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Feed-Pump Hydraulic Performance and Design Improvement, Phase I: J2esearch Program Design

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Feed-Pump Hydraulic Performance

and Design Improvement, Phase I: EPRI

EPRI CS-2323
J2esearch Program Design Volume 2
Project 1884-6
Volume 2 Final Report
March 1982
Feed Pumps
Feed Pump Reliability
Feed Pump Hydraulics
Feed Pump Design
Feed Pump Research
Feed Pump Specifications

Prepared by
Borg-Warner Corporation
(Byron Jackson Pump Division and
Borg-Warner Research Center)
Carson, California
Massa^ f Technology
Cambri__ . s

,-T. a a •a_^„nt.- ji^, w « ' jm.m ^j.^M\MMMim^mjii'mmmjmiiiimm\i-


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Feed Pump Hydraulic Performance and
Design Improvement, Phase I:
Research Program Design
Volume 2
CS-2323, Volume 2
Research Project 1884-6

Final Report, March 1982

Prepared by

17929 Adria Maru Lane
Carson, California 90746

Byron Jackson Pump Division • '^-^ ' "•

Borg-Warner Corporation

Principal Investigators
W. H. Brown, Project Leader
8. Gopalakrishnan EPRI-CS~2332 Vol.
R. Fehlau

Consultant DE82 903304

A. J. Acosta

Borg-Warner Research Center-

Borg-Warner Corporation

Principal Investigator
W. E. Thompson


77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Principal Investigator
D. G. Wilson

Prepared for

Electric Power Research Institute

3412 Hillview Avenue [
Palo Alto, California 94304 \^ c

EPRI Project Manager iSTfiillTIOi OF THIS DOCUMW IS UiLlilTED ^ 0 -

I. A. Diaz-Tous
Fossil Plant Performance and Reliability Program
Coal Combustion Systems Division
Requests for copies of this report should be directed to Research Reports Center
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This report was prepared by the organization(s) named below as an account of work sponsored by the Electric
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ly owned rights, or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use
of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report

Prepared by
Borg-Warner Corporation
(Byron Jackson Pump Division and
Borg-Warner Research Center)
Carson, California
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts

As a result of prior EPRI-sponsored studies, it was concluded that a

research program should be designed and implemented to provide an
improved basis for the design, procurement, testing, and operation of
large feed pumps with increased reliability and stability over the
full range of operating conditions» This two-volume report contains a
research plan which is based on a review of the present state of the
art and which defines the necessary R&D program and estimates the
benefits and costs of the program. The recommended research program
consists of 30 interrelated tasks. It is designed to perform the
needed research; to verify the results? to develop improved compo-
nentsi and to publish computer-aided design methods, pump specifica-
tion guidelines, and a troubleshooting manual. Most of the technology
proposed in the research plan is applicable to nuclear power plants as
well as to fossil-fired plants.


RP1884-6 is part of an EPRI program to improve the reliability of
feedwater pumps for large power-generating units. Problems of feed-
water pumps are a leading cause of unscheduled outages, and they are
estimated to have cost more than $408 million for replacement power
alone during 1981. The EPRI-sponsored program will be a multiyear
effort to provide an improved basis for the design, procurement,
operation, and testing of large feedwater pumps with increased reli-
ability and stability over the full range of operation. Phase I of
this effort was completed by two independent teamsj the result of one
team is reported here. The Phase I work was the preparation of a
research program design for the remainder of the overall EPRI effort,
including both theoretical and experimental research. The work was
based on surveys of architect-engineers, utilities, independent
research laboratories, and pump manufacturers as well as on the
resources of the team that performed the work.

In preparation for RP1884-6, EPRI sponsored several projects, which

are reported in the following publications; Survey of Feed Pump
Outages (EPRI Final Report FP-754), Centrifugal Pump Hydjaulic
Instability (EPRI Final Report CS-1445), and Recommended Design
Guidelines for Feedwater Pumps in Large Power Generating Units (EPRI
Final Report CS-1512). The complementary reports on Phase I work are
being published as EPRI Pinal Reports CS-2322, Volumes 1 and 2.

This two-volume report was prepared to provide utilities, manufac-

turers, and other interested parties with the results from the Phase
research program design and related activities. The program plan is
expected to have a major influence on shaping EPRI work on feedwater
pumps, and the program plan will provide an overview of the work that
is required to improve the reliability and stability of large feed-
water pumps. In addition, the Phase I effort offers a review of

feedwater pump problems, design methods, theory, and research

The general objective of this project was to prepare a research plan
for a multiyear effort to improve feedwater pump reliability and
stability. The plan was to include resource and facility requirements
together with schedules and work descriptions.

Specific objectives werei

® To review feedwater pump design methods
® To survey problems in boiler feed pumps
® To assess feedwater pump experimental research
• To review pump theory
m To formulate a statement of pump research requirement
® To detail plans for the proposed research program

A comprehensive research program was formulated to develop a new
generation of advanced design feedwater pumps that would be highly
reliable and stable throughout their operating range. The proposed
research effort would require a five-year period and would cost
approximately $5.2 million (1981 dollars).

A Phase II integrated experimental and analytic effort would be under-

taken in the following fields: hydraulics, cavitation, rotor
dynamics, and pump systems (interactions with connecting components
and piping). Full-scale verification tests would be performed to
examine the combined results of the foregoing efforts. Application
studies of pump components and economic methods would be made.

In Phase III, design methods for large feedwater pumps would be

developed. Computer-aided design methods would be prepared for
hydraulic analysis, cavitation, stress analysis, and rotor dynamics.
Pump specification guidelines would be prepared on the basis of the

entire program, including monitoring and troubleshooting, materials
selection, and code modification.

I. A. Diaz-Tous, Project Manager

Coal Combustion Systems Division


The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of the following persons

for their major contributions during the course of this programs
K. W, Templin, of Byron Jackson Pump Division, and the many architect-
engineers and utility engineers interviewed during the conducted

Volume 1

Section 1
Feed Pump Procurement and Design Methods
1,0 Byron Jackson/EPRI Survey of Architect/Engineers 1-1
2.0 Pro Forma Specification 1-9
3.0 Review of the Current State of the Art of Feed Pump 1-10
Performance Prediction
4.0 Review of Feed-Pump Research and Development and of 1-11
Manufacturers of Boiler-Feed Pumps

Section 2
Problems of Feed Pumps
1.0 Byron Jackson/EPRI Survey of Utilities 2-1
2.0 Major Outage-Producing Failure Causes Identified in 2-3
EPRI FP-754, "Survey of Feed Pump Outages"
3.0 Problems Identified in EPRI NP-1571, "Repetitive 2-3
Failure Causes for Feedwater Pumps"

Section 3
Assessment of Feed Pump Experimental Research
1.0 Rotordynamics Testing 3-1
2.0 Advanced Instrumentation in Hydraulics 3-6
3.0 Cavitation Damage Testing 3-9
4.0 Summary of Existing Pump Test Facilities, Research 3-14
Facilities, and Instrumentation

Section 4
Review of Pump Theory

1.0 Hydraulics 4-1

2.0 Vibration in Pumps 4-6
3.0 Cavitation 4-9

4.0 Two-Phase Flow in Pumps 4-14
5.0 Impeller Forces 4-15
6.0 Flow Instability 4-22

Section 5
Feed Pump Research Requirements
1.0 Feed Pump Problems 5-1
2.0 Phase IIi Research Program 5-3
3.0 Phase Ills Development of Design Methods 5-9

Section 6
Phase III Research Program
1.0 Off-Design Flow Studies 6-1
2.0 Velocity Field Measurements in a Pump Stage 6-3
3.0 Impeller/Volute Hydraulic Analysis 6-4
4.0 Hydraulic Instability 6-6
5.0 Analytical Study of Cavitation Performance 6-8
6.0 Analytical Study of Cavitation Damage 6-10
7.0 Correlation Between Noise and Cavitation Damage 6-12
8.0 Correlation Between Type of Cavitation and Damage Rate 6-13
9.0 Direct Measurement of Cavitation Damage in Impellers 6-14

10.0 Development of Advanced Rotor-Bearing Systems for 6-16
Feed Water Pumps
11.0 Investigation of Axial Balancing Devices 6-17
12.0 Seal Ring Coefficients 6-18
13.0 Wear Ring Pressure Losses 6-20

14.0 System Interactions 6-21
15.0 Suction Effects on Pump Performance 6-23


16.0 Full-scale Tests 6-24
17.0 Shaft Seals 6-29


18.0 Pump Component Development 6-31
19,0 Economic Evaluation Methods 6--32

Phase III I Development of Design Methods

20.0 Hydraulic Analysis 6-33
21.0 Cavitation Analysis 6-34
22,0 Analysis of Annular Pressure-Reducing Devices 6-35
23,0 Stress Analysis of Impeller Vanes, Impeller Shrouds, 6-36
and Shaft
24,0 Stress Analysis of Volute Lips and Diffuser Vane Tips 6-38
25.0 Rotordynamic Analyses 6-39


26.0 Instrumentation for Monitoring and Troubleshooting 6-41
Operating Feed Pumps
27.0 Selection of Materials of Construction 6-42
28,0 Review and Updating of Test Codes for Feed Pumps 6-43
29.0 Review and Updating of Standards for Feed Pump 6-43

30.0 Troubleshooting Manual 6-45

Section 7
Determination of Benefits
1.0 Objective 7-1
2.0 Approach 7-1
3.0 Research Program Benefit/Cost Ratio 7-2
4.0 Tabulation of Importance Factors 7-3
5,0 Estimation of Cost for Each Failure Mode 7-3

6,0 Weighted Benefit/Cost Ratio 7-6
7,0 Comments and Conclusions 7-6

Volume 2
A Tabulated and Summarized Responses to Byron Jackson/EPRI A-1
Survey of Architect/Engineers
B Pro Forma Technical Specification, Turbine-Driven Boiler B-1
Feed Pumps for Large Fossil-Fired Power Plants
C Responses From Independent Research Laboratories and Pump C-1
Manufacturers Relating to Feed Pump Research and Develop-
ment and to Current Pump Designs
D Tabulated and Summarized Responses to Byron Jackson/EPRI D-1
Survey of Utilities
E Rotor Dynamics Testing E-1
F Advanced Instrumentation in Hydraulics F-1
G Cavitation Damage Testing G-1
H Summary of Existing Byron Jackson Test Facilities and H-1
I Computer-Aided Literature Search Methodology I-l
J Hydraulics j-1
K Vibration in Pumps K-1
L Cavitation L-1
M Two-Phase Flow in Pumps M-1
N Impeller Forces N-1
0 Flow Instability 0-1

Volume 1
Figure Page
3-1 Byron Jackson Test Rig 3--2

3-2 Air Test 3--4

3-3 Water Test 3--4

3-4 Critical Speed as a Function of Clearance for Smooth and 3--5

Grooved Wear Rings
3-5 Details of Crossover Region 3--8

3-6 Radial Velocity Fields at Near Design Speed 3--10

3-7 Radial Velocity Fields at Low Flow 3- - 1 1

3-8 Three-Dimensional Frequency Response Plot 3--15

3-9 Three-Dimensional Pressure Pulsation Plot 3- -16

4-1 Reverse Flow and Recirculation in a Pump Impeller 4--4

4-2 Cavitation Condition at Various Cavitation Levels 4--10

6-1 Conceptual Design of Test Pump No. 1 6--26

6-2 Conceptual Design of Test Pump No. 3 6--27

7-1 Tabulation of Importance Factors 7--4

7-2 Estimated Cost of Each Failure Mode 7-• 5

7-3 Weighted Benefit/Cost Ratio for Each Research Category 7--7

Volume 2
E-1 Byron Jackson Test Rig E-2
E-2 Air Test E-4
E~3 Water Test E-4
E-4 Critical Speed as a Function of Clearance for Smooth and E-5
Grooved Wear Rings
E-5 Test Rig Concepts E-6
E-6 University of Louisville Test Section Assembly E-8

Figure Page
E-7 Experimental Apparatus for Annular Seal Dynamic Properties E-8
F-1 Reference Beam Mode F-3
F-2 Differential Doppler Mode F-3
F-3 Schematic of Dual-Beam Laser-Doppler Anemometer F-4
F-4 Details of Crossover Region F-5
F-5 Schematic Representation of the Photodetector Signal F-7
F-6 Radial Velocity Fields at Near Design Flow F-8
F-7 Radial Velocity Fields at Low Flow F-9
G-l Schematic of Beta Back-Scatter System G-2
G-2 Relationship Between Noise, Velocity, and Cavitation G-4
G-3 Bubble Energy Spectra G-5
G-4 Cavitation Erosion Weight Loss and Spectrum Area G-6
H-1 Spectral Dynamics Model SD-2001D Digital Signal H-4
H-2 Vibration Amplitude vs. Frequency H-5
H-3 Order Tracking H-7
H-4 Example of Structural Resonance Excited by the Impeller H-8
Vane Frequency
H-5 Example of Discharge Pipe Acoustic Resonance Excited by H-9
the Impeller Vane Frequency
H-6 Campbell Diagram H-10
H-7 Campbell Diagram H-11
J-1 Reverse Flow and Recirculation in a Pump Impeller J-4
J-2 Static Pressure Distribution J-5
J-3 Comparison of Calculated Radial Forces With Test Data J-7
J-4 Flow Separation and Inlet Recirculation J-8
J-5 Reverse Impeller Discharge at 10% Flow Rate J-10
K-1 Rotor Vibratory Mode Shapes K-5
K-2 Pump Vibration Before and After Installation of K-7
Long-Taper Transition Pieces

Figure Page
L-1 Cavitation Conditions at Various Cavitation Levels L-2
L-2 Calculated Inception Point vs. Measured Inception for L-4
Standard Mixed-Flow Pump
L-3 Cavitation Damage Rate L-7
M-1 Two-Phase Flow Head Loss Function M-3


Note: The A/E responders are not identified. Where responders

are identified a, b, c, etc., in various responses, the
identification is on a random basis. Responder a. to
question 1 is not responder a. to question 4, but may be
responder c. or d, to that question.

1. What will be the range of sizes for most fossil-fired power

plants built in the next 10 years?

Responder MWE MWE

a. - to 1,000 or 1,100
b. 500 to 1,000
c. 400 to 1,000
d. 300 to 800
e. 300 to 800
f. - to 800

TVA and AEP were mentioned as exceptions to the above. They may
build more 1,300-MWE plants. Many responders believe that the
trend is toward smaller (400-MWE to 500-MWE) plants.

Many responders were skeptical about the future of new super-

critical plants, but the pressure for better fuel efficiency
is strong.

2. What will be the maximum boiler feed pump size required for
fossil-fired power plants built in the next 10 years?

a. Maximum flow? 21,000 gpm

b. Maximum head? 11,000 feet
c. Maximum discharge pressure? 4,600 psi
d. Maximum horsepower? 65,00 0

The above figures were given as representing the size of the feed
pumps used by TVA and AEP in their existing 1,300-MWE plants.

Most responders see very few requirements for pumps larger than
16,000 to 24,000 horsepower.

One responder stated that an operating pressure of 4,500 psi is

being considered by the industry. Such an operating pressure
would require a feed pump discharge pressure of approximately
5,500 psi.

What will the ultimately required boiler feed pump sizes be?

The answers were the same as the answers to question 2, except

requirements for pumps in the 25,000- to 45,000-horsepower
range are expected.

What do you generally consider to be the required operating range

for boiler feed pumps during normal operation?

Responder Minimum Flow, % Maximum Flow, %

a. 25 115
b. 25 120 to 130
c. 25 130
d. 25 135
e. 40 140
f. 10 to 25 Depends on the sys-

What do you generally consider to be the required operating

range for boiler feed pumps for short periods of time during
abnormal operation?

Responses were the same as the answers to question 4, except

that responder d. gave the range as 15% to 14 0% and stated that
the pumps might be operated overnight at 15% flow.

Please state your current practice relating to the number and

size of boiler feed pumps installed in new plant.

Responder Response
a. 2-50% and 1-33%
b. 2-50% and 1-25% to 35%
c. 2-50% and 1-50%, limited to 8,000 to 9,000

d. 2-50% or 2-50% and 1 smaller
e. 2-60% and 1-20%
f. 3-50% or 4-33%

What will be the range of sizes for most nuclear power plants
built in the next 10 years?

Responder MWE MWE

a. 1,100 to 1,300
b. 900 to 1,300
c. 1,100 to 1,200
d. 900 to 1,200
e. 600 to 1,200
f. - 1,100

The 600-MWE plants are for the developing countries.

What will be the maximum feed pump size required for nuclear
power plants built in the next 10 years?

Max. Flow Max. Head Max. Press Max.

Resp. gpm feet psig horsepower
a. 23,000 *2,600 1,450 *ie,000
b. 20,000 2,100 1,600 12,000
c. 16,000 3,100 - 11,000
d. 15,000 2,000 1,000
e. 50% pumps for a 1,300-MWE plant
f. We will get guidance from reputable vendors.
*Combined feed pumps and booster pumps.

What will the ultimately required nuclear feed pump sizes be?

Max. flow Max. head Max. press. Max.

Resp. gpm feet psig horsepower
a. 23,000 *2,700 1,500 *19,000
b. 40,000 2,100 1,600 24,000
c. 18,000 3,200 - 15,000
d. 15,000 2,000 1,000
e. 50% pumps for a 1,300 MWE-plant
f. We will be guided by recommendations from a
reputable vendor.
* Combined feed pump and booster pump.

What do you generally consider to be the required operating range

for nuclear feed pumps during normal operation?

Minimum Flow Maximum Flow
Responder % of Design Flow % of Design
a. 25 160
b. 40 140
c. 50 130
d. 30 125
e. 25 115
f. 10 to 25 Depends on the

What do you generally consider to be the required operating range

for nuclear feed pumps for short periods of time during abnormal

Responses were the same as for question 10, except that responder
c. gave a range of 10% to 140% or 160%, accomplished with speed

Please state your current practice relating to the number and

size of nuclear feed pumps installed in a new plant.

Responder Response
a. 2-50% and 1-33%, or 3-50%
b. 2-50% and 1-25% to 35%
c. 2-50% and 1-50%, limited to 8,000 to 9,000
d. 3-50% o r 4 - 3 3 %
e. 2-50% (PWR), 3-50% (BWR)
f. 2-50%

What considerations generally govern your determination of the

net positive suction head (NPSH) available to the feed pump?

There were wide variations in the responses to this question.

It was agreed that NPSH is furnished to nuclear feed pumps by

condensate booster pumps in the majority of current plant de-
signs. There is no agreement, however, on the question of
whether 50% capacity boiler feed pumps in large fossil-fired
plants should take suction from an elevated deaerator or should
be provided with booster pumps.

There is generally a preference that the 20% to 33% capacity
motor-driven boiler feed pumps should take suction from the
deaerator and should not have booster pumps,

Half of the responders mentioned NPSH margin. Some spoke of

desired margins and some of required margins. Some were con-
cerned with margin at design flow, some with margin at runout
flow, and some with both. Desired and required margins varied
from 80% to 100% at design flow and from 25% to 50% at runout
flow. Desired or required margins in some cases were tied to a
specific NPSH test method, such as 0% head drop on cold water.

What considerations generally govern your feed pump foundation


There were wide variations in the responses to this question.

Some responders prefer steel baseplates, some prefer concrete
pedestals, and some have no preference or no rigid practices.
Most prefer a stiff foundation, but some will use either a very
stiff or a very soft foundation.

What considerations generally govern your piping design as re-

lates to feed pump suction and discharge piping nozzle loads?

Two responders try to design the piping not to exceed the allow-
able nozzle loads quoted by the pump manufacturer. Four respond-
ers specify the nozzle loads to the pump manufacturer but, in
all cases, will work with the manufacturer and make some effort
to reduce loads that are greater than recommended.

What considerations generally govern your piping design as it

relates to feed pump suction piping that will provide uniform
velocity distribution to the pump suction?

Most responders try to provide at least five pipe diameters of

straight pipe into the pump suction. Several have unpublished
internal specifications governing such things as allowable velo-
cities, specification of long-radius elbows, and avoidance of

elbows at a right angle to the plane of rotation of the first-
stage impeller unless extra straight-run pipe is provided. More
information on this subject would be welcomed by many responders.

17. What considerations generally govern your piping design as it

relates to the avoidance of discharge piping that may resonate
at pump vane-passing frequency?

Five responders said that discharge piping resonance at vane-

passing frequency is not a common problem, and no analysis of it
is performed during plant design.

One responder said that he does an analysis of vane-passing

frequency harmonics in the piping. Most responders feel that
the practical and economical approach is to attend to the few
problems as they occur.

18a. How are feed pumps protected against water hammer?

18b. If they are not protected, how are water hammer loads

Four responders consider the avoidance of water hammer in the

feedwater system one way or another. There was general agree-
ment that water hammer is not a problem for feed pumps, because
other components in the feedwater system suffer more if water
hammer occurs.

19. What seismic requirements may be imposed on a feed pump?

Two responders said that even in nuclear plants, feed pumps are
not classed as "safety related" and are not subject to special
seismic analysis. Two responders said that seismic require-
ments apply to nuclear feed pumps, and one said that they apply
only to feedwater systems in PWR plants.

20a. What dry-running requirements are generally specified for boiler

feed pumps?

No responders are presently requiring dry run of boiler feed
pumps. One requires a severe low NPSH test, and others are
considering similar requirements.

20b. What dry running requirements are generally specified

for nuclear feed pumps?

Only one responder requires a dry run of nuclear feed pumps.

Some are considering severe low NPSH testing.

21. What attemperation requirements are anticipated?

From 5% to 20% of design flow. There is a very wide range of


Several people mentioned that some coals to be used in the future

may cause worse slag formation and fouling. This condition may
increase attemperation requirements,

22. What requirements for re-entry designs are anticipated?

No re-entry designs are anticipated at this time by the respond-


23. How is quoted pump efficiency evaluated?

a. At design point?

Almost all responders indicated to some degree that they

do not like the concept of giving great weight to quoted
pump efficiencies when evaluating pump proposals, except
to assess a penalty if the quoted pump is a poor "fit."

One will not give credit for any quoted efficiency above
85%. Several others would like to do something similar.

b. At other flow rates?

When efficiency evaluations are made and the client does not

specify evaluation at off-design flow rates, half of the re-
sponders evaluate off-design and half do not.

How is the quoted minimum flow evaluated?

a. Recirculating line and valve cost?

b. Power required to pump the recirculated fluid?

Three responders evaluate minimum flow and three do not.

One evaluates piping cost only, one evaluates power
cost only, and one evaluates both.

How is anticipated feed pump reliability evaluated prior to pur-

chase of feed pumps for a new plant?

Responder Response
a. A formal analysis of EEI/NERC data is under
b. We will probably do a formal reliability study
on the next job.
c. We evaluate EEI data, vendor installation list,
and vendor outage estimates.
d. Based on knowledge of industry specialists and
EEI information.
e. Based on EEI data and internal data.
f. Based on past experience, including field

How is the manufacturer's past service record evaluated prior

to purchase of boiler feed pumps for a new plant?

None of the responders makes a formal analysis. However, this

item is almost always taken into account one way or another.

How is quoted shutoff head evaluated?

Only one responder evaluates shutoff head. Three responders

specify shutoff head not to exceed 130% of design head.

Do you specify any of the following? (Please give details.)

Question Responder
a. b. c. d. e. f.
a.Maximum head per No No No No No Yes
b.Maximum shutoff Some Yes Yes No No Yes
c.Maximum number of No Some No No No No
d.Maximum RPM? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
e.Maximum suction No Yes No No No No
specific speed?
f.Other hydraulic No Yes Yes No No Inter-
design parameters? nal

What operating instrumentation is specified to monitor the feed

pump operating parameters? (Please give details.)

Question Responder
a. b. c. d. e. f.
a.Vibration? Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
b.Radial shaft motion No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
c.Axial shaft motion Nuc. Yes No Yes No No
(end float)? only
d.Discharge pressure No Yes No No No No
e.Suction pressure No Yes No No No No
f.Fluid-borne noise? No No No No No No
g.Airborne noise? No OSHA OSHA No No No
only only
h,Other? No Hot No No No Hot
align' align-
ment ment
check check

What instrumentation will detect rubbing of internal components—

wear rings, seals, etc.-—so as to indicate damage and wear?

No responder is aware of proven instrumentation for this purpose.

Some feel that vibration detectors may give this indication.

What instrumentation is needed to detect the onset of cavitation
in various parts of a pump?

No responder is aware of such instrumentation.

Two responders mentioned measurement of available NPSH.

Is fluid-borne or airborne noise signature analysis a valuable

tool for monitoring an operating feed pump or for diagnosis
of feed pump problems?

Four responders believe that analysis of fluid-borne noise can

be valuable. One responder believes that analysis of airborne
noise can be valuable.

Do you specify a certain type of shaft seal? (If so, please give

Responder Response
a. Throttle bushings, temperature controlled
b. Fixed-injection type, other temperature
c. Labyrinth type, temperature controlled
d. Packless leak-off type, pressure controlled
e. Fossil, no. Nuclear plants, bleed-off type
f. Generally not

How do your specifications assure stable head-capacity curves

for boiler feed pumps?

A stable head-capacity curve is specified, and the pumps are

witness tested.

What tests do you specify to qualify a boiler feed pump at the

manufacturer's facility?

a. b. c. d. e. f.
Test @ operating temp. Yes Yes Yes No Some Some
Test @ full speed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lube system Yes - - -
Airborne noise No - - Yes
Fluid-borne noise Some _ - Some
Special Q.C, Yes - - -
Suction transient _ Yes - -
Seal leak rate - _ Yes -
Vibration _ _ - Yes
Post-test exam. - - - Yes
Loss of injection „
» — ^

Note: All responders require head-capacity, efficiency, and NPSH

tests (from 0% on cold water to 3% on hot water). Almost
all will allow testing at less than full speed, even though
full speed is specified, if a qualified vendor's facility
limitations do not allow full speed.

36. What boiler feed pump field tests do you specify during plant
start-up and plant acceptance tests?

The right to run field tests is always specified but seldom


37. What pump test codes do you specify?

a. Hydraulic Institute? Always specified.

b. ASME PTC 8.2? Sometimes specified.
c. Other? Specifications often require
additional testing and/or

38. Are existing test codes adequate? (If not, please give details.
For example, what performance standards are needed for vibration,
shaft orbit, shaft end float, and pressure pulsation levels?)

Only two responders answered with an unqualified yes to this


Three responders are not satisfied with vibration standards, two

would like to have pressure pulsation acceptance criteria, and
one believes that NPSH tests are not accurate.

There was, however, general agreement that the best way to re-
solve existing problems is by revision of the Hydraulic Test

Code, not by having different requirements for each A/E.

Do you have any comments on EPRI CS-1512, "Recommended Design

Guidelines for Feedwater Pumps in Large Power Generating Units"?

Three responders had not seen this publication, and two had
generally favorable remarks. One responder feels that the manu-
facturers are asked for too much information and that there is
too much specification of pump design.

Do you have any comments on EPRI NP-1571, "Evaluation of Basic

Causes of Repetitive Failures of Nuclear and Fossil Feedwater

Three responders had not seen this publication and three had
generally favorable comments.

Do you have any comments on EPRI FP-754, "Survey of Feed Pump


Five responders had generally favorable comments. One feels

that there is too much specification of pump design.

Do you have any comments on EPRI CS-1445, "Centrifugal Pump

Hydraulic Instability"?

Two responders had not seen this publication and three had
generally favorable comments. One had no comment.



This technical specification covers the requirements for the design,

manufacture, shop testing, packaging, storage and handling, shipping,
and technical direction of installation and field testing of feed
pumps and accessories for large (600-MWE and larger) fossil-fired
power plants.

General requirements are contained in the text and specific project

requirements in the tables following the text. Where they differ,
the requirements of the tables shall apply.


2.1 Work To Be Provided

The work to be provided by the pump manufacturer in accordance with

this technical specification shall include:

a. Design, manufacture, and shop testing of feed pumps and

integration of accessories.
b. All required cleaning, finishing, packaging, and prepara-
tion for shipping and storage.
c. Technical direction of the installation of the pumps.
d. All documentation specified herein.

The pump manufacturer shall be responsible for all items in the above
list that are covered by this section of the specification, except as
otherwise indicated in Table 1, "Project Requirements For Boiler Feed
Pumps. "
2. 2 Applicable Documents

The latest editions and addenda of the following documents, in effect

on the date of contract award, are a part of this technical specifi-
cation and, where referred to by the title or basic designation only,
are applicable to the extent indicated by the specific reference.

2.2.1 State and Local Codes specified in Table 1.

2.2.2 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ANSI B16.il Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and
ANSI B31.1 Power Piping

2.2.3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding

and Brazing Qualifications
ASME Power Test Code PTC 8.2 - Performance Test Code,
Centrifugal Pumps
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Pres-
sure Vessels, Division 1

2.2.4 Hydraulic Institute

Hydraulic Institute Standards for Centrifugal, Rotary and

Reciprocating Pumps

2.2.5 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)


3.1 Description of Service

The feed piimps will form a part of the feedwater system for the power
plant described in Table 1 under "Description of Service."

3.2 Design Conditions and Performance Requirements

3.2.1 The feed pumps shall be designed for the conditions specified
in Table 1 under "Design Conditions and Performance."

3.2.2 The feed pumps shall be designed in accordance with the

Hydraulic Institute Standards, Centrifugal Pump Section.

3.2.3 The number of feed pumps shall be as specified in Table 1.

3.2.4 The feed pumps shall be designed to operate continuously in

parallel over the pump operating range, from quoted minimum flow to
quoted maximum flow, without damage to the pump,

3.2.5 When one pump in the parallel operation trips, the remaining
feed purap(s) running at rated speed shall be capable of operating at
the intersection of the feedwater system resistance curve (attached).
This is known as pump runout condition.

3.2.6 The pump manufacturer shall provide pump performance charac-

teristic curves on which total head, brake horsepower, speed, requir-
ed NPSH, and efficiency are plotted as functions of volumetric flow
rate between shutoff and runout. Total head and pump efficiency shall
be defined in accordance with the Hydraulic Institute Standards.

3.2.7 The pump manufacturer shall guarantee the design condition

performance of the pumping equipment furnished. The guaranteed
performance given by the pump manufacturer in the Proposal Bid Data
Sheets shall be based on the design conditions specified in Table 1
and shall be clearly indicated on his pump performance curve. The
tolerances on the guaranteed performance shall be in accordance with
the Hydraulic Institute Standards.

3.2.8 The pump efficiency at the desiqn conditions specified in

Table 1 shall be guaranteed cold/hot (see paragraph 5.2.2).

3.2.9 Pump head curves shall rise continuously from design flow to
shutoff when determined at constant pump speed.

3.2.10 The pumps shall be identical in design. All replacement
parts shall be interchangeable.

3.2.11 Wetted pump parts shall be suitable for the water handled by
pumps. The chemical analysis of feedwater (condensate) is given in
Table 1.

3.2.12 The pump shaft sealing shall be achieved by cold condensate

from the condensate system discharge. Descriptions of condensate
system discharge for pump seal design are given in Table 1.

3.2.13 Each pump shall be capable of operating without damage if

the injection seal water is interrupted for a maximum of 30 seconds
when the pump is operating at any specified operating point.

3.2.14 The pumps shall withstand 10 percent overspeed without

damage. The pumps shall be capable of running safely and satisfac-
torily on turbine turning gear continuously.

3.2.15 Ambient conditions in which the pximps will operate are as

specified in Table 1.

3.2.16 Unless otherwise specified in Table 1 under "Remarks and

Special Requirements," the pump manufacturer is not required to per-
form seismic analysis of the work.

3.2.17 The pump manufacturer's proposal shall clearly describe both

normal and emergency pump warmrup procedure. Warping, buckling, mis-
aligment, rubbing, seizure, or other objectionable effects shall not
result from following either procedure.

3.2.18 Adequate clearances shall be provided in the piamp to accommo-

date rotor deflection in any specified operating mode and during turn
ing gear operation. Reliability during all operating conditions is a
major consideration. The long-term reliability of the pump will be
critically emphasized in the evaluation of proposals.

3.2.19 The pump will be tripped automatically on high feed-water-

header pressure, low lube-oil pressure, high vibration, high

bearing temperature or wear, high turbine-drive exhaust-hood pressure,
turbine-drive overspeed, or any other signal from equipment pro-
tection devices,

3.2.20 The pump shall be designed for frequent startup and shutdown
(either initially cyclic, or becoming cyclic when dictated by system
requirements). It is anticipated that the pump can be subjected to
daily start-up and shutdown, temperature changes, and frequent daily
load cycles.

3.3 Materials

Materials for the feed pumps shall be as specified below. The pump
manufacturer may propose alternative materials that in his experience
are more suited to the specified service. The alternative materials
shall be subject to the owner's approval. When two or more materials
are specified for a component or part, the pump manufacturer shall
choose among them.

When the material is not specified, it shall be selected by the pump

manufacturer and clearly stated in his proposal.

The material thickness of pressure-boundary parts and pressure

bolting shall be as calculated in accordance with the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1.

Outer Casing (Barrel) and End Head (Barrel Cover)

Low carbon steel with 300 series stainless steel overlay at all
gasket fits and at all areas subject to erosion, such as at
discharge nozzles, if velocity is over 25 feet per second

11-13% chrome steel castings

13% chrome, 4% nickel steel castings
11-13% chrome steel castings
13% chrome, 4% nickel steel castings
Type 410 stainless steel forging, heat treated
11-13% chrome steel castings
13% chrome, 4% nickel steel castings
Casing Wearing Rings
Type 420 stainless steel, heat treated
Pressure Bolting Studs
ASTM A 193, Gr B.7
Pressure Bolting Nuts
ASTM A 194, CI 2H
Bearing Housings
Cast steel
Baseplate and Steel Pedestals
Fabricated low carbon steel
Injection Seal Shaft Sleeves (if required)
Type 420 stainless steel, heat treated
Throttle Bushing
Type 4 20 stainless steel, heat treated
ASTM A 10 6, GR B
Warm-Up Orifice
Type 304 stainless steel

3.4 Design and Construction Features

3.4.1 Type. The feed pumps shall be of the horizontal, centrifugal,

multistage, barrel type. They shall be of either a two-piece, hori-
zontally split inner case, double-volute construction, or of a
radially split stacked diffuser construction forming the inner

3.4.2 Interchangeability. Pumps shall be identical in construction,

and similar parts of pumps shall be interchangeable.

3.4.3 Rotation. Pumps shall rotate clockwise when viewed from the
pump coupling end.

3.4.4 Outer Casing (Barrel). The outer casings shall be construc-

ted with integral suction and discharge nozzles, arranged to
permit ready removal of the inner assembly without disturbing
pipe connections. The outer casing, including suction and dis-
charge connections, shall be of forged steel per paragraph 3.3.
Nozzles that are not fabricated integrally with the pump casing
shall be either seamless, forged, or extruded pipe.

Areas around the discharge, and areas at the seals that are in
contact with the feed water, shall be surfaced, per paragraph 3.3,
with an overlay of a metal alloy to resist both corrosion and the
erosion resulting from high fluid velocity and turbulence.

Support of the outer casing shall be at a point as near the center-

line of the casing as possible to permit equal thermal expansion in
both directions.

There shall be minimal restrictions on start-up procedures due to

thermal differences on various parts of the outer casing. The
specific requirements for the suction and discharge nozzles
shall be as specified in Table 1.

3.4.5 Rotating Elements. All rotating parts shall be balanced

statically and dynamically. Pumps shall have adequate axial and
radial balance at all recommended flowrates. Axial balance may be
achieved by opposed impellers or by means of balancing devices.
Leak-off from a balance disk or balance drum, when used, shall not be
considered as part of pump capacity or recirculated minimum flow.

3.4.6 Bearings. Each pump shall be provided with one thrust

bearing and two journal bearings. Thrust bearings shall be of
the double-acting Kingsbury type. All bearings shall be suitable
for forced-oil lubrication, and all shall be replaceable.

Journal bearings shall be of a proven anti-oil-whip design, such as

tilting-pad or pressure-dam type. Bearings shall have seals to

prevent oil leakage. The housings shall be of steel and shall
provide for easy bearing inspection.

The pump manufacturer shall make provision at the proper locations

for proximity probes in the X-Y direction to monitor rotor lateral
vibration. Probes shall be required at each sleeve bearing and
at the outboard end to detect both radial and axial rotor vibration
and movement. The axial probe is required only if shaft axial
motion is critical to rotor axial balance.

The pump manufacturer shall provide appropriate thermocouples or

resistance temperature detectors (RTD) for each bearing, with
suitable terminal blocks for owner's connection. The thermocouples or
RTD's sense the temperature of the metal in the radial bearings. For
the tilting-pad type of bearings, the thermocouples or RTD's should be
in the bottom pad. Thermocouples or RTD's are to be accessible for
service. Thrust bearing thermocouples or RTD's shall measure the
temperature at points as near as practicable to the thrust bearing.

3.4.7 Stuffing Boxes and Injection Seal System. Pump shafts shall
be provided with injection-type throttle bushing stuffing boxes to
meet the conditions caused by shaft peripheral speed and pump suction
temperature and pressure. Seal drains will be to the condenser.

The seal-water control system shall, under all conditions of opera-

tion, prevent flashing and maintain sufficient condensate injection
pressure to ensure adequate injection of cold condensate for proper
operation of the shaft seals. The makes and types of control valves
and devices for the seal injection system shall be clearly identified
in the proposal.

The complete shaft seal control system (except filter) shall be assem-
bled by the pump manufacturer.

All piping and conventional shut-off valves for connection from the
condensate discharge to the feed pumps and leak-off systems will be
provided by others.

The system furnished shall include all controls necessary for automat-
ic operation.

Each controlled variable shall have local indication and shall be

provided with an electrical switch to annunciate whenever the variable
is outside normal operating limits.

The pump seal design shall be such as to permit the pumping unit and
turbine to coast to a stop safely immediately following emergency
plant trip-out when no injection water is available.

3.4.8 Nozzle Loads, The pump manufacturer shall state the allowable
forces and moments at the face of each nozzle connection (suction
and discharge) on the feed pump.

The pump manufacturer shall submit, for owner's approval, isometric

sketches of the nozzle loadings,

3.4.9 Warm-Up Breakdown Orifices, The pump manufacturer shall

provide the required warm-up breakdown orifice for each pump for warm-
up purposes,

3.4.10 Lubricating Oil Piping. Oil pipe shall be of seamless steel,

schedule 80, or heavier if required. Flanged joints, where
necessarily used for assembly and dismantling of oil piping, shall be
of ANSI B16.5 forged steel weld neck or slip-on type. All oil pipe
shall be pickled and neutralized and fitted to the equipment, if
required, before shipment.

3.4.11 External Piping Connections. Suction and discharge con-

nections shall be located on top of the outer casing, unless otherwise
specified in Table 1, and shall be of the type specified in Table 1.
Suction and discharge nozzle piping sizes and design pressures and
temperatures shall be as specified in Table 1.

The pump manufacturer shall provide all connections required for

drainage and venting. The location, size, type, and quantity of all
openings, connections, and fittings shall be shown on the pump man-
ufacturer's drawings. All piping connections shall have weld ends.

unless otherwise specified in Table 1 for specific connections or
where necessary for assembly and dismantling of the pumping units.

The pump manufacturer shall comment on the suitability of the owner's

suction piping arrangement.

3.4.12 Thermal Insulation and Metal Lagging. Each pump barrel shall
be provided by the pump manufacturer with thermal insulating
material completely enclosed in a rigid steel jacket and fastened to
the barrel. Insulation thickness shall limit surface temperature to
120° F with normal ambient temperature (see Table 1 under "Design
Conditions and Performance") when operating at pump design tempera-
ture. The insulation and jacket shall be arranged to allow for pump
disassembly without damage to the insulation or jacket. When the
pump installation utilizes concrete pedestals, the owner will
provide and install thermal insulation and lagging in the field.

3.4.13 Flexible Couplings. The pump manufacturer shall provide

flexible couplings connecting feed pump and auxiliary turbine driver

The flexible couplings shall be of the nonlubricated type: Thomas,

Bendix, Zurn, or approved equal. The pump manufacturer shall be
responsible for handling, machining, coordination, and shop installa-
tion (in his own or auxiliary turbine driver manufacturer's shop) of
all the flexible couplings he furnishes. Coupling spacers shall be
furnished, when necessary, to facilitate maintenance of pump and other
parts. All couplings shall be both statically and dynamically
balanced to minimize coupling vibration.

Guards that allow compliance with OSHA requirements shall be fur-

nished for all couplings, coupling spacers, shafts, and other rotat-
ing parts,

3.4.14 Drain and Vent Valves. Valved connections shall be provided

in the outer casing for drainage and venting. Vents will be fur-
nished in the piping by others when the suction and discharge nozzles
are on the top of the outer casing. Drains will be furnished in the
piping by others when the suction and discharge nozzles are on the

bottom of the outer casing. The connections shall be provided with
double valves if pressure exceeds pump suction pressure during any
operating condition. The location of connections and valves shall be
such that the valves will be easily accessible for operation and
maintenance. The make and type of all valves shall be approved by
the owner,

3.5 Auxiliary Turbine-Driven Pump Accessories

3.5.1 Auxiliary turbine drivers will be provided by the owner for

direct connection to the feed pumps. The design of auxiliary tur-
bines will meet the specified speed range (see load requirements of
the feed pumps specified in Table 1 under "Design Conditions and

3.5.2 Each auxiliary turbine driver will be provided with a turn-

ing gear. When the turning gear is engaged, lubricating oil will be
available to the feed pump bearings.

3.5.3 Pump pedestals suitable for installation on concrete or on

auxiliary turbine baseplates will be supplied as specified in
Table 1.

3.5.4 Overall turbine-pump assembly drawings will be provided by the

auxiliary turbine driver manufacturer. The pump manufacturer shall,
however, be responsible for expediting and coordinating with the
auxiliary turbine driver manufacturer concerning the assembly draw-
ings, including the base plate mounting dimensions.

3.5.5 Oil for lubrication of feed pumps will be taken from the
auxiliary turbine driver oil system. The pump manufacturer shall be
responsible for coordinating the lubrication system requirements of
the pump with the auxiliary turbine driver manufacturer.

The pump manufacturer shall provide supply-and-return oil piping up

to the matchline located approximately at the face of pump half-
coupling, complete with adjustable orifices for proper setting of
bearing oil flow. The pump manufacturer shall also include sight-
flow glasses, as necessary.

Oil piping requirements are specified in paragraph 3.4.10.

3.6 Welding Requirements

Welding and repair welding shall be performed in accordance with the

pump manufacturer's written procedures, as approved by owner prior
to use.

3.7 Special Tools

The pump manufacturer shall provide one complete set of all the
necessary special tools required for installation and maintenance of
the feed pumps and accessories, including a dismantling carriage
designed to support the pump inner assembly during dismantling.

3.8 Spare Parts

The pump manufacturer shall provide one complete inner assembly con-
sisting of pump shaft, impellers, diffusers, and other rotating and
stationary parts subject to wear, including all required keys, pins,
screws, fasteners, gaskets, and seals.

The pump manufacturer shall also provide one complete set of journal
bearings and one set of thrust shoes for thrust bearings.

3.9 Cleaning and Painting

3.9.1 Internal Surfaces, All internal surfaces shall be free of

gross contaminants such as heavy deposits of mill or heat-treating
scale, oil, oxide films, slag, flux, weld spatter, dirt, metal
chips, and abrasive particles. Achievement of this criterion shall
be determined by visual inspection.

The pump manufacturer's cleaning plan shall assure that cleaning

materials do not adversely affect the surface or base metal in the
cleaning or manufacturing environments.

Mechanical, solvent, or chemical methods may be used subject to the

following restrictions.

Abrasive blasting shall not be used on surfaces containing areas on
which grit can accumulate and not be readily removed by subsequent
cleaning, rinsing, or flushing operations.

Acid cleaning or pickling shall not be used when other cleaning

methods are sufficient. Specifically, nitric-hydrofluoric acid
shall not be used on austenitic stainless steel and other alloy
surfaces that may be sensitized after welding or improper heat treat-

Chlorinated cleaning materials shall not be used on stainless steel

or nickel-base alloy surfaces. In addition, only alkaline cleaners
and water shall be used on ferrous and nickel-base alloy surfaces
removed by subsequent cleaning, rinsing, or flushing,

3.9.2 External Surfaces. External surfaces shall be smooth and free

of gross contaminants such as heavy scale, rust, sand, blisters, weld
spatter, metal chips, and heavy deposits of oil or grease.

External surfaces, with the exception of machined surfaces and edges

prepared for field welding for a distance of 1% inches from the weld
edge, shall be given a shop coat of corrosion-resistant paint
capable of withstanding temperatures to the design temperature plus
50°F without loss of its prospective integrity.

All edges prepared for field welding shall be protected against

corrosion during shipment, storage, and installation by the applica-
tion of one coat of a rust-inhibiting coating.

All external machined surfaces shall be protected against corrosion

during shipment, storage, and installation by the application of one
coat of rust-inhibiting coating.

3.9.3 Final Painting. Final painting will be by others.

3 .10 Quality Assurance

The pump manufacturer shall employ such quality assurance measures

as are necessary to insure that the work conforms to this specifica-

3.11 Packaging and Shipping

Pumps and all accessories shall be protected against damage during

normal shipping, receiving, storing, and handling operations.

Whenever size permits, the pump and any accessories shall be packed
securely in weatherproof crates. If the pump or any component is too
large for packing in a crate, it shall be placed on skids and
protected with an overwrap.

Overwrap material shall be moistureproof, heat sealable, and strong

enough to resist wear and tear during normal handling.

Guards shall be placed over easily damageable parts. All openings,

including pipe ends, shall be provided with closures. The use of
cloth for plugs or caps is prohibited.

Each package shall be properly marked for identification. Weight

lift points or the center of gravity shall be marked on the crate or
skid to facilitate handling.

3.12 Marking

3.12.1 A corrosion-resistant nameplate shall be attached to each

pump in a clearly visible, easily accessible location. The name-
plate shall be stamped with the following information:

a. Manufacturer's name
b. Manufacturer's model number
c. Manufacturer's shop order number or serial number
d. Owner's equipment tag number
e. Service
f. Design capacity, gpm
g. Design temperature, F

h. Design head, ft
i. Design speed, rpm
j. Suction pressure, psig
k. Discharge pressure, psig

3.12.2 The direction of rotation shall be permanently marked on the

pump casing in a location that will be clearly visible after appli-
cation of insulation.

3.12.3 A stainless steel identification tag shall be mounted on

each separately shipped valve in a conspicuous place. It shall be
shown on the valve assembly drawing submitted for approval. The
mounting shall not adversely affect the strength of the item to which
the tag is attached. The information shown on the tag shall include
the size of the valve, ANSI rating, manufacturer's name,
manufacturer's serial number, body and trim material, and owner's
tag number.

All loose instruments and control devices shall be properly tagged

with owner's tag numbers prior to shipment.

3.13 Storage and handling Procedure

The pump manufacturer shall prepare and submit to owner written

procedures to govern the handling, storage, shipping, and preserva-
tion of the equipment, to prevent degradation of the supplied
equipment. This shall include recommendations for on-site storage.


All equipment will be installed by others. The pump manufacturer

shall, however, provide the services of an erection advisor to pro-
vide tecnnical direction of installation of the feed pumps and acces-
sories. The field personnel provided by the pump manufacturer shall
be capable, qualified, and able to perform the duties required.


5.1 Material Tests

Certified mill test reports for pressure-retaining parts shall be

provided for owner's information in accordance with ASTM specifica-
tions and shall include mechanical and chemical properties.

5.2 Shop Tests

5.2.1 Hydrostatic Tests. Outer casing and assembled cover shall

be hydrostatically tested at 150 percent of the maximum shut-off
pressure that would be created at design speed. The test pressure
shall be held for a minimum of 30 minutes.

The inner casing (including spare) and all crossover passages shall
be hydrostatically tested in accordance with the pump manufacturer's
standard procedure.

If the owner reserves the right to witness the hydrostatic tests, the
pump manufacturer, as indicated in Table 1, shall notify the owner of
the tests at least three days in advance of the time of the tests.

5.2.2 Performance Tests. The pump manufacturer shall perform, in

the pump manufacturer's shop, the pump running test in accordance
with the procedures of the Centrifugal Pump Section of the Hydraulic
Institute Standards.

Each pump (including spare inner element assembly and rotating

element) shall be performance tested at design speed and rated condi-
tions, preferably at rated temperature. Adjusting the performance
data (specifically, efficiency) from a cold-water test to hot-water
operating conditions shall be in accordance with the Hydraulic
Institute Standards. These calculations shall be sumbitted to owner
for approval.

Test readings shall be made for at least eight points over the range
between minimum flow to pump runout flow.

If a speed lower than the rated speed is used during testing, the
efficiency shall not be corrected when extrapolating the performance
to plant operating conditions.

If head instability is observed at any flow, that test point shall

be retested with the best possible accuracy. Also, two additional
test points shall be recorded adjacent to the point of instability,
one each at flow rates less than and greater than at the point of

Vibration and pressure pulsation data shall be individually analyzed

for amplitude versus frequency through the maximum frequency of in-
terest. The maximiom amplitudes for each frequency of significance
should be plotted against pump flow. The results shall be evaluated
with the guidance of vibration performance charts and pressure pulsa-
tion guidelines (TBD).

The performance test shall include peak-to-peak pressure pulsation

measurements at the suction and discharge nozzles, as well as in the
balancing device leak-off flow piping or the leak-off chamber of the
device (if applicable).

NPSH tests shall be performed at specified flows: runout flow,

rated flow, and minimum flow. Tests shall be performed to determine
the head for the "breakaway" point (initiation of cavitation or onset
of cavitation). Data shall be submitted containing test points with
3%, 1%, and 0% head breakdown.

One pump shall be tested at an overspeed of 110 percent of rated

speed. The vibration behavior of the pump shall be observed during
this test.

Where interstage bleed is required in Table 1, all tests (except for

bleed head-capacity test) shall be conducted with interstage bleed

The owner reserves the right to witness the performance tests. As

indicated in Table 1, the pump manufacturer shall notify the owner of
the tests at least three days in advance of the time for tests.

Each piamp shall be dismantled and inspected after the performance
test is completed. Any clearance adjustment or any dimensional
change performed after the test shall require a retest of the pump,
unless the retest is waived in writing by the owner.

5.2.3 Vibration Tests. Each pump shall be tested to verify that

excessive vibration will not occur at quoted maximum and minimum flow.
This will demonstrate that the pump operation at maximum and minimum
flow is outside the hydraulically unstable flow regime.

Peak-to-peak amplitude of vibration measured on the pimip bearing hous-

ings shall not exceed Hydraulic Institute Standards for the operating
speed range specified in Table 1.

Peak-to-peak amplitude of rotor vibration shall be measured by non-

contact proximity sensors on the shaft at each of the pump journal
bearings at quoted minimum flow, design flow, and quoted maximum flow.

Peak-to-peak amplitude of axial movement of the pump rotor shall be

measured by a noncontact proximity sensor at quoted minimum flow,
design flow, and quoted maximum flow.

5.2.4 Test Reports. Certified test reports shall be prepared and

submitted to the owner for information. The reports shall include
test arrangement, instrumentation and calibration data, test pro-
cedure, test data, and data-reduction calculations.

Results of the performance tests shall be summarized in curve form,

with total head, efficiency, brake horsepower, and NPSH referred to
the pump centerline plotted versus discharge capacity in gpm. The
guaranteed design performance, maximum runout operation, and test
water temperature shall be stated on the curve.

Each performance test report shall also include the following:

a, A separate family of calculated curves for one-pump

operation based on the performance test results from
design speed to minimum operating speed, as determined
by the specified system resistance curve. These
curves shall show total head, interstage bleed dis-

charge head and flow (if applicable), required mini-
mum flow, and runout flow plotted versus discharge
capacity in gpm for each 200-rpm increment in speed.
b. Detailed procedure for determining interstage bleed
discharge heads and flows (only if applicable) at
any pump operating condition.
c. Test procedures, calibration data for instruments and
equipment, and complete set of test calculations.
d. Efficiency adjustment calculations from a cold test to
hot-water operating conditions.
e. Verification of interchangeability tests for spare
internal assemblies in each pump.
f. Verification of journal bearing stability, hydraulic
stability at mimimum flow, and radial and axial
vibration limits.

5.3 Field Tests

5.3.1 Startup Tests. The owner reserves the right to perform

field tests on each pump unit after the feedwater system is placed in

The object of these tests will be to check performance of the units

with regard to vibration, noise, overheating of pump bearings,
operation of pump coupling, stuffing boxes and lubricating system,
pump and driver alignment, and for any display of unfavorable operat-
ing characteristics.

The pump manufacturer shall provide a qualified advisor at the

owner's request and expense.

5.3.2 Plant Acceptance Tests. Plant acceptance tests may be

conducted in the field by the owner within six months after
commercial operation of the turbine generator unit.

The pump manufacturer shall provide a qualified advisor at the

owner's request and expense.


6.1 With Bid

The pump manufacturer shall submit information with the bid in suffi-
cient detail to permit the owner to fully understand and evaluate
the equipment being offered.

The pump manufacturer shall complete the Proposal Bid Data Sheets
included in the Bid Form of this specification for submittal with
the bid. After acceptance by the owner, the data will become part
of this specification for the feed pumps and accessories.

6.2 After Award

The information and data below shall be submitted to the owner, for
approval or for information, in accordance with the timing specified
under "Information to be Submitted" in Table 1.

6.2.1 For Approval Schedules. An overall schedule in sufficient

detail to demonstrate the pump manufacturer's ability to
perform the work within the specified time limits.

a. A detailed schedule showing submittal date for

each document.
b. A detailed schedule showing shipping date of each
piece of equipment from the manufacturer's plant. Drawings and Data.

a. Dimensioned outline drawing of each pump unit.

b. Welding and repair welding procedures.
c. Lubricating system piping drawing.
d. Pump sectional drawing with sections showing the
arrangement of the functional parts, parts list,
and material designations.

e. Installation drawings that may be required for
the complete equipment installation.
f. Injection seal system drawings.
g. Complete pump performance curves.
h. Torque-speed2curves from zero to rated pump speed,
and rotor WR .
i. Pump warm-up orifice drawings.
j. Nozzle load drawings.
For Information.

Certified shop test reports for all shop performance

tests performed by the pump manufacturer.
Drawings detailing foundation loadings and requirements,
including moments, thrusts, size and location of anchor
bolts, clearance requirements, and all required
mounting details.
Complete list of spare parts. The list shall be based
on the pump manufacturer's part replacement experience
with similar equipment.
A complete list of special tools required to install and
maintain all equipment and instructions for their use.
Installation, operation, and maintenance manuals,
including a complete list of replacement parts.
Certified mill test reports. (Ref. para. 5.1)
Storage and handling procedures.

TABLE 1, Sheet 1

2.1 Work to be Provided Req'd Req'd
Interstage Bleed
2.2 State and Local Codes

3.1 Description of Service

Plant Name:
Plant Unit No.:
Unit Name Plate Rating:
Pump Suction From:
Deaerator through booster pump
Deaerator through booster pump
and I.P. heater

Feed Pump Arrangement:

Percent Capacity Pump Number of piimps
Stand-by Pump Yes No Number of pumps

Pump Discharge Through Stages of Feedwater Heaters

3.2 Design Conditions and Performance

Pump Location: FOutdoor Indoor

Plant Elevation, feet:

Ambient Conditions:
Pressure, psi abs:
Temperature, °F Normal Max.
Humidity, Percent Normal Max.
Speed Range of Pumps rpm:
Max. Min.
Feedwater System Resistance Curve Figure 1
Design Conditions:
No. of Pumps in Parallel Oper.:
Rated Speed, rpm (by Vendor):
Capacity (Each Pump), gpm:
Total Dynamic Head, ft. :
Suction Water Temp. °F:
Specific Gravity:
Suction Pressure, psig:
Discharge Pressure, psig:
NPSH Available, ft:
Legend: X = Applicable coluimi L To be provided at a
or box later date
NA = Not applicable + See "Remarks and Special

TABLE 1, Sheet 2

•XT- Feedwater (or Condensate) Analysis:
Total Solids ppb
Dissolved Oxygen cc/LTR
Silica as SiOo

Iron as Fe ppb
Copper as Cu - ppb
Nickel ppb
Hydrazine (Residual) ppm
Sodium ppb
Conductivity (cation) 25°C
pH @25°C to
Injection Sealing Water From Condensate Pump
System Discharge:
Max. Pressure, psig
Min. Pressure, psig
Normal Pressure, psig
Max. Temperature, °F
Normal Temperature, °F

3.4 Design and Construction Features

Suction and Discharge Nozzles;
Suction Discharge
Design Press., psi
Design Temp., °F
Desired Size, OP, in.
Weld End Type:

5.2 Shop Tests

Owner to Witness

Performance Tests

Legend: X = Applicable column L To be provided at a

or box later date
NA = Not applicable + See "Remarks and Special

TABLE 1, Sheet 3

6. Information To Be Submitted Days After Award
Overall Schedule 30
Document Submittal Schedule 30
Equipment Delivery Schedule 30
Outline Drawing 60
Welding and Repair Welding Procedures 60
Foundation Drawing T,
Lubrication Piping Drawing 60
Assembly Piping Drawings 60
Injection Seal Drawings 60
Pump Performance With bid
Torque Speed Curves With bid
Warm-Up Orifice Drawing 60
Nozzle Loading Drawings With bid

Before Shipment of Equipment

Certified Shop Test Reports Completion
of tests
Spare Parts List With bid
Special Tool List 60
Manuals Upon
Certified Mill Test Reports Upon
Storage and Handling Procedures 60

Remarks and Special Requirements: (EXAMPLE)

3.1 The feedwater pumping system consists of two nominal
50% capacity turbine-driven main boiler feed pumps and
one 33% capacity start-up/stand-by, variable-speed
motor-driven pump. Each turbine-driven pump, operating
singly, shall be capable of continuous operation to
125% of rated capacity. Start-up will normally be
accomplished with the motor-driven pump in conjunction
with its associated variable-speed hydraulic
coupling with single-element (driim level) control
varying the speed.

TABLE 1, Sheet 4
Spec. Item

Normal operation will utilize the turbine-driven pump(s)

with feedwater flow controlled by three-element (drum
level, steam flow, feedwater flow) control varying
turbine speed.
During periods when one turbine-driven pump is unavailable,
the motor-driven piomp speed will be set manually with
the on-line turbine-driven pump set on automatic speed
control (three element) to accomplish load changes.
3,2 One turbine-driven boiler feed pump operating without
overspeed in parallel with the start-up boiler feed
pump shall be capable of providing, as a minimum,
gpm at feet head and of
operating at any point along the system resistance
curve up to runout flow.
Both turbine-driven pumps will be of the top-
suction and top-discharge type.
3.2.23 Interstage bleed connection required for reheater
attemperators. Flow gpm at minimum pressure of
approximately psig when pump is operating at
design condition.
3.2.24 The brake horsepower of the boiler feed pump shall be
calculated taking into account the attemperation flow
requirements in 3.2.23 at design condition.
3.4.5 All rotating parts shall be statically and dynamically
balanced according to contractor's standard procedures.
3.4.6 Each journal bearing shall be provided with two
noncontact proximity vibration probes with signal
sensor/amplifier, NEMA 4 amplifier housing, and necessary
interconnecting cable between probe and amplifier and
vibration monitor. Interconnecting cabling between
amplifier and monitors as well as the monitors will
be by owner.

TABLE 1, Sheet 5
Para. Item

3.4.10 Lubricating oil pipe shall be of seamless steel.

Flanged joints, where necessarily used for assembly and
dismantling of oil piping, shall be of forged steel.
3.4.13 The pump manufacturer shall ensure that the turbine
half of the flexible coupling (to the boiler feed
pump turbine drives) is shipped to the turbine drive
manufacturer in time for shop installation.
3.5.3 Pump pedestals shall be suitable for installation on
the turbine-drive bed plate supplied by owner or on
a concrete foundation.
3.6 Electrical equipment requirements shall be as specified
in .
Pump motor drive electrical requirements shall be as
specified in .
3. 9 Cover plates shall be provided for each pxomp to facilitate
alkaline wash of the owner's piping system. During
this period, the pump internals will be removed, the
cover will be installed, and an alkaline solution
will be flushed through the pump barrels.

3.11 Equipment shall be marked with its contract number

and shall be delivered to owner in care of
Spare parts should be shipped in the care of the owner
to the plant site (completely addressed and clearly
labeled "SPARE PARTS") for the attention of .
5.2.4 Contractor will calculate curves for one-pump operation
based on performance test results from maximum operating
speed to minimum operating speed with the design speed
as one of the curves.
6,1 Recommended spare parts list and pricing shall be
submitted with proposal.

The following abbreviations are used throughout this specification
for the convenience of the reader:

Approved Approved in writing by Buyer or Engineer (A/E)

Bidder Bidder Pump Vendor or Pump Manufacturer
Buyer The Electric Utility Company
Contractor Pump Vendor or Pump Manufacturer
Engineer The Architect/Engineer (A/E)
Equipment Data Data Sheets provided with the Specifications
Instrument Data Instrumentation data - Data sheets provided
with the Specifications
Manufacturer Bidder or Pump Vendor
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
NPSH - A NPSH Available to the Pump
NPSH - R NPSH Required by the Pump
Or Equal As reviewed and released by the Engineer
The Electric Utility Company (Owner may
Owner designate Engineer as his Agent for approvals)
An organization or individual other than
Others the Pump Manufacturer
Same as Owner
Release in writing by Engineer
As reviewed and released by the Engineer
The Bidder, Pump Vendor, or Pump Manufacturer
The Specifications
Bidder or Pump Manufacturer

B-2 7


Plant name *
Model or type number
Type (d iffuser, volute)
Number of stages
First-s tage suction (single, double, twin)
Drive (main turbine shaft, turbine, motor)*
Number of pumps per unit*
Pump floor elevation, ft*
Pximp Normal Mini-
Design & Operat- mum
Guarantee ing Oper-
Point Load ating
2.1.1 Percent valve wide open, (% VWO) *
2. 1.2 Gross generator load, MW * • '

2.1.3 Capacity-feedwater, gpm *

2.1.4 Suction head, ft. *
2.1.5 Discharge head, ft. , .*
2.1,6 Total dyanmic head (TDH), ft *
2.1.7 Suction temperature, °F *
2.1.8 Superheat attemp, (if applic.),gpm. *
2. 1.9 Reheat attemperation ( - " -),gpm. *
2.1.10 Pump speed, rpm
2.1.11 Pump shaft input, bhp* Sp.Gr,.
2.2.1 Discharge capacity-feedwater flow,
gpm. *
2,2.2 Suction head, ft *
2.2.3 Discharge head, ft *
2.2. 4 Total dynamic head (TDH), ft *
2.2.5 Suction temperature, °F *
2.2.6 Net positive suction head required (NPSH-R) at design flow.
2,2.6.1 at 3% head breakdown, ft at 1% head breakdown, ft..... at incipient head breakdown, :ft
2.2,7 NPSH available, normal operation,f-t*
2.2.8 NPSH available on load rejection,f-t*
2,2.9 NPSH required at overspeed trip; a-t 3% head breakdown, ft.
at design flow
2,2.10 Maximum design pump speed, rpm....
2.2,11 Recommended overspeed trip, rpm.,. **
2,2.12 Variable speed, yes/no *
To be filled out by A/E
* 2.2.11 shall be 100% of 2.2.10 for turbine driven feed pumps




13 Pump shaft bhp

14 Pump efficiency, % at ___°F
15 Pump shutoff head, rated speed ( H Q ) , ft
16 Pump shutoff head, overspeed trip, ft
17 Reheat spray water (intermediate stage
take-off)(if applicable), gpm @ min psig ^
19 Flow velocity discharge nozzle, ft/sec
20 Time requred to start the pump unit,
from a cold condition to full load, min
21 Do you recommend turning gear appli-
cation, ...... yes/no ................
22 Do you recommend disconnect or
direct coupling ......................


1 Normal recirculation flow recommended

by seller, gpm
2 Recirculation required for continuous
minimum flow (for extended time periods)
3 Breakdown orifice design flow, gpm ...
4 Breakdown orifice design pressure drop,
5 Pump parameters during continuous
minimxmi flow:
5.1 Pump speed, rpm
5. 2 head, feet .
5.3 Temperature rise, °F
5.4 NPSH required at 3% head breakdown, ft


1 Type of seal
2 Diametral clearance at seal, in
(if applicable)
3 Injection water flow required per seal
gpm ...,...,,
4 Injection water temperature, pressure
°F/psig .....
5 Maximum particle size in injection
6 Leak-off flow per seal, gpm .......•,.
7 Leak-off temperature, °F
8 Temperature or pressure control ......
9 Single or double injection




2.5.1 Maximum head (at minimum flow, maximum

speed) , ft.
2.5.2 Minimum allowable pump operating
speed, rpm ..........................
2.5.3 Minimum head at 2.5.2, ft ,,........,
2.5.4 Pump shut-off head at minimum allowable
pump speed, ft
2.5.5 Is bearing prelubrication necessary before
piomp starting? ..... yes/no
2.5.6 Is prewarming necessary, if cold pump
is to be started and immediately pump
hot water? ....... yes/no ...........
2.5.7 Allowable temperature rise at minimum
flow, °F
2.5.8 What is the minimum NPSH required, at
design flow and speed? Ft...........
2.5.9 Duration pump can operate at NPSH
in 2,5.8, min
2.5.10 Sound power level data. Provide
on form .........................
2.5.11 Vibration - normal, mils ............
2.5.12 Vibration - new/worn, mils ..........
2.5.13 Trip at maximum amplitude, mils .....
2.5.14 Permissible maximum mils, mils ......
2. 5,15 Measured at location
2.5.16 Measured with ....................... _____
2.5.17 Pressure pulsation amplitudes peak to
peak at: Discharge nozzle (design flow), psi . Discharge nozzle ( ininimiwn flow), psi. Suction nozzle (design flow), psi ... Suction nozzle (minimum flow), psi...
2.5.18 What is the max. allowable peak to peak
pressure pulsation level, psi .......
2.5.19 Expected frequencies of major pressure
pulsation components, in multiples of
rpm (i.e., Ix, 6x, e t c . ) , Hz/cps ......
2.5.20 Transient load drop condition, gpm/rpm *
2.5.21 Alarm and trip data. Provide on form.


2.6.1 Casing outer type (barrel, etc.) .... ___

2.6.2 Casing inner type ( iradially split, etc.)
2.6.3 Casing minimum wall thickness, in. •••.__
2. 6. 4 Pedestals and soleplates ( Itype) *

2.6.5 Suction connection: Size/schedule _ Weld end details .......... . Location top/bottom .......... .....
2.6.6 Discharge connection: OD _ Weld end details ....... * Location top/bottom *
2.6.7 Warm-up connections: Size Quantity and location Warm-up flow, gpm
2.6.8 Superheat attemperator connection:
2.6-8.1 Size and rating ... (if applicable) . /_ Flange details .....................
2.6.9 Reheat attemperator connection:
(if applicable) Size and rating /_ Flange details ................... *
2.6.10 Balancing device leak-off connection:
(if applicable) Type S i z e - schedule /
2.6.11 Direction of rotation from driver end,
CW or CCW . .****
2.6.12 Developed head per stage at best
efficiency point: First stage, ft Succeeding stages, ft Shaft diameter at bearings (nom.) in. Shaft diameter at impeller (nom.), in. Shrink fit at impellers, mils ..... Shrink fit at bal.disk/drum, mils ..
2.6.14 Shaft static deflection (at rest), mils __
2.6.15 Shaft span between bearing centers, in. _
2.6.16 L/D ratio at bearing (L=brg. length, in.,
D=shaft dia., in. ) ........... Journal bearings - type Journal bearings - size ______ Journal bearing length, in. Journal bearing clearance, mils ...

Specified clockwise

Seller Thrust bearing type Thrust bearing Size ^
2.6.19 Percent of axial thrust carried by the
thrust bearing, % .
2.5.20 At what loads is thrust brg. loaded?
2.6.21 Type of axial balancing device
Cdrum, disk, opposed impeller) .....
2.6.22 Balancing device leak-off flow, gpm
2.6.23 Can balancing device handle axial
thrust at all loads and conditions?
2.6.24 Method of indicating shaft axial
position (displacement)
2.6.25 Balancing device radial clearance
(.if opposed impellers, give center
2.6.26 Pump designed with diffuser or volute?
2.6.27 Diameter, clearances at wear ring -
first stage, mils
2.6.28 Diameter clearances at wear ring -
series stages, mils
2.6.29 Diameter clearances at impeller hub, mils
2.6.30 Impeller eye area first stage, sq.in.
2.6.31 Number of impeller vanes first stage
2.6.32 Number of impeller vanes normal stages '_
2.6.33 Impeller vane mounting arrangement
between impellers (in-line, staggered)
2. 6. 34 Permissible maximum unbalance in any
plane, oz. in
2. 6. 35 First critical speed of rotor, rpm
2. 6. 36 Second critical speed of rotor, rpm
2. 6. 37 Foundation:
2. 6. 37. 1 Stiffness vertical, lb/in ^
2. 6. 37. 2 Stiffness horizontal, lb/in ^
2. 6. 38 Bearing lubrication:
2. 6. 38, 1 Type.
2. 6. 38. 2 Required flow per journal bearing,
gpm. .... ........
2. 6. 3 8 . 3 Required flow to thrust bearing,
gpm • -
2. 6, 38. 4 Total oil flow, gpm ..............
2. 6. 38. 5 Oil type recommended '_
2. 6. 38. 6 Heat to be removed from oil,BTU/hr
2. 6. 38. 7 Bearing temperature (recom/max), °F
2. 6. 38. 8 Oil pressure required (min/recom/max),

2.6.39 Pump shaft at coupling: Diameter, in __ Type of fit . Space between shafts, in End float required, in (motor
drive only
2.6.41 Space envelope required to remove
rotating element, in. ........
2.6.42 Rotor removal cradle (number
2.6.43 Rotor handling device (number
2.6.44 End covers for pump flushing, when
internals are removed (each
2. 7. 1 Outer casing
2.7.2 Discharge head (barrel end
head) _____
2.7.3 Inner casing
2.7.4 Diffusers or volutes
2.7.5 Casing rings
2. 7. 6 Impellers
2.7.7 Impeller wear rings ( if applicable)
2.7.8 Pump shaft
2.7.9 Shaft sleeves (if applicable)..
2.7.10 Rotating balancing disk/drum..
2.7.11 Stationary balancing disk/driim
or centerpiece
2.7.12 Internal gaskets
2.7.13 Interstage packing (if applicable)
2.7.14 Recirculation breakdown orifice
iif applicable) ..............
2.7.15 Casing bolts, studs, nuts (inner
and outer casing).............
2.7.16 Pump suction nozzle ..........
2.7.17 Pump discharge nozzle
NOTE: Refer to paragraph 3.3 for specified materials.



2.8.1 Pump (empty without water)....
2.8.2 Foundation type (cast, fabricated,
etc. )
2.8.3 Foundation weight
2.8.4 Casing
2.8.5 Inner assembly (spare element).
2.8.6 Rotor (all rotating parts without
coupling half)
2.8.17 Largest weight to be handled
(individual piece or assembly)
during service


2.9.1 Speed, rpm
2.9.2 Maximum horsepower during test,
2.9.3 Maximum flow, gpm
2.9.4 Temperature, °F ,.
2.9.5 Test efficiency (cold efficiency
not corrected for temperature)%
2.9.6 Speed to verify guaranteed
minimum flow, rpm
2.9.7 Speed to verify shut-off head,
2.9.8 NPSH test speed, rpm ........
2.9.9 NPSH test temperature, °F ...
2.9.10 Instrumentation used during
testing Number of probes for dynamics
measurements Type of probes: Displacement, mils ..... Velocity pick-up, ft/sec. Accelerometer, ft/sec . Other (Describe) ... Frequency analyzer type
(describe) Tape recorder used: Type ...



The Alden Research Laboratory, situated in Holden, Massachusetts, is

part of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The questionnaire was
responded to by Dr. W, W. Durgin, Much of the earlier work at Alden
concerned open-channel flow and this has been extended to pump work.
The laboratory has a 100-horsepower, variable-speed pump-test rig, a
45-cubic-foot~per-second flow loop, and smaller loops. There is some
sophisticated equipment, including laser-doppler anemometer(s), hot-
film gauges, void-fraction meters, and computerized data-acquisition
equipment. Noise signature analysis is carried out with pressure
transducers and FFT programs.


Creare, in Hanover, New Hampshire, is a small independent company

involved principally in research and development consulting. Walter
Swift responded to our questionnaire.

Creare has worked in pumps and centrifugal compressors for most of

the last two decades. It was founded by Dr. Robert C. Dean, Jr.,
who went from M.I.T.'s Gas-Turbine Laboratory to head Ingersoll-
Rand's research and development organization before the founding of
the Princeton Laboratories, Creare has done a considerable amount of
analytical and experimental work in cavitation, hydraulic instability,
two-phase flow, hydraulic forces, and fluid transients. Some work on
noise-signature analysis has been carried out, although not, apparent-
ly, specifically on pumps. When this reviewer last visited Creare,
he found high-quality work being carried out in laboratories that
were being extended but did not have the capability of large-scale
experiments at that time. The personnel and direction of the
company are highly skilled and motivated.

Professor George K. Serovy, well known for his work on turbomachinery

and for his leadership in setting up ASME courses, responded.
However, very little work relevant to centrifugal pumps has been
carried out at Iowa State.


Professor Yasutoshi Senoo earned his doctorate at the M.I.T. Gas-

Turbine Laboratory and has since carried out a series of highly re-
garded research programs in turbomachinery. He returned what would
seem to be an overly modest appraisal of his capabilities at Kyushu.
He will be visiting M.I.T. in August and this reviewer hopes to
supplement this comment later.


Northern Research and Engineering Corporation (NREC) was formerly an

independent consulting research and development organization involved
principally in turbomachinery and heat-transfer work. It is now
almost wholly owned by Ingersoll-Rand but still continues a somewhat
independent existence. Dr. Willem Jansen responded to our inquiry.

Northern Research pioneered the development of the somewhat primitive

streamline-curvature methods that were previously available, and
wrote design handbooks and computer programs for use by Industrial
organizations. NREC has since produced a program especially aimed
at centrifugal pumps. Recently they have extended a program for
predicting the occurrence of cavitation as a function of incidence and
have extensive shaft- and rotor-stability programs. They have been
able to correlate hydraulic instability with rotor instability in
rocket pumps and boiler-feed pumps. They have facilities for per-
formance tests on pumps of up to 3,000 gpm and to 400-foot head.


Two responses were received from Penn State: one by Dr. Blaine R.
Parkin, director of the Garfield Thomas water tunnel, and Professor

Robert D. Henderson of the same facility, and a second by Dr. B.
Lakshminarayana of the fluid-mechanics group. The Applied Research
Laboratory is an organization and a group of facilities in which
faculty, graduate students, and a substantial research staff perform
research work, 90 percent of which is for the U.S. government. The
water tunnel itself is old but impressive, used mainly for the
testing of torpedoes, model submarines, and propellers. There are
many other loops available for tests in water and other liquids,
extensive data-acquistion systems, and extensive instrumentation. An
impressive feature of the visit was the wide variety of activities
being carried on under the direction of highly regarded people.
There is also some element of competition in that, for instance, two
groups were examining the computational fluid mechanics of pump and
compressor rotors with different approaches. Although there was no
work specifically being undertaken in centrifugal pumps, such work
could be carried out in the facilities available.


The visit was made to the Princeton laboratories of Ingersoll-Rand

(IR), where Dr. Jules Dussourd and Dr. Paul Cooper were joined by
Jim Lucas of the Cameron Pump Division. There is a moderate-sized
test loop in Princeton and a large 20,000-horsepower test stand at
the manufacturing plant (which can be used for research). Cavitation
model studies at full tip speeds were being carried out. Soft
coatings were used for damage correlation. Some work had been done
on high-pressure pipe-line oscillations, and it was felt that the
same approach might apply to high-pressure water systems in which
neither the water nor the casings can be regarded as incompressible.

The minimum flow at which boiler-feed pumps could be run was a

function of the pump size. When pumps were smaller, IR could allow
its pumps to be run at 10 percent of best effectivity point (BEP)
flow. It was stated that three critical speeds were calculated.
Radial bearings were of the tapered land type, and Kingsbury-type
(KTB) thrust bearings were used. Both disk and flanged drums were
used for thrust balance. Some shaft failures had been experienced,
but it was felt that these were due to fatigue from misalignment, by
the user, of the external shafts.

8.0 KSB

Dr. Robert Dernedde wrote that KSB declined to respond to the ques-
tionnaire, but subsequently he, with Walter Wilhelm, a representative
of KSB in this country, visited M.I.T. for a discussion.
Dr. Dernedde was cordial and stated that he was somewhat embarrassed
at not returning the questionnaire, but it was the view of KSB that
the monetary exchange rate, coupled with the high quality built into
KSB pumps, put the price above that at which any sales could be
contemplated in the United States. Therefore, to complete the
questionnaire would simply be potentially to give away information.

He said that one point in efficiency of the pump would, during its
life, be equivalent to an energy cost equal to the new cost of the
pump. Therefore pump quality was important.

He asked for more realism in specifications. He knew of many pumps

in which stages had to be removed because the plant builders had
over-specified the pump duty.

Dr. Dernedde said that KSB is working on unsteady forces in impellers

and diffusers, including the cutwater, and he felt there should be
more work on steady and unsteady flow forces. He also said that the
flow in the pump gaps was very important for stability and per-
formance and more knowledge about this condition is needed.


A full response was received from Sulzer through Dr. Dusan

Florjancic. Sulzer makes pumps up to 17,000-gpm flow, 14,000-foot
head, and 60,000 bhp. Design relies largely on correlations of
previous tests and on model tests of new pumps. Sulzer's response
indicated that they would have no objection to their largest pumps
being run at 25 percent of the BEP flow, and that they would have no
difficulty in limiting a shut-off head to 20 percent over the BEP
head. Four-lobe bearings are used and a drum had been used for
thrust balancing for the last fifteen years. The first and second
wet critical speeds are calculated. There have been no shaft
failures in the last 20 years. They felt that research in rotor

dynamics was still necessary, however.


A visit was made to this location, and a full response was received
from Dr. S, K. (Jimmy) Chow. This division makes nuclear pumps for
submarines and other naval vessels. It has about thirteen test loops
for pumps of various sizes. Most are used for acceptance tests
rather than for research. However, there is a cavitation test loop,
for visual observation of cavitation, and an air-test rig. Much of
the experimental development work is for the liquid-metal fast-
breeder reactor. Rotordynamics and bearing analysis are taken
to considerable depth. They have laser-doppler anemometers (the
reviewer did not see them applied to pump flow) and would like to
have the capability of measuring radial loads.

There is much emphasis on the work being undertaken (principally by

Dr. Chow and his group) into the analysis of flow in centrifugal
pumps. The method is fully three dimensional, based on singularities
and integral-equation techniques. Viscosity is being included by the
vorticity-diffusion method. This reviewer is not familiar with these
methods but was impressed with the degree of thoroughness and enthu-
siasm with which this work was being carried out and the apparently
good agreement with test cases so far looked at.


Worthington makes ptimps up to 10,000-gpm flow, 12,000-foot head, and

30,000 bhp. Worthington would find acceptable operation at 25
percent of BEP flow and could also meet a specification of a shut-off
head limit 20 percent over the head of BEP. Stepped balance disks
and Kingsbury bearings were used for thrust and radial bearings
would be plain, but three tilting-pad bearings could be used if
specified. Wear rings were plain on the rotor and grooved on the
stator. Throttle bushings were used for shaft seals. Sand castings
are used for double-suction and investment castings for single-
suction pumps. Worthington has had one or more shaft failures,
stated to be due to corrosion fatigue at the balancing-disk-
nut thread and cured by incorporating a split-ring mounting.


Note: The utility responders are not identified. Where re-

sponders are identified a, b, c, etc., in various re-
sponses, the identification is on a random basis. Re-
sponder a. to question 1 is not responder a. to question
4, but may be responder c. or d. to that question.

1. Name the major problem with boiler feed pumps in large (600 MWE
or larger) fossil-fired plants. If you had to name one problem
only, what would it be? Please state both the symptom and the
root cause.

a. We do not have a systematic maintenance and failure anal-

ysis system at this time. We are establishing such a
b. Balancing devices
c. 1. Nonreliable operation of minimum-flow valves
2. Axial thrust balancing disks
d. Balance devices

e. Vibration. There are several root causes.

1. Mechanical failure of interstage partitions
2. Hydraulic pressure pulsations
3. Imbalance
4. Alignment

2. What other problems exist? Please state both the symptoms and
the root causes. List in order of seriousness.

a. Problems with boiler feed pumps in large fossil-fired

plants have included cavitation damage in the first-stage
impeller, failures of the first-stage impeller shrouds,
diaphragm breakage of the fifth (last) stage, and ex-
cessive wear of all running fits. These are symptoms.
Root causes are unknown.

b. 1. First-stage impeller cavitation
2. Volute-to-barrel fit gasket washout on nonmodified
3. Gear-type couplings not sufficiently flexible
4. Shaft breakage
5. Hot alignment, especially with pumps having
long horizontal pipe runs
c. 1. Volute/diffuser impeller washout
2. Seizures occurring mostly at start-up
3. Seals
4. Balancing devices
5. Vibration
d. 1. Water intrusion into bearings due to seal failures
2. Seizures due to change of materials by vendor
3. Leakage at gasket pump element to barrel
4. Washout at volute faces on some early units
5. Shaft breakage
6. Equalizing pipe breakage
e. 1. Loss of performance, vibration. Failure of inter-
stage partitions
2. Loss of performance. Failure of the suction-to-
discharge joint between the inner case and the
outer casing
3. Failure of piping'—instrumentation and lub€;-oil
piping attached to the pump case. Vibration (align-
ment, coupling/pump imbalance
4. Loss of performance. Lack of fasteners on the
suction and wall of the inner casing
5. Vibration and loss of performance. Cracking of
impeller vanes both on inlet and outlet. (Not
due to cavitation damage.)
List in order of frequency:
a. 1, hot alignment
2. Cavitation
3. Gear-type coupling
4. Volute fit washout
5. Shaft breakage
b. 1. Bearing lubrication problem due to cooling-water
2. Pxjmp s e i z u r e s
3. Seals
4. Performance degradation due to volute/diffuser
5. Vibration, mostly after start-up after service,
indicating hot misalignment
6. Thrust balancing devices
c. 1. Balancing devices
2. Seal water control problems

d. We do not have the frequency data requested. We started
our supercritical units between 1966 and 1973. This was
early in the high-energy pump game and we had pump prob-
lems. However, we worked with the pump manufacturer and
now feel that we have solutions for these problems.

e. No comment.

Have you found a relationship between plant operating mode and

pump problems? (If so, please furnish details.)

a. We do not have statistics to establish a relationship

between plant operating mode and pump problems. In at
least one case there was a direct relationship.
A pump failure was caused by operation for 4 to 5 hours
on recirculation contrary to instructions to the
b. No relationship, but many failures during start-up after
c. Many problems at low-load condition, specifically at
turning gear speed.
d. Of our supercritical units, four 750-MW plants are coal
fired and in base load service. They have scheduled
outages about two weeks every four to six months. The
four 450-MW units and two 750-MW units are oil/gas fired
in swing load service. They run at high load from about
7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. weekdays and at about 30% load
nights and weekends. We seem to have more feed pump
problems in the base load, coal-burning plants.

e. Cycling operation and emergency trip conditions lead to

failure of balancing devices.

How many boiler feed pump problems and/or failures have you had
during each of the past six years. Please classify as to time of

a. Statistics do not exist but, in general, failures at "mid-

life" are rare. The majority of failures are during "old
age" and probably could have been avoided by periodic
maintenance, or they occur shortly after inadequate or
improper repairs.

b. Total Within 90 days Within 90 days Midlife
failures after start-up before sched- problem or
of new or re- uled pump failure
paired pump maintenance
1980 4 3 0 1
1979 10 4
1978 18 9
1977 15 Unknown
1976 3
1975 1 -
c. Between 1972 and 1978 there have been 129 pump failures,
2 5 of which were seizures.
d. Total Within 90 days Within 90 days Midlife
failures after startup before sched- problem or
of new or re- uled pump failure
paired pump maintenance
1980 9(19)
1979 10(34)
1978 8(23)
1977 3(15)
1976 8(22)
( ) Includes partial shutdowns
1. Separate from pump outages, a total of 8 6 B.F.P.
drive problems were experienced, 16 of which re-
quired full shutdown
2. Information not available in this form
We do not have the data arranged in the requested format.

Please classify boiler feed pump problems and/or failures accord-

ing to base load or peak load service.

a. No records are available for the requested classifications

b. Basically, all stations are in base load duty
c. Information not available in this form
d. All large stations are on base load
e. We have no large peak load plants

Please describe corrective actions taken which have improved

boiler feed pump reliability.

a. No records are available

b. 1. Improved instrument calibration control
2. More and improved vibration monitoring
3. Increased internal running clearances, 0.004 to
0.005 inch above manufacturer's standards, recogniz-
ing efficiency loss

c. Improved specifications. Improved minimum flow system,
including increased minimuir- flow, as initial specified
flows by vendors were too low.
d. Rerouting balance disc leak-off piping to pump suction.
Monitor disc leak rate to observe its condition. Im-
proved temperature control of seals.
e. These actions include installation of very heavy-duty
auxiliary piping, installation of more modern impeller
design when replacing impellers (after about 10 years of
service on the old-design impellers), stronger interstage
partitions to overcome what we believe was a water hammer
problem, modification of the high-pressure internal joint
to prevent washout, and modified thrust collar mounting.

Please describe further actions that would improve boiler feed

pump reliability.

a. We are working on the establishment of a systematic

maintenance and failure analysis system.
b. Improved start-up procedures. Improved operator training.
c. Better maintenance and operation instructions. Improved
instrumentation, including instructions for interpreta-
tion of readings. Improved service representation by
d. Improved valving for seal injection control. Removal of
spring mounting of balance disc.
e. In the past we have fought too hard to get high pump ef-
ficiencies. My personal preference would be not to give
credit for quoted efficiency above 85%. Maybe we have
specified the best efficiency point to be at too high a
flow. We have no installed spare pumps. In the future,
I would specify double-suction first-stage impellers.
f. We believe that there is room for improvement in rotor
dynamics, bearing design, and dynamic balancing proce-
dures and criteria. Our minimum flow bypass systems are
being upgraded to eliminate leakage to the condenser.
Provide more conservative mechanical design of components
to accept, at times, underestimated stress levels.

Name the major problem with feed pumps in large (430-MWE or

larger) nuclear plants. If you had to name one problem
only, what would it be? Please state both the symptom and the
root cause.

a. We do not have the statistics to analyze and report fail-
ures in nuclear feed pumps in a systematic fashion. Our
reliability and design group has been established to an-
alyze and classify forced outages, deratings, and ex-
cessive maintenance of pumps at nuclear plants.

b. Cavitation, on one operating unit only and on one side

of double-suction impeller only.
c. Control malfunction.
d. We have only one operating nuclear unit. Feed pump
problems have been minimal.
e. No nuclear plants

What other problems exist? Please state both the symptoms and
the root causes. List in order of seriousness.

a. At one of our nuclear stations we have two turbine-

driven feed pumps plus one motor-driven feed pump. Each
pump is 50% capacity. The main problem is the speed
control of the turbines. The pumps vibrate at or near
recirculation flow. There are recirculation line vi-
bration problems. Recirculation flow is 22 to 25%. A
problem with operation on automatic control has been
that the recirculation valve drifts. This problem was
cured by manual operation of the recirculation valve
during start-up only. During normal operation the
recirculation valve is left closed and in an automatic
position so that it will open as required.

b. 1. Floating ring seals which cannot be used after

having been disturbed
2. Wrong shaft material
3. Use of galling materials running against each other
4. Gear-type couplings
5. Note: No bearing problems and good experience
with spiral-wound gaskets
c. Internal wear
d. No comment
e. No comment

Have you found a relationship between plant operating mode and

pump problems? (If so, please furnish details.)

a. We do not have the information required to determine

such relationship
b. Only with respect to cavitation
c. No comment
d. No comment
e. No comment

How many nuclear feed pump problems and/or failures have you had
during each of the past six years. Please classify as to time
of occurrence.

a. We do not have this detailed information.

Total Within 90 days Within 9 0 days Midlife
failures after start-up before sched- problem or
of new or re- uled pump failure
paired pump maintenance
b. 19 80 1
19 79 4 .
1978 2-
19 77 2_
19 76 ^
c. Do not have this information
d. No comment
e. No comment

Please classify nuclear feed pump problems and/or failures

according to base load or peak load service.

a. All of our nuclear plants are in base load service

b. No information
c. Do not have this information
d. No comment
e. No comment

Please describe corrective actions taken that have improved nu-

clear feed pump reliability.

a. Our reliability and design group studies all forced out-

ages, deratings, and excessive maintenance. Reliability
is improving as a result
b. Rerouting of suction pipe to eliminate elbow in line
with pump shaft centerline
c. Improved controls
d. No comment
e. No comment

Please describe further actions that would improve nuclear

feed pump reliability.

We expect further improvement in reliability as a

result of continuing efforts by our reliability
and design group

b. Nothing to report
c. None
d. No comment
e. No comment

What operating instrumentation do you use to monitor

boiler feed and nuclear feed pump performance?

Parameter Instrument
Discharge pressure Local gage plus control room
Suction pressure Local gage
Discharge pressure No
Suction pressure No
Pump flow Indicated and recorded in con-
trol room
Input power Ammeter plus watt-hour meter
Vibration at nozzles No
Vibration at bearings See question 16
Vibration at No
Axial shaft motion No
Radial shaft motion No
Airborne noise Now reviewing per OSHA standards
Fluid-borne noise No
Water temperature In and out, recorded in control

Parameter Instrument
Discharge pressure Gage
Suction pressure Gage
Discharge pressure
Suction pressure
Pump flow Indicator at pump and in con-
trol room
Input power
Vibration at nozzles
Vibration at bearings Yes
Vibration at

Axial shaft motion

Radial shaft motion
Airborne noise
Fluid-borne noise
Water temperature At suction

Parameter Instrument
Discharge pressure Yes
Suction pressure Yes
Discharge pressure No
Suction pressure Yes
Pump flow Yes
Input power Yes
Vibration at nozzles Yes
Vibration at bearings Yes
Vibration at -
Axial shaft motion No
Radial shaft motion On newer pumps only
Airborne noise No
Fluid-borne noise No
Water temperature Yes
Parameter Instrument
Discharge pressure Yes
Suction pressure Yes
Discharge pressure No
Suction pressure No
Pump flow Ye s (only minimum flow)
Input power No (turbine drivers)
Vibration at nozzles No
Vibration at bearings No
Vibration at No
Axial shaft motion No
Radial shaft motion No
Airborne noise No
Fluid-borne noise No
Water temperature Ye

Parameter Instrument
Discharge pressure Yes
Suction pressure Yes
Discharge pressure No
Suction pressure No
Pump flow Yes
Input power No
Vibration at nozzles No
Vibration at bearings No
Vibration at -
Axial shaft motion No
Radial shaft motion No
Fluid-borne noise No
Water temperature Yes

What other instrumentation has been used for diagnosis of prob-

a. Velocity pick-ups and accelerometers in three directions

on each bearing housing. This is measured and analyzed
each month on nuclear feed pumps.
b. Acoustic and alignment monitor.
c. Bearing thermocouple readings are recorded and, if a
reading is unacceptable, an alarm is actuated. We use
portable IRD vibration analysers and Bently Nevada prox-
imity probes. We use real-time analyzers, vector fil-
ters, and oscilloscopes. We use alignment bars for hot
alignment check when the equipment is running. Suction
pressure and temperature signals are input to an analog
computer, which calculates NPSH and signals a first alarm,
an impending trip alarm, and finally a trip.
c. Axial and radial shaft motion and acoustic readings.
Also balance disc flow to monitor wear.
e. Vibration, hot alignment, thrust device flow.

What additional parameters should be measured to monitor

operating pumps?

a. All above should be recorded to provide operational

record for use in maintenance. However, too much instru-
mentation may be dangerous because interpretation may
be confusing.
b. Hot alignment monitoring, thrust device flow—axial
shaft movement.
c. Shaft position relative to bearing should be monitored,
x-y radially. Axial shaft position should be monitored
both on the thrust collar and on the shaft.

d. No comment.
e. Do not know.

How is feed pump maintenance scheduled?

a. The spectral analysis of the data gathered per question 16.

b. Every six years or every four fuel cycles.
c. Pump maintenance is scheduled by monitoring hydraulic
and mechanical performance. Our base load plants have
scheduled outages for two weeks every four to six months.

and we try to do pump repairs during these scheduled out-
ages. The swing load plants are somewhat less critical,
and we may take a pump out of service for repairs.
d. Yearly check of bearings, seals, and balancing device
e. At turbine inspection shutdown if indication of trouble.
Otherwise service only when failed.

18b. Could a better method be devised? (Please furnish details,

including additional input information required.)

a. Yes, if better operation records were available

b. Yes
c. Preventative maintenance questionable, unless improved
instrumentation would provide information for decision
d. No comment
e. No comment

19, Do you have any comments on EPRI CS-1512, "Recommended Design

Guidelines for Feedwater Pumps In Large Power Generating Units"?

a. It is a valuable report; it reinforced some of our prior

b. This type of document should be generated as the output
of a joint effort of users, A/E's, and manufacturers.
It should be user oriented and user controlled. Tutorial
information should be published in the appendices and
removed from the body of the document.

c. No comment
d. No comment
e. No comment

20. Do you have any comments on EPRI NP-1571, "Evaluation of Basic

Causes of Repetitive Failures of Nuclear and Fossil Feedwater

a. One engineer believes that this is a very interesting

report, especially as relates to tradeoff between relia-
bility and efficiency. The other engineer says that the
report is not specific enough to be of significant user
b. Quite good. Some recommendations should be included
in specifications.

c. We have not seen this report.
d. No comment
e. No coiranent
21. Do you have any comments on EPRI FP-754, "Survey of Feed Pump

a. Informative
b. The data were good; especially, the discussion of root
causes was valuable. This was a good report from the
standpoint of information as reference for maintenance
c. Quite good. Some recommendations should be included in
d. We cannot directly correlate the findings of this report
to our experience.
e. No comment


It is becoming increasingly clear that one of the major factors af-

fecting the vibration response of centrifugal boiler feed pumps is
the stiffening effect of various close-clearance spaces within the
pump. Those include annular pressure-reducing devices, wear rings,
throttle bushings, center-stage pieces, balance drums, etc. These
devices play an important part by providing not only a stiffening
effect but also a damping effect. In many instances the fluid in the
clearance spaces also possesses a virtual inertia, also known as
virtual mass, and this also plays a part in deteirmining the
vibration response of the system.

A great deal of work has been done during the last few years to
understand these characteristics both analytically and experimen-
tally. Offered here is an overview of some of the experimental
work that has been done recently to demonstrate and to identify
these effects. So far, experimental work can be broadly classified
in two major categories. In the first the shaft is allowed to
undergo whirling motion. In the second it is made very stiff, and
the forces in the wear rings, etc., are directly measured. The
advantage of the first type of test is that one can immediately
detect the presence of a critical speed, which is a matter of great
practical significance. The difficulty associated with this type of
test is that understanding why critical speed occurs is dependent
upon the modeling made for the entire system. Consequently, there is
no direct substantiation of the effect of the annular clearances. In
the second set of tests, which uses a stiff shaft, the forces are
directly measured and, therefore, the sealing ring properties are
immediately and directly established.

Recent tests done at Byron Jackson use the flexible-shaft approach.

As shown in Figure E-1, a single-stage, double-suction, horizontal
pump was installed in a test rig, wear rings were provided on either
side, and the pump was run at variable speed using a variable-fre-



FIGURE E-1. Byron Jackson Test Rig

quency electric drive. The pressure difference across the wear rings
was changed independently of the speed, and the vibration of the shaft
was measured by using two proximity probes. When the tests were first
conducted in air, the critical speed was clearly observed as shown in
Figure E-2, which plots the once-per-revolution amplitude versus the
speed. It also shows that the phase shift of nearly 180° is observed
as well. When water was introduced into the pump, the amplitude
response characteristics changed dramatically. For example. Figure E-3
shows that when smooth wear rings were used with a nominal clearance
of .016 inch (diametral clearance) and there was a pressure difference
across the rings of 250 psi, no discernable critical speed was ev-
ident; also there was scarcely any phase shift. In this case, the
critical speed appears to be totally suppressed; the fact that it is
can be easily be demonstrated by calculations. A paper (1) to be
published in the next year's ASME meeting in London contains these
calculations. However, when the wear ring clearance is opened up or
when the wear ring is deeply serrated, critical speed phenomena begin
to appear again. It is also interesting to note that the effect of
wear on the rings is to reduce the critical speed, particularly for
rings that are smooth; this can be seen in Figure E-4. It shows that
as the diametral clearance of the seal rings increases, the stiff-
ening effect is reduced and, therefore, the critical speed decreases.
The effect, however, is much weaker for grooved rings, because they
produce less stiffness.

Using such experiments, one can determine the performance of the

sealing rings. However, several assumptions are made with regard to
the modeling of the system, it is quite conceivable that the indirect
measurement of sealing ring properties, as above, could be consid-
erably in error. Therefore the testing using a stiff shaft is more

There are several methods by which a stiff-shaft test can be made to

determine the sealing ring properties. Some of the earliest work was
done by Henry Black (2-11). He used a simple offset, i.e., the
rotating journal was displaced with respect to the centerline of the
stationary part and rotated without any whirling motion. (See Figure
E-5,) In this case, by measuring the forces Black could establish
both the direct stiffness and the cross-coupled stiffness of the ring.


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^ ^ ^ ^ ^
4ooa U—»-
..., — _ _


42 ^3 J«


FIGURE E-4. C r i t i c a l Speed as a Function of Clearance for

Smooth and Grooved Wear Rings

FIGURE E-5. Test Rig Concepts

In the second type of experiment the journal is offset and, at the
same time, is rotated to make a centered circular orbit. (See Figure
E-5.) These are the types of tests done by Childs (12_, 1_3) at Louis-
ville. (See Figure E-6.) Childs determined the forces by measuring
pressure along the axis and around the circumference. He measured
five coefficients, because he assumed that all the matrices are
symmetrical and the diagonal elements equal and opposite. Further,
he assumed that the cross-coupled inertia terms are zero. Therefore,
the total of twelve coefficients is reduced to five. It is noted
also that in this particular setup the whirling was at synchronous
speed. In the third type of test the journal is offset and then
vibrated translationally. (See Figure E-5.) This type of testing
is being done by Childs now at Texas A&M. Initial results will be
forthcoming soon. Similar tests have been done at Hitachi in Japan
by lino and Kaneko (1_4) . (See Figure E-7.) With this kind of testing
all twelve coefficients can be measured. Further, the conicity of the
axis can be included, and by doing static tests it is possible to
determine the pressure loss coefficients and the friction loss
coefficients. Finally, in the fourth type of stiff-shaft testing the
journal is set with an offset and then vibrated by orbiting it
accurately. In this case it is possible to vary the precession speed
with respect to the rotating speed. (See Figure E-5.) This kind of
testing is being done by M. L. Adams and E. Makay (15_, 15.) • All twelve
coefficients can be determined accurately in this setup.

The recent theoretical work done by Childs has shown that it will be
possible to determine the sealing ring coefficients by means of
theoretical calculations. In the long run it will be important to be
able to do this type of calculations. Childs has pointed out that for
them to be accurate, the primary requirement is a full understanding
of the pressure loss coefficients. They are threefold. One is the
entry loss coefficient, both at the first entrance to the ring and
between the groove and the land for the grooved base. The second set
is caused by the exit loss, or the discharge loss coefficient. The
third set is the friction coefficient caused by the flow of fluid on
the surface. Evidently the Reynolds numbers both for axial flow and
circumferential flow play a part. Whether the vibration itself will
have an effect on the pressure loss coefficients is a moot point.
However, it will probably be important in the near future to run tests

prob® th®r!?s©c!©upl®

outltf iniit- -@yfl®t

FIGURE E-6. University of Louisville Test Section Assembly



0"i Jm _ BEARING





FIGURE E-7. Experimental Apparatus for Annular Seal Dynamic


statically to determine all of them and to use them in conjunction
with the theory to predict the coefficients of these rings. These
predictions then can be compared with accurate test data taken by
Adams and Makay or by Childs.


1. S. Gopalakrishnan, R. Fehlau, J. Loret. "Critical Speed in

Centrifugal Pumps." Submitted to the ASME Gas Turbine Conference
to be held in London, April 1982.

2. H. F, Black, "Effects of Hydraulic Forces in Annular Pressure

Seals on the Vibrations of Centrifugal Pump Rotors. " Journal
of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 1969,
pp. 206-213.

3. H.F. Black and J.L. Murray, "The Hydrostatic and Hybrid Bearing
Properties of Annular Pressure Seals in Centrifugal Pumps,"
BHRA Report RR1026, October 19 69.

4. H, F. Black and D. N. Jenssen. "Dynamic Hybrid Properties of

Annular Pressure Seals." Proceedings of the Journal of Me-
chanical Engineering, Vol, 184, 1970, pp, 301-303.

5. H. F. Black. "On Journal Bearings With High Axial Flows in the

Turbulent Regime." Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
Vol. 12, No. 4, 1970, pp. 301-303.

6. H. F. Black. "Empirical Treatment of Hydrodvnamic Journal

Performance in the Superlaminar Regime." Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Science, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1970, pp. 116-122.

7. H. F. Black and D. N. Jenssen, "Effects of High-Pressure Ring

Seals on Pump Rotor Vibration." ASME, Paper No. 71-WA/FF-38,

8. H. F. Black and E. A. Cochrane. "Leakage and Hybrid Bearing

Properties of Serrated Seals in Centrifugal Pumps," Paper G5,
6th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, Munich, German

Federal Republic, Feb. 27-March 2, 1973.

H. F, Black, P, E. Allaire, and L. E. Barrett. "Inlet Flow Swirl

in Short Turbulent Seal Dynamics." Ninth International
Conference on Fluid Sealing, Leewenhorst, Netherlands,
April 1-3, 1981.

H. F, Black, "Effects of Fluid-Filled Clearance Spaces on

Centrifugal Pump and Submerged Motor Vibrations." Proc. Tur-
bomach. Symp, 8th, College Station, Nov, 27-28, 1979. Published
by Texas A&M Univ., Gas Turbine Lab, College Station, 1979, pp.

H. F, Black, D, France, D. M. Jenssen, and R. D. Brown. "Theore-

tical and Experimental Investigations Relating to Centrifugal
Pump Rotor Vibration." Plant Eng. (Lond.), Vol, 18, No. 7-8,
July, Aug. 1974, p. 16-21.

D. W. Childs. "The Space Shuttle Main Engine High-Pressure Fuel

Turbopump Rotordynamic Instability Problem." Trans. ASME,
Journal of Engineering for Power, Jan. 1978, pp. 48-57.

D. W. Childs. "Dynamic Analysis of Turbulent Annular Seals Based

on Hirs Lubrication Equations," Trans. ASME, Journal of Lubri-
cation Technology, Submitted for publication.

T. lino and T, Kaneko, "Hydraulic Forces Caused by Annular

Pressure Seals in Centrifugal Pumps," NASA Conference Publica-
tion 2133. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas, May 12-14, 1980.

M, L, Adams, Jr., and E. Makay. "Development of Advanced

Rotor/Bearing Systems for Feed Water Pumps." EPRI FP-1274,
November 1979.

M. L. Adams, Jr., and E. Makay.. "Development of Advanced Rotor-

Bearing Systems for Feedwater Pumps, Phase 2." EPRI CS-2027,
September 1981.


Recently a great deal of attention has been paid to the possibility

of measuring velocity fields in impellers by direct, noninvasive mea-
surement, using laser-doppler anemometry (LDA). Previously, attempts
have been made to measure velocity and pressure field by using probes
that rotate. However, it is a cumbersome method, and the amount of
data obtained is limited. A number of references show typical mea-
surements—for example, the papers presented in the New Orleans sym-
posium (1_, 2^, 3_) . Recent work has shown that considerable improvement
in resolution and speed of data taking can be gained by using a laser
system. It will be appropriate to consider some of the available
systems and how they can be applied to improve the understanding of
the flow field in boiler feed pumps.

Two types of laser systems are used for determining the velocity
field. The first is called the laser two-focus system. It is quite
popular in Europe and has been used to determine the velocity field
in advanced high-performance centrifugal compressors. In this method
two laser beams are focused in a very small volume. As a particle
travels between the two light beams, it produces two pulses of scat-
tered light. The elapsed time between the pulses and the known beam
separation yields the velocity component perpendicular to the optical
axis. The principle of this method is quite simple. However, in
practice, it becomes complicated because the two pulses can be gener-
ated by two different particles; therefore, many data points must be
accumulated and analyzed at one probe location in order to avoid
ambiguity. The problem is further compounded when a measurement of a
second velocity component is required, making this technique tedious
and time consuming. However, the advantage is that it is capable of
measuring very high velocities of very small particles in the back-
scatter mode, especially near solid boundaries. In some specialized
applications, such as the studies of flows around the tips of axial
compressor blading, the laser two-focus technique can be superior to

conventional laser-doppler systems. Useful references on the princi-
ples of operation and application can be found in Schodl (4), Eckardt
(5_) , and Weyer and Dunker (6_) .

The more common system is called the laser-doppler anemometer. Its

principle is deduced from the Doppler effect, which is often encoun-
tered in everyday life. When a source emitting a wave is in motion
with respect to an observer, the frequency perceived by the observer
is different from the frequency emitted by the source. The apparent
frequency f as perceived by the observer is different from the orig-
inal frequency of the source, as shown in the equation below, where
W represents the source velocity and c represents the speed of light,

^ T~- w/c

The laser-doppler anemometer can be operated in three distinct modes.

The first is called the reference beam system, in which the scattered
light from one beam is mixed with the reference beam, as shown in the
Figure F-1. The disadvantage of this system is that the collecting
device has to be very carefully aligned with the low-intensity
reference beam. The second method (see Figure F-2) is called the
differential doppler system, in which only a single beam is used to
illuminate the particle and the scattered light is collected and
mixed in two directions. The disadvantage of this system is that the
signal-to-noise ratio is rather poor, and a very small aperture must
be used because the doppler shift can vary across the field stop
opening. The most popular, and perhaps most convenient for work in
centrifugal pumps, is the dual-beam system. This method is described
in detail by Durst, Melling, and Whitelaw (7_) . The schematic of the
dual beam is shown in Figure F-3. Here two equal-intensity laser
beams are formed by using a beam splitter and a mirror. Using a
lens, the beams are focused at a point at which the flow velocity is
to be measured. At the crossing volume a fringe pattern is formed;
particles crossing this volume will then emit discrete pulses. Since
there will be a Gaussian distribution of intensity across the mea-
surement volume (see Figure F-4) and since fringes are formed inside
the volume, a typical signal at the photo detector produced by a
particle crossing this fringe volume would resemble that shown in

FIGURE F-1. Reference Beam Mode

^°->, , ,^

FIGURE F~2, Differential Doppler Mode

• Fbcusing lens


splitter Photcdetectjor

FIGURE F-3. Schematic of Dual-Beam Laser-Doppler Anemometer

Gaussian beam
Intensity distxibuticm

FIGURE F-4, Details of Crossover Region

Figure F-5. The low-frequency component can be eliminated by using
a high-pass filter. Then the frequency of the pulses will be propor-
tional to the component of particle velocity normal to the fringes
divided by the fringe spacing. The fringe spacing depends only on
the wavelength of the laser light and the beam crossing angle.
Therefore, a fixed linear calibration relationship results, regard-
less of the angle at which the detecting device is located with re-
spect to the laser beam. The advantages of this system are its non-
invasive quality and its ability to measure velocity components in-
stantaneously. Measurement of two components is quite straightfor-
ward, achieved by rotating the fringe pattern by 90 degrees. The
disadvantages of this system include the necessity for particles to
be in the flow and the essentially intermittent nature of the signal
that has to be processed. The fact that the particle velocity is
measured, and not the fluid velocity, may be important in some in-

A number of researchers have used such a system for the determination

of the velocity field in water pumps. This is the work of Dan Adler
(8) , Howard and his colleagues at the University of Waterloo (9^) , the
Von Karman Institute in Brussels (10_, 1_1) , the Applied Research Lab
of the Pennsylvania State University (1£) , and recent work of Dr.
Goulas (13_) at the Cranfield Institute of Technology in England. Of
the work mentioned above, apparently the most direct is that of
Goulas, who has used a standard centrifugal pump placed in a volute.
He was able to use the back-scattering mode of light detection, and
some of his results are extremely intriguing.

Figures F-6 and F-7 show the radial velocity profiles measured at the
discharge from the impeller in the vicinity of the volute. Near the
design mass flow (Figure F-6) the front station clearly shows a jet
on the pressure side, followed by the wake of the blade, and finally
high velocity on the suction side. The blade passage therefore ex-
hibits, at least in part of the passage, an isentropic type of flow
field with a gradient of velocity equal to twice the angular veloc-
ity. Some stations show a much larger wake, and there is even a
small portion of reverse flow. Thus, even at design point, we find
that for this particular impeller the flow field is extremely com-
plex. At a mass flow of approximately 30% of the best efficiency

K magnitude
visibility V =

K iresgnitude

FIGURE F-5, Schematic Representation of the Photodetector Signal



FIGURE F-6, Radial Velocity Fields at Near Design Flow

- 250 GPM







FIGURE F-7. Radial Velocity Fields at Low Flow

point flow (Figure F~7), it can be seen that the highest velocity
actually occurs at the corner formed by pressure side of the blade
and the front shroud. Normally, by potential flow calculation one
would expect that the highest would occur on the suction surface.
As a matter of fact, behind the blade on the suction surface there is
a strong wake that even shows negative velocity. In other words, the
flow is actually going inward. The position nearest the back shroud
has a high negative velocity throughout. Therefore, at low flows the
complexity increases tremendously and, as a consequence, the deter-
mination of blade forces, etc., would also be a difficult undertaking.


1. D. Eckardt. "Flow Measurements Using Laser Velocimeter." ASME

Symposium held in New Orleans, La., March 1980.

2. S. Mizuki, K. Sato, J. Ariga, and I. Watanabe. "Estimation of

Jet and Wake Flow Rates Within Centrifugal and Mixed Flow
Impellers." ASME Symposium held in New Orleans, La., March 1980.

3. C. Salemi and V. DiMateo. "Slip Factor Calculation in Centri-

fugal Pumps by Means of Evaluation of Wall Boundary." AMSE
Symposium held in New Orleans, La., March 1980.

4. P. Schodl. "Development of the Laser Two-Focus Method for Non-

Intrusive Measurements of Flow Vectors, Particularly in Turbo-
machines." ESA-IT-528, 1979.

5. D. Eckardt. "Detailed Flow Investigation Within a High-Speed

Centrifugal Compressor Impeller." Journal of Fluids Eng., Vol.
98, No. 3, 1976, pp. 390-402.

6. H. B. Weyer and R. Dunker. "Dual Beam Laser Anemometry Study of

the Plow Field in a Transonic Compressor." Secondary Flows in
Turbomachines, AGARD-CP-214, 1977.

7. F. Durst, A. Melling, and J. H. Whitelaw. Principles and

Practice of Laser-Doppler Anemometry. Academic Press, 1976.

D. Adler and T. Levy. "Laser Doppler Investigation of the Flow
Inside a Backswept Closed Centrifugal Impeller." J. Mech. Eng.
Sci., Vol. 21, No. 1, 1979.

J. Howard, O. Mukker, and T. Naeem. "Laser Doppler Measurements

in a Radial Pump Impeller." Proc. of Symposium on Measurement
Methods in Rotating Components of Turbomachinery, ASME Gas
Turbine Conference, New Orleans, 1980.

R. Lanze. "LDV Measurements in a Radial Pump Diffuser." Stag-

iarier Report, VKI, 1980,

M. Riethmuller, "Optical Measurements." Course Notes #90, von

Karman Institute, Nov. 1977.

M. L. Billet. "Mean Flow Measurements Near the Plane of an Open

Rotor Operating With an Inlet Velocity Gradient." Presented
at Jt. Fluids Eng. Gas Turbine Conf. & Prod. Show, New Orleans,
La., Mar. 10-13, 1980,

A. Goulas. "Pump Thrust Research Project Progress Report No.

12." March 1981, CR 16742 BHRA.


Several attempts have been made to determine directly the rate of

erosion of the material undergoing cavitation damage. The standard
methods, which involve measuring the specimen before and after cavi-
tation and determining the weight loss, are not always successful be-
cause of the amount of water that might have been absorbed by the
material. More recently, new techniques are being developed to deter-
mine damage rate based on use of soft coatings. The soft coatings
can be in the form of marking paints, various pressure-detecting films
glued to the surface, or thin aluminum plates glued on the blades.
The University of Tokyo research (1^) showed that the paint erosion
test is the easiest and can be evaluated without special measurement.
However, the paint method indicates only where the damage is likely
to occur and not the rate. The use of a pressure-detecting film gives
a quantitative measurement of impact pressure caused by cavitation
collapse. However, the relationship between the pressure and the
damage rate does not appear to have a simple universal correlation.
The most promising procedure, according to reference 1, is a combina-
tion of paint test and aluminum plate erosion test. The intensity of
erosion can be determined by estimating the surface-roughness increase
or by counting the number of pits.

Another procedure, which has recently been published by King (2) of

the National Engineering Laboratory in Glasgow, is also based on using
a soft metallic coating. Cadmium was chosen as a suitable coating for
accelerated erosion testing and a beta particle back-scatter method
for measuring the thickness of the coating. The investigators found
that the erosion rate and the coating thickness had a logarithmic re-
lationship. In the measurement of the thickness of the cadmium over-
lay they used a beta-emitting radioactive source, strontium 90 (see
Figure G-1). The source emitted beta particles, which were scattered
back by 180 degrees. The amount of scattered particles was related
to the amount of the cadmium thickness that was left on the surface.
A great advantage of this method is that it discloses local erosion

rates; therefore, the propensity to damage at any particular point in
the flow field can be accurately ascertained.







FIGURE G-1. Schematic of Beta Back-Scatter System

There is one other method for the determination of cavitation damage,
somewhat older than the methods mentioned above. It is based on the
measurement of noise emitted by cavitation. A great deal of work was
done in this area in the middle 1960's, when it appeared that the
measurement of noise could give a quick and direct assessment of the
damage experienced by the impeller. A 1968 paper by Pearsall and
McNulty (3_) , of the National Engineering Laboratory, showed that at
least qualitatively there is a relationship between erosion rate and
the amount of noise, as is shown in Figure G-2. Recent work, however,
has indicated that this measurement is perhaps misleading, because
noise is emitted whenever a cavitation bubble collapses. It is con-
ceivable that a bubble could collapse in the free stream far from the
vane surface without causing damage. It would, however, generate
noise. As a consequence, the noise measurement method for erosion
rate assessment is in doubt. A recent measurement, based not on
direct noise measurement but on the measurement of pulses of acoustic
energy situated at very high-frequency bands, has been claimed to
produce erosion rate correlations. For example, determination of
bearing failures using acoustic detection is well known. It has been
suggested that the same method could be applied to the determination
of erosion rates. This work is worthy of further study because, if
it produces useful results, it would be a valuable tool for pump manu-
facturers and users.

Other attempts have been made to correlate measured noise intensity

with cavitation damage. An approach used by Hammitt (4_) is to
distinguish between bubble collapses having a large amount of energy
and those having a small amount. This results in a bubble collapse
spectrum, that is, the number of pulses versus the energy per pulse.
Recognizing that there is a threshold energy level below which no
damage will take place, it is possible to integrate this pulse count
spectrum curve and obtain an acoustic energy level that would cause
damage. Figure G-3 shows a typical pulse spectrum. Tests were made
with an ultrasonic vibratory test facility. Using this method and
comparing the acoustic power measurements against direct weight-loss
measurements, it is found that the spectrum area curve generally
follows the same trends as the weight-loss curve (see Figure G-4).
Hammitt went further to define an erosion efficiency that is obtained
by dividing the spectrum area by the weight loss. It was expected

tWOAT VUOCtTY - ft/i

FIGURE G-2. Relationship Between Noise, Velocity, and

Cavitation Erosion

FirsI work eavllotion

Stondord eaviSalien

Covitaiton to no$f

Visibit initiolion

NfE, ^ ^ ^ S v
Hon^l of *)mo9t-»~

E,-AE/2 E^-»-AE/2
H¥poth«$i!ed bubbis t n t r g y ip®ctr» for »»rioui cavit»- TyiMcsl $wln spsctrum
tioo cooditioni t t i ©orwtsnt valocltY, 'f*^ ® gfvsn malsHal

FIGURE G~3, Bubble Energy Spectra


OH - ?00

S stm
t o NH!
oso - m % st« too

on -
m &00

eio -

/ '
f m
*• OIS
- k 400

OIJ 500
Oil \
0 10


005 m
1 I M1

004 100

1 1 1 1 1 »^« 1 -L
250 500 SSO «00 450 500 550 ?50 500 SSO 400 «0 500 550
-=^^rr— 5c
Wtlght t o « V&. tott^JtfSturs for sodium Spectrum srsa vs. tsmpsraturs

FIGURE G-4. Cavitation Erosion Weight Loss and Spectrum Area

that this efficiency would remain a constant, but it was found to
vary by about a factor of 5. The authors believe that this work
could be extended. If successful, this method would become a very
reliable indicator of the cavitation damage rate occurring on a pro-
totype machine.

One last method of measurement in this area is also worthy of men-

tion. In a paper by Siccardi (5_) , in Italy, it is stated that the
volume of cavitation occurring inside a pump can be determined by
measuring instantaneous fluctuations in flow between the exit and
the inlet of the pump. Presumably, the extent of cavitation will
affect these fluctuating levels and, therefore, by measuring these
levels one can estimate the volume of cavitation. However, in this
paper no attempt is made to correlate the volume of cavitation bub-
bles to the erosion rate. Perhaps this concept also is worthy of
further study.


1. H. Kato, M. Maeda, and Y. Nakashima. "A Comparison and

Evaluation of Various Cavitation Erosion Test Methods."
Presented at the Fluids Engineering Conf., Boulder, Colorado,
June 1981,- pp. 83-94.

2. N, W. King. "Experience With Soft Coatings as an Accelerated

Method of Measuring Cavitation Erosion." National Engineering
Laboratory, East Kilbride, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

3. I. S. Pearsall and P. J. McNulty. "Comparisons of Cavitation

Noise With Erosion." National Engineering Laboratory, East
Kilbride, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

4. F. G. Hammitt, S. A. Barber, and A. N. El Hasrouni. "Predictive

Capability for Cavitation Damage from Bubble Collapse Pulse
Count Spectra." I Mech E, May 1977, pp. 79-88.

5. F. Siccardi, "Cavitation Control in Pumps." L'Energia Elettrica,

No. 4, 1976.


Test programs at Byron Jackson Los Angeles Operations are carried out
in three separate test areas, depending on the type of pump; a)
standard types and sizes, b) large vertical nuclear primary coolant
pumps, and c) large horizontal pumps. A fourth site is reserved for
Navy "quiet pump" noise tests. Additionally, there are the
Hydraulics Research Laboratory, the Mechanical Seal Laboratory, and
the Dynamics Research Test Facility.

The main hydraulic test laboratory is primarily designed for pump

testing. The capability exists, however, for providing for flowmeter
calibration as well as for testing of valves and other types of
hydraulic equipment. It operates with an under-floor test tank of
350,000-gallon capacity and a maximum depth of 30 feet. Instrumenta-
tion is available for flows up to 150,000 gpm. Three horizontal
dynamometers are available with a maximum capability of 300-hp deliv-
ery. The accurate speed-control and torque-measuring ability of
these dynamometers is used for pump model testing and for obtaining
three-quadrant-flow and pressure characteristics.

The nuclear primary coolant pump test area contains three permanently
installed hot loops with a maximum capability of 250,000-gpm flow at
550°F and 2,500 psig. The smallest loop is designed for 50,000 gpm.
Complete instrumentation of the loops provides for remote readout and
recording and/or control of temperature, pressure, flow, vibration,
shaft orbit, shaft position, and other critical test parameters.

A separate boiler-feed pump test bed has been provided. The driver
is the largest of its type in the world, a 25,000-hp variable-speed,
wound-rotor motor. With appropriate gear boxes, speeds are available
up to 6,670 rpm. The pump load is measured using a pedestal-mounted
shaft torquemeter between motor and pump. The test facility handles
flows to 32,000 gpm, pressures to 7,000 psig, and temperatures to
400°F. Smaller boiler-feed pumps are tested in the same test bay.

with power provided by two 5,000-hp electric motors and gear boxes to
provide speeds up to 9,000 rpm.

The separate Hydraulics Research Laboratory, with its own machine

shop, is maintained for research into cavitation, NPSH requirements,
advanced fluid mechanics, etc. Three stainless steel loops are used
for flows up to 15,000 gpm. Specialized tests can be videotaped and
controlled or analyzed by an automated data-acquisition and reduction
system regulated by a Hewlett-Packard minicomputer. A 375-hp solid-
state inverter is used to supply variable frequencies, from 20 to 80
Hz, for driving standard motors at variable speed.

Shielded cable networks, allowing multichannel signal transmission,

connect the test areas to the centrally located Dynamics Research
Laboratory. Transducer signals can be monitored during a test and
simultaneously recorded on a 14-channel instrumentation tape recorder
for later analysis. The particular type of analysis utilized depends
on the research requirements and can be selected to meet the need.
Additional channels can be added and synchronized by means of a time-
code generator. Analysis is controlled by a DEC PDP 11 computer as
part of a spectral dynamics digital signal processor.

A wide variety of instrumentation is maintained in stock. Whatever

is not available can be rented or purchased. Following is a listing
of the parameters measured and instruments employed.

a. Vibration: Accelerometers, velocity transducers,

proximity sensors. Selection depends
on frequency requirements, effect of
mass on the structure, etc.

b. Pressure: Crystal, strain gage, and reactance.

Selection depends on frequency res-
ponse, steady-state pressure capabi-
lities, etc.

c. Flow: Orifice, pitot tube, venturi, tur-

bine, and magnetic.

d. Position: Proximity sensor, linear variable
differential transformers, magnetic
transducers, and potentiometers.

e. Temperature; Thermocouples and resistance temper-

ature detectors (RTD).

f. Force: Strain gages, reactance-type load

cells, and similar devices using
magnetic property or field changes.

g. Frequency: Tuneable filters, and real-time or

fast Fourier transform analyzers.

h. Data Reduction; The Spectral Dynamics SD2001D comput-

er-controlled dual-channel FFT an-
alyzer has the following significant
capabilities: a 150-KHz frequency
range, signal averaging, impact
averaging (for impact excitation of
mechanical resonances), amplitude
and phase display in a number of
formats, frequency and coherence
(an aid in identifying particular
signal generation location), and
modal analysis of structures.

The use of the PDP 11 computer allows a limitless variety of test

system controls or readouts to be programmed, depending on the re-
search requirements. Figure H-1 shows a view of the digital signal
processor system. The type of hard-copy output that can be obtained
is illustrated by some of the analysis modes:

a. Magnitude of Vibration Versus Frequency (Figure H-2)

The trace is typical of data obtained on boiler feed

pumps at the inboard end when using shaft proximity

,„ ^^fsmm


FIGURE H-1. Spectral Dynamics Model SD-2001D Digital

Signal Processor

1X« ®.48E4-@1 f .-...«wt,>^p§at.a^,wyuM^^
iV» 7.@4E-@1 £ 80
ax- a.S3E4-@2s
aV" 1.42E-01 iNtoARD mmx^n SHAFT PROBE § 8t©0

X» (HZ)
CHZ) X s@ » RPH


c vmm }


^SBffOoiCiH^Bffi^LA stf:s^sa^^^\£:W3L,^:£x<i^.i»i!<a.
10 ae 30 40, 50

FIGURE H-2. V i b r a t i o n Amplitude v s . Frequency

b. Order Tracking (Figure H-3)

The trace is of vibration performance of an early model

test support pedestal for a torquemeter; ARl is the
solid line showing vibration at once per revolution, and
AR2 is the response at two times the operating speed.
The graph was obtained soon after installation of the
computer-controlled analysis equipment? consequently,
detailed identification was not included. However, it
does demonstrate the capability of extracting data points
from stored spectrograms in the disk memories. This
feature is also of value in making direct comparisons of
data from separate tests.

c. Three-Dimensional Plots (Figure H-4 and H-5)

Figure H-4 shows a series of spectrograms plotted at each

of a number of operating speeds with rpm plotted on the
vertical or Y axis, frequency plotted on the horizontal
or X axis, and vibration amplitude plotted in the Z
axis (vertically). Some type of mechanical resonance is
evident at about 504 Hz, which appears with excitation
by the seven-vane impeller frequency at a running
speed of 4,320 rpm, A three-dimensional plot of pressure
in the discharge pipe of a boiler feed pump shows a
very sharply tuned pipe at about 264 Hz excited by the
first-stage three-vane impeller, (See Figure H-5),

d. Campbell Diagram (Figures H-6 and H-7)

This representation is similar to the three-dimensional

plots described above, except that the rpm is the X,
and frequency the Y, axis. Amplitudes are represented
by vertical lines or by circles, as desired; the line
length or the circle diameter represents the signal
amplitude. The plots are for multiples of the running
speed, and each dashed line is one particular order.

Laser anemometry will be employed in future flow research because of

1X« 3.74E+03
1Y- i , 9 4 E + 0 0 p



ORDER TRACKING ,As ,10-JUN-81,00100 f 00

ARls -*- AR2S "«' AR3I

FIGURE H - 3 . Order Tracking

BGN- 5386.00 (RPM) END- 3708.28 CRPM)
I ! I I I I I t I

Pump has 7-vane Impel!er: (i*320/60)x7=50l| Hz

'1 8 3 4
90 Hz 504 'Hz 3
MAGNITUDE ,At ,BsB-a 9JUN81 ,12-JUN-8ia3i45s 16

FIGURE H-4. Example of Structural Resonance Excited by

the Impeller Vane Frequency - Three Dimensional
Frequency Response Plot

P BGN- 5386.00 (RPM) EN0- 3708.88 (RPM)
P Pump has 3-vane i m p e l l e r e x c i t i n g a c o u s t i c
/ resonance i n d i s c h a r g e pipe a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y *
P 10 (5277/60)x3=264 Hz

5277 rpm

\d^. ^ % ^ ^ « ^ '^
MAGNITUDE ,AS ,BSD-1 gJUNSl ^lS-JUN-81,15s03t19

* The a c t u a l peak was p r o b a b l y between scans around 5220 rpm. Other d a t a

p r e s e n t a t i o n s would have been used had i t been necessary t o identify
t h e resonance f r e q u e n c y .

FIGURE H-5. Example of Discharge Pipe Acoustic Resonance

Excited by the Impeller Vane Frequency - Three-
Dimensional Pressure Pulsation Plot

Q 90




S®L ,•1- ^ + * t f . - -^ --


. - * • *


r . , * *•

•»&.,.,A—A-«.flii..ft if.Jll.i«A„ I. ^ I ift . iTi fl ..iff B>..i.iift ...fll ,fli-ii«ift. 8 fti .iiiili fl •iiJ.i.i.i.tti I^ th Ti .Hi il„„.

RPM 0. K 1 ® @5S 10@H»a7 M 1 0
CAMPBELL DIAGRAM , A f , B t B - a a4JUN8i ,14-JUL-81,10l47ti3

FIGURE H - 6 , Campbell Diagram

F •,--T--.-,-r--,-J--T-tV-H--4 ! i '' .'-.^•r-V-V-^^-Atr-r-
R -r-^rr-
0 90

*. *"


4, . * 4.
50.- ,5--

* . * - • « • •
, * - • « •
.4.*. - - - - - - "
,A.-A.,nm(t,,—,ft ..A—,A.-.,fl ^ I' • I fl H f •• ?i Ti II T I

I® ^mm -®i
0. Kl® 40X l®®K-a7 Kl@
CW1PBELL DIAGRAM ,At ,B8B-S a4JUN81 ,14-JUL-81*l@s51183

FIGURE H-7. Campbell Diagram

its noninvasive characteristic. The data thus developed will require
special processing in order to assure maximum signal-to-noise ratio.
The available digital signal processing system is ideally suited to
this type of task.


The computer-aided literature search for Task 4, Review of Pump

Theory, was conducted in each of the following six subject areas:

1. Hydraulics
2. Vibration in pumps
3. Cavitation
4. Two-phase flow in pumps
5. Impeller forces
6. Flow instability
Each citation found, comprising author, title, reference, and
abstract, was included in the computer printout.

DIALOG Information Retrieval Service (Lockheed Information Systems),

3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, was used in the search.
For each of the subject areas, five data bases included in the DIALOG
system were searched. Their names, the time period covered by the
literature citations, the volume of abstracts searched, and the
address of the publishing agency are as follows:

File 6 NTIS, 1964 - present, 765,000 citations

National Technical Information Service
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, VA

File 8 COMPENDEX, January 1970 - present, 817,000 citations

Engineering Index, Inc., New York, NY

File 14 ISMEC, 1973 - present, 98,000 citations

Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI

File 96 BHRA Fluid Engineering, 1974 - present, 33,000 citations

British Hydromechanics Research Association, Cranfield,
Bedford MK4 3 OAJ, UK

Search of any of the data bases requires devising an appropriate key-

word search strategy. Then title and complete abstract are searched
for the keywords and phrases. When found, the citation is included
in the computer-listed output. As an example, the keyword strategy
for category 5, Impeller Forces, was as follows;

V Impeller 3. Radial 8. Force

' Pump 4. Axial 9. Thrust

5. Static 10. Excitation
5. Dynamic 11. Vibration
7. Fluid

Search strategy: (1 or 2)

and (3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7)

and (8 or 9 or 10 or 11)

In addition to the six subject areas reported in detail in this

chapter, literature reviews were also done on instrumentation, pump
systems, thrust-balancing devices, and pressure-breakdown devices.
Discussions of instrumentation are integrated into Section 3 and
Section 6 of this report. The literature reviewed covering pump
systems contained no information of value. The best information on
thrust-balancing devices was found in EPRI reports by Makay and
Adams, The most relevant literature on pressure-breakdown devices
relates to their effects on rotordynamics and is reviewed in
Appendix K, "Vibration in Pumps."



A centrifugal pump may be considered to be a combination of three

parts: a stationary inlet device, a rotating component or impeller,
and the stationary diffusing and collecting device. The flows in
these three parts are interdependent, and a correct flow analysis
should take this into account. However, a theory that encompasses
the combined effects of these three components on a real fluid stream
flowing through a pump is not yet available. The present inability
to model the interaction between the components has thwarted the
prediction of performance. Thus, further research in this general
area is needed, specifically, to improve upon the theory that
describes the real fluid stream flowing through a pxmip.

1.1 Flow in Pumps

In existing theoretical methods it is generally assumed that the

flow in one of the three component parts of the pump can be analyzed
with sufficient accuracy, neglecting the influence of the other two.

The basic design relationship of all turbomachines is very simple.

It is a form of Newton's law of motion applied to a fluid tra-
versing a rotor, in particular, an impeller. Analysis of the flow
in an impeller has occupied the attention of engineers and research-
ers for the last several years. In the calculation of flow in im-
pellers it is often assumed that the flow is inviscid, irrotational,
and steady. In many cases, it is also assumed to be two dimensional
(2-D) (1-J7). As a result of these assumptions it becomes possible
to use the methods of potential flow theory. However, potential
flow theory has shown very limited agreement with experimental

Busemans (8^), Sorensen (9^) , Uchimaru (.10) , and Acosta (1) used the
method of conformal transformation for analysis of flow through cen-
trifugal pump impellers fitted with thin logarithmic spiral blades.
In order to obtain the distribution of the flow components, confor-
mal mapping was employed. This transformed the given physical plan
into one on which the circular system of blades was mapped into a unit
circle. Acosta (1) applied this method for calculation of the pres-
sure distribution along the blade surfaces. The calculations were
compared with experimental results and showed insufficient agreement.
A number of subsequent theories have extended the earlier analysis to
include thick blades (11, 12), flow in a centrifugal impeller
(13-20), and several related topics (21-57).

The basic differences between the potential theory described above

and the experimental results are attributed to the effects of inlet
turn, viscous effects in the fluid, and the occurrence of stall.
These methods are important because they form the basis for more
advanced techniques. However, when used by themselves they do not
match the experimental results very well, as shown by Acosta il).
This lack of agreement is one of the major reasons why a one-dimen-
sional (1-D) theory, with various correction factors, is currently
used to design impellers at the best efficiency regime.

1.2 Advanced Numerical Methods

Since the advent of computers, a large number of computer-based cal-

culation methods have become available. The computation methods in-
clude finite element methods (_58, 59;) , singularity methods (6j0, 61.) ,
and quasi-three-dimensional (3-D) methods i§_2t 6_3p .§£) • These
methods give good results, restricted only by the assumptions of cir-
cumferential symmetry of the flow field in front of and after the
impeller and steady relative velocity field within the impeller.
Some methods include corrections for viscosity effects (6^, 6j6) and
even explicit recognition of flow separation (6_7, 6_8, 6_9) .

In the 25th Annual International Gas Turbine Conference held at New

Orleans, Louisiana, in March 1980, many of these computations, i.e.,
2-D and 3-D methods, were compared with a standard set of test data

furnished by the researchers of Hosei University (7_0) in Tokyo,
Japan. The computation procedures included finite element, singulari-
ty, and quasi-three-dimensional methods. The 2-D methods predicted
performance of the pump just as well as the 3D methods as long as
the flow in the impeller was not separated. The inclusion of viscous
effects did not improve the calculation accuracy of either method.
However, when considering the case of an impeller in which the flow
field was separated, neither the 2-D nor the 3-D method predicted
the performance of the impeller very well.

When separation was taken into account, a 2-D method showed good
accuracy. The limitation of the separation method (7^1) is that it
can predict the velocity field only after the location of separation
on the impeller is assumed. The flow separation method (TJ^) , there-
fore, is not predictive at all. Thus we can conclude that for non-
separated flow excellent methods are available because the as-
sumption of axisymmetric flow in front of and after the impeller and
steady relative flow inside the impeller is valid.

1.3 Off-Design Conditions in Pumps

It is instructive to consider the physical phenomena that are nor-

mally observed when a pump operates at off-design conditions. These
physical phenomena are:

a. The flow field behind the impeller becoming nonaxially

b. The appearance of reverse flow at the eye of the impeller
(see Figure J-1)
c. The appearance of recirculation at the discharge between
the impeller and the casing (see Figure J-1)
The first condition listed has been recognized and verified in many
publications (72). For example, as shown in Figure J-2 the static
pressure distribution around a volute casing at low flow is
nonuniform. This condition can exist only if the static pressure
around the impeller is also nonuniform.

The impeller pumps against a certain head and, if the head is high.



FIGURE J-1. Reverse Flow and Recirculation in a Pump Impeller

\s^ Bz y
^X^« jT

CM ^^Ni2''>C^^
^ Hs ^ ^ \
1 v^^^'^^-^'V^-^,
/ \J\/X>;
<T ! ^^V\
A^o^ !' \ \ \. V
/ y^
. ^ 11 \ X\. \ ^


Eck. 1^57
FIGURE J-2. Static Pressure Distribution

the flow is low in typical centrifugal machines. Therefore, as an
impeller passage rotates within the casing, the impeller passage
experiences different static pressures, and it will have to pump
different flows as it goes around the periphery. This suggests that
the relative flow field within the impeller is unsteady. Recent
work by Lorett indicates that some of these effects can be predicted.

The method developed by Lorett (7_3) is that of a step-by-step calcu-

lation of pressure, momentum, mixing losses, and flow rate. It does
not attempt to predict the head-flow characteristic of a pump but
rather the interaction of the casing and the impeller. By ingeniously
using the known head-flow characteristic of the pump, it predicts
the flow rate variation around the periphery. Because several ini-
tial conditions have to be assumed for the first segment of inflow,
their validity is verified by the closing condition. Their values
must be adjusted by iteration until a solution compatible with the
last segment of flow is found. The calculated results have been
compared against several sets of test data. Figure J-3 shows a
comparison with the test data of Iversen et al. (2^) for the
variation of static pressure around the periphery and for the radial
thrust load. It can be seen that a very good comparison with the
test data is obtained. Several theories have been proposed to ex-
plain recirculation at the impeller eye. One of the best works in
this area is that by Dr. Ferrini (7_5) , in Italy. He and his asso-
ciates have produced several methods of calculation as well as actual
experimental data on the phenomena of the recirculation at the
impeller eye. In Ferrini's hypothesis the occurrence of reverse
flow is related to the occurrence of separation at the vane surface.
Specifically, as the flow rate reduces, the point is reached at
which the flow at the blade surface will start undergoing separation.
As the flow rate is reduced still further the separation becomes
larger, and at some point the loss is so high that it is impossible
for the flow to propagate in the normal direction. Figure J-4 shows
inlet velocity triangles for different flow rates. Figure J-4c shows
the point of separation and Figure J-4e shows the limiting flow rate
below which inlet recirculation will appear. This implies that,
as the impeller rotates, the flow in the regions of high pressure
in the casing will actually be reversing from the casing into the

Hg : S t a t i c Pressure


IveasEN. I 9 6 0

LBS t Test Data
- Calc.
F : Radial Force


'00 S P M " °

FIGURE J-3. Comparison of Calculated Radial Forces With Test Data

FIGURE J-4. Flow Separation and Inlet Recirculation

suction, i.e., the flow will be casing driven. At this point, the
velocity field at suction will not be governed merely by the flow
rate and the area but also by the negative flow driven from the
casing. It is interesting to note that separation is actually fixed
in space, because the separation will be determined by the point at
which the highest static pressure is reached around the casing. As
far as the impeller is concerned, this separation is moving backwards
but at the same speed as the impeller rotation. If this hypothesis
is correct, the prediction of reverse flow will be connected with
the prediction of onset of separation in the various stream surfaces
that constitute the impeller. This work has been continued, and a
paper by B. Schiavello (76) attempts to calculate the separation
point by including the effects of blade loading and of variation
of slip factor as a function of flow rate. A further extension of
this work may lead to a better predictive method for the onset of
recirculation at the impeller eye.

The third observation is discharge recirculation. In a standard

test setup, if a total pressure probe is used between the impeller
and the casing, one would find that the flow begins to have
negative components of radial velocity at some flow rate. If the
impeller is a mixed-flow impeller, having different tip diameters
at the hub and the shroud stream surfaces, it is clear that such a
discharge recirculation must appear. The theoretical derivation of
this concept was made in an early paper by Yedidiah (1^)• However,
whether the same concept can be applied to the appearance of reverse
flow for straight radial impellers is more difficult to answer. It
appears that the presence of nonaxial symmetry in the casing can at
times induce negative velocities. The calculation made by Lorett
(73) shows this effect when the flow rate was reduced to low values.
(Figure J-5. )

1.4 Byron Jackson/EPRI/MIT Literature Review

Following are short commentaries on several of the papers referenced

in this section.

Hs : Static


CM : Meridional

Region of Reverse Flow

FIGURE J-5. Reverse Impeller Discharge at 10% Flow Rate

Reference 15:

Five impellers were tested and the slip factors were correlated.
The unusual and useful aspect of this work is that the slip factors
were found over a wide range of flow coefficients, from zero flow to
well past the design point.

In our M. I.T. pixonp work we had been looking in vain for such
correlations and measured the flow deviations ourselves. Then Noor-
bakhsh brought us his work. We found to our pleasure that the de-
viation predicted by correlation of the pump with the nearest
design specifications with our pump gave the same curve, within the
limits of accuracy expected, and stopped our work forthwith. Only
within the last year have we had reason to use other impeller
correlations, and we found unexplainable inconsistencies. We re-
sumed our deviation measurements. Therefore, unless these incon-
sistencies can be explained, these correlations should be regarded
as only very approximate.

Reference 24:

This paper endeavors to probe experimentally the influence of radial

clearance between the impeller and the casing by altering the length
and the angle of the tongue. The pump tested was a single-stage,
single-suction, horizontal-shaft, radial-flow centrifugal pTjmp. No
other data about the hydraulics of the impeller or the volute casing
are given.

From the test results, shown graphically, the authors observe that, as
the tongue is shortened, the head developed by the pump increases at
lower flow and falls at higher flow, and the best efficiency point
shifts from higher flows for longer tongues to lower flows as the
tongue length is reduced. As the tongue position is widened, the
same results as from shortening the tongue are observed.

It is easy to imagine the effect of widening the angle or position

of the tongue. That is, as the discharge flow increases, the absolute
exit angle from the impeller becomes steeper. Therefore, with a

widened tongue position (flatter angle), the effect would be to peak
at a flatter angle. That would mean a lower discharge flow rate or,
more precisely, an increase in incidence losses with higher discharge
flow rate.

The effect of shortening the tongue is speculative at best. On the

assumption that the tongue angle flattens as the length is shortened,
the same effect will be observed by widening the tongue position.

Reference 30:

The vaned diffusers were designed by conformal transformation. The

results were unfavorable, worse than for a vaneless design, until
"it was noticed" that a zero-deflection cascade was better than one
with a positive deflection. The investigators decided to go further
and to design a vaned-diffuser cascade with negative deflection and
did, in fact, obtain a small improvement over the vaneless case.

The approacn does not seem to be presently useful for design.

The following paper (reference 50) in the same volume is related.

Reference 50 (pp. 1121-1132):

A statement was made that vanes in the return channel between pump
stages had more effect on the efficiency than did vanes in the dif-
fuser. This statement gains meaning once the previously reviewed
work has been looked at. The study seemed essentially a "try and
test" investigation. The comments made seemed somewhat naive, and
there was no attempt to produce correlations of use to pump designers

Reference 76:

In this paper a very significant concept is put forward in volute-

impeller interaction. It was subsequently verified by known
test data of other studies on volute-impeller interaction and by
a test conducted by the author himself. The most significant
concept illustrated is that on an H-Q curve the intersection of the

"volute characteristic" (increasing with flow) and the "impeller
characteristic" (decreasing with flow) defines the operating
condition of the pump. Although based on an ideal fluid, this paper
demonstrates from other published experiments the acceptable
accuracy of the method.

The author tested two volutes designated as volutes A and B. Volute

A had a wide rectangular area at the volute throat with the cutwater
fully cut back. Volute B had a trapezoidal area at the volute throat
with the smaller width closely fitting around the impeller outlet.

From the test results the author surmised that a wide volute throat
has both constructional and hydraulic advantage in comparison to
volute cross sections that narrow down to fit the impeller outlet
closely. The cutwater for volute B was cut back in stages, a pro-
cedure that resulted in a broad, crested efficiency and a best
efficiency point at higher flow rate as the cutback increased.

The author also made a study of the effects of skin friction and
found them to have secondary effects with regard to the hydraulic
losses incurred in the volute flow. The information contained in
this paper should prove useful to those interested in volute-impeller
interaction as well as to those concerned with improving centrifugal
impellers in volute casing performance.

Reference 77:

This is another of many computer methods of estimating the flow

through the blading of turbomachines. It iterates on the blade-to-
blade and the hub-to-shroud solutions until a satisfactory conver-
gence is achieved. It treats the boundary layers as blockages that
produce mixing losses at rotor exit and finds a tip clearance flow
that feeds into boundary layers.

Certain arguments were rather casually treated, e.g., the uncritical

use of Constant's rule for deviation, which would probably not be
accurate for radial-flow machines, and then the use of a slip factor
which, if it means what it usually does, is another way of defining

the deviation. Many symbols are undefined, e.g., the units for the
specific speed and the conditions for many of the steps are not given
(i.e., inviscid, isentropic, and so forth). The material is presented
as if to a friendly gathering of old colleagues (e.g., "In the usual
formulation, the left-hand side of the principal equation is . . . .,"
which is hardly helpful nor precise)•

It would be good to know the influence coefficients for the many

choices of empirical parameters. The examples are for a gentle
swan-neck bend, a mixed-flow p\imp, and a high-specific-speed radial-
flow pump, and the output is a set of streamlines and velocities
that is compared with the output from two much simpler approaches.

Before this method could be recommended over others for pump design,
favorable comparisons of predicted and measured velocities and losses
would be required.


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pp. 126-132.

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74-GT-43 for meeting March 31, 1974,

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of Fluids Engineering, Trans ASME, Series 1, Vol. 97, No. 4,
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ugal Pumps and Compressors," ASME Symposium held in New Orleans,
La, March 9-13, 1980.

Eck. Technische Stromungslehre, Springer, Berlin, 1957,

J. Lorett. "Interaction Between Impeller and Volute at

Off-Design Conditions." Byron Jackson unpublished internal
report, May 19 80.

H. W. Iversen, R. E. Rolling, and J. J. Carlson. "Volute

Pressure Distribution, Radial Force on the Impeller, and Volute
Mixing Losses of a Radial Flow Centrifugal Pump," Journal
of Engineering for Power, Trans. ASME, Series A, Vol. 82, No. 2,
April 1960, pp. 136-144.

F. Ferrini. Some Aspects of Self-Induced Prerotation in the

Suction Pipe of Centrifugal Pump, Pumps and Pumping System for
Liquids in Single or Multiphase flow. Worthington European
Technical Award 1973, 1st ed., Vol. 3, Hoepli, Milano, Italy,
1974, pp, 1-27.

B. Schiavello and M. Sen. "On the Prediction of the Reverse

Flow Onset at the Centrifugal Inlet." Presented at the 25th
Annual International Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibit and the
22nd Annual Fluids Engineering Conference, New Orleans, La.,
March 1980, pp. 261-272,

A, Neal. "Through-Flow Analyses of Pumps and Fans." Paper No.

2.5, Fluid Mechanics Silver Jubilee Conference, National
Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Scotland, 1979.


In addition to those enumerated in the reference list, the following

papers were reviewed.

Bowerman, R. D. "Effect of the Volute on Performance of a Centrifu-

gal Pump Impeller," Calif. Inst. Tech., Pasadena, Hydrodynamics Lab,
Report No. e 19 7.

Horlock, H. H., and H. March. "Flow Models for Turbomachines."

Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 13, No. 5, Oct. 1971,
pp. 358-368.

Kovats, A. "Investigation of Volute-Impeller Interaction in Pumps."

ASME Paper No. 66-FE-14.

Makay. E. "Centrifugal Pump Hydraulic Instability. Final Report."

EPRI CS-1445, June 1980.

Murata, S. "Research on the Flow in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller

(I Report, A Theory c^- Straight Cascades of Thin Wings)." Bulletin
of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 5, No. 17, 1962,
pp. 95-101.

Wu, C. H. "A General Theory of Three Dimensional Flow in Subsonic

and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial, Radial and Mixed Flow Types."
NACA TN 2604, Jan. 1952.

Nyiri, A. "Computation of the Meridional Flow Pattern of Hydraulic

Machines." Acta Technica Academie Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 45,
1964, p. 179.

"Determination of the Theoretical Characteristics of Hydraulic

Machines Based on Potential Theory." Acta Technica Academie Scient-
iarum Hungaricae, Tomus 69, 1970, pp. 243-273,



An increasing demand for greater reliability of high-speed rotat-

ing machinery and the introduction of specified vibration limits have
created renewed interest in the development of techniques to
anticipate vibration problems and methods to alleviate them. In the
rotor dynamics area there are several types of analyses to be con-
sidered: critical speeds, instability thresholds, and synchronous
and nonsynchronous forced response. Generally, the calculation
procedures for these analyses are well founded, and the pertinent
literature is fairly substantial (1-25). However, the methods for
determining the parameters necessary for the calculation methods have
not been well established. Substantial effort for determining these
parameters is ongoing in Byron Jackson, Borg-Warner, and other test

1.1 Critical Speeds

Normally pumps operate under "wet" conditions, and critical speeds

are not a major problem because hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces
act upon the pump rotor and alter its characteristic response to
excitation. These forces are created in annular clearance spaces,
such as wear rings, throttle bushings, and balance drtims. When the
shaft is laterally displaced, the flow of fluid along the clearance
space gives rise to an axially nonsymmetric pressure distribution
around the periphery. This distribution produces a force that
opposes the shaft lateral motion. Thus, the clearance space behaves
like a spring having a significant stiffness. Further, the fluid
also produces restoring forces that are functions of the velocity
and acceleration of the shaft. Most of these effects tend pre-
dominantly to raise the critical speed and to promote stability.
However, there are some cross-coupling forces, which can cause
destabilizing effects.

1.2 Theory

A number of papers (26-33) provide a basis for calculating the

pressures and forces within annular clearances. Lomakin (3_4, 35)
seems to be the first to present a calculation procedure for the
hydrostatic restoring force for turbulent axial flow in an annular
clearance. However, his method neglects shaft rotation and lateral
velocity and, therefore, does not include damping.

The dynamic force coefficients of the shaft in the annular clear-

ance are given asi

^x ^xx ^xy
X cXX c x y X M M
XX x y

= + +

F K K Y C C Y My x M y y Y
yx yy
yx yy
Black (3_6, 32_, 54, also see bibliography) developed a procedure for
calculating the dynamic force coefficients for small rotary and
lateral motion of the shaft and proposed it to be:

F K k X C c X m 0 X

4 +

F -k K y -c C y o m y

He conducted several experiments on annular clearances that provided

comparison between theoretical and experimental results. Moreover,
he showed the effects of annular clearances on pump critical speeds,
forced response, and stability (36, 37 ) .

Incorporating all of the earlier developments by Black and Jenssen

(36), Childs (38, 39) employed a small eccentricity perturbation
solution to Hirs' (£0, 41) equations. He also incorporated the
effects of inlet swirl velocity. It is demonstrated that swirl
reduces the cross-coupled dynamic stiffness coefficients, while
slightly increasing direct stiffness and damping. This implies

that the capacity of these clearance spaces for promoting dynamic
instability is increased. It is also observed that the fluid inertia
terms that are normally neglected in the Reynolds equation approach
(Black) are shown to be essential for the correct prediction of
cross-coupled stiffness and direct damping terms.

An analysis of long fluid annuli, neglecting axial leakage, was made

by Fritz (42-44). In the theoretical development he employed
friction factors, based on vortex or turbulent flows, and derived -
stiffness, damping, and inertia coefficients in a rotating coordinate
system for small shaft motion about the center. Fritz (4£) compared
the critical speeds of a test rotor with a long annular fluid
clearance to theoretical values and found generally good correlation.

Recent theoretical and experimental work by Gopalakrishnan confirms

the findings of Black (_36, _32). The report (_45) provides a
simplified method for calculating the "wet" critical speed of pumps.
The calculations were verified in a suitable test arrangement, which
consists of disk supported between two wear rings. The rotor is
driven at a variable speed up to 6,000 rpm and vibrations of the
shaft are measured near the disk. The pressure difference across the
wear rings is controlled independently of the speed using a separate
booster pximp. With this arrangement the pump critical speed is
directly measured by observing the rpm at which vibration amplitude
peaks. Various types of wear ring geometries and clearances were
tested, and good correspondence was observed between measurements
and calculations.

1.3 Experimental Work on Rotor Dynamics

Adams and Makay (£6) and Childs (6, _38f 39' iJ? il' li^ ^^® currently
continuing experiments to gather more data to support any conclusions
about the adequacy of the theory presented above.

The flow associated with the impeller/diffuser is considerably

different from that in annular clearances. There have been obser-
vations that, due to a nonaxisymmetric flow in an impeller/diffuser
interaction, steady and unsteady lateral forces arise. The un-
steady forces and the role they might play in rotordynamics have

not been adequately determined. Brennen, Acosta, et al. (50) are
presently conducting an experiment to measure these forces and
determine their role in rotor dynamics.

1.4 Miscellaneous

Several mechanisms have been observed to contribute to rotor in-

stabilities for single-shaft systems. However, there is no liter-
ature that takes into account the changes in dynamic behavior of
the machines after installation. The elements that may influence
rotor stability after installation are foundation stiffnesses,
mechanical resonances of certain structural parts, and abnormal
operating conditions in the plant.

Recent work done by Medearis, supported by EPRI, addresses the

influence of other equipment or structures on the vibration per-
formance of auxiliary fans in power plants. In this report (51)
a total vibratory system, including supporting soil, foundation,
pedestals, fan rotor, housing, motor, etc., was included in the
system model. A digital computer program was developed to aid in
performing the dynamic response analysis of such systems. The
response of several existing installations was determined, and good
agreement was obtained between theoretical results and experimental
measurements. Such analysis can clearly demonstrate why the
vibration in a particular installation may be high in spite of
the fact that the calculated critical speeds and stability analysis
for the pump are within acceptable limits. For example, inter-
action mode shapes of a rotor vibratory system are shown in
Figure K-1. The effect on the system of two different conditions
alters its response. Therefore, all components that may interact
with the pump at the installation ought to be analyzed so that
effective control of these vibrations, either at their source or by
vibration energy removal, can be developed and a basis for their
optimization established.

Another area of interest within the field of pump vibrations is

the existence of high-intensity pulsation problems in piomp piping
systems. Such pulsations have been observed at frequencies that
are typically harmonically related to the pump operating speed.

•Rigid Besriafs ra Eigii Foundation

-Bearing Oil film Suftports e& ligid Fsundatien

ie 2, f - S2.1 Is Qpmt&ting Speed «• 720 rpmCl2 is)

e l , f « 15 H8


FIGURE K-1. Rotor Vibratory Mode Shapes

Very often the frequency could be the same as the blade-passing
frequency. In some installations the frequency could be a small
fraction of the operating speed. A typical example is the ap-
pearance of pressure pulsations in the discharge pipe at the vane-
passing frequency. The existence of reinforced longitudinal waves
can be attributed to the resonant length of the piping. In more
complex instances, as has been demonstrated by Sparks and Wachel (52
the pump can actively take part in this phenomenon by influencing
the acoustic response, and it can also serve as an amplifying
element. Corely (53) demonstrated that strong vibrations were
experienced when the inlet and discharge piping had abrupt
transitions. Apparently some low-level vortices were generated at
the piping discontinuities. These problems were solved by using a
long, smoothly reducing cross section for piping. (See Figure K-2.)

It is likely that in most boiler feed applications these effects

are either nonexistent or, if they occur, can be easily remedied.
However, this area of investigation should not be dismissed without
further study.

1.5 Byron Jackson/EPRI/M.I.T. Literature Review

Following are short commentaries on three of the papers referenced

in this section;

Reference 31 (Vol. 5, No. 20, pp. 642-651) :

This paper gives experimental measurements of the pressure drop of

water flowing between two coaxial cylinders when the inner cylinder
rotates. The friction factors derived in this paper are the basis
for most of the studies of flow similar to that in wear rings. This
work has been extended to other applications, notably by Black and

Reference 39:

This paper presents the results of a series of tests on the dynamic

performance of high-pressure annular series. It describes the test
rig, testing procedures, and the measured values of all dynamic

(At inboard bearing)

%^K |.ws s,^% 4,^s $jm %sn 7,w@

Frequency - cpm

(After installation of long-taper transition)

/ m
— i y ...e^ yt^—t

ISMI / ^
/ ^
/ y ^
/ L—__
% t t

Frequency - cps x 10"

FIGURE K-2, Pump V i b r a t i o n Before and After I n s t a l l a t i o n

of Long-Taper T r a n s i t i o n Pieces

force coefficients. The authors compare measured values and
theoretical values for different boundary conditions. Future
tests are discussed and are necessary to support any conclusions
about the adequacy of the theory.

Reference 54:

This is one of the earlier papers developed by the authors to

calculate the dynamic properties of annular clearances, particularly
plain seals. Theoretical results are suiratiarized and compared to
measured results. Effects of laminar, turbulent, and transition
flow regimes are examined; their effects on stiffness are
demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. Subsequent
advancements by the authors and other notable researchers are ongoing
because of their implications for the prediction of lateral
vibrations and stability of centrifugal pump rotors.


1. P. E. Allaire, E. J. Gunter, C. P. Lee, and L. E. Barrett.

"The Dynamic Analysis of the Space Shuttle Main Engine
High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump, Final Report Part III, Load
Capacity and Hybrid Coefficients for Turbulent Interstage
Seals," NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Sept. 1976.

2. P. E. Allaire and Y. J. Lin. "Linearized Dynamic Analysis

of Plain Short Turbulent Seals." ASME, Journal of Lubrication
Technology, 1979. (Submitted for publication.)

3. P. E. Allaire, C. P. Lee, and E. J. Gunter. "Dynamics of

Short Eccentric Plain Seals with High Axial Reynolds Numbers."
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec.
1978, pp. 341-347.

4. B. A. Batch. "Effect of Eccentricity on the Rate of Flow

Through Boiler Feed Pump Gland Seals." CERL Report No. 691,
Jan. 1957.

Y. N. Chen, D. Florjancic. "Vortex Induced Resonance in a
Pipe System Due to Branching." Conf. Proc. Univ. of
Southhampton, England, Sept. 16-18, 1975, pp. 79-86,

Y. N. Chen and P. Beurer. "Vibrations in Centrifugal Pump

Units Induced by External Systems." Pumpentagung Karlsruhe 73.
(Organized by the Fachgemeinschaft Pumpen und Verdichter) VDMA,
Section K6, 56 pp., Oct. 2-4, 1973.

A. B. Duncan. "Vibrations in Boiler Feed Pumps: A Critical

Review of Experimental and Service Experience." I. Mech. E.,
Symposium on Vibrations in Hydraulic Pumps and Turbines, Paper
No. 8, Sept. 1966.

M. C. Ek. "Solution of the Subsychronous Whirl Problem in the

High Pressure Hydrogen Turbomachinery of the Space Shuttle
Main Engine." AIAA/SAE 14th Joint Propulsion Conference,
Paper 78-1002, July 1978.

H. B. Elrod and C. W. Ng. "A Theory for Turbulent Fluid Films

and Its Application to Bearings." Trans. ASME, Journal of
Lubrication Technology, Vol. 89, No. 3, July 1967, pp. 346-362.

J. B, Erskine and N. Hensman, "Vibration Induced by Pump

Instability and General Surging." Inst, of Mech. Engr.
(.CP9-1975), London.

D. P. Fleming. "High Stiffness Seals for Rotor Critical

Speed Control." NASA Lewis Res. Center, 1977, 22 pp.

D. P, Fleming. "Rotor Bearing Dynamics of Modern Turbo-

Machinery." NASA Lewis Res. Center, Tribol Int., V.13, N. 5,
Oct. 1980, p. 221-224.

W. H. Fraser and A. R. Bush. "An Inquiry into Centrifugal Pump

Pulsations, Surges and Vibrations," Worthington International
Pump Symp., Oct. 21-25, 1974, 30 pp.

T, lino and T. Kaenko. "Hydraulic Forces Caused by Annular
Pressure Seals in Centrifugal Pumps." NASA Conference
Publication 2133. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Texas
A&M University, College Station, May 12-14, 1980.

D. N, Jenssen. "Dynamics of Rotor Systems Enbodying High

Pressure Ring Seals." Ph.D. Dissertation, Heriot-Watt
University, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1970.

J. Kaye and E. C. Elgar. "Modes of Adiabatic and Diabatic

Fluid Flow in an Annulus With an Inner Rotating Cylinder."
Trans. ASME, Vol. 80, 1958, pp. 753-765,

A. W. Lees and K. A. Hanies. "Torsional Vibrations of a

Boiler Feed Pump." ASME Paper No. 77-DET-28 for Meeting
Sept. 26-30, 1977.

F. R. Mallaire, L, H. Nelson, and P. S. Buckman. "Evaluation

of Wear Ring Seals for High-Speed, High-Pressure Turbopumps."
ASME, Paper No. 68-WA, 1968.

W. A. Marcinkowskij and J. B. Karincev. "Influence of Seal

Gaps on the Critical Speeds of Feed Pump Rotors."
Energomashinostroenie, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1961, p. 33,

R. M. McCheyne. "A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation

of Vibration in a Boiler Feed Pump Drive Line." Conference on
Vibrations and Noise in Pumps, Southampton, England, September
16-18, 1975.

K. Nakagayashi, Y. Yamada, and K. Seo. "Rotational and Axial

Flow Through the Gaps Between Eccentric Cylinders of Which the
Outer One Rotates." Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 17, No, 114,
1974, pp. 1564-1571.

Rotordynamic Instability Problems in High Performance Turbo-

machinery." NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, 0. Conf.
held at College Station, Texas, May 12-14, 1980.

J. H. Spurk and R. Keiper. "Self-Excited Vibration in Turbo-
machines Resulting from Flow Through Labyrinth Glands."
General Electricity Generating Board, Vol. 156, 1976.

B. Stampa. "Experimentelle, Untersuchungen an Axial

Durchstromten Ringspalten," Ph.D. Dissertation. Technischen
Universitat Carole-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Germany, 1971.

A. J. Stepanoff. "Leakage Loss and Axial Thrust in Centrifugal

Pumps." Trans. ASME, Aug. 19 32, p. 65.

R. J. Cornish. "Turbulent Flow Through Fine Eccentric

Clearances." Phil. Magazine, Series 7, Vol, 16, No. 108, 1933,
p. 897.

C. W. Ng and C. H. T. Pan. "A Linearized Turbulent Lubrication

Theory." ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 87, No. 3,
Sept. 1965, pp. 675-688.

L. N. Tao and W. F. Donovan, "Through-Flow in Concentric and

Eccentric Annuli of Fine Clearance With and Without
Relative Motion of the Boundaries." Trans. ASME, Vol. 77,
Nov. 1955.

G. I, Taylor. "Stability of Viscous Liquid Contained Between

Two Rotating Cylinders." Phil. Trans., Series A, 223, 1923,
pp. 289-343,

B. P. Ustimenko and V. N. Zmerkov. "Hydrodynamics of Flow

in an Annular Channel With and Inner Rotating Cylinder- " USSR
Academy of Sciences, High Temperature, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1964.

Y. Yamada, "Resistance of Flow Through an Annulus With an

Inner Rotating Cylinder." Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 5, No. 16,
1962. pp. 302-310.

Y. Yamada. "On Pressure Loss of Flow Between Rotating Coaxial

Cylinders With Rectangular Grooves." Bulletin of the JSME
Vol. 5, No. 20, 1962, pp. 642-651.

Y. Yamada, K. Nakagayashi, and Y, Suzuki, "Viscous Frictional
Moment Between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders When Outer
Cylinder Rotates." Bulletin of the JSME, Vol, 12, No. 53,
1969, pp. 1024-1031.

F. S. Bedger and A. A. Lomakin, "Determination of Critical

Speed of a Pump Rotor With Reference to Forces Arising in the
Seal Gap." Steam and Gas Turbine Engineering, No. 5, 1957.

A. A, Lomakin, "Calculation of Critical Speed and Securing of

Dynamic Stability of Hydraulic High Pressure Pumps with
Reference to Forces Arising in Seal Gaps," Energomashino-
stroenie, Vol. 4, No, 1, 1958, p. 1158.

H. F. Black and D. N Jenssen. "Dynamic Hybrid Properties of

Annular Pressure Seals." Proceedings of the Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 184, 1970, pp. 92-100.

H. F. Black and D. N. Jenssen. "Effects of High-Pressure Ring

Seals on Pump Rotor Vibration." ASME, Paper No, 71-WA/FF-38,

D. W. Childs. "Dynamic Analysis of Turbulent Annular Seals

Based on Hirs Lubrication Equations." Trans. ASME, Journal
of Lubrication Technology, submitted for publication.

D. W. Childs, J. B. Dressman, and S. B. Childs. "Testing of

Turbulent Seals for Rotordynamic Coefficients." NASA Conference
Publication 2133, Proceedings of a Workshop held at Texas A&M
Univ., College Station, Tex., May 12-14, 1980.

G. G. Hirs. "Fundamentals of Bulk-Flow Theory for Turbulent

Lubrication Films." Ph.D. Dissertation, Delft Technical Univer-
sity, The Netherlands, July 1970.

G. G. Hirs. "A Bulk-Flow Theory for Turbulence in Lubricant

Films." ASME, Journal of Lubrication Technology, April 19 73,
pp. 137-146.

R, J, Fritz and E. Kiss. "The Vibration Response of a Canti-
levered Cylinder Surrounded by an Annular Fluid." KAPL-M-5439.
Clearinghouse for Federal and Scientific Information, 1966.

R. J. Fritz, "The Effects of an Annular Fluid on the Vibrations

of a Long Rotor, Part 1 - Theory." Trans, ASME, Journal of
Basic Engineering, Dec. 1970, pp. 923-929.

R. J. Fritz. "The Effects of an Annular Fluid on the Vibrations

of a Long Rotor, Part 2 - Test." Trans. ASME, Journal of Basic
Engineering, Dec. 1970.

S. Gopalakrishnan, R. Fehlau, and J. Lorett. "Critical Speed in

Centrifugal Pumps." Submitted to the 27th ASME Gas Turbine
Conference to be held in London, April 1982.

M. L. Adams. "Keep Rotor Vibration Under Control." Power, V.

122, N, 8, Aug. 1978, pp. 28-29.

D. W. Childs. "The Space Shuttle Main Engine High-Pressure

Fuel Turbopump Rotordynamic Instability Problem." Trans. ASME
Journal of Engineering for Power, Jan. 1978, pp. 48-57.

B. Childs, D, Childs, and J. Dresman. "Estimation of

Seal Stiffness and Damping Parameters from Experimental
Data." I, Mech. E., 2nd International Conference on
Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, Cambridge, England,
September 2-4, 1980.

D. W. Childs. "Rotordynamic Analysis for the High Pressure

Fuel Turbo Pump of the Space Shuttle Main Engine." Report No.

C. Brennen. "On the Flow in an Annulus Surrounding a Whirling

Cylinder." Calif. Inst. Technology, JNL Fluid Mech., Vol. 75,
No. 1 pp. 173-191.

K. Medearis. "Vibration Analysis of Rotating Auxiliary

Machinery," EPRI Research Project 984-1.

52. C. R. Sparks and J. C. Wachel. "Pulsation in Centrifugal Pump
and Piping Systems." Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 56, No. 7,
July 1977, pp. 183-189.

53. J. E. Corley. "Waterflood Pump Vibration Cured," Oil and Gas

Journal, Vol. 77, No. 18, Apr. 30, 1979, pp. 278-288,

54. H. F. Black and J. L. Murray. "The Hydrostatic and Hybrid

Bearing Properties of Annular Pressure Seals in Centrifugal
Pumps." BHRA Report RR1206, Oct. 1969.


In addition to those enumerated in the reference list, the following

papers were reviewed.

Black, H. F, "Effects of Hydraulic Forces in Annular Pressure Seals

on the Vibrations of Centrifugal Pump Rotors," Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 1969, pp. 206-213.

Black, H. F. "On Journal Bearings with High Axial Flows in the

Turbulent Regime." Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,"
Vol, 12, No. 4, 1970, pp. 301-303.

Black, H. F,, "Empirical Treatment of Hydrodynamic Journal

Performance in the Superlaminar Regime." Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Science, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1970, pp. 116-122.

Black, H. F., and Cochrane, E. A. "Leakage and Hybrid Bearing

Properties of Serrated Seals in Centrifugal Pumps." Paper G5, 6th
International Conference on Fluid Sealing, Munich, German Federal
Republic, Feb. 27-March 2, 1973.

Black, H, F., Allaire, P. E., and Barrett, L. E. "Inlet

Flow Swirl In Short Turbulent Seal Dynamics." Ninth International
Conference on Fluid Sealing, Leewenhorst, Netherlands, April 1-3,

Black, H. F., and Dos Santos, L. "Stability of Oscillations
in Boiler Feed Pimip Pipeline Systems." Conference on Vibrations
and Noise in Pumps, Paper Clll/75, pp. 99-106.

Black, H. F, "Effects of Fluid-Filled Clearance Spaces on

Centrifugal Pumps and Submerged Motor Vibrations." Texas
A&M University Gas Turbine Lab, College Station, Tex., 1979,
pp. 29-34.

Black, H. F., France, D., Jenssen, D. M., and Brown, R. D.

"Theoretical and Experimental Investigations Relating to Centrifugal
Pump Rotor Vibrations." Plant Eng., London, V, 18, N, 7-8, July,
Aug. 1974, pp. 16-21.

Constantinescu, V. N. "Analysis of Bearings Operating in the

Turbulent Regime." Trans. ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering,
Vol. 84, No. 1, March 1962, pp. 139-151.

Ovcharova, D. K., and Goloshokov, E. G. "Stability of Synchronous

Precession of the Rotors of Centrifugal Pxraips." Appl. Mech.,
Vol. 12, No. 8, May 1977, pp. 812-815.

Taylor. G, I. "Fluid Friction Between Rotating Cylinders."

Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, 157, 1936, pp. 546-564.

Yamada, Y. , Nakagayashe, K., and Maeda, K. "Pressure Drop

Measurements of the Flow Through Eccentric Cylinders with Rotating
Inner Cylinders," Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 12, No. 53, 1969,
pp. 546-564.

Younes, M. A., Mobbs, F. R., and Coney, J. E. R. "Power Losses Due

to Secondary Flow Between Rotating Eccentric Cylinders." Trans.
ASME, Journal of Lubrication Technology, Vol. 96, No. 1, Jan. 1974,
pp. 141-144,



Cavitation can affect overall pump performance and reliability in

many ways. It can cause prohibitive noise or vibration. Perhaps
most importantly, cavitation can produce rapid and large-scale
erosion. Because of its destructive effects, both designers and
users have employed various test techniques and basic research to
determine the cavitation characteristics of centrifugal pumps.
Despite this effort, progress in coping with the problems it creates
has been slow.

1.1 Definition of Cavitation Limits

For proper interpretation, it is necessary to define the cavitation

conditions that exist at various cavitation levels. (See
Figure L-1,)

Incipient Cavitation; At the earliest stages, cavitation is detected

as bubbles that begin to form on the impeller vane surface.

Cavitation Damage; As the suction pressure is reduced below that re-

quired for cavitation inception, the bubbles grow in size and number.
As the bubbles move downstream with the liquid, they enter regions
of higher pressure where the bubbles collapse. If this collapse takes
place on or near the surface of the vane, it is likely to cause dam-
age on the material surface due to the high-velocity-liquid impact
that results from the imploding bubbles. The detailed mechanisms
by which collapsing cavitation bubbles cause surface damage are not
well understood.

Cavitation - Break-Off: As the suction pressure is further reduced,

the bubbles grow so large in size and number that much of the hydraul-
ic area in front of or within the impeller is blocked off. Conse-


• ^


FIGURE L-1. Cavitation Conditions at Various Cavitation Levels

quently the pump ceases to act as a pump and the head drops off.

1.2 Theory

The problem of cavitation combines complex material, chemical, and

hydrodynamic relationships. Nonetheless, empirical predictions as
to how and when the onset of cavitation may occur are available.
Predictions as to its effects are more difficult. Although cavita-
tion research has produced superb scientific studies in bubble
dynamics (1), incipient cavitation (2_-4_) , cavity mechanics, noise,
and material erosion resistance (5-14), and ways to alleviate
cavitation (15-23), there is still much uncertainty.

The standard procedure for calculating incipient cavitation is to

apply a method by which detailed static pressure distribution on the
vane surface can be computed. This method can take the form of sin-
gularity procedure like that of Martensen (24_) , which was later
reduced to a computer program by Jacob (^, 26) . Calculation of
inception in this method is very straightforward and to a certain
extent simplistic, because the method does not include the effects
of thermodynamic nonequilibrium and various scale effects.

Over the years, a great deal of research has been done with regard
to cavitation inception. Despite much research there is still
uncertainty, in a number of areas, e.g., interaction of scale
effects, different liquids, and hydrodynamics. There are so many
combinations of scale effects, liquid condition, and flow regime
that it is obviously difficult, or perhaps impossible, to provide a
comprehensive theory for prediction of cavitation inception.
However, if the calculations are applied within fairly narrow
limits, it is believed that good results can be obtained even with
the most simplistic theory. For example, Figure L-2 shows the
calculated inception point versus the measured inception for a
standard mixed-flow pump. It can be seen that the prediction is
quite good as far as the levels are concerned. The point at which
the minimum predicted inception occurs is slightly different.
However, from a practical point of view in the boiler feed pump
industry, this kind of prediction accuracy would be more than





6 7 8 9 10 11

FIGURE L-2. Calculated Inception Point Vs. Measured Inception

for Standard Mixed-Flow Pump

Although designers and users must be concerned with the problem of
incipient cavitation to know when and where it first appears, it is
more important to understand the cavitation regime, during which
serious erosion, vibration, and deterioration of hydraulic perform-
ance may occur. Prediction of the onset and extent of cavitation
erosion has been attempted using theoretical and experimental tech-
niques, A comprehensive study of existing literature can be found
in the papers written by Thiruvengadam (2_7, 2^) . One of the classi-
cal results of this study is the erosion equation that can be written
as follows:

= !<*">'' -p[-|^
2 P^o"

In this equation:

I = erosion intensity

p = fluid density

V = flow velocity
o -^

a = cavitation number

6 = relative nuclei size

Aa = degree of cavitation in proximity to cavitation incep-


W = Weber number : 1/2 p V 6 £/Y

£ = typical length scale

Y = surface tension

By suitable manipulation of the above equation, one can deduce that
the primary parameters involved in cavitation damage are the

a. Degree of cavitation
b. The mean cavitation number, i.e., the general pressure
level at which implosions are taking place
c. Velocity
d. The length scale
We may also identify a few secondary parameters:
e. Surface tension
f. Fluid density
g. Nuclei size
h. Fluid temperature

Evidently the damage resistance of the material itself is very

important. The damage rate varies with some of the parameters
mentioned above. It will increase as the amount of cavitation in-
creases, as can be seen from standard figures that show damage rate
as a function of NPSH. Figure L-3 indicates that, as the NPSH is re-
duced, the cavitation damage rate begins to increase at a certain
point. It reaches a maximum at an NPSH just slightly higher than
that at break-off. Beyond this point the damage rate decreases. A
qualitative explanation of this phenomenon can be provided: Once
large bubbles are formed, there is a cushioning effect of the
shocks experienced by the bodyi as a consequence, when there is a
very large number of bubbles the damage rate tends to decrease.

The effect .of the mean cavitation number, however, is not well
known. It is clear that pump manufacturers generally provide a
greater safety margin when the pump suction pressure is high. That
is typical of boiler feed pumps using booster pumps to provide high
levels of NPSH at the first stage of the main boiler feed pump.

The effect of velocity on the damage rate has also been researched
widely. Several references can be found that demonstrate that the
damage race increases at some high exponent of the velocity. The
typical number used is 6, originally used by Knapp (2^9^) at California
Institute of Technology, The velocity exponent of 6 can also be
deduced from the previously mentioned equation of Thiruvengadam.



FIGURE L-3. Cavitation Damage Rate

The effect of length on cavitation damage has also been widely
observed, but there appears to be no standard way to describe it.
For example, the result of Thiruvengadam shows that the rate of dam-
age might simply be proportional to the size of the model. However,
very recent work reported by Rao and Rao (30) indicates that the
damage rate could increase much faster than the size of the cavi-
tation model. For example, in aluminum they found that the exponent
of this rate of increase could be as high as 15. If that is true,
the prediction of the damage rate in a full-scale prototype could
not easily be made from measured observation (31-34) or from measure-
ments made in a small-scale model. This area requires further study.

There have been no concerted efforts to elucidate the secondary

parameters. It is conceivable that their effects are small and not
of major concern to the current project.

Historically, the cavitation break-off point has been considered of

paramount importance in pump specification. Recently it was realized
that operation without break-off does not by itself guarantee safety
from damage. Consequently, even though the prediction of the break-
off point is important as a lower limit of NPSH, it is not an
adequate value from the standpoint of reliability. It is imperative
that a better method be devised to assess the suitable operating
value. As a consequence of the lack of information on cavitation
damage, various factors have been suggested. For example, a
paper by Grist (35) suggests that a factor of 3 to 8 over and above
the 3% head drop-off NPSH must be allowed in normal practice. This
may be satisfactory in some instances but, as with all empirical
formulas, there is the likelihood of either an excess or a deficiency
of conservatism with the same type of numbers. However, there is
one advantage in using empirical factors. They are easy to apply
at both the specification and witness testing stages. Also, the
point at which the break-off occurs is easily measured in a test
setup. Data are available for many pumps in most manufacturing

1.3 Byron Jackson/EPRI/M.I.T. Literature Review

Following are short commentaries on papers referenced in this


Reference 6:

The authors recommend a method of cavitation-damage detection that

involves the combination of noise-band analysis and detection of
pressure fluctuations in discharge pressure. These fluctuations
would be a function of the compliance and/or compressibility of the
fluid and would, therefore, indicate the extent of cavitation
bubbles, whereas noise alone would merely indicate presence of
collapsing bubbles.

Some experimental data are quoted to substantiate this hypothesis.

Reference 36:

This work was carried out on a screw-type inducer alone. The

authors believed that the presence of the usual centrifugal impeller
downstream made coverage of the desired experimental conditions

What seems to be extremely good agreement between prediction and

experiment was obtained for the overall cavitation performance and
for velocity, angle, and energy profiles.

The inducer was of a two-bladed design, using an NACA profile,

with strongly swept back leading and trailing edges. The photograph
showed what looked like a very rough casting that had been varnished
or otherwise coated.

The analysis used an extension of Paul Cooper's modification of

John Stanitz's streamline-curvature method. An equilibrium model of
bubble formation was used, so that incompressible single-phase
flow was assumed in regions above the vapor pressure and a homo-
geneous, constant-density, compressible two-phase mixture below the
vapor pressure. All the secondary-flow and tip-clearance losses

were lumped into a secondary-flow loss coefficient proportional
(through a factor k) to the square of the lift coefficient (Stanitz
and Prian). The value of k that gave best agreement was found to
be 0.004, above Vavra's recommendation of 0.014-0.018. This seems
to be the only adjustable constant in the prediction method.

The agreement shown is better than one has seen for any other stream-
line-curvature predictions, even without cavitation.


1. Masanobu Yamamasu and Toshio Yokomizo. "Large Bubble Cavita-

tion in Radial Blade Impellers." Conf. on Fluid Mach., 5th
P r o c , Budapest, 1975, Vol. 2, pp. 1233-1244.

2. A. DeVries and P. Tijners. "Cavitation in Pumps." Polytech.

Tijdschr. Werktuidbouw, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1978, pp. 211-216.

3. F. G. Hammitt. Detailed Cavitating Flow Regimes for Centrifugal

Pumps and Heads Versus NPSH Curves. Publ. by ASME, New York,
NY, 1975.

4. P. J. McNulty and I. S. Pearsall, "Cavitation Inception in

Pumps." Symposium at ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New York, NY,
Dec. 2-7, 1979.

5. M. W. Deeprose, N. W. King, P. J. McNulty, and I. S. Pearsall,

"Cavitation Noise, Flow Noise and Erosion." Conf. on Cavitation,
Inst. Mech. Engrs, Heriot-Watt Univ., Sept 3-5, 1974.

6. G. Federici, E. Raiteri, and F. Siccardi. "Cavitation Detection

and Control in Pumps." Fifth Conf. on Fluid Machinery, Hungarian
Scientific Soc. of Mech. Engrs.; Budapest, Sept. 1520, 1975.

7. W. H. Fraser, I. J, Karassik, and A. R. Bush. "Study of Pump

Pulsation, Surge, and Vibration Throws Light on Reliability vs
Efficiency." Power, Vol. 121, No. 8, Aug. 1977, pp. 45-49.

Guy E. Habercom. "Cavitation Part 3. Corrosion and Erosion."
(A bibliography with abstracts). National Technical Information
Serv., Springfield, Virginia.

F. G. Hammitt, "Cavitation Erosion: The State of the Art and

Predicting Capability." Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Appl
Mech. Rev., Vol. 32, No. 6, June 1979, pp. 665-675.

T. O. Leith, J. R. McColl, and M. L. Ryall. "Advanced Class

Boiler Feed Pumps for 660-MW Generators." Weir Piomps Ltd, Cath-
cart, Glasgow. Boiler Feed Pump Convention, Paper 4, pp. 46-47.

I. S. Pearsall, "Cavitation." Civil Engineering Hydraulics

Abstracts, Mech. Eng., Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 79-84. July 1974.

F. B. Peterson. "Physics Associated With Cavitation-Induced

Material Damage." Office of Naval Res., Proceedings of 19th
Meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, March 12,

I. Taylor. "Pulsation and Cavitation-Erosion." 1976 Joint

Gas Turbine and Fluids Engng., New Orleans, March 1976.

J. Varga and G. Sebestyen. "Noise Measuring as a Complementary

and Checking Method for Pump Testing." Technical Univ.,
Budapest, Mech. Eng., Vol. 6, No. 2, 1972, pp. 165-176.

"Inert Gas Reduces Cavitation Damage." Oil Gas Journal,

Vol. 75, No. 44, Oct. 24, 1977, p. 147.

"Cavitation." Conf. Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, Sept. 3-5,

1974. Mech. Eng. Publ., Ltd., for Inst, of Mech. Eng. , London.
1976. 437 pp.

I. J. Karassik. "Are You Short on NPSH? Nine Ways to Improve

Unfavorable Suction Conditions (Net Positive Suction Head in
Centrifugal Pumps." Combustion, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 37-41, July

W. 0. Keefe. "Will Zig-Zag Flow Be the Straightest Way to Solve
Your Pump-Cavitation Problem?" Power, Vol. 124, No. 4, April
1980, pp. 70-71.

W. 0'Keefe. "New Ideas Help Feedpump Recirculation Valves Meet

Severest Pressure and Flow Needs." Power, Vol. 123, No. 3,
March 1979, pp. 72-76.

F. O. J. Otway. "Design Principles for Boiler Feed Pumps for

Central Electricity Generating Board, 660-Mw Units." Inst.
Mech. Eng., Proc. 1969-70, Vol. 184.

I. Z. Protic. "The Influence of the Shape of the Pump Suction

Eye Upon the Cavitational Characteristics at Full Cavitation."
London, U.K., Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1976, pp. 163-168,

O. Schiele, P. Hergt, and G. Mallenkopf. "Some Views of the

Different Cavitation Criteria of a Pvaap." Conf. on Cavitation,
Heriot-Watt Univ., Sept. 35, 1974,

W. 0. Shephard and R. L. Godin, "Some Boiler-Feed Equipment and

System Design Parameters, Effect on Pump Life." American Power
Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 1977.

E. Martensen. "Berechnung der Druckverteilung an Gitterprofilen

in ebener Potentialstroettumg mit einer Fredholmschen Inte-
gralgleichung." Archive for Rational Mech. a. Analysis, Vol. 3,
No. 3, 1959, pp. 235-270.

K. Jacob. Berechnung der inkompressible Potentialstroemung

fuer Einzel und Gitterprofile nach einer Variante des Martensen-
Verfahrens. Report 6 3R02, Aerodynam Versuchsanstalt,
Goettingen, 19 6 3.

K. Jacob. "Subroutine SLEQW (Program KWJ P02), Program Descrip-

tion. " California Inst, of Technology, Computing Center,
Pasadena, 1963.

A. Thiruvengadam. Intensity of Cavitation Damage Encountered In
Field Installations. Hydronautics, Inc. Laurel, Md., Feb. 1965.

A. Thiruvengadam. Handbook of Cavitation Erosion. Hydronautics,

Incoporated, Prepared for Office of Naval Research, Jan. 1974.
AD-787 073.

R. T. Knapp. "Recent Investigations of the Mechanics of Cavita-

tion and Cavitation Damage." Trans. ASME, Vol. 77, No. 7, pp.
1045-54, Oct. 1955.

P. V. Rao and B. C. S. Rao. "Some Erosion Studies and Scale

Effects With Rotating Disk Device." ASME Fluid Engineering
Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 1981.

F. G. Hammitt and N. R. Bhatt. Cavitation Damage at Elevated

Temperature and Pressure. Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor.

Noboru Kitamura and Naokazu Kubota. "Cavitation Performance of

Tandem Impeller at Partial Capacities." Joint Symposium on
Design and Operation of Fluid Mach., Colo. State Univ., Fort
Collins, June 12-14, 1978.

T. Okamura and H. Miyashiro. "Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps

Operating at Low Capacities." Winter Annual Meeting of ASME,
San Francisco, Dec. 10-15, 1978.

G. Sebestyen, M. Risk, and A. Szabo. "Some Properties From

Cavitation-Vibration Tests on Centrifugal Pumps." Symp. on
Design and Operation of Fluid Mach., Colo. State Univ., Fort
Collins, June 12-14, 1978.

E. Grist. "Net Positive Suction Head Requirments for Avoidance

of Unacceptable Cavitation Erosion in Centrifugal Pumps." Conf.
on Cavitation, Edinburgh, U.K., Sept 3-5, 1974.

H. C. Simpson and W. M. Deeprose. "Cavitating Flow Through

a Pump Inducer." Paper C57/73, Conference on Heat and Fluid

Flow in Steam- and Gas-Turbine Plants. Inst. Mech. Engrs.,
London, at Univ. of Warwick, April 1973.


In addition to those enummerated in the reference list, the following

papers were reviewed.

Siccardi, Franco. "Cavitation Control in Pumps." Univ. of Genoa,

Italy, Energ. Elettr., Vol. 53, No., 4, April 1976, pp. 190-199.

Spring, Hans, "Design Parameters for Cavitation Performance of

Centrifual Pumps." Cavitation and Polyphase Flow Forum, Proc. Jt.
Meet, of Fluids Eng. Div. and Lubr. Div. of ASME, Minneapolis, Minn.,
May 5-7, 1975, p. 17-19.

Takamatsu, Y, K. Ookuma, and R. Nakamura. "Improvement of Suction

Performance of Centrifugal Pump Impellers." JSME, Vol. 23, No. 177,
March 1980, pp. 361-367.



The reduced performance of pumps caused by inducing gas or vapor

along with liquid in the pump suction appears to be best correlated
by a head-loss function at inlet, which varies with the pump flow

1.1 Definition

A pump can be considered to be operating in two-phase flow when

the percentage of vapor or gas in the inlet flow stream (this is
a "flow" void fraction, to distinguish it from an "area" void
fraction) is between 5 and 95 percent. All known work correlating
two-phase flow in pumps has been for conditions in which the
pressure rise through the pump is small relative to the inlet
pressure. In these conditions the change in the void fraction
from inlet to outlet has been small.

1.2 The Problem

Up to the present time the problem has been to correlate, and hence
to predict, the head rise that a specified pump will produce when
operating at a given flow coefficient with a given inlet flow
stream of liquid and vapor (or gas). This implies operation in the
first quadrant. For pressurized-water nuclear-reactor systems, the
head or pressure loss experienced in the second and third quadrants
(reversed flow, forward rotation, and reversed flow, reversed
rotation) is also required.

Although the forces and torques on the pump rotor and the overall
system during operation on two-phase flow are also of considerable
interest, these do not appear to have been the subject of research
in the true sense.

1. 3 Past Work

The first quantitative study of two-phase flow in centrifugal

pumps fulfilling the above definition seems to have been carried
out by Murakami et al. in Japan for only a small range of void
fractions (well below 10 percent). Later, air-water and steam-
water experiments were carried out in the semiscale rig at Idaho
Falls and in the one-third scale tests by Babcock & Wilcox.
Smaller-scale rigs were later run at Creare, Inc., and at M.I.T.

In almost all cases, correlations were produced to cover the two-

phase test points observed. However, these correlations did not
generally cover additional test points. EPRI gave a contract to
M.I.T. to develop an improved correlation of two-phase flow in

The M.I.T. approach is based on the Euler equation applied to two

parallel streams (which, for homogeneous two-phase flow, become one
stream of mean density). The model shows that head losses should
be a function only of flow coefficient and void fraction for any
one pump. This was, in fact, Murakami's finding. Experiments with
four piamp rigs, in air-water and Freon-Freon vapor, confirmed this
result for a much wider set of conditions than was studied by
Murakami and for all four quadrants of operation. Some recent work
has prograiraned both head loss and torque for Los Alamos Scientific

EPRI also contracted with Combustion Engineering to run water-

steam experiments in steady-state and transient flows in three
quadrants of operation, including rotor-torque measurements. The
large quantity of data from these experiments has only recently
become available, and it is not believed that they have been
fully correlated as yet. See Figure M-1.

1. 4 Byron Jackson/EPRI/M.I.T. Literature Review

Following are short commentaries on papers examined for the literature

review. See reference list.

Theoretical line

= void fraction (flow rate)
^Single-phase characteristic

'*Two-phase points

FIGURE M-1. Two-Phase Flow Head Loss Function

Reference 1:

This paper is a report of experiments the results of which are

presented directly, without much attempt at correlations to other
results. Dimensionless groups are not used. To be useful,
therefore, results would have to be replotted.

The second reference listed by the paper is to a work by Lyapkov

(apparently Russian) on air-water flow in centrifugal pumps, but
it appears from the title to be purely an observational study.

Reference 2%

This is a discussion of how losses in couplings, drives, and test

pumps are calculated (in acceptance tests).

Reference 3:

This paper reports tests of a model pump with a swivelling tongue

on the spiral diffuser. The tongue could be set at different
angles. It could also be removed and other tongues substituted.

In the first series of tests the highest efficiency was obtained

with the tongue moved close to the impeller. When shorter tongues
were substituted, the highest and broadest efficiencies were
obtained with the shortest tongues, meaning that they were far
from the impeller.

Torques on the tongue axis were measured. The author found that
maximum efficiency occurred at zero torque. He therefore pro-
posed an automatic control system for pumps in which the position
of the tongues could be varied with operating point.

Three references were quoted, all Polish work. The reviewer assumes
that many similar test programs have been carried out previously.
It is assumed that the relationship between the net thrust on the
tongue and the efficiency would depend critically on where the
tongue axis was located.

Reference 4;

This paper, as written, is not of much value to designers. It is

essentially a set of results, with comments, on tests of two
pumps that were run with water with air added; in one case the
pump was run with oil with air added. Unfortunately, the results
are given in that form, making comparisons with other results
difficult. No nondimensional plots or attempts at correlations
are made.

Reference 5:

This paper mainly concerns the thermodynamics and fluid mechanics

of two-phase flow in axial and centrifugal pumps and their inlet
pipes. Some pump performance data are given, and there are some
small cross sections of the pumps that were tested.

In general, these pumps were developed for conditions of very low net
positive suction pressure and were fitted with large, separate screw-
type inducers, usually running at a lower speed than the main pump.

The principal design information can be taken from the "conclusions"


"The basic limit to pumping two-phase hydrogen occurs when the com-
bined effects of high-flow-coefficient operation and blade blockage
cause the flow area within the inducer blade passage to be less than
the inlet flow area. When this occurs, both two-phase and pure
saturated liquid flows will choke. At design liquid flow coefficient,
allowable pump inlet vapor-volume fractions of 10% have been obtained
experimentally. By designing at the maximum leading-edge incidence
angle that will permit two-phase pumping, this value can be doubled
and, by also using a low-speed preinducer, this value can be
increased nearly three times."

Reference 6:

This article is not very useful for design, because it concerns the
test of a pump designed elsewhere. However, the tests showed that

the pump operated satisfactorily with zero net positive suction
pressure, had good transient response, and seemed to have a wide
range of stable operation. This conclusion is drawn solely from the
plotted test results; nothing was written about flow oscillations or

The pump consists of a centrifugal pump and a normal axial-flow

inducer as one unit (which had already been tested and showed poor
cavitation performance), and a low-speed, large, screw-type inducer
ahead of the integral inducer, driven at a slower speed through a
coaxial shaft. There is almost nothing about the pump design given
in the paper, and the five references also do not refer to the design

Reference 7:

This pump has a separate screw-type inducer and, therefore, may not
be of interest for boiler-feed pumps. The principal finding seemed
to be that the angle of attack of the inducers "decisively determines
the cavitation performance." The authors carried out two main
experiments. The inducer in the second pump was designed from the
results of the preliminary experiment and gave good suction
performance. Low-flow oscillations were experienced, and radial and
axial thrusts were measured.

Reference 8:

This is a useful study of two-phase (air-water) flow in three

centrifugal pumps, similar except for the number of blades (3, 5, 7).
The authors quote an earlier study (1971, not yet seen by this
reviewer) in which the performance curves are characterized by
volumetric void-fraction flow rate and flow coefficient alone, and
are not affected by pump speeds, suction height, or air-admitting
conditions. (We at M.I.T. found this to be so much later, on an
EPRI study, having been unaware of this previous work.) These
authors also proposed a correlation-prediction formula in 1974,
again not yet seen by us, but apparently giving good results for
flow-rate void fractions less than 0.06.

It was found that the impeller with three blades showed an increase
in head when a small quantity of air was admitted (void fraction less
than 0.03). This increase has been frequently observed in a small
proportion of other pumps. The quoted supposition has been that the
bubbles fill up a pressure minimiim and reduce losses. The present
authors seem to be stating (our copy was indistinct, and the authors*
acquired English is not unaitibiguous) that the bubbles accumulate at a
pressure minimum and in so doing change the effective blade angle of
the impeller. The water is thereby given a larger tangential velo-
city, which is responsible for the increased head.

The range of experimental conditions examined was much narrower, and

in only the first quadrant, than we had considered at M.I.T, but the
corroboration of at least some of the findings adds to the
credibility of both sets of experiments.

Reference 9:

This paper is too preliminary to be useful in design. It is a review

of the problem of circulating pumps in pressurized-water-reactor
systems in loss-of-coolant accidents and a discussion of approaches
to predicting the performance. Despite the promise of the title and
siommary, only the single-phase performance is given, and that is not
in a particularly useful form.

These authors, like this reviewer, apparently had not heard

of Murakami's work, which would have given them a head start. (And
us, too.)


1. B. Neumann and R. Lualdi. "Pumping of Highly Aerated Liquid."

Paper No. 3.2, Fluid Mechanics Silver Jubilee Conference, Nov.
1979, National Engineering Lab, East Kilbride, Glasgow, U.K.

2. F. Milanese. "Operating Features Determination of Boiler-Feed

Pumps for Large Steam Power Plants." Proceedings of the Sixth
Conference of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 2. Budapest, 1979.

W. Lipski. "The Influence of Shape and Location of the Tongue of
Spiral Casing on the Performance of Single-stage Radial Pumps."
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Fluid Machinery,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1979.

H. Merry. "Effects of Two-Phase Liquid/Gas Flow on the Perform-

ance of Centrifugal Pumps." Paper C130/76, I. Mech. E. Confer-
ence, "Pumps and Compressors for Offshore Oil and Gas," at the
University of Aberdeen, June-July 19 76.

W. R. Bissell, G. S. Wong, and T. W. Winstead. "Analysis of

Two-Phase Flow in LH2 Pumps for O2/H2 Rocket Engines." Jl. Space-
craft & Rockets, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1970, pp. 707-713.

E. K. Bair and W. E. Campbell. "Evaluation of a Twin-Spool

Hydrogen Turbopump at Zero NPSP." Jl. Spacecraft & Rockets,
Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1970, pp. 49-53.

K. Kamijo et al. "Experimental Investigation of Small, High-

Speed, High-Head Liquid-Oxygen Pumps." Technical Report TR-415,
National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan. (In Japanese, with
English summary and with all figures in English). 19 75.

M. Murakami and K. Minemura. "Flow of Air Bubbles in Centrifugal

Impellers and Its Effect on the Pump Performance." 6th Austral-
asian Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide,
Australia, December 1977.

P. Grison and J. F. Lauro, "Two-Phase Performance

Characteristics of a PWR Primary Pump Under Local Conditions."
Paper C203/77, Inst. Mech. Engrs. Conf. on Heat and Fluid Flow
in Water-Reactor Safety. 1977.



In Appendix J, the hydraulics, or hydrodynamics, of the pump working

fluid were reviewed. By long-established custom, it has been
sufficient in such studies to predict and/or measure the velocity and
pressure distributions in the various pump elements and ultimately, to
correlate the efficiency of the energy conversion process that takes
place in a pump with those distributions.

In more recent times, however, with the great increase in power-to-

weight ratio of all forms of turbomachinery, it has become necessary
to evaluate the consequences of two additional fundamental conditions
of the flow of the working fluid. First, the forces arising from the
pressure distributions imposed upon both the rotor and the stator
structure must be predicted and/or measured; and second, the energy
conversion process mentioned above must be assessed. It is now well
established that the energy conversion process is a function of time-
varying or unsteady pressure fluctuations. Thus, we may expect the
resultant forces to be unsteady as well, and to serve as excitation
for the forced vibration of a turbomachine's structure.

In this section, forces imposed on a pump impeller, arising both from

flow within the impeller and from interaction with flow outside the
impeller in a volute or diffuser, will be reviewed. At first, the
time mean conditions of radial thrust and axial thrust will be
considered. Then in the area of unsteady flow, the concept of
rotating damping, forces due to perturbations of the impeller channel
flow, and the impeller/volute or impeller/diffuser interaction will
be considered.

1.1 Steady Radial Thrust

In what is both a typical and classical reference, Stepanoff

(1), pp. 116-123, correlates the steady, radial thrust force with the
capacity or volume flow rate of the pump in the following way:

F, = f [1- (Q/Q^)]'

Since Q is the normal or design point flow rate, zero radial thrust
is predicted as design capacity and a maximum thrust at shutoff.
Force increases rapidly at capacities larger than design, as well.
The correlation yields the magnitude but not the direction of the
radial thrust. In a discussion of reference (5^) , Stepanoff admits
this correlation was suggested in a California Institute of Technology
report (circa 1935).

In 1957, Bowerman and Acosta {.2) report extensive experimental

measurements of the volute flow and, in discussing the off-design
conditions, identify the lack of symmetry of the flow about the
impeller. At that time, they stated that no method for off-
design prediction was available and, hence, calculation of radial
thrust based on integration of the predicted pressure distribution
was precluded. In reporting results of experimental measurements,
Agostinelli et al. in 1960 (3) correlated both magnitude and
direction of radial thrust with both capacity and specific speed
of the pump. In 1960, Iverson et al. (4_) measured, on the one
hand, volute pressure distributions and integrated them to obtain
both magnitude and direction of the radial thrust, and on the other,
made direct force measurements, and good agreement was obtained.
Finally Biheller in 1965 (5) generalized a semiempirical equation
for radial force and direction to cover a broad range of volute

Potential flow theory was used by Domm and Hergt in 1970 (6^) to
derive a theoretical prediction of radial force magnitude and
direction. In this apparently first analytical approach, the
effect of an eccentric location of the impeller with respect to
the volute was included. Measurements confirmed the trends. In
1970, Hergt and Krieger (2) made additional experimental measure-
ments, using a vaned diffuser, and observed a radial force that
increased with impeller eccentricity. A t very low flow, what was
taken to be rotating stall of the diffuser blades resulted in a

rotating radial force on the impeller and nonsynchronous vibration
of the pump shaft. The significance of the components of the
rotating force was not yet recognized, A further exposition of
these measurements was made in reference (8).

Continuing to recognize additional consequences of the impeller/

volute flow, Grein et al. in 1975 (_9) describe the nonuniform
volute pressure distribution that occurs at partial discharge.
Individual impeller passages discharge into differing pressure
zones, creating fluctuating impulses on the rotor and inducing
flow fluctuations in the rotor passages. Neither theoretical nor
experimental demonstration of the unsteady flow is given, but
nine references are reviewed in support of Stepanoffs correlation.
A plan of an experimental facility is presented, comprising the
measurement of six components of dynamic force and moment, includ-
ing phase correlation. In the experimental work of Schwarz and
Wesche, published in 1978 (10), influence of the impeller diam-
eter on radial thrust was measured. Up to an optimum diameter,
radial thrust remains constant, and at larger impeller diameters
in the same volute the radial thrust increases rapidly. A fluctu-
ating component of the thrust is reported for the first time be-
cause of proximity to the tongue. Finally Okamura, in 198 0
(11), investigates the impeller/volute reaction in a single-vane
pump. It was found that the radial force vector rotates synchro-
nously, indicating that the primary contribution is from the
impeller flow, not the asymmetric volute flow. Investigation of
the radial thrust and impeller/volute interaction with few impel-
ler blades has not otherwise been carried out.

1.2 Steady Axial Thrust

Once again Stepanoff (1), pp. 204-224, outlines an empirical,

pragmatic method of predicting steady axial thrust in a variety
of configurations of pumps. For a centrifugal pump stage in
which both a hub and a shroud surface enclose the flow passages
in the impeller, the axial thrust is the net effect of (1) the
difference in pressure from front to back of the hub surface
taken over the impeller inlet area, (2) the change of momentum in
making the turn from axial to radial in the impeller, and (3) the

pressure distribution in the spaces between the impeller outside
surfaces and the stationary casing walls. More modern work has
simply served to provide more realistic and complex analysis and
measurements of these influences.

In the case of multistage pumps, the additional effect of steps in

the shaft diameter will contribute to the axial thrust.

Most subsequent work, like that of Gyulai (12_) , is concerned with the
influence of the clearance-space flows on the pressure distribution
over the impeller outside surfaces. Using both numerical predictions
and experimental measurements, he documents the effect of (1) the
impeller throughflow on the clearance pressure distribution when there
is zero radial flow in the clearance space, (2) misalignment of the
impeller with respect to the volute, as well as (3) axial spacing of
fixed wall to moving impeller surface, (4) radial throughflow in the
clearance spaces, and (5) pump-out vanes as a technique for equalizing
pressure distributions on hub and shroud surfaces. Grabow (13)
provides an investigation of design parameters for the pump-out vanes.

Substantial fluid-mechanical investigations of clearance-space flows

were initiated by Daily and Nece (14). Their basic and definitive
work identified the clearance flows as a function of combinations of
a Reynolds number and the space/disk radius ratio for the system.
For centrifugal pump applications this usually indicated a combined
boundary layer on rotor and stator that was less than the clearance
spacing, thus including a core flow between the two, Senoo and
Hayami (15) introduced a four-layer model as a generalization of the
Daily-Nece three-layer model. The wall boundary layer remains, but
the core flow is divided into two regions to accommodate correct
angular momentum exchange, which results in a small radial component
of the clearance-space flow. As a result of calculations by the
momentum integral technique, the ratio of core/disk angular velocity
and radial pressure distribution as a function of net throughflow in
the clearance space was found.

Approaching practical design needs, lino, Sato, and Miyashiro (16)

experimentally investigated the effects of the impeller axial dis-
placement and wear ring clearance, which induced clearance space

throughflow, in two similar pumps. Two important effects were
observed. Wear ring clearance yielded an outward flow in the back
space and an inward flow in the front space that produced greatly
different pressure distributions on the impeller surfaces, as is
suggested in Senoo and Hayami's work. Further, such effects were
quite sensitive to axial displacement.

1.3 Concept of Rotating Damping

As an introduction to the effect of unsteady flow in creating impeller

forces, we consider the concept of rotating damping. The rotor/
bearing/pedestal mechanical subsystem, including the hydrodynamic
bearing film, is generally positively damped. including the working
fluid to comprise the total system will either further increase or
decrease the system damping. If overall damping capacity exceeds
excitation, energy will flow out of the system and stability of the
rotor will follow. If excitation exceeds the capacity of the system
to dissipate the energy, the net influx or accumulation of energy will
rapidly produce instability. The concepts of positive and negative
excitation and damping were further described by Thompson (1/7) ,
together with some eleven or so vibration-exciting mechanisms that
are induced by the flow of the working fluid in turbomachine stages.
Perhaps four of the identified mechanisms are pertinent to
centrifugal pumps.

In a comprehensive review (18), Greitzer states that " . . . several

basic concepts, such as the idea of negative damping which is as-
sociated with dynamic instability, will be seen to be common to the
different (pumping) systems. . . . In general, it is suggested that
efforts should be directed toward obtaining an improved under-
standing of the transient behavior of the active (instability
causing) elements within the system, since it is lack of knowledge
of this aspect that currently limits the accuracy of system
stability predictions."

Two classical works that have escaped the attention of workers in

this field clearly identify the role of rotary damping in the fluid/
structure system and the consequences of the force such damping
creates. In the earlier reference. Smith (19) defined stationary

damping as that effect which occurs in the bearing supports and
rotating damping as that occurring in rotating elements of the
shaft. At the time of his writing Smith was aware of the work of
Newkirk and Kimball, which identified internal friction, or
hysteresis, as an example of rotating damping. Smith's linear
analysis of a symmetrical rotor/bearing system that included both
forms of damping led him to realize that rotating damping in a
shaft spinning at a frequency above the undamped natural frequency of
the system would "urge on" the motion of the free natural vibration,
tending to increase its amplitude without limit. Smith's equations
of motion of the shaft included a contribution to the resulting
force from the velocity of the vibratory motion and were cross-
coupled in the displacement terms.

In the later reference (20), Kapitsa investigated the effect on

stability of the rotor of friction of the surrounding medium. He
wrote that if the rotor is displaced, there arises a force perpen-
dicular tO' the displacement and a moment about the center of the
casing that has the same direction as the rotation of the rotor.
While making no reference to Smith's work, Kapitsa thus introduces
the conception of "urging on" the rotor motion, leading to in-
stability. He calculates the specific example of friction between
the rotor and the fluid contained in the casing in which the
rotor is immersed. Components of the resulting force are propor-
tional to rotor displacement and are cross-coupled, i.e., the y-
component of the force arises from the x-component of the dis-
placement. He does not find any influence of the velocity of the
rotor motion in this example. More recent examples of such annu-
lar fluid friction effects are to be found in cylindrical journal
bearings and labyrinth seals.

Covering the mostly analytical developments in the intervening years

and building a comprehensive physical model which will demonstrate
Smith's conception, Crandall (21) provides an explanation and for-
mulation of the destabilizing mechanism and the stability limit.
Both Smith and Crandall leave out the specific nature of rotating
damping as well as other excitation mechanisms in their expositions
of the phenomena. On the other hand, Vance and Laudadio (22)
identify, reference, and/or describe a large number of excitation

mechanisms pertinent to radial, centrifugal turbomachines.

1.4 Unsteady Impeller Channel Flow

As distinct from steady radial and axial thrust, which has already
been considered, the derivation of unsteady impeller forces from
unsteady channel flow will be considered in this section. As des-
cribed by Smith, Kapitsa, and Crandall, rotating damping, when com-
bined with the velocity of the vibratory motion, is capable of
enhancing or exciting the vibratory shaft motion. Since the velocity
of the vibratory motion may increase and decrease as the shaft orbit
is traversed, so the resulting exciting force may fluctuate or be
unsteady as well. Crandall discusses the frequency dependence of
the rotating damping.

Four investigations of various aspects of unsteady impeller forces

are known to the writer. In work undertaken beginning in 19 71 (2^),
Thompson conceived that velocity and pressure fluctuations were
induced in the channel flow by the velocity of the shaft orbital
motion traced by the impeller. This yielded a fluctuating force on
each impeller blade. Simimation of the force was then made over all
blades and resolved into components along, perpendicular, and
parallel to the rotor displacement, respectively. Hence, when the
orbital velocity is in the direction of shaft rotation (forward
whirl), the resulting force plays exactly the same role as rotating
damping does in enhancing the amplitude of vibration and acting as
a destabilizing influence. A quasi-steady approximation was adopted
to expediently calculate the velocity and pressure distributions,
and numerous impeller flows were analyzed and compared with
operating experiences to yield a threshold of negative damping below
which instability would follow. Detailed results of an actual
investigation were reported.

In a second investigation, the unsteady impeller flow is analyzed by

Shoji and Ohashi (24) and measured by Ohashi, Shoji et al. (25).
The impeller is considered to be surrounded by an unbounded
vaneless diffuser. Using unsteady potential flow theory, the
authors showed that a positive damping force opposed the whirling
velocity of the shaft center for ranges of all parameters investi-

gated. Thus the impeller forces were predicted to have a
stabilizing influence. The impeller force was found to be a function
of the blade tip angle, the ratio of the whirl angular velocity to
rotational angular velocity, and the blade loading, and to be
independent of the number of blades. In the experimental work it
was observed that the impeller force varied with both shaft dis-
placement and orbital velocity and that tangential fluid forces
damped the whirl motion in most cases. However, at low flow rate
and low whirl speed ratio, negative damping did occur. The ranges
of parameters studied in the numerical work were not compared with
actual radial impeller operating conditions, so that no judgment
on their realism can be made.

In an investigation presently under way at the California Institute

of Technology, a very pragmatic approach to experimentally
measuring the stiffness and damping coefficients associated with the
unsteady impeller flow is being followed. The plan of the apparatus
was described by Brennen, Acosta, and Caughey (26^) together with the
desired results.

A fourth study has been under way in the Thermal Turbomachinery

Department of Sulzer Bros., Ltd. Initially, Aicher, Jenny, and
Rodnner (_27) reviewed their concept of rotor system stability. It
states that 1) a self-exciting mechanism converts rotary energy into
translatory energy; 2) a natural frequency of the system is excited
by such a mechanism; 3) most self-exciting mechanisms are orthogonal
to and linear in the rotor displacement; 4) if the orthogonal
component is in the direction of the orbital shaft motion, the
influence is destabilizing, if opposite to shaft motion, stabi-
lizing; and 5) several effects can contribute to the "net"
orthogonal component of impeller force. Subsequently, Jenny and
Wyssmann (2_8) developed quantitative evaluations of the effect of
aerodynamic whirl excitation and self-excitation due to labyrinth
seals, and concluded the latter were the greater influence in the
machinery subject to their investigation. Jenny (2_9) has now pre-
sented their quantitative results for the influence of labyrinth

Several comments can be made. In the compressors evaluated by
Thompson (2 3) floating ring seals far outnuitibered labyrinth seals,
and still the fluid dynamic excitation of the unsteady impeller
flow led to unstable rotor motion. Colding-Jorgensen (30) uses a
potential flow method to predict the impeller force as well as
stiffness and damping coefficients. Finally, in a method that avoids
the limitations of unsteady potential flow analysis, Daiguji and
Shirahata (31) and Daiguji and Sakai (32) use a finite element method
to compute the inviscid rotational unsteady flow through a cascade
in which periodic and nonperiodic variations in the flow rate result
in the time-variation of the lift and drag. This approach opens a
more realistic possibility for the analytical estimation of unsteady
impeller forces.

1.5 Impeller Channel/Volute Interaction

Unsteady flow discharged from an impeller will induce unsteady flow

in the volute. Unsteady volute flow is a time-varying boundary
condition on the impeller channel flow, which may or may not be
affected in such a way as to increase its unsteadiness.

This subject is at the beginning of its development and established

results have not yet been obtained. The work of Black (J3),
Corniglion and Albano (^) , Imaichi, et al. (^) , and lino (3_6) can
be cited.


1. A. , J. Stepanoff. Centrifugal and Axial Flow Ptimps. John Wiley

and Sons, Inc., 2nd ed. , 1957.

2. R. D. Bowerman and A. J. Acosta. "Effect of the Volute

on Performance of a Centrifugal Pximp Impeller. " ASME Trans-
actions, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 1057-1069. July 1957.

3. A. Agostinelli, D. Nobles, and C. R. Mockridge. "An Experi-

mental Investigation of Radial Thrust in Centrifugal P;mips."
Journal of Engineering for Power, ASME Trans., Vol. 82, No. 2,
pp. 120-126. April 1960.

H. W. Iverson, R. E. Rolling, and J. J. Carlson. "Volute
Pressure Distribution, Radial Force on the Impeller, and Volute
Mixing Losses of a Radial Flow Centrifugal Pump." Journal of
Engineering for Power, ASME Trans., Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 136-144.
April 1960.

H. J. Biheller. "Radial Force on the Impeller of Centrifugal

Pumps with Volute, Semivolute, and Fully Concentric Casings."
Journal of Engineering for Power, ASME Trans., Vol. 87, No. 3,
pp. 319-323. July 1965.

U. Domm and P. Hergt. "Radial Forces on Impeller of Volute

Casing Pump." Flow Research in Blading, Elsevier Pub. Co., 1970,
pp. 305-321.

P. Hergt and P. Krieger. "Radial Forces in Centrifugal Pumps

with Guide Vanes." Proceedings, Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Vol. 184, Pt. 3N, pp. 101-107, 1969-70.

P. Hergt and P, Krieger. "Radial Forces and Moments Acting on

the Impeller of Volute Casing Pumps." Proceedings, 4th Confer-
ence on Fluid Machinery. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1972,
pp. 599-619.

H. Grein and P. Bachmann (Pt. 1 ) , B. Barp, H. Annen, and

F. Schweizer, "Radial Forces on Hydraulic Turbomachines;
1. 'Cause, Magnitude and Effect of Radial Forces; 2. Radial and
Axial Force Measurements on Hydraulic Test Stands." Sulzer Tech-
nical Review, Vol, 7, No. 1, pp. 37-48, 1975.

D, Schwarz and W. Wesche. "Radial Thrust on Double-Entry,

Single-stage Centrifugal Pumps." Sulzer Technical Review,
Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 63-68, 1978.

T. Okamura. "Radial Thrust in Centrifugal Pumps with a Single-

Vane Impeller." Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 23, No. 180,
pp. 895-901, June 1980.

F. Gyulai, V. Anton, and M. Popoviciu. "Researches Regarding
Axial Hydraulic Thrust in Centrifugal Pvimps. " Proceedings 5th
Conference on Fluid Machinery, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1975,
Vol. 1, pp. 379-387.

G. Grabow. "Axial Force Calculations for Centrifugal Pumps With

Semiopen Back Blades." Proceedings, 6th Conference on Fluid
Machinery, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1979, Vol. 1, pp. 445-454.

J. W. Daily and R, E. Nece. "Chamber Dimension Effects on

Induced Flow and Frictional Resistance of Enclosed Rotating
Disks." Journal of Basic Engineering, ASME Trans,, Vol, 82,
No. 1, March 1960, pp. 217-232.

Y. Senoo and H. Hayami. "An Analysis on the Flow in a Casing In-

duced by a Rotating Disk Using a Pour-Layer Flow Model." Journal
of Fluids Engineering, ASME Trans., Vol. 98, No. 2, June 1976,
pp. 192-198.

T. lino, H. Sato, and H. Miyashiro. "Hydraulic Axial Thrust in

Multistage Centrifugal Pumps." Journal of Fluids Engineering,
ASME Trans,, Vol. 102, No, 1, March 1980, pp, 64-69.

W. E. Thompson. "Vibration Exciting Mechanisms Induced by Flow

in Turbomachine Stages." Rotordynamic Instability Problems in
High-Performance Turbomachinery, NASA Conference Publication
2133, May 1980, pp. 285-302.

E. M. Greitzer. "The Stability of Pumping Systems." Journal of

Fluids Engineering , ASME Trans., Vol. 103, No. 2, June 1981,
pp. 193-242.

D. M. Smith. "The Motion of a Rotor Carried by a Flexible Shaft

in Flexible Bearings." Proceedings of the Royal Society,
London, Vol. A142, 1933, pp. 92-118.

P. L. Kapitsa. "Stability and the Critical Speed Region for

Rapidly Rotating Rotors With Friction." Zhur. Tekh, Fiz. AN
USSR, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1939, pp. 124-147. (English translation:

C. E. Trans, 4179, British Lending Library).

S. H. Crandall. "Physical Explanations of the Destabilizing

Effect of Damping in Rotating Parts." Rotordynamic Instability
Problems in High-Performance Turbomachinery, NASA Conference
Publication 2133, May 1980, pp. 369-382.

J. M. Vance and F. J. Laudadio. "Rotordynamic Instability in

Centrifugal Compressors—Are All the Excitations Understood?"
Journal of Engineering for Power, ASME Trans., Vol. 10 3, No. 2,
April 1981, pp. 288-293.

W. E. Thompson. "Fluid Dynamic Excitation of Centrifugal

Compressor Rotor Vibrations." Journal of Fluids Engineering,
ASME Trans., Vol. 100, No. 1, March 1978, pp. 73-78.

H. Shoji and H. Ohashi. "Fluid Forces on Rotating Centrifugal

Impeller With Whirling Motion." Rotordynamic Instability
Problems in High-Performance Turbomachinery, NASA Conference
Publication 2133, May 1980, pp. 317-328.

H. Ohashi, H. Shoji, S. Yanagisawa, and K. Tomita. "Experi-

mental of Fluid Fotces on Whirling Centrifugal Impeller in
Vaneless Diffuser." Fluid/Structure Interactions in Turbo-
machinery, ASME, November 1981.

C. E. Brennen, A. J. Acosta, and T, K. Caughey. "A Test Program

to Measure Fluid Mechanical Whirl-Excitation Forces in Centri-
fugal Pumps." Rotordynamic Instability Problems in High-
Performance Turbomachinery, NASA Conference Publication 2133,
May 1980, pp. 229-235.

W. Aicher, R. Jenny, and H. Rodnner. "Investigations of Turbo-

compressors: Rotor Vibration, Blade Vibration, Tests With
Heavy Gases." Sulzer Technical Review, Res. No. 1978, pp. 11-18,

R. Jenny and H. R. Wyssman. "Lateral Vibration Reduction in

High-Pressure Centrifugal Compressors." Proceedings, 9th Turbo-
machinery Symposium, Texas A&M University, 1980, pp. 45-56,

R. Jenny. "Labyrinths as a Cause of Self-Excited Rotor Oscilla-
tions in Centrifugal Compressors." Sulzer Technical Review,
No. 4, 1980, pp. 149-156.

J. Colding-Jorgensen. "The Effect of Fluid Forces on Rotor Sta-

bility of Centrifugal Compressors and Pxomps." Rotordynamic In-
stability Problems in High-Preformance Turbomachinery, NASA
Conference Publication 2133, May 1980, pp. 249-265.

H. Daiguji and H. Shirahata, "A Finite Element Solution of

Cascade Flow in a Large-Distorted Periodic Flow." Bulletin of
the JSME, Vol. 21, No. 155, May 1978, pp. 824-831,

H. Daiguji and H. Sakai. "Finite Element Analysis of Cascade

Flow With Varying Flow Rate." Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 21,
No. 156, June 1978, pp. 986-991.

J. Corniglion and G. Albano. "Theoretical and Experimental

Study of Flow Through Centrifugal Pumps." Joint Symposium on
Design and Operation of Fluid Machinery, Colorado State Univ.,
Vol. 2, pp. 67-79.

K. Imaichi, Y. Tsujimoto, and Y. Yoshida. "A Two-Dimensional

Analysis of the Interaction Effects of Radial Impeller in Volute
Casing." Proceedings, 10th Symposium, lAHR Section for Hydraulic
Machinery, Equipment, Cavitation, Tokyo, 1980, pp. 635-647.

T. lino. "Potential Interaction Between a Centrifugal Impeller

and a Vaned Diffuser." Fluid/Structure Interactions in Turbo-
machinery, ASME, November 1981.



Flow instability in a pump system is created by the interaction of

an unstable pump head-capacity curve with a system with unstable
characteristics. Power plant feedwater systems have the requisite
unstable characteristics, and a stable pump head-capacity curve is
necessary for successful operation of the system. Pump designers
have empirical methods that produce the needed pump characteristics,
but basic knowledge of this subject is incomplete.

1.1 System Instability

Stepanoff [1957 (1) pp. 293-298] broadly summarizes classical

knowledge of pump flow instability, dealing with surge on the one
hand and stage geometry on the other.

If shut-off head is less than maximum head and head-capcity

fluctuations (swings) occur under certain operating conditions, then
part of the head-capacity characteristic is unstable. Head-capacity
swings are followed by fluctuations in power and speed.

Three operating conditions enable the swings or fluctuationss (1)

the mass of fluid in the pump and adjacent piping and vessels must
be free to oscillate; (2) the system must include a region, either
fluid or structure, that will exchange energy with the working
fluid; and (3) external excitation is needed to start the swings
(surge). Thus, surge is a system phenomenon.

1.2 The Effect of Pump Design Parameters

Regarding stage geometry, a rising head-capacity characteristic,

or lack of one, is dependent on the number of impeller blades as

well as the blade geometry designated by the inlet blade angle, the
discharge blade angle, and the schedule of change of blade angle
between inlet and discharge.

Stable head-capacity curves are more likely to characterize pumps of

larger head and smaller capacity, that is, lower specific speed,
while higher specific speeds are accompanied by drooping head-
capacity curves for flow less than about 70% of design flow. In one
of several typical efforts to stabilize high specific speed pumps,
Myles [1966 (2^) ] devised a schedule of impeller passage change that
delays the droop but at a considerable cost in efficiency.

Makay [1967 (3)] qualitatively categorized sources of flow

instability in two groups: flow mechanisms or phenomena and pump
stage geometry. The author does not give analysis or experimental
correlations of any of the items in his list.

1.3 Theory

The linear relation between flow or capacity, Q, and the theoretical

Euler head H , ^, which has a negative slope when backward-curved
blades are used (0<g2<90°, 3 measured with respect to the tangential
direction) , is demonstrated at the outset by Yididiah [1972 (4^) ] .
At any Q, the theoretical head is reduced due to a combination of
the following factors: slip, hydraulic losses, prerotation at the
inlet, rotating stall, and recirculation. The steepness of the
theoretical Q-H,,
th"" curve is crucial, since the head reduction
at low flows may be great enough to produce a positive slope of the
actual Q-H curve and raise the possibility of pump flow instability.
The author continues with a discussion of slip, prerotation, and
hydraulic losses and their contribution to the head reduction, all
based on one-dimensional, through-flow concepts.

It is noteworthy that a review of Science Citation Index from 1972

to the present showed that, although Yididiah seems to have presented
a stimulating proposal for explaining the phenomena that contribute
to the actual drooping Q-H curve, no author cites Yididiah in any
more recent work. Thus we conclude indirectly that little or
no definite work has been done on this problem since 1972. A likely

reason for this is that such work is doubly difficult, because (1) all
the phenomena listed by Yididiah are three-dimensional flow effects
and (2) all occur at off-design flow conditions. It is only recently
that Moore and Moore [1981 {5)] report the first, limited success
with computation of viscous, three-dimensional radial impeller flows,
from which may ultimately follow an analysis and description of
Yididiah's factors.

This state of affairs was also confirmed to the writer by Swift

[1981 t^)] in a comment on his presentation to FDI Summer Course,
19 81. In preparing that material, no result unifying published
information on pump flow instability was found, and only a few
scattered investigations of the individual phenomena and effects
seem to exist. These are incomplete, and no study of the interaction
of the effects leading to the depression of the actual head-flow
curve at low flow has been forthcoming.

1. A. J. Stepanoff. Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2nd ed., 1957.

2. D. J. Myles. "Some Experiments on the Stability of Pumps."

Symposium on Pijmps in Power Stations. Brunswick, September 19 66.

3. E. Makay. "How to Avoid Field Problems With Boiler Feed Pumps."

Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 55, No. 122, December 1976, pp.

4. S. Yididiah. "Some Causes of Unstable Performance Characteristics

of Centrifugal Pumps." Symposium on Gas Turbine Pimips, ASME,
March 1972.

5. J. Moore and J. Moore. "Viscous Calculations in Turbomachinery."

FDI Course - Advanced Concepts in Turbomachinery, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, New Hampshire, August 1981.

6. W. L. Swift. "Advanced Pump Concepts." FDI Course - Advanced

Concepts in Turbomachinery, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New
Hampshire, August 19 81.


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