- con to be together All ethical decisions aim at human dignity and human
- science knowledge needs
- The quality of practical judgment by which one
determines that an act is good (therefore to be done) or Ab aha A. Ma l Hie a ch f Need The
bad (there to be avoided) 1. Physiological food, water
- Must be accompanied by knowledge 2. Safety/security
3. Belongingness
5. Self-actualization
To attain the true goals of human life by responsible
actions, in every free decision involving an ethical question, PRINCIPLE OF STEWARDSHIP AND CREATIVITY
people are usually obliged to do the following:
- Steward - caretaker
1. Inform themselves as fully as practically possible about - Gifts of multidimensional nature and natural
the facts and the ethical norms environment must be used
2. Physical examination, diagnosis, epidemiology - With profound respect
3. Recognize signs and symptoms The person is an end to itself and a means to an
E hical norm of Jeho ah i ne e : canno be end
transfused with blood - Nature Intrinsic purpose
2. Form a morally certain judgment of conscience on the Must be conscious and respectful for intrinsic
basis of information teleology
3. Act according to this well-formed conscience - Human creativity develop the environment within the
4. Accept responsibility for actions made bounds of actual knowledge
CASE Attitude
A nurse who does not want to participate in an There is always truth in research
abortion procedure CASE
Conscientious objection - cannot be something that A couple planned/conceived a baby to get BM for
violate himself their 18 year old daughter
The child is an end in itself, never a means to an end.
Inferior beings are ordained to superior beings PRINCIPLE OF TOTALITY
1. God
3. Animals To promote human dignity and integrity
4. Plants - o celebra e holene
5. Minerals
To promote human dignity or integrity in community, every
person must develop, use, care for, and preserve all of his
- La in erm digna worth natural physical and psychic functions in such a way that:
- The state of being respected or honored to the essential 1. Lower functions are never sacrificed except for the
or intrinsic worth or value of the human person better functioning of the whole person and even then
- Human life starts during fertilization with an effort to compensate that define human
- Such value cannot be quantified nor reduced into personhood.
monetary terms, but is always inestimable or Diabetic foot has to be sacrificed to have a better
incalculable function
Nose lift and liposuction is okay because social life
BASES OF HUMAN DIGNITIY is an ethical function
Botox is not okay because it destroys nerve/s
1. Image and likeness of God 2. Basic capacities that define human personhood are
2. Redeemed by Christ never sacrificed unless this is necessary to preserve
3. Man has ultimate destiny life.
4. Man is a moral being
It boils down to MOTIVATION promotes sanctity and
What lies at the heart of all ethical thinking is the issue of majesty of the human body (integrity)
our capacity and our willingness to recognize others and a. Necessity
their uniqueness. Bit, it cannot be denied that there is a b. Vanity obsession of a person to make himself in
moment when the mind makes summons of this so-called order to be admired
o her . Thi i he fer ili ed o m in its primitive state.
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Ectopic pregnancy
- Object of the act: surgery
- To relieve the mother from harmful effects, fix the
fallopian tube (directed to good intention) but the
baby will be lost (indirect bad effect)
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CASE - The doctor will treat his patient because he is sick and
29 years old fell down the pavement, broken skull, the patient will entrust himself to the doctor
coma (irreversible condition); Hospital harvested
his kidneys and liver B. The doctor promises to treat his patient
- Ethical issue: Harvesting without free and informed acc di g hi be j dg e
consent - Even if there is no money involved
- The doctors based their decision to harvest the - Judgment must be scientific or evidence-based
organs as provided for in the Philippine Organ - Sometime, the best judgment is referring the patient
Donations Act 7170 of 1991 to another doctor
- Pa a c a
because it already followed the legal guideline C. The doctor, although he believes he knows best,
should fully inform his patient and defer to the
Philippine Organ Donation Act RA 7170 in 1991 a e i acce ejec he ed
1. A man is dead if he is clinically dead plans of management
- CNS the brain, when damage is irreversible, is
clinically dead D. When the patient is incompetent, proxy consent
2. The one who will make a declaration that a person is should be sought
clinically dead is an independent neurologist a. Minors below 18 years old
3. The hospital must be able to advertise to tri-media (TV, - Parents will make decisions
newspaper, radio) to inform relatives that this patient is - US: emancipated minors can make decisions
in the hospital, clinically dead, within 3 days (72 hrs) for themselves economically stable aged
4. If after 3 days, no relative comes to claim the body, <18 yo
harvest of the organ can proceed b. Comatose
*The state assumes authority, it gives the consent c. Mentally impaired
*Heaven does not need our organs, we need them here
- Proxy consent exhaust the vertical relationship
before the lateral
CASE 1. Parents 5. Uncles and aunts
Father needs kidney transplant, two sons did not 2. Siblings 6. Cousins of major age
agree and a son with Down Syndrome had no 3. Grandparents 7. Grandparents of uncles
response, mother volunteered the son saying it is 4. Great grandparents or aunts
useful for the father
- If the 2 other sons agreed ethical because organ - But if there have advanced directives which are not
donation is charity constitutively evil, follow them
-T a a a a a
than it actually is (even if 25 yo) so the mother can Single, major age try to look if he has:
still decide; but human beings are ends in 1. Durable power of attorney (DPA) designation of
themselves. If the decisions were made by the someone to make decisions if he is incompetent, e.g. a
mother, the benefits must lead to the Down friend
Syndrome child (It is not! The attitude of the mother 2. Next of kin
is unethical)
- Every person is useful from the time he was born Married, major age
- Volunteering is not ethically right - Next of kin: (1) spouse (2) children of major age (3)
grandparents, great grandparents
E. he a ie igh decide i ca ed a a d
- S - a c ;G should be respected unless his actions constitute
auto self an evil act
nomus nomy - law - Ex. A patient want to abort a child
- The right of the patient to accept or refuse the o Evil act
ca a o Doctor should not agree to it
o The patient is the most important person in the oN a , ab
o The doctor does not decide CASE
- His option to choose is based on respect of his free will Man becomes comatose, 2nd wife brought him to the
Respect for free will = respect for dignity hospital, 1st wife (separated for 7 years) came
- The right to make a decision 1st wife, legal wife
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS - Both are there for the sake of the patient
- Doctor must say his decision for the sake of the
A. The relationship of the physician and patient is patient; let the wives fight in the court since it is not
governed by a moral contract/unwritten the turf of the doctor
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CASE 3. Prognosis
12-year-old boy, hit-and-run case in need of blood - Doctors owe information to the patients
a f i , Jeh ah i e - What is the prospect/result expected out of the
-J a believes blood transfusion is procedure
abomination to God/ evil - Answers to the patient must be evidence-based
- Some doctors talk to the parents privately because - How many are able to recover from the procedure
their community can ostracize them
- But in the case, parents are not there 4. Financial implications
- Bases: (a) Loco parentis in place of the parents, - One of the bases a patient will give a consent
the doctor can make the decision because it is better - Patient must be provided with at least an estimate of
do something than nothing, (b) Legal basis the how much they are going to pay
child has not yet reached 18 yo, therefore, he has
not chosen his own religion, (c) No court will convict PRINCIPLE OF TRUTHFUL/PROFESSIONAL
and send you to jail for saving a life COMMUNICATION
- Not a violation of confidentiality because it has to serve - Rational distribution of scarce healthcare resources
a higher or noble purpose - In order to serve the people/citizens based on equity and
1. Principle of Autonomy real needs
- If patient permits you to tell it to the public
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- Persons have a relationship toward a good which is - Ex. Use of supplies 4 out of 12 gloves are used
fundamental, that toward a good which is essentially the hospital must be efficient in storing those which
connected with leading a good and fulfilled life are not used so the patient will only pay for the
- R connotes a relationship to a good which is not supplies he had used
fundamental 7. The right to obtain information concerning any
Owning a car is not right because you can still live relationship of his hospital to other health services
with dignity and decency (not human right but as far as his care is concerned, and to the existence
probably human wants or delights) of any professional relationships among
- H a implies relationship or natural individuals who are treating him
orientation to a fundamental good, a good that without - Ex. Prescribing a drug which is more expensive even
which, one cannot live or survive as a human being if there is an equally effective, less expensive
substitute (some doctors also work in a
IMPLICATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS pharmaceutical company)
8. The right to be advised if the hospital proposes to
1. That human beings strive to acquire these fundamental
engage in human experimentation affecting his
care and to refuse to participate in such research
2. That persons should not be impeded by other in their
9. The right to reasonable continuity of care including
quest for these goods
post-discharge following
3. That if one cannot strive to achieve these fundamental
10. The right to examine and receive explanation of
goods through personal efforts, then the community of
his/her bill, including itemized charges. This
persons should help in this endeavor
information should be readily available regardless
Principle of Subsidiarity f he a ie ce f a e .
PATIENT RIGHTS 11. The right to know hospital rules and regulation
that apply to his/her conduct as a patient
- Rightful claim to basic health needs - No smoking, drinking
- ER: Must be given medical attention even if you do not - Behavior and conduct inside the hospital or
have the money yet institution
- If stabilized already, you have to pay
- Cannot be detained by the hospital make a promissory RIGHT OF THE PHYSICIAN/HEALTH
note that he is a charity patient PROFESSIONALS
PARTICULAR PATIENT RIGHTS 1. To practice the medical profession, referrals and
anything attendant to his medical skill and
1. The right to considerate and respectful care
- Interpret, translate to whoever need it
- Lose license because of medical malpractice
- Honor the person (Principle of Privacy and
2. To accept or refuse patients (except in emergency
cases). He has the rights over patients as an
2. The igh b ai hi h icia c ee
admitting physician
current information concerning his diagnosis, in a
- All doctors must know how to manage all patients
language he can understand
- Ex. Inside the plane
- Be persevering and patient to your patients
3. To therapeutic privileges according to his acquired
- If the patient is not compliant, explain well
training and accredited by his workplace
3. The right to obtain from his physician information
- Accredited in the hospital as a surgeon, etc
for free and informed consent
4. Do clinical and scientific research, with prior
- Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, financial
informed consent of subjects
5. To practice his profession according to his
4. The right to decide on proposed treatment
religious and moral beliefs
- Explain risks and dangers, prognosis, benefits
-I a J a , a a a b
5. The right to every consideration to his privacy
concerned in which blood transfusion is not allowed,
concerning medical care
you can withdraw the case (conscientious objection)
6. The right to the best possible economical care and
6. To professional fees (except those which are
hospital management that operates efficiently and
prohibited by virtue of outstanding policies, like those of
eliminates wastes, such as unnecessary services
colleagues in the profession or of his children and
and duplication of facilities or procedures
- Equally effective but affordable
7. To legal representation in the courts of law when
- Indicators of quality care/good health care:
his expert opinion is sought in order to serve the
Effective demands of justice
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Space - Sensuality
Energy Devotion to pleasure, sense of appetite,
consummation of sex
FOOD Hedonism/Shankara (?) philosophy
- 1945: Food production increased by 53% GENESIS:
There is nothing in history that there are lack of food ABOUT SEXUALITY
production or provision
Problem of distribution happened only during wars - God created man in his own image, male and female
- Hydrophonics - Man is the highpoint of the whole order of creation in the
visible world
- Both man and woman are human beings to an equal
degree as both are images of God
- Population densities: 39/km2 - Man and woman are rational and are able to dominate
- Land around the world is only 25% planted to productive the other creatures of the visible world
crops - Ma a a a a , c ,
Space is not a problem marriage arose and is an indispensable condition for the
Even deserts can be panted on transmission of life to which conjugal love is naturally
- Overpopulation cannot be true because there is no ordered
May not equate to poor country
1. Personally - sex is a search for sensual pleasure and
ENERGY satisfaction, releasing physical and psychic tensions
2. Humanly
- Has not been optimally tapped: fossil fuels, wind, water, - Sex is a search for the completion of the human
etc person through an intimate personal union of love
expressed by bodily union (completes humanity)
- Ordinarily, it is also conceived as the
Total Fertility Rate: Birth Rate complementation of male and female by one another
- Minimum: 2.2+ children per productive woman so that each achieves a more complete humanity
- Product of completion: offspring
Population growth because there is life expectancy growth 3. Interpersonally
not because of new lives! - Sex is a social necessity for the procreation of
children and their education in the family so as to
SEX, SEXUALITY AND GENDER expand the human community and guarantee its
future beyond the death of individual members
- Sex - refers to nature and implies two possibilities (man 4. Symbiotically
and woman) - Sex is symbolic (sacramental) mystery, revealing the
- Sexuality cosmic order
Attribute that defines the essence, function and - God of love and fertility
purpose of sex
It is a characteristic attribute of man and woman not SEX, A NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL DESIRE
only in the physical level but also on the psychological FOR INTIMACY
and spiritual, making its mark on each of the
expressions in the mode of being, communicating - Men and women are naturally attracted to one another
with others, of feeling, of expression and of living and engage in sexual activities
human love Due to the pleasure that they can derive from it
- Gender Also, it is a natural attribute that they can engage in
Comes form the field of linguistics and culture and c a a g
includes three varieties: - The pleasure is not limited to the physical realm; it
o Masculine extends to the psychological and even the spiritual
o Feminine dimension
o Neuter - I ca a a c a
Sex, which is the biological principle and Gender, the intimacy under right conditions, timing and mutuality
cultural expression are not identical, but neither are - Each sexual act is always a learning experience that
they completely independent may lead a couple to new discoveries and thinking
- Genitality - It can always transcend the mere concupiscence
towards spiritual fulfillment
To breed, reproductive structure refers to sexual
- This is because God made sex not only as something
organ, to carry on the sexual act
that belongs to the animal nature of man and woman,
P a g e | 10
but also to their spiritual nature especially when done for - Examples of Artificial Methods:
a noble purpose IUD Diaphragm
- On a profane level, sexual love involves the elements of Condom (M/F) Withdrawal
romance, desire and concupiscence Vasectomy (M/F) Heating
Kamasutra- desiring and engaging in sex Spermicides or Gels Patch (norplants)
- Sex takes a plurality of understanding and satisfaction:
PASSION Self-surrender Issue in the Beginning of Life
- Self-abandonment, ecstasy, intimacy, understanding Fertilization vs. Implantation (against science)
and feeling Contraceptives
I ac b a
Locus of sex is marriage because this symbolic
element is deeply grounded ISSUES
- Is it ethical to remove LSD or other interventions when
PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN AND CREATIVE SEXUALITY these are the only means to keep him alive?
-U a, a ; ?
- The gift of sexuality must be used in keeping with its - If interventions just prolong the dying process, is it
intrinsic, indivisible, specifically human teleology ethical to continue applying them?
Teleology means: the explanation of phenomena by - Can the family ask the AMD to withhold or remove LSD
the purpose they serve rather than by postulated on a terminally-ill patient?
causes; the doctrine of design and purpose in the - When are interventions considered ordinary or
material world extraordinary?
- Open to fruition in perpetuation and expansion of this - When the decision to remove LSD has been agreed
personal communion through the family they beget and upon, who will do it?
educate - Who should give consent?
- Should health care givers honor advanced directive of
patients? (Wills, Living Wills, DPA)
- Highest expression of union between man and woman
- Originates from supreme origin, God, who is Love
- Divine Love- generous, giving of self 1. Cultural and religious values
- Baptized persons, represent union of Christ and of 2. Marital and familial issues
Church - The one who is going to put the bill, follow him or her
- Being a doctor, try to have a family counsel
3. View of life: Young, adult, old age
1. Human 4. View of medicine has limits, not a solution for all
- It belongs to both Senses and Spirit 5. View of pain and suffering
- Not only to instinct and sentiment but also to an act 6. View of death we must not be afraid of death
of free will intended to endure and grow GOALS ASSIGNED TO MEDICINE
2. Total
- It is a very special form of personal friendship - Preserving life, preventing disease, maintaining health,
- Husband and wife generously share everything, and relieving pain and suffering
without undue reservations or selfish calculations - In addition, the duty to seek, within moral means to a
3. Faithful and Exclusive decent, peaceful death, which is an aspect of the duty to
- Lasting relationship until death try to relieve suffering
- Bond between the man and woman
4. Fecund Preserve life because it is VALUABLE and SACRED
- Destined to come together - It is a gift from God who is a generous giver
- Fecund means ability to produce offspring - By the Principle of Stewardship, we are given a
shared, not an absolute domino over our life
- Sacred
Artificial Contraceptive Methods It comes from a holy God and goes back to a holy
- They are means to make impossible the union of sperm God
and egg before or after sexual act so that it does not Because its source is divine and end is divine
result to pregnancy Life is not only a physical body but also a spiritual soul
- Assault to the gift of sexuality Human life is the only creature in this world with
- They may be: dignity
Mechanical Chemical
Pharmacological Thermal
- May either be Temporary or Permanent
P a g e | 11