Pad Audit
Pad Audit
Pad Audit
(See rute 17Bi
Auciit Feport under sectian 12 A
{h} +f the tncorne Tax Act ,1951,in the case of charitabre
or Rerigious
we have Examined the attached Eaiance sheet rif Janaiagaran
Kendra,At/po- B*lapada, via- Gadasila, Dist-
Dhe:":kana5, Gdisha as cn i1.ili.Zi,]17
anri ths lnrofte & ExpenrJitr:r_e af.*unt
afid recelpt & payn:eni accaur.rt for
the year errdirrg on"3L=j i\uiarch
2017 togethe-r.vith tf;e scheduie arrnexerj
ther-e tc. which er.* !c agreenrei.:t with
the books of account r-naintained by the saici orga;rizatian.
ihese financiai staterilents are the respcnsibility
the :*ar:eger*enl- c*r;'eipc*:ihilitf is io of
expr*ss;r: r:pi*ir.'R orr these financiai statements
haseii on our audit"
\^le i'iave cbtained ai!
tir* iria;rnraiion anei'expianaiian l':hich Io ffie best
of our audit knolvieclge and belief were
necessary for
the purpose of our audit' ln our r:pinion, proper
trooks of accoi.rnts have been kent by the above
named organization visited by us so far ii
appears from our examinatio* of the books
& proper retl,rns adequate
for: the tr-irpese ef Audit,
Jr*a Jag*rana l{:1dr&
Belapada, Dhql$an*, Sdisha