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Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste as

Aggregate in Porous Asphalt Pavement for

Urban Stormwater Management
J. L. Carmo, CEng. 1; A. B. Rohden, Dr.Eng. 2; and M. R. Garcez, Dr.Eng. 3

Abstract: This paper investigates the viability of recycling construction and demolition waste as aggregate in porous asphalt pavement for
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stormwater runoff management. The influence of granulometric composition, recycled aggregate content (0%, 12.5%, 25%, and 37.5%), and
binder content (4% to 6%) was investigated. A comprehensive characterization to identify the minimum binder content that might ensure a
suitable hydraulic conductivity with minimum influence in the mechanical properties and moisture-induced damage was performed. The
tested mixtures presented suitable particle loss, tensile strength, moisture-induced damage, and hydraulic conductivity for application as
porous asphalt mixture for urban stormwater runoff management. The use of recycled aggregate resulted in acceptable air voids content
only in mixtures produced with a binder content of 4.5%. The porous asphalt mixture produced with granulometric composition GC3,
25% recycled aggregate, and 4.5% asphalt binder could be potentially used for the intended application in stormwater runoff management.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004420. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Permeable asphalt pavement; Water runoff; Recycled aggregate; Circular economy.

Introduction recycled aggregate (Silva et al. 2019). Although different applica-

tions of CDW have been reported in the literature, there are still
In the construction industry context, the circular economy’s basic many unexplored possibilities to reintroduce recycled aggregate
principles presume that construction and demolition waste (CDW) in infrastructure projects. An exciting application discussed in this
is expected to be reused or recycled at the end of the infrastructure paper is the reintroduction of recycled aggregates in decentralized
lifetime, supporting more sustainable production and consumption rainwater capture projects, especially in permeable pavements and
cycles (Ghisellini et al. 2018). The overall CDW generation in infiltration trenches (Pappalardo and La Rosa 2020).
40 countries worldwide reached more than 3,000 Mt=year until Permeable pavements that allow water infiltration are one of
2012, and this trend is constantly increasing (Akhtar and Sarmah the most used compensatory techniques for stormwater runoff
2018). In Brazil, 44.5 Mt (213.5 kg/inhabitant) of CDW was gen- control by reducing water flow to the public drainage system
erated in 2019 (ABRELPE 2020). Thus, the CDW consists of a sig- (Bentarzi et al. 2016; Kayhanian et al. 2019; Vaz et al. 2020),
nificant segment of world waste generation, and its reintroduction in reducing the discharge of pollutants into receiving water bodies
existing and new civil infrastructure civil is of major concern. (Castillo-Rodríguez et al. 2021; Kamali et al. 2017), and recharg-
The application of CDW in concrete has been successfully in- ing groundwater aquifers (Porse and Pincetl 2019). The filtration
vestigated and applied worldwide (Cantero et al. 2019; Ibrahim of solids and solid-bound contaminants in permeable pavements
et al. 2020; Oliveira et al. 2020; Revilla-Cuesta et al. 2020). How- improves the quality of stormwater runoff (Weiss et al. 2019).
ever, local legislation frequently imposes rigid restrictions; for ex- The application of permeable pavements in parking lots for
ample, in Brazil, recycled aggregate can be used exclusively in stormwater harvesting is also promising (Arocho-Irizarry et al.
pavement subgrade and nonstructural concrete (ABNT 2004). 2018; Hammes et al. 2018). Many benefits for users and the
However, positive experiences in building and road pavement con- hydrologic cycle can be achieved by attenuating the effects of
struction have proven the viability of sourcing locally available urban waterproofing surfaces and reducing potable water and
stormwater runoff costs if the harvested water is used for non-
1 potable applications (Afonso et al. 2017; Hammes et al. 2018;
Environmental Engineering Postgraduation Program, Regional Univ.
of Blumenau, 3250 São Paulo St., Blumenau, SC 89030-000, Brazil. Email:
Vaz et al. 2020).
jlimacarmo@gmail.com Nowadays, permeable pavements are suitable for light vehicles
Adjunt Professor, Environmental Engineering Postgraduation Pro- and pedestrian and stormwater treatment, infiltration, storage, and
gram, Regional Univ. of Blumenau, 3250 São Paulo St., Blumenau, SC distribution (Arocho-Irizarry et al. 2018; Rahman et al. 2015).
89030-000, Brazil. Email: arohden@furb.br However, despite not requiring significant capital investments, per-
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Postgraduation Program: meable pavements demand a major commitment to maintenance
Construction and Infrastructure, Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, 99 (Turco et al. 2020). In the near future, more stringent environmental
Osvaldo Aranha Ave., 7th floor, Room 706, Porto Alegre, RS 90035-190, regulations will force or encourage the switch from the existing
Brazil (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1641
impermeable paved surfaces to a greener urban surface evolution
-5705. Email: monica.garcez@ufrgs.br
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 31, 2021; approved on
through the implementation of permeable paved surfaces (Weiss
February 3, 2022; published online on July 22, 2022. Discussion period et al. 2019). The transitional change from the current conventional
open until December 22, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted impermeable to permeable pavement systems in urban areas may
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil require policy shifts and cooperation among dischargers (Kayhanian
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. et al. 2019). In this sense, interdisciplinary research and integrated

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2022, 34(10): 04022258

is applicable as an overlay to dense-graded asphalt or used under
high volumes of traffic.
In this context, this paper proposes investigating an alternative
and promising application of recycled aggregate to produce
porous asphalt mixtures potentially suitable to sidewalks and
low-traffic areas for urban stormwater runoff management. The
proposed porous asphalt mixture differs from pervious concrete
due to the asphalt binder. However, it matches the water perco-
lation requirements related to permeable pavement applied to
low-traffic zones, but it does not fully match the definitions for
porous/open-graded asphalt concrete because it is not applicable
as an overlay for dense-graded asphalt or used under high vol-
umes of traffic.
Fig. 1. Circular economy in the construction industry. The strategy of reintroducing CDW in the construction chain
aims at contributing to implementing a circular economy in the
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construction industry, as illustrated in Fig. 1. From a sustainable

civil infrastructure perspective, promoting urban stormwater runoff
planning must still be made to support local authority decisions management might reduce stormwater entering sewers, improve
(Pappalardo et al. 2017). water quality in local waterways, improve street drainage systems,
From a circular economy perspective, permeable concrete pave- and reduce ponding on streets and sidewalks. Considering that most
ments for application on low-traffic areas might potentially incor- of natural disasters are water-related and that in recent years, flash
porate CDW as aggregate, as shown in recent publications. The floods have been increasingly frequent due to climate change
application of CDW (crushed brick, recycled concrete aggregate, (Castillo-Rodríguez et al. 2021), adapting the urban infrastructure
and reclaimed asphalt pavement) as filter material proved to be to more sustainable stormwater management contributes to making
a suitable alternative filter material in permeable pavement systems urban areas more inclusive, safe, and resilient, which are funda-
(Rahman et al. 2015). Pervious concrete produced with up to 20% mental social sustainability aspects.
of recycled concrete aggregate presented adequate compressive
strength (20 MPa), tensile strength (2 MPa), and percolation rate
(2.32 mm=s) for application as permeable pavement in low-traffic Experimental Program
courses (De Paula Junior 2019).
On the other hand, previous studies of open-graded or porous The experimental program outlined in Fig. 2 was designed to ex-
asphalt mixtures produced with reclaimed asphalt (Frigio et al. plore the potential of the proposed porous asphalt pavement pro-
2015), crumb rubber (Shirini and Imaninasab 2016), electric arc duced with recycled aggregate for application in urban stormwater
furnace steel slag (Pattanaik et al. 2018), limestone quarry waste runoff management. The influence of three granulometric compo-
(Gautam et al. 2018), and ladle furnace slag (Skaf et al. 2016), sitions and four natural aggregate replacement (0%, 12.5%, 25%,
showed the potential of incorporating waste materials in porous as- and 37.5%) by recycled aggregate and three binder contents (4%
phalt pavements with no mechanical and hydraulic properties to 6%) were preliminarily evaluated through voids characteristics
losses. Despite being largely used on porous pavement, especially (total air voids and interconnected air voids) and particle loss
in permeable concrete pavements for low volumes of traffic, there is (Cantabro abrasion) of the porous asphalt mixtures. Then, a com-
still a lack of studies considering the use of construction and dem- prehensive characterization was performed for the most suitable
olition waste in porous asphalt pavement, probably due to technical granulometric composition and optimum binder content 0.5%
restrictions considering that the porous/open-graded asphalt concrete through maximum and bulk specific gravity, voids characteristics

Fig. 2. Experimental program outline.

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2022, 34(10): 04022258

Table 1. Reference standards and definitions
Reference standard Scope Definition
ACI 522R-10 Pervious concrete Pervious concrete (porous, gap-graded, permeable, or enhanced-porosity
concrete) typically describes a zero-slump, open-graded material consisting of
portland cement, coarse aggregate, little or no fine aggregate, admixtures, and
water, whose combination produces a hardened material with interconnected
pores that allows water to pass through easily.
ABNT NBR 16416 Pervious concrete Pervious concrete is cast-in-place concrete with interconnected voids that allow
water percolation by gravity.
D7064/D7064M Open-graded friction course asphalt mixture Open-graded friction course asphalt mixture is a particular type of asphalt
surface mixture used to reduce hydroplaning and the potential for skidding by
providing a free-draining layer that permits surface water to migrate laterally
through the asphalt mixture to the edge of the pavement.
DNER-ES 386/99 Porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete Porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete (hot mix) is an asphalt mixture produced
in an appropriate plant, consisting of coarse aggregate, filling material, and
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polymer-modified asphalt, spread, and hot-pressed as pavement overlay.

particle loss, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility, and Porous Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
hydraulic conductivity. The experimental program included four
The porous asphalt mix design involves determining aggregate
main stages: (1) natural and recycled aggregate characterization; properties, selecting aggregate gradation, and determining the op-
(2) production of porous asphalt mixtures; (3) preliminary assess-
timum binder content (trials in 0.5% increments) considering the
ment of the porous asphalt mixtures; and (4) comprehensive char- chosen granulometric composition. Table 2 presents the porous as-
acterization of the most suitable granulometric composition and
phalt mixtures prepared with up to 37.5% recycled aggregate, 4%
optimum binder content.
to 6% binder content, and 2% filler to improve the aggregate–
The proposed porous asphalt pavement produced with recycled
binder adhesivity. Based on previous studies reported in the liter-
aggregates applicable to sidewalks and low-traffic areas for urban
ature (Brasileiro 2013; Silva 2009), a maximum recycled aggregate
stormwater runoff management might partially obey the pervious
content of 37.5% was defined to avoid excessive particle loss.
concrete and the porous/open-graded asphalt concrete concepts.
The binder content of 4% to 6% complies with the requirements
It differs from the pervious concrete definition (Table 1) due to
of DNER-ES 386/99 for porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete
the use of asphalt binder but matches the water percolation re-
(IPR 1999). The porous asphalt mixtures were prepared by heating
quirements related to permeable pavement applied to low-traffic
the binder and the aggregate based on the viscosity flow curve and
zones. On the other hand, it does not fully match the definitions
mixing the materials according to proportions presented in Table 2
for open-graded friction course asphalt and porous-layer asphalt-
(IPR 1995). Cylindrical Marshall specimens (ϕ 100 mm and
polymer concrete (Table 1) because it might not be applicable as
63.5 mm height) were then compacted with a Marshall hammer
an overlay to dense-graded asphalt or used under high volumes
by applying 50 blows to each face (IPR 1995).
of traffic. Thus, because there is relatively little guidance for
the design of mixtures used for porous asphalt pavements for Asphalt Binder
stormwater runoff management (Putman and Kline 2012), the The asphalt binder FLEXPAVE 60=85 is a styrene-butadiene-
mechanical and hydraulic conductivity characterization of the styrene (SBS) polymer-modified asphalt binder that follows the
mixtures proposed in this paper were performed based on the rec- Brazilian National Department of Infrastructure and Transport
ommendations of ASTM D7064/D7064M (ASTM 2013) for (IPR 2010) requirements presented in Table 3.
open-graded friction course asphalt mixtures, American Concrete
Institute (ACI) 522R-10 [ACI Committee 522 (ACI 2010)] Granulometric Composition Ranges
for pervious concrete pavements, and the National Highway Porous asphalt mixtures are produced with high-quality open-
Department-Service Specification DNER-ES 386/99 (IPR graded aggregate to obtain a coarse granular skeleton that develops
1999), for porous asphalt-polymer concrete applied in pavement stone-on-stone contact and a high interconnected air voids content,
overlay and NBR 16416 (ABNT 2015) for permeable pavements. guaranteed by the discontinuity of the granulometric composition
A statistical analysis data has been performed for the results ob- (Alvarez et al. 2011; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
tained in this experimental program using two-way ANOVA and and Medicine 2018). In this sense, three granulometric composi-
Student t-test with α 0.05. Thus, three samples of each porous as- tions used in the porous asphalt mixtures, presented in Fig. 3.
phalt concrete mixture were produced to perform each test GC1, GC2, and GC3 were selected based on previous studies re-
described in the following sections. ported in the literature:

Table 2. Porous asphalt mixtures

Percentage of recycled aggregate
Material 0% 12.5% 25% 37.5%
Aggregateb 94.0 93.5 93.0 94.0 93.5 93.0 94.0 93.5 93.0 94.0 93.5 93.0
Asphalt binder 4.0 4.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Filler 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Values presented as a percent.
(Coarse + fine).

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2022, 34(10): 04022258

Table 3. FLEXPAVE 60/85 properties
Rotational Effect of short-term
viscosity [cP (Pa·S)] aging (RTFOT)
Minimum Minimum Softening Maximum Minimum Original
elastic Minimum phase Minimum point mass original elastic
recovery flash point separation softening Penetration variation variation penetration recovery
Asphalt binder 135°C 150°C 177°C (%) (°C) (°C) point (°C) (0.1 mm) (°C) (%) (%) (%)
FLEXPAVE 60/85 3,000 (3) 2,000 (2) 1,000 (1) 85 235 5 60 40 to 70 −5 to þ7 1 60 80
Note: RTFOT = rolling thin-film oven test.

• GC2: proposed for draining asphalt concrete produced with

ground rubber tires (Guimarães 2012).
• GC3: proposed for application in porous asphalt pavement
(Kolodziej 2016).
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The recycled aggregate was provided by a local recycling plant that
processes construction and demolition waste to produce coarse re-
cycled aggregate No. 0 (ϕ 4.8–9.5 mm), No. 1 (ϕ 9.5–19 mm), and
No. 3 (ϕ 19–25 mm). The recycled aggregate used in this experi-
mental program consisted mainly of concrete, mortar, and red
Fig. 3. Granulometric composition ranges. ceramic waste (Table 4 and Fig. 4).
The natural aggregates used to produce the reference porous
asphalt mixture were coarse granitic aggregate (Nos. 0 and 1),
crushed stone dust, and fine aggregate, with the properties pre-
sented in Table 5. The apparent specific gravity and cubicity of re-
Table 4. Recycled aggregate gravimetric composition cycled coarse aggregate correspond to 68% and 75% of that of
natural coarse aggregate. Only the natural coarse aggregate com-
Recycled Recycled
plies with the minimum shape factor of 0.50 and maximum 30%
aggregate aggregate
Group no. 0 no. 1
abrasion for application in porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete
(IPR 1999) and 30% abrasion for open-graded friction course as-
Concrete/mortar (%) 60.4 54.5 phalt mixtures (ASTM 2013). The durability test showed that the
Ceramic brick (%) 23.7 19.3 mass loss of recycled aggregate was higher than that of natural ag-
Rocks/granite/marble (%) 9.8 17.1
gregate, reflecting a large amount of red ceramic in the recycled
Ceramic tile (%) 3.6 3.9
Othersa (%) 2.5 2.2 aggregate composition. The coarse aggregate durability index for ap-
plication in porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete might be lower
Maximum 3% of others (i.e., wood, plastic, and steel) for application as than 12% (IPR 1999).
recycled aggregate according to Brazilian Standard NBR 15116 (ABNT Natural and recycled aggregates showed good aggregate–
binder adhesivity after 72 h of water immersion at 40°C without
any signal of asphalt binder detachment (IPR 1994a), as shown in
Fig. 5. The aggregate–binder adhesivity influences the internal
• GC1: specified at grading envelope Range V as per DNER ES friction that prevents particle loss and contributes to a stable mac-
386/99 (IPR 1999) of the Brazilian National Highway Depart- rotexture with adequate interlocking (Dumke 2005).
ment for porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete [100% passing
the 1.9 cm (¾-in.) sieve, 70%–100% passing the 1.27 cm
Mechanical Strength and Hydraulic Conductivity
(1=2-in:) sieve, 50%–80% passing the 0.951 cm (3=8-in:) sieve,
18%–30% passing the 0.476 cm (No. 4 sieve), 10%–22% pass-
ing the 0.2 cm (No. 10 sieve), 6%–13% passing the 0.042 cm The porous asphalt mixtures presented in Table 1 were prelimi-
(No. 40 sieve), and 3%–6% passing the 0.0074 cm (No. 200 narily assessed through voids characterization and particle loss.
sieve)] previously assessed for application in draining asphalt Additional characterization tests (maximum and bulk specific
concrete (Oliveira 2003). gravity, indirect tensile strength, moisture-induced damage, and

Fig. 4. Recycled aggregate composition: (a) concrete/mortar; (b) ceramic brick; (c) rock/granite/marble; (d) ceramic tile; and (e) other.

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Table 5. Properties of natural and recycled aggregates
specific gravity Absorption Durability
Mesh (kg=m3 ) (%) Shape factor Abrasion (%) index (%)
25 1 in. — — — — — — — — — —
19 3=4 in: 2.82 1.94 0.3 11.8 — — — — — —
12.5 1=2 in: 2.82 1.88 0.3 13.5 0.57 0.40 16.00 50.40 2.10 2.90
9.5 3=8 in: 2.81 1.94 0.3 13.1 0.53 0.43
6.3 1=4 in: 2.80 1.91 0.4 13.8 — — 11.10 46.30 20.10 25.30
4.8 No. 4 2.78 1.86 0.4 15.4 — —
2.36 No. 8 2.74 2.55 — — — — — — — —
2 No. 10 2.74 2.53 — — — — — — — —
1.18 No. 16 2.74 2.52 — — — — — — — —
0.6 No. 30 2.72 2.61 — — — — — — — —
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0.42 No. 40 2.72 2.59 — — — — — — — —

0.3 No. 50 2.72 2.61 — — — — — — — —
0.18 No. 80 2.74 2.60 — — — — — — — —
0.15 No. 100 2.73 2.53 — — — — — — — —
0.075 No. 200 2.75 2.52 — — — — — — — —
Note: N = natural; and R = recycled.

Interconnected Air Voids

The percent of interconnected air voids was determined using the
French National Organization for Standardization (AFNOR) NF
P98-254-2 (AFNOR 1993) based on the amount of water penetrat-
ing through the upper face of the sample and prepared with the
lateral and lower faces waterproofed with adhesive tape and paraf-
fin after 10 min of constant water flow
Interconnected air voids ð%Þ ¼ × 100 ð2Þ
Af hr
hr ¼ hm ð3Þ
Fig. 5. Aggregate–binder adhesivity: (a) natural aggregate; and
(b) recycled aggregate. where Paw = absorbed water (g); Af = upper face area (cm2 ); hr =
reduced height (cm) determined through Eq. (3); hm = average sam-
ple height (cm); and Dmax = maximum aggregate size (the smallest
sieve opening in which at least 95% of the material passes
through) (cm).
hydraulic conductivity) were performed in the porous asphalt
mixtures with the most suitable granulometric composition Particle Loss
considering the optimum binder content 0.5%. The Cantabro abrasion test using the Los Angeles abrasion ma-
chine, described in the ASTM standard for open-graded friction
Air Voids and Maximum and Bulk Specific Gravity courses (ASTM 2013), requires that the mass loss might not
The percent air voids were calculated through Eq. (1), using the exceed 20%. The Brazilian standard for porous-layer asphalt-
maximum (Gmm ) and bulk (Gmb ) specific gravity. The bulk specific polymer concrete (IPR 1999) specifies a maximum mass loss
gravity was determined according to the procedure specified in the of 25% in the Cantabro abrasion test. The procedure requires plac-
National Highway Department-Material specificatio DNER-ME ing the sample inside the Los Angeles abrasion apparatus without
117/94 (IPR 1994b) by weighing the sample in the following steel balls and determining mass loss after 300 revolutions at 25°C
conditions: and 30–33 revolutions per minute (rpm). D7064/D7064M (ASTM
• sample only: dry and submerged, 2013) for open-graded friction course asphalt mixture requires a
• sample covered with paraffin: dry and submerged, and maximum abrasion of 20% for unaged specimens and 30% for
• sample with adhesive tape and covered with paraffin: dry and aged specimens
The maximum specific gravity was determined following ðP1 − P2 Þ
P¼ ð4Þ
AASHTO T 209 (AASHTO 2021). The percent of air voids P1
specified in the Brazilian standard for porous-layer asphalt-
polymer concrete (IPR 1999) is 18% to 25%. The ASTM where P = Cantabro abrasion loss; P1 = initial weight of the sam-
D7064/D7064M (ASTM 2013) for open-graded friction course ple; and P2 = final weight of the sample.
asphalt mixture requires percent air voids higher than 18% Indirect Tensile Strength
Cylindrical specimens of each porous asphalt mixture were used
ðGmm − Gmb Þ to determine tensile strength through an indirect tensile test
Air voidsð%Þ ¼ ð1Þ
Gmm [DNER-ME 138/94 (IPR 1994c), equivalent to ASTM D6931-17

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(ASTM 2017). Samples were maintained at 25°C  0.1°C for 2 h mixture recommends permeability values greater than 100 m=day
and then submitted to an increasing diametrical compression (1.15 mm=s). The drainage rate for pervious concrete pavement
(0.8  1 mm=s) until failure. The tensile strength was determined generally falls into 81 to 730 L=min=m2 (1.35 to 12 mm=s) ac-
using Eq. (5). The application as porous-layer asphalt-polymer cording to ACI 522R-10 [ACI Committee 522 (ACI 2010)].
concrete (IPR 1999) requires a minimum indirect tensile strength The Brazilian National Standards Organization (ABNT)’s stan-
(ITS) of 5.50 MPa dard for pervious concrete applied to pervious pavements recom-
mends a minimum permeability rate of 1 mm=s (ABNT 2015)
ITS ¼ ð5Þ  
πϕh A h h
K ¼ 1 ln i ð7Þ
A2 t hf
where P = peak load (kN); ϕ = specimen diameter; and h =
specimen height.
where A1 = cross-sectional apparatus area (mm2 ); A2 = sample
Moisture-Induced Damage cross sectional area (mm2 ); h = average sample height (mm);
The ability of the porous asphalt mixtures to resist moisture- and t = registered time (s) for the water level to change from the
initial water level hi (290 mm) to the final water level hf (70 mm).
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induced damage was assessed through the moisture susceptibility

test described in AASHTO T 283 (AASHTO 2018). The samples
were submitted to a vacuum of 87.99 kPa (660 mm Hg) for 10 min,
water-submerged at −18°C for 16 h, and cooled at 25°C for 2 h. The Results and Discussion
test compares the diametral tensile strength of water-submerged
control specimens with that of conditioned specimens submitted Figs. 6 and 7 show the maximum and bulk specific gravity for the
to freeze–thaw cycles [Eq. (6)]. The ASTM standard for open- granulometric compositions to produce the porous asphalt mixtures
graded friction courses (ASTM 2013) requires a minimum of proposed in this paper. The maximum specific gravity decreases
80% retained tensile strength (TSR) with higher the recycled aggregate content. The bulk specific grav-
ity of mixtures produced with 37.5% of recycled aggregate in-
ITScontrol specimen creased with the binder content, regardless of the granulometric
TSR ¼ ð6Þ
ITSconditioned specimen composition. For the lower and intermediate binder contents, the
bulk specific gravity for GC1 was higher than that for GC2, and
both were higher than that of GC3, regardless of the recycled ag-
Hydraulic Conductivity gregate content. For the higher binder content, the bulk specific
The hydraulic conductivity depends on the particle-size distribution gravity for GC1 was higher than that of GC2 and GC3, but the
and the air voids content in the asphalt mixture, which must be bulk specific gravity for GC3 is higher than that of GC2. Consid-
interconnected to facilitate the water conductivity. The procedure ering the specific gravity of aggregate and asphalt binder, the
to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the porous asphalt increase in binder content might decrease the maximum specific
mixtures followed the recommendations of ACI 522R-10 [ACI gravity. However, scatter experimental data can occur due to the
Committee 522 (ACI 2010)] for pervious concrete using a variable- nonuniformity in the pore structure and pore-size distribution
load permeameter. The sample lateral face was waterproofed with (Sriravindrarajah et al. 2013) of the porous asphalt mixtures.
adhesive tape and paraffin, placed in the permeameter, and water Especially in the case of mixtures produced with 37.5% of recycled
flowed with the circuit open to remove eventual air content from aggregate, there is an increase in bulk specific gravity with higher
the sample. The water load of 290 mm was then applied, with the binder content, which is related to the low air voids content as
circuit closed, and, after opening the valve, the time to achieve shown in Fig. 8.
70 mm above the sample was registered. The percolation rate The porous asphalt mixtures present an air voids content be-
K (mm=s) was then determined using Eq. (7). The ASTM D7064/ tween 10% and 19%, as shown in Fig. 8. The percent air voids
D7064M (ASTM 2013) for open-graded friction course asphalt specified in the Brazilian standard for porous-layer asphalt-polymer

Fig. 6. Maximum specific gravity.

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Fig. 7. Bulk specific gravity.

Fig. 8. Air voids.

concrete (IPR 1999) is 18% to 25%. ASTM D7064/D7064M results are presented in Table S1. The granulometric composition
(ASTM 2013) for open-graded friction course asphalt mixture, significantly influenced the air void percentage regardless of the
on the other hand, requires a percentage of air voids higher than recycled aggregate content. The binder content did not significantly
18%. The mixtures produced without recycled aggregate and influence the air voids percentage in mixtures produced with 0%
GC2 and GC3 complied with the required air voids percentage and 12.5% recycled aggregate. For both recycled aggregate con-
for 4.0%, 4.5%, and 5.0% binder contents. Regarding the mixtures tents, two group means were identified for the granulometric com-
produced with 12.5% recycled aggregate, only GC3 with a 4.5% position (GC1a , GC2b , and GC3b ). For the 25% recycled content,
binder content complied with the required air voids percentage. three group means were identified for the granulometric compo-
Considering the mixtures produced with 25% recycled aggre- sition (GC1a , GC2b , and GC3c ) and two for binder content (4.5%a ,
gate, only those produced with GC3 and 4.5% and 5.0% binder 5%a , and 5.5%b ). Regarding the 37.5% recycled aggregate con-
content complied with the required air voids percentage. For mix- tent, two group means were identified for granulometric compo-
tures produced with 37.5% of recycled content, only that produced sition (GC1a , GC2a;b , and GC3b ) and binder content (5%a , 5.5%a ,
with GC3 and 5% binder content complied with the required air and 6%b ).
voids percentage. The scatter in the air voids content results pre- The air void content alone does not allow a proper hydraulic
sented in Fig. 8 occurred because the air voids content in a permeable conductivity assessment. The air voids’ quality, capillaries’ dimen-
pavement is highly dependent on several factors, including aggregate sions, and interconnected air voids also need to be considered in
texture, aggregate gradation, binder content, and compactive effort porous asphalt pavements (Poulikakos et al. 2006a). Thus, the in-
[ACI Committee 522 (ACI 2010)]. ternal structure characterized by the interconnected air voids con-
The influence of binder content and granulometric composition tent is one of the main mix design and evaluation parameters for
on the air voids content was verified through the ANOVA, whose porous asphalt mixtures (Alvarez et al. 2011; Poulikakos et al.

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Fig. 9. Interconnected air voids.

2006b). The equilibrium density should lead to a total and inter- For 12.5% recycled aggregate content, two mean groups were iden-
connected air voids contents higher than the minimum to guarantee tified for granulometric composition (GC1a , GC2a , and GC3b ) and
the expected functionality but smaller than the maximum that can three for binder content (4%a , 4.5%b , and 5%c ). For 25% recycled
lead to durability problems (Alvarez et al. 2011). aggregate content, two group means were identified for granulo-
Fig. 9 shows that the interconnected air voids content decreased metric composition (GC1a , GC2b , and GC3b ) and two for binder
with higher binder content, which is related to the binder content content (4.5%a , 5%a , and 5.5%b ).
filling empty spaces between the granulates and preventing water The particle loss of porous asphalt mixtures tended to increase
percolation. A minimum of 10% interconnected air voids content with higher recycled aggregate content (Fig. 10). The Brazilian
might not compromise the hydraulic conductivity of the porous as- standard for porous-layer asphalt-polymer concrete (IPR 1999)
phalt concrete mixtures tested in the present paper. Some more specifies a maximum mass loss of 25%, whereas D7064/
restrictive standards requirements might suggest minimum air D7064M (ASTM 2013) for open-graded friction course asphalt
voids and interconnected air voids contents of 22% and 15% for mixture requires a maximum abrasion of 20% for unaged speci-
surface and base courses and 17% and 11% for drainage courses mens. The porous asphalt mixtures complied with the requirements
(Poulikakos et al. 2006a). ACI 522R-10 [ACI Committee 522 (ACI of the Brazilian standard. However, the mixtures produced with
2010)] mentioned that pervious concrete with 20% to 35% of in- 12.5% recycled aggregate, GC1 and GC3, 4% binder content
terconnected voids allows for the rapid passage of water through and 25% recycled aggregate, GC3, and 4.5% binder content did
the body of concrete. not meet the ASTM standard requirements.
The porous asphalt mixtures presented interconnected air voids The porous asphalt mixtures presented mass losses between
between 4.1% and 15.3%. Only mixtures produced with 0% and 5.1% and 23.2%, and for most of the mixtures, the mass loss de-
12.5% of recycled aggregate had more than 10% interconnected creased with higher binder content. The lower mass loss resistance
air voids, regardless of granulometric composition and binder con- of mixtures produced with GC3 was related to the higher percent-
tent. The combination of granulometric composition GC3, 12.5% age of air voids and interconnected air voids.
of recycled aggregate, and 4% binder content presented the highest The influence of binder content and granulometric composition
interconnected air voids percentage (15.3%). The granulometric on the mass loss was verified through the ANOVA, whose results
compositions GC2 and GC3 complied with the minimum of 10% are presented in Table S3. The granulometric composition did not
for recycled aggregate contents of 0%, 12.5%, and 25%, and binder significantly influence the mass losses for 0% and 37.5% recycled
content up to 5%. The granulometric composition GC1 did not aggregate. On the other hand, the binder content influenced the
reach 10% of interconnected air voids for recycled aggregate con- mass loss regardless of the recycled aggregate content. For 0%
tents of 25% and 37.5%. Only the granulometric composition GC3 and 37.5% recycled aggregate contents, two group means were
with a binder ratio of 5% reached the minimum of 10% intercon- identified for binder content (4%a , 4.5%a , and 5%b for 0%; and
nected air voids for 37% of recycled aggregate. 5%a , 5.5%b , and 6%b for 37.5%). For 12.5% recycled aggregate
The influence of binder content and granulometric composition content, two group means were identified for granulometric com-
on the interconnected air voids content was verified through the position (GC1a , GC2a , and GC3b ) and binder content (4%a , 4.5%b ,
ANOVA, whose results are presented in Table S2. The granulomet- and 5%b ). For 25% recycled aggregate content, two group means
ric composition significantly influenced the interconnected air were identified for granulometric composition (GC1a , GC2a , and
voids percentage, except for mixtures produced with 37.5% re- GC3b ) and binder content (4.5%a , 5%b , and 5.5%b ).
cycled aggregate content, whose binder presented two group means Based on the results presented in Figs. 6–10, a comprehensive
(5%a , 5.5%a , and 6%b ). The binder content significantly influenced characterization was performed for the most suitable granulometric
the interconnected air voids content regardless of the recycled ag- composition and optimum binder content determined considering a
gregate content. For 0% recycled aggregate content, two group minimum of 18% air voids and 10% interconnected air voids and a
means were identified for granulometric composition (GC1a , maximum of 25% particle loss. Thus, the full characterization for
GC2b , and GC3b ) and binder content (4%a , 4.5%a , and 5%b ). porous asphalt concrete mixtures produced with granulometric

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Fig. 10. Particle loss.

Fig. 11. Maximum and bulk specific gravity.

composition GC3 and binder contents of 4.5%  0.5% (for 0% and The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the
12.5% of recycled aggregate) and 5%  0.5% (for 25% of recycled air voids content was verified through the ANOVA, whose results
aggregate) are presented in Figs. 11–14 and discussed next. The are presented in Table S4. Both binder and recycled aggregate con-
main purpose of the comprehensive characterization was to identify tents significantly influenced the air voids content. Two mean
the minimum binder content that might ensure a suitable hydraulic groups were found for recycled aggregate (0%a , 12.5%a;b , and
conductivity with minimum influence on the mechanical properties 25%b ) and binder (4%a , 4.5%a , 5%a , and 5.5%b ) contents.
and moisture-induced damage (Dumke 2005). The interconnected air voids percentage decreased by increasing
The maximum specific gravity tended to decrease with higher the asphalt binder content. Mixtures with 0% and 12.5% recycled
recycled aggregate content and binder content, as shown in Fig. 11. aggregate presented similar interconnected air voids percentages.
The bulk specific gravity (between 2.01 and 2.09 g=cm3 ) decreased The mixture produced with 25% recycled aggregate and 5.5%
for the intermediate binder content, regardless of the recycled binder content did not reach the reference value of 10%, considered
aggregate content. These results were used to estimate the air voids suitable for not compromising the hydraulic conductivity of the
content, shown in Fig. 12. porous asphalt concrete mixtures.
The air voids results presented in Fig. 12 suggest an optimum The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the
binder content of 4.5% for the porous asphalt mixtures. The higher interconnected air voids content was verified through the ANOVA,
binder content of the mixture produced with 25% recycled concrete whose results are presented in Table S5. The binder and recycled
negatively impacted the percentage of the air voids. A proper aggregate contents significantly influence the interconnected air
binder content might ensure a sufficient film thickness to guarantee voids content. Two mean groups were found for recycled aggregate
porous asphalt durability throughout the pavement lifetime (Chen (0%a , 12.5%a;b , and 25%b ) and binder (4%a , 4.5%a;b , 5%b , and
and Yang 2020). 5.5%c ) contents.

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Fig. 12. Air voids and interconnected air voids.

Fig. 13 shows that the particle loss decreases with higher binder strength, as shown in Fig. 14. All tested mixtures attained the mini-
content due to the lower percentage of air voids and the higher mum of 5.50 MPa required for application as porous-layer asphalt-
binder content, resulting in lower susceptibility to disaggregation. polymer concrete (IPR 1999).
On the other hand, the higher particle loss of mixtures produced The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the
with recycled aggregate is related to the low abrasion resistance indirect tensile strength was verified through ANOVA, whose re-
of recycled aggregates. sults are presented in Table S7. Only the recycled aggregate content
The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the significantly influenced the indirect tensile strength. Two mean
particle loss was verified through the ANOVA, whose results are groups were found for the recycled aggregate content (0%a ,
presented in Table S6. The binder and recycled aggregate contents 12.5%b , and 25%b ).
significantly influenced the particle loss. The retained tensile strength results, presented in Fig. 14, reflect
Two mean groups were found for the recycled aggregate content the ability of porous asphalt mixtures to resist moisture-induced
(0%a , 12.5%b , and 25%b ) and three for binder content (4%a , 4.5%a , damage. Due to the large air voids existing in porous asphalt mix-
5%b , and 5.5%c ). tures, the water passing through the pavement surface frequently
The results presented in Fig. 14 demonstrate the influence of air leads to water-related distress (Chen and Wong 2015). The mois-
voids content (Fig. 12) on the indirect tensile strength. The opti- ture susceptibility results indicated possible problems related to
mum binder content of 4.5% resulted in lower indirect tensile aggregate–binder adhesivity that affect pavement performance and,
strength for all tested mixtures. The higher air voids content might therefore, its lifetime. All tested mixtures complied with the mini-
reduce the contact area between aggregate particles, reducing the mum of 80% required by the ASTM standard for open-graded fric-
indirect tensile strength (Hamzah et al. 2010). The increase of tion courses (ASTM 2013). The results presented in Fig. 14 show
recycled aggregate content also decreased the indirect tensile that the retained tensile strength reduced by increasing the recycled
aggregate content.
The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the
retained tensile strength was verified through the ANOVA, whose
results are presented in Table S8. Neither binder nor recycled
aggregate content significantly influenced the retained tensile
The hydraulic conductivity results indicate how easily water
percolates through the porous asphalt pavement and depends on
the specific application for the mix. If the porous asphalt pavement
will receive runoff from adjacent impervious land cover, the hy-
draulic conductivity needs to be high enough to accommodate
the infiltration requirements. However, if only rainfall and no addi-
tional runoff are considered, the requirements for that particular
mix can be reduced (Putman and Kline 2012). A proper drainage
assessment and an adequate binder content are vital points to im-
proving porous asphalt pavement performance (Chen and Yang
The results presented in Fig. 15 show that the hydraulic conduc-
tivity of all tested mixtures decreased with the increase of recycled
aggregate and binder content. Apart from the hydraulic conduc-
tivity of the mixture produced with 25% of recycled aggregate
Fig. 13. Particle loss.
and 5.5% of binder content (1.03 mm=s), the results complied with

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Fig. 14. Indirect and retained tensile strength.

recommendations of ASTM [1.15 mm=s (ASTM 2013)], ACI tensile strength suggest that the durability of porous asphalt mixtures
{1.35 to 12 mm=s [ACI Committee 522 (ACI 2010)]}, and the depended upon the thickness of the binder film surrounding the ag-
Brazilian standard for permeable pavements [1 mm=s (ABNT gregate particles. However, as the binder content increased and oc-
2015)] mentioned in the section “Hydraulic Conductivity.” Recom- cupied air voids, the hydraulic conductivity reduced (Putman and
mended hydraulic conductivity for urban drainage reported in the Kline 2012). The optimum binder content definition must combine
literature was between 0.01 and 10 mm=s (Bentarzi et al. 2013). a minimum binder content to avoid excessive particle loss and a
The influence of binder and recycled aggregate contents on the maximum binder content to avoid the risk of asphalt draindown
hydraulic conductivity was verified through the ANOVA, whose (Chen and Yang 2020).
results are presented in Table S9. The hydraulic conductivity was In summary, the results show that the tested mixtures presented
significantly affected by the recycled aggregate and binder con- suitable particle loss, tensile strength, and moisture-induced dam-
tents. Three mean groups were found for recycled aggregate (0%a , age for application as porous asphalt mixture for urban stormwater
12.5%b , and 25%c ), and four mean groups were found for binder management. The use of recycled aggregate resulted in acceptable
content (4%a , 4.5%b , 5%c , and 5.5%d ). air voids content only in mixtures produced with 4.5% binder con-
The viability of porous asphalt mixtures for urban stormwater tent. The mixture produced with 25% recycled aggregate and 5.5%
management depends on the equilibrium between functionality binder content did not reach 10% of interconnected air voids and
(hydraulic conductivity and interconnected air voids) and durability presented the lowest hydraulic conductivity (interconnected air
(mass loss and moisture-induced damage) (Putman and Kline voids of 9.54% and hydraulic conductivity of 1.03 mm=s). The re-
2012). Results presented in Figs. 13 and 14 show that as the sults suggest that the porous asphalt mixture produced with gran-
durability increased (high retained tensile strength and low particle ulometric composition GC3, 25% recycled aggregate, and 4.5%
loss), the hydraulic conductivity and the percentage of intercon- asphalt binder could potentially be used for the intended applica-
nected air voids decreased. The results of particle loss and retained tion in stormwater runoff management.
Future studies regarding stone-on-stone contact, aging, dynamic
creep, skid, and rutting resistance (Chen and Wong 2015) might
confirm these findings and attest to the viability of real-scale ap-
plications of porous asphalt with recycled aggregate even for
high-traffic zones. In this context, because permeable pavements
may suffer from several performance issues (Li et al. 2017) due
to the high porosity (concrete loose, pore-clogging, lower strength
and durability, and difficulty in maintenance), future studies might
also include these topics. Finally, investigations about the environ-
mental and cost benefits of permeable pavements, sound energy
dissipation (Afonso et al. 2017), and the ability to combat urban
heat islands (Afonso et al. 2019; Chen and Yang 2020) that occur
in urban areas might also be interesting.

Summary and Conclusions

The results presented in this paper showed that the application
of recycled aggregates in porous asphalt mixtures may lead to
promising physical, mechanical, and hydraulic performances, which
might allow the application in stormwater runoff management with
Fig. 15. Hydraulic conductivity.
proper durability and functioning.

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