Ahmedabad Center-10
Ahmedabad Center-10
Ahmedabad Center-10
Q.1 (a) A 6 m long fixed ended column of hollow square cross section with 480 07
mm external dimension and 60mm thickness is made up of mild steel.
Using Euler’s formula, find out the safe axial load on this column using
factor of safety 1.5. Take E = 200 GPa.
(b) A steel bar 80 cm long and rectangular in section of size 40 mm x 07
60 mm is subjected to an axial load of 2.4 kN. Find the maximum
stress if (a) The load is applied gradually. (b) The load is applied
suddenly, and (c) The load is applied after falling through a height
of 8 cm.
Q.3 (a) A mild steel cantilever beam ABC having span of 1m, is subjected 07
to a set of 2 clockwise couple of 2kNm one at free end C while the
other at mid span point B. The cross section of beam is 40mm wide
and 60mm deep. Calculate slope and deflection at points B and C
using conjugate beam method. Take E = 200 GPa.
(b) Solve the above example of Q -3 (a) using Macaulay’s method. 07
Q.3 (a) A simply supported beam ABC is having span 8m. The left 4m 07
portion AB is subjected to UDL of 10 kN/m. Calculate slopes at
supports A and C. Also calculate deflection at point B. Use moment
area method.
(b) A thin cylindrical shell having 500mm diameter is 2m long with 07
shell thickness of 15mm. It is subjected to an internal pressure of
3 MPa. Calculate the change in length, diameter and volume if
E = 200 GPa and 1/m = 0.27
Q.4 (a) A thin spherical shell is 1200 mm in diameter. It is filled with a 07
fluid which develops internal pressure of 3 MPa, calculate the
required shell thickness if the the change in volume of shell is not to
exceed 3% of original volume. E = 200 GPa and 1/m = 0.27.
(b) Explain “No Tension Condition” for a column member and derive 07
core area for any two standard sections.
Q.4 (a) A masonry dam is 1m wide at top while 4m wide at base and 6m 07
high. The wall face exposed to water is vertical and the water may
reach top of the wall. Find the maximum and minimum stress at the
base if unit weights of masonry is 20 kN/m3 while that of water is
9.8 kN/m3. Also calculate the stress when reservoir is empty.
Q.4 (b) A mild steel column having cross section as I section with flanges 07
of size 200mm X 10mm and web is 10mm X 180mm is 10m long. It
is hinged at top and fixed at base. Calculate Euler’s crippling load
and compare the crippling load given by Rankine’s formula taking
σc =550MPa and α = (1/1600). Take E = 200 GPa.
Q.5 (a) A three hinged parabolic arch of span 12 m and rise 2.5m carries a 07
UDL of 20 kN/m on the left half portion of the arch. Determine
reactions at end supports. Also find normal thrust, radial shear and
bending moment at 3m and 9 m from left support.
(b) A short column has a square section 300mm × 300mm with a square 07
hole of 150 mm × 150 mm as shown in Figure 2. It caarries an
eccentric load of 2000kN located as shown in figure. Determine the
values of stresses across the section.
Q.5 (a) A suspension cable is suspended between two points at the same 07
level with 80m between them. It carries UDL of 15 kN load per
horizontal meter. Determine the central dip which may be allowed if
the maximum tension in the cable is not to exceed 1000 kN.
(b) Two point loads 100 kN and 50 kN spaced at 2m distance crosses a 07
girder having span of 10m, the smaller load is leading from left to
right. Calculate values of maximum S.F. and maximum B.M. for
this girder.
Figure - I Figure - II