An Outline of The Problems and Potential Solutions For Cloud Computing Security
An Outline of The Problems and Potential Solutions For Cloud Computing Security
An Outline of The Problems and Potential Solutions For Cloud Computing Security
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The security issues and solutions related to instantly assigned, scaled, and released with minimum
cloud computing are a strongly debated academic topic at administration effort or service provider participation. [3].
the moment. Even though there have been many studies on
cloud security, there is still some uncertainty about how to Using the cloud immediately reduces overall expenses
link issues with solutions. It is challenging to both and enhances system performance since the user no longer
generalize the idea and investigate its particular needs needs to worry about installing and maintaining her system
since there is no established framework for cloud security. physically. When cloud-based services are used, a layer of
Some polls focus on access control systems, while others abstraction is built between the user whose data or services are
discuss virtualization issues and solutions. A survey's being handled in the cloud and the actual servers or storage.
suggested countermeasures must also specifically state the The cloud user, who may also be the service or data owner, is
issue they are meant to solve. All of these factors have been now forced to depend only on the cloud service provider (CSP)
taken into account while writing this survey paper, which for the security and privacy of her data. Mutual trust may be
includes a discussion of many open questions in the subject achieved to some degree by negotiating the SLA, but several
and covers all pertinent themes with appropriate links security vulnerabilities unique to the cloud eventually occur
between them. and must be handled by either the CSP or the user.
Keywords:- Cloud Computing,Virtualization,Information Data is the top concern for IT security, regardless of the
Security, Data Security, , Security Challenges, Trust infrastructure being utilized. This also holds true for cloud
computing, whose dispersed architecture and multi-tenant
I. INTRODUCTION design highlight new security concerns. The data life cycle
encompasses the creation, archival, use, diffusion, and
Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective disposal of data. For each of these data life cycle stages, each
infrastructure for running High Performance Computing, CSP should provide the necessary security procedures [4].
enterprise and Web applications. Businesses are increasingly
substituting cloud-based for internal resources to capture If the online application (shared application) is
benefits like faster scale-up/scale-down of capacity, pay-as- constructed insecurely, a client might, for example, employ a
you-go pricing, and access to cloud-based applications and SQL injection [5] to get unauthorized access to another
services without buying and managing on-premises customer's data and delete or edit it. To avoid this, the
infrastructure. A remarkable positive change can be noticed in appropriate security measures must be implemented. Data
IT capital costs, labor cost and enhancement of productivity deletion is an issue in the cloud once again, and as a result, the
by using cloud-based computing [1] CSP must take extra care to ensure that data is permanently
and totally wiped at the request of the customer. The customers
A service level agreement must be established between should also be able to see and verify the data backups utilized
the cloud provider and the consumer (or broker) before the to avoid data losses (scope, saving intervals, saving timings,
cloud provider may offer a service to that customer (SLA). The storage length, etc.). All of these issues, in addition to a
SLA is an agreement that outlines the quality of service (QoS) number of others, must be taken care of while using a cloud
between a service provider and service user. It often also service.
contains the cost of the service, with the cost of the service
adjusting the degree of QoS [2]. Virtualization, which provides the requisite levels of
flexibility, security, isolation, and manageability for
This cloud-customer relationship, which reflects the delivering IT services on demand, is another essential
concept of a distributed system made up of a number of virtual component of cloud computing. IaaS is based on the concept
machines that may be dynamically provided to fit a customer's of hardware virtualization, while PaaS solutions (covered in
changing resource demands, is underwritten by the SLA. the next section) gain from programming level virtualization.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Simple on-demand network
access to a pool of reconfigurable computing resources, such Server consolidation, which enables several applications
as network, storage, hardware, and applications, is made or services to utilise a single physical server's resources
possible by the concept of cloud computing that can be concurrently without interfering with one another or even
exposing this information to the client apps, is a concept that
II. CLOUD MODELS AND THEIR Hybrid Cloud: This type of cloud infrastructure consists of
SPECIFICATIONS two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private,
community, or public), each of which is still a distinct legal
Model of cloud services entity, but which are linked by standardized or proprietary
The NIST categorization of Cloud includes three service technology that enables the portability of data and
types [2] that provide services at different levels of a business applications (such as cloud bursting for load balancing
model. between clouds) [6]. While simultaneously taking care of
the security and control of private clouds, hybrid clouds
Software as a Service (SaaS): This phrase describes a cloud provide the benefits of cost and scalability comparable to
service that enables users to connect online to software those of public clouds.
applications that are hosted on a cloud infrastructure. SaaS
automates all the updates and doesn't need any setup or Data privacy and integrity issues emerge when data is
ongoing infrastructure maintenance expenditures. SaaS transferred from the public to the private environment or vice
provides the least level of client security control since the versa since the privacy regulations in the public cloud
user cannot access the execution platform and supporting environment are quite different from those in the private
infrastructure. cloud[6].
Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud-based computing In the section that follows, we go through the many
platform that is integrated and abstracted and makes it security issues that arise often in cloud environments.
easier to create, run, and manage applications.
IaaS, or infrastructure as a service, is the virtual supply REQUIREMENTS
of hardware, networking, and storage services for use with
computer resources. The operating system, deployed services, The degree to which a user trusts the Cloud Service
and selected network segments are all at the client's control Provider (CSP) and the services they provide is one of the key
under this paradigm. The infrastructure is solely under the determinants of whether they choose to utilize a cloud system
control of the CSP. IaaS gives customers greater security or a traditional one. Trust is determined by assessing whether
control over their data than older models did as a consequence. a provider has taken all necessary precautions, including those
relating to data security, virtual machine security, and other
B. Cloud Deployment Model legal and regulatory requirements. For this assessment of the
Based on the user's appropriateness and specific security of the Cloud system, confidentiality, integrity, and
purpose, NIST again separates the cloud into four deployment availability are the three factors that have been taken into
options. consideration (CIA). The primary goal of this part is to
generalize the security needs of an existing Cloud system
Public Cloud: The cloud is kept on the end of the service within the CIA domain, which is a widely accepted norm for
provider and made accessible to regular individuals or defining the security issues with a conventional information
large corporations. The public cloud guarantees scalability system.
and reliability, but it also introduces a variety of issues that
Cross scripting attacks are another kind of malware A cloud computing phenomena known as VM rollback
injection attack in which cybercriminals insert malicious may reestablish certain integrity problems in the VM.
scripts (like JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, etc.) into Reverting virtual machines may enable passwords or accounts
vulnerable dynamic web pages so that the malicious code is that had been deactivated or restore security weaknesses that
executed on the client's browser and gives them access to the had previously been addressed. Therefore, it is necessary to
user's account and jeopardizes the security of her data and preserve VM snapshots [13].
3.Privacy- i) KeyGen(1k) i)kprp= Random Public key based The total A privacy-preserving
Preserving ii)SigGen(sk, F) permutation key homomorphic communication public auditing
Public iii)GenProof(F,Φ, ii)fkprf=Randomly authenticator with cost = O(n/∈) approach for ensuring
Auditing chal,pk) chosen PRF key random masking [23].With an the accuracy and
scheme iv)VerifyProof(pk, iii) MACkey= Key [23] extra integrity of the data
chal,P) used for constant time stored in cloud storage
generating the factor R added was put forth by
MAC. for Wang et al. in 2010.
guaranteeing CSP is viewed as an
privacy unreliable/unfaithful
preservation. party since it may
delete blocks that the
client rarely or never
accesses in order to
conceal data loss or
even free storage. In
order to prevent such
integrity breaches, the
model offers a proper
data verification
mechanism [23].
4MHT i) Multi-Join [22] No specific keys Tree Signature Transmission A Merkle's Signature
ii) Single-Join[22] used. Radix path scheme[22] cost is O(log2n) Scheme was proposed
iii) Zero-Join[22] Identifiers[22] are where n= Total by Niaz M.S. and
iv)Range used. no. of data Saake Gin in 2015
Condition[22] blocks involved [22] as a way to
(if normal MHT guarantee user data
used) integrity in cloud
Transmission storage without the
cost is O(n) if hassle of keeping a
RPI based is (data+signature) table
MHT used. at the data owner end
or the danger that CSP
could delete some
valid tuples or send
some incomplete
information without
the user being able to
confirm the fact. As
the author noted, the
plan may be improved
by adding support for
environments and
NoSQL databases.
Table 3:- Analysis of Cloud Data Integrity Systems