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Designation: B 286 – 02

Standard Specification for

Copper Conductors for Use in Hookup Wire for Electronic
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 286; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 3.1.3 Whether tin, lead alloy, silver-coated, or nickel-coated

1.1 This specification covers uninsulated metallic-coated (see 4.1).
copper conductors for use in hookup wire for electronic 3.1.4 For silver-coated conductors and nickel-coated con-
equipment. ductors, class of coating (see 4.1), and when required, unan-
1.2 The SI values for density are to be regarded as standard. nealed (see 4.2),
For all other properties, the inch-pound values are to be 3.1.5 Desired constructions where alternates are given
regarded as the standard. (Table 1, Type II and, 5.1, 6.1, and 6.2),
3.1.6 Package size (Section 12).
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.7 Special package marking if required (Section 11), and
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date 3.1.8 Place of inspection (Section 10).
of material purchase form a part of this specification to the
4. General Requirements
extent referenced herein:
2.2 ASTM Standards: 4.1 Coating of Wires— The coating of the solid conductors
B 33 Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper and the wires composing stranded conductors (before strand-
Wire for Electrical Purposes2 ing) shall conform to the coating requirements of ASTM
B 189 Specification for Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy- Specifications B 33, B 189, B 298, and B 355, as indicated on
Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes2 the purchase order.
B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor 4.2 Temper—Unless otherwise specified, all coated conduc-
Materials2 tors shall be furnished in the annealed temper. When so
B 258 Specification for Standard Nominal Diameters and specified, silver-coated conductors or nickel-coated conductors
Cross-Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires shall be furnished unannealed (Explanatory Note 1).
Used as Electrical Conductors2 NOTE 1—The term unannealed as used in this specification means
B 298 Specification for Silver-Coated Soft or Annealed cold-worked conductor as produced on commercial wire-drawing ma-
Copper Wire2 chines.
B 355 Specification for Nickel-Coated Soft or Annealed 4.3 Elongation—The elongation of annealed Type I conduc-
Copper Wire2 tors shall be as specified in Specifications B 33, B 189, B 298,
and B 355 as applicable. The elongation of annealed individual
3. Ordering Information
wires removed from stranded conductors shall be permitted to
3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include vary from the requirements of the applicable specifications,
the following information: Specifications B 33, B 189, B 298, and B 355 by the following
3.1.1 Quantity of each size, designation (Table 1) and type, amounts:
3.1.2 Conductor size, designation, construction, and type 4.3.1 Average of Results Obtained on All Wires Tested—The
(Table 1). minimum elongation required shall be reduced in numerical
value 5 (for example: from 15 % to 10 %) from the numerical
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 on
requirements for the wire before stranding.
Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04 on 4.3.2 Results Obtained on Individual Wires—The elonga-
Conductors of Copper and Copper Alloys. tion of individual wires shall be reduced in numerical value 10
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2002. Published January 2003. Originally from the minimum requirements before stranding (that is: 5 in
approved in 1954. Last previous edition approved in 1995 as B 286 – 95.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.03.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

B 286 – 02
addition to the 5 allowed in 4.3.1), but in no case shall the shall be performed on Type I conductors before insulating and
elongation of any individual wire be less than 5 %. on the individual wires of Type II conductors before stranding.
4.4 D-C Resistance— The d-c resistance in ohms per 1000 8.2 Tests to determine conformance to the elongation re-
ft of annealed solid and stranded conductor shall not exceed, quirements prescribed in 4.3 shall be made before insulating
before insulating, the appropriate values prescribed in Table 1 and, in the case of stranded conductors, on component wires
(Explanatory Note 1). removed from the conductors.
8.3 Tests to determine conformance to the electrical resis-
5. Conductor Construction tance requirements prescribed in Table 1 shall be made on the
5.1 Solid conductors shall conform to the requirements for uninsulated conductor in accordance with Test Method B 193
Type I conductors prescribed in Table 1. (Explanatory Note 1).
5.2 Stranded conductors shall conform to the requirements 8.4 Examination for workmanship of finished uninsulated
for Type II conductors prescribed in Table 1. The method of stranded conductor—A visual inspection with the unaided eye
stranding for conductor size designations 32-7 through 10-104 shall be performed on the outer layer of the conductor on the
inclusive shall be at the option of the manufacturer unless supplied package. Use a white card (as a background) to
otherwise specified. Stranded conductors size designation 10- ascertain if any base metal is exposed through a break in the
105 and larger shall normally be furnished in a rope-lay- coating. Detection of any base metal constitutes rejection.
stranded construction consisting of either 7 or 19 bunch- 8.5 Examination for workmanship of finished uninsulated
stranded members. stranded conductor—AB visual inspection with 10X magnifi-
cation and with a white background shall be performed on a
6. Lay of Stranded Conductors conductor sample taken from the top of the supplied spool. The
6.1 The direction of lay of the outside layer of stranded sample shall be a minimum of 12 in. (30 cm) in length. The
conductors shall be left-hand. The direction of lay of the outer surface of all stranded constructions shall be examined.
bunch-stranded members composing rope-lay-stranded con- Detection of excessive exposed base metal due to the
ductors shall be at the option of the manufacturer unless stranding process, such as indications along one side of the
otherwise specified. sample due to excessive localized abrasion during stranding,
6.2 The direction of lay of the outer layer of rope-lay- constitutes rejection. Continuous lines or patterns of exposed
stranded conductors shall be lefthand. The direction of lay of base metals constitute rejection. Small random point failures
the other layers shall be reversed in successive layers, unless shall not be cause for rejection.
otherwise specified.
6.3 The length of lay of the outside layer of stranded 9. Density
conductors in size designation 32-7 through 10-104, inclusive, 9.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross-sectional
shall conform to the values in Table 1 (Explanatory Note 2). area, etc., the density of the coated copper shall be taken as
For strand constructions containing more than one distinct 8.89 g/cm 3(0.32117 lb/in.3) at 20°C (Explanatory Note 4).
layer the length of lay of the inner layer shall not exceed the
maximum value shown in Table 1 for the conductor in 10. Inspection
question. For rope-lay-stranded conductors size designation
10.1 All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of
10-105 and larger, and size 49/0.0142, the length of lay of the
manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon by the
wires composing the bunch-stranded members shall be not
manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase. The
more than 30 times the diameter of the member, and the length
manufacturer shall afford the inspector representing the pur-
of lay of the outer layer of rope-lay-stranded conductors shall
chaser all reasonable facilities, without charge, to satisfy him
be not less than 8 nor more than 16 times the outside diameter
that the material is being furnished in accordance with this
of the completed conductor.
7. Joints
11. Product Marking
7.1 Necessary joints in the individual wires of conductors
size designation 32-7 through size designation 10-104, inclu- 11.1 The net mass, length (or lengths, and number of
sive, may be silver soldered, brazed, or butt welded. (Explana- lengths, if more than one length is included in the package),
tory Note 3). Bunch-stranded members composing ropelay- size designation, type of conductor, purchase order number,
stranded conductors may be joined as a unit by brazing and and any other marks required by the purchase order shall be
these joints shall be at least two lay lengths apart and be marked on a tag attached to the end of the conductor inside of
finished off so that the conductor diameter is not increased at the package. The same information, together with the manu-
the joint. Disposition of joints throughout the conductor shall facturer’s serial number (if any) and all shipping marks
be such that the diameter, configuration, conductor resistance, required by the purchaser, shall appear on the outside of each
flexibility, and mechanical strength are not substantially af- package.
12. Packing and Package Marking
8. Physical and Electrical Tests 12.1 Package sizes for conductors shall be agreed upon by
8.1 Tests to determine conformance of the coating to the the manufacturer and the purchaser in the placing of individual
requirements of Specifications B 33, B 189, B 298, or B 355 orders.

B 286 – 02
12.2 The conductors shall be protected against damage in
ordinary handling and shipping.
13. Keywords
13.1 copper hookup wire; electronic equipment hookup
wire; electronic hookup wire; hookup wire

TABLE 1 Details of Conductor Construction

Type I (Solid Conductors)
D-C Resistance at 20°C, V/1000 ft, max (Explanatory Note 2)
Size Nominal
Nominal Annealed
Designation, Area, Annealed Tin or Class 2 Class 10 Class 27
Diameter, in. Silver
AWG cmils Lead-Alloy Coated NickelA Nickel Nickel
10 10380 0.1019 1.06 1.02 1.05 1.17 1.44
12 6530 0.0808 1.69 1.62 1.68 1.84 2.28
14 4110 0.0641 2.68 2.58 2.67 2.93 3.63
16 2580 0.0508 4.26 4.10 4.27 4.65 5.77
18 1620 0.0403 6.78 6.52 6.79 7.39 9.17
20 1020 0.0320 10.7 10.3 10.8 11.8 14.6
22 640 0.0253 17.2 16.5 17.3 18.8 23.3
24 404 0.0201 27.2 26.2 27.3 29.8 36.9
26 253 0.0159 44.5 41.9 43.8 47.5 58.9
28 159 0.0126 70.8 66.8 69.4 75.4 107.0
30 100 0.0100 114.0 106.0 110.0 120.0 149.0
Type II (Stranded Conductors)
Conductor Construction D-C Resistance at 20°C, V/1000 ft, max (Explanatory Note 2)
Nominal Calculated Annealed
Maximum Length of Lay, in. Annealed 50 to 100
Size Number Diameter of Cross- Tin or Class 10 Class 27
Allowable (Explanatory Silver µin.
DesignationB of WiresC Each Wire, Sectional Lead-Alloy Nickel Nickel
Diameter, in.D Note 2) Coated of NickelE
in. Area, cmils Coated

0000–2109 2109F 0.0100 210 900 0.635 ... 0.0576 0.0537 0.0559(2) 0.0610 0.0756
000–1672 1672F 0.0100 167 200 0.545 ... 0.0727 0.0677 0.0705(2) 0.0770 0.0954
00–1330 1330F 0.0100 133 000 0.486 ... 0.0914 0.0851 0.0887(2) 0.0967 0.120
0–1064 1064F 0.0100 106 400 0.435 ... 0.114 0.106 0.111(2) 0.121 0.150
0–1045 1045F 0.0100 104 500 0.431 ... 0.116 0.108 0.113(2) 0.123 0.153
1–836 836F 0.0100 83 600 0.386 ... 0.145 0.135 0.141(2) 0.154 0.191
1–817E 817F 0.0100 81 700E 0.382 ... 0.149 0.139 0.144(2) 0.158 0.195
2–665 665F 0.0100 66 500 0.342 ... 0.183 0.170 0.177(2) 0.194 0.240
4–133E 133F 0.0179 42 615E 0.274 ... 0.280 0.263 0.274(2) 0.299 0.371
4–420 420G 0.0100 42 000 0.275 ... 0.289 0.270 0.281(2) 0.306 0.380
6–133E 133F 0.0142 26 818E 0.217 ... 0.444 0.418 0.436(2) 0.475 0.589
6–266 266G 0.0100 26 600 0.220 ... 0.457 0.426 0.443(2) 0.484 0.600
8–133E 133F 0.0113 16 983E 0.173 ... 0.701 0.661 0.688(2) 0.751 0.930
8–168 168G 0.0100 16 800 0.177 ... 0.724 0.674 0.702(2) 0.766 0.949
10–105 105G 1.0100 10 500 0.130 1.2 to 1.8 1.15 1.07 1.11(2) 1.21 1.50
10–104 104H 0.0100 10 400 0.130 1.7 to 2.1 1.16 1.08 1.12(2) 1.23 1.52
10–49E 49G 0.0142 9 880G 0.132 ... 1.21 1.14 1.18(2) 1.29 1.60
10–37E 37E 0.0159 9 354E 0.115 1.10 to 1.75 1.26 1.19 1.24(2) 1.35 1.67
12–65 65H 0.0100 6 500 0.099 1.3 to 1.7 1.85 1.73 1.80(2) 1.96 2.43

Type II (Stranded Conductors)

Conductor Construction D-C Resistance at 20°C, V/1000 ft, max (Explanatory Note 2)
Calculated Length of Lay, Annealed
Nominal Maximum Annealed
Size Number Cross- in. Tin or 50 to 100 µin. Class 10 Class 27
Diameter of Allowable Silver
DesignationB of WiresC Sectional (Explanatory Lead-Alloy of NickelI Nickel Nickel
Each Wire, in. Diameter, in.D Coated
Area, cmils Note 2) Coated
12–37E 37E 0.0126 5 874E 0.091 0.90 to 1.45 2.01 1.89 1.97(2) 2.15 2.66
12–19E 19J 0.0179 6 088E 0.093 0.90 to 1.45 1.92 1.81 1.88(2) 2.05 2.55
14–41 41H 0.0100 4 100 0.081 0.80 to 1.35 2.94 2.74 2.85(2) 3.11 3.85
14–19E 19J 0.0142 3 831E 0.073 0.80 to 1.15 3.05 2.87 2.99(2) 3.26 4.05
16–26 26H 0.0100 2 600 0.062 0.60 to 0.90 4.59 4.27 4.45(2) 4.86 6.02
16–19E 19J 0.0113 2 426E 0.059 0.60 to 0.90 4.82 4.54 4.73(2) 5.15 6.39
18–26E 26H 0.0080 1 664E 0.050 0.50 to 0.70 7.20 6.71 7.14(4) 7.63 9.45
18–19E 19J 0.0100 1 900E 0.052 0.50 to 0.70 6.22 5.79 6.03(2) 6.58 8.16
18–7E 7J 0.0159 1 770E 0.050 0.50 to 0.70 6.54 6.16 6.42(2) 7.00 8.67
20–19E 10J 0.0080 1 216E 0.042 0.45 to 0.55 9.76 9.10 9.68(4) 10.3 12.8
20–10 10H 0.0100 1 000 0.040 0.45 to 0.55 11.8 11.0 11.5(2) 12.5 15.5
20–7E 7J 0.0126 1 111E 0.039 0.45 to 0.55 10.4 9.81 10.2(2) 11.1 13.8
22–19E 19J 0.0063 754E 0.033 0.25 to 0.43 15.9 14.8 15.7(4) 16.8 20.8

B 286 – 02

TABLE 1 Continued
Type II (Stranded Conductors)
Conductor Construction D-C Resistance at 20°C, V/1000 ft, max (Explanatory Note 2)
Calculated Length of Lay, Annealed
Nominal Maximum Annealed
Size Number Cross- in. Tin or 50 to 100 µin. Class 10 Class 27
Diameter of Allowable Silver
DesignationB of WiresC Sectional (Explanatory Lead-Alloy of NickelI Nickel Nickel
Each Wire, in. Diameter, in.D Coated
Area, cmils Note 2) Coated
22–7E 7J 0.0100 700E 0.031 0.25 to 0.43 16.7 15.6 16.2(2) 17.7 21.9
24–19E 19J 0.0050 475E 0.027 0.25 to 0.35 25.4 23.6 25.2(4) 26.9 33.3
24–7E 7J 0.0080 448E 0.025 0.25 to 0.35 26.2 24.5 26.0(4) 27.8 34.4
26–19E 19J 0.0040 304E 0.022 0.25 to 0.30 40.1 37.3 41.0(7) 42.4 52.6
26–7E 7J 0.0063 278E 0.020 0.25 to 0.30 42.6 39.7 42.2(4) 45.1 55.9
28–19E 19J 0.0031 183E 0.017 0.25 to 0.30 67.7 63.1 69.3(7) 71.7 88.8
28–7E 7J 0.0050 175E 0.016 0.25 to 0.30 68.2 63.6 67.6(4) 72.2 89.5
30–7E 7J 0.0040 112E 0.013 0.25 to 0.30 108.0 100.0 110.0(7) 114.0 141.0
32–7E 7J 0.0031 67g 0.011 0.10 to 0.30 182.0 170.0 186.0(7) 193.0 239.0

Provides minimum of 50 µin. of nickel.
These size designations are solely for purposes of identification. They should not be confused with AWG sizes.
The stranded conductor constructions shown in this table provide for finished noninsulated conductors having the indicated cross-sectional area. The number of
component wires may vary slightly provided the specified resistances are not exceeded.
The maximum allowable diameters of these conductors are given here for guidance in making calculations regarded insulating material, etc. These diameters do not
include allowance for distortion of the conductor during stranding and are not intended to be used as limiting values.
The cross-sectional areas of these conductor-size designations deviate by more than 2 per cent from the nominal areas of the standard AWG sizes as defined in
Specification B 258.
Nineteen member ropes.
Seven member ropes.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the class of nickel coating required to meet resistance values tabulated. These classes appear in Specification B 355.


NOTE 1—Unannealed silver-coated conductors or nickel-coated con- over 133 1.07

ductors should be used only when the insulating process will produce an N = number of strands in the conductor.
annealed insulated conductor. C = minimum wire conductivity divided by 100 as shown in the following table:
NOTE 2—Because of the difficulties encountered in determining cor- Range of
rectly the cross-sectional area of stranded conductors, this requirement has Wire Sizes, in.
Type of Wire C
been superseded by a d-c ohmic resistance per 1000-ft length of Annealed silver coated all 1.00
conductor. Since this specification described uninsulated conductors Annealed tin or lead-alloy coated up to 0.0110, incl 0.9315
intended for ultimate use as insulated conductors in various electronic over 0.0110 to 0.0200, incl 0.9416
devices, maximum resistance values are shown for the conductors before over 0.0200 0.9616
insulating to serve as the minimum acceptance requirement for the Annealed nickel coated, Class 2 all 0.96
Annealed nickel coated, Class 4 all 0.94
conductor. In order that all commercial or other specifications for finished
Annealed nickel coated, Class 7 all 0.91
insulated conductors which may be derived from this basic specification Annealed nickel coated, Class 10 all 0.88
be uniform as to the resistance requirements of the insulated product, it is Annealed nickel coated, Class 27 all 0.71
recommended that values for size designations 0000-2109 through 18-7 be d = single wire and strand diameter as follows:
used as maximum resistance requirements for the conductors in the For wire and strand 0.0100 in. and larger, except nickel-coated over 0.0508 in.,
finished insulated product. For size designations 20-19 through 32-7, some use nominal diameter in inches.
For nickel-coated wire over 0.0508 in., use nominal wire diameter in inches less
increase of resistance may occur during the insulating process due to
0.0005 in.
stretching so that an allowance in the maximum resistance requirement is For strand under 0.0100 in., use nominal diameter in inches less 0.0001 in.
recommended. The values appearing in Table 1 under the heading f = diameter factor (allowance for min dia).
“Annealed Silver Coated” are applicable to silver-coated conductors
whether annealed or unannealed prior to insulating. f
The method used to calculate the values appearing in Table 1 is shown Wire and strand 0.0100 in. and larger, except nickel coated over 0.98
0.0508 in.
Nickel-coated wire over 0.0508 in. 1.00
D-C Resistance at 20°C for the Bare Conductors (Table 1): Strand under 0.0100 in. 1.00
Maximum ohms per 1000 ft = 10.371 K/(1000 NC 3 d 2f )
where: NOTE 3—The peculiarities of the applications for which these stranded
K = stranding factor as follows: conductors are used require some degree of flexibility along with the
characteristic that the wires of the conductor shall not untwist or fray when
Number of Strands Factor
the insulation is stripped to make soldered or other joints in the electronic
1 1.00 devices. To accomplish this requires that the conductor be stranded with
7 1.03 a shorter lay than is normally permitted in conductors for flexible cords.
up through 19 1.04 NOTE 4—Though joints in stranded conductors as a whole are not
up through 37 1.05 recognized in this specification, it is intended that with certain types of
up through 133 1.06 stranding equipment, these joints may be necessary to provide for

B 286 – 02
economical insulating operations. When by mutual agreement between the (32°F) is 8.90 g/cm3(0.32150 lb/in.3). In calculations involving density it
manufacturer and the purchaser such joints are used, they shall be must be borne in mind that the apparent density of coated wire is not a
conspicuously marked, and removed from the conductor at the final constant but a variable function of wire diameter. The smaller the diameter
insulating operation. the greater the percentage of coating present and hence the greater
NOTE 5—The value of density of copper is in accordance with the departure from the density of copper.
International Annealed Copper Standard. The corresponding value at 0°C

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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