Jboss Enterprise Middleware Datasheet
Jboss Enterprise Middleware Datasheet
Jboss Enterprise Middleware Datasheet
JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform (EDSP) is a JBOSS DEVELOPER STUDIO – PORTFOLIO EDITION
powerful set of tools and runtime components that make
it easy for your applications and business processes to JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition gives developers
use data from many data sources. EDSP includes tools for everything they need to build rich web applications, trans-
creating data views that are accessible through standard actional enterprise applications, and SOA-based
protocols, a repository for storing metadata and a robust integration applications. It's a certified open source
runtime environment that provides enterprise-class perfor- development environment that integrates Eclipse, Eclipse
mance, data integrity and security. Tooling, and the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
runtime. This subscription also includes access to JBoss
JBoss Enterprise BRMS (Business Rules Management Enterprise SOA, Data Services, and Portal Platforms, as
System) provides an open source business rules manage- well as JBoss Hibernate, Seam, JBoss Operations Network,
ment system that enables active decisions with easy busi- and OpenJDK.
ness policy and rules development, access, and change
management. A business rules management system helps
an organization capture and manage business knowledge “Avis has absolute trust in JBoss
and policies. These business rules form the basis for deci-
sion-making in the organization. and its mission-critical enterprise
applications. We are very satisfied
with the results, and we are also
In the real world, IT infrastructure environments often
include a number of vendors. That's why in addition to impressed with JBoss support. We
JBoss Enterprise Platforms, Red Hat also offers modular
frameworks that run with any JavaEE middleware platform are provided with very professional,
and dramatically increase productivity in both development very prompt, and very helpful
and production. JBoss Enterprise Frameworks include:
answers, as opposed to the usual
• JBoss Hibernate for industry-leading
O/R mapping and persistence vendor nonsense. ”
- Jens Utech,
• JBoss Seam for simplifying Web 2.0 D
irector of Revenue and Fleet Applications, Avis Europe
application development
2 www.jboss.com
JBoss OPERATIONS NETWORK Figure 1: JBoss superior customer satisfaction
INDUSTRY-LEADING TECHNICAL SUPPORT JBoss Enterprise Middleware decreases total cost of own-
ership in three key ways. First, because it's open source, it
Expert technical support is delivered with JBoss leverages the collective research and development power
Enterprise Middleware via the industry’s highest-rated of a community thousands of developers. This not only
support team — exceeding BEA, IBM, and Oracle in customer matures the code faster and drives greater innovation, it
satisfaction.1 For Red Hat, support is not an afterthought. also provides Red Hat with a superior cost structure that
It's our core business. delivers value to our customers.
Production support: You won’t have to wade through But software and support costs are just one part of the
uninformed support personnel to reach a subject matter equation. Having access to the source code means that you
expert. Once assessed, incidents are sent directly have the ability to see exactly what's occurring in the soft-
to JavaEE architects. If the issue can't be resolved, it ware you're developing on. Being able to see exactly how
is escalated to the core JBoss development staff. That services are provided is extremely helpful for developers to
means you're only one degree of separation from the take advantage of advanced features. They can also avoid
authors of our code at all times. performance bottlenecks and the costly trial-and-error
Developer support: Red Hat Developer Subscriptions guesswork that hampers efficient application development
deliver expert advice spanning architecture, design, config- and slows time to market.
uration, optimization, and tuning recommendations for all JBoss Enterprise Middleware is easy to consume and use,
JBoss Enterprise Middleware to ensure that development taking just minutes to download, install, and configure. With
projects efficiently and effectively move into production. other vendors, you could spend days or even weeks just to
get started. By eliminating that wasted time, developers
are more productive, more projects get started, and time to
deployment is decreased. And once deployed, applications
generally require fewer ongoing developer resources.
www.jboss.com 3
JBoss PRODUCTION SUBSCRIPTIONS JBoss Production Subscriptions
< 32 CPUs 32 cpus or more
JBoss Enterprise Middleware Production Subscriptions are
sold in both 4- and 32-CPU units. Premium subscriptions Production 2 total CPUs Contacts
deliver 24x7 support with a 1-hour service level. Standard Support 32 to 63 10
Contacts 64 to 127 15
subscriptions deliver 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. support hours in
128 to 255 20
North America and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. support hours in the 256 to 511 25
rest of the world, Monday through Friday with a 4-business- 512 to 1023 28
1024 to 1503 30
hour service level. Both levels include unlimited incidents,
1504 to 2559 32
web and phone access, and: 2560 or more 35
• Product access: Source and binary code, Red Hat Not included. 2 included
documentation Application May purchase
Developer– separately.
• Updates: Regular updates that provide general Professional
enhancements, new features, etc. JBoss Not included. Included
Operations May purchase
• Revisions: Access to the latest bug fixes and Network separately.
security errata
Value Not Available Not Available
• Upgrades: Rights to new versions of JBoss Enterprise
Middleware released during the subscription lifetime
4 www.jboss.com
JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition and Red Hat Developer Subscription Details
JBOSS developer Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat
studio Portfolio application application portfolio Portfolio
edition developer developer developer developer
professional enterprise professional enterprise
Support SLA 2 business days 4 business hours 2 business days 4 business hours
Support Contacts 1
Support Hours North America: M–F 9–9. Rest of the world: M–F 9–5
Developer support for a product is dictated by the availability of production support for
Availability All regions that specific product in that region. Otherwise, developer support is provided on through
the web.
with access to
1 10
software, patches
and updates
One entitlement to 10 entitlements to JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition. Portfolio Edition
Included software
JBoss Developer includes all of JBoss Enterprise Middleware Products. 10 entitlements to Red Hat
(for development
Studio Portfolio Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform. Each JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition
purposes) entitlement includes up to 4 CPUs
Edition included
Developer Subscriptions are available as software only or For more information on JBoss Enterprise Middleware,
software plus support. JBoss Developer Studio – Portfolio please visit jboss.com, redhat.com/jboss, or contact
Edition is a software-only subscription. Red Hat Developer your Red Hat sales representative.
Subscriptions include expert advice spanning architecture,
design, configuration, optimization, and tuning recommen-
dations for all JBoss Enterprise Middleware products. They
include incidents and entitlements to tools and software for
development purposes.
www.jboss.com 5
JBoss sales and Inquiries
© 2011 Red Hat Middleware, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo and JBoss are registered www.jboss.com
trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. #7376307_0811