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Working Title: “Level of Mathematics Competency Acquired of Alternative Learning System: A Subject of

Developing Intervention Materials”

Proponent: ANGELO Z. FLOR

Background of the Study

For over the last 3 years, the Alternative Learning System of the Division of Iriga City has been producing
graduates in the Secondary and Elementary Levels that are competitive enough to pursue higher education or
search their life working in the real setting. To finish the program, they need to pass the standard test which
comprises 6 Learning Strands that Mathematics is part of it. Looking into the scores obtained, Mathematics is one
of the subjects that most of the students got low grades or worst failed.
Looking into this perennial problem that not ALS but also formal school is experiencing, determining the
level of competency in Mathematics (before pandemic) of its graduates (from 2016 to 2019) would help me to
determine what specific area and competency the learners are having a problem which focuses to the least learned
skills from the curriculum and to address these problems with Intervention Materials that can use to develop the
Mathematical Literacy of the future ALS Learners and boost their confidence and attitude towards learning

Brief Review of Literature

Marisol Cueli (2018) Students commonly struggle with mathematics and mathematical problem-solving.
Therefore, it is necessary to design and implement interventions aimed at improving these essential components of
learning. Furthermore, the outcomes of these interventions can vary significantly and appear to be a function of a
student's initial competencies in mathematics.
Lei Dominik (2005) This article reflects upon qualitatively oriented studies from the German research project
DISUM and selected literature about “teacher interventions”. Based on this, we propose, from a mathematically
didactic point of view, a multi-dimensional framework, which allows us to identify central aspects of teacher
Russel Gersten (2016) this special section greatly expands knowledge based on effective interventions in
mathematics. It contains 4 rigorous experimental studies of approaches for students likely to experience difficulties
learning mathematics over a large grade level span. All the interventions appear to be implemented with gear and
rigor, and data were analyzed using state of the art techniques.
Edward Gickling (2019) This study investigated the effects of an intervention incorporating curriculum-based
assessment for instructional design on the performance of high school low achievers in general mathematics
classes. Subjects were identified as being at-risk for academic failure, placed in matched pairs, and assigned
randomly to treatment and control groups. Treatment group subjects received instructional materials that were
matched to their instructional levels and controlled the rates of knowns to unknowns, developed from on-going
curriculum-based assessment of their performance. The control group subjects continued to receive regular
classroom assignments. Data analysis was limited to the 17 subjects completing the study. Findings demonstrated
positive intervention effects on achievement, grades, and measures of Academic Learning Time. A differential rate
of attrition of experimental and control group subjects was also found.

Sarah Powell (2015) Students who demonstrate persistent mathematics difficulties and whose performance is
severely below grade level require intensive intervention. Intensive intervention is an individualized approach to
instruction that is more demanding and concentrated than Tier 2 intervention efforts. We present the elements of
intensive intervention that teachers should consider when planning for, implementing, and monitoring intensive
intervention in mathematics. Each of these elements is based on evidence from validated interventions. We also
highlight strategies for intensifying instruction. We provide two examples of intensive intervention, one of which
launches from a Tier 2 intervention platform and the other which is completely generated by a teacher. We
conclude with considerations for intensive intervention in mathematics.
Dominick Leiss (2010) In a study within the DISUM research project, we investigated the role that the
construction of situation models plays as an essential prerequisite for understanding a given mathematical
modelling task, using a sample of 21 9th grade classes (N=416). Specific task characteristics, general mathematical
competence, reading competence, and teacher interventions aiming at understanding the situation model were
analyzed as crucial factors influencing students’ ability to solve modelling tasks. The results show that:

(1) strategies for constructing an adequate situation model have a significant influence on modelling competence,
(2) mathematical reading competence and intra-mathematical competence can explain almost one third of the
variance of the performance on the modelling test, (3) teacher interventions may encourage students to adopt
strategies facilitating the construction of situation models, but an increase of modelling competence requires
separate strategy training.
Franziska Perels (2009) After the effectiveness of self-regulation training outside school was demonstrated, a
self-regulation intervention was developed to foster the learning achievement in regular math classes. Based on the
theoretical framework of self-regulated learning, self-regulation training was integrated into a math class unit. The
evaluation of the intervention concerning 53 sixth-grade students took place in a pretest/posttest-control-group
design. One teacher taught one class (control group) merely mathematical topics and another class (experimental
group) in the same subject combined with self-regulative strategies. The results revealed that it is possible to
support self-regulation competencies and mathematical achievement by self-regulation intervention within regular
mathematics lessons of 6th-grade students.
Prenyice Starkley (2004) There is growing evidence that socioeconomic (SES)-related differences in
mathematical knowledge begin in early childhood, because young children from economically disadvantaged
families receive less support for mathematical development than their middle-class peers receive. A pre-
kindergarten mathematics intervention, including a pre-kindergarten mathematics curriculum, was developed and
implemented in public and private preschools serving low- and middle-income families. Mathematical knowledge
of intervention and comparison children was comprehensively assessed. A significant SES-related gap in
mathematical knowledge was found at the beginning of the pre-kindergarten year. The intervention significantly
enhanced the mathematical knowledge of children at both levels of SES. Low-income children acquired more
knowledge, relative to their starting point, than middle-income children. 

 Present research gap that can be filled by the study

Based on research, it was discovered that no similar study was conducted regarding level of competency acquired
of ALS: A subject in developing intervention materials the Bicol Region particularly in Rinconada area. This is the
gap that the study intends to bridge. The research was done carefully to help
the students to improve their skills and knowledge about Mathematics Education and to help the teachers to
improve their teaching practices that will be beneficial to the students.

Rationale or Justification
The study will be a great benefit to the following:
Students. The study will help them to develop their Competency in Mathematics Education through these
Intervention Materials.
Parents. This study will help them to become more concerned on ways to improve the Mathematical Skill of their
children using these Intervention Materials.
Teachers. This will benefit them to have a better understanding of Mathematics, to improve their teaching practice
and upskill the understanding of their learners towards Mathematics.
School. This study may enlighten them in formulation of policies and strategic intervention program in utilizing
these Intervention Materials to improve Mathematics Education among ALS Learners.
Community. The community would be inspired to send their children to school to further equip them not only with
knowledge, but also with attitudes, skills, disposition, and appreciation of education for future employment.
DepEd. This study would help them to determine in realigning the curriculum with more emphasis on the least
learned competency of ALS Graduates and address the with proper Intervention Materials in improving the Math
skills of the learners.
Researchers. This study really be of great help most specially to the researchers who will stand to benefit much
from this study. Knowledge will be gained, and the result of this study may give them more information about the
Future Researchers. The insights and knowledge gained from this study will serve as basis or future related
studies of similar area of concentration

Purposes of the Study

Main objective of the study
The objective of this study is to determine the Level of Competency in Mathematics of former ALS
Graduates a subject in developing Intervention Materials that will increase the knowledge and
performance of ALS Learners today.
Specific objectives/question
1. What is the profile of the learners in terms of.

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Civil Status
d. Highest Educational Attainment
e. Work
f. Grades Obtained?
2. What is the level of competency of ALS Learners in terms of.
a. Performance Standard A
b. Performance Standard B
c. Performance Standard C
d. Performance Standard D
e. Performance Standard E
f. Performance Standard F

3. What is the effect of the Intervention Materials to the knowledge and performance of ALS Learners?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of competency in Mathematics and performance of ALS
Learners today?

Use APA 7th Edition
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