Navigation 03 of FC 2022
Navigation 03 of FC 2022
Navigation 03 of FC 2022
1. The fuel burn-off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0.8 If the relative fuel density is
0.75, the fuel burn will be
A. 213 kg/h
B. 200 kg/h
C. 188 kg/h
2. GMT & Coordinates of place was given and find LMT and ST of the place if the standard
time is one hour ahead of GMT
10. At latitude 60N the spacing of meridians 1° apart represents x CM ( don’t remember) what
is the scale at given latitude
11. The distance between positions A and B, located on the same parallel and 10° longitude
apart, is 6 cm. The scale at the parallel is 1 :9 260 000. What is the latitude of A and B?
A. 30° N or S.
B. 60° N or S.
C. 45° Nor S.
15. An aircraft is descending at constant mach number in standard atmosphere. What will
happen to IAS?
18. The angular difference, on a Lambert conformal conic chart, between the arrival and
departure track is equal to?
A.Departure angle.
B. Map convergence
C. Secant of ½ latitude.
21. It is intended to increase the range of a VHF transmitter from 50 NM to 100 NM. This will
be achieved by increasing the power output by a factor of:
a. 8
b. 16
c. 4
24. An aircraft is passed a true bearing from a VDF station of 353°. If variation is 8°E and the
bearing is classified as ‘B’ then the:
a. QDM is 345° ± 5°
b. QDR is 345° ± 2°
c. QTE is 353° ± 5°
27. The middle marker is usually located at a range of ................., with an audio frequency
of ................ and illuminates the ................. light.
a. 4-6 NM 1300 Hz white
b. 1 km 400 Hz white
c. 1 km 1300 Hz amber
30. NAVSTAR/GPS operates in the ....... band the receiver determines position by .......
a. UHF range position lines
b. UHF secondary radar principles
c. SHF secondary radar principles
33. The distance measured between a satellite and a receiver is known as a pseudo- range
a. it is measured using pseudo-random codes
b. it includes receiver clock error
c. satellite and receiver are continually moving in relation to each other
35. The gyro in a rate of turn indicator has (i) ....................... operating speed than the gyros
used in other instruments because (ii).......................
(i) (ii)
a. a lower higher rigidity is not required
b. the same variable it uses the property of rigidity
c. a higher low precession rate gives a greater operating range
d. variable more than one rate of turn is desired
36. If the needle and the ball of a Turn & Slip indicator both show right, what does it indicate?
a. Turn to left & too much bank
b. Turn to right & too much bank
c. Turn to left & too little bank
39. An aircraft is fitted with two altimeters. One is corrected for position error, the other is not
corrected for position error:
a. ATC will receive erroneous information of flight level
b. at high speed the non-compensated altimeter will underreads
c. at high speed the non-compensated altimeter will overreads
40. A modern low altitude radio altimeter uses the principle of:
a. pulse modulated waves, with the difference between the transmitted and received waves
displayed on a circular screen
b. frequency modulated waves, where the difference between the transmitted wave and the
received wave is measured
c. wave modulation, with frequency shift due to Doppler effect of the ground reflected wave
being measured
41. The frequencies used in a low altitude radio altimeter are:
A. 5400 MHz and 9400 MHz
B. 4200 MHz to 4400 MHz
C. 2700 MHz to 2900 MHz
46. (3-4 questions) values were given find payload and (1 question) find TOM
47. How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75? Departure aerodrome elevation = 1500 ft
QNH = 1023 hPa. Temperature = ISA. 1 hPa = 30 ft.
a) 6000 ft
b) 6600 ft
c) 6300 ft
48. The still air distance in the climb is 189 Nautical Air Miles (NAM) and the time 30 minutes,
What ground distance would be covered in a 30kt headwind?
a) 193NM
b) 174NM
c) 188NM
49. In ICAO flight plan item no 9 the word M will be written for ( wake turbulence category)
A. AC with maximum takeoff mass more than 1,36,000 KG
B. AC with maximum takeoff mass less than 1,36,000 KG
C. AC with maximum takeoff mass less than 7,000 KG
50. The navigation plan reads:Trip fuel: 136 kgFlight time: 2h45minCalculated reserve fuel:
30% of trip fuelFuel in tank is minimum (no extra fuel on board)Taxi fuel: 3 kgThe
endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read:
a) 3h34min
b) 2h45min
c) 2h49min
51. In the ATS flight plan item 15, when entering a route for which standard departure (SID)
and standard arrival (STAR) procedures exist :
a) SIDs should be entered but not STARs
b) both should be entered in the ATS plan where appropriate
c) STARS should be entered but not SIDs
52. At A where QNH is 1000 hpa flying directly to B where the QNH is less than A. QNH at B is
960 hpa. Altimeter setting remain unchanged what will altimeter read after reaching B.
A. 1200ft lower
B. 1200ft higher
C. _______(I Don’t remember)
54. How the Xyz flight level is written in ICAO flight plan
A. FLxyz
B. Fxyz
C. F0xyz
60. If field elevation is 3500 ft amsl and QFE is 1020 mb , what is the pressure altitude?
A. -210
B. 3710
C. 3290
62. Homing towards the VOR station to the NORTH with 10° drift when winds from EAST and
crossing a VOR2 station with the VOR2 just abeam right of track what will be the RB of the
A. 80°
B. 90°
C. 270° ( not sure about B and C options )
64. 3.3% gradient and GS was given and had asked to find ROD
65. Air distance AD & DISTANCE and Time and WC was given and with help of TAS and GS had
to find Ground distance GD
68. AC HDG 60 and with ADF reading of 30 R. And asked to intercept radial 250. What HDG to
steer to intercept radial 250.
A. 130
B. 250
C. _______(I Don’t remember)
71. AC is tracking to station ( OBS diagram given needle deflection to left ) when DME
showing 45 NM. Find the off track distance.
on 1 in 60