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 Civic amenities for workers.

PLANT LOCATION, LAYOUT  Existence of complementary ad competing

 Finance and research facilities.
  Availability of water/fire-fighting facility.
PLANT LOCATION- is the function of   Local taxes and restrictions.
determining where the plant is to be located, for  Personal factors.
maximum operating economy and effectiveness.
4. Selection of sites:
Plant is a place where men, materials, money,  Soil, size and topography.
machines and equipment are brought together for  Disposal of wastes.
manufacturing products.   Rural, suburban, city sites.
 Decide optimum sites.
Factors effecting the location of the plant:
 Proximity to source of supply: Reduce The plant location may be in the: city, village, or
transportation costs of perishable or bulky a suburban.
raw materials
 Proximity to customers: E.g.: high Village site:
population areas   Land is available at cheaper rates.
  Proximity to labor: Local wage rates,  The rates and taxes are less.
attitude toward unions, availability of special  Low wages and less labor troubles
skills (e.g.: silicon valley
 Community considerations: Local Disadvantages of country sites:
community’s attitude toward the facility   Lack of supply of skill workers.
(e.g.: prisons, utility plants, etc.)  Lack of civic amenities.
  Site considerations: Local zoning & taxes,   Poor transportation.
access to utilities, etc.
  Quality-of-life issues: Climate, cultural City Sites
attractions, commuting time, etc. Advantages are:
 Other considerations: Options for future  Transportation facilities are adequate.
expansion, local competition, etc.  Civic facilities are available.
 Technical and commercial institution is
Steps of Location Selection    Local market is accessible.
Various Factors  Advertising value is present.
1. Deciding on Domestic / International location -
The choice of particular country depends on Disadvantages are:
factors like political stability, export and import  The cost of land and labor is high.
quotas, currency exchange rate, cultural and   Labor unrest is frequent.
economic peculiarities, natural and physical  Congestion is prevalent in most of the
conditions. factory.
  Several restrictions could be imposed by
2. Selection of Region: government and society.
 Availability of raw materials.
  Nearness to the market. Suburban Site: They offer a compromise between
  Availability of power. the city and village sites.  They have advantages of
 Transportation facilities. both.
 Suitability of climate.
  Government policy LOCATION MODELS (Procedures for evaluation
  Competition between states location alternatives)
Analysis of location alternative should consider
3. Selection of community: both objective factors such as availability of
 Availability of Labor proper transport facilities, availability of suitable
labor, tax consideration and subjective factors like a)Materials: includes provisions for storage and
civic amenities, weather conditions, etc. handling of raw-materials, supplies and
components used
Factor rating methods.
There are many factors to be considered both b) Product: type of product. E.g. light, heavy, big,
quantitative and qualitative in choosing the small, liquid, influences the plant layout.
location. Managers use weightings to make the
decisions process. c) Workers: the gender of employees, position of
Eg. A firm has to choose between two locations A employees, employees facilities such as locker
and B.. rooms, canteens etc.

Point Rating method d) Machinery and equipment: type of product,

volume of production, type of process,
Location Break-even analysis. management policies, determine the type of
This is drawn for different location to have machines and equipment.
comparison at a glance. Fixed costs, variable
costs, output is calculated f) Location: Type of building influences layout
design, and location determines the mode of
Qualitative Factor Analysis Method transport of materials.
The entrepreneur who is making a choice
between different sites has to consider intangible g) Managerial policies: regarding volume of
factors in additions to costs factors. Intangible production, provisions for future expansion,
factors which cannot be measured quantitatively extent of automation, speed of declining goods to
can be expressed as significant, good, and bad. customers, inventory policies, personnel policies
The total contributions of intangibles for each influence plant layout.
location are evaluated.
h) Manufacturing process
i)  Disposable of waste and dangerous gases
Plant - the arrangement and location of different
departments and of the machinery within a PRINCIPLES OF PLANT LAYOUT
department so that optimum utilization of space While accepting the selected layout the layout
is achieved. engineers should be guided by certain principles,
- the overall arrangement of machines, the layout selected in confining with layout
men, materials, materials handling and services principles should be an ideal one.
facilities and passage required to facilitate
efficient operations of Plant layout involves: 1.  Principle of minimum travel: men and
materials should travel the shortest distance
Planning and arranging manufacturing machinery, between operations.
equipment, and services for the first time in 2.  Principle of sequence: machinery and
completely new plants; operation should be arranged in a sequential
The improvements in layouts already in use in 3.  Principle of usage: every unit of available
order to introduce new methods and space should be effectively utilized.
improvements in manufacturing procedures.” 4.  Principle of compactness: There should be
   --  Knowles and Thomson harmonious fusion of all the related factors so
that the final layout looks well integrated and
Factors influencing Layout choices: compact.
Layout of a plant is influenced by the relationship 5. Principle of safety and satisfaction: Layout
among materials, machines and men. should build in provision for safety for the
6.  Principle of flexibility: Layout should permit - It involves arrangement of machinery in one line,
revisions with least difficulty and at minimum depending upon the sequence of operations.
7.  Principle of minimum investment: Layout  Best for products made in large quantities
should result in saving in fixed capital investment.   Low cost per unit
 Low storage & inventory
Importance of Plant Layout  Simplified training of new workers
 Economies in Handling:  Long distance  Fewer personnel
movement should be avoided and specific  It facilities better production control.
handling operations must be eliminated.  Work-in-progress is reduced. An automatic
  Effective use of available areas material handling is quite common, materials
   Minimization of production Delays handling costs is less
  Improved Quality Control DISADVANTAGES:
   Minimum Equipment Investment:  Large initial investment
  Avoidance of Bottlenecks   Vulnerable to stoppage
   Better Production Control  Inflexible – new designs not introduced
   Better Supervision   Parts must fit exact – no   rework along line
   Improved Utilization of Labor    Not suitable for incentive pay
    Improved employee Morale  Absenteeism hard to handle
   Avoidance of Unnecessary and costly  All stations must take same time
✓ Fixed position/static layout
TYPES OF PLANT LAYOUT - The movement of men & machines to the
The methods of grouping of Layout are: product which remains stationary.The job is
✓Process layout/functional/job shop layout stationary as it is heavy.
- Also known as "Functional Layout" - The movement of men, materials is available
- Process layouts are facility configurations in because the cost of moving the job is heavy. It is
which operations of a similar nature or function used when product is large
are grouped together. ADVANTAGES:
ADVANTAGES: 1. Men and machines can be used for a wide
 Best use of specialization of   machines & variety of operations.
employees 2. Investment on layout is small.
 Flexible – variety of products DISADVANTAGES:
 General purpose machines – less costly 1. Costly and high precisions tooling involved.
 Ability to follow diverse paths 2.  Skilled labor is required.
 Less vulnerable to shutdowns
 Machine breakdown less of problem ✓ Combination / hybrid layout
 Small batch product economy - Combine elements of both product & process
 Suitable for incentive pay layouts. - Also called hybrid layouts or  group
DISADVANTAGES: technology layout
  General purpose machines slower Features of Good layout
   Work routing, scheduling difficult    Smooth flow of production.
 Material handling costs high  Maximum utilizations of available spare.
 Material moves slowly  Minimum materials handling.
 Partially finished inventory high – large  Smooth movement of men, materials,
storage space machines from place to place.
 Communication difficult  Good working conditions-lighting,
 Some limit to size of parts ventilations, temperature, humidity.
 Flexibility for change of layout: Expansion,
✓ Product layout/straight line processing/flow- change in production design.
line layout  Proper location of storage areas, shipping
- Also called " Special Purpose Machine" or "Line department, inspection.
Layout".  Facilities supervision and control.
 Provision for safety and reduction of provided for the process involved, and artificially
accidents. attractive and of such standard shape and design
which is flexible  its use and expansive units
Plant layout is the art and science of bringing to
gather men, materials, methods and supporting Symptoms Of Poor Layout
facilities in the form of a given arrangements that A good layout results in
suits individuals industrial activity to have the  Comfort,
benefits of profits maximizations through  Convenience.
economy, efficiency, effectiveness and  Safety,
productivity.  Efficiency.
 Compactness and
The process of preparing layout is an art and well  Finally in profits to the organization.
as science. The recent trends in layout are as
follow: A poor layout results in
The use of computerized facilities design  Congestion.
The various techniques have been developed and  Wastes.
used in layout engineering such as:  Frustration,
 ALDEP (Automated layout design program)  Inefficiency and
 CORELAP (Computerized relationship layout  Finally lower profit or loss to an
planning) Organization.
 CRAFT (computerized related allocation of
facilities technique),  Factors in designing a Factory:
 CALP (computer Aided layout planning) etc.  Adaptability
  Expandability.
The use of various tools and techniques for  Product and equipment
planning the layout.  Employees facilities and services areas
The commonly used technique is use are  Materials handling
templates, model equipments, layout drawing etc.  Lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning.
 Templates: Is pattern which consists of thin  Fire protection.
plate of wood or metal which serves as  Security and services and maintenance.
gauge or guide in mechanical work.
  Model equipment: Model or three Types of Building:  
dimensional models represents machinery The decision on choosing a suitable type for a
installed in a factory. It is a replica or a particular firm depends among other things on
miniature prototype of machine and the manufacturing process, the area of land, and
equipment. the cost of construction.
  Layout drawing: Layout drawings are the The industrial building can be grouped under four
replica of a factory floor plan showing the types:
space management. It is blue print which  Single storey building - the reduced cost of
indicates the total square feet where all the land and extensive transport facilities have
equipment has to be arranged. encouraged single storey buildings in sub-
   Plot plan: Is a miniature of the entire urban areas.
factory building including the facilities of  High bay and monitor types- It is a single
workers. storey structures with roof trusses
 Line balance: is phase of assembly line study surrounded by a monitor, giving maximum
that equally divides then works to be done overhead space.
among workers so that the total number of  Multi-storey building- In big cities costs of
employees required is minimum land is high and has no much scope of
horizontal expansion which has given ways
FACTORY BUILDING to multi-storey.
A ideal plant building is the one which is built to   Special building- are needed for certain
house the most efficient layout that can be manufacturing processes.  Eg the aircraft
industry needs a building with spans 300 to The light is provided uniformly over the whole
500 feet in length department in a sufficient intensity to satisfy the
requirement of the general manufacturing
conditions within it.
FACILITIES PLANNING: There are three types
PLANT UTILITIES of general lighting.
Plant utilities refer to such services as lighting, 1. Direct lighting. 
ventilation, air-conditioning etc. All these deserve 2. Indirect lighting
due consideration from operations management 3. Semi-direct lighting.
as they contribute to increased efficiency and
greater output. B. Supplementary lighting. involves the provision
of intense light at the point of work or in adjacent
The types of plant facilities and services are as areas to suit the worker particular requirement.
1.      Plant Lighting Types of light sources:
2.      Ventilation
3.      Air-conditioning 1.      Filament or incandescent lamps.
4.      Industrial Sanitation 2.      Discharge lamps or fluorescent lamps.
5.      Noise control 3.      Electro-luminescent lamps, mercury vapour
6.      Industrial safety lamps.
Plant lighting: C. Modification of both.
Adequate lighting is necessary for a worker to
perform his job with ease and accuracy. According Contrast of Natural Lighting and
to all India General Standards a minimum of 14 to Artificial lighting:
18 lumens of illuminations is considered
adequate. Factor     
1. Cost 
Importance of Good illumination: 2. Dependability         
 Ease of seeing./reduced eye strain, 3. Maintenance
 Improved quality of work. 4. Health   
  Better utilization of floor space. 5. Distribution
  Good housekeeping. 6. Control   
  Fewer accidents. Natural                                 
 Improved employee morale/ better 1) Inexpensive  
supervision. 2) Less dependable 
 Flexible layout. 3) Of windows and glasses
4) Good and harmless
Sources of lighting: 5) Special efforts are needed
There are two major source of lighting: 6) Very less  
     Day light. Artificial
It is natural lighting which is received from the sun 1. Expensive  
through apertures in the building. 2. Dependable
Bowstring type 3. More maintenance
Saw tooth 4. Bulbs produce heat, glare
Glass blocks 5. Even distribution
6. Intensity can be controlled.
 Artificial lighting.
Lights refers to illumination secured through Ventilation
artificial means as bulbs and tubes. “Ventilation is concerned largely with engineering
Type of Artificial Lights techniques for controlling air currents within the
A. General lighting plant and for introducing outdoor air in a pattern
and on a scale that is just adequate to maintain Noise is unwanted and unpleasant sound.
satisfactory air purity” Vibration is accomplice of noise in the crime
The importance of ventilation can be highlighted against men and matter
as it meets requirements of Importance of noise control:
1.      Protection of the health of workers.   Impairs the hearing of employees.
2.      Preservation of quality of the product  Results in fatigue and nervousness.
3.      Meets legal requirement.  Vibration causes damage to machinery and
Types of ventilation:  Bad working environment
General ventilation: is introduced to serve
 To keep the working conditions at acceptable Noise control methods:
comforts level.   Control at source.
  To keep contaminants in the air within safe  Control by enclosures.
limits.  Control by absorptions.
 Control by ear protection.
General exhaust ventilation: is a system for
preventing the contamination of factory air by Safety: Safety is freedom from occurrence or risk
withdrawing the contaminant at its source into a of injury or loss. Industrial safety refers to
duct system for discharge to the building exterior. protection of the workers from the dangers of
Sources of ventilation: industrial accidents.
·         Natural ventilation
·         Mechanical ventilation Principles of safety programme:
An organization may be accident free, when it
Air-conditioning:  Industrial air-conditioning is adopts a safety programme for safety
requires control over temperatures, humidity, management. Industrial safety signifies all those
dust, motion, purity and odors. measures to safeguard and protect the property
Objectives of air-conditioning: and personnel of a factory against the possible
 To protect worker’s health. theft; sabotage and other losses may be monetary
 To improve workers comfort level. or non-monetary.
  To secure specified temperature conditions.  
 To improve the quality of products. Significance of Industrial safety
  Product preservations.
  To reduce maintenance charges.  Prevention of personal injuries and deaths.
  To improve employer-employee relations  A sound safety work works on reducing
production or operating in costs.
Industrial Sanitation: Sanitation refers to control  Building up the employee morale.
of the spread of infection and other insults to the  Building public-relations.
health of the employees.  Occupational disease  Improvement in efficiency.
caused by the industrial process leads to  Promote public safety.
employee’s dissatisfaction and turnover.  
Micheal Armstrong provides
Elements of sanitation: five basic principles that must govern the
1.      Supply of portable water. safety programme:
2.      Disposal of waste and effluents.  Tracing out the factors responsible for
3.      Provision of food which is free from industrial accidents.
contamination.    Identify potential hazards, provide effective
4.      Elimination of insects and rodents. safety facilities and equipment and to take
5.      Provision of personal services. prompt remedial actions.
6.      Good housekeeping.  The management and the supervision must
be made fully accountable for safety
Noise control:  performance in the working areas they
 Top management commitment in
determining policy, monitoring and taking
remedial actions.

 Create awareness among employees about

safety methods.

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