Trauma Training Sites
Trauma Training Sites
Trauma Training Sites
Course Offerings
Practicum in Clinical Assessment and
Psychological Interventions
Practicum Placements
Lesley Hartman and Associates
Belinda Seagram and Associates
Sheila Bower-Jacquard and Associates
Note: Practica experiences with opportunities for trauma assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
Course Offerings
Faculty who are trauma experts offer elective courses for clinical psychology, however, these
courses may vary each year.
Degree Program level - PsyD program in Clinical Psychology, Emphasis in Traumatic Stress
Course Names
Trauma-Focused Interventions
Advanced Trauma-Focused Interventions
Death, Dying, Bereavement, & Loss-Focused Interventions
Advanced Issues in Co-Occurring Disorders
The Emphasis in Traumatic Stress Psychology is a set of focused elective courses for students in
the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Program at Adler University who are seeking specialized
training to provide clinical services for individuals with symptoms of traumatic stress, including
people who have experienced combat, disasters, accidents or life-threatening illness, or
interpersonal violence.
Course Offerings
The courses prepare students to provide these individuals with evidence-based and evidence-
informed clinical services and the support they need to improve their psychological, physical,
social, and vocational functioning. The broader structural and systemic factors that impact
survivors’ well-being, cultural factors that exacerbate or ameliorate dysfunction, and clinicians’
management of countertransference reactions and recognition, prevention, and treatment of
compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization are addressed.
Practicum Placements
Students earning the Emphasis in Traumatic Stress Psychology must complete at least one of
their practica and/or internship years at a site that offers significant experience in working with
survivors of traumatic events; students have the opportunity to be placed in a wide range of
training settings that serve trauma-exposed individuals.
Note: Students earning the Emphasis in Traumatic Stress Psychology must also complete a
dissertation on a topic relevant to traumatic stress, death, dying, bereavement, or loss, suicide, or
chronic/life-threatening illness.
Course Offerings
Crisis and Trauma for Clinical Counselors
Trauma, Stress, Resilience, Health Psychology Emphasis area focuses on PTSD treatment,
intimate partner violence, sexual trauma, impact of trauma on families, intergenerational
transmission of trauma, among other topics.
Forensic Experience
Trauma and Diversity
Practicum Placements
Site Name Notes
Placement uses virtual reality exposure
Virtual Reality Medical Center therapy
to treatment PTSD and anxiety disorders
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute Program addresses family violence and
child/teen/elder maltreatment
STEPS-CSPP Adolescent Sexual Offender
Outcome Addresses questions about the nature and
Assessment Project treatment of adolescent sexual offenders
Special note: there are several additional practicum sites that offer trauma training (Aurora
Behavioral Health, Alvarado Parkway Institute, Veterans Village San Diego).
Course Offerings
Course Name Instructor
Graduate Seminar in Psychological Trauma Frank Weathers, Ph.D.
Practicum Placements
Site Name Location
Central Alabama Veterans Health Care
System Tuskeegee and Montgomery
Atlanta Veterans Health Care Newnan
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Opportunities to work with specific populations late in training
Course Offerings
Course Name Instructor
Seminar in Psychological Trauma William Flack, Ph.D.
Practicum Placements
Observational Training Opportunities
Residential Facilities for adolescents who have
experienced trauma
The PTSD Treatment and Research Program is a team of insatiably curious individuals dedicated
to carrying out strong, interdisciplinary science and delivering compassionate, evidence-based
care. We aim to close the gap between research and practice through working to better
understand the psychological and biological principles underlying trauma-related risk and
resilience, treatment optimization, and the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based
treatments to ultimately improve access to quality care.
Course Offerings
Course Name Instructor
Advanced Psychotherapy Seminar – includes
training in exposure therapy for anxiety and
trauma-related disorders
Workshop opportunities in prolonged
exposure Norah Feeny, Ph.D.
Practicum Placements
Training Opportunities Supervisor
Practicum placements involve training and Norah Feeny, Ph.D.
supervision in the delivery of prolonged
VA placements may also be available, which
opportunities for trauma-focused training
Course Offerings
Course Name
CE 553 - Advanced Crisis and Trauma in Counseling and Supervision
PY 568D - Trauma Therapy in Clinical Practice
PY 568 - Trauma Therapy in Clinical Practice
PY 614L - Seminar in Treatment of Child and Adolescent Trauma
PY 573D - Child Trauma
PY 618 - Trauma Informed Care
CC 552 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
CC 670 - Traumatic Stress: Causes, Contexts, and Effects
CC 673 - Assessment and Treatment of Trauma: Children and Adolescents
CC 675 - Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Traumatic Disorders
PY 711D - Refugee Issues and Trauma
IP 899 - Refugee Issues and Trauma
IP 900 - Trauma-based Program Development: Spirituality and Indigenous Healing
PY 568L - Trauma Therapy in Clinical Practice
CM 599 - Trauma and Crisis Counseling: Causes, Effects, & Contexts
IN 551 - Crisis Response - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
FO 621 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
FO 621 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
IP 692 - Trauma Services (Field Exp. III)
PC 573 - Child Trauma
PY 573 - Child Trauma
PY 715 - Refugee and IDP Trauma
PY 573 - Child Trauma
PY 715X - Refugee and IDP Trauma
FO 607 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
SP 522 - Crisis Prevention, Intervention and Trauma Informed Practice in Schools
PY 573TX - Child Trauma
EFP 621 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
MP 541 - Trauma and Crisis Intervention
PF 756 - Trauma, Crisis, and Interventions
FO 698 - Trauma Specific Interventions
MM 557 - Recovery, Trauma, and Crisis Counseling within the Community
IP 628 - Research Methods in Trauma Services
PA 710 - Traumatic Brain Injury
IP 850 - Assessment of Psychosocial and Mental Health Reactions to Traumatic Stress
IP 650 - Assessment of Psychosocial and Mental Health Reactions to Traumatic Stress
PA 646 - Traumatic Brain Injury
IP 852 - Terrorism and Mass Violence: Impacts on Mental Health
FO 648 - Theoretical and Clinical Application of Empirically Based Treatment I
MI 660 - Military Psychological Interventions
PY 535 - Separation, Loss and Mourning
MI 650 - Military Psychological Assessment
FO 623 - Psychology of Law Enforcement
Course Offerings
Course Name
551 Psychology of Death and Dying (Thanatology) (General Clinical program)
Additional trauma courses in the social work and counseling programs
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Ann Arbor Veterans Administration (Doctoral level only)
Other varied sites
Course Offerings
Course Name
Trauma – Theory, Assessment, & Treatment Note: offered at the undergraduate and
graduate level
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 340: Crime & Criminal Behavior
PSYC 341: The Psychology of Evil
PSYC 614: Memory
PSY 385R: Special Topics in Psychology – Neurobiology of PTSD
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Emory Psychiatry Department
Grady Memorial Hospital
VA Hospital
Grady Trauma Project
Grady Nia Project
Note: Trauma-focused training is available at the practicum, intern, and postdoctoral level.
Course Offerings
Course Name
80103 Dialectical-Behavior Therapy
80100 Seminar: Memory, Trauma, & the Law
PSY 705 Victimology
PSY 742 Family Violence and Disputes
PSY 733 Dissociation and Trauma
PSY 708 Crisis Intervention and Short-term Counseling
PSY 774 Child Abuse and Neglect
PSY 773 Advanced Issues in Victim Counseling and Psychotherapy
Not all electives not listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Multiple forensic and correctional site opportunities
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Community sites not listed
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 5350. The Psychology of Death and Dying
PSYC 8352. Psychological Evaluation and Treatment of Trauma
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center
Other varied sites
Course Offerings
Course Name Instructor
Advanced Clinical Seminar: Trauma Focused Terri Messman-Moore, Ph.D.
Course Offerings
Course Name
Special topics courses not listed
Practicum Placements
Site Name
MSU Psychological Clinic (some outpatient PTSD treatment opportunities)
Course Offerings
Course Name
None listed on website
*If add counseling program, they have trauma courses
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Placements not listed on website
Course Offerings
Course Name
GPSY 6440 Child and Adolescent Global Mental Health (portion dedicated to refugee and
displaced children and adolescents)
Not all electives listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
VA New York Harbor Healthcare System - Brooklyn Campus - PTSD Service
VA New York Harbor Healthcare System - Brooklyn Campus - Adult Outpatient
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Center at NYU Langone Health
Mt. Sinai St. Luke's Co-op Tech Adolescent and Young Adult Dual Diagnosis program
Other varied community sites
Laura Pittman, Ph.D. How family and school contexts may buffer
the risk of developing psychological
symptoms after experiencing these natural
David P. Valentiner, Ph.D. Cognitive and emotional factors related to
anxiety, anxiety disorders, and change in
anxiety during treatment and during the
natural recovery following trauma, such as
mechanisms of change in effective therapies
for anxiety disorders, mechanisms for
understanding psychopathology, including
etiology and maintenance, and how can
treatment and prevention be improved based
on what we learn about mechanisms of
change. Interest in brain areas involved in fear
reduction and recovery, racism and belief
change, and research on pseudoscience and
scientific anomalies.
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 672 (and PSYC 633) - Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
PSYC 632 - Foundation in Traumatology
Note: Nothern Illinois University Trauma Study under Dr. Orcott. The NIU Trauma Study (NTS)
was launched in response to the mass shooting at NIU on February 14, 2008.
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Trauma Services Clinic
Center for the Study of Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Trauma Service Center, Northern Illinois University (as part of our in-house training clinic)
Trauma Services at the Hines VA
County Probation Department (primarily assessment; many clients have a trauma history)
Note: The program offers other practicum placements where clients with trauma histories may be
worked with, but that is not the focused population.
From website: “Trauma Psychology Focus - Trauma psychology is geared for students with
strong research and clinical interests in the area of trauma. This focus area is based on the
premise that trauma, broadly defined, is a risk factor in multiple disorders. Increased
understanding of causes and consequences of traumatic stress and related sequelae will enhance
the development of intervention strategies to reduce negative effects of trauma exposure.
Consistent with the New Haven trauma competencies, training will target the core competencies
of scientific knowledge about trauma, trauma-relevant psychosocial assessment, trauma-relevant
psychosocial intervention and trauma-informed professionalism. You will receive exposure and
training in best practices in assessment and evidence-based treatment modalities in trauma
psychology. You will also produce original scholarship in trauma psychology.”
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSY 4419 Forensic Psychology: Family Law (Covers child physical & sexual abuse and
domestic violence)
PSY 4490 Military Psychology
PSY 4520 Child Sexual Abuse Assessment
PSY 4560 Forensic Assessment (Trauma Symptom Inventory & Parenting Stress Index are
also covered)
PSY 4618 Clinical Applications of Hypnosis
PSY 4640 Special Problems in Psychotherapy (Covers early trauma)
PSY 4650 Crisis Intervention
PSY 4662 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
PSY 4673 Interpersonal Violence
PSY 4679 Abuse, Trauma, and Dissociation
PSY 4690 Psychological Interventions in Forensic Settings
PSY 4711 Police Psychology
Trauma Track: The object of the Trauma track is to deliver specialized training in trauma as it
pertains to the assessment and treatment of individuals. In addition, research focused on trauma
is encouraged.
Course Offerings
Course Name
CLIN864 Foundations of Clinical Trauma Psychology
ASMT851 Assessment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents
ASMT850 Assessment of Trauma in Adults
CLIN860 A Survey Course on Trauma: Assessment & Treatment Considerations
CLIN865 Treatment of Trauma in Adults
CLIN866 Treatment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents
Other electives not listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Multiple with potential for clinical experience in trauma - Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Practicum | Palo Alto University
Trauma Emphasis: The learning objectives of the Trauma Area of Emphasis are aligned with
the New Haven Core Competencies (Cook & Newman, 2014). The competencies broadly include
foundational knowledge, a range of functional skills, and professional attitudes. Specifically, five
areas are delineated as important to master through specialized education and training by those
who work with trauma survivors: 1) scientific knowledge about trauma, 2) psychosocial trauma-
related assessment, 3) trauma-focused psychosocial intervention, 4) trauma-informed
professionalism, and 5) trauma-informed relational and systems. The Trauma Area of Emphasis
uses a series of benchmarks to identify and to assess successful attainment of trauma
competencies. In addition to course offerings, there is are several requirements:
1. Research Requirement
Students who want to be competitive for obtaining a top tier internship should possess excellent
writing and statistical skills and strive to publish papers and give presentations on trauma
related topics while in graduate school. Students should be actively involved with a research
group that is focused on trauma related projects.
2. Professional Development Requirement
Students in the Trauma Area of Emphasis are expected to actively take part in professional
activities to advance their knowledge in the field. This includes student membership in the
American Psychological Association, Division of Trauma Psychology (56) and regular
attendance at the Palo Alto University Trauma Journal Club.
3. Dissertation Requirement
Students in the Trauma Area of Emphasis must complete a dissertation that makes a scientific
contribution to the field of trauma psychology.
4. Practicum Requirement
In their 3rd or 4th year, students must complete an official practicum placement (one year of full
or supplemental training) in a setting that includes a caseload of patients with PTSD or other
trauma-related disorders in which trauma is the primary treatment focus.
5. Internship
A search of the APPIC site in May 2020 using the terms “trauma” and “PTSD” in the program
description resulted in a list of 169 and 63 internship programs, respectively. Students are
required to complete an internship in a setting that includes a caseload of patients with PTSD or
other trauma-related disorders in which trauma is the primary focus for at least 33% of the total
internship hours.
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 843 Trauma-Focused Approaches to Psychological Intervention I
PSYC 844 Trauma-Focused Approaches to Psychological Intervention II
PSYC 845 Crisis and Disaster-Related Interventions in Psychology
Website: Master of Arts in Applied Clinical Psychology | Penn State Behrend (
Course Offerings
Course Name
Electives not listed on website
Course Offerings
Coun 502: Child and domestic abuse
Coun 504: Trauma—psychodynamic effects and treatment
Coun 505: Treatment of PTSD in abused children
Practicum Placements
We provide a wealth of advanced practicum opportunities for graduate students in the Clinical
Psychology program.
Contact Information
Titus McMillan, Ph.D. (
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSY 5892: Clerkship in Health, Neuropsychology and Trauma
Psychology of Trauma
Electives not listed on website
Course Offerings
Course Name
Special topics courses not listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
Dallas County Juvenile Department
Momentous Institute
North Texas Veterans Affairs Hospital
The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology
Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Metrocare
Others available with potential for clinical experience in trauma
Website: SMU Department of Psychology | SMU Dedman College of Humanites & Sciences
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYCH-703 Etiology and Treatment of Anxiety and Related Disorders
PSYCH-714 Dialectical-Behavior Therapy
PSYCH-729 Social Justice in Psychology
PSYCH-784 The Development of Infants & Children in Poverty
PSYCH-785 Migration, Acculturation and Development
PSYCH-786 Youth Resisting Oppression
Other special topics courses not listed on website
PsyD students specialize in one of three tracks: Child & Adolescent, Adult, or Assessment. Child
& Adolescent and Adult tracks require trauma course.
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYD 8270 Trauma
Trauma and Crisis Intervention
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Trauma-focused practicum placements are available in the metro DC area.
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 679: Special Topics: Trauma and PTSD
MA Clinical:
MA Counseling:
George Haddow
Disaster Resilience Emergency Management
Leadership Academy Disaster Communications
Climate change, refugee
crises, trafficking, and
Disaster Resilience extremism, gender
Jeannette Gaudry Haynie, PhD Leadership Academy dimensions of terrorism
Certificate requirements
Course Name Instructor
Collective Trauma
William K. Lieder
Disaster Mental Health and Trauma
Intervention Charles Figley, Ph.D.
Website: Disaster & Collective Trauma Certificate | New Orleans, LA | Tulane University
School Of Social Work
Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy | Tulane School of Social Work
Course Offerings
Course Name
Electives not listed on website
Website: Advancing the Science of Psychology from Infancy to Old Age | Department of
Psychology (
University of California at Irvine (Irvine, CA)
Course Offerings
Course Name
Courses not listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
On site practicum for years 1-5 at UCI, 1 year internship in 6 th year
University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL)
Course Offerings
Course Name
Electives not listed on website
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center
UCF RESTORES (A treatment clinic that provides clinical services to veterans, active duty
military, first responders, survivors of trauma, and community members experiencing
posttraumatic stress disorder and trauma-related concerns; Developed a multi-disciplinary
treatment approach that utilizes technology and exposure techniques to reduce the distressing
symptoms that often accompany the direct or indirect experience of a traumatic event)
UCF Understanding Young Children & Families Laboratory (Trauma-related research and
psychological services)
Other community agencies
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Developmental Neuropsychology Clinic – 2nd yr students – in-house diagnostic practicum
Center for Child and Family Psychology – 2nd yr students – in-house therapy practicum
Comprehensive Assessment Team in the Clinic for Child and Family Psychology- 3 rd yr – in-
house diagnostic and therapy
Clinic for Child and Family Psychology- 4th yr and beyond – in house therapy
Fourth Year Externship Available at the Following Sites:
Children's Hospital of Colorado
Child Clinical Outpatient Rotation
Neuropsychology Rotation
Rehabilitation Rotation
Pediatric Psychology Consultation: Kidney Transplant & Urology
Denver Health Medical Center
Denver VA Medical Center: life Skills
JFK Center at the University of Colorado
Course Offerings
Course Name
Psy 4521: Psychology of Stress and Trauma
Psy 8545: Counseling Psychology Process and Outcome Research
Practicum Placements
The Twin Cities metropolitan area provides a wealth of advanced practicum opportunities for
graduate students in the Counseling Psychology program. We currently have agreements with
approximately 40 sites and new opportunities are added continuously. Advanced practicum
settings include VA Medical Centers, mental health clinics, small and large counseling centers,
and Level 1-trauma centers.
Course Offerings
Course Name
Psychological Trauma (Clinical Seminar)
PSY 743 - Cultural Diversity
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Psychological Services Center (PSC)
According to the website, the Psychological Services Center (PSC), “is an in-house, community-
oriented clinic serving the greater Reno community. Training and treatment are provided by
service teams, all supervised by clinical faculty... training teams that cover the treatment of
anxiety, depression, interpersonal difficulties , and posttraumatic stress disorder. Service teams
also provide services for survivors of incest, sexual assault, and domestic violence, which
includes, but is not limited to, PTSD treatment”
Course Offerings
Course Name
Psy 594: Interrogations and Confessions
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Northern Prairie Community Clinic
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSYC 6630 - Series on Psychotherapy Theory, Research and Practice
Practicum Placements
Site Name
The Psychology Clinic at the University of North Texas
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSY 60691/40691 Conceptualizing resilience in contexts of chronic violence
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSY 572 – The Psychology of Trauma
Course Offerings
Course Name
CCP 758 - Psychology Resilience & Trauma
CCP 742 - Advanced Psych Assessment
CCP 763 - Prevention Treat Public Health
Practicum Placements
Site Name
University of South Alabama Psychological Clinic
University of South Dakota Clinical Psychology Training Program
(Vermillion, SD)
Course Offerings
Site Name
PSYC 754 Behavior Therapy
PSYC 778 Crisis Intervention
PSYC 780 Rural Community Psychology
PSYC 784 Disaster Mental Health
PSYC 785 Traumatic Stress
PSYC 787 Serving the Diverse Community in Disaster
PSYC 755 Management in Disaster Mental Health
PSYC 757 Directed Readings in Disaster Psychology
PSYC 758 Directed Research in Disaster Psychology
Research Practicum (Psy 7030) may involve participation in the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Lab under Dr. Elhai. Research in this area includes traumatic event exposure and posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). The website notes that Dr. Elhai’s specializations include:
Understanding PTSD's symptom structure
Exploring PTSD's high comorbidity with other mental disorders
Assessment and measurement of traumatic event exposure and PTSD
Mechanisms underlying the development of trauma-related pathology
Practicum Placements:
Site Name
The VA Toledo
Research Opportunities:
Multidisciplinary trauma research institute (TITAN)
Practicum Placements
Site Name
Center for Anxiety & Traumatic Stress*
*Also a research program:
West Chester University (West Chester, PA)
Practicum Placements
Site Name
West Chester University Community Mental Health Services (Offers training in evidence-
based and empirically supported treatments for trauma-related problems, stress, grief, and
Trauma Track: In consultation with his/her advisor, each student will select 4 elective courses
that support the student's specific training goals and that enhance learning in the student's
specialty track. Elective courses and practicum training experiences will provide students the
opportunity to gain depth of training and expertise in Trauma.
Course Offerings
Course Name
CN519: Crisis and Trauma Counseling
Course Offerings
Course Name
PSC 6145 Psychological Trauma I
PSC 6146 Psychological Trauma II
PSC 6544 Working w/ Asylum Seekers