Configure Ebs Audit Trail
Configure Ebs Audit Trail
Configure Ebs Audit Trail
Be sure to log out of the applications to activate the profile option in your session.
Select the registered Oracle user names at your site that you wish to audit.
Select the Audit Enabled check box to enable Audit Trail for an Oracle user name.
In this example our table PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES belongs to HR, Hence search for HR and
tick the checkbox 'Audit Enabled'.
Also enable audit for APPS & APPLSYS
Important: All primary key columns in each table in an audit group are automatically
selected for auditing, whether or not you use the Audit Tables window to select which
columns you wish to audit.
To fix the issue Check if you have enabled auditing for APPLSYS,APPS and the
application schema owner you want to audit, if not enable the auditing for the schema
you wish to audit.
5. Save
9. Commit;
Step 6 – Setup Purge
The AuditTrail data should be purged on a periodic basis. There is no standard purge
program and the AuditTrail must be manually disabled to permit purging.
Use the following procedure to purge audit date –
1. As System Administrator, select Security -> AuditTrail -> Groups and select the
“Security Audit” group and then set the state of the group to be purged to a value of
“Disable – Purge Table”
2. Run the “Audit Trail Update Tables” Report
3. Purge the data from the shadow table
4. Select Security -> AuditTrail -> Groups
5. Select the “Security Audit” group and set the group state to “Enable”
6. Run the “Audit Trail Update Tables” Report