English Report Group 8
English Report Group 8
English Report Group 8
Luna Intro: Hello Good Afternoon, everyone and to our Prof, Mrs. Susana
Dimatira, I am Louie Luna Estay from Group 8 together with:
such as,
-as stated in the Oxford English dictionary The meaning of communication refers to
some form of sharing, some kind of sharing that conveys a foreign exchange of
ideas, knowledge, or information, whether the information is formed by speech,
writing, or signs.
- According to Alex Gray Globalization is the process by which people and goods
move more easily across borders. It also refers to processes that facilitate global
changes in national and cultural resources, such as advancements. In transportation,
telecommunications and the internet, these three are important factors in
globalization. It can refer to a process or interaction between people, businesses,
and the government of different nations. Imagine that you or your family have a
business and you are trying to interact and deal with businesses from one country to
another. We can describe that as an example of globalization.
-transforming societies and markets and at the same time affecting their knowledge
and behaviour, as well as their attitudes towards culture, society, and politics.
-it can also mean the speeding up of movements and exchanges of human beings,
goods, services, capital, technologies or cultural practices. It may also be used to
describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures,
populations, the flow of investment, people, and information.
There are three dynamics of globalization processes that have been developed by
some scholars, including Anthony Giddens, David Harvey, Roland Robertson,
Emanuel Wallerstein, and Malcom Waters.
• simultaneity- refers to two or more events that occur at the same moment
One of the examples of this is that a hundred years ago, the only way of getting
quick information was by telegraph. They used this to send messages, but unlike
now that we're typing messages with the use of smartphones and other gadgets that
we are now using, during that time people send messages using Morse code. It's
obviously much faster to connect with someone around the world today than it was in
the past.
- Global consciousness refers to "the scope and depth of consciousness of the world
as a single place." This implies that in "an increasingly globalized world, there is a
heightening of civilizational, societal, ethnic, regional, and indeed individual, self-
It is identified as the “lifting out” of human interactions from local contexts and
restructuring them across time and space.
First is
• symbolic tokens
- Symbolic tokens are forms of currency that can be passed between individuals and
- it is used to connect people across large distances. Historically, money was viewed
as a token because it provided the basis for exchange across time and space.
And last:
• disembedding mechanism
- International Communication
As we mentioned in the opening Part I focuses on the conflicts and future directions
of study in globalization and international communication. What are the main
perspectives on globalization and international communication
Conclusion by louie:
But, in a growing world, there's still a bad side and a good side to the globalization of
communication. The good side of this is that, because of globalization, some people
are being lifted from poverty. This helps in the expansion of the market for trade and
business, the development of an independent money market, and so on. What's not
good about it? Every step forward in technology brings a new danger. Because of
these things, many people commit crimes, such as security hacking, identity theft,
phishing, human trafficking, and other crimes that technology can do. It also affects
global warming. So basically, globalization could result in "unexpected peace and
prosperity, or unexpected disaster."
Luna: So, now let's proceed to the second topic which is Communication and the
Globalization Process in the Developing world. This topic will be discussed by Ms.
The English language around the world is the medium of communication that
makes possible the” intensification of worldwide social relations” (Homberger, 2008).
In South Korea, on top of their native language, English proficiency is now essential
for all Korean people who wish to find a good job, gain admission to the top
universities in Korea, and build a superior career.
❖ Virtual Interaction
Globalization changes the modern society in every aspect of life together with social,
economic, political, technological, educational and cultural processes throughout the
Globalization and communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political,
and economic aspects of the world.
So, now let's proceed to the third topic which is International Communication: The
Control of Difference and Global Market. This topic will be discussed by Mr.
Pamintuan and Ms. Lolong.
International Communication
Control activities are focused on marketing programs and other initiatives through
the planning procedure. The control process generates data measures and
evaluations. The form of a global audit is also considered in the planning process.
To begin, it is what the term "control" actually means. In the management field
Control is defined in the literature as the process by which managers ensure that
resources are used effectively. used effectively and efficiently in the achievement of
organizational goals
3 types of barriers
Linguistic Barrier
Example: People can technically speak the same language and still face
misunderstandings and gaps in communication due to dialectical differences.
India, for example, uses over 22 major languages, written in 13 different
scripts, with over 720 dialects.
Cultural barriers
Example: Language. Not speaking the same language (well) can cause a
myriad of misunderstandings and is considered the most crucial barrier in
cross-cultural communication.
Psychological barriers
Lolong : So, now let's proceed to the fourth topic which is Language
Globalization and the Workplace: Education and Social Implications. This topic
will be discussed by Ms. Dasico.
What is Language?
• It is the main mode of communication of any human that makes it very essential.
What is globalization?
1.Languages are the essential medium in which the ability to communicate across
the globe develops.
Ex.English-Universal Language
-it enables different groups of people to know what ethnic groups they share.
-Through vocabulary ,greetings and humour. We can easily know what type of group
we are and etc.
3.Allowing language and their culture to spread and dominate on a global scale
leads to the extinction of other languages and cultures.
Ex.If we know korean language we can easily understand their culture, history and
Globalization is making English especially important not just in universities but also
in the workplace.
To many people then, the spread of English seems a positive thing,symbolising employment.
In many countries the ability to communicate using English is an advantage in order to land
a job abroad.
*According to Dr. Maria Leedham :Globalization has influenced the evolution of the English
Looking back 100 years to the start of the first world war. It wasn't clear that English would
be so dominant.But over the past 100 years it's globalization accelerated by new technology
has had the greatest impact of the English language.
Knowledge of the English language has indeed acted as a powerful tool for development
and advancement throughout the world, and fluency constitutes a huge step forward in many
peoples’ (and countries’) struggles for self-sufficiency and success. As such with the
following observations):
It is a powerful tool because it remains the primary language for business diplomacy,
education, entertainment, medicine, computers and science and technology.
•An English-speaking workforce can help economies integrate and become more
competitive on the world market.
Because they can easily communicate and present their business proposal to their foreign
investor ,partner or consumer through international language.
•Proficiency in English has become something of a commodity, valuable both because of its
•Many firms have changed their corporate languages to the common tongue "English".
They exchange their language to the international english language to have many
opportunities in the business world.
The very lifeline of Globalization, without language there would be no globalization and vice
versa without globalization there will be no language.
This is our report and this is the end of our presentation.Thank you for listening!!🤞😊