Cape Biology Unit 2 Complete
Cape Biology Unit 2 Complete
Cape Biology Unit 2 Complete
(by Sperwin Zinger)
1.1: Relate the structure of a dicotyledonous leaf, a palisade cell and a chloroplast to their roles in the
process of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a process where AUTOTROPHS (or producers) take in inorganic molecules and
produce organic substances, such as CARBOHYDRATES. These carbohydrates contain trapped energy
that the organism can release and use from a molecule
called ATP. Doing so is called RESPIRATION.
Firstly, recall that photosynthetic organisms contain CHLOROPLASTS (such as plants) or the light-
capturing pigment, CHLOROPHYLL, in membranes (such as phytoplankton). The word and chemical
equations for photosynthesis in green plants can be written as:
Photosynthesis involves a set of light-dependent and light-independent reactions. A basic outline of these
reactions is depicted below.
During the light-dependent stage, light energy is used to break the bonds of water molecules (a process
called PHOTOLYSIS). OXYGEN diffuses out as a bi-product. The HYDROGEN molecules combine
with CARBON DIOXIDE molecules, which are reduced to form GLUCOSE.
The light-dependent
stage occurs in the
the chloroplast.
The light-independent
stage occurs in the
„background material‟ of
the chloroplast, called the
Upper epidermis Thin layer of transparent cells, Waxy cuticle limits water loss through the top
usually coated with a watertight, of leaf; protects against insects and microbes;
waxy cuticle. transparent to allow sunlight in.
Lower epidermis Thin layer of cells interspersed Guard cells‟ unevenly thickened cell walls
with GUARD CELLS, which absorb water via osmosis and „curve‟ to open
form stomata. the stomata. This allows DIFFUSION and
Spongy mesophyll Loosely and irregularly packed Facilitates diffusion of materials and gaseous
layer of cells with numerous air exchange between the palisade mesophyll and
spaces. stomata.
Cylindrical cells arranged in an upright manner. They contain a large
number of CHLOROPLASTS to facilitate light absorption. This type of
packing creates several long, narrow air spaces.
A “palisade” is a fence, so think of the arrangement as such where there are ‘pickets’ with air-filled gaps
between them with long, narrow areas of contact between the air and the cells.
Chloroplasts are double-membraned organelles that contain inner membranes called LAMELLAE and
sacs called THYLAKOIDS, which are then stacked to form GRANA. These are efficient at trapping
light due to their large surface area. Thylakoid LUMENS aid in production of ATP by holding H+ ions.
1.2: Explain the process of photophosphorylation with respect to photosynthetic electron transport
Let‟s break the word down: Photo (use of light), The concept is, thus, simple:
phosphorylation (adding a phosphate to a Photophosphorylation is a biochemical
compound). process that uses light to attach a phosphate
group to an organic compound.
ADP has two phosphates (diphosphate), while ATP has three (triphosphate). So photophosphorylation
refers to the production of ATP from ADP (by adding a phosphate) using light energy. This energy
enables an ELECTRON to move through a series of ELECTRON CARRIERS to form an
ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN in the chloroplast‟s thylakoids.
Think of that electron as a ball in a pinball machine, zipping around, gradually losing energy. The initial
energy to move this „ball‟ around comes from light particles (photons) being caught by an antenna
complex in a PHOTOSYSTEM, which is a chlorophyll-protein complex in the chloroplast. There are
two such systems, named PSI and PSII.
In some circumstances, PSI generates ATP. It may also generate NADPH (or reduced NADP). NADPH
is an electron donor and reducing agent necessary for photosynthesis. It is easy to confuse it with NAD,
the coenzyme needed for respiration. Think of the “P” in NADP as a link to the word „Photosynthesis‟. A
very important cofactor to make NAD and NADP is Vitamin B3.
Think of these as a series of steps in a metabolic pathway. The main goal is produce ATP from ADP, in
light-dependent reactions. Both involve excited ELECTRONS that break loose from the chlorophyll a
molecule when light hits them, which then pass through an ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN (ETC).
Cyclic Photophosphorylation can be defined as the synthesis of ATP during the light reaction
stage of photosynthesis, resulting to a „cyclic‟ movement of electrons to and from Photosystem I
(PSI). The excited electron „returns‟ to the PSI chlorophyll, and the cycle restarts. This usually
occurs in isolated chloroplasts and photosynthetic bacteria.
Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation can be defined as the synthesis of ATP during the light
reaction stage of photosynthesis in which an electron donor is required and oxygen is produced as
a by-product. The excited electron passes from PSII to PSI. It then replaces any electron lost in
PSI. Instead of PSI producing ATP here, the electrons reduce NADP to NADPH. This process
may be the one more familiar to us, since this usually occurs in green plants.
KEEP IN MIND: Recall that ‘photolysis’ is the splitting of a water molecule to produce oxygen and
hydrogen. H+ ions are released, which reduce NAPD. Electrons are emitted, which return to PSI.
electrons, which are released as they
become “excited” by light.
1.3: Outline the essential stages of the Calvin cycle and light independent fixation of carbon dioxide;
What were two products of photophosphorylation? Remember the goal was to produce ATP and non-
cyclic produces NADPH. And this all required light to excite electrons and occurred in the
In the light-independent stage, the goal is to produce GLUCOSE and other carbohydrates. This occurs in
the STROMA of the chloroplast, because in the stroma is a special enzyme called ribulose biphosphate
carboxylase (referred to as RUBISCO from now on). Rubisco catalyses a reaction to combine carbon
dioxide with a molecule called RuBP. This occurs in the CALVIN CYCLE, shown below.
As you recall, glucose is a 6C sugar (hexose). RuBP is a 5C sugar (pentose), so it needs a carbon from
CO2 to become a hexose. This doesn‟t occur all at once, and must first build some 3C sugars (triose).
Compound Function
NADPH Reduced NADP. A reducing agent for reactions, such as to form G3P.
G3P The first sugar made in photosynthesis, and helps to form sucrose and other
(or triose carbs. These also help reform RuBP molecules to restart Calvin cycle. Formed
phosphate) after reduction of the compound, phosphoglyceric acid (or PGA)
RuBP A 5C sugar in the chloroplast that will eventually take in CO2 to become a 6C
and eventually lead to the formation of glucose.
Rubisco The enzyme in plants that helps combine RuBP with CO2 (carboxylation).
H+ ions Protons. Released during photolysis and helps to form ATP and NADPH.
1.4 & 1.5:Discuss the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis; and discuss how knowledge of these
can be applied to the improvement of plant productivity.
The limitation of any of the above will also limit the rate of photosynthesis. For example, a green plant in
a warm room supplied with carbon dioxide and water will photosynthesise at a high rate during the day
outdoors; however, in a room with dim sunlight, the process will be very limited and occur at a slower
rate. Thus, these are known as LIMITING FACTORS of photosynthesis.
GREENHOUSES can have artificial light so that photosynthesis can continue beyond daylight
hours, or at a higher than normal light intensity. The use of paraffin lamps inside a greenhouse
increases the rate of photosynthesis because the burning paraffin produces carbon dioxide as well as
GROWTH CHAMBERS can also offer precise controls of environmental limiting factors such as
temperature regulation and CO2 concentration for crops sensitive to fluctuating abiotic factors,
such as groundnuts, or in areas prone to drought.
HYDROPONICS are liquid-medium, soil-less systems that plants are sometimes grown
in. Hydroponics allow the grower to optimize mineral ions given to plants. Mineral ions are required
to synthesise other essential molecules from the glucose produced during photosynthesis.
Glycolysis translates to „breaking apart of glucose‟. As glucose is broken down by enzymes in the
CYTOSOL of cells, energy is released. This energy is used to make ATP, the currency of life necessary
for metabolic processes. This breakdown of glucose occurs over a sequence of steps.
Keep in mind this is a simplified depiction. Pay attention to the sections labelled 1 – 3.
2.2: Describe the structure of a mitochondrion, relating its structure to its function
Recall that the goal of glycolysis was to break glucose down into a compound known as PYRUVATE.
Pyruvate is responsible for RESPIRATION after it moves into the mitochondria.
If OXYGEN is sufficient in the cytosol, it converts into Acetyl CoA and enters the Krebs cycle
(discussed later) and AEROBIC respiration can occur. In the absence of oxygen, ANAEROBIC
respiration occurs as pyruvate is broken down into ETHANOL or LACTATE.
Into the
ADP + Pi
Out of the
2.3 – 2.5: State the fate of pyruvate in the cytosol when oxygen is available; explain the significance of
the Krebs cycle in ATP production; and oxidative phosphorylation w.r.t. the electron transport chain
Before we continue, there are going to be some new compounds and terms we‟re going to have to get
acquainted (or re-acquainted) with:
Pyruvate Product of glycolysis. Two are produced. Eventually converted to acetyl CoA.
Coenzyme A (CoA) Helps convert pyruvate to acetyl CoA. Also helps produce citrate.
Acetyl CoA A 2C compound that acts as the „fuel‟ to keep the Krebs cycle going.
Link reaction Process that forms carbon dioxide as pyruvate is converted to Acetyl CoA. Also
called oxidative decarboxylation.
Krebs cycle A series of reactions that generate ATP through the oxidation of acetate.
Oxidative Process where ATP is formed. Occurs as a result of the transfer of electrons from
phosphorylation NADH or FADH2 to O2.
Electron transport A cluster of proteins in the inner mitochondrial membrane that shuttle electrons
chain (ETC) and drives the creation of ATP and water during respiration.
KEEP IN MIND: You can think of NAD and FAD as ‘uncharged batteries’ that become charged after having
accepted hydrogens to become reduced. NADH and FADH2 can then be reoxidized to make ATP molecules.
The link reaction is named as such as it is the intermediate step that „links‟ glycolysis (which produces
pyruvate) to the Krebs cycle (which produces ATP). Another name for it is oxidative decarboxylation
(called that because carbon dioxide is removed during this process). Observe the diagram below.
You can see pyruvate (3C) is losing a carbon due to the removal of carbon dioxide.
Hydrogens are removed as this occurs, which are captured by NAD to reduce it to NADH.
An enzyme known as coenzyme A (or CoA) converts the 2C compound to Acetyl CoA (2C). If
the Krebs cycle was a car, think of Acetyl CoA as the gasoline to keep it going!
So, to put the link reaction and the Krebs cycle step-by-step, so far:
3C pyruvate loses a CO2 to turn into 2C Acetyl CoA, with help from coenzyme A.
When CO2 is removed, NAD accepts a hydrogen and reduces to NADH.
2C Acetyl CoA combines with 4C oxaloacetate to become 6C citrate.
6C citrate becomes a 4C compound after two CO2‟s are removed (which lead to two more
hydrogens being accepted by NAD and two NADH‟s being formed).
ATP is produced now. Only one ATP per cycle like this. This is substrate-level phosphorylation.
As hydrogens are being lost from the 4C compound, FAD is reduced to FADH2. This cycle will
then restart once the 4C compound becomes oxaloacetate again.
FADH2 and NADH can yield ATP if they become FAD and NAD once again if they are oxidized
(lose their hydrogens) again. This is called oxidative phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation can be defined simply: the use of OXYGEN to attach a phosphate group (Pi)
to ADP for it to become ATP.
This is facilitated through an electron transport At the end of the ETC is OXYGEN. Think of
chain, a series of electron carriers and proteins. oxygen completing a „circuit‟, so if oxygen isn‟t
In the ETC, electrons are shuttled from one present, the entire chain is „broken‟ and stops
molecule to another. This releases energy. This working, so no ATP is made.
energy is used to form an electrochemical
gradient (more on this later) and used to make
Remember all those NADH‟s? They once were NAD‟s that caught a hydrogen and became reduced.
When NADH oxidizes and releases this hydrogen (imagine the catcher‟s „tossing‟ out the H+ ion), it turns
back into NAD. This NAD can then be returned to the Krebs cycle to be reused.
It is the electrons‟ journey that we‟ll observe. The electron is passed from carrier to carrier until it
reaches the end of the chain, where there would be a molecule of OXYGEN. Now, remember that as each
carrier loses the electron, it is oxidized and the subsequent carrier that gains the electron is reduced. The
very act of this occurring is what releases energy needed to make ATP.
When the electron reaches the OXYGEN at the end of the ETC, it combines with H+ ions to produce a
WATER (H2O) molecule.
Now let‟s look at a bigger picture of what is happening and let‟s focus on labels 1 – 3:
SIDENOTE: 34 molecules
of ATP are made in
glycolysis, link reaction
and Krebs cycle.
However, 2 ATP were
used up during glycolysis.
1. Electrons from split hydrogen atoms contain energy and are shuttled along carriers in the ETC.
2. Oxygen is the final receptor of the electron. The oxygen, the electron and H+ ions make water.
3. This electron energy helps pump H+ ions through the inner membrane.
4. This creates an electrochemical gradient, where the inner membrane has greater +ve charge than
the matrix, as it now contains more H+ ions.
5. These H+ ions flow back down to the matrix but can only do so via special channels.
6. These channels have ATP synthases attached to them. The flow the H+ ions allows the enzyme
to make ATP.
7. This process CANNOT occur without oxygen, as it is the final destination of the electron.
Let‟s break it down! During oxidative phosphorylation, each NADH yields 2.5 ATP and each FADH2
yields 1.5 ATP.
- Produces two NADH‟s, from the two pyruvates as they convert to acetyl coA‟s.
- Two NADH‟s = 2 x 2.5 = 5 ATP
Krebs cycle
Total max ATP per glucose molecule = 32 ATP + 2 ATP (used during glycolysis) = 34 ATP
2.6: Compare the fate of pyruvate in the absence of oxygen in animals and yeast.
First of all, anaerobic respiration is the release of There is, however, another metabolic pathway
energy without the use of oxygen. Recall that that can take place during GLYCOLYSIS to
without oxygen, the ETC cannot be „completed‟, produce ATP. Remember that glycolysis breaks
and the ETC and oxidative phosphorylation is down glucose into a 3C compound called
the final step of ATP production following the PYRUVATE. In humans, pyruvate can be
link reaction and Krebs cycle. converted to LACTATE (or lactic acid) in the
absence of oxygen.
Anaerobic respiration in humans
In yeast,
NOTE: pyruvate
In yeast, is decarboxylated,
pyruvate releasing
is decarboxylated, releasing
CO , to form ethanal before forming ethanol.
CO2, to form ethanal before forming ethanol.
Aerobic Anaerobic
Processes involved Glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs Glycolysis, fermentation.
cycle, oxidative phosphorylation Decarboxylation of pyruvate to ethanal.
Net ATP gained per glucose 32 2
Max ATP gained per glucose 34 4
Products formed Carbon dioxide and water Yeast – Ethanol and Carbon dioxide
Bacteria and humans - Lactate
The collective dynamic of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors within an environment is known
as an ECOSYSTEM. Most ecosystems are stable, unless there is some sort of external interference.
These can include any of the following:
Above, we observe the interlinking of multiple food chains. This is called a food web. It is important to
note that the arrows in both chain and web point to the organism that does the feeding. High food web
complexity is usually an indicator of high biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Observing such a food
web, let‟s browse through a few scenarios:
3. An insecticide is dumped into the bay and assimilated into benthic invertebrates.
Certain insecticides or pollutants can increase in concentration as they taken up into
organisms with greater mass (biomagnification). The sea ducks and the bald eagle would
become poisoned and potentially die, causing ripple effects in multiple other populations,
such as bivalves, tundra swans, osprey and large piscivorous fish.
It is important to remember that due to the law of conservation of energy, that energy cannot be „created
nor destroyed‟. So energy is not actually „lost‟, but instead converted and transferred out of organisms due
to metabolic processes.
If we imagine a leaf comes into contact with 100 units of solar energy, only about 40 of those units will be
absorbed by chloroplasts and chlorophyll as stored chemical energy. The „lost‟ 60 units are reflected or miss the
chloroplasts altogether.
Of the 40 units that are actually absorbed, about 10 units is utilized for photosynthesis to make glucose. This is
known as the leaf‟s GPP or GROSS PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY.
However, since energy is required for respiration to carry out the process of photosynthesis, even more energy is lost
(about 4 units). So only about 6 units has been converted to sugars and stored as biomass out of that 100 that
made contact with the leaf, and out of the 40 that was absorbed by chlorophyll. This 6 units is known as the NPP or
Pyramids in the topic of ecology are ways to visually conceptualize information, similar to a bar graph or
line graph. They usually sort information based on data collected from ecosystems with regards to
population numbers and feeding relationships and sorts this data along trophic levels. Therein lies several
1. Population numbers are never static. They are dynamic or always changing, so collecting a true
number of organisms is quite difficult, no matter the collection method (e.g. quadrats, transects,
sweep nets, etc.). Organisms will have to be observed for a very long time in their habitats.
2. Organisms can occupy more than one trophic level simultaneously.
3. Feeding relationships may be affected by season or time of year.
Nevertheless, pyramids are suitable for representing data on a large-scale basis. Let‟s see how this is done
based on the table below, with regard to a PYRAMID OF NUMBERS, which simply represents the
number of organisms that fall within each trophic level:
A PYRAMID OF BIOMASS would account for the total mass of a population or trophic level
occupying a certain area of the environment. Biomass is thus measured in g m-2. A single poui tree would
have greater biomass than the entire ant population within it.
Term Definition
Gross Primary Productivity The total quantity of useful chemical energy (in plant tissues) converted
(GPP) from energy from sunlight.
Net Primary Productivity The quantity of useful chemical energy converted from energy from
= GPP – R.
Various ecosystems will differ in NPP due to the area and type of vegetation and tree cover. For example,
a desert will have a very low NPP due to the scarcity of green plants, while a tropical rainforest will
have a very high NPP as it has a great amount of leaf cover to capture sunlight.
C: 383 − 67 = 316
Observe the diagram and table below with relation to THE NITROGEN CYCLE:
Component Notes
N2 (atmosphere) Nitrogen gas occupies 78% of the atmosphere. It has a triple covalent bond,
making it unreactive in this state in both plants and animals.
Nitrogen-fixing These „fix‟ N2 and convert the gas into a more reactive form, such as a nitrate or
bacteria ammonium, using hydrogen and ATP in anaerobic conditions. The most common
of this bacteria is RHIZOBIUM, which live in legume root nodules (e.g. peas).
Lightning Nitrogen fixation can also occur in the atmosphere when lightning provides
energy to combine nitrogen and oxygen to form nitrogen oxides. This can also be
done synthetically by using the HABER PROCESS.
Nitrifying bacteria Ammonium tends to be formed during decomposition (and decayed, fallen
leaves) and as urea in animal urine. Nitrifying bacteria can convert this
ammonium to a nitrite and then into a useable nitrate. Examples of this bacteria
include Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.
Nitrate (NO3-) Considered the type of nitrogen that a plant would absorb and assimilate into its
cells to form larger molecules such as amino acids and nucleic acids.
Denitrifying Does the reverse of nitrogen fixation, turning nitrates back into nitrogen gas and
bacteria returns it to the atmosphere, thus restarting the cycle.
3.4: Explain how energy flow and nutrient cycling are important to ecosystems.
Nutrients move within the ecosystem in biogeochemical cycles. A chemical element moves through the
biotic and the abiotic components of an ecosystem. These include: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
and others, such as sulphur and phosphorus. These elements can be fixed into organisms, such as
carbon being fixed into green plants during photosynthesis, or nitrogen into legume root nodules by
All of these cycles are driven by ENERGY FLOW. Energy flowing through the ecosystem originates
from the Sun, which is captured by chlorophyll to make food. This food is then consumed by
heterotrophs. Both autotrophs and heterotrophs eventually die and decompose. Decomposer bacteria and
fungi allow nutrients from the cells of these organisms to return to an INORGANIC NUTRIENT POOL
in the soil and atmosphere, ready to be taken up by plants once more.
Energy flow is referred to as a „flow‟ as none of the energy is cycled (unlike nutrients). Energy does not
return to its source (the Sun). During each step where biotic factors (producers, consumers and
decomposers) are involved, HEAT is always transferred out to the atmosphere due to respiration and
A note on decomposers
It should also be noted that the removal of dead material can be done by numerous organisms, but
decomposers are the only ones that break down dead organic matter into inorganic matter.
Detritus feeders (or detritivores) are larger organisms, such as earthworms and maggots, digest
and metabolize dead material.
Even larger are carrion feeders (or scavengers), which eat large quantities of dead organic
matter. These include vultures and hyenas.
Ecosystems are complex networks that consist of interactions between biotic and abiotic factors:
Left: Marshy area in Aripo Savannah; Middle: Student (J. Awong) in open savannah
Right: (Top) A parasitic Cassytha vine. (Bottom) A carnivorous sundew plant (Drosera capillaris)
For the CAPE Unit 2 syllabus, you are required to describe a model ecosystem. In this manual, that
ecosystem will be the Aripo Scientific Reserve.
The Aripo Reserve is situated has contains numerous biomes, including an open savannah and a marsh
forest. In the savannah, the topography is very flat with small depressions caused by the burrowing of
earthworms and termites. Since it is situated in a tropical climate, there is a high annual rainfall
average of 2500mm, a stable medium-high temperature of 20 – 25oC, and a high humidity more than
50%. Since the open savannah has a constant high wind speed, it promotes rapid evaporation and
transpiration in the plants. Grass growth is sparse in areas of acidic pH caused by domestic runoff.
Since the soil mostly consists of low-drainage clay and has an impermeable clay layer at the surface, the
land becomes easily flooded during the rainy season. The small depressions act as irrigation channels,
which lead to soil becoming very dry, leading to water supply shortages to plants. Plants, as a result, have
adapted to have XEROPHYTIC characteristics, such as reduced leaves and succulent tissues to retain
water. Some of their roots have bulbs that store water. They also have stilted roots to keep them anchored
during flooding.
In terms of biotic factors, the Aripo Reserve contains over 250 species of plants, including many grasses,
shrubs, mosses, orchids and tall woody trees. These plants exhibit numerous facets of symbiosis.
Parasitic orange love vines (Cassytha) lack chlorophyll and thus must sap nutrients from other plants,
harming them. Commensalistic epiphytes grow atop the woody trees to obtain sunlight. A common
example of mutualism would be the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria that live in the nodules of
leguminous plants. Carnivory is observed in sundew plants, which trap and digest insects.
Fauna in the Aripo Reserve include grass mice, agouti, opossum, numerous birds, insects and reptiles,
such as iguanas, frogs and lizards. These exhibit typical feeding relationships.
Human interference in the Reserve include squatting, quarrying, agricultural and industrial runoff,
poachers setting fires, and illegal removal of timber from Galba trees and cocorite palms.
4.2 – 4.4: Explain the concept of biodiversity & discuss the importance of the maintenance of
biodiversity; and how species diversity is related to ecosystem stability
Biodiversity is a difficult factor to quantify, but we can think of it as being an amalgamation of three
1. Species diversity
2. Genetic diversity
3. Ecosystem diversity
Species diversity refers to the variety of different species found within a biome. For example, it can
refer to the members of communities in a pond, such as different species of algae, weeds, mosses,
plankton, snails, small fishes, frogs and so on. Tropical regions tend to have a high species diversity due
to the high rainfall, humidity and light intensity, which all result in high tree density. A limitation of
species diversity, however, only accounts for presence of species, not abundance.
Genetic diversity refers to the variation of genetic information within the populations. Great
population numbers usually indicate high genetic diversity. Recall that having selective pressures,
isolation mechanisms and high rates of outbreeding increase the size of the gene pool and number of
favourable alleles (less deleterious alleles). As a result, a species is more likely to resist pathogens and
negative environmental consequences, raising chances of survival. Recall Galapagos finches and
peppered moths.
Ecosystem diversity refers to the variations in ecosystems in a defined geographical area. For
example, the Aripo Reserve consists of multiple ecosystems, including the open savannah, a palm marsh
and a marsh forest. It is also held within a watershed that sits between the Aripo and Quare Rivers.
Having all of these different biomes adjacent to each other encourages intermingling of species and a
„choice‟ of abiotic factors that encourage survival.
Ecosystem stability refers to the ecosystem‟s resilience and ability to return to a normal state after being
negatively impacted. Think of it as an ecosystem overcoming „selective pressures‟. A good example
would be a grassland being able to regrow most of its vegetation after a period of drought.
It is said that HIGH SPECIES DIVERSITY increases ecosystem stability, as less species are prone to
migrating from or becoming extinct in that ecosystem after a disturbance, such as a disease or catastrophe.
More members of populations would be able to survive, especially if there is also HIGH GENETIC
DIVERSITY among the individuals. As a result, perturbations in the food web should be minimal over
time and chances are greater for a return to equilibrium.
If a single species dies out or migrates, this could affect the entire food web and feeding relationships
among many organisms in that ecosystem, making it unstable.
It is important to maintain biodiversity for a number of reasons; intrinsic (ethical or existence values),
direct (known economic use) and indirect (unknown economic use). These include:
Reason Notes
Ecological stability Discussed on previous page. Maintaining a high species diversity will promote
(intrinsic) greater chances of ecological recovery after negative impacts.
Protecting endemic Certain species can only be found in single locations (endemic), such as the pawi
species (intrinsic) and El Tucuche golden tree frog in Trinidad. If these or their habitats are not
protected, they will go extinct.
Tourism Coral reefs, safaris and nature trails tend to attract tourists from which countries
earn revenue.. Money can be made from nature tours.
Aesthetic Nature itself is a source of relaxation and beauty for visitors. Many people take
joy in knowing that various species simply exist in their natural habitats.
Scientific value and Researchers tend to observe ecosystems and organisms as models for medicine
research (indirect) and technology. Velcro was modelled after burrs sticking to clothing; Trinidad
guppies and Anolis lizards are frequently observed as evolution models; and
certain antibiotics have been extracted from tropical fungi; genes from daffodils
were spliced into rice plants to make Vitamin A-rich Golden Rice.
Raw materials By having good preservation and restorative practices (such as reafforestation),
(direct) raw materials such as timber can be easily obtained without great disturbances to
Flood prevention Removal of trees and vegetation leaves soils exposed and waterlogged after
(indirect) periods of rainfall. This can lead to floods and soil erosion, further decimating
habitats and depriving man of natural resources.
Bequest value When a generation places importance on preserving biodiversity so that future
(intrinsic) generations may be able to experience it.
4.5: Explain how in situ and ex situ conservation methods are used to maintain biodiversity.
- In situ conservation
- Ex situ conservation
In situ conservation means conservation which Ex situ conservation means conservation which
takes place on-site. The major aim of this type of takes place off-site. In this method of
conservation is to preserve natural habitats of the conservation, sampling, shifting, storage and
organisms and maintain their number. This type preservation of target species is carried out
of conservation includes designation, managing outside the natural habitat of the organisms.
and supervise the target species. Examples Examples include:
National parks (e.g. Yosemite and Botanic Gardens
Sequioa) Seed banks and pollen storage
Wildlife reserves and sanctuaries (e.g. In vitro storage for sperm & embryos
Aripo) Captive breeding programmes
In situ Ex situ
Involves natural habitats, so it is cheaper and Usually used when natural habitats have been
allows for the process of adaptation and evolution. destroyed, or species has been in rapid decline.
Usually does not have any issues with breeding or Since organisms are in man-controlled
reproduction, though inbreeding may be possible environments, abiotic factors such as light intensity
with plants. and temperature may affect courtship behaviours if
not regulated, e.g. for seasonal organisms.
No technology utilized for medical aid, organism Organisms can have long lifespans due to access to
health or to maximize reproductive success. medical aid and security.
Requires large areas of space. Requires smaller areas, though this may affect
organism behaviour.
1.1 & 1.2: Explain the uptake of ions by active transport in roots & describe the entry of water into plant
roots in terms of water potential.
Transpiration is simply defined as the movement of water through a plant and evaporation through
its above-ground parts, such as the stomata of leaves.
Inorganic ions such as nitrates and magnesium (for growth and chlorophyll production) are also taken up
by the roots along with water molecules. While water is taken up through osmosis, inorganic ions are
taken up into the cytoplasm from the soil through active transport or facilitated diffusion.
Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots, increasing the
Water moves into the root hairs from the soil rates of both these processes.
via osmosis. The water then moves from cell to
cell along the permeable cell walls (the
apoplast pathway) or through the cytoplasm
(the symplast pathway). More on that later.
Water diffuses from cell to cell down a water potential gradient until it gets to the xylem vessels at the
centre of the root. This can occur along two pathways, shown in the diagram and in the table below:
Another thing to note is the way active transport affects rate of osmosis in the endodermis.
Recall that the endodermis is loaded with transport proteins for inorganic ions. As ions are actively transported from
the endodermis to the xylem (4 to 5 in the diagram), it reduces the water potential in the xylem. This steepens the
water potential gradient and facilitates faster movement of water molecules into the xylem from the endodermis.
This contributes to a „force‟ that pushes the water into and along the xylem called ROOT PRESSURE.
1.3 & 1.4: Relate the structure of xylem vessels to their function & explain the ascent of water in plants.
As water molecules move into the leaf and leaves the stomata
as water vapour, there is a tiny „pull‟ that occurs as each
molecule exits, pulling the transpiration stream higher and
higher up the stem. This is known as TRANSPIRATIONAL
If the guard cells are not filled, they become flaccid and no
diffusion of water occurs.
Factor Notes
Temperature More kinetic energy in the water molecules would lead to a faster flow of the
transpirational stream, especially as rates of evaporation increase.
Light intensity Some plants close stomata at night (as they cannot photosynthesize at night), so water
molecules cannot escape during that time.
Humidity High humidity reduces transpirational rates, as it reduces the water potential gradient
between the atmosphere and leaf. Low humidity increases transpiration.
Air movements If there is moderate to high humidity, wind can allow pockets of air saturated with water
vapour to move away from the stomata, steepening the water potential gradient.
Plant anatomy Size and number of leaves; presence of hair on stomata; thickness of a waxy cuticle
contribute to rate of transpiration.
2.1: Relate the structure of sieve tubes and companion cells to their function
Where two sieve tube elements meet, a sieve plate is formed. A sieve plate is a perforated disc with many sieve
pores. Sieve plates facilitate mass flow through the phloem, and the pores may also reduce resistance by increasing
the pressure through them.
Observe the micrographs of the phloem, & the table of comparisons between the xylem and
2.2: Explain how phloem loading in the leaves occurs against a concentration gradient
Unlike the xylem, the phloem is bidirectional, meaning that flow can over
either up or down the stem. This is determined by the location of sources
and sinks.
3.1: Describe the structure of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, erythrocytes, and leucocytes, relating
their structures to their functions
The circulatory system is comprised of the heart, which acts as a pump; blood vessels, which act as a
connected pipe network; and blood, which acts the transport medium.
Only complex multicellular organisms require circulatory systems due to their high activity and metabolic
levels, requiring a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues for respiration. These types
of organisms are said to exhibit a low surface area to volume ratio, unlike protozoans and insects.
The structure of the human heart can be seen below, as well as descriptions of some main segments:
Segment Function
Vena cava Carries deoxygenated from the body
cells into the heart.
Aorta Carries oxygenated blood away from
the heart to the body cells.
Pulmonary Carries deoxygenated blood away from
artery the heart and to the lungs.
Pulmonary Carries re-oxygenated blood to the heart
vein back from the lungs.
Valves Open and close to prevent backflow of
Septum Separates the left and right halves.
Left ventricle Muscle-dense region of heart
responsible for pumping blood to aorta.
Notable about the mammalian circulatory system is that it is considered a double circulatory system. What this means
is that the blood enters and exits the heart twice per cycle:
When the heart pumps to and receives blood from the lungs. (Pulmonary circulation)
When the heart pumps to and receives blood from the body. (Systemic circulation)
Blood always flows in a unidirectional manner through the chambers of the heart (the upper atria and lower
ventricles). To facilitate this, valves are present. They prevent backflow. There are two types: atrioventricular
(tricuspid and bicuspid/mitral) and semi-lunar (pulmonary and aortic). These synchronize to allow blood to flow in
one direction.
There are three main blood vessels in the circulatory system: arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries and
veins have muscular layers around them all prefixed tunica, with the tunica externa (outer), tunica media
(middle) and tunica intima (inner, smooth endothelial tissue).
Arteries are thick-walled vessels with small lumens. They always transport blood away from the
heart to body cells. They have a thick tunica media, consisting of elastic fibres, and thick tunica
externa, consisting of collagen. As a result, they are able to withstand high pressures. The main
artery is the aorta. Coronary arteries supply the heart muscles with oxygen.
Veins are thinner-walled vessels with large lumens that will collapse if blood were to stop
flowing through them. They always transport blood towards the heart from the body cells. The
main veins are the superior and inferior vena cava.
Capillaries are very narrow blood vessels that surround tissues and organs. They have a single
layer of endothelial cells that facilitate rapid diffusion. Red blood cells flow through these in
single file.
Blood is comprised of numerous cells, which makes it a tissue. These cells are transported via a yellow
liquid known as plasma, consisting of proteins, and dissolved nutrients and nitrogenous waste products in
water. Any cell that does not receive blood will eventually undergo necrosis (death).
The cells include red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leucocytes) and platelets
(thrombocytes). In Module 3, the topic of Immunology delves more into leucocyte actions.
The following are examples and images of these cells in the blood:
Platelet Helps form blood Small fragments that have broken off
(thrombocyte) clots to slow and from bone marrow cells.
stop bleeding as a Activates enzymes and clotting factors
response to that eventually convert soluble
injury. fibrinogen in the plasma to insoluble
fibrin, to eventually form a scab.
3.2 - 3: Explain the cardiac cycle & its initiation & discuss the internal factors that control heart action.
The cardiac cycle refers to the sequence of events that comprises one heartbeat.
As we know, the heart has two „thumps‟ per beat, the second one „louder‟ than the other. These two
events or „thumps‟ are referred to as
Systole – Contraction of atria or ventricles, causing atrioventricular (AV) blood flow, or blood
flow out of the heart (into the arteries). Think “S” in systole as „stress‟ or „squeezing‟ blood out.
Diastole – Relaxation of atria and ventricles, allowing blood to flow into the heart to refill the
chambers. Think “D” in diastole as the heart „dilating‟ or „de-stressing‟.
This can be further broken down into these events, as shown on the table. Imagine the cycle starts when
the upper chambers (atria) of the heart are already filled with blood:
Although the shape of the graph above is quite complex, there are only a few things we have to focus on.
First of all, observe the periods of systole and diastole shown. You‟ll see that the pressure has a steep increase during
ventricular systole, mostly due to the density of the cardiac muscle in the left ventricle. Recall that this pressure has
to be high enough to pump blood through to the aorta to the arteries and body cells. This is why aortic pressure
increases at this point as well.
Also keep in mind that these valves (semi-lunar and AV) are open and closed due to changes in pressure. Note the
pressure values 120/80 mm Hg. This is the typical systolic and diastolic pressure respectively.
Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per minute. Think of it as a combination
of heart rate (HR), which is the number of cycles per minute, and stroke volume (SV), which is the
amount of blood pumped per cycle.
Factor Description
O2 and CO2 Physical activity stimulates increased oxygenated blood flow. The oxygen deficiency in
concentrations cells results in the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates (widens) arterioles,
allowing increased blood flow and cardiac output.
High carbon dioxide concentrations can increase rate of heart beat, as well. These
concentrations are detected by chemoreceptors in arteries.
Parasympathetic During exercise, carotid (brain) artery walls may swell, stimulating baroreceptors
nerves („stretch‟ receptors) to send signals along the vagus nerve to the brain. This lowers
cardiac output to avoid overexertion.
Sympathetic Conversely, during exercise, sympathetic nerves will stimulate SAN and AVN to
nerves increase heart rate.
Adrenaline Works the same as sympathetic nerves, except the hormone stimulates adrenoreceptors
(hormonal receptors) to achieve the stimulatory effect on SAN and AVN.
We would‟ve learned by now that blood pressure is influenced by cardiac output (which is influenced by
nervous and hormonal activity), as well as blood vessel structure.
Vessels with small lumens such as arteries have high pressures. If that lumen becomes smaller, such as
due to the build-up of plaques (caused by „bad cholesterol‟), pressure becomes even higher. If diastolic
pressure becomes persistently high, this condition is known as HYPERTENSION.
Factor Explanation
Exercise Explained above. Stimulation of nitric oxide allows increased blood flow.
Cigarette smoking Tobacco contains nicotine, which constricts vessels and makes lumens smaller. They
also contain nitric oxides.
Adrenaline Explained above. Released during stress or excitement, which raises blood pressure.
Atherosclerosis The accumulation of LDL‟s (low density lipoproteins) in arterial lumens reduces the
area of the passageway for blood flow. Discussed further in Module 3.
3.5 – 3.7: Explain the role of haemoglobin in O2 and CO2 transport; describe oxygen dissociation curves
for adult haemoglobin; and explain the significance of the effect of O2 on oxygen dissociation curves
Haemoglobin (Hb) is a protein found in red Oxygen is faster picked up than carbon dioxide,
blood cells. It has a quaternary structure so it is said to have a higher affinity for
consisting of two alpha-chains and two-beta haemoglobin.
chains. These four sub-units each have
prosthetic haem groups, each with an iron Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke and car
molecule. exhaust has an extremely high affinity for
haemoglobin, so much that it binds for
Each of these iron molecules can bind an oxygen dangerously prolonged periods of time (forming
molecule, meaning that up to four oxygen carboxyhaemoglobin) and prevents oxygen
molecules can be bound by one haemoglobin from binding. This most likely will result in
molecule. When these oxygens are bound, it is asphyxiation and death.
now referred to as oxyhaemoglobin (HbO2).
When oxygen is picked up in the lungs and
transported to body cells, the oxygen is then
„released‟ from the haemoglobin. It is said to
have dissociated from it.
Also notable about haemoglobin molecules is that they exhibit a characteristic called positive
cooperativity. This means that it may take a certain amount of oxygen concentration to bind one oxygen
molecule, but as soon as that happens, there is a greater chance to bind the 2nd molecule, an even greater
one for the 3rd and the greatest for the 4th. So haemoglobin takes the shortest time to bind the final oxygen
molecule when it already has the other three bound to it.
This is because haemoglobin experiences conformational changes (also known as an allosteric effect)
with each successive binding of oxygen. The quaternary structure of the protein subtly changes to
accommodate each new molecule. Think of the haemoglobin molecule as one of those blooming tea balls
or compressed tissue towels that exponentially opens up more and more as it absorbs water.
Previously, we said that haemoglobin has a relatively high affinity for oxygen, meaning that oxygen
molecules will readily bind the haem groups when placed together. However, this only occurs when the
oxygen concentration is high enough. The main place where this binding occurs is in the alveoli. Since air
is a mixture of various gases, this value of just oxygen concentration is referred to as a partial pressure.
When partial pressures are high (such as in the alveoli), there is a greater percentage saturation of the
haemoglobin (more O2 bound to haemoglobin). When partial pressures are low (such as in respiring
muscle tissue), there is a lower percentage saturation of the haemoglobin.
Keep in mind that oxygen levels in haemoglobin are lower around body tissues because oxygen
dissociates from it to be taken up and used for aerobic respiration. There is also a certain amount of
oxygen that is never taken up into the haemoglobin. This is known as dead space.
The curve „shifts‟ to the left if CO2 levels are low (as in the
lungs), allowing more O2 to be taken up.
TS of carotid artery
Homeostasis is defined as the regulation of the body‟s internal environment in response to stimuli.
This response is called feedback. Feedback can occur in two ways:
Negative feedback, which attempts to reverse the change to a set point to achieve equilibrium
(e.g. when blood glucose levels are too high, insulin is released to convert glucose to glycogen).
Positive feedback, which reinforces the change that has happened and allows the process to
continue (e.g. during childbirth, uterus contractions occur due to continued release of the
hormone, oxytocin. Action potentials in nerves are propagated through continuous reactions.)
There are many factors that are controlled in homeostatic processes, including body temperature, water-
salt levels and blood pH. If these factors were to reach extremes, they would have severe effects on
metabolic functions. For example, in high temperatures, enzymes can denature, and in low temperatures,
not enough kinetic energy is available to initiate chemical reactions.
Therefore, these factors usually have an optimal value, called a set point. For example, the set point for
body temperature is 37.5 oC. Temperature is monitored by cells called receptors (or detectors) typically
on the skin. These transport electrical signals to a regulator, which in this case, is the hypothalamus.
The point of the negative feedback system is to achieve homeostatic equilibrium. It is important to keep in mind
that hormones act a lot more slowly than electrical impulses from the nervous system. So, for factors such as blood
glucose level, there is a delay between detection, regulation and action from the effector.
As a result, there is a never a fixed return to set value. Instead, it hovers around a range as many factors are being
regulated simultaneously. This is referred to as a dynamic mechanism. However, if a regulator or control centre is
damaged, there won‟t be a return to a set point, possibly leading to disease of death.
Glands are tissues or organs that secrete a substance. There are two types:
They can act on cells in the vicinity or on distant target cells that
have receptors specific to the hormone. Hormones influence the
metabolic activities of cells and act as chemical messengers.
Observe the diagram below, which displays a layout of a few glands and their secreted hormones. Note
that some of these hormones are for supplementary knowledge:
4.3: Explain how insulin and glucagon regulate blood glucose concentration
Insulin and glucagon are two hormones secreted by the pancreas by a group of cells called the islets of
Langerhans. These can be sub-divided into α-cells and β-cells. β-cells secrete insulin in response rise in
blood glucose level. α cells secrete glucagon when blood glucose drops. Both cells act as receptors.
Insulin is required to transport glucose from the Glucose, however, is a large molecule and
bloodstream into cells‟ cytoplasm. Glucose is cannot diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer.
one of the raw materials for aerobic respiration It relies on transport proteins that will only
and production of ATP. „open‟ if insulin binds to one of its receptors.
In liver cells, it is a little different. No GLUT4 protein is necessary. Liver cells have insulin receptors on
their plasma membranes, and two particular enzymes, glucokinase and glycogen synthase. Glucokinase
phosphorylates glucose and moves it into the cell. Glycogen synthase, as you can guess, converts glucose
into glycogen.
Glucagon is mainly required to increase blood glucose
levels. It can do this by breaking down stored glycogen
(usually in the liver), or by converting other compounds
such as lipids and amino acids into glucose (a process
called gluconeogenesis). You may have heard of the
latter occurring during starvation and muscle loss.
Observe the diagram above. Step by step, this is happening: A note on G-proteins and cAMP
1) Glucagon in the blood binds to a protein-coupled receptor on the G-proteins are complexes that act as
liver cell‟s plasma membrane. signal transducers, broken off from
larger proteins. Think of the process as
2) The protein is hydrolysed and „breaks off‟ a fragment, called a G- the „parent protein‟ sending the „child
protein, that acts as a molecular switch. This fragment completes protein‟ to relay instructions to an
a molecule of an enzyme called cyclase. enzyme or another factor.
3) Cyclase converts ATP into cyclic AMP (cAMP). cAMP‟s function can be likened to a
piece of mRNA, but messaging
4) cAMP then helps break glycosidic bonds in glycogen to form instructions for reactions than for
glucose. making proteins.
4.4: Discuss the commercial use made of ethylene in supplying market-ready fruit..
When a fruit ripens, it means that its internal components have fully developed. These include seeds,
which are sometimes eaten by animals and dispersed via their faeces, where they grow into new plants.
This process is advantageous to those species of plants as it reduces competition, introduces them to new
habitats and encourages adaptation.
Increase in edibility – The fruit attains characteristics for easy consumption, including the
breakdown of cell walls to soften its texture, the increase in sweetness (due to complex sugars
hydrolysing into simpler ones, such as sucrose) and the production of aromatic compounds, that
instill scent and flavour.
Change in colour – Fruits become brighter in colour (e.g. bananas turn yellow, cherries turn
bright red) due to the conversion of the fruit‟s green chloroplasts to coloured chromoplasts. This
makes the fruit more attractive to animals (including humans at the marketplace) and more likely
to be consumed.
Many vendors prefer pick bananas while they‟re unripe as they‟re tougher
(cellulose is still intact) and easier to transport in this state. Also, even one
ripe banana in the bunch can prematurely ripen the others, giving the
vendor little control over sales strategy.
The graph shows that as ethylene production increases (from Day 2 to 3), there is a steep increase in the
evolution of carbon dioxide from fruit tissues due to increased rate of respiration. Both ethylene and CO2
concentrations reach a peak around Day 4. This is when the fruit has completely ripened.
After this point, CO2 levels drop due to a reduction in metabolic activity after the ripening process has
ceased. At the same time, ethylene concentration has „plateaued‟, meaning that it is still being released
and can influence the ripening of other fruits around it. However, the quality of a fruit declines after this
point, which will eventually result in cell death.
Certain factors also influence this process, including humidity, temperature and oxygen concentration.
5.1 & 5.2: Explain the need to remove nitrogenous and other excretory products from the body; &
describe the gross structure of the kidney and detailed structure of the nephron and blood vessels
If waste products from metabolic reactions are allowed to accumulate in tissues, they will become toxic.
These waste products include carbon dioxide, excess water and urea. The removal of these products from
the body is called excretion (also recall that egestion is the removal of non-metabolic waste, such as
Urea is the main waste product
formed during the process of
deamination, which is the removal of
the amino (NH2) group when an
amino acid is broken down. The other
parts of the amino acid (the carboxyl
group, the R group and the hydrogen)
go on to form ketone bodies, which
are then used in gluconeogenesis. You
may be familiar with this if you‟ve
ever read about extremely low-carb
„keto diets‟.
As seen in the diagram above, the amino group is extracted to form the very toxic ammonia. In the liver
cells, in a process called the ornithine cycle, ammonia, with the help of ATP, combines with carbon
dioxide to eventually form urea. Urea has a lower toxicity and though less soluble, can be easily
transported in the blood plasma.
Nephrons are kidney sub-units consisting of capsules, tubules and ducts. They are responsible for these
- Ultrafiltration – A build-up of capillary pressure forces small molecules in the capsules of the
nephron into the tubules. These small molecules include water, glucose, sodium chloride and
urea. Together, they form a filtrate.
- Selective reabsorption – Certain nutrients (e.g. glucose) are removed from the filtrate and
transported back into the bloodstream, leaving only the components of urine in the filtrate (e.g.
urea and water) to be excreted.
- Osmoregulation – With the help of the hormone, ADH, permeability of collecting ducts are
affected dependent on body water levels and temperature. Water can be conserved in the blood
this way.
Though typically
not depicted in the
diagrams for
simplicity, kidney
nephrons are
entwined with
These facilitate
rapid transfer of
materials away from
the nephron filtrate
(reabsorption) and
into it (secretion).
The diagram above shows the basic layout and functions segments of a renal nephron. It includes:
Glomerulus – A cluster of blood vessels that filters blood to the Bowman‟s capsule.
Bowman‟s (or glomerular) capsule – A cup-like sac that accepts the filtrate from glomerulus.
Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) – Site of selective reabsorption.
Loop of Henle – Regulates the fluid and ion composition of the filtrate.
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) – Connects the loop to the collecting duct.
Collecting duct – Responds to ADH by increasing wall permeability, allowing water to be
reabsorbed. Transports urine to the renal pelvis and ureter.
5.3 & 5.4: Explain the function of the kidney in terms of excretion and osmoregulation; & discuss the
clinical significance of the presence of glucose and protein in the urine.
Now that we‟ve seen the basic layout of a kidney nephron, we‟re now going to delve into the complex
processes that occur in each segment.
In the Glomerulus and Bowman‟s Capsule
As this occurs, glucose can be carried with these More than half of the water exits the PCT during this selective
Na+ ions against the concentration gradient in a reabsorption. Surprisingly, dissolved urea can also diffuse out
symport process. Think of it as Na+ opening a of the PCT, as well. Any filtrate that hasn‟t been reabsorbed
door for glucose to go along with it. now flows to the Loop of Henle.
In the Loop of Henle 55
Due to the reduced water potential in the surrounding cells, osmosis now occurs, allowing water to flow from the
descending limb to these cells and then into the capillaries, thus conserving water needed for metabolic reactions
and cooling. At the base of the loop, the solute concentration is very high inside and out of the tube.
This is also facilitated by the fact that the walls of descending limb is permeable. The ascending limb‟s walls are
impermeable, so no water is lost here.
The role of ADH is to aid in water reabsorption into the bloodstream and osmoregulation. ADH interacts with the
plasma membranes of the collecting duct walls. If ADH is present in high amounts, water-transporting proteins called
aquaporins move from the cytoplasm to line the duct‟s walls (similar to insulin‟s effect on GLUT4), increasing
permeability to water and facilitating transport of water out of the duct. This water will possibly be used to form sweat.
If ADH is in low amounts, no aquaporins will be present on the walls, so water is kept in the ducts and eventually excreted
with the urine. This urine will be in larger volumes and quite diluted (or „clear‟ in colour).
In low water potentials (or hot temperatures) In high water potentials (or low temperatures)
ADH secretion stimulated. ADH secretion suppressed.
Collecting duct walls increase permeability. Collecting duct walls remain impermeable to water.
Aquaporins bind to surface membrane. No aquaporins on surface membrane.
Water flows out of collecting duct. Water remains in collecting duct.
Small volume of concentrated urine. Large volume of dilute urine.
Recall that urine is only supposed to comprise water, salts and urea. If any other solutes are present in a
urine sample, then this is an indication of an issue or disease of the kidneys or cardiovascular system.
These include:
Though kidney tissue may be almost indiscernible in a light microscope due to high density and proximity of the
nephrons, here are a few things to help with labels:
This particular topic is quite complex and introduces many new concepts. For ease, let‟s familiarize or re-
familiarize ourselves with some terms:
Term Definition
Neurone The fundamental cell of the nervous system. They are able to receive sensory
input (sensory neurones), enact responses from muscles or glands (motor
neurones) or connect the two (relay neurones).
Nerve A tissue consisting of a group of neurones.
Dorsal root ganglia A group of cell bodies that transmits sensory input to roots of spinal nerves.
Dendron A branch-like extension of a neurone that propagates impulses received from
other neurones. Smaller branches are called dendrites.
Axon Long part of the neurone along which impulses are conducted.
Myelin A protein wrapped around axons that acts as an insulator and also helps
speed up transmission of impulses by saltatory conduction.
Schwann cell Cells that „wrap‟ around axons to produce a myelin sheath.
Node of Ranvier A gap in the myelin sheath, between adjacent Schwann cells.
Stimulus A detectable change that produces a response in an organism.
Sodium-potassium A protein located in many cells that creates an electrochemical gradient by
pump „exporting‟ 3 sodium ions for every 2 potassium ions „imported‟. This means
the inside of a cell is negative and outside is positive.
Resting potential The state of a neuron relative to its surroundings when not stimulated or
involved in passage of an impulse. Its electrical potential is usually -70mV.
Action potential The change in electrical potential that results in the passage of an impulse
along a neurone, e.g. to experience touch or move a muscle.
Threshold potential The critical electrical potential where a stimulus occurs, but an action
potential has failed to generate, e.g. a very gentle touch.
Depolarization The shift in electrical charge of a neurone to initiate or propagate an
electrical impulse.
Refractory period A period when the electrical potential has a more negative value than resting
potential, causing a delay in the subsequent action potential. Occurs during
the phase of hyperpolarization.
Synapse The junction between two neurones by which impulses may only pass with
the aid of a chemical neurotransmitter.
Acetylcholine (ACh) A neurotransmitter used at neuro-muscular junctions (motor neurones).
Synapses that contain them are referred to as cholinergic.
Acetylcholinesterase An enzyme that rapidly breaks down acetylcholine to stop transmission of an
(AChE) impulse at a synapse.
We‟ve established that the nervous system uses electrical impulses as very rapid messengers of sensory
input from receptor cells, and carrying instructions to muscles or glands (effectors). This information is
usually relayed to the spinal cord (via tissues adjacent to vertebrae called dorsal root ganglia) and the
These can be found on sense organs, such as the skin and retina to detect stimuli
and pass them to the central nervous system (CNS) to be interpreted. If the
stimulus is extreme (e.g. touching a hot stove), the impulse is passed to the
dorsal root ganglia in the spine and directly to a motor neurone. This produces
an involuntary action that moves the body away from danger. This action is
called a reflex.
Neurones are bundled into dense tubular tissues called nerves. A large stimulus
may stimulate multiple nerves.
6.2 & 6.3: Explain the role of nerve cell membranes in establishing and maintaining the resting potential;
describe the conduction of an action potential along the nerve cell membrane
First, it is important to understand the concept of a membrane potential (or membrane voltage). This
occurs when there is a difference in charge in the exterior and interior of a cell. For example, if the
interior is negative and the exterior is positive. This produces an electrical gradient that allows charges
to flow. If chemicals or ion concentrations are involved as well, it is called an electrochemical gradient.
There are two main positive ions involved: Na+ and K+. The neurone is sometimes referred to as a ‘salt-
covered banana’ (recall that bananas contain K), meaning that, when at rest (not firing impulses), it has
more Na+ ions on the outside than there are K+ ions on the inside. This „uneven‟ distribution occurs due to
proteins called sodium-potassium pumps.
This pump, once interacted with ATP
(active transport), can „push‟ Na+ ions out
of the cell in return for „pulling‟ K+ ions
into the cell cytoplasm.
This „difference in charge‟ generates a small voltage of approximately -70 mV (in humans). This is the
resting potential of the neurone. It remains at that voltage, and at rest, until a stimulus (e.g. pain or heat)
is detected.
Neurones are still „active‟ even at rest, trying to establish and maintain a „rest potential‟ of -70mV.
The rest potential is attained by the „polarization‟ or difference in charge between the interior and exterior of
the cell.
The interior is negative and exterior is positive.
The exterior is positive because there are much more Na+ ions there. A smaller number of K+ ions are inside.
Hence, „salt-covered banana‟. There are also Cl- ions inside.
This difference happens because sodium-potassium pumps allow 3 Na+ ions to leave for every 2 K+ that enter.
Leaky channels permeable to K+ on the cell membrane also allow K+ ions to exit. So even more +ve charges
on outside.
This electrochemical gradient maintains the resting potential.
An action potential is an event that coincides with the transmission of an electrical impulse. That is, when
you actually experience a sensation or must contract or relax a muscle in response to a stimulus. Action
potentials thus occur when the nerves are not at rest; they are experiencing action!
We‟d just established that when impulses are not firing, the neurone is at rest. And a neurone at rest has a
negative membrane potential of -70mV (due to the interior of the cell being negative). For an action
potential to occur, we need the interior of the cell to be positive. But how? We need an influx of Na+ ions
from those sodium-potassium pumps!
Remember how there were „leaky‟ channels permeable to only K+? Some channels permeable to only Na+
are able to open with the right stimuli. For example, mechanically-gated channels in the skin open to
allow Na+ to enter the cell in response to touch.
So let‟s say that you get pinched. This pinch opens a Na+
channel in those local neurones that allow Na+ ions to
diffuse rapidly into the cytoplasm from the outside, down
the electrochemical gradient. The aim is to „even‟ out the
+ve and –ve charges in and out of the cell to give a
membrane potential of 0 mV, a process called
These „extra‟ Na+ ions inside the cell cause the interior to
become positively charged, and the exterior to become
negative (the opposite of „rest‟). The previously negative
rest voltage of -70 mV is now a positive voltage of about
Along the membrane are channels that open in response to
30 mV.
this rise in voltage. These are known as voltage-gated
channels and are permeable to K+ ions. These are like
„guards‟ trying to disperse a crowd. As these channels
open, K+ ions quickly shuffle out, trying to reduce the
voltage of the cell back to the negative „rest potential‟.
This is called REPOLARIZATION.
1. The axon membrane starts at its resting potential of -70 mV. All voltage-gated channels closed.
2. The stimulus triggers voltage-gated Na+ channels to open. Na+ diffuse into the axon.
3. More Na+ channels open, causing even more Na+ to diffuse in. (Depolarization)
4. The membrane potential reaches about +30 mV, and voltage-gated Na+ channels close.
5. Voltage-gated K+ channels now open, causing K+ to diffuse out of the axon. (Repolarization)
6. K+ keeps diffusing out until the membrane potential is slightly more negative (about -80 mV) than resting
potential (Hyperpolarization). K+ channels close.
7. Sodium-potassium pumps use ATP to return membrane potential to -70 mV (rest). During this time
(refractory period), another action potential cannot take place.
The graph below shows all of the different phases of an action potential, along with some annotations of voltage-
gated channels and the movement of ions during each phase. Observe the graph and match it with the summary at the
top of this page. Keep in mind that the axon cytoplasm at rest is negative (due to the excess of Na+ ions being pumped
out of it). The depolarization phase „overshoots‟ (which is why it goes above 0 mV) and the repolarization phase
„undershoots‟ (which is why it goes below resting potential).
NOTE: Not all changes
produce an action potential!
If the stimulus is very small
(for e.g. a sound below 20
Hz), it may not activate
enough Na+ channels to
cause depolarization. Thus,
no action potential develops.
Unlike waves and forces, an action potential does not have a magnitude or amplitude. You can think of an
action potential as a basic constituent of a sensation or impulse.
If there are a small number of action potentials generated in a few neurones, it is most likely as a result of
a weak stimulus, like a soft touch. If there are a large number of action potentials generated in many
neurones, it is most likely a more strong stimulus, like a hard slap or a burn. Strong stimuli may also
generate a high frequency of action potentials, which means that there are many occurring per second
Anaesthetics such as Lidocaine, used by dentists, interfere with sodium channels to the point where, even
with a strong stimulus, no depolarization occurs and thus no action potential is generated.
So saltatory conduction
describes the way an electrical
impulse skips across nodes of
Ranvier down the full length of
an axon. This continues until
the impulse reaches its
Recall that a node of Ranvier is the gap between two myelin sheaths. Also recall that myelin is an
insulator, which means that Na+ and K+ ions cannot be pumped through these. This means that action
potentials cannot be generated in a myelinated segment of the axon! But they can be generated in a node
of Ranvier. Thus:
In a myelinated axon, the action potentials are conducted in a high velocity transmission as the
spread of depolarization occurs in „leaps‟ across these nodes and not the myelin sheaths.
In an unmyelinated axon, the velocity is much lower, as the action potential must be propagated
from cell to cell along the axon in a continuous progression.
6.4 & 6.5: Explain synaptic transmission & outline the role of synapses
What is a SYNAPSE?
Function Explanation
Neural summation Summation is defined as the cumulative effect of several electrical impulses at a
synapse. For example, when driving a car, many decisions must be made such as
braking, turning, accelerating. Summation ensures that many different sectors of the
brain are „firing‟ to decide which moves to make.
Learning process The brain „records‟ data from receiving multiple signals from the various sense
organs. Synapses allows these „memories‟ to coordinate and form new ideas. The
more learning that occurs, the more these signals can „interact‟.
Directed transmission Synapses direct impulses to travel to specific neurone pathways. This is important
when doing precise actions.
Action potentials must be able to propagate across a synapse in order to get from a presynaptic neurone to a
postsynaptic neurone. Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter that acts as the „bridge‟ to get allow this action
potential to „cross‟. Molecules of ACh are held in vesicles. On the presynaptic bulb, there are calcium and sodium
channels. Let‟s outline what happens, correlated with the diagram on the right:
1.1 & 1.2: Discuss the meaning of the term „health‟; and explain the categories of disease and illness
Before delving into this module, it is important to understand how the terms HEALTH and DISEASE
are defined. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines each as:
There are numerous diseases that affect individuals in the world. Some of them are infectious (or
communicable), which means that they can spread from one individual to another. Some of them are non-
communicable, such as lifestyle and hereditary diseases, meaning that they cannot be spread from one
individual to another.
Physical Occurs as a result of a physiological malfunction in the Diabetes, coronary heart disease,
body, usually impairment of an organ or system. asthma, osteoarthritis
Chronic A disease that is long-term, even lasting for a lifetime. Chronic bronchitis, diabetes
Infectious Caused by the introduction of pathogens (viruses, Dengue fever, malaria, cholera,
bacteria, fungi, protozoans) to the body. tuberculosis (TB)
Social Caused by the individual living or working within an Tuberculosis, cholera, scurvy,
environment prone to contamination by pollutants (e.g. rickets, night blindness
cigarette smoke) and pathogens, or not having access
to a balanced diet.
Degenerative Caused by the gradual loss of function of tissues and Alzheimer‟s disease, multiple
organs. sclerosis, osteoarthritis
Hereditary Caused by inheriting alleles that translate to Sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia,
malfunctioning proteins. cystic fibrosis (CF)
Self-inflicted Also referred to as lifestyle diseases. These occur due Liver cirrhosis, lung cancer,
to the intake of excess nutrition or drugs. coronary heart disease
Deficiency Occurs due to the lack of a particular nutrient in the Night blindness, scurvy, cholera,
diet. rickets, kwashiorkor.
NOTE: It is important to realize that diseases are not restricted to a single category. For e.g.
Factor Definition
Prevalence The number of people with a disease in the population at a current time.
Mortality rate The number of people die from a particular disease (usually per year)
Using the above graph as an example of data collection, we can observe that:
The number of HIV cases (per 100,000) generally increased from 1982 to 2003, with small dips and
fluctuations along the time period. One such dip would have been around 2001. After 2007, there was a
sharp decline in cases, most likely due to increased awareness and antiviral technology.
The number of AIDS cases was always less than HIV cases due to a dormancy period before AIDS
develops, or that some cases may die before AIDS develops.
AIDS deaths (mortality rate) are lower than AIDS cases, especially after 2001, possibly due to earlier
detection and antibiotic treatment of opportunistic infections.
The topic of immunology is quite complex, so it is beneficial to familiarize and refamiliarize with some
terms before reading about the topic.
Term Definition
Vector An organism that transmits a pathogen from one organism to another (e.g. mosquito)
Antigen A foreign substance which induces a specific immune response in the body.
Phagocyte A white blood cell capable of absorbing and engulfing pathogens. These include
monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils.
Lymphocyte A white blood cell that originates in the bone marrow and either matures in the bone
marrow (B-lymphocytes) or the thymus gland (T-lymphocytes).
Cell-mediated An immune response not mediated by antibodies, but instead by phagocytes and T-
response lymphocytes.
Memory cell A lymphocyte capable of responding to antigens long after its production.
Mast cell A cell that has granules containing histamines and heparin (a blood thinner).
APC Antigen-presenting cell. An immune cell (usually a phagocyte) that processes and
presents antigens to lymphocytes to initiate an immune response.
Complements Proteins synthesized in the liver that enhance immune responses & phagocytosis.
Passive immunity Short-term immunity that results from the introduction of antibodies from another
Active immunity Long-term immunity that results from the production of antibodies from an immune
response (sometimes acquired artificially from a vaccine)
Monoclonal Antibodies produced from a cloned white blood cell fused with a cancer cell. Usually
antibodies used for pregnancy tests, AIDS diagnosis, detect tumours, and cancer treatment.
2.1 - 2.4: Define the term, “immune response”; and distinguish between humoral and cell-mediated
responses; the role of memory cells; the origin and maturation of B- and T- lymphocytes
The IMMUNE RESPONSE is defined as the reaction of white blood cells to the presence of a substance
not recognized as a constituent of the body. Such a substance is referred to as a „foreign‟ substance or
„non-self‟ substance. These non-self substances are usually contain structures called ANTIGENS, which
the immune system can detect. Think of an antigen as something that triggers a burglar alarm.
Even though immune responses are complex interactions between these phagocytes and lymphocytes,
they are categorized as HUMORAL (involving B-cells) or CELL-MEDIATED (involving T-cells).
Differentiate into? Antibody-secreting plasma cells and T killer cells, T helper cells,
memory cells memory cells (and more)
2.6: Relate the molecular structure of a typical antibody molecule to its function.
The primary response will also allow formation of long-term memory B-cells, so upon a second exposure to A,
whether naturally or via a second (or booster) vaccine dose, these can be activated and differentiated into a
greater conc. of plasma cells. This is the SECONDARY RESPONSE and allows much more rapid proliferation
of antibodies, so antibody concentration steeply increases. Of course, since antibodies are specific to antigens, an
exposure to a new antigen, B, will initiate a whole new primary response.
2.7 & 8: State what is meant by a monoclonal antibody; & describe their use in diagnosis and treatment.
III - A control window is present that reacts with the NOTE: Keep in mind that the control region with
urine to ensure the dip stick is functional. This happens the anti-mouse antibodies are NOT specific to hCG,
with a positive or negative result. This window contains unlike the regions in I and II. Also keep in mind
anti-mouse antibodies and dye, so these will activate that monoclonal antibodies are made in mice.
when binding to the mouse antibodies in I.
Reaction A is in the control window, due to the presence of anti-mouse antibodies and activated dye. Note that no hCG is
bound to the enzyme-dye antibody. This will produce a blue line, positive or not.
Reaction B is in the reaction zone, where urine is picked up. hCG was found in the urine, which is why it is bound to the
monoclonal antibodies here. The dye is yet to be activated.
Reaction C is in the result window, showing the enzyme-activated dye and antibodies bound to hCG. This will produce a
blue line due to a positive result.
2.9 & 2.10: Distinguish between active and passive immunity, natural and artificial immunity; and
explain the role of vaccination in providing immunity.
Naturally If one contracts COVID-19 due to contact, they undergo a primary response and their
acquired active B-cells develop antibodies and memory cells.
Therefore, naturally acquired active immunity is obtained from the primary
response to pathogen exposure.
Natural passive Occurs when a foetus prenatally obtains antibodies through its mother‟s placenta
while still in the uterus. Postnatally, the baby obtains it from breast milk.
Therefore, natural passive immunity is obtained from mother to offspring
transfer of antibodies.
Artificially Also called vaccination. severely reduces the chance of contracting COVID-19. A
acquired active weakened form of the pathogen, an antigen or instructions to build the antigen
(mRNA) is introduced to the bloodstream to stimulate a primary response and long-
term immunity.
Therefore, artificially acquired active immunity is obtained from the primary
response due to intentional exposure to the antigen/pathogen.
Artificial passive If one has contracted COVID-19, vaccination is not an option as that is a preventative
measure. A common treatment is the use of external monoclonal antibodies
introduced to the patient as a serum. These can quickly reduce pathogen number but
does not provide long-term immunity as no memory cells are developed.
Therefore, artificial passive immunity is the short-term immunization obtained
from the injection of antibodies.
We‟ve just learnt that vaccines are considered ARTIFICIALLY ACQUIRED ACTIVE IMMUNITY,
which means that it stimulates the production of antibodies due to intentional introduction of a pathogen
(or its components).
Vaccines are used for COMMUNICABLE (infectious) diseases such as measles, HPV, rubella and
malaria. They have numerous modes of action, including:
Vaccines have been successful at near-eradicating diseases such as polio and smallpox. However,
measles, a contagious disease once thought near-eradication had seen a resurgence in the U.S. in 2019
due to a decrease in vaccination rates. Vaccination rates must be around 80% to achieve what is called
herd immunity, to reduce the reproductive rate and spread of the pathogen. When people have doubts
about taking the vaccine, this is called vaccine hesitancy.
Reason Response
Viruses mutate Viruses replicate rapidly, which increases chances of mutation, leading to variants.
often. The antibodies produced by vaccines thus cannot detect mutant antigens fast enough.
However, some vaccines (especially subunit and mRNA) tend to focus on antigens
that have the lowest risk of mutation.
Vaccines cause Severe allergic reactions (or anaphylaxis) to vaccines are rare. Physicians should
allergic always be consulted before getting a vaccine. Antihistamines can be used to mitigate
reactions. allergic reactions in some cases.
Fortunately, there may be more than one brand or make of vaccine for critical
diseases, some not containing allergic components.
The immuno- Very young children or older people with severe co-morbidities often have concerns
compromised about taking vaccines due to concerns about not being able to withstand the primary
are at risk of immune response. This is a legitimate concern and once again, physicians should
getting ill with advise those individuals of risk on a case by case basis.
the vaccine.
Spread of This is a sensitive topic. Most vaccines comply by religious rules (such as being
misinformation halal). There had once been a popular claim that vaccines cause autism, which turned
out to be a hoax. Education and awareness campaigns should be prominent enough to
penetrate vaccine-hesitant populations without making the decision to get vaccinated
unsavoury. As said, this is a sensitive and complex topic.
3.1: Discuss the causative relationship among diet, obesity and diabetes.
What is OBESITY?
We‟ve learnt that consumption of foods that contain carbohydrates and energy-dense lipids are used to
form ATP. However, when consumed in excess, a large portion of those molecules get converted for
storage and become deposited in ADIPOSE cells, found below the dermis and around tissues, such as in
the liver and coronary arteries. This highly increases the chances of developing Type II diabetes, CVD‟s
(cardiovascular diseases), kidney failure and fatty liver disease.
Recall that a BALANCED DIET is defined as one that contains all the different nutrients required
by the body in the appropriate proportions to supply energy. Any nutrient deficiency may lead to a
disease such as scurvy (lack of Vitamin C) or night blindness (lack of Vitamin A).
What is the link between DIET, OBESITY and DIABETES TYPE I AND TYPE II?
Type I diabetes – the pancreas of the people who suffer from this type usually produce little to no insulin. This
form of diabetes is genetic and usually diagnosed in childhood or in early adulthood and the people who have
the condition usually need to use insulin all their life.
Type II diabetes – in this type of diabetes, the patient‟s pancreas produces insulin, but the insulin receptors on
cells do not respond, usually due to impairment caused by fatty accumulation and sedentary lifestyles. This is
called INSULIN RESISTANCE. The people suffering from this type of diabetes usually receive oral
medication (e.g. metformin) to help with the processing of the insulin.
Long-term regular exercise can be done to stimulate the cells‟ insulin receptors, negating insulin resistance effects.
Naturally, when a person consumes a sugar, that sugar is
digested and absorbed into the bloodstream from the
small intestine, thus causing an increase in blood glucose
level. Blood glucose level decreases when the glucose
enters the cytoplasm of the body cells to be used for ATP.
Recall that this is called ASSIMILATION.
Recall that arteries are high-pressure blood vessels with thick muscular walls and small lumens. They
transport blood away from the heart and towards body cells. This blood contains oxygen used for aerobic
High pressure blood flow can make the plaque break, causing blood to
enter and form a clot called a CORONARY THROMBOSIS. This
further reduces lumen size and reducing blood flow to body cells.
Worse yet, this blood clot can fracture and enter a coronary artery that
supplies blood to the heart muscles, thus cutting off their oxygen
supply. This is called a MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION and is what
leads to a heart attack.
NOTE: You would‟ve noticed that people frequently get heart attacks during great periods of physical or
mental exertion (exercise or stress). This is because these generate high-pressure blood flow, which will lead
to rupturing of the coronary thrombosis, most likely leading to the clot „clogging‟ the coronary arteries.
Hypertension and stroke are generally associated with atherosclerosis. Recall that atherosclerosis causes
arterial lumen size to decreases.
This decrease in size means that less area is available for blood to
flow to body cells unless the heart can apply more force or beats
per minute. A decrease in area and an increase in force equates
elevated blood pressure levels or HYPERTENSION This is
usually considered to be above 140/90 mm Hg (the numbers
respectively representing systolic and diastolic pressure).
3.3: Discuss the consequences of exercise on the body & the benefits of maintaining a physically fit body.
Exercise can be defined as activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain health and fitness.
Exercise has numerous long-term and short-term physical benefits, but also mental as it is known to
release chemicals called endorphins from the brain, which improve mood and well-being.
A major long-term effect to observe is the increase in VO2 max. This is the maximum rate of oxygen use
during aerobic respiration before switching over to anaerobic respiration. In other words, muscles and
other body cells can use oxygen quickly to allow pyruvate to turn into ATP. A high VO2 max means that
the individual can exercise at a faster rate without switching to anaerobic respiration to produce lactate.
Long-term consequences of exercise:
Cardiac efficiency Increase in red blood cell count and oxygen-carrying capacity.
Increase in heart muscle size and stroke volume (vol. of blood per heartbeat)
Reducing risk of Maintaining a healthy body mass reduces risk of chronic NCD‟s such as Type II
NCD‟s diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and kidney failure.
There are also numerous short-term effects of exercise, which are usually physiological changes and
adaptations that occur to supply muscles with more oxygenated blood and increase removal of CO2.
Gaseous Increase in breathing rate and tidal volume (amt of air circulating in lungs)
Increases diaphragm and intercostal muscle contractions; caused by increase in acidity
detected by chemoreceptors
Circulation Increase in heart rate due to adrenaline secretion and nerve impulse activity in pacemaker.
Secretion of nitric oxide from blood vessels due to low oxygen levels, which dilates
arterioles and increases blood flow to the heart (cardiac output) and to the muscles.
Dilation of arterioles lead to heat loss through the skin (leading to „flushed‟ appearance).
3.4 & 3.5: Describe the mechanisms of infection & modes of transmission for viral diseases and their
causative agents
We previously learnt that pathogens are disease-causing microorganisms that can be transmitted from
one organism to organism through vectors. For example, the protozoan pathogen Plasmodium
falciparum, which causes malaria, can be picked up by Anopheles mosquitoes from infected humans
spread the disease to uninfected humans.
Here are a few examples of types of pathogens and their infectious diseases:
Dengue fever is a viral mosquito-borne disease that usually occurs in tropical areas of the world. Its
signs and symptoms include a high fever, muscle and joint pain, severe headache, nausea and skin rashes.
In more severe versions of dengue, called dengue haemorrhagic fever, blood vessel linings become
damaged and the blood clotting process is interrupted. As a result, internal bleeding occurs.
NOTE: Think of the virus transforming a cell into a „photocopying‟ or „cloning‟ machine to make copies of itself,
with the RNA being the „rogue instructions‟ being fed into it.
HIV is worse because that host cell is usually a T helper cell called a CD4 cell. The cells are eventually destroyed,
compromising the immune system to pathogens and opportunistic infections. More on this later.
What is AIDS?
AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV When the helper T cell count falls below 200
infection. It is a disease of the immune system, cells per mm3 of blood, the patient is now said to
where the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency have AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
Virus) invades helper T lymphocytes called Syndrome). The AIDS patient‟s immune system
CD4 cells. Recall that helper T cells help signal now is highly compromised and produces
to phagocytes and other lymphocytes to rally serious complications if the patient contracts
together to attack an infection. Not having these another viral infection, known as an
leaves a lot of these other white blood cells „in opportunistic infection, such as influenza.
the dark‟. The T-cells‟ nucleic genetic code is
rewritten to produce even more HIV copies, just Symptoms of HIV/AIDS include: persistent
as seen on the previous page. fever, severe weight loss (wasting), recurrent
pneumonia, lesions, persistent diarrhoea.
HIV can be detected by doing blood tests. However, it has an incubation period of about 3 months, which
means that a person could have contracted HIV two months ago and still test HIV-negative. There is
currently no vaccine for HIV/AIDS.
However, antiviral drugs such as AZT (azidothymidine) can be used to preserve T-cell count and prolong
life. These drugs are expensive, unfortunately, and not affordable to the common citizen.
3.6: Discuss reasons for the regional distribution of AIDS, diabetes and cancer.
With respect to total HIV/AIDS population in the Caribbean, the top three countries are Haiti (1.9%),
Jamaica (1.7%), and Trinidad and Tobago (1.5%). In sub-Saharan Africa, prevalence is 5.0% while in
East Asia, it is only 0.1%.
Factor Notes
Culture or lifestyle Due to stigma and unwillingness to admit HIV status or get tested, many people
with multiple partners unknowingly transmit the virus. Some cultures encourage
more liberal views on sexual freedom, while others discourage use of
contraception (condoms). All of this encourages spread.
Long incubation Since HIV may not be detected by blood tests until 3 months into incubation, an
period HIV-positive person can unknowingly spread it.
Ease of travel Wherever there is a large number of tourists, especially those partaking in „sex
tourism‟ with locals, the virus can quickly spread to local populations.
Availability of Drugs that help mitigate the effects of HIV (e.g. AZT) are expensive and hard to
drugs and condoms obtain. In some countries, condoms are not commonly available
Poverty Poverty and high unemployment rates may encourage sex work, which facilitates
spread if done irresponsibly. Some countries may not be able to avoid
antiretroviral therapy for patients and pregnant mothers.
Lack of education Citizens of some countries simply do not understand how the virus is transmitted
or may have false beliefs in „curing‟ it (e.g. intercourse with virgins). Some may
even believe that heterosexuals cannot contract HIV.
Factor Notes
Diet In some countries, „fast food‟ is the most economic and convenient option. Some
cultures also prioritize foods that are high in refined carbohydrates and LDL‟s
(e.g. „doubles‟ in Trinidad). Overconsumption of these foods leads to obesity,
which greatly increases risk of diabetes.
Sedentary lifestyle Countries or areas with long hours of office work and no time for outdoor
recreation raises risk of obesity and diabetes.
Prenatal An ongoing study has linked malnourished mothers to children who are more
malnutrition likely to develop Type II diabetes later on in life.
Ethnicity and People of African and Asian descent are observed to more commonly develop
genetics Type II diabetes.
There are several substances capable of causing cancer, called carcinogens. Some of these are found in:
Going with this, we can also deduce what affects regional distribution of cancer cases:
Factor Notes
Environmental Chemicals from factories or buildings such as asbestos and vinyl chloride can
hazards affect employees or tenants over time. Also, places that allow exposure to second-
hand smoking.
Outdoor environments subjected to frequent UV radiation (from the Sun) without
high SPF sunscreen can increase risk of melanoma (skin cancer). Indoor ones
subjected to ionizing radiation (e.g. nuclear power plants, labs or clinics) should
also take the proper precautions to avoid exposure.
Food additives Regions that use food additives that contain benzoates may be at risk of cancers.
Viruses HPV, which causes cervical cancer, can be transmitted via sexual intercourse. In
areas where people usually have multiple partners and condom use is rare, this
type of cancer can quickly spread to women.
Genetic factors Alleles that express risk of developing certain cancers can be higher in
concentration in certain countries. For example, the Caribbean has a relatively
high amount of alleles that result in mutations leading to breast cancer.
Failure to seek Since mortality rates are affected by how quickly cancer is detected and treated, it
treatment on time is important for a patient to observe their symptoms and visit a physician for
screening (e.g. mammograms for breast cancer) or biopsies (tissue samples).
Unfortunately, in many developing nations, this is very difficult for the common
citizen and they may not seek treatment until it has metastasized.
Factor Explanation
Patients won‟t be able to work while ill, so there will be reduced labour force and
overall drop in productivity.
Trade relations Due to decrease in productivity, there will be reduced income from exports of
locally manufactured goods.
Food availability If the agricultural sector is affected by reduction in labour force, there will be
food shortages and increase in food prices as a result.
Household income There will be high costs for privatized healthcare and medical bills, in addition
to reduced income from unemployment if a breadwinner has fallen ill or become
debilitated by their disease (e.g. a stroke)
Quality of life The emotional toll of illness and death reduces the quality of life for either
individuals or families. In the case of lockdowns, being quarantined for lengthy
periods has a psychological toll.
Positive change and When a disease, especially one that is self-inflicted, becomes prevalent in a
awareness society, many individuals make a positive change in their lifestyles to avoid
developing that disease.
This includes changing their diets to include less LDL‟s and carbohydrates,
quitting smoking, exercising more often or, in the case of infectious diseases,
washing their hands more often.
3.8: Discuss roles of social, economic & biological factors in the prevention & control of viral infections.
What are the roles of factors involved in PREVENTION & CONTROL OF VIRAL INFECTIONS?
Factor Explanation
Quarantine and self- Previously explained. Quarantines can limit the spread of a viral infection,
quarantine especially if caused by droplet infection, but can also have a severe effect on
businesses and household earnings.
(social & economic)
Those aware of their symptoms should practice staying away from the
workplace and others.
Resting at home is the best option when no vaccine or drug can be prescribed,
such as with dengue fever.
PPE The use of PPE, such as masks, help limit the spread of viruses via droplet
infection. Note that they do not prevent the wearer from contracting it, as
(biological) viruses are very small and can sometimes pass through the material of the
Safe sex By being faithful to one‟s partner, limiting partners or ensuring condoms are
worn during sexual intercourse, viral STI‟s can be prevented, such as HIV and
(social) herpes.
Pest control Some viruses are spread via insect and animal vectors, such as dengue virus
and yellow fever virus. By clearing out stagnant water sources, mosquitoes
(economic) have no breeding grounds for their eggs.
Insecticides could be sprayed in areas where mosquito-borne viruses are
Vaccination Individuals who are vaccinated against a virus are much less likely to contract
that virus as they have already developed antibodies to produce a rapid
(biological) immune response against it. This limits spread of that viral infection in
Regular screening The spread of viruses, such as HIV, can be limited if sexually active people get
their blood screened after each new sexual partner.
Antiviral drugs Antiviral drugs and monoclonal antibodies can be used to treat some viral
infections, if available.
4.1 & 4.2: Discuss the meaning of term “drug abuse”; psychological and physical dependence
A drug is defined as an externally administered substance that alters the body‟s physiology.
Its internally produced counterpart may be something akin to a hormone. They are used for a number of
purposes, such as treating illness or therapeutic purposes (e.g. penicillin, quinine, tetracycline, diazepam),
as painkillers (e.g. morphine, ibuprofen, naproxen) or for recreation (e.g. nicotine, alcohol, cannabis).
Drugs can be legal or illegal and may fall into four main categories:
1) Sandra is 40 years old and uses heroin in two to four injections, four to twelve hours apart. When
she goes for longer than twelve hours without heroin, she feels sick and becomes anxious.
2) Wayne is 16 years old and smokes cannabis with his friends. He often goes without cannabis for
days at a time, with no ill effects. However, after a week has passed, he feels a strong urge to
smoke, especially when he feels depressed or bored.
Sandra shows PHYSICAL dependence on the drug due to strong cravings and withdrawal symptoms, such
as nausea and restlessness if the drug is abrupt reduced or stopped for short periods. Symptoms worsen as
frequency of drug abuse increases and tolerance of the drug builds up.
Wayne shows PSYCHOLOGICAL dependence on the drug due to lack of strong withdrawal symptoms
and cravings, ability to go prolonged periods without the drug. Use of the drug usually due to influence of
societal factors and occurs when mentally unstimulated by other aspects of life.
4.3 & 4.4: Describe the short- & long-term consequences of alcohol consumption on the nervous system
& liver, as well as social consequences of alcohol use.
Alcohol (ethanol) is a recreational drug, which means that it is taken in social situations and has mild
effects on the body if taken sparingly. However, alcohol is also a depressant, which means that it reduces
nervous activity and slows bodily functions. Alcohol changes the structure of receptors of certain brain
neurones, which affect neurotransmitter action potentials.
Effect Notes
Fatty liver hepatitis Alcohol is used as an energy source by liver cells, allowing fat to accumulate
(short-term) around the liver. A common condition, but it is a precursor to liver cirrhosis.
Liver cirrhosis Liver cells become replaced with scar tissue, which impacts the liver‟s ability to
(long-term) produce bile salts, detoxify the blood and store glycogen.
Impaired nervous Since neurotransmitter activity slows down, reaction time increases and
transmission perception becomes distorted (e.g. blurry vision, reduced motor skills) due to the
cerebrum and cerebellum being affected.
Cancers Alcoholics have an increased risk of oral and throat cancers.
Dehydration of Since the pituitary gland is affected, ADH release is suppressed. This means that
brain cells less water is reabsorbed into the blood from the kidneys, leading to dehydration
and „hangovers‟. Demyelination (loss of myelin sheath) of neurones also occur in
the long-term, severely affecting brain activity.
Increased risk of Even though alcohol is a depressant, it actually increases blood pressure. This is
heart attack and because it allows calcium ions to bind to blood vessels, causing them to constrict.
stroke This increases the chances of a coronary thrombosis rupture and ensuing heart
attack or stroke.
Excess alcohol consumption is considered being over the recommended DAL (daily alcohol limit),
which is considered to be no more than 2 – 3 for a woman and no more than 3 – 4 for a man, depending
on body mass. One unit of alcohol can be calculated by using the following formula:
So for e.g. a Heineken contains 330ml of beer. Working with an ABV of 5%, one bottle of Heineken
would have 1.65 units of alcohol. A 200ml glass of Puncheon (75% ABV) would have 15 units of
alcohol, well over the DAL (and even for the week!).
Effect Notes
Car accidents Due to decreased reaction time, impaired motor skills and judgment, car accidents
occur much more frequently with alcoholics at the wheel. This is why a
„designated driver‟ is recommended to accompany a group.
Violence Alcohol leads to a loss of inhibition, which can escalate altercations both in
public, especially if both parties are drunk. This can also occur domestically.
Intra-family issues If a family member is an alcoholic, they may exhibit very aggressive behaviour
and family with other family members due to loss of inhibition and poor judgment. If the
breakdown alcoholic is a breadwinner, they may be at risk of unemployment, throwing the
family into financial turmoil.
Neglect of children by parents may also occur if they are frequently drunk.
Petty crime Due to reduced inhibition, committing petty crimes such as theft, harassment
(sexual or otherwise) or vandalism may occur.
Poor sexual Though it is deemed immoral (and in a number of countries, illegal) to have sex
intercourse with an individual who is drunk, reduced inhibition can lead to an individual
decisions having unprotected sex with someone undesirable, risking transfer of STI‟s and
4.5: Describe the effects of components of cigarette smoke on the respiratory & cardiovascular systems
Here‟s a rundown of how the four cigarette smoke components (tar, CO, nicotine and particulates) lead
to one‟s health becoming compromised:
Component Notes
Tar and These mostly contain carbon and lead to irritation in the airways. This irritation
particulates leads to white blood cells secreting an enzyme that breaks down the elastin of the
alveoli. This creates large air spaces in the alveoli, separating the alveolar
membranes from the capillaries, reducing surface area and capacity for gaseous
exchange. This condition is known as EMPHYSEMA.
The particulates can also result in excess mucus being produced due to
proliferation of goblet cells in the trachea and bronchi. This is called
HYPERPLASIA. Mucus is also a breeding ground for bacteria.
Finally, ciliated cells become destroyed. These cells are known for catching
bacteria-laden particles of dust and residue. Since these are gone, diseases like
bronchitis become more common.
Carbon monoxide Haemoglobin has a very high affinity for CO, which means that it will quicker
(CO) take up CO than oxygen, leading to severely reduced oxygen uptake and reduced
delivery to the heart and body cells.
Due to the oxygen shortage, a hormone called erythropoietin is secreted, which
increases red blood cell count. This may lead to an increase in blood viscosity
(„thicker‟ blood), increasing chance of ruptured blood clots and CHD.
Nicotine Nicotine is very addictive. It also helps to constrict blood vessels, reducing lumen
size of vessels and leading to increased risk of blood clot formation and CHD.
NOTE: Even being in an environment of smokers and inhaling the components poses a threat. This is commonly
called second-hand smoke or PASSIVE SMOKING.
Previously, we‟d established the following facts about nicotine that can affect health:
1. Nicotine is a stimulant. It closely resembles acetylcholine and tends to bind to ACh receptors in
synapses. However, since acetylcholinesterase cannot break down nicotine, it stays bound for
prolonged periods of time, causing the synapse to be overly excitatory. This can potentially
increase heart rate (tachycardia) and blood pressure to the point of causing a stroke or a
2. Nicotine constricts blood vessels. In arteries, where atherosclerotic plaques have builta up, this
greatly increases the possibility of a ruptured blood clot. This is because the reduced lumen size
increases blood pressure and makes it less flexible. This ruptured clot can result in a heart attack
or stroke.
3. The effect of nicotine on pregnant women‟s foetuses can cause much pre-natal harm. Nicotine
causes constriction in the placental blood vessels, thus reducing exchange of nutrients and gases.
It also delays excretion of waste from the foetus. All of this can lead to the foetus being
undernourished or even miscarriage.
4. Nicotine may also constrict blood vessels and deprive oxygen flow to the extremities, such as
the arms and legs. This leads to a reduced rate of respiration and prolonged fatigue. In worst case
scenarios, especially if coupled with nerve damage from diabetes, it may lead to cell death and
5. Nicotine is highly addictive. People who regularly consume nicotine usually exhibit physical
dependency on it. When suddenly stopped, it can produce a myriad of withdrawal symptoms,
which may include anxiety, depression, cravings and irritability.
6. The nicotine from tobacco relaxes the valve between the oesophagus and stomach (lower
oesophageal sphincter). This can allow stomach acid and juices, the chemicals that break down
food in the stomach, to back up (reflux) into the oesophagus, which causes heartburn, peptic
ulcers and nausea.
7. Nicotine changes chemical processes in the cells to increase insulin resistance. Glucose cannot
bind to cell receptors to activate GLUT4 proteins to transport them through the membrane. This is
a precursor of type II diabetes and results in a number of issues, including dehydration, nerve
damage, cell death and coma.