CS8079 2marks
CS8079 2marks
CS8079 2marks
1. What is HCI?
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study and planned design of human and computer
activities. HCI uses productivity, safety and entertainment to support and fulfill human-computer
activities and is applied to various types of computer systems, including air traffic control,
nuclear processing, offices and computer gaming. HCI systems are easy, safe, effective and
Deductive reasoning derives the logically necessary conclusion from the given premises.
Induction is generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we
have not seen.
Abduction reasons from a fact to the action or state that caused it. This is the method we
use to derive explanations for the events we observe.
The designs we produce may be different, but often the raw materials are the same. This leads us to the
golden rule of design:
For Human–Computer Interaction the obvious materials are the human and the computer. That is we
The core of interaction design: put the user first, keep the user in the center and remember the user at the
A system has been designed and built, and only when it proves unusable do they think to ask how to
do it right! In other companies usability is seen as equivalent to testing – checking whether people can use
it and fixing problems, rather than making sure they can from the beginning.
Flexibility: The multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange information
abstract design rules
low authority
high generality
specific design rules
high authority
limited application
• Guidelines
lower authority
more general application
29. List out Norman’s 7 Principles for transforming difficult task in to a simple one
Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head
Simplify the structure of tasks.
Make things visible:
Get the mappings right.
Exploit the power of constraints,
Design for error.
When all else fails, standardize.
contingency table
classify data by discrete attributes
count number of data items in each group
Business process reengineering (BPR) is the analysis and redesign of workflows within and
between enterprises in order to optimize end-to-end processes and automate non-value-added
The major task in many organizations is moving pieces of paper around. An order is received by
phone and an order form filled in by the sales executive. The order form is passed to accounts
who check the credit rating and if all is okay it is passed on to stores who check availability and
collect the order together at the picking line. When the order is dispatched, a delivery note is
packed with the order and a copy is returned to accounts, who send an invoice to the customer.
Organizations have many such processes, and workflow systems aim to automate much of the
process using electronic forms, which are forwarded to the relevant person based on pre-coded
It is based on the User Skills and Task Match (USTM) approach, developed to allow
design teams to understand and fully document user requirements
2. List some of the licensed platforms used for mobile HCI development.
Java Micro Edition (Java ME)
Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW)
Windows Mobile
Linux-based mobile platform(LIMO)