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Bale Kultura: An Incorporation of Filipino Neo Vernacular Architecture On A World Class Multi-Use Convention Center

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Bale Kultura: An incorporation of Filipino Neo Vernacular Architecture on a World class

Multi-use Convention Center

Mary Alexien R. Gamuac

Architecture Department, SEA, Holy Angel University

AR-503: Architectural Thesis Project

Ar. Lovely Pearl Estrera

April 2023

Review of Related Literature

The researcher sourced the internet for articles, researches and online libraries to find

multiple sources on how Neo Vernacular architecture is used and developed in different

countries, which would be used as the basis towards the structural possibilities of the design to

help with the research of incorporating a modernized twist on the classical or vernacular

architecture of the Philippines, while also searching for other theoretical and scholarly studies to

further understand the benefits and effects of the project towards the community and the country.

Thus the chapter contains the review and overview of the accumulated compositions and

articles, and the conceptual framework and ideas that also stemmed from the combination of the

designer’s conceptions and the analysis of the researched materials.

Connection of Sociology in Architecture

Architecture is a material and symbolic ‘mode’ through which societies and individuals

are constituted and transformed (Delitz,2017). It is highly tied to culture in which individuals

would tie history and their identity to, thus proving the deep connection between human

perception and the location they are in.

Link between Architecture and Economic Development

Tourism has been linked to the creation of architecture and great structures for a while,

from traditionally built houses, to modernized structures, all of which play a role in increasing

revenue for a city or a country. Especially with tourism being one of most noticeable and fast

growing sectors in a country when it comes to increasing a country’s economic value


Green Architecture in Neo Vernacular Design

Green Architecture has been linked to sustainability and other factors that relate to

building resiliency and environmental consciousness in the field of construction and the arts.

Thus, the combination of modern and vernacular techniques to create sustainable designs is now

a researched method within the industry, since there have been proofs regarding the passive

techniques of vernacular architecture (Vyas,2017).

Building Concepts of Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture, in multiple countries, although they vary in methods and

approach depending on their climate, the main factor underlying the building construction is the

same, it would be the incorporation of passive methods to better accommodate the climate

they’re in, while making use of materials that were readily available and abundant at the time


Nationalism and Cultural Heritage

Architecture has been tied to culture and identity for how many years, and that comes

with other factors as well, one of which would be the nationalistic possibility of architecture as

well. A nation’s identity can be proved with the architectural character of a city, and time and

time again, it has proven beneficial for a country to have that level of identity within their cities

and structures, since not only will it solidify a united character in a community, but it will also

increase an individual’s morale towards nationalism and the like (Cabalfin,2018).

Figure 1

Research Conceptual Framework


Definition of Terms

Nationalism – It is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or

nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests.

Sustainable Design – It seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and

comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance.

Cultural Identity – It is the shared characteristics of a group of people, which encompasses,

place of birth, religion, language, cuisine, social behaviors, art, literature, and music.

Neo-Vernacular Architecture – It is the incorporation of climatic considerations, local

vernacular principles, modern construction techniques, and cultural adherence.

Cultural Heritage – It is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of society

inherited from past generations.

Sociology – It is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences

of human behavior.

Table 1

Matrix of Review of Related Literature

No. Title of the Author(s) Type of Significant Findings Differences from

Material and Year Research / Results this Research

1 Neo-Vernacular Yamini Quantitative The study talks about Although the

Architecture: A Rajpu & how the thought and take
Paradigm Shift Santosh incorporation of both is pretty similar to
Tiwari modern and the goal of the
(2020) vernacular design, researcher, the
would further create listed study takes
resilient and flexible place in a foreign
structures that would country, which
easily support green would have a
structure design structurally
while having enough different
conceptual and advancement
structural basis to be compared to the
sustainable and overall design and
strong against harsh culture of the Neo
climates as well. Vernacular
architecture in the
2 Architectural Heiki Qualitative The research article Although the
Modes of Delitz discusses the research would
Collective (2017) correlation between also briefly tackle
Existence: human sociology and the connection
Architectural architecture, in which between
Sociology as a they found that architecture and
Comparative culture and the human sociology
Social Theory environmental effects and connections,
of architecture is the research
greatly tied to the would focus more
human perceptions on the cultural and
about themselves and structural
about the society they concepts of the
live in. design process.
3 Sustainable Ali Sayigh Qualitative The book tackles the The study
Vernacular (2019) truth that vernacular contains a lot of
Architecture: architecture was similarities in
How the Past can conceived at the time approach with
Enrich the Future in which humans regards to the
built structures using material

local materials and specifications and

the resources building approach,
available on site, however, just like
while adapting to the with the other
local climate. studies, the book
takes place in a
different country
apart from the
Philippines, which
would still have
towards Neo
construction wise.
4 Exploring Amaraoui, Qualitative The study Thermal comfort
building’s K., Sriti, emphasizes on the is also a major
envelope thermal L., Di passive strategies of factor in designing
behavior of neo- Turi, S. et traditional structures in the
vernacular al. (2021) architecture to better Philippines, which
residential fit the climate of is also a focus in
architecture in a Algeria. The the research itself,
hot and dry strategies used on the however, the
climate region of current buildings, research and the
Algeria were all inspired project is greatly
from the local tied to Philippine
vernacular nationalism and
architecture to cultural identity,
provide satisfactory so the vernacular
thermal comfort for strategies of other
the end users. countries can only
serve as a side
5 Developing Anuroy Qualitative The research speaks Similarly to the
Neo-Vernacular Vyas about the human research listed
Housing in (2017) negligence of the here, there is an
Indore construction industry ongoing issue
which has caused with regards to the
severe repercussions speed of
on the ecosystems urbanization and
around the world, and its effects on the
on how neo environment and
vernacular housing issues in
architecture could the globe, it is
serve as a solution to also tackled

the rapid urbanization within the

in different countries, research however,
including India. With the research
neo vernacular design focuses more so
being a sustainable on the
step towards the decongestion of
growing need for crowded cities
housing in crowded instead of
cities. increasing the
chances of
accommodation in
highly dense cities
like manila.
6 Passive design Rubin Qualitative The study focuses on Similarly, the
guidelines for Spittka the incorporation of research also
Philippine (2019) Filipino vernacular partakes in the
housing based on design strategies or Philippines, but,
the bahay kubo: principles to benefit the goal of the
Thermal comfort low income or sub research differs
analyses and urban and rural from the general
conceptual housing in the project. The listed
implementation Philippines, since study focuses on
of vernacular most low income the production of
design strategies housing aren’t built low income
to accommodate the housing using
Philippine Climate. vernacular
strategies, but the
project itself of
this research
focuses on using
the strategies for
larger scale
that would
provide job
opportunities and
serve as a
landmark for a
7 Vernacularization Edson Qualitative The article briefly The article talks
In Philippine Cabalfin exemplifies the use about the
Modern (2018) of architecture to nationalistic
Architecture promote a country’s factors of
sovereignty and vernacularization
nationalism to further of modern
imprint the Filipino structures, which

identity on the is fairly similar to

location and the the goal of this
structures in the research as well.
country. In which the
designer aims to
imprint the
Filipino identity
on larger scale
structures, to
show the validity
of the neo
movement as
8 Circularity in the Marwa Qualitative The research speaks Just like with the
New Gravity- Dabaieh, about the concept of other studies listed
Re-Thinking Dalya Circular Economy in the review, this
Vernacular Maguid & (CE), which is based research focuses
Architecture and Deena El- on the concept of on the concept of
Cirularity Mahdy sustainable sustainable
(2022) construction, which construction,
calls for reducing the which would also
negative be tackled in the
environmental study of “bale
impacts of kultura” too, and
construction while more over the
providing a healthier research design
indoor environment shall also have
and closing material great
loops. consideration for
the indoor
environment of
the large
infrastructure as
9 Chapter 4: Maha Qualitative This chapter of the Ambience does
Sustainability Salman book “Urban and play a part in
and Vernacular (2019) Architectural exemplifying the
Architecture: Heritage relationship of
Rethinking What Conservation within humans and the
Identity Is Sustainability” place they are in,
pertains to the which is a huge
correlation between factor for the
sustainable design research design as
and vernacular well, with regards
architecture, which to searching for

has evolved over strategies that

time using local would allow the
materials and users to feel at
technology that home and
emerged from welcome within
ambient natural and the structure,
cultural environment while of course
that created optimum incorporating
relationships between sustainable
people and their designs for the
place. project.
10 Design Concepts Shahryar Qualitative The purpose of the A key factor that
for the Habibi paper is to discuss the the researcher
integration of (2019) role of bamboo in would like to
bamboo in correlation to know more about
contemporary structural integrity would be the use
vernacular and sustainability in of materials that
architecture building construction, are quick to grow
particularly for and harvest, one
industrialized of which would be
production and other the use of bamboo
cultural systems, for materials. The
the benefit of low listed study
income families for focuses on the
low income housing. industrialized
production of
bamboo for low
income housing,
but the actual
research of the
designer would
like to focus on
the benefits of
bamboo material
on a large scale
infrastructure, that
is aligned with
vernacular design.

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