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Determination of Properties of Polymeric Materials by Means of A Capillary Rheometer

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Designation: D 3835 – 02

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Properties of Polymeric Materials by
Means of a Capillary Rheometer 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3835; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope * 2.2 ANSI Standard:

1.1 This test method covers measurement of the rheological B46.1 Surface Texture4
properties of polymeric materials at various temperatures and
3. Terminology
shear rates common to processing equipment. It covers mea-
surement of melt viscosity, sensitivity, or stability of melt 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
viscosity with respect to temperature and polymer dwell time 3.1.1 apparent values—viscosity, shear rate, and shear
in the rheometer, die swell ratio (polymer memory), and shear stress values calculated assuming Newtonian behavior and that
sensitivity when extruding under constant rate or stress. The all pressure drops occur within the capillary.
techniques described permit the characterization of materials 3.1.2 critical shear rate—the shear rate corresponding to
that exhibit both stable and unstable melt viscosity properties. the critical shear stress (1/s).
1.2 This test method has been found useful for quality 3.1.3 critical shear stress—the value of the shear stress at
control tests on both reinforced and unreinforced thermoplas- which there is a discontinuity in the slope of log shear stress
tics, cure cycles of thermosetting materials, and other poly- versus log shear rate plot or periodic roughness of the polymer
meric materials having a wide range of melt viscosities. strand occurs as it exits the rheometer die (MPa).
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 3.1.4 delay time—the time delay between piston stop and
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for start when multiple data points are acquired from a single
information only. charge(s).
3.1.5 melt density—the density of the material in the molten
NOTE 1—Although this test method and ISO 11443–1995, “Plastic— form expressed in g/mL.
Determination of the Fluidity of Plastics Using Capillary and Slit-Die
3.1.6 melt time—the time interval between the completion
Rheometers” differ in approach or detail, the data obtained using ISO
11443, Method A is technically equivalent to this test method of polymer charge and beginning of piston travel(s).
3.1.7 percent extrudate swell—the percentage change in the
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the extrudate diameter relative to the die diameter.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.8 shear rate—rate of shear strain or velocity gradient in
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- the melt, usually expressed as reciprocal time such as second−1
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- (s−1).
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.9 shear stress—force per area, usually expressed in
2. Referenced Documents pascals (Pa).
3.1.10 swell ratio—the ratio of the diameter of the extruded
2.1 ASTM Standards: strand to the diameter of the capillary (die).
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing2 3.1.11 viscosity—ratio of shear stress to shear rate at a given
D 1238 Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics shear rate or shear stress. It is usually expressed in pascal
by Extrusion Plastometer2 seconds (Pa·s).
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Viscosity determined on molten polymers is some-
Determine the Precision of a Test Method3 times referred to as melt viscosity. Viscosity determined on materials exhibiting non-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics Newtonian flow behavior is referred to as apparent viscosity
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.30 on Thermal Properties unless corrections are made as specified in Section 11.
(Section D20.30.08).
Current edition approved November 10, 2002. Published January 2003. Origi-
nally approved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as D 3835 – 96..
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 3835 – 02
3.1.12 zero shear viscosity, h0—the limiting viscosity as the 5.1.3 Capillary Dimensions—The output rate and force
shear rate falls to zero. vary with r3 + bL − b, where b is as defined in 5.1.2, r is the
capillary radius, and L the length of land. The error that arises
4. Significance and Use in Q due to variations only in r and L is given by:
4.1 This test method is sensitive to polymer molecular dQ
% error in Q 5 Q 3 100
weight and molecular weight distribution, polymer stability—
both thermal and rheological, shear instability, and additives dP
5 b P 3 100
such as plasticizers, lubricants, moisture reinforcements, or
dr dL
inert fillers, or combination thereof. 5 ~3 1 b! r 3 100 – b L 3 100 (4)
4.2 The sensitivity of this test method makes the data useful
for correlating with processing conditions and aids in predict-
ing necessary changes in processing conditions. Unlike Test As the value of b can range from 1 to 3, the resultant error
Method D 1238, which makes a one-point measure at a shear in Q due to a variation in r of 60.5 % can be 2 to 3 %, and the
rate typically below processing conditions, this test method resultant error in Q due to variation in L of 60.5 % can be 0.5
determines the shear sensitivity and flow characteristics at to 1.5 %. If Q is being held constant, similar variations in r and
processing shear rates, and therefore can be used to compare L can result in an error of 1.0 to 2.0 % and 0.5 %, respectively,
materials of different compositions. in P.

6. Apparatus
5. Interferences
6.1 Rheometer—Any capillary rheometer is satisfactory in
5.1 Relatively minor changes in the design and arrangement
which molten thermoplastic can be forced from a reservoir
of the component parts have not been shown to cause differ-
through a capillary die and in which temperature, applied force,
ences in results between laboratories. However, it is important
output rate, and barrel and die dimensions can be controlled
for the best interlaboratory agreement that the design adhere
and measured accurately as described as follows. Equipment
closely to the description herein; otherwise, it should be
that operates under constant stress or constant rate has been
determined that modifications do not influence the results.
shown to be equally useful.
5.1.1 Temperature—The effect of temperature variation on 6.2 Barrel—The barrel (Note 1) shall have a smooth,
output rate, Q, or resultant pressure, P, the other variables straight bore between 6.35 and 19 mm in diameter. Well(s) for
remaining constant, is given approximately by: temperature sensor(s) shall be provided as close to the barrel
(A) For a constant-stress rheometer: inside wall as possible. The barrel bore should be finished by
dQ E* techniques known to produce approximately 12 rms or better in
% error in Q 5 Q 3 100 5 dT 3 100 (1)
RT 2 accordance with ANSI B46.1.
NOTE 2—Cylinders with Rockwell hardness, C scale, greater than 50
(B) For a constant-rate rheometer: have shown good service life when used at temperatures below 300°C.
dP E* 6.3 —The capillary (Note 3) shall have a smooth straight
% error in P 5 P 3 100 5 dT 3 100 (2)
RT 2 bore that is held to within 60.00762 mm (60.0003 in.) in
diameter and shall be held to within 60.025 mm (60.001 in.)
in length. The bore and its finish are critical. It shall have no
visible drill or other tool marks and no detectable eccentricity.
E* = energy of activation,
R = gas constant (8.3 J/K·mol), and The capillary bore shall be finished by techniques known to
T = absolute temperature, K. produce about 12 rms or better when measured in accordance
For some thermoplastics dT = 0.2 K will produce up to 5 % with ANSI B46.1. Dies having a flat (180°) inlet angle and die
error in Q or P. Therefore, the temperature control should meet length to diameter ratios greater than or equal to 20 are
the requirements specified in 6.1.5. recommended. Other inlet angles may be used, but compari-
sons should be made using only dies with identical inlet cones.
5.1.2 Force and Output Rate—The output rate varies ap-
The inlet cone shall expand from the capillary at fixed angle to
proximately as the pressure, P, raised to some power, b, greater
a diameter no less than 50 % of the barrel diameter.
than unity. Over a range of output rates, b may not be constant.
The effect of pressure variation on output rate, the other NOTE 3—Hardened steel, tungsten carbide, Stellite, and Hastelloy are
variables remaining constant, is given by: the most generally used capillary materials. The capillary shall have a
diameter such that the ratio of barrel diameter, D, to capillary diameter, d,
dQ dP is normally between 3 and 15. The length-to-diameter ratio of the capillary
% error in Q 5 Q 3 100 5 b P 3 100 (3)
shall normally be between 15 and 40. Smaller ratios of L/D may be used
Thus a 0.5 % error in pressure measurement implies an error in selected situations, but are more likely to result in the necessity of
of b/2 % in output rate. As the value of b can range from 1 to applying large corrections to the data (1, 2).5
3, a corresponding error in Q of 0.5 to 1.5 % could result from
this 0.5 % error in P. It is therefore necessary that the precision
of the force and output rate measurements be within 1.0 % of 5
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
the absolute values. this test method.

D 3835 – 02
6.3.1 The precision with which capillary dimensions can be probe should not exceed 60.2°C of the reference probe
measured is dependent upon both the capillary radius and temperature. Calibration of the temperature-indicating device
length. With capillaries of diameter smaller than 1.25 mm shall be verified at a temperature that is within 625°C of each
(0.050 in.) the specified precision is difficult. Due to the run temperature.
extreme sensitivity of flow data to capillary dimensions, it is
NOTE 5—Any type of temperature sensor (thermometer, RTD, optic
most important that both the capillary dimensions and the probe, etc.) is allowed under 6.1.6 provided it is traceable and falls within
precision with which the dimensions are measured are known the element size restriction and positioning requirements.
and reported.
6.4 Piston—The piston shall be made of metal of a hardness 7. Test Specimen
of Rockwell hardness, C scale, of greater than 45. The land of 7.1 The test specimen may be in any form that can be
the piston shall be 0.0254 6 0.007 mm (0.0010 6 0.0003 in.) introduced into the bore of the cylinder such as powder, beads,
smaller in diameter than the barrel and at least 6.35 6 0.13 mm pellets, strips of film, or molded slugs. In some cases it may be
(0.250 6 0.005 in.) in length. Alternative piston-barrel-sealing desirable to preform or pelletize a powder. In the case of
methods (O-rings, split seals, multi-lands, etc.) outside these preformed plugs, any application of heat to the sample must be
tolerances may be used, provided there is less than 0.1 g of kept to a minimum and shall be held constant for all specimens
material going past the sealing device. Machines that measure thus formed.
plunger force must demonstrate that piston-tip frictional effects
are less than 1 % over the range of force measurement, or 8. Conditioning
correct for this effect. Demonstration of low frictional force is 8.1 Many thermoplastic materials do not require condition-
not required for pressure-measurement devices; however, ad- ing prior to testing. Materials that contain volatile components,
equate seals are still needed for proper flow-rate calculations. are chemically reactive, or have other unique characteristics
Above the land, the piston shall be relieved at least 0.25 mm are most likely to require special conditioning procedures. In
(0.010 in.) less than the barrel diameter. The finish of the piston many cases, moisture accelerates degradation or may otherwise
foot shall be 12 rms when measured in accordance with ANSI affect reproducibility of flow-rate measurements. If condition-
B46.1. ing is necessary, see the applicable material specification and
6.5 Make provisions for heating and temperature control Practice D 618.
systems such that the apparatus maintains the temperature of a
fluid, at rest, in the barrel to within 60.2°C of the set 9. Procedural Conditions
temperature (see Note 4). Due to shear heating and chemical or
9.1 Typical test temperature conditions of several materials
physical changes in the material, it may not be possible to hold
are given as follows. These are listed for information only. The
this degree of control during an actual test. In such a case, the
most useful data are generally obtained at temperatures con-
temperature shall be reported with each data point collected.
sistent with processing experience. The shear stress and shear
The temperature specified shall be the temperature of the
rate conditions applied should also closely approximate those
material 6 min after a full charging of the barrel measured in
observed in the actual processing.
the center of the barrel 12.7 mm above the top of the die.
Typical Test
NOTE 4—A high melt-flow-rate polypropylene >20 (g/10 min) has been Temperature, °C
found useful for calibrations of control probes. Acetals 190
Acrylics 230
6.6 The temperature sensing device in the apparatus shall be Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 200
Cellulose esters 190
calibrated by the following method. A traceable temperature Nylon 235 to 275
sensor shall be inserted into the rheometer barrel containing a Polychlorotrifluoroethylene 265
typical charge of material (see Note 5). The combined accuracy Polyethylene 190
Polycarbonate 300
of the sensor and display unit shall be 0.1°C or better. The Polypropylene 230
reference unit shall display temperature to 0.1°C or better. The Polystyrene 190 to 230
sensor shall be positioned such that it acquires the average Poly(vinyl chloride) 170 to 205
Poly(butylene terephthalate) 250
temperature centered vertically at 12.7 mm above the top of the Thermoplastic Elastomer (TES) Unsaturated 150 to 210
die and centered radially within the barrel. For large sensor (for Thermoplastic Elastomer (TES) Saturated 180 to 260
example, large bulb thermometers) elements provisions shall
be made to avoid direct contact of the sensing element with the 10. Procedure
die or barrel wall. Proper insulation or immersion levels, or 10.1 Select test temperature shear rates and shear stress in
both, should be adhered to, as required, for sufficient accuracy. accordance with materials specifications (see the ASTM docu-
Charging the barrel with typical material can be omitted if it ment for the specific material) and within the limitations of the
has been demonstrated that for the sensor in question the testing equipment.
steady-state temperature in air results are statistically equiva- 10.2 Before beginning determinations, inspect the rheom-
lent (95 % confidence limits) to the standard charge tempera- eter and clean it if necessary, as described in 10.11 (see Note
ture results. The controlling point temperature device should be 6). Ensure that cleaning procedures or previous use have not
calibrated to within 60.1°C of the reference temperature changed the dimensions. Make frequent checks to determine
sensor after steady-state temperature has been achieved. Sub- the die diameter and to ensure that it is within the tolerances
sequent temperature checks of the controlling temperature given in 6.1.3. A go/no-go pin with the smallest pin (green)

D 3835 – 02
being the low end of the specification (for example, 0.99238 at constant time. This requires a new sample to be charged for
mm for a nominal 1-mm diameter die) and the largest pin (red) each rate or stress point collected.
being the largest end of the specification (for example, 1.00762 10.8.2 Run a multiple rate or multiple stress level test, or
mm for a nominal 1.0-mm diameter die) is effective for both, in a manner that both rate effects and time effects can be
checking die diameter. The go (green) pin should go effort- estimated within the same run. The minimum requirements for
lessly all the way into the die from both ends. The no-go (red) such a test would be that, at least, one condition (rate or stress)
pin should not enter more than 1 mm in either end of the die. must be repeated and the time difference between them be
All errors in pin production should be in the direction of equal to, at least, half the total test time. Should a 0.5 % change
making the specification tighter. or greater be observed in the viscosity per minute, the rate data
NOTE 6—Experience has shown that an initial purge of the rheometer
should be considered confounded with the time dependence
with the test material is often good practice after periods of equipment and so noted. The user may then wish to revert back to the
inactivity and when changing material types. Purging is also effective at previous method to explore the nature of the thermal instabil-
reducing the variability of unstable materials (PVC); it is important, ity.
however, that both the barrel and die be cleaned after the purge prior to 10.9 If the percent extrudate swell is desired, measure the
running the sample. extrudate diameter using any NIST traceable device capable of
10.3 Replace the die and piston in the barrel and allow the measuring diameters to within 60.5 %. If measured after
assembled apparatus to reach thermal equilibrium. cutting a piece of extrudate away from the die, measure the
10.4 Remove the piston, place on an insulated surface, and diameter 6.25 mm away from the die exit.
charge the barrel with the sample until the barrel is filled to 10.9.1 Scanning devices measuring extrudate diameter dur-
within approximately 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) of the top. Manually ing a test that are operating at ambient temperature should have
tamp the charge several times during the loading to minimize the measurement being made 25 mm away from the die exit. At
air pockets. Charging should be accomplished in not more than least 8 independent samplings should be used to report an
2 min. average extrudate diameter. The associated real time shear
10.5 Place the piston in the barrel, start the melt time timer, viscosity data should be collected within 2 s of the real time
and immediately apply a load that imparts a constant stress on extrudate measurement. At extrudate exit speeds of less than
the polymer, or start the piston moving at a constant rate. approximately 200 mm/min, the extrudate should be cut such
Extrude, at least, a small portion of the barrel charge. Stop the that its total length is approximately 50 mm at the time of
piston movement until the full melt time has expired. measurement.
NOTE 7—There may be cases where 6 min of preheat time may not be 10.10 Discharge the remainder of the specimen and remove
sufficient or desirable. Longer preheat periods are permissible and often the capillary from the barrel. Clean the piston and capillary
useful, as are shorter preheat times when proved to be sufficient or thoroughly and swab out the barrel with cotton cloth patches or
necessary due to thermal degradation. a brush softer than the barrel, in the manner of cleaning a pistol
NOTE 8—Running first rates that correspond to forces that exceed the barrel. The capillary may be cleaned by dissolving the residue
nominal packing force used to charge the sample often results in lower in a solvent. The method of pyrolytic decomposition of the
operator-to-operator variability on subsequent rates that correspond to
residue in a nitrogen atmosphere is useful only on capillaries
forces lower than the packing force. Additionally, running from higher to
lower rates (or stress) tends to reduce the time necessary to achieve made from materials that will not themselves be softened or
steady-state. oxidized by the pyrolysis operation. Place the die in a tubular
combustion furnace or other device for heating to 550 6 10°C
10.6 Reactivate the piston to start extrusion. After the and clean with a small nitrogen purge through the die. In
system has reached steady-state operation, record the force on certain cases where materials of a given class having similar
the piston and the data necessary to calculate the output rate, Q. flow characteristics are being tested consecutively, interim
The criterion used for steady-state determination should be capillary cleaning may not be required. In such cases, however,
reported with the data. the effect of cleaning upon viscosity determinations must be
10.7 If the specific material being tested has previously been shown to be negligible.
demonstrated thermally stable at the current test temperature,
any combination of shear rates or shear stress may be applied,
11. Procedure for Determination of Melt Density for
provided data is taken under steady-state conditions.
Thermally Stable Materials
10.8 If the rheological thermal stability of the material has
not been determined, perform either of the following: 11.1 Set the machine to run under controlled rate to achieve
10.8.1 Run a constant rate test (or a constant shear stress test a volumetric flow rate of 0.040 6 0.030 mL/s (0.07 to 0.01
in the Newtonian region) with sufficient delay time to cover the mL/s). The die diameter and length should be selected to keep
expected time for the subsequent multi-point shear rate or shear drooling from the die at a minimum and to keep average barrel
stress run and collect a minimum of four data points. If the extrusion pressures below 15 MPa.
viscosity of the material changes by more than 0.5 % (higher or 11.2 Start the test in accordance with 10.1-10.5.
lower) per minute at any point along the viscosity-time curve, 11.3 Let the material flow from the die until the extrudate is
the material is considered thermally unstable rheologically bubble free and the force reading is stable.
from that point on. Subsequent tests must be performed before 11.4 Hold a cutting device against the die or fixed member.
this time is reached. If tests must be performed at times 11.5 Simultaneously cut the extrudate and start a timing
exceeding the thermal stability time limit, they must be made device.

D 3835 – 02
11.6 Carefully collect the extrudate onto a clean surface for high loads, a back-flow correction may be necessary. This is
a minimum of 20 s. evidenced by material exuding past the top of the land on the
11.7 End the sample collection by repositioning the cutting piston. This material should be scraped from the plunger,
device to the same position as in 11.4 then simultaneously cut weighed, and compared to the weight of the capillary extrudate
the extrudate and stop the timing device. for the same time period to determine the percent back-flow
11.8 Report the actual collection time (time between cuts) to error. A second method for determining the magnitude of this
0.01 s with a precision of 0.01 s or better. error consists in measuring the rate of capillary extrudate and
11.9 Report the mass of material collected to 0.01 g with a comparing this with the actual piston displacement rate, taking
precision of 0.01 g or better. If the total sample mass is less into account the change in fluid density.
than 1.0 g, increase the collection time to achieve an extrudate 12.5 Melt Compressibility—Some fluids are compressible to
weight greater than 1 g. a significant degree. As shear rate at the capillary wall is
11.10 Repeat 11.3-11.8 until three bubble-free extrudates calculated from the piston displacement rate, an error is
are collected. introduced by the drop in hydrostatic pressure (and in fluid
11.11 Calculate the melt density from the following equa- density) along the capillary. As the hydrostatic pressure dimin-
tion: ishes along the capillary, the fluid density decreases and the
m flow rate increases. This results in an increase in shear rate
r 5 tQ (5) down the capillary. If the compressibility or the equation of
state for the material under study is known, this correction can
easily be made; for example, using a published equation of
where: state for polystyrene (3), a compressibility correction chart can
r = melt density, g/mL,
be made for this material.
m = mass of the extrudate collected, g,
t = extrudate collection time, s, and 12.6 Barrel Pressure Drop—It is assumed in most work that
Q = volumetric flow rate, mL/s. the pressure drop in the rheometer barrel is negligible com-
The volumetric flow rate, Q, shall be calculated from the pared to the pressure drop through the capillary. This is not true
product of ram speed in cm/s and barrel cross sectional-area in for short capillaries of large diameter. Under isothermal con-
cm2. ditions, the pressure drop of Newtonian materials varies as
11.12 Calculate an average melt density and extrusion
pressure from the three samplings.
DP2 5 LC

NOTE 9—The results from this test method should be used with caution
for PVC, anomalous results have been observed with regards to tempera- where LB refers to the rheometer barrel length and LC to the
ture dependence. capillary length. When the pressure drop in the barrel is
significant, it should be subtracted from the overall pressure
12. Errors and Corrections (See Refs (4-9) drop of the system in order to calculate shear stress.
12.1 In some cases it is necessary to have more exacting 12.7 Determining True Shear Stress—The correction
rheological data from capillary rheometry measurements. In method according to Bagley will be used to calculate true
this event, data may be reported in different terms than given in stress. To obtain the true shear stress, perform the following
Section 3. For example, true shear rates, corrected for non- procedure: Using a minimum of two dies (although preferably
Newtonian flow behavior and true shear stresses, corrected for three or more) having the same entrance angle and same
end effects or kinetic energy losses, may be calculated. In such diameter (D) yet of differing capillary lengths (L), collect
cases, the exact details of the mode of correction must be steady-state flow data on shear rate and test pressure (or
reported. The application of these corrections is discussed in plunger force). At least one L/D ratio should be less than 10,
the references at the end of this test method. and at least one should be greater than 16. Prepare a plot of
12.2 Capillary Calibration—No completely satisfactory pressure (or plunger force) versus the length to diameter (L/D)
method for determining capillary inside diameter has yet been ratio of the dies used. For points at constant apparent shear rate,
developed. Since apparent viscosity varies with the fourth draw the best straight line through the data and determine the
power of r, it is desirable to know this value within 60.00762 intercept with the pressure axis (Pc) or force axis (Fc). Obtain
mm (0.0003 in.). true shear stress using the following equation:
12.3 Piston Friction—This is caused by contact of the
~P 2 Pc!D ~F 2 Fc!D
piston with the barrel. Normally the frictional force is negli- t5 4L 5 4L A (7)
gible compared to the pressure drop through the capillary.
When significant, the frictional force should be subtracted from
the force reading. where:
12.4 Polymer Back Flow—The clearance between the t = true shear stress,
plunger and the barrel may permit a small amount of melt to P = melt pressure,
flow back along the piston instead of through the capillary. This Pc = intercept obtained for a given shear rate from the
causes the real shear rate to be lower than that calculated from above described plot (see Fig. 1),
the piston velocity. Usually this error is negligible. However, in D = die diameter, and
some cases, particularly when slow piston speeds are run at L = die length.

D 3835 – 02

FIG. 1 Bagley Correction

For plunger force measuring devices, F is the force on the or viscous heating. In such cases use only the data from shorter capillaries
plunger, Fc is the intercept force on the Bagley plot described which do not exhibit the effect.
above, and AB is the cross-sectional area of the barrel. Devices NOTE 11—The Bagley correction may be performed using computer
that measure plunger force must acquire data for a given shear programs. If it is performed in such a manner, inherent in the computer
rate (a given line on the graph) at the same position in the program will be code assessing the validity of the assumption of having
barrel for the various dies used. In this way barrel pressure straight lines in the Bagley plot. Users will be warned that the Bagley
correction is not valid under such circumstances where the straight line
drop effects will be removed along with the other stationary
conditions are not met.
pressures in the system when the Bagley correction is per-
formed. 12.8 Determining True Shear Rate—The Weissenberg
NOTE 10—When using very long dies, there may be nonlinear changes
Rabinowitsch shear rate correction accounts for the fact that
in the pressure versus L/D plots due to the effects of pressure on viscosity the true shear rate is often larger than the apparent shear rate

FIG. 2 Weissenberg Rabinowitsch Correction for True Shear Rate

D 3835 – 02
for non-Newtonian materials. The true shear rate can be Statement as to any preconditioning which the
calculated using the following equation: sample has undergone, and
~3n 1 1! Melt time and dwell times (s).
ġ 5 4n ġa (8) 14.2 Flow Data—These data should be reported in tabular
or graphical form, stating either “apparent values,”“ Rabinow-
itsch corrected,” “Bagley corrected,” or “Rabinowitsch and
where: Bagley corrected.” If no die-wall slippage was assumed in the
n = tangent slope of the log true shear stress versus log Rabinowitsch correction, it should be noted. Corrections of
apparent shear rate curve at the apparent shear rate other types should be noted if greater than 1 %.
being corrected, 14.2.1 Log shear stress versus log shear rate,
ġ = true shear rate, and 14.2.2 Log viscosity versus log shear stress or log shear
ġa = apparent shear rate described in 13.1 (see Fig. 2).
The stationary pressure correction (Bagley entrance correc- 14.2.3 Log viscosity versus the reciprocal of the absolute
tion) should always be performed prior to the Rabinowitsch temperature at a constant shear stress or shear rate,
correction. 14.2.4 Log viscosity versus the temperature in degrees
13. Calculation Celsius at a constant shear stress or shear rate,
14.2.5 Log critical shear stress or log critical shear rate
13.1 Perform calculations using the following equations: versus the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, and
Pr Fr 14.2.6 Log critical shear stress or log critical shear rate
Shear stress, Pa 5 2L 5 (9)
2pR 2L versus the temperature in degrees Celsius.
14.3 Individual data obtained at a single set of test condi-
4Q 4V tions should include the following information:
Shear rate, s21 5 5 (10)
pr 3 pr 3t 14.3.1 Shear stress, t, Pa,
14.3.2 Shear rate, ġ, s−1,
ppr 4 Fr 4t
14.3.3 Intrinsic melt viscosity (see Appendix X1), ha, Pa·s,
Viscosity, Pa·s 5 8LQ 5 (11) 14.3.4 Melt viscosity stability, d (%/min),
8R 2LV
14.3.5 Percent extrudate swell or swell ratio.
14.4 Visual Observation—In cases where observation is
where: possible, gloss character or melt fracture and distortion of the
P = pressure by ram, Pa, monofilament may be noted at or above a certain shear stress.
F = force on ram, N, These values may correspond to a critical shear stress. The data
r = radius of capillary, m, shall be reported separately as “visual” critical shear stress. In
R = radius of barrel, m, addition, the general color of the extrudate at the conditions of
L = length of capillary, m, test or the dwell time at which a distinct color change occurs,
Q = flow rate, m3/s, or both, can be noted.
V = volume extruded, m3, and 14.5 Melt Density Results (if performed):
t = extrusion time, s.
14.5.1 The average melt density, g/mL,
13.1.1 The equations given in 13.1 yield true shear rate and
14.5.2 The barrel extrusion pressure, MPa,
true viscosity for Newtonian fluids only; for non-Newtonian
14.5.3 If the standard flow rate of 0.04 mL/s or minimum
fluids, the apparent shear rate and viscosity are obtained. (See
cut time of 20 s are not followed, report the flow rate, mL/s,
Section 12.)
and nominal cut time, s, and
13.2 Calculate swell ratio and percent memory as follows:
14.5.4 All items in 14.1.1- must be reported with
strand diameter melt density results.
swell ratio 5 capillary diameter

strand diameter 2 capillary diameter 15. Precision and Bias6

% extrudate swell 5 capillary diameter 3 100
15.1 Precision:
15.1.1 Fig. 3 and Table 1 are based on a round robin
conducted in 1992 in accordance with Practice E 691, involv-
14. Report
ing materials tested by 13 laboratories. Three materials were
14.1 Report the following information: used in the round robin: polypropylene copolymer, polysty-
14.1.1 Information Other Than Flow Data: rene, and low-density polyethylene. Each material was pre- Description of the material being tested, pared by a single source and underwent no additional condi- Description of the rheometer used, tioning (drying, etc.) prior to testing. The number of Temperature at which the data were obtained and measurements made by a given laboratory is noted in the
the precision of the temperature measurement (°C), tables. Typically each laboratory ran three tests per material. It Diameter, d, and the length to diameter ratio, L/d,
of the straight section, and the precision of these measurements
(mm), 6
Supporting data giving results of the interlaboratory tests have been filed at Die-entry-cone maximum diameter and angle, ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D20-1076.

D 3835 – 02
TABLE 1 Summary of Round Robin for Test Method D 3835 Conducted in 1992
Points Points Points Points Points Points Points Points
Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used
PP Set Rate, 1/s 3162 ... 1000 ... 316 ... 100 ... 32 ... 10 ... 3.2 ... 100 ...
Stress, kPa 150 ... 103 ... 70 ... 44 ... 24 ... 12 ... 5 ... 43 ...
Viscosity, Pa·s 47.3 ... 103.2 ... 222.3 ... 440.5 ... 734.5 ... 1249.2 ... 1544.9 ... 434.9 ...
SR, Pa·sA 1.8 13 4.0 13 11.2 12 27.3 13 56.5 13 174.3 12 223.1 7 30.7 10
Sr, Pa·sB 0.6 36 1.6 36 4.0 33 9.4 36 18.3 36 47.3 33 117.0 18 8.5 30
Sr/average,% 1.28 ... 1.52 ... 1.81 ... 2.13 ... 2.49 ... 3.79 ... 7.57 ... 1.95 ...
SR/average,% 3.89 ... 3.91 ... 5.05 ... 6.20 ... 7.69 ... 13.95 ... 14.44 ... 7.05 ...
HP-LDPE Set Rate, 1/s 3162 ... 1000 ... 316 ... 100 ... 32 ... 10 ... 3.2 ... 100 ...
Stress, kPa 320 ... 214 ... 139 ... 83 ... 48 ... 28 ... 15 ... 82 ...
Viscosity, Pa·s 101.2 ... 213.7 ... 439.3 ... 834.0 ... 1509.1 ... 2837.3 ... 4651.6 ... 817.9 ...
SR, Pa·sA 5.2 13 11.4 13 28.3 12 60.3 13 116.3 13 307.7 12 802.5 8 46.4 10
Sr, Pa·sB 0.7 36 1.8 36 2.9 33 7.2 36 16.5 36 48.8 33 125.7 21 5.1 30
Sr/average,% 0.65 ... 0.84 ... 0.66 ... 0.86 ... 1.09 ... 1.72 ... 2.70 ... 0.63 ...
SR/average,% 5.10 ... 5.32 ... 6.45 ... 7.23 ... 7.71 ... 10.85 ... 17.25 ... 5.67 ...
PS Set Rate, 1/s 3162 ... 1000 ... 316 ... 100 ... 32 ... 10 ... 3.2 ... 100 ...
Stress, kPa 299 ... 220 ... 163 ... 121 ... 84 ... 59 ... 37 ... 118 ...
Viscosity, Pa·s 94.5 ... 220.3 13 516.9 ... 1207.6 ... 2638.0 ... 5928.4 ... 11 696.5... 1179.0 ...
SR, Pa·sA 8.0 13 16.4 35 38.0 12 76.0 13 175.7 13 679.7 12 907.3 8 76.1 10
Sr, Pa·sB 1.6 35 4.2 ... 9.9 32 23.9 35 55.6 35 122.7 32 197.6 21 18.4 29
Sr/average,% 1.74 ... 1.90 ... 1.92 ... 1.98 ... 2.11 ... 2.07 ... 1.69 ... 1.56 ...
SR/average,% 8.51 ... 7.43 ... 7.35 ... 6.30 ... 6.66 ... 11.47 ... 7.76 ... 6.45 ...
SR = between laboratory standard deviation.
Sr = within-laboratory standard deviation (pooled estimate).

NOTE 1—By material, within-laboratory and laboratory-to-laboratory.

FIG. 3 Variability versus Shear Rate

should be noted that the full-scale capacity of the pressure 15.1.2 Concept of r and R—If Sr and SR have been calcu-
transducer or load cell and the proper die selection can lated from a large enough body of data, and the test result of
significantly affect the ability to measure at low rates (low interest is that obtained from a single viscosity versus rate
stresses). sweep, then the following applies:
NOTE 12—The following explanations of r and R are intended to Repeatability (r)—Comparing two results for the
present a meaningful way of considering the approximate precision of this same material, obtained by the same operator using the same
test method. The data in Table 1 should not be rigorously applied to the equipment on the same day, the two test results should be
acceptance or rejection of material, as those data are specific to the round
judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the r value,
robin and may not be representative of other lots, conditions, materials, or
laboratories. Users of this test method should apply the principles outlined where r = 2.8 Sr.
in Practice E 691 to generate data specific to their laboratory and materials
or between specific laboratories.

D 3835 – 02 Reproducibility (R)—Comparing two results for 15.3 Bias—There are no recognized standards by which to
the same material, obtained by different operators using differ- estimate the bias of this test method.
ent equipment on different days, the two test results should be
judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the R value, 16. Keywords
where R = 2.8 SR.
15.2 Any judgment pertaining to the repeatability or repro- 16.1 capillary; plastics; polymers; rheology; thermal flow;
ducibility would have an approximate 95 % (0.95) probability viscosity
of being correct.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Measure the melt viscosity at constant conditions

after at least four dwell times in the barrel.
X1.2 Plot the four or more melt viscosity values on
semilogarithmic paper with viscosity plotted on the log scale
and dwell time on the linear scale (see Fig. X1.1 and Fig.
X1.2). In most cases these data will fall on a straight line. A
single data point that does not fall on the line drawn through
the other data points can be attributed to polymer heterogeneity
or test techniques and can be discarded.
X1.3 Draw a straight line through the data and extrapolate
to the y axis (corresponding to dwell time = v 0). The melt
viscosity value thus defined by the intercept of the data line
should be recorded as intrinsic melt viscosity. This parameter
has been found to correlate with polymer molecular weight
average, as defined by solution techniques for linear polymers.

FIG. X1.2 Example of Flow Data Obtained on Heterogeneous


X1.4 Calculate the slope of the best fit line to obtain the rate
of change of the viscosity as a function of time at a specified
temperature. This rate shall be called the melt viscosity
stability, S, of the material at the conditions of test (Note X1.1
and Note X1.2).
NOTE X1.1—The total dwell times for viscosity measurement should be
selected according to the stability of the material. A highly unstable
material can be accurately characterized for its stability factor in relatively
short times (for example, 10 min). A material exhibiting small changes in
viscosity may require 20 to 30-min dwell times to accurately define the
rate of viscosity change.
NOTE X1.2—In the case of materials such as PVC, the material often
exhibits stable flow for an initial period of time until the stabilizer
becomes ineffective and unstable flow commences. In cases such as this,
FIG. X1.1 Determination of Intrinsic Melt Viscosity and Stability the dwell time at which unstable flow initiates can be determined and the
Factor, d effectiveness of the stabilizer can thus be defined.

D 3835 – 02


X2.1 The following is a description of a suggested and X2.4 Procedure:

nonmandatory algorithmic process to determine steady-state X2.4.1 Assume flow is not at steady state.
flow conditions during capillary rheometry.
X2.4.2 Calculate the pairwise force or pressure difference
X2.2 Terminology: for the incoming data. Repeat this step until the pairwise force
X2.2.1 acquisition rate—the time between acquired plunger difference becomes less than 0.5 % of full scale. (Allow for
force or barrel pressure values in hertz (1/s). user manual override, and allow a reasonable upper time limit
X2.2.2 acquisition volume—the volume of material dis- depending on other test factors.)
placed by the plunger, assuming a perfect seal (that is, based on NOTE X2.3—Use the pairwise force difference and not the difference of
barrel diameter and plunger speed), during the acquisition of each value against the last. If the difference of each value against the last
the data currently under consideration. is used, errors will occur because the average difference for this case is
X2.2.3 minimum volume element (MVE)—the smallest always the difference of the first and last point divided by the number of
amount of volumetric flow on which a valid moving average points.
can be generated. A value of 0.02 mL is suggested. NOTE X2.4—If sufficient computing power is available all the indepen-
dent differences can be used in the analysis, rather than just the contiguous
X2.2.4 pairwise force difference (PFD)—the difference be-
pairwise difference described in X2.2.4.
tween two consecutive plunger force or barrel pressure values
(for example, where i is the current point and Fi is the current X2.4.3 Generate the APFD and the standard deviation of the
plunger force, then the pairwise force differences are PFD collected over the acquisition volume.
{Fi − Fi−1}, {Fi−2 − Fi−3} etc.).
NOTE X2.5—The standard deviation of the PFD can be estimated by
X2.2.5 average pairwise force difference (APFD)—the sum
summing the absolute value of adjacent points (abs(Fi− Fi−1) + abs
of the pairwise force differences divided by the number of (Fi−1 − Fi−2) ... etc.) divided by NPTS yielding Rbar. Rbar/
differences performed. 1.13 = Standard Deviation Estimate.
X2.2.6 average force (AF)—the average plunger force or NOTE X2.6—The number of PFD values is half the number of acquired
barrel pressure value over a specific acquisition volume. data points (NPTS).
X2.2.7 NPTS—the number of acquired data points consid-
ered in the current acquisition volume. X2.4.4 Generate the AF over the same acquisition volume
used in X2.4.3.
X2.3 Criterion Necessary for Analysis and Acquisition: X2.4.5 Steady-state flow conditions for a specific acquisi-
X2.3.1 Delete or ignore all data acquired which is less than tion volume have been achieved when the following conditions
0.5 % of the plunger force or barrel pressure measurement have both been satisfied:
device’s full-scale capacity (for example, 5 lb for a 1000-lb X2.4.5.1 The absolute value of the APFD/AF (average
plunger force load cell). pairwise force difference divided by the average force) is less
X2.3.2 The analog to digital conversion resolution must be than 0.25 %.
less than or equal to 0.05 % of the plunger force or barrel X2.4.5.2 The {standard deviation of the PFD}/AF (standard
pressure measurement device’s full-scale capacity (for ex- deviation of the pairwise force differences divided by the
ample, 12 bit is adequate, 60.5 lb on 2000-lb plunger force average force) is less than 2 %.
load cell).
X2.3.3 The acquisition rate shall not exceed 1/{3* rise time NOTE X2.7—While written assuming controlled plunger rate, this
procedure can easily be adapted for constant stress control if the time
of the plunger force or barrel pressure measurement device and
between a fixed volumetric displacement (that is, plunger displacement
electronics system}. assuming perfect plunger tip seal) is used as an input instead of force or
NOTE X2.1—The rise time of the plunger force or barrel pressure pressure. The minimum volumetric displacement per time acquisition
measurement device and electronics system is available from the capillary would be MVE/6 and could be triggered based on encoder pulses etc.
rheometer equipment manufacturer. related to plunger movement and hence volumetric displacement. Delta
NOTE X2.2—To keep the acquired values independent of one another, times should always exceed 50 times the internal clock resolution
the acquisition rates should be no faster than about 2000 Hz for a load cell. otherwise the volumetric element should be increased.
A typical capillary Hg-filled pressure transducer’s data should be acquired NOTE X2.8—The minimum volume element dictates a minimum
no greater than 25 Hz. Piezo pressure sensors can be used to acquire data sample time which depends on flow rate or ram speed. A plunger rate of
very quickly but may lack long-term stability at low barrel pressures. 600 mm/min (24 in./min) on a 9-mm barrel diameter dictates a minimum
acquisition rate of about 6 Hz if the MVE is used. Larger volume elements
X2.3.4 A minimum of six (6) data points (3 PFD values) would allow for slower acquisition rates at the expense of using up more
must be collected within the current acquisition volume. The of the sample. Plunger speeds of 0.05 mm/min require a minimum of 6
acquisition volume considered must be no smaller than the points over 335 s. Larger barrels have higher flow rates for given plunger
MVE. movement and would require only slightly higher acquisition rates.

D 3835 – 02

(1) Tordella, J. P., Transactions of the Society of Rheology, Vol 1, 1957, p. (6) Poiseuille, J. L. M., C.r. Held. Acad. Sci. Seance Paris, Vol 11, 1840,
203. p. 961.
(2) Philippoff, W., and Gaskins, F. H., Transactions of the Society of (7) Landel, C. E., Moser, B. G., and Bauman, A. J., Proceedings of the
Rheology, Vol 2, 1958, p. 263. Fourth International Congress of Rheology, Vol 2, 1965, p. 663.
(3) Wellman, R. E., deWitt, R., and Ellis, R. B., Journal of Chemical
Physics, Vol 44, 1966, p. 3070. (8) Tordella, J. P., “Unstable Flow of Molten Polymers,” Rheology, Vol 5,
(4) Rabinowitsch, R., Zeitschrift Fuer Physikalische Chemie, Vol A145, edited by R. R. Eirich, Academic Press, New York, NY, 1969.
1929, p. 1. (9) Metzer, A. P., and Knox, J. R., Transactions of the Society of Rheology,
(5) Bagley, E. B., and Birks, A. M., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 31, Vol 9, No. 1, 1965, p. 13.
1960, p. 556.


This section identifies the location of selected changes to this test method. For the convenience of the user,
Committee D20 has highlighted those changes that may impact the use of this test method. This section may also
include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.

D 3835 - 02: (1) ISO equivalency statement has been revised.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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