BNM Micro
BNM Micro
BNM Micro
Simple interest
When the interest is calculated for every period only on the principle Then the
total interest gained on the all the period is called simple Interest.
Compound interest
Compound interest the interest for one period is compounded to the Principles
to get the principal for the next period.
Annuity is a series of equal payments or receipts that occur at spaced Intervals.
Present value (PV)
Present value is the current value of future sum of money or stream Of cash
flows given a specified rate of return.
Effective yield (Effective rate)
It is the actual rate that earn on an investment or pay on a loan after The
effects of compounding frequency are considered.
Perpetuity is an annuity that occurs indefinitely.
Deferred perpetuity
It refers to infinite payment that begin at a later time, because of Time value
principles of money.
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
CAGR is the rate of return that would be required for an investment To grow
from its beginning balance to ending balances.
Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI)
It is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a Specified
Nominal interest rate
It refers to the interest rate before taking inflation into account. It is The
interest rate quoted on bonds and loans.
Real rate of interest
It refers to interest rate after taking inflation into account. This Means it
adjusts for inflation and gives the real rate of bonds or loan
Desirable qualities of a good average
1. It should be easy to calculate.
2. It should be simple to understand.
3. It should have sample stability.
4. It should be based on all the observations.
5. It should not be affected by average values.
Measures of central tendency
Average tends to indicate the centre of the distribution is called Measures of
central tendency.
Types of averages/Measures of central tendency
1. Mean
2. Geometric mean
3. Harmonic mean
4. Median
5. Mode
Arithmetic mean (AM)
The most commonly used measures of central tendency. Mean is the Sum of
the values divided by the total number of items in the set.
Weighted arithmetic mean
Arithmetic mean computed by considering relative importance of Each items is
called weighted arithmetic mean.
Merits of AM
• It is easy to calculate.
• It is simple to follow.
• It is finite.
• It is based on the all observations.
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is capable for an algebraic treatment.
Demerits of AM
• It is highly affected by extreme values.
• It cannot be compute accurately.
• It cannot be calculated for qualitative data.
• It is not a suitable average for highly skewed distributions.
• It cannot average the ratios.
• It cannot average the percentage.
Geometric mean (GM) Geometric mean is the nth positive root of the product
of ‘n’ positive Given values.
Merits of GM
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is based on all observations.
• It is capable for further mathematical treatment.
• It has sampling stability.
Demerits of GM
• It is not simple to understand.
• It is difficult to calculate.
• It cannot be determined graphically.
• It cannot be calculated for open end data.
Harmonic mean (HM)
Harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the Reciprocal of
the given set of observations.
Merits of HM
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is simple to understand.
• It is easy to calculate.
• It is based on all observations.
• It has sampling stability.
• It is capable for further mathematical treatment.
Demerits of HM
• It is affected by extreme values.
• It cannot be determined graphically.
• It cannot be calculated for open ended data.
• If one of the value is zero, HM cannot be determined.
Median is the middle most observation in a data which is arranged in
Ascending or descending order.
Merits of median
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is simple to understand.
• It is easy to calculate.
• It can be calculated for open end data.
• It is not much affected by extreme values.
• It can be determined graphically.
Demerits of median
• It is not based on all observation.
• It is not capable for further mathematical treatment.
• It does not have sampling stability
Mode is the most frequently occurring value in the data set.
Merits of mode
• It is simple to understand.
• It is easy to calculate.
• It is not much affected by extreme values.
• It can be determined graphically.
• It can be calculated for open end data.
• It has the greatest frequency.
Demerits of mode
• It is not rigidly defined.
• It is not based on all observation.
• It is not capable of further mathematical treatment.
• It does not have sampling stability.
Measures of dispersion
The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average Value is
called dispersion or variation.
Types of measures of dispersion
1. Range
2. Quartile deviation
3. Mean deviation
4. Standard deviation
Range Range is the difference between highest and lowest values in a given
Merits of range
• It is simple to understand.
• It is easy to calculate.
• It is popular measure in weather forecast.
• It is popular measure in the field of medicine.
Demerits of range
• It is not based on all observation.
• It does not have sampling stability.
• It cannot be calculated for open end data.
Quartile deviation (QD)
Quartiles are three partition values which divides given data into four Equal
parts. They are denoted Q1, Q2, and Q3.
Merits of QD
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is simple to understand.
• It is easy to calculate.
• It is not unduly affected by extreme values.
Demerits of QD
• It is not based on all observations.
• It does not have sampling ability.
• It is not capable for further mathematical treatment.
Mean deviation (MD)
Mean deviation is defined as the mean of the absolute deviations of
Observations from some suitable averages like mean median mode.
Merits of MD
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is based on all observation.
• It is less affected by extreme values.
Demerits of MD
• It suffers inaccuracy because sigma of deviation are ignored.
• It cannot be capable for further mathematical treatment.
• It cannot be calculated for open end data
Continuous series Continuous series is a statistical series in which all the class
intervals Along with their corresponding frequency are listed out in the form Of
Desecrate series Desecrate series is a statistical series in which all the
observations Are listed out along with their corresponding frequency in the
form Of a table.
Skewness Lack of symmetry or measure of asymmetry is called skewness.
Skewness can be positive or negative.
Positive skewness If the frequency curve has longer tail to right the
distribution is Known as positive skewness. Mean> Median> Mode.
Negative Skewness If the frequency curve has longer tail to left the
distribution is known As negative skewness. Mean< Median< Mode.
Kurtosis It is statistical measure that calculates the degree of peakedness of a
Variables probability distribution.
Mesokurtic If the curve of a frequency distribution is neither too peaked nor
too Flat then it is called normal curve or mesokurtic.
Leptokurtic If the curve of the frequency distribution is more peaked than the
Mesokurtic curve then it is called leptokurtic. PR
Platykurtic If the curve of the frequency distribution is flatter than the
Mesokurtic curve then it is called platykurtic.
Standard deviation (SD)
The standard deviation is defined as the positive square root of the Mean of
the square deviations taken from arithmetic mean of the Data.
Merits of SD
• It is rigidly defined.
• It is based on all observation.
• It is capable for further mathematical treatment.
• It has sampling stability.
Demerits of SD
• It is difficult to understand.
• It is difficult to calculate.
• It cannot be calculated for open end data.
Steps in calculating standard deviation
1. Steps for grouped data
a. Take the deviation of the items from assumed mean and denoted
It by ‘d’
b. Multiply the deviations by frequencies.
c. Obtain square of the deviation, d2
d. Multiply the squared deviation by frequencies and obtain total
e. Substitute the value in the formula
2. Step deviation method
a. Find the mid points of various classes
b. Take deviations of the mid points from an assumed mean and
Denote these by ‘d’
c. Take the common factor and divide the ‘d’ with it and find ‘d’
d. Multiply the frequency of the each class.
e. Square the deviations and multiply them with the respective
Frequencies of each class.