ASAL Economics Lang Worksheet 29.1
ASAL Economics Lang Worksheet 29.1
ASAL Economics Lang Worksheet 29.1
Please note that the answer contains a reason. This is analysis, which is an important skill to develop as
part of your course. If you feel the addition of a simple picture helps you remember, add it in.
2 The process
Once you have created the flash cards, you need to use them effectively. Try to answer the question on
the front of the flashcard and then turn it over to see whether you have the correct answer. You will get
the answers for some of the cards correct and some incorrect. The method below is an adaptation of the
Leitner system that helps to improve your memory.
• Create three boxes or envelopes to put your flash cards in.
• Label the first box ‘Every day’.
• The second box ‘Tuesday and Thursday’.
• And the third box ‘Friday’.
When you have created your flash cards, you put them all in ‘every day’ and you test yourself
every day.
All the questions that you get correct you put in ‘Tuesday and Thursday’.
Move your correct answers until you only test yourself once a week – success!
However, if you get an incorrect answer, you should move it back a box.
Repeat this process until you have complete success and then review as needed.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Economics – Vlachonikolis, Collins & Croft © Cambridge University Press 2021 1
Fiscal deficit Increases aggregate demand, If spending is increased on The USA often runs a fiscal
may encourage consumers to imports, it will reduce a deficit and has a deficit on
purchase more imports. surplus on the current the current account of the
account or increase a deficit balance of payments.
on the current account.
Fiscal surplus
Central bank
increases Interest
announces an
expansion of the
railway network.
increases spending
on education.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Economics – Vlachonikolis, Collins & Croft © Cambridge University Press 2021 2
announces tariffs
on all imported
dairy goods.
subsidises the
steel industry.
The government
purchases foreign
currency to weaken
their own currency.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Economics – Vlachonikolis, Collins & Croft © Cambridge University Press 2021 3