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In everyday conversation, the term sex 2002). At the same time gender schema theory
and gender are often used interchangeably. focuses on the schematic process which leads
Sex refers to biological characteristics, such children to be sex-typed. This is due to the
as sex chromosomes and sex organs (West comparison between the self-concept and
& Zimmerman, 1987). But, gender refers to an socially desired gender concept (Bem, 1981).
individual’s concept of themselves according to Social cognitive theory explains about the
the social categories. Thus, though the terms process of three factors that shapes gender.
provide similar meaning, they differ from one The factors are: personal, behavioral and
another at specific contexts. Precisely the environmental. The social cognitive theory
concept of gender and gender role varies across highlights on non-cognitive influences such
geography, because gender is a human cultural as motivational, environmental and affective
creation (Garfinkel & Harold, 1967). Thus, factors that accounts for gender development.
gender roles and gender norms are different The theory specifically emphasizes the role
from one culture to another at least in few of modeling in learning gendered information
perspectives (Unger, 1979). Social interaction (Bussy & Bandura, 1999).
carries an essential role in developing one’s Gender stereotype refers to the over
gender concept. At the same time individuals generalization about the attributes and
express their gender identity when they interact characteristics of individuals based on gender.
with others, through their appearance, body This stereotype can be positive or negative. Most
language, tone of voice and behavior. of the time stereotypes function as schemas,
There exist plenty of theories to explain which are cognitive frameworks, for interpreting,
about gender development. For instance, organizing and recollecting information with no
cognitive developmental theories perceive trouble (Whitley & Kite, 2016). One of the core
gender as the outcome of cognitive maturation reason people hold stereotypes is that, by doing
through gender identity, gender stability and so they can minimize the cognitive effort. Gender
gender consistency (Martin, Ruble & Szkrybalo, identity is a product of gender typing, that is, the
48 Arjun Sekhar PM & J Parameswari
process by which children become aware of their 1988), Gender role belief scale (Kerr & Holden,
gender. Once an individual accept their gender, 1996), Gender Stereotype Scale (Noorjahan &
they start to behave according to the norms and Shahataj, 2003), Indian gender role identity scale
roles of the society which are appropriate to the (Basu, 2010), the gender role stereotype scale
identified gender. According to social learning (Mills, Culbertson, Huffman & Connell, 2012)
theory, children learn gender characteristics and Teachers gender stereotype scale towards
through observation, imitation and modeling mathematics (Nurlu, 2017).
(Bandura, Ross & Ross 1963). Play carries Though plenty of scales exist to measure
an important role in the development process gender role stereotype, there is no validated
of the concept gender in children. Parents, tool to measure gender stereotype. A scale
peer group, school and the media are few by Noorjahan and Shahataj (2003) measures
strong pillars which lead the individual towards gender stereotype, but this scale only represents
gender stereotype. Even though, stereotypes the response roles expected of women. Most
help to process information easier, sometimes scales regarding gender, gender role and gender
the gender concepts may develop prejudice role stereotype only discussed about male and
among people that ends in discrimination female characteristics, whereas the present tool
based on gender (Whitley & Kite, 2010). The includes the stereotypes towards male, female
biases towards certain gender category may and transgender. The gender stereotypes differ
result in unfavorable attitude towards the group. in different cultures of various societies. So it
Individuals become sexist when they are biased is very essential to develop a cultural specific
towards people on the basis of gender. tool to measure gender stereotype. The present
Terman and Miles (1936) were the first to tool is developed based on the Indian context,
construct a scale to describe psychological where number of tradition, rituals and cultures
femininity and masculinity. It was a product of are accepted and followed by the people. The
years of investigation about the psychological traditional gender roles in India, insist people
differences between sexes. This scale consists to behave in certain ways, regardless of their
of 445 items and 7 supplementary exercises willingness. And thus, gender stereotype
which best discriminate women from men. Later, questionnaire is very essential to find out the
various researchers developed various scales perpetuating factors of gender stereotype and
related to concept gender with the same logic of to find the impact and influence of gender
Terman and Miles. Later, in 1973 Constantinople stereotype on other areas.
came with a different idea which totally changed Method
the idea in the gender identity scale. According
to Constantinople, the masculinity and femininity Item generation
are not different entities, but co-exist. Her Generating items to measure gender
concept of uni-dimensionality in gender identity stereotype is a little complex process, as it is
carried a crucial role to rethink about the existing spread out to various different aspects. For
gender construct. In the 1970s, the concept generating meaningful items, focus group
of androgyny has emerged in masculinity discussions were conducted with 95 students
and femininity. Bem (1974) constructed a from various disciplines. As per the discussion,
scale (BSRI) to identify sex role based on 120 items were identified with the same
the psychological androgyny. Spence and procedure used by Spence et al (1975). Further,
Hlmreich (1972) constructed a scale to measure the existing literature and tools that focuses on
attitude towards women which is followed by various factors related to gender stereotype were
the concept of androgyny. Bem and Spence also used to generate items. A total of 192 items
perceive masculinity and femininity as two were generated through the above processes.
orthogonal constructs. Some other subsequent The linguistic content of the constructed items
scales were, The structure of male role norms were checked by language experts. Later, the
(Thompson & Pleck, 1986), Attitude towards sex items were arranged in simple to complex form
roles: traditional or egalitarian (Larsen & Long with a five point rating scale ranging from 1 to
Gender Stereotype Scale 49
composite reliability (CR) >0.60 (Tran & Keng Confirmatory factor analysis is used to
2018). Table 2 indicates the factor loading in confirm the model which is discovered after
CFA, composite reliability (CR). exploratory factor analysis. CMIN, DF, CMIN/
Table 2. CFA result for Gender Stereotype Scale DF (chi-square/degree of freedom), root
mean square (RMR), goodness of fit index
Factors Factor loading CR (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI),
Trans-phobia 0.73
normed fit index (NFI), relative fit index (RFI),
incremental fit index (IFI), Tucker-Lewis index
GSS-128 0.73 (TLI), Comparative fit index (CFI), Root mean
GSS-126 0.60 square error of approximation (RMSEA) and
Standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)
GSS-131 0.66 were used as model fit indices.
GSS-124 0.50 Table 3. Model fit indices for first and second
GSS-116 0.45
Model fit indices Second
Masculinity 0.71 First order
GSS-67 0.52 CMIN 403.94 421.55
GSS-32 0.56 DF 224 226
GSS-30 0.50 CMIN/DF 1.803 1.86
RMR 0.06 0.06
GSS-41 0.55
GFI 0.92 0.92
GSS-26 0.52
AGFI 0.90 0.90
GSS-55 0.54
NFI 0.82 0.81
Patriarchy 0.70 RFI 0.80 0.79
GSS-11 0.48 IFI 0.91 0.90
GSS-57 0.45 TLI 0.90 0.89
CFI 0.91 0.90
GSS-52 0.52
RMSEA 0.04 0.04
GSS-48 0.46
SRMR 0.05 0.05
GSS-74 0.50
The model fit indices values in the first order
GSS-59 0.56 are: CMIN= 403.94, DF= 224, CMIN/DF= 1.80,
RMR= 0.06, GFI= 0.92, AGFI= 0.90, NFI= 0.82,
GSS-49 0.54
RFI= 0.80, IFI= 0.91, TLI= 0.90, CFI= 0.91,
Femininity 0.75 RMSEA= 0.04 and SRMR= 0.05. The model fit
GSS-81 0.56
indices values in the second order are: CMIN=
421.55, DF= 226, CMIN/DF= 1.86, RMR= 0.06,
GSS-104 0.57 GFI= 0.92, AGFI= 0.90, NFI= 0.81, RFI= 0.79,
GSS-97 0.63 IFI= 0.90, TLI= 0.89, CFI= 0.90, RMSEA= 0.04
and SRMR= 0.05.
GSS-101 0.64
Wheaton, Muthen, Alwin, & Summers (1977)
GSS-100 0.68 suggested that the value of CMIN/DF less than
5.0 is acceptable for model fit. Hence, the CMIN/
Note. CR= Composite Reliability. The four DF value for first and second order is acceptable.
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Arjun Sekhar PM, Research Scholar, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
Dr. J Parameswari, Assistant Professor, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
Appendix 1