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Factors Affecting The Lifestyle of Selected Senior High School in Tanauan I

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A Research presented to the faculty of Senior High School in

Tanauan Institute Inc. Tanauan City, Batangas

Alcaraz, Lester

Aquino, Janevee

Dela Rosa, Jay anne

Flores, Francis Vincent

Gonzales, Ma. Gea

Patotoy, Rosel

March, 2018



Healthy lifestyle is very important to maintain and apply in life. There are

some health concerns that threaten a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol, tobacco and other

drugs, poor nutritional practices, and stress are but a few of the things which

impact negatively and social, educational, financial, medical and family system. It

more importantly, if a child is to master other subjects in school that child must be

healthy. There is sufficient body of evidence which suggest that the absence of

good health reduces academic performance. Between homework, tests and

maintaining a social life, it can be difficult for students to find time to maintain a

healthy lifestyle. However, poor health can quickly lead to stress, self-esteem

issues, poor mood, illness and fatigue. You can help your student stay healthy

throughout all of his high school years in a variety of ways.

Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, poor nutritional practices, and stress are

but a few of the things which impact negatively and social, educational, financial,

medical, and family system. There are sufficient body of evidence which suggest

that the absence of good health reduces academic and physical performance that

affects the individual’s lifestyle. Academicals or physical performances will take

a long time to handle specially if those activities are homework’s, projects etc.

students will sacrifices rest time, family bonding, weekends and even their short

vacation just to finish such a thing. But if this will continue negative effects will


Researchers have found that there are social, environmental and

psychological factors that much affect human being. The social and

environmental are those factors around us, where someone lives and their living

condition along with family and community support networks can play a part

along with employment status and work stresses. Living in poverty or social

isolation, being unemployed or highly stress in your work can all put pressure on

an individual’s mental health. While the psychological factors are the

psychological state, coping with past or current traumatic experiences such as

abuse, bereavement or divorce will strongly influence an individual’s mental and

emotional state which can in turn have an influence or mental health.

Environmental factors are the sum total of biotic and abiotic factors (living

and non-living factors) that influences living in any environment. This also

includes cultural, technological, demographic and economic factors because they

exert certain level of impact on health. The environment plays a significant role in

disease (infectious and non- infectious) causation. The environment is rapidly

changing and so is its impact on the disease patterns and trends. The World

Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over thirteen million deaths are

attributable to preventable environmental causes annually.

While in social factors people who fit into society are likely to be more

content and as a result healthier; both physically and mentally. Poor social and

economic circumstances affect health throughout life. People further down the

social ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature

death as does near the top. Nor are the effects confined to the poor: the social

gradient in health runs right across society, so even among middle-class office

workers, lower ranking staff suffer such more disease and earlier death than

higher ranking staff. Stressful circumstances, making people feel worried, anxious

and unable to cope, are damaging to health and may lead to premature death.

Social and psychological circumstances can cause long term stress.

And last the Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions is

diagnosed when attitudes or behaviours have a negative effect on a medical

disorder that the person has. People’s attitudes or behaviour can negatively affect

any disorder ( such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, or migraines) or symptom (

such as pain). Attitudes and behaviour can make a disorder or symptoms worse,

sometimes resulting in hospitalization or a visit to an emergency department. For

example, severe stress can temporarily weaken the heart, or chronic work related

stress can increase the risk of high blood pressure. The risk of suffering, death, or

disability due to the disorder can be increased.

Mental health deserves real conditioning and taking care of, just like the entire

body. Some disregard a lot of mental issue to stress and simply choke everything

up to the need to relax. The truth is that you need to have more consideration of

these issues. And while there may be lots of treatment options that can be chosen,
knowing the causes behind them in the first place can help you decide on the best

approach to treat this issues.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate how senior high school students in Tanauan

Institute affecting their lifestyles especially it seeks to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents according to their:

a. Track and Section

b. Gender

c. Age

2. What are the factors that affect the students lifestyle?

2.1. Environmental

2.2. Social

2.3. Psychological

3. What are the effects of those factors into individual lifestyle?

4. Is there any significance relationship between the profile of the respondents

in the factors affecting students lifestyles?

5. What are the implications of the finding of the study in factors affecting

students lifestyles?

Scope and Delimitation

The focus this was to determine the different factors affecting the lifestyle

of selected senior high school in Tanauan Institute the scope of this study was

limited on the selected senior high school of Tanauan Institute Inc. this the

researcher will know how too much school works can affect the healthy

lifestyle. The reason why researcher study this is to know and physical health

in every students.

Significance of the Study

This study will create stronger awareness to all the students who are

involved to this research paper. It can also be a learning example to enhance

their knowledge and skills as well.

The finding of the study will be a great help to the principal, teacher,

parent, student, researcher, future researcher.

Principal, this study may serve as a knowledge to understands the students

problem according to their lifestyle.

Teacher, they can able to apply some knowledge in their students an teach

them to avoid unhealthy lifestyle.

Parents, they can learn what factors much that affect the healthy lifestyle of

their children and the effect of it in their everyday life.

Students, they can be able to have some knowledge about this study that can

give them some information about factors affecting their healthy lifestyle.
Researcher, can apply this study in their everyday life and this serve as their

basis in healthy lifestyle.

Future researcher, this study may serve as the basis of future researcher to

have more in depth study about how too much school works affect the healthy

lifestyle of the students.



This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies on factors

affecting the lifestyle of senior high school which the serve this guide to conduct

the study

Conceptual Literature

Good nutrition is important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. With good

food habits and daily physical activity you will be well on your way to a healthy

life. Maintaining healthy lifestyle can difficult as a student. Because of different

that works that teacher

Aguilar (2008), contribute a study entitled “Symptoms and Causes of

depression”. That the other hand the school presents the child with stressing

stimuli such as the demand of minimum amount of academic performance,

exams, extra-curricular activities auto retentive education punishment. Breakfast

can help a person do more work that person with a poor breakfast. This was

especially true of mental activities such as school works usually the person

who had the adequate breakfast was quicker in actions and did not the tire

so easily.

According to Aala et al (2016), without well-developed study habits, a

pupil cannot perform well in class, and surely, they cannot reach their ambitions

in life. Pupils should know how to manage their time wisely and keep their selves

away from bad traits and vices. They should serve as models to their brothers,

sisters, classmates, and also to their fellow students by showing that they have a

good and well developed study habits.

According to Brannon (2013), when students spend so much of their time

going to class, working or staying up late to study, sometimes there’s never

enough time to stop and cooked a decent meal. Some students end up turning to

fast fix food like junk foods and learn to rely on caffeine and energy drinks to get

them through all-nighters. While this might make student think they are saving

more time for studying by taking on unhealthy eating and drinking habits, they are

ultimately hurting themselves.

According to Barrion and Santos (2014), health is the overall condition of

an organism at a given time thinking of people, health consists of complete state

of physical, social, and mental wellbeing. Health permits people to live an

individually, socially and economically productive life. Health awareness is the

basic concept of living a healthy life that make sure that you do not get sick and
are able to live an optimal lifestyle it can provide everyone freedom from all

diseases. It can provide sound mental and physical state to live optimal life. It

helps you choose your health care option.

According to De gay (2016), every normal person need to know this to

take care of their SELF. This responsibilities also extends to the families,

societies, countries and the world. It is the very important aspects in our lives.

Education for health begins with people. It hopes to motivate them with whatever

interests they may have improving their living condition. Its aim is to develop in

the a sense of responsibility for health condition force themselves as individual as

members of families, and as communities.

Thus, Pesa (2008), states that asides from directing pupils movement and

the flow of activities, teachers also need to select procedures and to help manage

other work. The learners should be made to understand academic accountability.

This involves acquiring learners to complete certain academic accountability.

Many have to understand reading grading system and work assignment. Teachers

need to carefully communicate and monitor academic work assignment and

provide feedback.

According to Malipol (2016), The environmental affects a persons

behavior because it determines whether it is needs will be satisfied adequately or

not. This explains why learners are affected by the classroom environment and

orderly classroom environment facilities learning because an orderly classroom

the learners can pay full attention to what is being learned. The learners cannot
concentrate well in the classroom were different kinds of disruptive behavior


According to Barrion (2014), Human beings can barely function without

eating a variety of foods that contain all needed nutrients our body needs.

Nutrients regulate the bodies function, provide energy, and build and repair cells.

Without proper, nutrients our body becomes weak and we became prone to

disease. Water and fibers are necessary to washout the dirt inside our body.

Research Literature

Lifestyle refers simply to the defining characteristics or qualities of a

particular way of life. Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviours, and

behavioural orientations of an individual, group, or culture. A lifestyle typically

reflects an individual attitudes, way of life values or world view. Therefore, a

lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to create cultural symbols that

resonate with personal identity. Not all aspects of lifestyles are voluntary.

Surrounding social and technical constrain the lifestyle choices available to the

individual and the symbols she/he is able to project to others and the self.

According to Nordqvist (2009), anything which poses some kind of threat

and challenge upon us is known as stress. We use the word stress in such

conditions when we feel “It’s too much”. We start to think either we will be able

to handle the workload or situation. Furthermore this are also some common

impact of stress upon human behaviour and thoughts. They show anger, feel

depression, having problem memorizing things, got irritate even with no reason
and start to feel sad. Stress also changes their behaviour some times. People start

to eat too much or too little due to stress, some starts to taking drugs or smoking

because they feel it will give them relaxation. Some people withdraw social

relationships under stress and some start to cry. It’s not necessary that everyone

will face all of these. Some can have few of them and it can be different for other

one but whenever person feels stress some of these impacts will came with stress.

According to Robinson (2010), our body naturally gives response upon

different types of situation and if the situation is not favourable, it’s dangerous or

you feel threatening it alarms us and it is called anxiety. Furthermore, intellectual

abilities are the skills required to perform mental tasks. There are different types

of intellectual abilities, such as memory, creative thinking and vocabulary.

Intelligence tests measure a person’s general intellectual ability by testing them

on several factors. Intellectual ability applies to both academic and work settings.

High intellectual ability in an academic setting is marked by a long attention span,

and it is often marked by both attention span and leadership.

Nb plas (2015), stated stress is most undermined syndrome in our society

that is neglected since the element of mental health associated with it.

Internationally there is a meaningful work and research conducted on the issue but

there were no breakthrough research available domestically. Mental health is

actually the parameter for improved or enhanced performance in every society.

Shaw (2015), inquired children who are unhealthy are at higher risk for

school problems than students who are free from medical problems. Student with
poor health have a higher probability of school failure, and drop out. The

relationship between student health and the academic success is complex.

Common manageable factor of student health are nutrition, maintaining healthy

weight, and physical fitness are examined. Furthermore, the efficacy of

educational problems to improve nutrition, maintain healthy weight, and increase

physical fitness is evaluated. The complexity of the relationship among variables

is presented and areas for future research and practice for school psychologists are


According toWang et al.(2013), healthy lifestyles depend on the early

adoption pf healthy living habits; unhealthy lifestyles among youths are strongly

linked into unhealthy habits in adulthood. Health related behaviours in early

stages of life affects the disease risks related to lifestyle in later periods of life.

Although it is difficult to change unhealthy habits that adults have adapted in their

youth, many effects of health risk factors among adults are avoidable of this

behavior are identified and change at an early stage.

According to Basil et al. (2009), poor eating habits are an important public

health issue that has large health and economic implications. Many food

references are stablished early, but because people make more and more

independent eating decisions as they move through adolescene, the transition to

independent living during the university days is an important event. To study the

phenomenon of food selection, the health belief model was apply to predict the

likelihood of healthy eating among university students. Structural equation

modeling was used to investigate the validity of the health belief model (HBM)
among 194 students, followed by gender based analysis. The data strongly

supported HBM. Social change campaign implication are discussed.

According to Amre (2014), health promotion is an important determinant

of individual health status which held the individual responsible for his own

healthy. Health promotion behaviors are directed toward achieving a higher level

of wellness, personal fulfillment, and self-actualization. Health promotion model,

health promoting lifestyle includes six dimensions: physical activity, nutrition,

stress management, health responsibility, interpersonal support and self-

actualization. Health related behaviors in young age are important factor that

affects the individual risk for non-communicable diseases and other disorders

later in life.

According to Farhud (2008), lifestyle is a way use by people, groups and

nations and is formed in specific geographical, economic, political, cultural and

religious text. Lifestyle is referred to the characteristics of inhabitants of a region

in specific time and place. And includes day to day behaviors and functions of

individuals in job, activities, fun, and diet.

According to Daniyal (2011), the performance of the students in

academics is not only influence by their own characteristics gifted by the nature

but also various factors are involved in these achievements. For the economic and

social development of the society, it is necessary to provide our children with the

quality education. In the recent years, most of the efforts have been made to

search out the factors that affect of students performance.

According to Dunca (2014), the work is a stressor that upset balance

affecting the academic performance. Actions that may require restoring the

balance may requires the dropping of other subject that they can focus on the

others of just enroll the subjects suited to their schedules. Time management and

proper approach in every situation are also helpful.


The different related literature offered significant concept on the factors

affecting the lifestyle of Senior High School in Tanauan Institute Inc. The

previously cited findings in both research literature and conceptual literature show

relevance to the frame of reference and conclusion incoming up with the

necessary assumptions will give directions to the present study.

The study of Josefina Gaerlan (1999), Julius Richmond (2006), Aguilar

(2008), Adelaida Gines (2006) were applicable to the present study for it had

given the present research thoughts regarding the most important concepts related

to the study.
Conceptual Framework

The figure below provides the conceptual framework of the study, designed

specifically to put the ideas of the researcher


1. What is the profile

of the respondents 4. Is there any

3. Data collection and
according to their: significance relationship
analysis: Survey,
between the profile of
Track and Section, Collection, and
the respondents in the
Gender, and Age Organization.
factors affecting students
2. What are the lifestyles?
factors that affect

the students


Factors affecting the lifestyle of Senior

High School students in Tanauan Institute
Research Paradigm

As shown in figure1, the first block which is the input containing the
factors that affecting the students lifestyle in senior high school department,
Tanauan Institute Inc. in terms of the following variables: effects of those factors
and the significant relationship of the profile of the respondents and the factors
affecting the students lifestyles. The arrow pointing the second box contains the
process including the use of questionnaire and the distribution, retrieval and
analysis of data. The last box contains the output as non-significant relationship
between the factors affecting the lifestyle in their everyday life.

Definition of terms

Lifestyle.is a particular way of living the way the person lives or a group of

people live.

Psychological factors. are mental factors that help are prevent sport people from

being in the right frame of mind to perform well.

Social factors. are things that affect lifestyle, such as religion, family or wealth.

Environmental factors. is any factor, abiotic or biotic, that influences living



This chapter present a description of the research design selection and

description of respondents, research instruments, data collection procedure and

statistical treatment used.

Research Designed

In order to see the general pictures of the factors affecting healthy lifestyle of

the students in Tanauan Institute, the descriptive correlational survey method was


As descriptive study, it collected detailed and factual information to describe

existing phenomena. It system practically describe the situation or area of interest

factually and accurately. It allowed the researchers to carefully describes and

understand the behavior. This study was correlational for it demanded the degree

to which the variables were related to each other using various statistical


Subject of the Study

The researchers considered the Senior High School students of Tanauan

Institute comprising of 30 members, male and female. They were chosen

respondents because they are students who are possibly experiencing the tackled

in the study.

Research Instrument
A questionnaire was used in gathering data. The questionnaire consisted of

items that determined the factors affecting the healthy lifestyle of the students.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers personally administered the research Instruments to the

respondents. They conferred and discussed the significance of the study and

accomplished the distribution of the instrument properly.

Statistical Treatment

To the date effectively, the researcher will employ the following statistical

treatment. This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage

distribution of personal related variables of the respondents formula

% = F/S x 100


F is the Frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents, analysis, and interprets of data gathered. The data

were arranged comprehensively to answer the research problem using the accurate

statistical treatment. The study deals with the Factors Affecting the Lifestyle.

Table I. Respondents Profile in terms of Age


16-17 years old 6 20%

18-19 years old 24 80%

20-21 years old 0 0%

22 and above 0 0%

Total 30 100%

The table 1 shares for age range of the respondents majority (80%) of the

respondents belong to the age ranges to 18-19 years old, while the age ranges

from 16-17 years old comprises of 20% of the remaining total respondents.

Table 2. Respondents Profile in terms of Gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 11 36.66%
Female 19 63.33%

Total 30 99.9%

The findings shows that out of 30 respondents surveyed, 63.33% are

female while 36.66% are male where the majority of the total sample population

are female.

Table 3. Factors Affecting the Lifestyle

A. No. of Respondents Weighted Verbal

Environmental Criteria Mean Interpretation


5 4 3 2 1

1. 13 13 4 0 0 4.3 1 Strongly Agree

2. 9 18 1 2 0 4.13 1 Agree

3. 16 12 2 0 0 4.47 1 Strongly Agree

4. 12 13 5 0 0 4.23 1 Strongly Agree

5. 13 11 5 0 0 4.2 1 Strongly Agree

B. Psychological


1. 11 13 5 0 1 4.1 2 Agree

2. 17 11 0 1 1 4.4 2 Strongly Agree

3. 19 8 2 0 1 4.47 2 Strongly Agree

4. 6 21 3 0 0 4.03 2 Neutral

5. 9 15 5 0 1 4.03 2 Neutral

C. Social


1. 10 15 5 0 0 4.13 3 Agree

2. 14 10 3 2 1 4.13 3 Agree

3. 13 11 7 3 1 3.57 3 Agree

4. 12 14 2 0 2 4.13 3 Agree

5. 11 14 4 0 1 4.2 3 Strongly Agree

Table 3. presents the Factors Affecting The Lifestyle of Students. It is

clearly stated that the participants strongly agree in all indicators. The first and

second got highest weighted mean of 4.47 which belong in Environmental and

Psychological Factors.

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

This chapter summarizes the study by highlighting the research conducted

on the topic. The conclusions given were drown from the outcomes of the

research and answers from the survey questionnaires. Moreover, recommendation

were bare from the findings and conclusions of the study.


This study was conducted to know the factors affecting the students

lifestyles. The respondents of this study were compose of thirty students from

senior high school department, Tanauan Institute Inc. It utilized descriptive

research method by the use of survey questionnaire.

The weighted mean and percentage were applied to analyze findings and

to test the hypothesis posed in this endeavor.

Specially the study sought answers to the following questions: what are

the profile of the respondents according to their track and gender? What are the

factors affecting the students lifestyle? What are the effects of those factors into
individual lifestyle? Is there any significant relationship between the profile of the

respondents and the factors affecting the lifestyle?


The statement of the problem and the researchers hypothesis serve as the

frame of reference presenting the salient finding of this trace study research.

1. The respondents are represented mostly by females consisting of 19 or

63.33% out of 30 respondents while male consist of 11 or 36.66%. the

respondents age range 18-19 consist of 24 or 80% and 16-17 consisting of

6 or 20% of the respondents.

2. From the responses of the students the researcher found out that

environmental factors much affect students lifestyle, weighted mean of

4.27 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree, 4.2 weighted mean was

obtained by psychological factors, and a weighted mean of 3.03 social

factors interpreted as agree.

3. The factors affecting the lifestyle were implicated to the student in a way

that it affect them in various ways. In statement “ones environment will

affect your way of living” with a weighted mean of 4.3 with a verbal

interpretation strongly agree, means that’s because students agree to the

effect of environment in individual lifestyle with a weighted mean of 4.03

with a verbal interpretation of neutral , means that student didn’t consider

the psychological factors as the factors that much affect a student

lifestyle ,while in statement “ poverty can much affect your way of living”
with the weighted mean of 3.57 with a verbal interpretation of agree,

means that the student consider social factors that affect lifestyle.


The researcher was able to arrive at these conclusions based on finding of the


1. It concludes that environmental, social and psychological factors are the

factor affecting the students lifestyle.

2. It concludes that those factors affecting the student lifestyle impact

negatively in students health.

3. It concludes that the environmental factors are the factor that much affect

the students lifestyle.


Based on the foregoing finding of the study, the following are

recommended for future enhancement.

1. The researchers recommend the students to avoid factors affecting the

lifestyle in a way that can help them to boost a healthy lifestyle.

2. Parents must give their children to maintain and help them to improve

their healthy lifestyle.

3. To help the students to avoid unhealthy lifestyle teachers and faculty

members must encourage their students to be aware of the cause and

effects of unhealthy lifestyle and also the risk that they might encounter.

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