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Modified Lesson Plan: I. Content

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MODIFIED School: Col.

Ruperto Abellon National School Grade Level: 12

LESSON Teacher: Dharyl G. Ballarta Learning Area: General Physics 2
PLAN Teaching Date
Quarter: 3rd
and Time:

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrates understanding of Current, resistivity, and resistance.

The learners are able to Use theoretical and experimental approaches to solve multi-concept and
B. Performance Standard rich-context problems involving electricity and magnetism.
The learners should be able to:
1. distinguish between conventional current and electron flow STEM_GP12EMIIId-32
2. apply the relationship charge = current x time to new situations or to solve related problems
3. Describe the effect of temperature increase on the resistance of a metallic conductor
C. Learning Competencies STEM_GP12EMIIIe-35
4. Describe the ability of a material to conduct current in terms of resistivity and conductivity
5. Apply the relationship of the proportionality between resistance and the length and
crosssectional area of a wire to solve problems STEM_GP12EMIIIe-37
General Physics 2
I. CONTENT Current, Resistivity, and Resistance
A. References

1.Teacher’s Guide pages General Physics 2 for Senior High School book, pp. 72 – 79
2.Learners’ Materials General Physics 2 Module 4 (Current, Resistivity, and Resistance)

3. Textbook Pages General Physics 2 for Senior High School book, pp. 72 – 79
4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning Resources
Preliminary Activities Reminders, Prayer, Checking of Attendance

A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting the Students will do the actitivty provided in the module (p. iii) as part of their review.
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose It’s very common among us the word “electricity” in fact every month we receive a monthly bill of
for the lesson electricity that we must pay. If you come to think about it, have you ever wondered what’s the science
behind electricity? What’s with electricity that helps and provides us the convenience to watch movies and
drama in our television set, and able us to use wi-fi from our router or broadband that is plug-in into the
socket, which also connected with the main source of electricity.

What makes electric charge flow? We know that we cannot enjoy the benefits of electric charges if they
are at rest. They have to be moving fast for us to be able to make use of their stored energy. How do
charges flow? What are electric currents? How are electric current produced? What are electric circuits?
There are a lot of questions that we will answer in the succeeding lessons.

There is electricity because of electrons, so, the highlight for this lesson is you are to distinguish between
conventional current and electron flow, Apply the relationship charge = current x time to new situations or
to solve related problems, describe the effect of temperature increase on the resistance of a metallic
conductor, describe the ability of the material to conduct current in terms of resistivity and conductivity,
and apply the relationship of the proportionality between resistance and the length and cross-sectional
area of a wire to solve problems.

Behind the science of electricity is the current, resistivity, and resistance as well as the Ohm’s Law.

Take time to reflect on the picture shown below:

What do you think is the importance of understanding electricity? Try to see it from smaller to larger scale.
Present the objectives
At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
1. distinguish between conventional current and electron flow
2. apply the relationship charge = current x time to new situations or to solve related problems
C. Presenting examples/ 3. describe the effect of temperature increase on the resistance of a metallic conductor
instances of the new 4. describe the ability of a material to conduct current in terms of resistivity and conductivity
lesson 5. apply the relationship of the proportionality between resistance and the length and
crosssectional area of a wire to solve problems

with 80% level of attainment.

D. Discussing new Students will do the activity (What’s New, p. 2)
concepts and practicing
new skills Electricity is a kind of energy that takes in many forms, and one of this is the current electricity or electric
current. Electric current refers to the interaction of charges in motion from one region to another. These
moving charges are called electrons, which is one of the subatomic particles of atom, the smallest unit of
matter. Electric circuit, on the other hand, occur the moment when the charges in motion within a
conducting path forms a closed loop. The path refers to the electric circuit which serves as a medium for
transferring energy from one area to another.

Prerequisite of analyzing electric circuits is to understand first the basic properties of electric currents that
explains the charges in motion or the flow of electrons, and its conductivity, resistivity as well as the
relationship of current, voltage and resistance.

Current, represented by capital (I) refers to the motion of charges from one place to another. It is the rate
at which charges flow through a circuit element or over a cross-sectional unit of an area per unit time.
Current represents the flow of electrons, however it flows from the positive terminal of the battery towards
the negative terminal, and it is the common way of representing the flow of current in an electric circuit,
that is how it perceive, thus it is called conventional current, the choice or preferred current flow, so the
moving charges are considered positive, so it is assume that it is moving in the same direction with
current. On the other hand, the opposite direction is the actual flow of electrons, from the negative
terminal to the positive terminal. Look at the illustration below to distinguish even better the difference
between conventional current and electron flow.

The electric current flows from the circuit shows the flow of electricity. Given the equation below current
can also be described in terms of the rate of charges flow over time. It represents how many electrons per
seconds are flowing at any given point. Ampere (A), the SI (International System Of Units) unit of current
is defined as one coulomb per second (1 A = 1 C/s).

Keep in mind that 1 electron has a charge of 1.6 x 10−19 C .

I = current in Ampere Q = charge in coulomb t = time in seconds

A current of 1 Ampere (A) means that you have 1 Coulomb of electric charge moving in every second.
Current is directly proportional to charges, so the higher the charges the higher the current, and it is
inversely proportional to time in seconds.

A current of 5 A flows through a resistor for 30 minutes. How many electrons flows through the resistor
during the time given?
Given: I = 5 A; Q?
t = 30 mins (convert to seconds; 1 min = 60 seconds)

60 sec
30 min × =1800 seconds
1 min
1 ampere is equal to 1 coulomb per second, therefore from the given question 5 ampere is also equal to 5
coulomb per second
1 A = 1 C/s
5 A = 5 C/s

Rearrange the given equation to find the value of charge in coulomb

I= ; Q=¿

5C 3
Q= ×1800 s=9000 C∨9 ×10 C

9 ×10 3 C is not yet the final answer, since the question asked for the number of electrons flowing
through the resistor. Thus, use the value below for conversion.

1 e=1.6 ×10−19 C

3 1electron 22
9 ×10 C × −19
=5.63× 10 electron
1.6 ×10 C

It means in 30 minutes 5.63 ×1022 electron will have flowed through the resistor given the current of
5 amperes. Therefore, the higher the current the greater the number of electrons that will flow.

Students will do this activity.

1. If the current in a wire in one ampere then one coulomb(s) of charge flows pass a point in the wire
every one second(s).

2. When 8 C of charge flow pass in a point in a circuit in 2 seconds, the current is 4A.

If the current at a point in a circuit is 1.5A, then 1.5C of charge flow pass this point every second.

If the current at a point in a circuit is 0.75A, then 3.75C of charge flow pass this point 5 seconds.

If the current at a point in a circuit is 0.80A, then it takes 3 seconds for 2.4C of charge to flow pass this
point in the wire.

3. A printer draws 150C of charge when it is used for 10min. How much current does the printer draw?
Ans. 0.25A.

4. How long does it take for 3.25 C of charge to pass a point in a circuit if the wire is carrying a current of
0.55 A? Ans. 5.91 s

5. A car’s starter motor draws 50A of current from the car’s battery. If the start up time is 1.5 seconds,
how many electrons pass through a point in a circuit during this time? Ans. 4.69 × 1020 electrons

6. A current of 1.65 A flows in a electric circuit. How many electrons are flowing pass a point in the circuit
every second? Ans. 1.03 ×1019 electrons

There are other factor and properties that affects the flow of electric charges, and one of which is voltage
and resistance aside from current. Its relationship is summarized and explained by Ohm’s Law, which
named after George Simon Ohm (German physicist and mathematician). It states that the current is
directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance as shown in the equation below (If
the voltage goes up, the current goes up. If the resistance goes up, the current goes down).


Where, (V) is denoted for voltage and has a unit of volts, it serves as a “force” that pushes electrons
through a certain component in an electric circuit, (I) for current is the electron flow which is measured in
ampere, and resistance (R) is measured in ohms(Ω).
Conductivity is the ability of the material to mobilize charges. It is the opposite of resistivity. Moreover,
resistivity (p) is defined as the resistance offered by the material directly proportional to the length of the
conductor and inversely to its cross-sectional area. The SI (International System Of Units) unit of
resistivity is Ohmmeter (Ω.m).

Let us say we have a solid cylindrical conductor (metallic conductor) of cross-sectional area A and length
L. If a potential difference V is applied between the both ends of the conductor, a current will flow.


Let’s define again the two common terms (resistivity and conductivity) in physics.
Resistivity is the ability of the material to resist the flow of the electric current or the electric charges. The
electrical resistivity of a conductor material is measured by how strong the material opposes the flow of
an electric current in a circuit path.

The following are the factors that affect the resistance (R) of a conductor in ohms.
• The resistivity (ρ) of the material from which the conductor is made.
• The total length (L) of the conductor.
• The cross-sectional area (A) of the conductor
• The temperature of the conductor.

Calculate the total DC resistance of a 100 meter roll of 2.5mm2 copper wire if the resistivity of copper at
20° C is 1.72 x 10−8 Ω meter.

Data given: resistivity of copper at 20° C is 1.72 x 10−8, coil length L = 100m, the cross-sectional area
of the conductor is 2.5mm2 giving an area of: A = 2.5 x 10−6 m 2 ..

𝑹= 𝝆 𝛀

(1.72 x 10−8 m)100 m

R= −6 2
=¿ 0.688 𝛀
2.5 x 10 m

Resistance (R) is directly proportional to the length of the conductor and inversely to its cross-sectional
area. The SI Unit is 1 Ω which is also equivalent to 1 Volt over 1 Ampere.

Conductivity on the other hand, refers to the flow of electric current through a material without any
resistance. It is the total opposite of resistivity. So metals such as copper, aluminum or silver have very
large values of conductance meaning that they are good conductors.

Conductivity, σ (Greek letter sigma), is the reciprocal of the resistivity. That is 1/ρ and is measured in
siemens per meter (S/m). Since electrical conductivity σ = 1/ρ, the previous expression for electrical
resistance, R can be rewritten as:

L 1
𝑹= 𝝆 𝛀 and σ =
A ρ

Therefore : R= 𝛀

A 20meter length of cable has a cross-sectional area of 1mm2 and a resistance of 5 ohms. Calculate the
conductivity of the cable.

Data given: DC resistance, R = 5 ohms, cable length, L = 20m, and the cross-sectional area of the
conductor is 1mm2 giving an area of: A = 1 x 10−6 m 2.

L 20 m 6 S
σ= = =4 x 10
RA 5 Ω(1 x 10 m )
−6 2

Therefore, a material or a conductor with high conductivity will have a low resistivity, and vice versa. As
you observe from the previous discussion, Greek letter 𝝆 (rho) represents the electrical resistivity of a
material, and electrical conductivity on the other hand may be represented by the Greek letter 𝛔 (sigma),
𝜿 (kappa), or 𝜸 (gamma).

Students will do this activity.

1. What is the resistance of an aluminum wire that is 10m long and has a diameter of 3mm if the
resistivity is 2.65 x 10−8 Ωm ?
Given: L = 10m
𝝆 = 2.65 x 10−8 Ωm
d = 3mm

Solution: 𝑹= 𝝆
2.65 x 10 Ω m(10 m) −2
𝑹= 2
=0.0375 Ω=3.75 x 10 Ω
π ( 1.50 x 10 m )
E. Developing Mastery
(Leads to formative
Assessment 3)

2. Copper wiring in a house usually has a diameter of approximately 1.5 mm. What length of copper wire
would have a resistance of 1.5 Ω ?

F. Finding Practical
Students will explain and distinguish conventional current and electron flow. Let them provide a diagram
Applications of to elaborate their explanation.
Sum up learnings by asking:
G. Making generalizations
and abstractions State the concept Current, Ohm’s Law, Resistance and Conductivity.

H. Evaluating Learning A. Calculate the following Problems. Show your solution.

1. A charge of 12 C passes through the filament of a car headlamp bulb in 4 s. What is the current?

2. A current of 0.5 A flows for 20 s through a small electric motor. How much charge has passed?

3. A current of 200 mA flows for 2 minutes. How much charge has passed?

4. Solve and complete the given table. Show your solution.

B. Solve the following problems relative to the resistivity and conductivity. Show your solution.

1. The resistance of a wire of length 10 m is 2 ohm. If the area of cross section of the wire is
2 ×10−7 m2, determine its (a) resistivity, and (b) conductivity

2. Calculate the (a) resistivity and the (b) conductivity of a material that has a length of 15 m and a cross-
sectional area of 5×10−8 m2 and a resistance (R) of 5 Ω.

I. Additional activities for Describe in a creative way the effect of temperature increases on the resistance of a metallic
application or conductor.
remediation Also, describe the ability of the material to conduct current in terms of its resistivity and
Note: You may express your answer through a drawing, just by making a slogan or a poster, or
a “hugot”. It is all up to you as long as you can describe.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 75% in the
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
Learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor
can helped me solve
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
discover which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

General Physics Teacher

Approved by:

Head Teacher III

Principal II

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