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(b) (i) What are various types of software used for SPC Printed Pages—4 EEC802

working ? (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)
PAPER ID : 2896 Roll No.
(ii) Discuss the concept of reliability and availability
conditions of processors in Telecom Exchange. B.Tech.
Given that MTBF (mean time between failure) = (SEM. VIII) THEORY EXAMINATION 2011-12
2000 hours and MTTR (mean time to repair) = ELECTRONICS SWITCHING
4 hours, calculate the unavailability for single Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
and dual processor system. Note :— (1) Attempt all questions.
(c) Enlist the various signaling techniques used in telecom (2) All questions carry equal marks.
networks. Explain Common Channel Signaling with (3) In case of numerical problems assume data
SS7 architecture. wherever not provided.
1. Attempt any four parts of the following :— (5×4=20)
5. Attempt any four parts of the following :— (5×4=20)
(a) Discuss the evolution of digital switching system. Explain
(a) Draw TCP/IP reference model. Explain how IP
the block diagram of subscriber’s line interface circuit
addressing is achieved. for a digital exchange.
(b) Explain the basic techniques used in packet switching (b) Discuss why digital telephonic is suitable for electronics
for routing control. exchange. Using block diagram define “BORSCHT”.
(c) Explain the call establishment/release process in ATM (c) With the help of suitable diagram explain the working
using Virtual channel and Virtual paths. of Strowger Switching System and define the following
parameters :
(d) Write short note on Banyan network switch.
(i) Switching capacity (SC)
(e) Using block diagram discuss the Frame relay service
(ii) Traffic handling capability (TC)
for LAN interconnects to implement a corporate wide
(iii) Equipment utilization factor (EUF)
area network.
(iv) Cost capacity index (CCI).
(f) Determine the memory required for an ATM switch
fabric using shared-memory architecture in support of (d) With the help of suitable diagram describe the working
of a Crossbar exchange.
12STS (OC-3) bidirectional ports.

EEC802/PUR-40823(Re) 4 350
EEC802/PUR-40823(Re) 1 [Turn Over
(e) Give the classification of switching system. Compare 3. Attempt any four parts of the following :— (5×4=20)
the switching techniques used in PSTN. (a) A subscriber makes 3 calls of duration of 8, 2, 4 minutes
(f) A three stage fully interconnected switching network during 2 hours of a day. Calculate the BHCA and Erlang
capacity of exchange if all its 5000 subscribers have
is to connect 600 incoming trunks to 100 outgoing
same traffic per hour and CCR of 80%.
trunks. It is to use switches assembled from blocks of
size 5 × 5. Design a suitable networks and determine (b) Explain the modeling of a telephone traffic system as
the number of switch blocks required. birth-death process.
(c) Explain the Delay line system in telecom traffic.
2. Attempt any four parts of the following :— (5×4=20)
(d) In an exchange, the calls arrive at the rate of 1100
(a) Draw the functional blocks of a memory based time
calls per hour, with each call holding for duration of
division switch and discuss the concept of time division
3 minute. If the demand is serviced by a trunk group
time switching scheme. of 50 lines, calculate the grade of service (GOS).
(b) Explain the STS switching. (e) An exchange is designed to handle 2000 calls during
(c) Calculate the number of trunks can be supported on a the busy hour. One day, the number of calls during
time multiplexed space switch, given that : the busy hour is 2200. What is the grade of service
(GOS) ?
(i) 32 channels are multiplexed in each system
(f) What is Eugest traffic ? Show that GOS for such traffic
(ii) control memory access time is 200 ns
is given by :
(iii) Bus switching and transfer time is 200 ns per
transfer.  N−R 
GOS =   PR where
(d) How many time slot interchange modules are needed  N − Ao 
for an STS switch with 128 primary TDM signal 30 N — Number of subscriber,
voice channel per input ? Assume blocking to be less R — number of servers,
than 0.002 and the loading is 0.2 Erlang per channel
Ao — carried traffic,
and determine the complexity of the switch.
PR — Blocking probability.
(e) Can you build a switch with a single TSI which can
4. Attempt any two parts of the following :— (10×2=20)
handle 120000 calls with a DRAM access time of around
80 ns ? Explain. (a) Explain the concept of centralized by SPC and distributed
SPC with levels of processing. Differentiate between
(f) Discuss a Digital Memory Switch in Time Division
the characteristic of electronic control schemes
(Microprogrammed control and hardwired control).

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