301-T3202-Object Oriented Programming
301-T3202-Object Oriented Programming
301-T3202-Object Oriented Programming
Number of Credits: 4
Level: 03
Learning Objective(s): The objective of this course is to interpret core concepts object
oriented programming using Java as a programming language. The course will also help students
to analyze and construct well designed and effective applications using Java.
Hands On Lab Sessions
Class room discussion
Course Outline:
Features of Java, Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
1 2
JDK Environment
Java Class and Object Concepts
Basics of Java:
Writing Simple Java Classes, Methods
Java Code Naming Conventions
Java Primitive and Non primitive Data types
Java Reference Data types
Java Keywords
2 Operators in Java – 6
Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Ternary, Bitwise
Statements in Java
Conditional Statements-if, if-else, if-elseif-else ,switch
Looping: while, do-while, for,f or-each
Jumping Statements-break, continue
Arrays in Java,Array of Objects,Multi-dimensional Arrays
“this” keyword
“static” Keyword
Method Overloading
3 7
Concept of Constructor, Types of Constructor , Constructor overloading,
Constructor Nesting
Garbage Collection and Finalization
Types of Inheritance
4 6
“super” keyword in Java
Constructor Chaining
Polymorphism-Method Overriding
5 Dynamic Method Dispatch 5
“final” keyword in Java
Abstract Classes,
6 5
Concept of Interfaces, Implementing interfaces, Extending Interfaces
Access Control
7 Packages in Java 6
Creating package hierarchy in Java
Exception Handling
9 5
Exceptions and types, try catch, finally, throw, throws, Custom exceptions.
Total 60
Book Recommended:
4. Core Java: Volume I, Fundamentals (8th Edition), by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell
,Publisher: Prentice Hall
5. 5)Core Java, Vol. 2: Advanced Features, 8th Edition by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary
Cornell ,Publisher: Prentice Hall
Practical Examination
Midterm test
End term test