PPE (P&id)
PPE (P&id)
PPE (P&id)
The procedure begins with the feed water flowing via The following step will be separated into two choices
the conduit to the feed water storage tank (2) CWT - 01 from based on the reverse osmosis membrane (12) ROM-01. The
the source. The water pressure is managed by a pressure first option is for the water from the reverse osmosis
control valve (butterfly valve) (1) PCV-01 situated in the pipe membrane (12) ROM-01 to flow to the reject water storage
connecting the feed water and feed water storage tank (2) tank (14) CWT-02, which is controlled by a solenoid valve (13)
CWT -01. The process flow via the pump (4) WP - 01 with a SOV - 02 Then, to manage the water drainage, a pressure
pressure control valve (butterfly valve) (3) PCV-02 regulating control valve (butterfly valve) (15) PCV-04 is attached. The
the flow of water as it comes from the feed water storage tank water from the reverse osmosis membrane (12) ROM-01 will
(2) CWT -01. The water will then flow to the three installed then be sent to the post activated carbon filter (17) PACF-01
water filters as a result of mechanical movement created by through a pressure switch high (16) PSH-101 to safeguard the
the pump (4) WP - 01 after that. This movement is managed process from extremely high or low pressures.
by a pressure control valve (globe valve) (5) PCV-03.
The post activated carbon filter (17) PACF-01 will
The water filter (sediment filter) (6) LF - 01 will catch remove significant impurities from water to provide clean water
and remove sand, silt, grime, and rust from the flowing water for drinking, showering, cooking, and other home applications
created by the pump (4) WP - 01 initially. The water will flow before it is sent to either the water storage tank (19) WVT - 01
from the water filter (sediment filter) (6) LF - 01 to the water or the product water storage tank (21) CWT - 03. If the water is
filter (carbon filter) (7) LF - 02 to remove contaminants or odor already needed, the water from the post activated carbon filter
through adsorption, and then to the water filter (carbon filter (17) PACF-01 will be sent to the product water storage tank
with activated carbon) (8) LF - 03 to remove certain chemicals, (21) CWT - 03, which has a level indicator (20) LI-101 to
particularly organic chemicals, from the water. detect and monitor the level of a liquid in the tank. The water
from the product water storage tank (21) CWT - 03 will now be
After passing through the three water filters, the water supplied straight to the faucet. If the water is not yet needed,
will proceed to the diaphragm pump (10) DP-01, which is the water from the post activated carbon filter (17) PACF-01
controlled by a solenoid valve (9) SOV-01. The water will be will flow and be stored in water storage tank (19) WVT – 01
pumped to the reverse osmosis membrane (12) ROM-01 by with a pressure control valve (butterfly valve) (18) PCV-05
the diaphragm pump (10) DP-01. To carefully monitor the controlling the flow of water.
pressure change occurring in the process, a pressure indicator
(11) PI-101 is mounted between the diaphragm pump (10) DP
- 01 and the reverse osmosis membrane (12) ROM-01.
Adsorption-based solid desiccant dehydration is
another common method for reducing water content in natural
gas. During the operation, natural gas that has been soaked in
water is moved from the top to the bottom of the towers. When
the gas stream passes through the desiccant and around the
desiccant particles, water is drawn to the surface of the
desiccant particles. When the gas stream is passed through
the entire desiccant bed in this manner, the vast majority of the
water is absorbed by the desiccant material, leaving the gas
stream dry and ready to exit the tower at the bottom.