Invoice Correction RK
Invoice Correction RK
Invoice Correction RK
i) Order Type: RK
ii) Organizational Data
a) Sales Organization:7003
b) Distributional Channel: 20
c) Division: 10
iii) Create with Reference to Billing Document (enter billing document no. for which
correction is required)
iv) Now Enter the Material, then enter the Target Quantity (how much quantity is
delivered in actual)
v) Now under SALES TAB, remove the BILLING BLOCK, add ORDER REASON and
vi) SAVE
i) Press Enter
ii) SAVE
Company Revenue Account Customer Account
1) Sales Order(OR)
2) Delivery(LF)
3) Wrong Invoice created(F2) +100.00 (Credited) -100.00 (Debited)
GL Account 0 0
Reference mandatory
VOV8 of RK:
SD document category [K]
Sales document indicator [D]
Order related billing document [G2]
VOV7 of L2N:
Billing relevance [C]
Pricing [X]
Note: Invoice Correction Request is created with reference to Incorrect Billing Document
NOTE: Instead of using G2 and L2 for customer and business compensation we can use
single sales document. Invoice correction request creates two items for a single item in a
sales order as a credit item and debit item. The first item is the credit item, and the second
item is the debit item.
The invoice correction request represents combination of credit and debit memo requests.
One side credit is granted fully for that incorrect billing item, while it is simultaneously
debited (automatically created) as a debit memo item. The difference created represents
the final full amount to be created. The invoice correction request must be created with
reference to billing document.
When we create invoice correction request the items are duplicated. The resulting item
category must have plus (+) [credit] or minus (–) [debit] values. First all credit items are
listed followed by debit items. We can delete credit or debit in pairs.
NOTE: We have to change the quantity or price for customer compensation or business
compensation to the debit item only, as system corrects only through debit item. According
to compensation system generates invoice.
This invoice correction request document proposes a new way of processing complaints and
issuing credit and debit memos. This document enables you to correct the quantity and/or
the price for one or more items in an invoice