Industrial (SSI) sector assumes a key role in the Indian economy
regarding its contribution to the country’s industrial production exports, employment and
the creation of an entrepreneurial base. This part has seen a high development rate since
1947 regardless of heavy competition from the large-scale sector. The quick growth of
the small-scale industries has an incredible influence in our national economic policies.
The development of the small sector has additionally upgraded the production of non-
durable consumer goods of mass utilization. The yielding time frame or the development
period is quicker in the small-scale industrial units scattered around the country and are
generally set up to fulfil the local demand for goods, which may later take into the overall
contribution is huge and additionally establishment of small units required less capital
unskilled labours.
With the turn of the country, there has been lot of change in economic front all
around the world and specifically in India. As everyone was driving towards world
economy the government’s liberalization and economic reforms program aims at rapid
and substantial economic growth and integration with the global economy in a
harmonized manner. Following are the reasons for the growing importance of small scale
Industrial reforms.
influenced the emergence of small scale sector today. Here by the role of small scale
These industries have a substantial share in the export of textile, garments, carpets,
surgical instruments, leather, sports and engineering goods. These also save foreign
Employment: Countries like India have abundant manpower, so labour intensive
techniques of production are more suitable. These provide immediate large scale
employment and have a comparatively higher labour capital ratio. These industries
do not require high level of technology so even unskilled and semi-skilled workers
Resource efficiency: SSI process locally produces raw materials, so beneficial for
countries like ours which are rich in agricultural, forest and mineral resources. SSI
uses indigenous machinery and raw material which in turn, helps in the growth of
initiators. Small scale units act as training ground for entrepreneurs. The skills and
Low capital: Less investment is required as it has shorter gestation period. So project
Social benefits: Small scale industries bring about equitable distribution of national
income. The national growth and equity objectives are fulfilled. Development of
the dispersal of industries in rural and semi-urban areas with the advantage of
demand of mass consumption goods. They bring about integration of rural economy.
Although this era of globalization and liberalization, small scale industries are
fearful of the multinational and foreign firms which are providing variety of products
with international brand names and technical superiority. These small scale enterprises
will even find it hard to counter the intensive marketing effort of these weal’s-their firms.
Small industries in India account for 95 per cent of the industrial units in the country.
They contribute almost 40 per cent of the gross industrial value added and 45 per cent
Small industries are the second largest employers of human resources, next to
agriculture. They produce more number of employment opportunities against per unit
of capital invested contrasted to large industries. So they are thought to be more labour
escalated and less capital concentrated. This is leverage for a labour surplus country
like India.
Small industries in the country supply a vast variety of products which include mass
consumption goods, readymade garments, hosiery goods, stationery items, soaps and
detergents, utensils, leather, plastic and rubber goods, processed food and vegetables,
wood and steel furniture’s, paints, varnishes, safety matches and so on. Among the
complex items manufactured are electric and electronic goods like televisions, electro-
drugs air conditioning and pharmaceuticals, agricultural tools and equipment’s and few
handicrafts and other products from traditional village industries in perspective of their
export value.
The contribution of small industries to the balanced regional growth of our country is
significant. Small industries which produce simple goods utilizing simple technologies
and rely on local resources both raw material and labour can be set up anywhere in
India. Since they can be broadly spread with no area limitations, the advantages of
Small industries provide plenty of opportunity for entrepreneurship. The hidden skills
and talents of people can be channelled into business ideas which can be transformed
into reality with little capital investment and almost no formalities to start a small scale
Small industries also enjoy the advantage of low cost of production. Locally available
resources are less expensive. Establishment and running expenses of small industries
are on the lower side because of low overhead costs. Truth be told, the minimal effort
Because of the small size of the organizations, expedient decisions can be taken
Small industries are best suited for customized production. i.e., designing the product
as per the taste of the customers. The latest trend in the market is to go in for
such products. They can manufacture according to the needs of the customers as they
Small industries have in-built strength of flexibility and a personal touch and therefore
maintain good personal relations with both customers and employees. The
Government does not have to involve in the functioning of a small scale unit. New
business openings can be captured at the right time, thus providing healthy competition
institutions at national level to empower small scale industry. There is SIDO (Small
(Central Small Industries Organization). Amid the most recent four decades, this
institution has developed as the core promotional agency at the national level with a
professional staff of more than 13,000 in the year 1993. It consists of 28 SISIs (Small
and 74 workshops as on1993. However, over the years, some of these have been wound
conduct techno-economic study, prepare project profiles as demanded and help to prepare
specific project reports and organize related training programmes. In addition, there are
two PDTC (Prototype Development and Training Centers) to develop new technologies
and upgrade the existing technology. There are many other technical institutions that are
working with SIDO, which are more specialized in the fields of tool designing,
Electronics and Measuring instruments, Prototype development and Hand tools, etc.,
Four CTRs (Central Tool Rooms) in Bangalore, Calcutta, Delhi and Ludhiana, have been
set up under bilateral assistance programs. In backward areas rural industries and village
and cottage industries majorly focused by government of India and policies framed to
encourage the small scale industrial sector. Small scale enterprise lead to create an
employment opportunities and promote the export activities and empower the balanced
regional development of the nation, Governments both at the central and state level have
listed below:
Institutional support in respect of credit facilities
All these are mainly concerned with the promotion of small scale industries.
Some of the institutions, support measures and programmes meant for the development
of small scale industries and to offer the above mentioned supports are listed below:
Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana (PMRY),
Areas (DWCRA)
Organization, Department of Small Scale, Agro and Rural Industries, and Ministry of
finance terms, gives marketing assistance, operates PDTC (Prototype Development and
Entrepreneurship and Business Development) has been set up to train and promote
personnel, industrial managers and entrepreneurs. Other national level institutions that are
supporting the small scale sector are NRDC (National Research Development
CDC (Consultancy Development Centre) and ETDC (Electronics Test and Design
implied for the modern small scale industry. Ministry of industry form a separate
commission for empowering Khadi and village industries, Moreover, for the handlooms,
handicrafts, sericulture, and other non-modern small units, there are separate divisions to
energize them. At the state level, the Governments have set up institutions as follows:
industrial plots and industrial sheds, SFCs (State Financial Corporations) to support long
term credit needs, and State Exports Promotion Corporations to provide marketing
assistance for exports from the small scale sector. TCOs (Technical Consultancy
Organizations) that give technical, financial and marketing support to the sector. CEDs
level, in 1978, the Central Government propelled a programme for establishing District
Industries Centres to provide under a one roof clearance, a wide range of support
services, licences, and certificates required by the SSI promoters. There are more than
There are three national associations representing entire industries in the country.
interests of large scale industries. In spite of the fact that these affiliations have
participation of the small sector as well and represent most part the policy related
interests of small scale industrial sector. The exclusively small industry related
associations are enhanced geographically and sector wise, these should have been
connected with FASSI (Federation of All India Small Scale Industries), FOSMI
(Federation of Small and Medium Industries) and furthermore ICSI (Indian Council of
Small Industries). However these institutions are weak in character because of their
working for cross purposes and lack of vibrant perspective for small scale sector
expansion. They have almost no linkages with the small industry in general and their
local associations in specific. Another institution that is concerned with the small and
There are only a few of the local associations that are involved in providing specific
3.16. Development of Small Scale Industries during Five Year Plan Periods
It has been demonstrated that the SSIs have received a step motherly treatment at
the hands of the British rulers and have been made to disintegrate. But the national
movement, ever since its commencement, has made every effort to protect and organize
them. Small scale industry plays an important role for socio economic development of a
nation, so the Government of India frame a policy to evolved a programme for the
This approach was first laid down in the Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) of
1948 and was later adopted as the basis for policy in the First Five Year Plan. The same
In the first phase of development of SSIs, the accent was laid on providing
favourable climate conducive to the setting up of new units as well as the modernization
and nationalization of existing small-scale units. Manufacturing units in this sector have
been protected from competition from the better organized large-scale units by providing
During the pre-plan era Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 and the Ford
Foundation Team recommendations towards SSIs are the major events. First five year
plan framed by the basis of Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1948. Industrial Policy
and Large Scale Industries (LSI) make their contributions to the cumulative requirement
of the nation. Four regional institutions at Gauhati, Faridabad, Poona and Madura setting
up by the recommendation of Ford Foundation International Planning Team to develop
The First Five Year Plan had two-fold objectives. Primarily, it aimed at
correcting the disequilibrium in the economy caused by the war and the partition of the
nation and next it planned to start at the same time a procedure of all-round balanced
development which would ensure raising the national income and enduring improvement
The foremost aim of the Second Five Year Plan was to enhance the national
income by around 25 per cent over the plan period and generate the employment
opportunities for around 10 to 12 million people. In the reasoning and the definition of
the Second Five Year Plan additionally the village and small industries assumed an
the Karve Committee expressed that lack of technical and financial assistance and
The State has been taking after a strategy of supporting SSIs by confining the
volume of production in the large-scale sector by differential taxation. The point of the
state policy will be to guarantee that the decentralized sector obtains adequate vitality to
be self-supporting and its development is incorporated with that of large-scale industry.
An exertion has been made with the establishment of industrial estates to support these
The progress amid the first and second plans of village and small industries were
explored in the middle of the second plan by a number of working groups. During the
First Five Year Plan, agriculture got all the significance and during the Second Five Year
Plan large-scale industries got the prominence. The thinking of the policy makers at that
time was to consider SSIs as a supporter to LSIs. SSIs were to assume the strong part by
giving the prerequisites of the employees of the large-scale sector i.e., to state SSIs role
During this period credit facilities which were an essential requirement of all
village and small industries had to be organized on a larger scale. A substantial provision
had been made for loans under State Aid to Industries Act to meet the need for long and
Industries Planning Committee which was constituted in April 1962, rural industries
Table 3.1 Actual Expenditure in Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966)
`In crores
It is clear from the above table that the real consumption crossed the planned
expenditure in both agriculture and industrial sectors, yet on the account of Small Scale
The goals and approach in the fourth five year plan were drafted by keeping in
view the extensive range of industries that are secured by Village and Small Industries.
This segment had been intended to accomplish the targets of widening employment
opportunities, and mobilizing the resources of capital, skill especially in the countryside,
The number of units (SSIs) registered on voluntary basis with the Industries
Directorates of the States and Union Territories became increased from nearly 2 lakhs in
1969 to about 3.18 lakhs in 1972 and the total employment in these units was estimated
to be at 41.4 lakh persons. Moreover list of 77 items was added to those restrained for
incompatible development of the small-scale sector bringing the total to 124. Also there
was a generous increment in the stream of institutional credit for these industries. The
Credit Guarantee Scheme directed by the Reserve Bank of India was additionally
amplified and liberalized. An aggregate of 183 credit institutions including all the major
commercial and cooperative banks and the SFCs have joined the scheme.
The fifth five year plan emphasized that small industries had a critical part to
play in the elimination of poverty, removal of disparities in income, wealth and regional
imbalances. The sector had distinct potential for giving progressively extensive
employment opportunities with moderately smaller capital investment. Amid the Fifth
Five Year Plan, the accentuation was on the development of SSI and their part as
States and Union Territories were relied upon to create additional jobs for 15-16 lakh
persons. The progress made during this plan period was not urging because of different
variables but rather essentially because of inflation and political disturbances. But that as
it may the progress made in the field of providing infrastructural facilities to SSI sector
was satisfactory.
The fifth five year plan could not proceed with its full term because of the
progressions that occurred at the Union Government in January 1977. The plan was
rejected by the Janata Government in 1977 and in its place the Rolling Plan was
Another important development during this period had been the introduction of
District Industries Centres (DICs). It was an umbrella for the growth of SSIs. The District
Industries Centre programme was propelled in first May 1978 by the Government of
India as a point of convergence for promotion of small, cottage and village industries to
give all services and support to the decentralized sector under a solitary roof at pre-
All the help required for developing existing enterprises or assisting the new ones
under one roof at the district level itself were provided so that the deferrals and troubles
confronted by the industrialists and entrepreneurs were illuminated locally. Under this
plan of DIC, the entrepreneurs were to get all unique help from one agency. During 1981-
82 380 districts covered by DIC scheme out of the more than 420 districts in the country.
strategy because of its favourable capital output ratio and the high employment intensity.
The credit guarantee scheme for SSIs is offered by RBI. For priority sector or target
lending through the commercial banks was raised from 33 per cent to 40 per cent.
Be that as it may, some of the long-term goals set for the Small Scale Industries
sector are still to be accomplished. The growth and development of this segment had
of raw materials, lack of marketing channels, availability of credit facility and in adequate
The SSI sector had played a vital role in the development of the economy and
still there was scope for increase in production and productivity by this sector. To
facilitate modernization and achieve rapid growth in this sector, the upper limit on the
investment on plant and machinery had been raised with respect to small scale units from
20 lakhs to 35 lakhs and in the case of auxiliary industries from 25 lakhs to 45 lakhs.
Promotion of industries in this dispersed sector primarily fell within the responsibility of
the State Governments. The Centre, however, supplemented their efforts. Inside the
general objective of food, and work efficiency laid down in the Seventh Five Year Plan,
this sector contributed towards enhancing the occupational profile of rural, semi-urban
economic and weaker sections of urban communities through development of small scale
The plan proposed a growth rate of 5.6 percent per annum on an average during
the plan period. The level of country’s investment proposed to be at 798 crores and
industrialization had been a basic tenet of policy in India during all these years since the
execution of the Second Five Year Plan. But, for this, the country would not have had the
capital goods base, the highly diversified nature of the industrial sector and the skills and
The outlay on VSIs was 4778 crores (34,075 crores for large and medium
investment in both the public and private sectors in view of the shift in economic policy,
placing greater reliance in the market. The private sector was expected to shoulder a
After going through the approach paper on Eighth Plan, it appears that the Eighth
Five Year Plan was less fussy about targets and more about such industrial restructuring
as could automatically make for better use and enlargement of resources in industrial
sector through the spurt of private enterprises and initiatives including foreign
D.G.Rudra Murthy(1995), Institutional finance for the development of small scale industries in Karnataka,
Ph.D thesis submitted to Gnanabharathi, Bangalore University.
Ninth plan perceived that the most serious issue confronting the small scale
sector was the insufficient accessibility of credit and proposed various activities in such
manner like strengthening the financial and managerial base of State Financial
provide better services to the small scale sector. In any case, there had been lack of viable
coordination among the different support organizations setup over the timeframe for the
promotion and development of these industries. The productive activities in over 67% of
firms were obliged because of inadequate physical infrastructure. Small scale industries
needed to rely on the State Electricity Board for meeting their power requirements, yet
these in turn did not supply the customary and sufficient power.
With respect to road transport is concerned, poor conditions of roads and entry
points had the most enduring adverse effects on SSI sector. Following the reception of
the import liberalization policy during the 1990s, tariff material like steel, copper and
many non-ferrous metals, several chemicals, plastics, papers, etc., Stayed high in contrast
with tariff on manufactured goods. This in turn had made the issue of significant
inversion in tariff structure, which particularly hurt small firms since they were more
labour intensive and had high material to output ratios. Rivalry wound up noticeably
expanded under the WTO regime and represented a risk to many obsolete and
uncompetitive small scale units which may prompt the closure of several of them.
consumer goods sector found it difficult to survive as more imported product would find
ominously and the amount of items from multinational organizations and large scale
technical up gradation, ignorance of WTO provisions, lack of global exposure and flow
of exorbitant credit were the principle elements responsible for the low performance
recorded in these industries. From the statistical report that the expenditure had been
385.45 crores against the expense of 600 crores. During ninth plan it is clear that
During the Tenth Five Year Plan the segment wise share of industry in the GDP
kept up an expanding pattern subsequent to falling in the first year of the Tenth Plan.
The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the vital source of data for the
registered units and no reliable data were available for the unorganized units from the
ASI. In this situation, the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) has been using the
limited Index of Industrial Production (IIP) to project growth of both the organized and
the unorganized units at a two digit level for manufacturing. Cotton, textiles, paper and
paper products, metals and alloys, machinery and transport equipment, and other
manufacturing industries scored substantial rate of growth, while beverages, tobacco
products, chemicals and chemical products maintained notable rates of growth. After
recording negative growth in the first two years of the Plan period, cotton textiles made
remarkable growth in the last three years, which created a level playing field between the
small-scale and large industries. The performance of the textile industries other than
cotton was striking. The performance of the capital goods industry was another positive
feature in view of the implication it had about the rising investment in manufacturing.
Quantitative limitations on trade had already been dynamically eliminated before the
Tenth Five Year Plan period. In 1991-1992 implementation of economic reforms reduce
the import tariffs on non-agricultural products. The process was carried forward strongly
and peak tariffs on non-agricultural products were brought down from 30% in 2002 03 to
10% in the Union Budget for 2007 08. The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy was
the Eleventh Five Year Plan, it has been anticipated that, exclusively, industry and
manufacturing should develop at an average growth rate 9.8% per annum in GDP.,
Innovation and Entrepreneurship hold the key to enhancing the role of SMEs in
improving the Indian economy. As their importance is not well realized, countrywide
national movement. Recognition for innovation and entrepreneurship in the clusters and
Self Help Groups (SHGs) of Women and their associations and networks, etc.,
have been encouraged with increased micro financing and revolving credit during the
11th five year plan. The potential of the organized sector linking up for quality and
A strong requirement for preparing sectoral technology profiles of the SMEs has
been felt. These technology profiles will help in critically addressing technology needs in
line with the business requirements of the sector. To begin with, 10 SME sectors namely
Food and allied industries, Wood and wooden products, Paper, Leather and leather goods,
Rubber goods, Plastic goods, Glass and ceramics, Electrical machines, appliances ,
apparatuses, Bicycle parts, tricycles and Sports goods can be taken up for technology
profiling. There is another strong need for creating awareness about IPR (Intellectual
financial support and subsidies. Similarly, quality assurance, eco-labelling, bar coding of
products should also be encouraged. There are a large number of engineering and
professional societies in the country. They are content with interactions with the big
events. There is a need to bring a paradigm change in this approach so that these
professional societies would evolve, during the 11th Plan, specific programmes which
will go a long way in enhancing the scientific and technological capabilities of the
The proposals of the Working Group are thought to be essential to support the
growth of the MSME sector during the12th Five Year Plan period. The Group might
want to point out the accompanying aspects in the proposals given wherein the execution
of which will be fundamental for the ski-jumping of MSME Sector in the worldwide
market place.
Marketing on 10/4/2017 at 3.00
Procurement policy for Goods/services from MSEs by the Government Depots
Skill Development
Institutional Structure
Application of E-tools in promotional and regulatory matters for facilitating easy entry.
The Working Group proposed six umbrella schemes identifying with six
verticals, i.e Skill and Entrepreneurship Development, Credit and Finance, Technology
53 on 10/4/2017 at 6.30 pm
In this chapter an attempt has been made to identify the factors that influence the
level of success by the entrepreneurs in the study area. For this purpose a field survey
method was employed to collect first hand information from 630 sample respondents.
The respondents have been chosen randomly from Dharamapuri districts of the
Tamilnadu. The data thus collected were arranged into simple tabular form. The level of
dependent variable. The Independent variables selected for the study are Year of
Establishment, Size of Enterprise, Type of Sector, Business Area, Current Position in the
The data were analyzed by using simple statistical tools like Percentage, Average,
ANOVA, Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The above mentioned
statistical tools have been analysed and discussed in the following pages.
To identify the significant constraint that affects entrepreneurial growth, Factor
Analysis is employed. The following table consolidates the major constraints that are
Sphericity has been used as pre-analysis testing for suitability of the entire sample for
factor analysis. The result of KMO and Bartlett’s Test is found greater than 0.70. Hence,
the collected data is fit for employing factor analysis. Further, the large values of
Bartlett’s sphercity test (315.94, df: 15, Sig=0.000) and KMO statistics (0.793) indicated
Table 4.2.1.
Sphericity Df 15
Sig. .000
Table 4.2.2
Entrepreneurial Constraints 1 2
Knowledge .110 -.501
Two factors are identified by locating Eigen values greater than unity.
Entrepreneurial constraints which have a component loading of 0.5 and above are said to
be major constraints faced by rural entrepreneurs that affects their long-term growth or
leads to failure in their business. From the rotated component matrix it can be seen that
“Economic Constraints” and “General Constraints” have a component loading of 0.5 and
Factor one and factor two contributes 30.158 per cent and 18.061 respectively
constraint’s explained by these two factors accounts for 48.218 per cent.
The following table, consolidated from factor analysis, displays the major
constraints faced by rural entrepreneurs. The rural entrepreneurs must took necessary
Table 4.2.3
Economic 0.853
General 0.821
Social 0.641
Table 4.2.4
Four hundred and Sixty five (73.8) entrepreneurs are Male and the rest
165 (26.2) entrepreneurs are Female. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs are Male.
Chart No 4.2.4
Male Female
Table 4.2.5
Up to 30 years 42 6.7
Out of 630 entrepreneurs, 42 (6.7) entrepreneurs are within the age of up to 30 years; 287
(45.6) entrepreneurs age ranges from 31 to 40 years; 252 (40) entrepreneurs age ranges
between 41 and 50 years and the remaining 49 (7.8) entrepreneurs are above the age of
Chart No 4.2.5
200 Numbers
Up to 30 years 31 – 40 years 41-50 years Above 50 years
Table 4.2.6
Uneducated 57 9.0
UG / PG 176 27.9
Fifty seven (9.0) entrepreneurs are with uneducated; 211 (33.5) entrepreneurs are
with school level; 176 (27.9) entrepreneurs are with UG /PG educational qualification
and the rest 186 (29.5) entrepreneurs are with Professional educational qualification.
Thus, most of the entrepreneurs are with School level educational qualification.
Chart No 4.2.6
150 Numbers
Uneducated School Level UG / PG Professional
Table 4.2.7
Government 76 12.1
Agriculture 87 13.8
entrepreneurs previous experience belongs to private industry and the rest 130 (20.6)
Chart No 4.2.7
100 Frequency
80 76
Government Agriculture Private Industry Others
Table 4.2.8
One hundred and seventy nine (28.4) entrepreneurs parents occupation belongs to
Government Agriculture Private Industry
Table 4.2.9
Four hundred and thirty seven (69.4) entrepreneurs are married and the rest
193 (30.6) entrepreneurs are unmarried. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs are married.
Chart No4.2.9
100 193
Single Married
Table 4.2.10
Two hundred and ninety eight (47.3) entrepreneurs belong to nuclear family, 271
(43.0) entrepreneurs belong to joint family and the remaining 61 (9.7) entrepreneurs
belong to extended family. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs belong to nuclear family.
Chart No 4.2.10
Family Type
200 Frequency
Nuclear Family Joint Family Extended Family
Table 4.2.11
One hundred and thirty one (20.8) entrepreneurs have up to ten years of establishment of
their business, 318 (50.5) entrepreneurs establishment of their business ranges from 11 to
15 years, and the rest 181 (28.7) entrepreneurs establishment of their business ranges
above 15 years. Thus, most of the entrepreneur’s establishment of their business ranges
from 11 to 15 years.
Chart No 4.2.11
250 Frequency
Upto 10 Years 11– 15 Years Above 15 Years
Table 4.2.12
Eighty Two (13.0) entrepreneurs average monthly income ranges Below 15000,
160 (25.4) entrepreneurs average monthly income ranges from 15001 to 30000, 140
(22.2) entrepreneurs average monthly income ranges 30001 to 50000, 172 (27.3)
entrepreneurs average monthly income ranges between 50001 to 100000 and the rest 76
(12.1) entrepreneurs average monthly income ranges above 100000. Thus, most of the
Chart No 4.2.12
Monthly Income
Below 15000 15001 – 30000 30001 – 50000 50001 –100000 Above 100000
Table 4.2.13
Up to 5 years 79 12.5
ranges between 11 and 15 years and the rest 181 (28.7) entrepreneurs experience ranges
above 15 years. Thus, most of the entrepreneurs experience ranges from 11 to 15 years.
Chart No 4.2.13
200 Frequency
Up to 5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years Above 15 years
Table 4.2.14
One hundred and twenty eight (20.3) entrepreneurs are Manufacturing industries,
393 (62.4) entrepreneurs run Retailing business, and 109 (17.3) entrepreneurs run a
Chart No 4.2.14
250 Frequency
Manufacturing Retailing Service
Table 4.2.15
One hundred and three (16.3) entrepreneurs are sole traders, 324 (51.4)
entrepreneurs run partnership form of business, 133 (21.1) entrepreneurs run family
business and 70 (11.1) entrepreneurs run limited company form of business. Thus, most
Chart No 4.2.15
200 Frequency
Sole proprietorship Partnership Family Business Limited company
Table 4.2.16
No 245 38.9
Three hundred and eighty five (61.1) entrepreneurs are first generation
entrepreneur and the rest 243 (38.9) entrepreneurs are not first generation entrepreneur.
Chart No 4.2.16
Yes No
Table 4.2.17
Total n Ran
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 onde
score scor k
Total no of
From the Garrett Ranking test, it is found that majority of the entrepreneur major
problems faced by a running business from their Financial, Marketing, Political, Raw
materials etc.,
Table 4.2.18
pon Total Mean
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank
dent score score
Combining family 50 53 70 61 123 630 24079 38.22 VI
and work life
Liquidity and other 13 11 12
139 74 39 630 34997 55.55 II
financial problems 8 8 2
Gaining the
15 16 12
acceptance/respect 69 92 32 630 33314 52.88 III
2 2 3
of people
Being a
11 12 13
woman/Gender 89 105 65 630 32036 50.85 IV
5 3 3
No time for
training / upgrading 234 93 91 74 37 630 37132 58.94 I
Low budget for PR
and marketing 49 79 66 90 162 630 26183 41.56 V
Total no of 63 63 63 63
Respondents 630 0 0 0 630 0
From the analysis it is inferred that majority of the entrepreneurs are of opinion
that they have No time for training / upgrading skills for a new technologies, Liquidity
Table 4.2.19
2 3
1 1 1
To keep myself 2 1 3 6 8 238 37.84 VII
0 4 6 630
busy and engaged 4 3 7 5 6 42 5 I
0 2 3
To full the
1 1
ambition of 8 7 5 6 3 4 362 57.60
5 0 630 I
myself / parents/ 7 8 7 7 5 3 92 67
6 7
To be
1 1
authoritative / 4 8 6 8 6 6 317 50.32
1 0 630 V
independent / 5 7 9 8 2 4 07 83
5 0
To take up family 1 1
8 5 6 4 6 4 362 57.52
business /4 3 630 II
4 4 1 6 1 2 42 67
traditional job 9 3
1 1
Due to 7 5 5 7 6 7 330 52.49
3 0 630 III
employment 6 6 0 4 4 9 70 17
1 0
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Total no of
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
From the analysis it is inferred that majority of the entrepreneurs important motivating
factors to take up Entrepreneurship they need To full the ambition of myself / parents/
Table 4.2.20
The factor influence your business
Rank Rank
Social status 11.04 1
Gain social recognition 10.92 2
Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other Govt
support 3
Entrepreneurship training institutions 9.07 4
Cheap Raw material availability 8.86 5
Profit making money 8.58 6
Did not want to work for others 8.46 7
Own Interest 8.31 8
To make my own decisions 8.15 9
Successful existing rural entrepreneur’s 8.07 10
Friends and relatives 7.83 11
Threat of losing my job 7.71 12
Family encouragement 7.35 13
Want for control and freedom 7.32 14
Self-achievement 7.3 15
No good job opportunities 6.71 16
From the Friedman rank test, it is ascertained that majority of the entrepreneur
influencing factors to start a business in that Social status followed by Gain social
recognition, Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other Govt support,
Table 4.2.21
There are Problems
A question of self confidence (believing in your abilities) 12.64 1
Start up finance 9.2 14
Lack of information / advice on how to start an enterprise 10.09 8
Finding the right contacts for your business venture 9.9 9
Awareness/Access to business support 9.02 17
Management skills 9.5 12
Entrepreneurial skills 9.58 10
Lack of intercultural and language skills for foreign markets 9.56 11
Combining family and work life 10.18 6
Being a woman, gender discrimination 8.84 19
Identifying a suitable product 12.47 2
Fixing brand name of getting trade mark 9.06 16
Identifying a suitable location 10.24 5
Preparation of project report 10.45 4
Getting registration 11.5 3
Contact with officials 9.02 17
Power connection 9.2 14
Family resistance 10.14 7
Gender based discrimination 9.41 13
From the Friedman rank test, it is ascertained that problems face by the entrepreneur in
suitable product, Getting registration, Identifying a suitable location and the like.
Table 4.2.22
The important factors which keep you successful in your present job
Important Factors
Rank Rank
Authoritative 6.41 4
From the Friedman rank test, it is ascertained that important factors to successful
Table 4.2.23
Upto 30 years 8 28 6 42
Above 50 years 10 35 4 49
P=0.684>0.05 (NS) – Not significant at 0.05 level
Null Hypothesis
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Entrepreneurial Constraints is
Constraints is observed among age group Above 50 Years (20.40). The calculated Chi
square value is greater than table value (3.946) and the result is significant at 5% level.
Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Age and Level of
Entrepreneurial Constraints.
Table 4.2.24
Level of Entrepreneurial Constraints Total
Low Moderate High
Uneducated 9 41 7 57
UG / PG 34 110 32 176
H0 : There is no association between Educational Qualification and Level of
Entrepreneurial Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Entrepreneurial Constraints is
among School level of educational qualification (19.90). The calculated Chi square value
is greater than table value (4.685) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Table 4.2.25
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Entrepreneurial Constraints is
observed Monthly income among Below 15000 (15.90). Low level of Entrepreneurial
Constraints is observed Monthly income among 30001 - 50000 (22.90). The calculated
Chi square value is greater than table value (6.791) and the result is significant at 5%
level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Monthly
Table 4.2.26
Below 5 years 18 48 13 79
6-10 years 10 29 13 52
is observed in experience at(23.20). The calculated Chi square value is less than table
value (13.379) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
Table 4.2.27
H0: There is no association between Age and Level of General Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of General Constraints is observed in
age level at 31 – 40 years (11.8). Low level of General Constraints is observed in age
level at above 50 years (59.20). The calculated Chi square value is less than table value
(13.933) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Table 4.2.28
Level of General
Low ModerateHigh Total
Educational Uneducated Count 6 41 10 57
Qualification % within
Educational 10.5% 71.9% 17.5% 100.0%
School Count 32 137 42 211
Level % within
Educational 15.2% 64.9% 19.9% 100.0%
UG / PG Count 30 117 29 176
% within
Educational 17.0% 66.5% 16.5% 100.0%
ProfessionalCount 29 127 30 186
% within
Educational 15.6% 68.3% 16.1% 100.0%
Total Count 97 422 111 630
% within
Educational 15.4% 67.0% 17.6% 100.0%
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of General Constraints is observed
among School level (19.90). Low level of General Constraints is observed among UG /
PG level of educational qualification (17.00). The calculated Chi square value is greater
than table value (2.586) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Table 4.2.29
Level of General
Monthly Income Low Moderate High Total
Below 15000 Count 13 56 13 82
% within Monthly
15.9% 68.3% 15.9% 100.0%
15001 – 30000 Count 25 106 29 160
% within Monthly
15.6% 66.3% 18.1% 100.0%
30001 – 50000 Count 17 101 22 140
% within Monthly
12.1% 72.1% 15.7% 100.0%
50001–100000 Count 26 111 35 172
% within Monthly
15.1% 64.5% 20.3% 100.0%
Above 100000 Count 16 48 12 76
% within Monthly
21.1% 63.2% 15.8% 100.0%
Total Count 97 422 111 630
% within Monthly
15.4% 67.0% 17.6% 100.0%
H0: There is no association between Monthly Income and Level of General Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of General Constraints is observed
Monthly income among 50001 - 100000 (20.30). Low level of General Constraints is
observed Monthly income Above 100000 (21.10). The calculated Chi square value is
greater than table value (4.806) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
General Constraints.
Table 4.2.30
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of General Constraints is
greater than table value (11.625) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Experience and Level of General
Table 4.2.31
Value Df sided)
H0: There is no association between Age and Level of Knowledge Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Knowledge Constraints is
observed in age level at Above 50 years (32.7). Low level of Knowledge Constraints is
observed in age level at 41 - 50 years (23.00). The calculated Chi square value is lessthan
table value (67.072) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
Table 4.2.32
Level of Knowledge
Monthly Income Low Moderate High Total
Below 15000 Count 15 38 29 82
% within Monthly
18.3% 46.3% 35.4% 100.0%
15001 – 30000 Count 33 75 52 160
% within Monthly
20.6% 46.9% 32.5% 100.0%
30001 – 50000 Count 32 72 36 140
% within Monthly
22.9% 51.4% 25.7% 100.0%
50001 –100000 Count 35 92 45 172
% within Monthly
20.3% 53.5% 26.2% 100.0%
Above 100000 Count 16 41 19 76
% within Monthly
21.1% 53.9% 25.0% 100.0%
Total Count 131 318 181 630
% within Monthly
20.8% 50.5% 28.7% 100.0%
Value Df sided)
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Knowledge Constraints is
observed Monthly income among Below 15000 (35.40). Low level of General
Chi square value is greater than table value (5.013) and the result is significant at 5%
level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Monthly
Table 4.2.33
Chi-Square Tests
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Knowledge Constraints is
observed in experience at Below 5 years (27.80). The calculated Chi square value is
greater than table value (6.081) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Experience and Level of
Knowledge Constraints.
Table 4.2.34
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Social Constraints is observed in
age level at 31 - 40 years (11.8). Low level of Social Constraints is observed in age level
at above 50 years (59.20). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table value
(7.762) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Table 4.2.35
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Social Constraints is observed
(56.10). The calculated Chi square value is less than table value (92.658) and the result is
Table 4.2.36
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 67.072a 8 .000
H0: There is no association between Monthly Income and Level of Social Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Social Constraints is observed
Monthly income among Below 15000 (35.40). Low level of Social Constraints is
observed Monthly income among 30001 - 50000 (22.90). The calculated Chi square
value is less than table value (67.072) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the
null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between Monthly Income and Level of
Social Constraints.
Table 4.2.37
Chi-Square Tests
Pearson Chi-Square 6.736a 6 .346
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Social Constraints is observed in
experience at Below 5 years (57.00). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table
value (6.081) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
Table 4.2.38
Level of Psychological
Age Low Moderate High Total
Upto 30 years Count 5 10 27 42
% within Age 11.9% 23.8% 64.3% 100.0%
31 – 40 years Count 52 50 185 287
% within Age 18.1% 17.4% 64.5% 100.0%
41-50 years Count 48 45 159 252
% within Age 19.0% 17.9% 63.1% 100.0%
Above 50 years Count 6 8 35 49
% within Age 12.2% 16.3% 71.4% 100.0%
Total Count 111 113 406 630
% within Age 17.6% 17.9% 64.4% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Value Df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.278a 6 .773
H0: There is no association between Age and Level of Psychological Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Psychological Constraints is
observed in age level at Above 50 years (71.40). Low level of Psychological Constraints
is observed in age level at 41 - 50 years (19.00). The calculated Chi square value is
greater than table value (3.278) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Table 4.2.39
Level of Psychological
Educational Qualification Low ModerateHigh Total
Uneducated Count 11 8 38 57
% within
Educational 19.3% 14.0% 66.7% 100.0%
School Level Count 43 40 128 211
% within
Educational 20.4% 19.0% 60.7% 100.0%
UG / PG Count 25 37 114 176
% within
Educational 14.2% 21.0% 64.8% 100.0%
Professional Count 32 28 126 186
% within
Educational 17.2% 15.1% 67.7% 100.0%
Total Count 111 113 406 630
% within
Educational 17.6% 17.9% 64.4% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.417a 6 .491
Psychological Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Psychological Constraints is
among School level (20.40). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table value
(5.417) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Table 4.2.40
Level of Psychological
Monthly Income Low Moderate High Total
Below 15000 Count 9 9 64 82
% within Monthly
11.0% 11.0% 78.0% 100.0%
15001 – 30000 Count 26 31 103 160
% within Monthly
16.3% 19.4% 64.4% 100.0%
30001 – 50000 Count 26 27 87 140
% within Monthly
18.6% 19.3% 62.1% 100.0%
50000 –100000 Count 29 33 110 172
% within Monthly
16.9% 19.2% 64.0% 100.0%
Above 100000 Count 21 13 42 76
% within Monthly
27.6% 17.1% 55.3% 100.0%
Total Count 111 113 406 630
% within Monthly
17.6% 17.9% 64.4% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 12.868a 8 .116
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Psychological Constraints is
observed Monthly income among Below 15000 (78.00). Low level of Psychological
Constraints is observed Monthly income above 100000 (27.60). The calculated Chi
square value is greater than table value (12.868) and the result is significant at 5% level.
Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Monthly Income
Table 4.2.41
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Value Df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.528a 6 .865
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Economic Constraints is observed
age level at 41 - 50 years (19.10). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table
value (2.528) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
Ta2le 4.2.42
Level of Economic
Educational Qualification Low e High Total
Uneducated Count 9 35 13 57
% within Educational
15.8% 61.4% 22.8% 100.0%
School Level Count 35 122 54 211
% within Educational
16.6% 57.8% 25.6% 100.0%
UG / PG Count 37 86 53 176
% within Educational
21.0% 48.9% 30.1% 100.0%
Professional Count 35 95 56 186
% within Educational
18.8% 51.1% 30.1% 100.0%
Total Count 116 338 176 630
% within Educational
18.4% 53.7% 27.9% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.131a 6 .527
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Economic Constraints is observed
among UG / PG and Professional (30.10). Low level of Economic Constraints is
observed among UG / PG (21.00). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table
value (5.131) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
accepted. There is no association between Educational Qualification and Level of
Economic Constraints.
Table 4.2.43
Monthly Income * Level of Economic Constraints
Level of Economic
Monthly Income Low Moderate High Total
Below 15000 Count 13 41 28 82
% within Monthly Income 15.9% 50.0% 34.1% 100.0%
15001 – 30000 Count 32 86 42 160
% within Monthly Income 20.0% 53.8% 26.3% 100.0%
30001 – 50000 Count 25 77 38 140
% within Monthly Income 17.9% 55.0% 27.1% 100.0%
50000 –100000 Count 33 93 46 172
% within Monthly Income 19.2% 54.1% 26.7% 100.0%
Above 100000 Count 13 41 22 76
% within Monthly Income 17.1% 53.9% 28.9% 100.0%
Total Count 116 338 176 630
% within Monthly Income 18.4% 53.7% 27.9% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.361a 8 .968
H0: There is no association between Monthly Income and Level of Economic Constraints
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Economic Constraints is observed
Monthly income among Below 15000 (34.10). Low level of Economic Constraints is
observed Monthly income level at 15001 – 30000(27.60). The calculated Chi square
value is greater than table value (2.361) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence,
the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Monthly Income and
Table 4.2.44
Chi-Square Tests
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Economic Constraints is observed
experience at 6 - 10 years (26.90). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table
value (7.930) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is
Table 4.2.45
Level of Psychological
Experience Low Moderate High Total
Below 5 years Count 20 8 51 79
% within Experience 25.3% 10.1% 64.6% 100.0%
6-10 years Count 6 9 37 52
% within Experience 11.5% 17.3% 71.2% 100.0%
11-15 years Count 62 64 192 318
% within Experience 19.5% 20.1% 60.4% 100.0%
Above 15 years Count 23 32 126 181
% within Experience 12.7% 17.7% 69.6% 100.0%
Total Count 111 113 406 630
% within Experience 17.6% 17.9% 64.4% 100.0%
Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 12.347a 6 .055
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of Psychological Constraints is
Constraints is observed in experience at 11 -15 years (19.50). The calculated Chi square
value is greater than table value (12.347) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence,
the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association between Experience and Level of
Psychological Constraints.
Table: 4.2.46
Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14.437a 6 .025
H0: There is no association between Experience and Level of curtail the success of
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of curtail the success of
calculated Chi square value is less than table value (14.437) and the result is significant at
Table: 4.2.47
Chi-Square Tests
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 11.913a 6 .064
H0: There is no association between Age and Level of curtail the success of
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of curtail the success of
entrepreneurship is observed in age level at 41 – 50 years (22.6). Low level of curtail the
calculated Chi square value is greater than table value (11.913) and the result is
Table: 4.2.48
H0: There is no association between Educational Qualification and Level of curtail the
success of entrepreneurship
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of curtail the success of
greater than table value (3.020) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Table: 4.2.49
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 13.206a 6 .040
H0: There is no association between Monthly Income and Level of curtail the success of
It is inferred from the above table that the high level of curtail the success of
entrepreneurship is observed Monthly income above 100000 (23.70). Low level of curtail
the success of entrepreneurship is observed Monthly income Above 100000 (19.70). The
calculated Chi square value is less than table value (13.206) and the result is significant at
5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between Monthly
Table: 4.2.50
Two hundred and eleven (33.5) entrepreneurs are happy with the assistance given by
the government and the rest 419 (66.5) entrepreneurs are not happy with the assistance
given by the government. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs are not happy with the
Table: 4.2.51
Entrepreneurial Performance
From the Friedman rank test, it is ascertained that majority of the entrepreneurs
by Support from banking finance, Employees support, Sourcing of Finance and the like.
In order to examine the nature and quantum of association of variables with factor
influence to start the business correlation analysis is used. Variables considered for Chi-
square have been considered for Correlation test too. Out of twenty-three variables
selected for correlation analysis, eighteen variables have been found to be significant.
Nature of the Company, Did not want to work for others, Want for control and freedom,
To make my own decisions, Threat of losing my job, Own Interest, Cheap Raw material
availability, Friends and relatives, Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other
existing rural entrepreneur’s, Gain social recognition and No good job opportunities are
found to be significant at one per cent level. Age, Monthly Income and Experience found
Table 4.3.1
Variables R r2
Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other Govt support 0.780** 0.608
Family encouragement 0.812** 0.659
* Significant at five per cent level ** Significant at one per cent level
Age and emloyability skills are positively correlated. Entrepreneur who are in the
age group between 31 to 40 years have high level associated with influencing factor to
start the business. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that age group holds
responsible for 0.9per cent of the variation in the level ofStart the business.
Monthly Income
Monthly Incomeand Start the business are positively correlated.The high level of
influencing factor to start the business is observed among 50001 to 100000. The co-
efficient of determination (r2) shows that Monthly Income holds responsible for 5per cent
Previous Experience
Previous Experience and influencing factor to start the business are positively
correlated. Entrepreneurs who have private industry experience high level of start the
responsiblefor 5per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor tostart the
Nature of the company
Nature of the company and influencing factor to start the business are positively
responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor tostart the
Profit making money and influencing factor to start the business are positively
correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that Profit making money
responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor tostart the
Did not want to work for others and influencing factor to start the business are
positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that Did not want to
work for others responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor
Did not want to work for others and influencing factor to start the business are
positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that Did not want to
work for others responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor
To make my own decisions
To make my own decisions and influencing factor to start the business are
my own decisions holds responsiblefor 61.4 per cent of the variation in the level of
Threats of losing my job and factor to influence to start the business are positively
correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level of Threat of losing my
job holds responsiblefor 79.5 per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor to
Own Interest
Own Interest and factor to influence to start the business are positively correlated.
The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level of Own Interest holds
responsiblefor 71 per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor to start the
Cheap Raw material availability and factor to influence to start the business are
positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level Cheap Raw
material availability holds responsiblefor 81.2 per cent of the variation in the level of
Friends and relatives
Friends and relativesand factor to influence to start the business are positively
correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level of and factor to
influence to start the business holds responsiblefor 80 per cent of the variation in the level
Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other Govt supportand factor to
influence to start the business are positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination
(r2) shows that level of Financial subsidiary for rural entrepreneurs and other Govt
support holds responsiblefor 78 per cent of the variation in the level of influencing factor
Family encouragement
encouragement holds responsiblefor 81.2 per cent of the variation in the level of
Entrepreneurship training institutions holds responsiblefor 73.5 per cent of the variation
Successful existing rural entrepreneur’s
rural entrepreneur holds responsiblefor 81.1 per cent of the variation in the level of
Gain social recognition and factor to influence to start the business are positively
correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level of Gain social
recognition holds responsiblefor 78.8per cent of the variation in the level of influencing
No good job opportunities and factor to influence to start the business are
positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level of No good
job opportunities holds responsiblefor 85.5 per cent of the variation in the level of
Table 4.4.1
Regression Standard t
coefficient error Value
Friends and relatives 0.0704** 0.0000 0.0000
* Significant at five per cent level ** Significant at one per cent level
Constant : 85.673
R2 : 0.188
R2 : 0.221 **
The regression coefficient indicates that Profit making money are positively
The regression coefficient indicates that Did not want to work for othersare
The regression coefficient indicates that Want for control and freedom are
positively influences factor to start the business.
The regression coefficient indicates that Threat of losing my job are positively
Own Interest
entrepreneurs and other Govt supportare positively influences factor to start the business.
Family encouragement;
Entrepreneurship training institutions
The regression coefficient indicates that No good job opportunities are positively
Table: 4.4.2
Valid Cumulative
Construction materials
136 21.6 21.6 43.2
Out of 630 entrepreneurs, 136 (21.6) entrepreneurs are dealing with Construction
products; 72(11.4) entrepreneurs are dealing textiles and the remaining 42 (6.7)
Table: 4.4.3
Valid Cumulative
One hundred ninety (30.2) entrepreneurs use the source of availability of raw
materials in local areas, 220 (34.9) availability of raw materials within the state, 169
(26.8) availability of raw materials Outside the state but within the country, 51 (8.1)
availability of raw materials Outside the country. Thus, most of the entrepreneurs use the
Table: 4.4.4
Valid Cumulative
Eighty five (13.5) market their products in local areas, 259 (41.1) market their
products within the state, 145 (23.0) market their products Outside the state but within the
country, 141 (22.4) market their products Outside the country. Thus, most of the
Table: 4.4.5
Two hundred and forty eight (39.4) entrepreneurs changes their target market and
the rest 382 (60.6) entrepreneurs are not changes their target market. Thus, majority of
Table: 4.4.6
Three hundred and eighty three (60.8) entrepreneurs facing difficulties marketing their
products and the rest 247 (39.2) entrepreneurs are not facing difficulties marketing their
products. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs are facing difficulties marketing their
Table: 4.4.7
One hundred and fifty five (24.6) entrepreneurs problems faced in marketing their
Distribution their products and the rest 380 (39.2) problems faced in marketing their
4.5. Regression Weights:
Table: 4.5.1
Estimate S.E. C.R. P
***The probability of getting a critical ratio as large as 14.474 in absolute value is less
than 0.001. In other words, the variance estimate for VAR00002 is significantly different
These statements are approximately correct for large samples under suitable assumptions.
Table: 4.5.2
Table: 4.5.3
Baseline Comparisons
Table: 4.5.4
Table: 4.5.5
Table: 4.5.6
CFI- comparative fit index, GFI- Good Fit Index, AGFI-Adjusted Goodness of Fit,
Incremental Fit Indices, NFI-Normed Fit Index, PFI-Parsimony Fit Indices, RFI-
*Source for model fit index and recommended values “Application of structural equation
Results of SEM analysis indicate that the model offers a good fit to the data. Six fit
indices which are commonly used in SEM to test the model fit are Chi-square/degrees of
freedom, GFI, AGFI, CFI, RMSEA, TLI are summarized in the table 6.
Chi-square/degrees of freedom is less than or equal to 3 (0.000), GFI, CFI and AGFI are
greater than or equal to 0.90 and 0.80 (1.000, 1.000, 1.000), RMSEA is less than or equal
to 0.08 (0.0396) and TLI is greater than or equal to 0.095 (1.000) which clearly shows
one and factor two contributes 30.158 per cent and 18.061 respectively
The Four hundred and Sixty five (73.8) entrepreneurs are Male and the
are Male.
(40) entrepreneurs age ranges between 41 and 50 years and the remaining
49 (7.8) entrepreneurs are above the age of 50 years. Thus, most of the
Fifty seven (9.0) entrepreneurs are with uneducated; 211 (33.5)
entrepreneurs are with school level; 176 (27.9) entrepreneurs are with
UG /PG educational qualification and the rest 186 (29.5) entrepreneurs are
private industry and the rest 130 (20.6) entrepreneurs previous experience
private industry.
Four hundred and thirty seven (69.4) entrepreneurs are married and the
are married.
family, 271 (43.0) entrepreneurs belong to joint family and the remaining
61 (9.7) entrepreneurs belong to extended family. Thus, majority of the
One hundred and thirty one (20.8) entrepreneurs have up to ten years of
of their business ranges from 11 to 15 years, and the rest 181 (28.7)
15 years.
(17.3) entrepreneurs run a Service industries. Thus, most of the
One hundred and three (16.3) entrepreneurs are sole traders, 324 (51.4)
form of business.
Three hundred and eighty five (61.1) entrepreneurs are first generation
entrepreneur and the rest 243 (38.9) entrepreneurs are not first generation
opinion that they have No time for training / upgrading skills for a new
acceptance/respect of people.
full the ambition of myself / parents/ husband, To take up family
Chi-Square Test
o High level of Entrepreneurial Constraints is observed among up to 31 – 40
among age group Above 50 Years (20.40). The calculated Chi square value
is greater than table value (3.946) and the result is significant at 5% level.
value is greater than table value (4.685) and the result is significant at 5%
Chi square value is greater than table value (6.791) and the result is
experience at(23.20). The calculated Chi square value is less than table
value (13.379) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
50 years (59.20). The calculated Chi square value is less than table value
(13.933) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis
than table value (2.586) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the
Monthly income Above 100000 (21.10). The calculated Chi square value is
greater than table value (4.806) and the result is significant at 5% level.
o High level of General Constraints is observed in experienced at Above15
table value (11.625) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
table value (11.625) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
at 41 - 50 years (23.00). The calculated Chi square value is less than table
value (67.072) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Knowledge Constraints.
value is greater than table value (5.013) and the result is significant at 5%
level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association
greater than table value (6.081) and the result is significant at 5% level.
years (59.20). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table value
(7.762) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis
calculated Chi square value is less than table value (92.658) and the result
less than table value (67.072) and the result is significant at 5% level.
5 years (57.00). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table value
(6.081) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis
Social Constraints.
than table value (3.278) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the
of Psychological Constraints.
level (20.40). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table value
(5.417) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null hypothesis
observed Monthly income above 100000 (27.60). The calculated Chi square
value is greater than table value (12.868) and the result is significant at 5%
table value (2.528) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
Economic Constraints.
table value (5.131) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
value is greater than table value (2.361) and the result is significant at 5%
level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no association
at 6 - 10 years (26.90). The calculated Chi square value is greater than table
value (7.930) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
value is greater than table value (12.347) and the result is significant at 5%
calculated Chi square value is less than table value (14.437) and the result
o High level of curtail the success of entrepreneurship is observed in age
calculated Chi square value is greater than table value (11.913) and the
table value (3.020) and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence, the null
calculated Chi square value is less than table value (13.206) and the result
Two hundred and eleven (33.5) entrepreneurs are happy with the assistance given
by the government and the rest 419 (66.5) entrepreneurs are not happy with the
assistance given by the government. Thus, majority of the entrepreneurs are
o Age and emloyability skills are positively correlated. Entrepreneur who are
in the age group between 31 to 40 years have high level associated with
(r2) shows that age group holds responsible for 0.9per cent of the variation
Monthly Income
holds responsible for 5per cent of the variation in the level ofinfluencing
Previous Experience
Nature of the company responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level
o Profit making money and influencing factor to start the business are
Profit making money responsible for 1per cent of the variation in the level
o Did not want to work for others and influencing factor to start the business
Did not want to work for others responsible for 1per cent of the variation in
o Did not want to work for others and influencing factor to start the business
Did not want to work for others responsible for 1per cent of the variation in
o To make my own decisions and influencing factor to start the business are
positively correlated. The co-efficient of determination (r2) shows that level
o Threats of losing my job and factor to influence to start the business are
Own Interest
o Own Interest and factor to influence to start the business are positively
o Cheap Raw material availability and factor to influence to start the business
level Cheap Raw material availability holds responsiblefor 81.2 per cent of
factor to influence to start the business are positively correlated. The co-
rural entrepreneurs and other Govt support holds responsiblefor 78 per cent
Family encouragement
o Gain social recognition and factor to influence to start the business are
o No good job opportunities and factor to influence to start the business are
o The regression coefficient indicates that Profit making money are positively
o The regression coefficient indicates that Did not want to work for othersare
o The regression coefficient indicates that Want for control and freedom are
To make my own decisions
Own Interest
the business.
Family encouragement;
o The regression coefficient indicates that Family encouragements are
less than 0.001. In other words, the variance estimate for VAR00002 is
These statements are approximately correct for large samples under suitable
o CFI- comparative fit index, GFI- Good Fit Index, AGFI-Adjusted
*Source for model fit index and recommended values “Application of structural
SEM analysis
SEM analyses indicate that the model offers a good fit to the data. Six fit indices
which are commonly used in SEM to test the model fit are Chi-square/degrees of
freedom, GFI, AGFI, CFI, RMSEA, TLI are summarized in the table 6. Chi-
square/degrees of freedom is less than or equal to 3 (0.000), GFI, CFI and AGFI
are greater than or equal to 0.90 and 0.80 (1.000, 1.000, 1.000), RMSEA is less
than or equal to 0.08 (0.0396) and TLI is greater than or equal to 0.095 (1.000)
which clearly shows that all goodness of fit statistics is in the acceptable ranges.
The present research is definitely not the first attempt in the area of entrepreneurs
nor is it going to be the last. Keeping this in view some indications that could help the
work life and financial problems. Therefore, societal setup that could encourage
the study. Therefore, government and other agencies can take up the task of
Economic constraints implied lack of investment for promoting the business and
paucity of working capital for successful running of business. It is the duty of the
successfully running their business units. Further, in order to avoid financial
loan at the earliest from the banks and financial institutions. Moreover, it is
advised to rural entrepreneurs not to avail loan from money lenders by paying
moving along with their workers, improve ability to extract work from team
members, enhance their planning and decision making ability, and learn to
Raise their knowledge level; entrepreneurs have to improve their writing skills,
mingle with co-workers, improve their thinking ability, improve their listening
ability or calibre and constantly keep them updated on latest development that
academic institutions.
To improve their communication skills entrepreneurs have to undergo training
locality and seek their assistance on how to improve their personal entrepreneurial
To improve the business skills like planning, improving decision making capacity,
educational institutions.
Today major changes are occurring in the way of the entrepreneurs who prepare
themselves for starting their own venture. More formal training, greater economic
opportunities and changing social attitudes are all influencing the entrepreneurial
The successful entrepreneurs became the role models to others. They can share the
knowledge with others and can guide other women entrepreneurs those who are starting
new enterprises. They can become big industrialists and take part in global economy. The
social inequalities can be removed by keeping a good relationship with neighbours and
the society. By this they can bring the economic prosperity and form the socialistic
pattern of society.
The entrepreneur of the twenty - first century is quite different from her
counterpart of one or two decades ago. In this century, women are becoming a formidable
force in the world of entrepreneurship. The 1980s was a decade of gaining lost ground,
the 2000s was a decade of full equality in terms of financing, funding, representation and
market presence; the new millennium is seeing women entrepreneurs solidifying their
position and beginning to dominate certain industries and business. Many people’s have
long believed that their place is at the head of a company. Now in the twenty - first
planning, organization, and management and he has to discharge these functions for
attaining the industrial efficiency while managing the enterprise, and this in turn
and non-economic factors such as the availability of raw material, quality of labour,
technology, market potentiality, capital, profit and infra-structure, and on the ambitions
and aspirations of the entrepreneurs to undertake the industrial activities that are
economically sound, and the facilitating factors like the skills acquired,
factors such as mobility and values ascribed by the society and the urge to attain
economic power and social status. The socio-economic and cultural conditions and
background of the entrepreneurs also influence the entrepreneurial development and the
quality of entrepreneurship.
Though the entrepreneurs are having a favourable attitude towards business, there is
any field they pursue, more so in entrepreneurship. All they need is proper reinforcement
from the family members, government and society at large so that they can excel as
Industries Centre and other Entrepreneurial Training Institutes should take necessary
The present study has been carried out to A study on problems of Entrepreneurs at
Dharmapuri district and skill sets required by entrepreneurs for redressing the issues. Study
of similar nature may be carried out on ascertaining the problems faced by first
Central Government has introduced Goods and Services Tax Bill. Thus an attempt has
been made to ascertain the problems faced by MSME entrepreneurs on filing the returns
and to ascertain their expectations from Government on resolving the issues involved in
filing of returns. Both Central and State Governments have offered numerous training
programmes for the promotion and development of entrepreneurs. Hence, a study may be
follows a unique technique for their success. Thus, an attempt may be made by budding
for the development of society, where he/she belongs to. Hence, a study may be carried
out to ascertain the factors and motives of social entrepreneurs. Few entrepreneurs prefer
to continue their family business. Hence, a study may be carried out to ascertain the
reason beneath the continuance of family business and entrepreneurial traits that are