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Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration: Individual Assignment

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Sri Lanka Institute of development Administration

Individual Assignment

Name of the Programme : Capacity Building Training Programme SLAS Grade III – 2012 Batch/ Group - C
Name of the Module : Sustainable Development
Module No :
Name of the Assignment Topic : Annexure I
Due Date of Submission : 23.03.2021

Name of the Participant Mrs Amaliney Kartheepan

Registration Number / Index CBP/SLASIII-2012/114

Contact Number 0774448115

Email amalims65@yahoo.com, adsvaharai@gmail.com

Annexure I
Module Assignment - Individual Assignment

a) Select one goal for each dimension; environment, economic and social sustainability.
Select one appropriate target for each identified goal – which should be more appropriate to Sri Lankan context.
b) Based on your organization identify Thrust area, KPIs, strategies and actions to achieve the each target.
c) Explain the rationale for selecting each target.
d) Categorized actions as short term, medium term and long term activities
e) Identify relevant responsible stakeholders.
f) Prepare action plan based on the given format.

Action Plan Format

Selected Goal: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Selected Target: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Organization: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Priority KPIs Strategies Budget Base Line 2022 2025 2030 Responsible
Thrust Activities code Stakeholders

Module Coordinator / Additional Director General (Organizational Development), SLIDA
Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA)
SLAS Class III Capacity Building Program
Module on Sustainable Development


Divisional Secretariat, Koralai Pattu North, Vaharai


“To be an excellent institution that delivers public services effectively and efficiently”


“ To uplift the living standard of the people of Koralai Pattu North, Vaharai through development programmes in-
line with the Government policies, with the participation of the public, Government and non Government
organizations with a proper coordination of resources under effective administration ”

g) Select one goal for each dimension; environment, economic and social sustainability.
Select one appropriate target for each identified goal – which should be more appropriate to Sri Lankan context.

No Dimension Goal Target Indicator

1 1. End poverty in all 1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme 1.1.1 Proportion of the
its forms everywhere poverty for all people everywhere, population living below the
currently measured as people international poverty line by sex,
living on less than $1.25 a day age, employment status and
geographic location (urban/rural)

2 3. Ensure healthy lives 3.5 Strengthen the prevention and 3.5.1 Coverage of treatment
and promote well- treatment of substance abuse, interventions (pharmacological,
Social being for all at all ages including narcotic drug abuse and psychosocial and rehabilitation
harmful use of alcohol and aftercare services) for
substance use disorders

3 14. Conserve and 14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 14.5.1 Coverage of protected
sustainably use the per cent of coastal and marine areas in relation to marine areas
oceans, seas and areas, consistent with national and
marine resources for international law and based on the
sustainable best available scientific
development information

h) Based on your organization identify Thrust area, KPIs, strategies and actions to achieve the each target.

No Thrust area KPI Strategy Action

1 Protect the marine areas i. No of hectares of Marine Declare conserved area a. Surveying the boundaries
and coastal system area declared as conserved through gazette b. demarcate with physical
areas notification structures/identities
ii. Percentage of Conserved c. proposal submitted to the
mangroves Ministry for gazette the area
iii. Percentage of coastal
resources replanting of d. Re-plantation of mangroves
iv. Reduce coastal erosion by mangroves e. mangrove reserved park area
v. Reduce loss due to natural
disasters by 25% legal action against f. bio fencing along the coastal
destroyers belt
g. declaration of constructions
Implement disaster free zone
mitigation project
(Natural wall/ bio

2. Eradicate the poverty of Relief assistances in h. Monthly assistances for the

all people i. reduce by 40% of terms of financial and poorest the poor families
people living under the non financial aspects i. Cottage based industrial
poverty line investment for poor families
ii. Increase sustainable j. Self employment accessories
income for all people by on grant basis for the poor
40% families
iii. Increase permanent
houses with sanitary Private public k. Joint venture investment
facility by 30% partnership ventures for projects for middle income
iv. Zero poverty and middle class people families with 50/50
National International
standard of living special schemes for

dedicated villages for l. Identify and prioritize the

export oriented local villages according to the
products number of people to be uplifted
m. Carryout feasibility study for
identifying a product
n. Establish and register a
producer group/company for
legal acceptance
o. Providing initial
p. Make an MOU/agreement with
exporters/purchasers with term
of business
3. Strengthen the prevention i. reduce the number of Curative treatment q. Identify the number of persons
and treatment of harmful alcohol / drug users by programs and locations (alcohol/drugs
use of alcohol/drugs 60% consumers)
ii. Reduce the number of r. Organize counseling sessions
domestic violence by s. Organize curative treatment
60% sessions
iii. Number of individual
alcohol/drugs users for Rehabilitation centers t. Organize various vocational
enroll for rehabilitation with job creations and training
iv. Alcohol/drugs free skill development u. Allocation of employment
societies opportunities
v. Reduce by 40% of
chronic diseases Strong legal actions on v. Special task force to be
vi. Healthiest and happiest misuses and abuses established to carryout legal
people in a harmonized actions
society w. Monitoring and progress to be
evaluated periodically

Resources and fund x. Identify and declare

allocation according to alcohol/drugs free villages
the percentage of non y. Allocation of resources,
users of drugs/alcohol projects and funds according to
the uplifted number of families
in the village

i) Explain the rationale for selecting each target.

Target : 1.1
By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day

Rationale and Interpretation: The $1.90 a day poverty line or the critical threshold value, below which an individual is determined to
be extremely poor, allows for comparing and aggregating progress across countries in reducing the number of people living under
extreme poverty and for monitoring trends at the global level. In addition, poverty measures based on an international poverty line
attempt to hold the real value of the poverty line constant over time allowing for accurate assessments of progress toward meeting the
goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. According to this under the Samurdhi development program an individual will be
considered as an eligible person for the benefit if his/her family income is less than or equal to Rs.6000/- (approximately SLRs.200/-
per $)
In Koralai Pattu North divisional secretariat the total number of Samurdhi beneficiaries, who are receiving monthly assistances is
5218 and 2200 applicants are awaiting for the benefit.

Target: 3.5
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
Alcohol consumption can have an impact not only on the incidence of diseases, injuries and other health conditions, but also on the
course of disorders and their outcomes in individuals. Alcohol consumption has been identified as a component cause for more than
200 diseases, injuries and other health conditions. Per capita alcohol consumption is widely accepted as the best possible indicator of
alcohol exposure in populations and of effectiveness of population-based prevention efforts to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. It is
also the key indicator for estimation of alcohol-attributable disease burden and alcohol-attributable deaths. Its correct interpretation,
however, requires the use of additional population-based indicators such as prevalence of drinking and heavy episodic drinking, and,
as a result, stimulates development of national monitoring systems on alcohol and health involving strengthening of national data on
sales of alcoholic beverages and production and trade with contributions from a wide range of stakeholders as well as conducting
representative population-based surveys to generate data on patterns of alcohol consumption. It has been observed that a continuous
reporting on domestic violence and suicide cases due to the alcohol/drugs consumers.

Target: 14.5
By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based
on the best available scientific information

The safeguard of important sites is vital for stemming the decline in biodiversity and ensuring long term and sustainable use of
marine natural resources. The establishment of protected areas is an important mechanism for achieving this aim, and this indicator
serves as a means of measuring progress toward the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of marine ecosystems and their
services, in line with obligations under international agreements. Importantly, while it can be disaggregated to report on any given
single ecosystem of interest, it is not restricted to any single ecosystem type. This indicator adds meaningful information to,
complements, and builds from traditionally reported simple statistics of marine area covered by protected areas, computed by
dividing the total protected area within a country by the total territorial area of the country and multiplying by 100 (e.g., Chape et al.
2005). It provides a useful measure of whether protected areas are located to cover areas of particular importance for biodiversity.
As the Koralai Pattu North division located along the coastal belt (approximately 35km long), it is very mush essential to consider
this target simultaneously continue reporting on destructions of coastal resources and encroachments claims a special consideration
on safeguarding marine system.

j) Categorized actions as short term, medium term and long term activities

No Actions Short term Medium term Long term

1 a. Surveying the boundaries
b. demarcate with physical

c. proposal submitted to the
Ministry for gazette the area

d. Re-plantation of mangroves

e. mangrove reserved park area
f. bio fencing along the coastal

g. declaration of constructions
free zone
2 h. Monthly assistances for the
poorest the poor families √

i. Cottage based industrial

investment for poor families √

j. Self employment accessories

on grant basis for the poor


k. Joint venture investment √

projects for middle income
families with 50/50
l. Identify and prioritize the
villages according to the
number of people to be uplifted
m. Carryout feasibility study for
identifying a product
n. Establish and register a

producer group/company for
legal acceptance
o. Providing initial

p. Make an MOU/agreement with

exporters/purchasers with term √
of business
3 q. Identify the number of persons
and locations (alcohol/drugs
r. Organize counseling sessions √
s. Organize curative treatment

t. Organize various vocational

u. Allocation of employment √

v. Special task force to be √

established to carryout legal
w. Monitoring and progress to be
evaluated periodically

x. Identify and declare

alcohol/drugs free villages √

y. Allocation of resources,
projects and funds according to

the uplifted number of families
in the village

k) Identify relevant responsible stakeholders.
l) Prepare action plan based on the given format.

Priority Thrust Strategies Budget le
KPIs Line 2022 2025 2030
area Activities code Stakehold
Output: Declare 1234 - 252Ha 300ha 400ha Coastal
No of hectares of conserved area Conservati
Marine area declared through gazette on
as conserved areas notification Departmen
t (CCD)
Outcome: replanting of 250 500 500 500 Fisheries
percentage of mangroves Plants Plants Plants Plants Departmen
Conserved t
mangroves legal action Divisional
14.5 Protect the 2 5 3 0
against destroyers Secretariat
marine areas and
Outcome: Environme
coastal system
Percentage of coastal Implement ntal
resources disaster authority
0 2 5 2
mitigation project Marine
Impact: (Natural wall/ bio Environme
Reduce coastal fence) ntal
erosion Protection
Reduce loss due to (MEPA)
natural disasters

Output: Relief assistances 1345 5518 4500 2500 1500 Samurdhi
Reduce by 40% of in terms of department
people living under financial and non Agricultur
the poverty line financial aspects e
Outcome: Private public 27 100 300 500 Banking
Increase sustainable partnership institutions
income for all people ventures for Mahaweli
by 40% middle class Authority
1.1.1 Eradicate the
poverty of all
Increase permanent special schemes
houses with sanitary for investments
facility by 30%
dedicated villages 02 20 40 52
Impact: for export
Zero poverty and oriented local
National products
standard of living

3.5 Strengthen the Output: Curative 1456 4 75 50 20 Health

prevention and reduce the number of treatment department
treatment of harmful alcohol / drug users programmes Communit
use of alcohol/drugs by 80% y
Rehabilitation correction
Reduce the number centers with job 02 05 05 02 Departmen
of domestic violence creations and skill t
by 60% development DS
Number of Strong legal 08 40 20 04 department
individual actions on Excise
alcohol/drugs users misuses and department
enroll for abuses
Resources and 01 03 20 52
Outcome: fund allocation
Alcohol/drugs free according to the
societies percentage of non
users of
Outcome: drugs/alcohol
Reduce by 40% of
chronic diseases

Healthiest and
happiest people in a
harmonized society

Reference :

District Plan Guide, Batticaloa District, UNDP Publication

www.SDG Monitoring and Reporting Toolkit for UN Country Teams — SDG Indicators

www.Home - E-Handbook on SDG Indicators - UN Statistics Wiki


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