Coinweb Presentation 2
Coinweb Presentation 2
Coinweb Presentation 2
3. Unlocking blockchains
5. Comparing platforms
16. Roadmap
Coinweb addresses fundamental problems with current blockchain technology. Coinweb aims to be the first general-pur-
pose blockchain platform to deliver true interoperability for real world usage. To achieve this, we are actively approaching
collaboration with traditional businesses.
This document describes our solutions to the following problems, and details how the platform’s technology is already
being used by tens of thousands of customers.
The broader vision of blockchain technology promises to enable the creation of an infrastructure that can automate and
optimize trust-based functions in society. This will catalyze a paradigm shift in how businesses, governments, institutions,
and individuals interact and operate. This requires a technical foundation capable of supporting it.
We have identified several key problems that persist, preventing a shift from taking place.
Currently the total solution space of DLT-technology is spread across a multitude of different blockchains and similar
systems. Coinweb is unifying the existing solution space as well as integrating new technical advancements.
Blockchain 1 Blockchain 5
Interoperability High performance
Multi-chains Interoperability
Coinweb Multi-chains
Blockchain 2 Blockchain 4
High performance Crypto ecosystem
Scalable Smart contract
Blockchain 3
Cross ecosystem queries
Blockchain data index
The platform’s unique architecture merges the solution space from underlying blockchains, opening an innovative
approach for solving existing bottlenecks.
A driving motivation for blockchain interoperability is enabling applications Custom programming languages and toolchains are hurdles that developers
to utilize properties, functionality, and information from multiple chains. With must overcome to deploy dApps on current blockchain platforms. Coinweb
current solutions this comes with significant limitations and tradeoffs. Coin- uses the WebAssembly runtime environment, which allows programmers
web’s approach allows a high degree of interoperability—while minimizing to continue using a programming language and toolchain they are already
tradeoffs. familiar with.
Tight coupling semantics between chains means removing barriers WebAssembly is the lingua franca between onchain and offchain code.
between Pareto-optimal chains for dApps.
Smart contracts can be written in popular programming languages
Designed to be fault tolerant under the assumption that some underly- such as Javascript, C++, Python, and more.
ing chains will fail. A catastrophic failure on one chain will not propagate
across the system. Significantly lower the threshold for developers to write dApps.
Avoids unnecessary consensus mechanisms between chains, by reus- Supports standard toolchains and software libraries.
ing the underlying consensus rather than overlaying new ones. As
blockchain infrastructure and consensus mechanisms increasingly Smart contract webassembly bytecode can be run on the client side,
become subject to attacks, the weakest link should not be interoperabil- backend side or even in a web -browser, making development and inte-
ity protocols. gration of dApps easier.
The computational bottleneck resulting from sequential execution of The ability to merge information between blockchains in an easy and cryp-
smart-contract code is a growing concern. For blockchain technology to tographically secure way is necessary for applications to take full advantage
reach full mainstream adaption, a computation model that scales horizontal- of interoperability between blockchains. dApps should be able to use the
ly is necessary. merged information in smart contracts without compromising security.
Parallel execution on single chains, and across multiple chains. Ability to execute smart-contracts based on indexed data, with the
same security properties as the underlying chains.
Decoupling of collation and execution of transactions enables full paral-
lelism and massive computation scaling. Indexed data is provable by thin clients.
Execution of smart contract code within a block is independent of trans- Homogeneously combines information from blockchains and oracles.
action ordering, enabling the use of massive parallel frameworks such
as map-reduce or GPU. Similar functionality as projects like The Graph, but with stronger secu-
rity and the ability to execute code.
In essence, every highly scalable system is built like this.
A modern data-oriented model for the smart-contracts state, when
compared with the traditional encapsulation-oriented paradigm. This
decouples contracts and leads to more extensible systems.
Many use cases, especially when applications are utilizing multiple chains,
will rely on reactive smart -contracts. A multichain dApp needs to listen and
react to events on the underlying chains where no explicit gas fee can be
added for smart-contract execution.
The core building block at the foundation of Coinweb’s unique approach is the InChain architecture. It is the InChain
architecture that allows Coinweb dApps to deliver our radical new solutions to fundamental problems. InChain architec-
ture makes it possible to take maximum advantage of blockchain interoperability with fewer tradeoffs.
The InChain architecture proves the state of a blockchain in a different way. This has huge implications for the Coinweb
platform and dApps. With this new approach, it is possible to retain properties of the underlying chains and dramatically
increase the efficiency and usefulness of dApps.
With the InChain architecture, Coinweb combines and extends the functionality of blockchains to give developers the
ability to improve and expand existing dApp concepts. This opens up completely new use cases and allows for greater
Cross-chain Cross-chain Adaptive High performance, Secure High capacity Digital wallet utilising
token issuance DeFi protocols dApps low fee dApps interoperability smart-contracts cross-chain naming
Cross-chain token issuance is required to develop a broader range of mul- Recent DeFi protocols such as Uniswap have contributed enormously to the
ti-chain dApps. Typically, such dApps would move tokens based on activities growth of the decentralized economy and ecosystem. They have filled a
across multiple chains for example, dApps that record transactions on multi- demand in the market and significantly increased the liquidity for dApps and
ple chains such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Cardano before paying out tokens. However, they are mostly constrained to working within one
dividends of the aggregated revenue in one unified dividend token. Currently, platform, which limits the liquidity and usability of dApps built on top of
tokens that exist on multiple chains rely on centralized entities, which limits them. Further scalability issues give rise to problems such as high fees and
their functionality and liquidity. reduced usefulness.
Blockchain- agnostic tokens that can easily move between chains. Coinweb is open to similar protocols that span across multiple blockchains.
With the ability to create true cross-chain dApps, the Coinweb protocol
Blockchain- agnostic tokens that allow easy migration of projects from provides solutions to solve the current problems and opens for new and
one chain to another. more advanced DeFi protocols.
Necessary for taking full advantage of blockchain interoperability. Increased liquidity for dApps spanning a multitude of blockchains and
Enables much- needed functionality such as crosschain fundraising,
DAO, multi- chain dividend tokens, and more. More flexibility and increased solution space for DeFi protocols.
Eases integration of multiple chains into one dApp. Cross-chain NFT’s No need to be locked in to a specific blockchain.
and NFT markets.
Business requirements change over time, as technology evolves. Block- As recent developments have shown, dApps continue to become more com-
chains are difficult to update. This is due to backwards compatibility necessi- plex, requiring higher fees to operate. The demand for low cost, high perfor-
ty and maintaining the support of a majority of participants in the network. mance decentralized computation is rapidly increasing.
These factors are in direct conflict with business requirements which often
includes a high level of adaptability. Necessary for mainstream adoption.
Coinweb enables dApps to continuously work on top of a Pareto- optimal Becomes a host for cryptographic innovation: competitive computa-
combination of chains: If a chain becomes less useful, or a more useful chain tional resources, and the ability to run system languages such C or Rust,
becomes available, the dApp will be able to easily move functionality to the will ease the integration of experimental ideas such as zk-SNARK.
more optimal underlying chain.
Offers further innovation and new use cases.
dApps can more readily migrate from one chain to another if a chain
becomes too slow or expensive. Allows more existing centralized infrastructure to transition to decen-
dApps can be deployed within the same framework on different under-
lying chains. Existing dApps can be implemented in a more effective manner.
Coinweb’s causal consistency model secures the protocol against insta- One of the major problems faced by dApp platforms, such as Ethereum, is
bilities in connected chains, while still maintaining full usability at the that the performance of dApps are directly dependent on how often dApps
application level. are used on the platform. Once a dApp’s popularity increases, the fees for all
dApps on the platform increase. This is a major bottleneck for mainstream
Allows developers to access a broader set of chains in their project with adoption as it increases the risk for any business that integrates with it.
minimum security tradeoffs.
In Coinweb, every transaction and computation runs in parallel, even
Minimizes cost of blockchain interaction— even for experimental or if triggered by the same smart-contract. This means a single smart
potentially unstable chains. -contract won’t become an execution bottleneck— even if it’s used by
most of the network simultaneously.
Lowers the bootstrapping threshold for new chains, supporting
increased innovation for blockchain technology. An increase in usage of one dApp will not affect the performance of
other dApps.
Coding started Anchored to Litecoin Coinweb node Seed funding Web client Mobile client Testnet / Alpha
Planned platform Litecoin chosen as Broadcaster/bridge, Recapitalization and Working version of Wallet built on iOS Accessible from
includes dsLayer and anchor chain, first cross chain compati- new CEO, team wallet on Web. and Android. outside dev environ-
dsDNS. transactions recorded. bility for BTC, ETH, expanded. ment; major function-
LTC. ality working.
Ingress / egress Testnet, beta Pilot Blockfort & Beta mainnet - token Beta mainnet Beta mainnet
OnRamp wallets focused computation
Cash in / cash out in Region 1 beta. Region 1 pilot with Permissioned users Hardcoded fees for
local markets, select partners, live First version of the Broadcasting to will be able to send burns.
localization. traffic, QA and Blockfort & OnRamp different Bitcoin and receive CWEB.
improvements. wallets. derived blockchains.
API abstracting over
reading/writing to
different blockhains -
MVP storage layer.
Tokens Claims system v1 CWEBe to CWEB Multiple chains Webassembly Customers Mainnet
Permissioned Users - Tokens support. 1:1 transfer from Coinweb runs over Being able to load 3rd and 4th ‘Coinweb Out of beta.
Token set up and CWEBe (ERC20) to multiple chains: webassembly and run managed’ customers
issuance. CWEB (Coinweb) for Bitcoin, Litecoin, it; run white-listed (after Blockfort and
development and Bitcoin Cash, and executables, and for OnRamp) secured, to
testing purposes. Ethereum. fixed call sites. launch on top of the
Coinweb platform,
delivering further
growth and liquidity.
Mainnet Mainnet Updated L1 Redundant L1 API for wasm Liquidity pools Refereed
embeddings embeddings contracts (alpha) (alpha) computation v1
Dynamic fees for Community incentive
burns. system. Changed L1 embed- N out of M embedding WASM contracts can A contract that Refereed mechanism
ding for transactions across blockchains. listen to chain-specific enables smooth for light-client
and protocol change L1 events. exchange of the L1 computation verifica-
framework. token to CWEB. tion.
Coinweb wallet v1 Smart contract Claims system v2 SDK Retail token Customers More chains
Token tracking and More advanced Developer tools with Launch retail token 5th and 6th ‘Coinweb More chains added.
trading functionality. Expand smart queries. SDK. set up and issuance, managed’ customers
Loyalty tokens and contracts so they can individual customers to launch on top of the
offers. Fiat to digital use Names. able to customise Coinweb platform,
asset rails. Crypto tokens and elect a delivering further
deposits and supporting blockchain growth and liquidity.
payments. to have them encoded
Refereed Smart contracts Smart contracts Smart contracts Smart contracts Smart contracts Smart contracts
computation v2
Data-parallel Smart contracts can Smart contracts can Intra-smart contracts Smart contracts can Smart contracts
Refereed mechanism contracts. use Names. write claims (i.e can parallel interaction. call arbitrary webas- become turing
for light-client work as oracles) and sembly code. complete; but still
computation verifica- first communication limited.
tion. between smart
Smart contracts L1 API for wasm Liquidity pools v1 Clusters Client network v1 Customers More chains
contracts v1
Smart contracts can Out of alpha. Smart contracts run Client-programmable 7th and 8th ‘Coinweb More chains added.
use high-order WASM contracts can on clusters in a gossip network (for managed’ customers
features. listen to chain-specific map-reduce like chat / real-time to launch on top of the
v1 completed. L1 events. fashion. exchange). Coinweb platform,
delivering further
growth and liquidity.
A further 9 team members consisting of jnr finance, community management, digital marketing and operations are employed full time in the Bangkok office in-house. A further 6 mid
level developers, 2 front-end, 2 back-end and 2 full stack are employed full time in-house. They are based between Barcelona and Kiev.