Tax Rebyuwer Midterm
Tax Rebyuwer Midterm
Tax Rebyuwer Midterm
Classifications of taxes
1. As to scope:
● National- imposed by the national government
● Local – imposed by the local government
• OFWs are classified as NRC for tax • Compensation income for services in
purposes. whatever form paid including but not
• A FC who was previously a NRC and limited to fees, salaries, wages,
who arrives and resides permanently in commissions, and similar items.
the Philippines at any time during the • Gross income derived from the conduct
taxable year shall likewise be treated as of trade or business or the exercise of
NRC for the same taxable year with profession
respect to his income derived from • Gains derived from dealings in property
sources abroad until the date of his • Interest
arrival to the Philippines. • Rents
• A FC taxpayer not classified as NRC is • Royalties
considered a RC for tax purposes. • Dividends
• A NRA NETB is subject to 25% income • Annuities
tax based on gross profit from all • Prizes and winnings
sources within the Philippines. “trade or • Pensions
business” includes performance of the • Partners Distributive share from the net
functions of a public service or income of the general professional
performance of personal service in the partnership
• Four (4) years but less than five (5) 2. Life insurance;
years – 5% 3. Amounts received by the insured as a return
• Three (3) years but less than four (4) of premium; an amount not exceeding 40% of
years – 12%; and the gross sales/receipts for individuals and gross
• Less than three (3) years – 20% income for corporations; or
d. Royalties (except royalties on books and 4. Compensation for injuries or sickness;
other literary works and musical compositions) –
20% 5. Income exempt under treaty
1. Holiday pay
Allowable deductions 2. Overtime pay
5. - Bad Debts
• salaries, honoraria, and wages,
(2) Living quarters or meals.
• Taxable bonuses, allowances (such as
and transportation, entertainment, (3) Facilities and privileges of relatively small
representation and the like), fees value. – xxx The following shall be considered
including director's fees, if the director as “de minimis” benefits not subject to income
is, at the same time, an employee of the tax as well as withholding tax on compensation
employer/corporation; income of both managerial, and rank and file
• taxable bonuses and fringe benefits employees:
except those which are subject to the
fringe benefits tax under Sec. 33 of the a. Monetized unused vacation leave
credits of private employees not
exceeding ten (10) days during the
• taxable pensions and retirement pay; year;
• and other income of a similar nature b. Monetized value of vacation and
constitute compensation income. sick leave credits paid to
government officials and
c. Medical cash allowance to
1. Regular dependents of employees, not
• Basic Salary exceeding ₱1,500 per employee per
semester of ₱250 per month; 22 /
• Fixed allowances 47
2. Supplementary d. Rice subsidy of ₱2,000 or one sack
of 50kg. rice per month amounting
• Commission to not more than ₱2,000;
• Overtime pay e. Uniform and clothing allowance
not exceeding ₱6,000 per annum;
• Fees, including directors fees
• Profit sharing
• Monetized vacation leave in excess of
ten (10) days Income Tax Rates
• Sick leave • For Purely Self-Employed Individuals
• Fringe benefits received by rank and file and/or Professionals Whose Gross
employees Sales/Receipts and Other Non-Operating
• Hazard pay
Income Do Not Exceed the VAT
• Taxable 13th month pay and other
Threshold of P3,000,000, the tax shall
be, at the taxpayer’s option
For Individuals Earning Both Compensation
COMPENSATION INCOME Income and Income from Business and/or
Practice of Profession, their income taxes shall
(1) Compensation paid in kind. Compensation
may be paid in money or in some medium other be:
than money, as for example, stocks, bonds or • For Income from Compensation: Based
other forms of property. on Graduated Income Tax Rates;
If services are paid for in a medium other than money, the
fair market value of the thing taken in payment is the For Income from Business and/or Practice of
amount to be included as compensation subject to Profession:
1. It is for ordinary and necessary travelling and 2. Property used in trade or business subject to
representation or entertainment expenses paid or depreciation
incurred by the employee in the pursuit of the 3. Real property held by the taxpayer primarily
trade, business or profession; and for sale to customers in the ordinary course of
2. The employee is required to account/liquidate business
for the foregoing expenses in accordance with 4. Real property used in trade of the taxpayer
the specific requirements of substantiation for
each category of expenses pursuant to Sec. 34 of
the Tax Code.
SERVICE FEES AND ROYALTIES, pertain to sale of:
• Shares of stock of a domestic
• taxpayer must inquire on whether the corporation sold directly to a buyer
payee has proprietary interest, in the
property that gave rise to the income.
Prior to 2018 – 5% to 100,000; 10% to Excess Aug 15,
2018 – 15% of capital gain Nov 15, and