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Nursing Care Plan

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Deficient Knowledge related to non-compliance of treatment regime as evidenced by verbalization of stopping medication.


Subjective Data: Deficient Knowledge After 6 hours of nursing INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT: After 6 hours of nursing
“an una myda gad heya related to non- intervention: intervention, the patient
gintutumar pero ginstop compliance of Assess readiness and Misconceptions and expressed
niya kay waray naman treatment regime as SHORT TERM GOALS: blocks to learning. Include denial of the diagnosis understanding of
daw heya abata hin high evidenced by Family. because of long- disease process and
blood” As verbalized by verbalization of - Patient will express standing feelings of treatment regimen
the patient’s daughter. stopping medication. understanding of Define and state the limits well-being may through sign language,
disease process and of desired BP. interfere with the and described reasons
Objective Data: treatment regimen patient and SO for therapeutic
VS: through sign language Assist patient in willingness to learn actions/treatment
BP: 180/90mmHg -Patient will describe identifying modifiable risk about the disease, regimen. Goal met.
T: 36.5 reasons for therapeutic factors (obesity; a diet progression, and
PR: 85bpm actions/treatment high in sodium, saturated prognosis. After 7 days of nursing
RR: 18cpm regimen through sign fats, and cholesterol; intervention, patient
language. sedentary lifestyle; Provides the basis for maintained BP within
- Total deafness alcohol intake of more understanding individually acceptable
After 7 days of nursing than 2 oz per day elevations of BP and parameters and had
intervention: regularly; stressful clarifies frequently used lesser experience of
lifestyle). medical terminology. severe headaches. Goal
Reinforce the importance These risk factors have
- Patient will maintain of adhering to treatment been shown to
BP within individually regimens and keeping contribute to
acceptable parameters. follow-up appointments. hypertension and
cardiovascular and
- Patient will have lesser Help patients develop a renal disease.
experience of severe simple, convenient
headaches. schedule for taking Ongoing evaluation for
medications. patient cooperation is
critical to successful
Advise to avoid or limit treatment. Compliance
alcohol intake. usually improves when
the patient understands
Suggest frequent position the causative factors .
changes, leg exercises and consequences of
when lying down. inadequate
intervention and health
Recommend avoiding hot maintenance.
baths, steam rooms, and
saunas, especially with Individualizing
the concomitant use of medication schedules
alcoholic beverages. to fit the patient’s
personal habits and
Instruct patient about needs may facilitate
increasing intake of cooperation with the
foods/ fluids high in long-term regimen.
potassium (oranges,
bananas, figs, dates,
tomatoes, potatoes, The combined
raisins, apricots, vasodilating effect of
Gatorade, and fruit juices alcohol and the volume-
and foods) depleting effect of a
diuretic greatly increase
Encourage the patient to the risk of orthostatic
establish an individual hypotension.
exercise program
incorporating aerobic Decreases peripheral
exercise (walking) within venous pooling that
the patient’s capabilities. may be potentiated by
vasodilators and
Collaborate with sign
language interpreters. Prevents vasodilation
with the potential for
dangerous side effects
of syncope and
Diuretics can deplete
potassium levels.
Dietary replacement is
more palatable than
drug supplements.

Besides helping to
lower BP, aerobic
activity aids in toning
the cardiovascular


Sign language
interpreters are
professionals who
understand more deaf
patients. They are the
one who will rely the
information needed to
be understood by the
patient and to make the
stronger and clearer.

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