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2017 International Conference on Circuits, Devices and Systems

A Low-Power Consumption 5GHz VCO Based on BiCMOS Technology

Jin Xu, Li Chen

Sichuan University Jinjiang Collage
Pengshan, China
e-mail: 19526390@qq.com, 58438823@qq.com

Abstract—A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) for 5-GHz Vce1 Vce 2 (2)

band application is presented in this paper. The VCO is
so the equivalent conductance viewed from collector to
designed for low voltage-supply, low power consumption, low
phase noise and large tuning range based on TSMC 0.35μm
emitter of Q1 is
SiGe BiCMOS process. To analyze the noise, the noise model of
this design is deduced. The center frequency of VCO is 5.5GHz  g mVbe1 1 1  g m rbe 2  1
G1   gm  |  g m (3)
and oscillation frequency range is from 5.1 GHz to 5.9 GHz, Vce1 rbe 2 rbe 2 rbe 2
that means tuning range is 14.5 %. With a supply voltage of 3.3
V, the dc power consumption is 2.9 mW. The phase noise is -
110 dBc/Hz at lMHz offset. where g m is the transconductance of transistor and rbe is the
resistor between base and emitter. In the same way, the
Keywords-VCO; phase noise; linearity; HBT; LC-tank equivalent conductance of Q2 is given by
I. INTRODUCTION G2 |  gm (4)
VCO is an oscillator of which the frequency can be
controlled by voltage, it fulfills the requirement for a Therefore the equivalent resistor viewed from port AB
controlled-frequency in radio-frequency circuits. In the can be established as
modern communication system, VCO is usually used in
1 1 2
phase locked loop (PLL) circuit and some frequency-tuning Rin  (5)
circuit as a tuning signal source. And these circuits are G1 G2  g m
widely used in cell phone, satellite communication system,
radar system, digital wireless communication system and so
on. Therefore, VCO plays an important role in RF circuits 9FF
for its performance, measurement, cost and so on.
Lots of candidates use negative resistance structure in / /
VCO for its simple topology, low noise and cost. This
paper presents a low-power consumption VCO in which
negative resistance structure is used. & &
4 4
In this section, the structure of the VCO is considered.
A. Negative Resistance LC Oscillator
A traditional differential structure shown in Fig.1 is
selected. In this structure the base of transistor Q1 is Figure 1. Negative resistance LC oscillator.
connected to the collector of transistor Q2 and capacitor,
biased by voltage source VCC through inductor. The Rin
transistor Q2 has the same connection with Q1.To analyze
the circuit, the equivalent structure depicted in Fig.2 is
considered. Viewed from port AB, Q1 and Q2 are
symmetrical, so the node N can be equivalent to AC ground.
Neglecting the base resistance, Q1 and Q2 are transformed to
current sources. There are
g mVbe1 rbe 2 rbe1 g mVbe2
Vce1 Vbe 2 ˈ Vce 2 Vbe1 (1)
Vce1 Vce 2
at the equilibrium, the voltage amplitudes of node A and B
are the same Figure 2. Equivalent structure of the circuit.

978-1-5386-1871-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 

This is a negative resistance, that means it can provide C j0
energy. Just making the negative resistance equal to the Cj (8)
1  VD / VB
equivalent resistor of LC tank, the Oscillator can keep self-
oscillation, and the oscillating frequency is decided by the
resonant frequency of the LC tank. where C jo is the capacitance with zero bias, VB is barrier
In this design, a complementary differential structure is
chosen which is showed in Fig. 3 for its resonance amplitude voltage of the PN junction and VD is the bias voltage. In this
is two times of the single differential oscillator [1], and it design, one side of the variode is connected to control
exhibits better performance in low phase noise and low port(assume its voltage is Vctrl ), and the other side is
power consumption [2] with some drawbacks such as the connected to the transistor (assume its voltage is Va ), so the
limitation of the voltage margin and more noise sources. capacitance can be given by

9GG C j0
Cj (9)
0 0 [1  (Vctrl  Va ) / VB ]n

Derived from (6), (7), (9), the gain of VCO is

/ 2

1 n 

§ Vctrl  Va ·
KVCO L C 2 2
¨1  ¸ (10)
© VB ¹
making C j 0 3 pF , VB
0.5V , Va 0V , L 1nH and
n 1 / 2 ˈthe relationship between KVCO and Vctrl is depicted
0 0
by Fig.4 which shows the gain decrease rapidly as the
control voltage increasing from zero. That deteriorates the
linearity of the system.

Figure 3. Complementary differential structure of VCO.

B. Use of HBT
NPN heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) is used to
replace the NMOS in Fig.3 for its high characteristic
frequency, low 1/f noise, low flicker noise and
thermal noise[3]. And the NPN HBT has a larger
transconductance at a common bias, especially makes the
whole circuit have a lower phase noise in the case of small
power consumption.
C. Linearization of LC-tank
The gain of the VCO is a significant parameter which
shows relationship between varition of frequency and control Figure 4. Relationship between gain and control voltage.
voltage. It is ideally needed invariable to make the system as
linear as possible. In the LC-tank, the resonant frequency is 9FWUO
9D 9D
&Y &Y
fosc (6)
2S LC &Y 5 &Y

In this design the frequency is controllable through &Y 5 &Y

involving variodes of which capacitance is changed
by voltage. And the gain of the VCO is given by
&Y 5 &Y
wf (Vctrl )
KVCO (7) 5
where Vctrl is the control voltage of the VCO. The
Figure 5. Variode array.
capacitance of variode is given by

It is necessary to make the KVCO  Vctrl curve more
smooth to improve the linearity of VCO.A new structure id2T 0 ig2 0
ig2 id2T
showed in Fig.5 is designed for the capacitor of the LC-tank.
There are eight variodes in this differential structure, each
half has four variodes in parallel. The symmetric center is
AC ground, so the capacitance is
Figure 7. Noise model of MOS.
C CV 1  CV 2  CV 3  CV 4 (11)
A. Noise of the PMOS
Beside CV 1 , the control voltage of CV 2 , CV 3 and CV 4 is According to the noise model of MOS shown in Fig.7,
divided by the resistors. There are the noise of PMOS is consisted of local thermal noise and
gate noise, they are .
R  R1
Vc 2 Vctrl (12) 2kT JPCOX I bias W
idT / 'f (16)
gm L
R  R1  R2
Vc 3 Vctrl (13) 2kT GZ 2 Cgs2 g m L
R ig2 / 'f (17)
R  R1  R2  R3 5I bias uCOX W
Vc 4 Vctrl (14)
where k is Boltzmann constant, T is absolute temperature, J
According to (10), KVCO yields is a constant 2/3 for long-channel and 2-3 for short-channel
and G is two times of J . So noise of each PMOS is
1  12  32 § wCV 1 wCV 2 wCV 3 wCV 4 ·
KVCO  L C ¨    ¸ (15) 2
idT ig2
4S © wVctrl wVctrl wVctrl wVctrl ¹ iM2 / 'f  (18)
'f 'f
where C CV 1  CV 2  CV 3  CV 4 , each CV can be derived
According to Thevenin’s theorem, the noise from the
from (9). Making VB 0.5V , Va 0V , L 1nH ,
differential structure composed of two PMOS is given by
n 1/ 2 and C j 0 0.75 pF ( just one fourth of Fig.3 to make
the two structure have the same capacitance with zero bias. 1 iM2 i2 1 iM2
Applying different ratios of resisters, the results are shown in iP2 / 'f (  M) (19)
Fig.6. It is obvious that a large ratio of resisters leading to a 4 'f 'f 2 'f
more smooth curve which means a better linearity. But this
benefit is abtained by sacrificing range of frequency-tuning
in fact. B. Noise of NPN HBT

& &
4 4
iR2 iR2
iO2 / 'f 5 'f 'f 5 iin2 iO2 / 'f


Figure 8. Noise of NPN HBT.

Figure 6. KVCO  Vctrl Curve with diferent ratios of resisters. The noise model of NPN HBT is established as shown in
Fig.8.In this model there is a current noise of each NPN

io2 / 'f g m2 [4kT (rb  R)

In this structure, there are three main noise sources: noise Z  rb  R

of PMOS, noise of NPN HBT and noise of LC-tank.

2qI B (rb  R) 2 ]  2qI c (20)

where Z is impedance between emitter and base, at the same noise model can be transformed to a capacitor connected to
time there are noises coupled into collector by C1 or C2 a resistor in series. And it is given by

iin2 i2 4kT 2
vCV / 'f 8kT 1
ic2 / 'f  R 2qI B  (21) 2
iCV / 'f 2˜ ˄RCS ˅(24)
'f 'f R 2

Similar to the analysis of section A, the noise from the where RCP is resistor in parallel and RCS is resistor in series.
differential structure composed of two NPN HBTs is given So the noise of LC-tank is
iL2 i2 (25)
k / 'f  4 CV
1 i
Q2 1 i i 2 2 'f 'f
NPN / 'f (  ) (  ) o c
4 'f 'f 2 'f 'f
D. Noise of the Whole Structure
According to Hajimiriÿs phase noise theory[6,7,8], the
C. Noise of LC-tank
single band phase noise at f off offset in 1 / f 2 region is
The noise model of LC-tank is established as shown in
Fig.9.The LC-tank is made up of variodes, inductors and
* 2rms ¦ in / 'f
resistors. In this model the noises from variodes and L{ f off } 10 log( ˜ ) (26)
inductors are considered, the noise from resistors shown in 8S f off
2 2 2
Fig.5 is ignored because they are connected to AC ground.
The noises of inductor [4] are mainly from the thermal cost where *rms | 1/ 2 for differential noise sources and qmax is
of the coils and the thermal cost of between coils and the maximum charge of the capacitor. Substituting the
substrate former formula in (26) with results of section A, B and C ,
there is
ª 1 1 º
iL2 / 'f 2
2(iLP / 'f  iLS
/ 'f ) | 8kT «  » (23) 2
¬ P ( LZ ) 2
/ RS ¼
itan i2 i2
¦i 2
n / 'f k

'f 'f

iLP / 'f 2
iLP / 'f RP
The parameters of this design is shown in Table I when
control voltage is set as 2.5V. Making these parameters in
the noise model, the results of each part is abtained as shown
iLS / 'f 2
iLS / 'f RS L
by table II. From Table II, it shows the noise caused by
differential pairs accounts for 80 percent. So the PMOS and
the NPN play an important role in the design, it is significant
CV 1 2
RCS 1 iCV 1 / 'f
iCV 1 / 'f RCS 1 CV 1 to use a suitable device such as HBT to decrease the noise.
At the same time, the noise from the gate of PMOS, the noise
coupled to collector of NPN by capacitor and the noise of
CV 2 2
RCS 2 iCV / 'f 2
iCV / 'f RCS 2
variode is much smaller than others. Therefore the phase
CV 2
noise can be calculated approximatively by

CV 3 2
RCS 3 iCV 3 / 'f
iCV 3 / 'f RCS 3 CV 3 * 2rms kT JPCOX I bias W 4kT 4kT
L{ f off } 10log{ ˜(   
4S f off2 qmax
2 2
gm L RP ( LZ )2 / RS
g m2  npn Z ª¬ 2kT (rb  R)  qI B (rb  R) 2 º¼
4 / 'f 4 / 'f RCS 4
2 2
CV 4 RCS 4 iCV iCV CV 4  qI c )} (28)
Z  rb  R
Figure 9. Noise model of LC-tank.
The phase noise calculated by (28) is depicted in Fig.10
where RSP is equivalent resistor in parallel, RS is equivalent compared with the result simulated by spectreRF of cadence
using TSMC 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. In the
resistor in series and QL is the quality factor of inductor. The simulation, the output frequency sweep range is set from
variode is simulated by a capacitor and a resister in parallel. 10KHz to 1GHz. The result shows the calculation and
Because the quality factor of variode is much larger than the simulation are very approximate within 100MHz offset in
quality factor of inductor, the influence caused by capacitor which the phase noise is -109.1 dB at 1MHz offset just
noise is much smaller than inductor noise [5] , the variode 0.81% less than the value got from simulation.That means
the noise model of this work is mostly availiable, and the

difference value increasing in the large offset range may be IV. REALIZATION OF VCO
due to ignoring some noise source in the model. The circuit of VCO is realized using TSMC 0.35μm SiGe
TABLE I. PARAMETERS OF THIS DESIGN BiCMOS technology as shown in Fig. 11. Q5, Q6 and Q9
work as current mirror to supply Q1 and Q2 DC bias. Q3, Q4,
Parameter Value Q7 and Q8 work as output buffer. C3 shorts AC signal which
Parameters of oscillation frequency f 5.33 GHz may interfere Q6 to ground. The transient simulation
VCO depicted in Fig. 12 shows that the VCO can start self-
Bias current Ibias 871P A
oscillating in 4.5ns and output a steady waveform. Fig. 13
Amplitude of output 0.39 V depicts the relationship between frequency and control
Parameters of gm 3.13 mS voltage when different resistor ratio applied that leads to
PMOS W/L 80 um/350 nm different capacitance and gain shown in Part C of Section 2.
Cox 4.45 fiF/um2 And the simulation of phase noise is shown in Fig. 14 from
Cgs 77.22 fiF which the phase noise is got as -110dB at 1MHz offset.
According to the figure of merit (FOM) substituting the
Parameters of CS 70.34 fiF formula in (28) with former parameters, the FOM of this
rb 35: design is -180dBc/Hz which means a good performance [9].
The layout is shown in Fig. 15.
E 199
Parameters of L 1.14 nH
inductor f OSC P
RS 2.46: FOM ( f offset ) L( f offset )  20 lg  10 lg diss (29)
3.27 k:
f offset 1mW
Parameters of CV 1 , CV 2 , CV 3 , CV 4 54.36 57.08 60.16
variodes 63.66 ( fiF )

0 0
RCP 244 M:
/ /
&Y 4
&Y 5
noise 2
idT / 'f ig2 / 'f io2 / 'f ic2 / 'f 5
Value 3.046 1.208 2.818 2.357 &Y
×10-22 ×10-24 ×10-22 ×10-24
( A / Hz )
2 5 &Y & &

noise iL2 / 'f 2

iCV / 'f ¦i2
n / 'f 4 4
5 5
Value 6.601 1.357 3.610
×10-23 ×10-28 ×10-22
( A2 / Hz ) 4 4 9ELDV 4 4 4

5H & 5H 5H 5H


Figure 11. The circuit of VCO.

Figure 10. Phase noise. Figure 12. Waveform of output.

Figure 13. Relationship between frenquency and control voltage.
Figure 14. Phase noise.

Figure 15. Layout of the VCO.

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