Reliability 2
Reliability 2
Reliability 2
6.6An electronic device is tested for two months and found to have
a reliability of 0.990; the device is also known to have a constant
failure rate.
(a) What is the failure rate?
(b) What is the mean-time-to-failure?
(c) What is the design life reliability for a design life of 4 years?
(d) What should the design life be to achieve a reliability of 0.950?
6.12 What fraction of items tested are expected to last more than I
MTTF if the distribution of times-to-failure is
(a) exponential,
(b) normal,
(c) lognormal with @ : 2,
(d) Weibull with m : 2?
6.26 Two components have the same MTTF; the first has a constant
failure rate Àe and the second follows a Rayleigh distribution, for
[' ^(r'\ .t' : J ,", ' l , ] ) t .
(a) Find I in terms of Às.
(b) If for each component the design-life reliability must be 0.9, how
much longer (in percentage) is the design life of the second
Rayleigh) component?
6.32 A part for a marine engine r,vith a constant failure rate has an
MTTF of two months. If two spare parts are carried,
(a) What is the probability of surviving a six-month cruise without
losing the use of the engine as a result of part exhaustion?
(b) What is the result for part a if three spare parts are carried?
6.33 In Exercise 6.27, suppose that there are three watchmen on dufy
every night for B hr.
(a) How many flashlight failures would you exPect in one year?
(b) Assuming that the failures are not caused by battery or bulb
wearout (these are replaced frequently), how many spare flashlights
would be required to be on hand at the beginning of the year, if the
probability of running out of spares is to be less than l0%?
6.37 A relay circuit has an MTBF of 0.8 yr. Assuming random failures,
(a) Calculate the probability that the circuit will survive one year
without failure.
(b) What is the probability that there will be more than two failures in
the first year?
(c) What is the expected number of failures per year?
6.40 Widgets have a constant failure rate with MTTF : 5 days. Ten
widgets are tested for one day.
(a) What is the expected number of failures during the test?
(b) What is the probability that more than one will fail during the
(c) For how long would you run the test if you wanted the expected
number of failures to be five?