Unit 3 Celta Unit
Unit 3 Celta Unit
Unit 3 Celta Unit
1. The teacher involves the students by asking questions about the pronunciation.
2. The teacher asks the students questions to encourage students to notice the pronunciation.
3. The teacher writes difficult or unusual sounds on the board for students.
4. The teacher says the sentence to give the students a natural model.
5. The teacher says the sentence at natural speed.
6. The students repeat the teacher’s model together.
With practice, information that was new becomes easier to process and learners are able to access it
more and more quickly until it eventually becomes automatic.
It is important to note that in Jacqueline’s lesson students spend significantly more tie practicing the
language than they do analyzing it in terms of MFP. This is typical a successful lesson.
Using context
Lecturing students
- Text can be used to help learners focus on specific language points. However, learners should
be encouraged to look at the text for meaning before they focus on the language so that there is
a clear context.
- Learners need to be able to understand the meaning, form, pronunciation and appropriacy of
new language before they can use it. Teachers should spend time analyzing these aspects during
the language focus stage of the lesson. This stage is more effective when the learners are
involved or working out the rules themselves.
- Once the language has been clarified, students are ready to practice it.