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services from

Release 7.0

FS242 Banking services from SAP – SAP

Deposits Management for Banking

January 2010
Instructor Guide

Level 3

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Business Scenario

Hints and Tips

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Internal Note
SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

SAP Contacts..............................................................................................................3
Walldorf.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Subsidiaries....................................................................................................................................... 3

Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide...................................................................3

Course Details.............................................................................................................3
Duration............................................................................................................................................. 3
Course Materials and other Materials................................................................................................ 3
Country-Specific Units........................................................................................................................ 3

Course Instructor Profiles.........................................................................................4

Level of Knowledge Required............................................................................................................ 4
Courses Recommended as Preparation............................................................................................ 4
Online Help Recommended as Preparation.......................................................................................4
Hints on Preparing This Course......................................................................................................... 4

Training System..........................................................................................................5
Data Required....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
User ID and Passwords for Course Participants................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Preparation in the System.................................................................................................................. 7
Example ABAPs................................................................................................................................. 8
CATTs................................................................................................................................................ 8
Technical Hints.................................................................................................................................. 8

Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................9

Course Structure and Flow........................................................................................9
Course Schedule.......................................................................................................10
Course Schedule:............................................................................................................................ 10
Day One........................................................................................................................................... 10

Unit: <Name>.............................................................................................................12

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

SAP Contacts


Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide

No Previous Instructor Guide available

Course Details
4 days

Course Materials and Other Materials

 Course material for FS242 Banking services from SAP – SAP Deposits Management for
 Instructor guide for FS242 Banking services from SAP – SAP Deposits Management for
 Exercises and solutions for FS242 Banking services from SAP – SAP Deposits Management
for Banking
 SAP online help
We recommend that you use Knowledge Warehouse to deliver the course. You can use flip charts and
overhead projectors to explain any difficult topics to the participants. Before you start the course,
make sure that you have the required materials (flip chart, overhead projector, and so on).

Country-Specific Units
No country specific units are available.

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

Course Instructor Profiles

 The instructor requires specialist knowledge of the Banking area as well as sound knowledge
of the following components of banking services from SAP 7.0:
o Account Management (FS-AM)
o Master Contract Management (FS-MCM).
 The instructor must be able to explain the underlying Customizing relationships to the
 It is useful if the instructor can make basic Customizing settings.
 It is useful if the instructor has attended the course given by an experienced instructor at least
once and is aware of the most important contents and aspects of the course.

Level of Knowledge Required

 Basic banking knowledge
 SAP125 SAP Navigation 2005
 SAP01 SAP Overview
 FS240 Banking services from SAP – Basics and Generics in Transaction Banking

Courses Recommended as Preparation

 FS240 Banking services from SAP – Basics and Generics in Transaction Banking

Online Help Recommended as Preparation

Go to help.sap.com to access the general SAP documentation. The documentation for banking
services from SAP is available under SAP for Industries → SAP for Banking →Banking
services from SAP 7.0

Hints on Preparing This Course

This course has been tested and proven to run successfully on the latest software/system release. New
release functions may or may not have been added to the content of the course. As the instructor you
are responsible for ramping up the latest features and functions.
 Read the instructor and participant guides.
 Review the online knowledge products (OKPs) and other ramp-up material at
www.service.sap.com/rkt (SAP for Banking →Banking Services from SAP).
 Practice all the participant exercises, participant solutions and instructor demonstrations prior
to holding the course.
 Become familiar with the details of the new features and functions listed below at
http://help.sap.com (SAP for Industries → SAP for Banking → Banking services from SAP
7.0) so you can answer questions as they arise.

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

Open a CSN IT Support ticket in the TRAI component or call the Hotline +49 6227 7 40030 for a
worldwide 24*7 support.

Hints on Preparing this Course

Remember to check for additional information which was published after the course material was
finally released. For latest information or course updates see additional instructor guide/system setup
guide or trouble shooting guide on SAP Service Marketplace. Most of them you will find under the
alias /curr-info: http://service.sap.com/curr-info.
Also other aliases are possible (e.g. /curr-adm; /curr-ep).

Training system availability

Your training system will be available and accessible on Sunday evening (CET time zone) of the
week the training takes place. Do not use the system or prepare your course before that time. The
system can still be in use by another course or in the refresh procedures of the IT preparation for your
course! If you need a test/prep. system before your course takes place, see details under paragraph
‘test-/prep. system’.

Test- /prep. system

There are test/prep. systems for most of the SAP courses available. You will find the necessary
information on:.
In case you cannot access this site please ask the responsible education coordinator (the one who send
you this guide) to make the relevant information available to you. If no test-/prep. system exists for
the course, but testing or preparation is essential, the responsible education department can order such
a system – this should be done ideally at least one week before the training.
Please note that test-/prep. systems must not be used for training without the permission of KPS. An
access violation fee will be charged in this case.

Using training WTS farm

Nearly all SAP courses are designed to be taught via SAP Training Window Terminal Service server
farms (= WTS-farms) to enable also trainings on customer site (so called Onsite-Training). If
restrictions of the course don’t mention another WTS-farm or the usage of the local PC front end,
always use the ‘Common Training’ WTS farm for your training. Use SAP software on local PC front
end only in SAP owned training centres with good network bandwidth connections. The usage of SAP
software on local PC front end restricts the training support to the local IT support. The global
training support can only support trainings via Training WTS-farms.
Training at SAP Training Centers/Internal SAP Training
The internal connectivity to the training WTS-farms can only be used inside of SAP network
To connect to the training WTS-farm use http://wts.wdf.sap.corp:1080. Choose a region
(AMERICAS, EMEA or APJ). Select the ‘Training-Zone’ menu. Connect to ‘Common Training’, if
no other WTS-farm is named for the training.
Customer Onsite Training / Third Party Training Center
Customer Onsite training can only connect to SAP training WTS farm via the SAP Citrix Secure
Gateway (SAP CSG). Therefore you need a CSG-User ID. The User ID has to be already created by
the education department for the time of the training. The data (user ID and password) are delivered
to you by the education department. Trainer and participants use the same dedicated CSG-user-ID
and password for the training.
To connect to the training WTS-farm use http://mywts.sap.com . Choose a region (AMERICAS,

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System
Enter the CSG-User ID and password and log on. Select the ‘Training’ icon. Connect to ‘Common
Training’, if no other WTS-farm is named for the training.

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

Training System
System Landscape
 banking services from SAP system, release 7.0.
Please make sure to test demos, exercises and solutions in advance in the test system and/or in
the training system.
Only use the training system in the week when your course is scheduled. In other weeks
the system is used by other courses and interference might lead to severe problems in
those classes. Unauthorized usage of a training system may result in a fee!

User ID and Passwords for Trainer

 System: You will receive the system ID before the course
Password: You will receive the password before the course
 Create your own user FS242-00 with transaction SU01 by copying the template user for training
 The profile of user TRAINING is limited to the transactions SU01 and ZUSR.

User ID and Passwords for Course Participants

The standard format for user IDs is the course ID followed by the group number. The initial password
is INIT. Use transaction ZUSR to copy these user IDs from the reference user ID.
 Copy from: FS242-99
Name of course: FS242
No. of exercise groups: Enter the number of participants, for example 20
Initial password: Enter your initial password, for example welcome
The users FS242-01 to FS242-20 are created with the initial password “welcome”.

Preparation in the System

 Before you hold the course, we recommend that you run through all the processes and
exercises in the relevant training system for the instructor’s bank posting area (RT00).
 Each participant has their own bank posting area depending on the group number: RT##.
Forty BPAs are available for the course, from RT01 to RT40.
 The current posting date set for all BPAs is 03.01.2000. You may bring this forward a bit, for
example to 01.01.2009. For the course you do not need to bring the posting date forward more
than one year to be able to execute certain processes. Remember to make this change for all
the participants’ BPAs that you are using in the course.
 You and each participant can use their own business partner: according to the bank posting
area and group number, business partners with the IDs CUST_00 to CUST_40 are available.
If you prefer to create your own business partner, these should have the correct roles and
 Note that some units may require some preparation in advance. If so, you are provided with
the information about the necessary steps at the beginning of each unit.
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Training System

Example ABAPs
Technical Hints
 You need to enable the maintenance of Customizing tables for several users simultaneously.
You need to deactivate the table lock in SAP systems: transaction SE38 and the report
ZSENQON. You can deactivate this function by executing the report ZSENQOFF.

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Training System

Goals and Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

 Understand and configure the different deposits products and relevant financial conditions:
current accounts, time deposits, savings accounts with notice, and savings plans
 Execute the processes relevant for deposits products
 Understand how the system handle the card master data and the corresponding processes
 Explain the concept of the account pools and how they serve the different business purposes
 Configure special products for account pools
 Understand the various options that are available for customers to support their liquidity
management processes: effective cash pooling and charge and interest compensation.
 Know the basic functions and processes in the area of facilities
 Explain the discounting functionality: bundle pricing, discounts and rebate calculation
 Explain the functionality of the overdraft protection.

Course Structure and Flow

The course is divided into three modules that can also be taught independently:
 Deposits Management
 Cards Management
 Master Contract Management
If required, you can also include the additional unit: Integration of Deposit Management and Loans
Management in banking services to Other Components at the beginning of this course. This is a
generic unit that shows the different integration aspects of implementing banking services from SAP.
Normally, this unit is a part of the prerequisite course FS240 Banking services from SAP – Basics and
Generics in Transaction Banking.
Before starting with the training, the instructor is asked to repeat what is stated in the course
description and at registration concerning the availability of banking services from SAP, release 7.0:
Before you register for this course, we ask you to acknowledge your understanding that this
training is based on release 7.0 of banking services from SAP. This version is not yet in
unrestricted shipment. The software is still in the SAP Ramp-Up phase, and your company must be
nominated as an official SAP Ramp-Up customer according to the applicable processes prior to
getting access to this particular software version. For more information about the ramp-up process
and conditions for participation, see SAP Service Marketplace:
https://websmp102.sap-ag.de/rampup as well as specific information under Banking Services from
SAP 7.0.

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Course Schedule
Course Schedule:
Day One
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor
Duration and Participant
Module: Deposits Management
. Introduction Instructor
30 min 0 – Integration of Deposit Management and Loans
Management on banking to other components (optional)
1 hour 1 - Demand Deposits Instructor
30 min 1 - Demand Deposits Exercise Participants
45 min 2 - Time Deposits Instructor
15 min 2 - Time Deposits Exercise Participants
45 min 2 - Time Deposits Continued Instructor
15 min 2 - Time Deposits Continued - Exercise Participants
1 hour 3 - Notice Deposits: Savings Account with Notice Instructor
30 min 3 - Notice Deposits: Savings Account with Notice Exercise Participants
1 hour 4 - Notice Deposits: Savings Plan Instructor

Day Two
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor
Duration and Participant
30 min 4 - Notice Deposits: Savings Plan Exercise Participants
45 min 5- Special Orders Instructor
30 min 5- Special Orders Exercise Participants
45 min 6- Special Conditions Instructor
30 min 6- Special Conditions Exercise Participants
Module: Cards Management
1 hour 7 - Card and Card Pools Products Instructor
1 hour 8 - Card Processing and Operations Instructor
45 min 8 - Card Processing and Operations Exercise Participants

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Day Three
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor
Duration and Participant
Module: Master Contract Management
1 hour 9 - Concept of Master Contract Management Instructor
1,5 hour 10 - Effective Cash Pooling Instructor
1 hour 10 - Effective Cash Pooling Exercise Participants
1,5 hour 11 - Charge and Interest Compensation Instructor
1 hour 11 - Charge and Interest Compensation Exercise Participants

Day Four
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor
Duration and Participant
1,5 hour 12 - Facilities Instructor
1 hour 12 – Facilities Exercise Participants
30 min 13 - Combined Statement Instructor
45 min 14 - Bundle Pricing Instructor
45 min 14 - Bundle Pricing Exercise Participants
60 min 15 - Overdraft Protection Instructor
30 min 15 - Overdraft Protection Exercise Participants

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Unit: Integration of Deposit Management and Loans Management on banking services

to other components

30 minutes presentation

Contents of Unit
- Introduction
- Sample Integration
Putting the Unit in Context

This chapter can be used as an introduction for the following training courses:

- FS240 Banking services from SAP – Basics and Generics in Transaction Banking.
- FS241 Banking services from SAP – SAP Loans Management for Banking
- FS242 Banking services from SAP – SAP Deposits Management for Banking

Many processes for Loan Accounts and Deposit Accounts do not run only end-to-
end in Account Management (Deposits Management + Loans Management), they
also require the integration of additional components. These components are
introduced here. The unit can also be used as a point of reference for questions that
may come up in one of the training courses mentioned above.
All processes shown here are explained in more detail in one of the above mentioned
training courses.

Slide 4/5: Introduction

SAP Business Maps for Banking, which are available on sap.com, are used as a
point of reference for the business processes that are included in this presentation.
For a detailed process description, go to
and click on SAP Business Maps for banking.
Slide 6: Overview integration map for Account Management

The slide contains Account Management and 9 further components.

Every component is explained in more detail on the following slides. The integration
of the components to Account Management is shown as well as the relevant high
level process. The relevant process in highlighted in orange.

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Training System

Unit: Demand Deposits

60 minutes presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

Explain the content course of the course and its three modules:
 Deposits Management
 Cards Management
 Master Contract Management
If required, you can also include the additional unit Integration at the beginning of
this course if the participants did not take the prerequisite course FS240 Banking
services from SAP – Basics and Generics in Transaction Banking.

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize types of demand deposits
 Understand the basic features of current account contracts
 Define tolerated limits for an account
 Define access limits for an account
 Create a direct debit order
 Define the permitted combinations of transaction type groups and media
 Explain how to issue a balance confirmation for the account

Slide 7: Demand Deposits Overview and Usage: Types of Deposits

 Explain the different types of deposit products: demand deposits, notice

deposits, and time deposits that are available within banking services.
 Explain that each deposit type will be discussed in a separate unit.

Slide 8: Demand Deposits Overview and Usage: Definition of Demand Deposits

 Explain the difference between a current account and a savings account (on
demand). Point out the common feature: the customer can withdraw funds at any

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Training System
Slide 11: Demand Deposits Overview and Usage: Product Configuration

System Demo:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change Account Product.
Enter product name: ACC_MAX and execute. Go to the product configurator tree
and show the product attributes according to the slide.

Slide 13: Current Account Features: Overdraft Limits

System Demo:
Go to the path: SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management →
Account → Create Account.
Create a current account using the following data:
Contract Start: tbd
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT1
Account Holder ID: CUST_00 or your own business partner
After discussing each limit type (slides 13- 15), please refer to the system, and show
how to define the limits on the Limit tab page of the account master data.
Slide 16: Current Account Features: Tolerated Limits

System Demo
Show the change of the available amount as a result of the limits:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Display Balances and Key Figures and press button
Available Amount.

This slide gives only a simple example to show how the limits influence the
available amount. The components of the available amount, together with detailed
examples were described in Unit 8 Item Management & Payment Services of the
Generic Functions and Features learning module.

Components of Available Amount:

 Account Balance Today
The amount is the total of all posted balance changing debit and credit
transactions made on an account.
 Balance of Future Items
This specifies the balance of all payment items with a posting date after the
current posting date for the payment transactions. After changing the posting
date to a later date for payment transactions the item in the future is included in
Account Balance Today.
 Original Subject to Final Payment Balance
This shows the balance of all items on the account on which the credit or debit
memo was created subject to payment receipt, such as checks or collections, or
check and collection returns. The credited or debited amount is only available to
the customer after a defined period of time has elapsed (subject to final
 Additionally Available Amount
This is a percentage of the original subject to final payment balance. You can

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Training System
define a maximum total amount.
 Prenote Balance
This is the balance of the prenotes relevant to posting control that have the status
 Committed Limit
This is the amount of the committed limit and all seasonal limits that are based
on the committed limit.
 Tolerated Limit
This is the amount of the tolerated limit and all seasonal limits that are based on
the tolerated limit.
 Extra Amount
 Minimum Deposit
This specifies the minimum amount that must be in an account at all times and
beneath which the amount may not drop. It is relevant for savings accounts.

Slide 17: Current Account Features: Access Limits

System Demo
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Change
Account. Show how to define the access limits on the Access Limits tab page:
 Access Limit turnover-based – use limit type: PL004 Account for
 Access Limit counter-based – use limit type: AC001 Cash Withdrawals

Note: In Customizing for transaction types, you can set an Access Limit Check
indicator. banking services from SAP checks whether the posting amount or the
number of postings leads to an excess of the access limit that is defined on the
Indicators in transaction type:
 Turnover-based only - The system checks only access limits that are based on
 Counter-based only - The system checks only access limits that are based on
 All - The system checks both access limits that are based on turnovers and
access limits that are based on counters
 None - The system does not check any access limits

Slide 20-22: Current Account Features: Direct Debit Order

Indicate the difference between the direct debit order and collection authorization
procedure. The direct debit order is used in German speaking countries (German:
Abbuchungsauftrag). The collection authorization (German: Einzugsermächtigung)
is widely spread around the world, and also often referred to as automatic debit
authorization or simply direct debit. If this is the case, the bank does not need to
store any details for the payee (the Direct Debit Order tab page is not used at all).

System Demo
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Change
Account. Go to the Direct Debit Order tab page and show how to maintain the data
for the direct debit order.

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Training System
Slide 23-24: Current Account Features: Transaction Type Groups/ Media

System Demo
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Change
Account. Go to the Transaction Type Groups/ Media tab page and show how to
modify the combinations of allowed Transaction Type Groups and Media.

Slide 25: Current Account Features: Balance Confirmation

System Demo
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Change
Account. Go to the Balance Confirmation tab page and show how to maintain the
data for the creation of the balance confirmation for an account.

Slide 26: Current Account Features: Credit Standing Review

System Demo
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Change
Account. Go to the Credit Standing Review tab page and show how to maintain the
data for the Credit Standing Review for an account.

Point out that the 3 BAdIs need to be implemented to enable the Credit Standing
Review process. See Appendix: Configuration.

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Training System

Unit: Time Deposits

90 minute presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Understand the basic features of the time deposit product
 Create a time deposit account
 Describe the life cycle of a time deposit
 Explain the available options for interest usage during the term and at the end of
 Understand the options available for the additional deposits or for the reduction
of deposited funds
 Explain the renewal function
 Execute full repayment and account closure of a time deposit account.

Slide 8: Time Deposits Overview and Usage: Definition of Time Deposit

Explain the different types of deposit products: Demand deposits, notice deposits,
and time deposits that are available within banking services. Explain that each
deposit type will be discussed in a separate unit.

In the banking world the following terminology is widely used:
Time Deposits is an umbrella term for the following deposits products:
- Notice deposits (German: Kündigungsgeld)
- Fixed-term deposit (German: Festgeld)

Note that in banking services from SAP the terms time deposits and fixed-term
deposits are used the other way around. The reason is that system terminology was
adjusted to the terminology used in the US market where the term time deposit is
used for a fixed-term deposit product. This may now cause some confusion.

Slide 12: Time Deposits Overview and Usage: Product Configuration

System Demo:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change Account Product.

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Training System
Enter product name: TD_1M_PRV and execute. Go to the product configurator tree
and show the product attributes according to the slide.

Slide 16: Creating a Time Deposit: Time Deposit Agreement

System Demo:
Go to the path: SAP Menu  Financial Services  Account Management 
Account  Create Account
Create a current account using the following data:
Contract Start: according to Posting Date for Payment Transactions in RT00
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TD_1M_PRV
Account Holder IDCUST_00
Go to the Time Deposit tab page and show how to create a time deposit agreement.

Slide 22: Creating a Time Deposit: Financial Conditions

System Demo: Credit Interest Condition

Go to the Financial Condition tab page in the account master data and display the
credit interest condition. You can also demonstrate how the interest rate changes
depending on the term defined in the agreement. 
Indicate that the features of the credit interest for time deposits are discussed in
detail in the following unit Special Conditions.

Slide 26: Fixing Phase: Fix a Time Deposit Function

System Demo: Displaying Time Deposit Dates 

You can use this function of the time deposit to display the upcoming due dates
(next fixing, next call date, next set of correspondence) for an account that has a time
Choose SAP Menu ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Account ®
Time Deposit (Special Functions) ® Display Time Deposit Dates
Show how to fix a time deposit account:
SAP Menu ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Account ® Time
Deposit (Special Functions) ® Fix Time Deposit.

Slide 26: Fixing Phase: Term Variant

System Demo (optional): Term Variants 

You can define the term variants in Customizing SAP IMG → Financial Services →
Account Management → Product Management → Life Cycle Control of Time
Then you assign the term variant to each time deposit product in the product

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Slide 26: Fixing Phase: Grace Period

Customizing settings for Grace Period (Product Configurator):

 To activate Grace Period and define its length (number of days), choose: SAP
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management
® Product Definition → Account Products → Change Account Product. Go to
the Time Deposit node, select Product Specifications → Scheduling Data,
activate Grace Period for Time Deposit (Days), and enter the length of the grace
period (number of days).
 To set the Interest Forfeited if Full Repayment in Grace Period indicator,
choose: SAP IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product
Management ® Product Definition → Account Products → Create Account
Product. Go to the Time Deposit node, select Time Deposit → Properties and
activate Interest Forfeited if Paid Off in Time Deposit Grace Period indicator.

Slide 30: Fixing Phase: Deposits and Withdrawals

Early withdrawals (very limited functionality!)

To allow the early withdrawals of the contract amount during the fixing phase, go to
the Product Configurator: IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ®
Product Management ® Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change
Account Product. Choose Time Deposit ® Product Specifications ® Reduction, and
activate Reduction allowed during fixing phase attribute.

Early withdrawal penalty

The system offers very limited functionality concerning the calculation of the early
withdrawal penalty for time deposit products (condition type 305010 Early
Withdrawal Penalty). You can only maintain and calculate the condition using the
transaction: SAP Menu ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Account
® Time Deposit (Special Functions) ® Calculate Early Withdrawal Penalty.

You need an implementation in the project to be able to post it automatically.

Note that you cannot use the Interest Penalty condition as it is only used for Notice

Slide 31: Fixing Phase: Deposits and Withdrawals

Definition of additional deposits

 The increment for the additional deposit can be defined in Customizing. For
Example in 10’000 Currency Units (EUR 10’000)

To allow additional deposits during the fixing phase, go to the Product Configurator:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change Account Product. Choose Time
Deposit ® Product Specifications and activate Increase attribute (contract currency,

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Training System
minimum increase, maximum increase, increment of increase).

Slide 34: Maturity of a Time Deposit: Calling a Time Deposit

System Demo: Calling a Time Deposit 

To call a single time deposit, choose: SAP Menu ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Account ® Time Deposit (Special Functions) ® Call Time

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Training System

Unit: Notice Deposits: Savings Account with Notice

60 minute presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Describe the features of notice deposits products
 List the differences from other account products
 Explain the conditions for withdrawal
 Describe the savings account with a savings book
 Discuss the account/card relationship
 Create a savings account with a savings book and savings cards

Slide 10: Notice Deposits Overview and Usage: Definition of Notice Deposits
Explain the difference between the savings account and the current account. Point
out the common feature: funds withdrawal is restricted.

Slide 16-17: Notice Deposits Overview and Usage: Product Configuration

System demo:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change Account Product.
Enter the product name SAVACCT1 and choose Execute.
Go to the Product Configurator tree and show the product attributes according to the
Savings book and dependant cards
 Will be discussed later in lessons 2 and 3
Minimum deposit
 Show the minimum deposit amount and explain the function
Notice on amount
 Penalty interest calculation type
 Notice on amount rule
 Allowance amount rule
 Special revenue allowance amount rule

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Slide 18: Notice Deposits Overview and Usage: Product Configuration
System demo:
Create a savings account:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Account
Master Data → Create Account
Use the following details:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: SAVACCT1
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Go to the Notice on Amount tab page and show the notice on amount rule and the
allowance amount rule.

Save the account.

Create a credit payment item:

SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Payment Item → Create Payment Item

Use the following details:

Trans. Type: 080000 (Cash Deposit)
Account: created account

Amount in Transaction Crcy: EUR 10,000

Create a debit payment item:

Use the following details:
Trans. Type: 030000 (Cash Payment)
Account: created account

Amount in Transaction Crcy: EUR 2,000

Show the information items for the account:

SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Information Items → Display Settlement-Relevant
Information Items

Use the following details:

Account: created account
Info Item Type: 05

The system has not calculated a penalty interest as the withdrawal amount is lower
than the allowance amount in the allowance amount rule.

Create another debit payment item with an amount higher than the allowance
Use the following details:
Trans. Type:030000 (Cash Payment)
Account: created account

Amount in Transaction Crcy: EUR 3,000. Force the posting, if necessary.

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Show the information items for the account again.

The system has calculated a penalty interest as the withdrawal amount is higher than
the allowance amount in the allowance amount rule.
Slide 21: Savings Book: Definition and Master Data
System demo:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Create Account Product
Create product 00SAVBOOK, valid from 01.01.2000 (use SAVACCT1 as template).
Activate the Savings Book feature (all padlocks open).
Save and activate your product.
Create a savings account with savings book:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Account
Master Data → Create Account
Use the following details:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: 00SAVBOOK
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Go to the Savings Book tab page, change the savings book information and save the
Slide 24: Savings Book: Update Entry
System demo:
Create a credit payment item for the created account:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Payment Item → Create Payment Item
Display the transactions mentioned on the slide.
Slide 29: Savings Card: Account/Card Relationship
System demo:
IMG ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product Management ®
Product Definition ® Account Products ® Create Account Product
Create product 00SAVCARD, valid from 01.01.2000 (use SAVACCT1 as template).
Activate the Dependent Cards feature:
Restriction on Participant Products: SAVCARD1
Number of Cards per Card Product: 2
Minimum / Maximum Number of Participant Cards: 1 / 2
Deactivate the Position Number check (Dependent cards →Properties).
Set all traffic lights in the Characteristics of Cards section to green.
Save and activate your product.
Create a savings account with savings card:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Account
Master Data → Create Account
Use the following details:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00

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Product: 00SAVCARD
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Press the Account Check button and explain the error messages.
Go to the Contract Relationships tab page: Add a savings card.

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Unit: Notice Deposits: Savings Scheme

60 minute presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Describe the features of a savings scheme account
 Discuss the life cycle of a savings scheme product
 Describe the repayment of a savings scheme account
 Explain the functions of payment monitoring
 Create a savings scheme account

Slide 8: Savings Scheme Overview and Usage: Definition

Explain the characteristics of a savings scheme. Point out the common features:
funds withdrawal is restricted, fixed maturity, bonus interest.

Slide 9: Savings Scheme Overview and Usage: Life Cycle

System demo:
Create a savings scheme:.
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Account
Master Data → Create Account
Use the following details:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: SAVSCHEM1
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Go to the Payment Agreement tab page and enter the following:
Installment Amount: EUR 100
Install. Agrmt Start: Last day of actual posting date
Extra Payment Amount: EUR 500
Special Payment Date: Actual posting date

Go to the Notice on Amount tab page. There is no allowance amount rule for the
savings scheme.

Save the account.

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Slide 25: Payment Monitoring

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Savings
Scheme (Special Functions) → Create Debit Position Items
Create a debit position:
Trans.Type: 210100 (Debit Position InstllPayt)
Account: Account created
Amount in Transaction Crcy: EUR 500

Display the following transactions and explain the usage:

SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Savings
Scheme (Special Functions) →
 Display/Change Payment History of a Savings Scheme
 Display Next Due Dates (Savings Scheme)
 Change Counter Reading

Use the following details:

Counter: SP1
From Date: 01.01.2000

Display the following transactions:

SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Periodic Tasks →
Savings Scheme →
 Display Next Debit Position Date
 Execute Debit Positions
 Display Next Monitoring Date
 Monitor Installment Payments

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Training System

Unit: Special Orders

45 minute presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the Notice on Amount function
 Create Notice on Amount orders
 Describe the Withdrawal with Settlement function
 Create Withdrawal with Settlement orders

Slide 8: Overview
Explain that the Notice on Amount Order and the Withdrawal with Settlement Order
are components of Order Management. Refer to the training module Order

Slide 11: Notice on Amount: Order Attributes

System demo:
Customizing ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product
Management ® Product Definition ® Account Products ® Change Account
Enter the product name SAVACCT1 and choose Execute.
Go to the Product Configurator tree and show the product attributes according to the
Notice on Amount ® Order Attributes
 Notice on Remaining Amount by Account Closure Only
 Payment Details for Notice on Amount can be Changed
Notice on Amount ® Order Attributes ® Availability Period
 Availability of Amount of Notice on Amount

Slide 13: Notice on Amount: Process Overview

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Savings
Deposit (Notice on Amount) → Give Notice on Amount

Post a credit payment item (EUR 10,000) to a savings account in your bank posting
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Create a new Notice on Amount order for your savings account.

Use the following details:

Not. Amnt Cat: Notice on Partial Amount
Notice Reason: 100 ( Standard Notice Reason)
Amnt Notice on Amnt: EUR 5,000

Explain the data calculated by the system (by using the product configuration
 Recpt of Notice
 Due On
 Start Avail. Period
 End Avail. Period
 Planned Withd. Date

Indicate that you are able to change this data manually.

Choose Notice on Remaining Amount. The system fills the Amnt Notice on Amnt
field with the current balance of the account.

Switch back to Notice on Partial Amount (EUR 5,000) and activate the Notice on
Amount Order.

Slide 17: Notice on Amount: Balance Series

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Savings
Deposit (Notice on Amount) → Display Amount Not Subject to Early Withdrawal
Penalty and Notice Amount
Use the following details:
Account: Your savings account
Key Date: Actual posting date
Valid From: Actual posting date
Show the notice amounts, resulting from the Allowance Amount respectively the
Notice on Amount Order.

Slide 20: Withdrawal with Settlement: Process Overview

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Withdrawal with Settlement → Execute Withdrawal
with Settlement
Create a Withdrawal with Settlement order.
Use the following details:
Account: Your savings account

Withdrawal Amount: EUR 1,500

Withdrawal date: Actual posting date
Value Date: Actual posting date + 5 days

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Payment Details:
Account: Account in your bank posting area
Debit Tran.Type: 020200
Debit Payt Meth: 0001
Crd Tran.Type: 051000
Credit Payt Meth: 0001

Activate the Withdrawal with Settlement order.

Display the payment items created by the settlement:

SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Turnovers,
Balances and Key Figures → Display Balances and Key Figures
Choose the Display Payment Item button and execute the transaction. Show the
payment items created by the settlement (withdrawal with settlement order).

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Unit: Special Conditions

45 minute presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Recognize which deposit-specific interest conditions are available
 Recognize which deposit-specific charge conditions are available
 Explain the most important settings for configuring these conditions

Slide 9: Introduction
Indicate that this unit provides only an overview of some possible condition settings.
It depicts only a few chosen scenarios for different account products:
 Current accounts: debit and overdraft interest, account maintenance charge,
standing order charge
 Time deposits: credit interest
 Notice deposits: interest penalty
 Savings scheme: bonus
Slide 16: Interest Conditions: Debit and Overdraft Interest
 You need to specify the committed limit for the account to be able to calculate
debit and overdraft interest.
 The debit balance is broken into two parts (up to committed limit and above
committed limit) for the interest calculation Usage possible only if both debit
and overdraft interest conditions are defined for an account. If the overdraft
condition is not specified, the debit interest is calculated for the whole debit
balance (even if the calculation base 20000003 Debit Balance With Limit
Dependent on Overdraft Condition is defined in the settings for the condition

System demonstration:
Show the settings for the condition configuration:
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Product Management® Financial Conditions ® Define Condition
 105110 Credit Interest
 105100 Debit Interest
 105120 Overdraft Interest

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Indicate that different calculation bases were used. Avoid discussing the
configuration of all condition type attributes. This was covered in the course Generic
Functions and Features.
Slide 17: Interest Conditions: Credit Interest for Time Deposits

System demonstration:
A template condition type: 105115 Credit Interest Time Deposit

If you use a reference interest rate, you have two options:

 The reference interest rate that is valid at the term start as a variable rate
during the entire term duration - Means that the percentage rate may change
daily. Additionally you define markups/markdowns to reference interest rates
Important Remark: Do not use and do not show in the system!!
 The particular quotation of the reference interest rate that is valid at the
term start In this case you need additional settings to fix the quotation of the
reference interest rate (for example Euribor 2 month = 1.75 % for the whole
runtime of a time deposit contract). In a first step the condition type in
customizing needs to be configured appropriately, which means the relevant
settings for Date Category (Adjustment date and Fixing date) need to be entered
in the Customizing table Define Condition Type. In the second step you need to
define an Adjustment date and Fixing date on the Time Periods tab page in the
condition definition in the application. Means that the interest condition at
Contract start may vary form the actual Reference Interest Rate at the start of the
fixing phase.
Important Remark: Do not show in the system, because of still open
messages by the end of December 2009!!

Slide 24: Interest Conditions: Interest Penalty

System demonstration:
A template condition type: 105140 Interest Penalty

Other interest penalty-relevant Customizing settings:

 Product Configurator: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial
Services → Account Management → Product Management → Product
Definition → Account Products → Change Account Product Sparcard
o Go to the Notice on Amount node and select Interest Penalty Calculation
o Go to the Settlement node and select General Settlement Indicators → Post
Interest Penalty,(and/or Clear Interest Penalty for Account Closure).
 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Account
Management → Item Management → Basic Functions → Transaction Types
and Transaction Type Groups → Define Transaction Types for Information
 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Account
Management → Product Management → Financial Conditions → Define
Transaction Types for Transaction Charges and Event Charges

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 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Account
Management → Product Management → Settlement → Assign Condition Types
for Accrual/Clearing of Info Items

Interest penalty calculation type defines a method for calculating interest penalty:
 90-day method - The interest penalty is calculated for a maximum of 90 days.
 900-day method - The interest penalty is calculated for a maximum of 900 days.

The 90-day method is mostly used for savings accounts with notice. The 900-day
method is used, for instance, for savings schemes or savings accounts with notice
(Sparbuch) that have a notice period of several years.

Post Interest Penalty

The settlement allocates info items from the categories interest penalty or interest
penalty carried forward from previous periods.
Revenue for current period EUR 20
Interest penalty for withdrawals subject to early withdrawal penalty EUR 50

1. No delimitation, early withdrawal penalty posted in full

Result: Posting of EUR 50
2. Limited to revenue from current period without carryforward of surplus to next
Result: Posting of EUR 20
3. Limited to revenue from current period with carryforward of surplus to next
Result: Posting of EUR 20 and carryforward of EUR 30 surplus to next period

Slide 25: Interest Conditions: Interest Penalty

If you want to limit the interest penalty amount:

 Select a condition type in the Limit field. The system limits the amount that was
determined by this condition type (for example, the credit interest).
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Account
Management → Product Management → Settlement → Assign Condition Types
for Accrual/Clearing of Info Items
 If you want to include the amount limits for interest penalties that you have
defined for the account product, set the Include Product Limit indicator. The
system calculates the interest penalty based on settings you have defined in the
product attributes Post Interest Penalty and Clear Interest Penalty for Account
 The system includes the amount from the condition types for limits only if the
above mentioned attributes have the characteristics 1 or 2 in the account, that is,
only if a limit is required on the interest penalty.
 If the attributes have the characteristic 0, that is, no limit on the penalty interest
is required, the system does not include the amount from the condition type for
Example: Assign Condition Types for Accrual/Clearing of Info Items
The configuration relates to the example on the previous slide:
 If you also enter 105110 Credit Interest in the Offset, Surplus and Details fields,

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it means that the interest penalty is cleared with the credit interest and the net
result is posted as follows:
o If credit interest > interest penalty then the net result is posted
o Example: Cr interest = EUR 100 and interest penalty = EUR 10, then EUR
90 is posted to the account
o If credit interest < interest penalty then no posting is made, the interest
penalty amount can be carried forward to the next period (assuming that the
settings in the product require you to limit the interest penalty by the credit
interest amount)
 If you enter 105140 Interest Penalty in the Offset, Surplus and Details fields, it
means that no clearing takes place and the result is posted as follows:
o If credit interest > interest penalty then the credit interest result and interest
penalty result are posted separately
o Example: Cr interest = EUR 100 and interest penalty = EUR 10, then EUR
100 and EUR 10 is posted to the account
o If credit interest < interest penalty then no posting is made, the interest
penalty amount can be carried forward to the next period (assuming that the
settings in the product require you to limit the interest penalty by the credit
interest amount)
Slide 29: Interest Conditions: Bonus

System demonstration:
A template condition type: 105130 Bonus

Note the standard bonus calculation:

Bonus = EUR 3,500 X 1% = EUR 35
Indicate that the number of days is not included. Therefore, the choice between the
setting Calendar Period and Time Period is quite significant for the calculation
results. Bonus interest is calculated within a BAdI and can be adjusted accordingly
in the implementation project.
Reason: Each bank has different logic/formulas to calculate bonus interest. The
standard SAP implementation of this BAdI is only an example.

Bonus-relevant Customizing settings:

 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Product Management® Financial Conditions ®
Differentiation Characteristics ® Define Calendar Period
 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Product Management® Financial Conditions ®
Differentiation Characteristics ® Define Term Period
 The calculation of the bonus interest is executed by the user exit: SAP
Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Account
Management → Product Management → Settlement → Business Add-Ins →
Enhancements in Calculation Layer → BAdI: After Application of Amount

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Slide 35: Charge Conditions: Item Charge vs. Transaction Charge

A template condition type:

 115020 Item Charge
 115050 Transaction Charge

Item charge based on the external amount counter:

 You can define only the minimum and maximum amount
 Usage examples:
o Dispatch expenses: The amounts are delivered from the external system by
the user interface to the external amount counter. The amounts charged to
the customer can then be controlled by defining the minimum and maximum
o Transaction charges: External item charges delivered from other
systems/external banks.
Slide 36: Charge Conditions: Account Maintenance Charge

A template condition type: 115010 Account Maintenance Charge

Condition Determination
Condition determination permits you to form products flexibly in the area of interest
and charge conditions. The use period and calculation period can be selected to
define the period for which a charge amount is to be calculated. The system then
finds a condition dependent on this amount.
 Use period: Defines the intervals at which you want charges to be calculated.
 Reference date: The reference date is the date from which the system calculates
the shift of the period of use for the first settlement period.
 Calculation period: A time period defined by you is considered for condition
determination, rather than the period that has to be settled.
 If you enter values for the use period and the calculation period on the
Condition Determination tab page, you can define levels for condition
determination on the Calculation tab page. If you choose the value Levels for
condition determination, you can define the amount to be used for different
amount limits.
 Turnover class: Specifies which portion of the turnover for the calculation
period is used by the system for condition determination. If no turnover class is
specified, then the system uses the value date balance for condition
Note: It is advisable to use the calculation basis, instead of the fields: turnover
class, balancing method, balance category, and basis of balance (the latter is an old
method). The use of the calculation basis offers much more flexibility. Note that
you cannot use both together.

Charge Calculation Method

You can define whether and how you want charges to be calculated for periods in
which a contract exists; for only part of the period (such as months in which an
account is opened or closed) or for the period of use.
Relevant Customizing activities (do not discuss unless there are many questions):
 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Product Management ® Financial Conditions ® Create and
Name Charge Calculation Method
 SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Financial Services ® Account
Management ® Product Management ® Financial Conditions ® Define

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Matrixes for Charge Calculation Methods
Slide 40: Charge Conditions: Standing Order Charge

115060 Condition Type Direct Charge

This is a quite generic condition type that can be used to create various event
charges. Note that all of the possible entries that you can find in the dropdown list
for the following differentiation categories can be used in the conditions:
 006 Features
 007 Activity

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Training System

Unit: Card and Card Pools Products

60 minute presentation and system demo

no exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 List the supported types of card products
 Discuss the integration of card contracts
 Describe the use of card pool products
 Explain the card master data stored in the system

Slide 13-17: Card Contract: Contract Characteristics

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data ® Create Card
Use the following details:
Contract Start: Actual system date
Contract Manager: RT00
Card Holder ID: CUST_00

For payment details, use an account created before (Unit Deposits Management).
Save the card contract.
Display the card contract:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data ® Display Card
Explain the different tab pages of the card contract according to the slides.

Slide 18-19: Card Contract: Product Configuration

System demo:
Customizing ® Financial Services ® Account Management ® Product
Management ® Product Definition ® Card Products ® Change Card Product.
Enter the product name CREDICARD and choose Execute.
Go to the Product configurator tree and show the product attributes according to the
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Explain the different tab pages of the card contract according to the slides.

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Training System

Unit: Card Processing and Operations

60 minute presentation and system demo

45 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the functional scope of Card Management
 Give a general overview of card processing
 Describe the integration with card processing companies

Slide 13: Card Functions - Order Replacement PIN

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data → Order Replacement PIN.
Use the following details:
Card Type: 0030
Card Number: Card created before
Show the status of the card (active). Save the Replacement Order.
Slide 15: Card Functions - Lock Card
System demo:
Lock Card:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → PLM
Document → Create PLM Document for Card(s)
Use the following details:
Business Partner: CUST_00
Event Type: 302000 (Lock all Cards for BP)
Choose the Card tab page and select the displayed card (drag and drop).
Change to the PLM Card Charges tab page and mark the No PLM Card Charge
Save the PLM document.

Unlock Card:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → PLM
Document → Change PLM Document

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Set the document status to Inactive and save.
Slide 16-18: Card Functions - Cancel Card
System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data → Cancel Card
Show and explain the data according to the slides. Do NOT save the cancelation

Slide 19-20: Card Functions - Exchange Card

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data → Exchange Card
Show the selection criteria (Replacement, Early Renewal, and Duplicate).

Slide 21: Card Functions - Return/Destroy Card or PIN

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data → Exchange Card / Destroy Card
Start the above mentioned transactions and show/explain the initial screen.

Slide 22: Card Functions - Issue/Reissue Card or PIN

System demo:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Card → Card Master
Data → Issue Card
Start the above mentioned transaction and show/explain the initial screen.

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Training System

Unit: Concept of Master Contract Management

60 minute presentation and system demo

no exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Understand the general concept of Master Contract Management
 Describe the functional scope of Master Contract Management
 Name the main features of a master contract
 Create and change a master contract
 Explain how to calculate the charges for a master contract
 Maintain participation conditions
 Terminate a master contract.

1. Master contract products:
TR_FAC1 (only event charge, no combined settlement)
TR_FAC2 (with combined settlement: commitment fee and charge for number
of participants)
2.Create 3 current accounts (A,B,C):
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
3.Create a master contract (MC1) and assign two participants (B,C) you have just
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_FAC1
MC Holder ID: CUST_00

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<Slide 13-17: Master Contract Overview: Basic Features>

Refer to the Unit: ‘Product Configuration’. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product as an account
product. Remind the participants how to create, change, and display an existing
product and show the definition/configuration of its attributes.
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Change Master
Contract Product
Select product: TR_FAC2
Explain that some features are common for all master contract products, for
example, business partner, contract relationships, financial conditions, combined
settlement (to calculate charges), settlement payment details.
Show some examples of master contract attributes that are relevant for the specific
processes, such as effective cash pooling, facilities and limits.
Point out the complex function of the Combined Settlement attribute. Depending on
the settings for Combined Settlement, it can be used to:
- Calculate master contract charges (for example, for charge for the number.
of participants) for all MC applications
- Calculate Charges & Interest Compensation
- Calculate Bundle Pricing
Note: Some of the master contract attributes are obsolete: cash concentration,
interest compensation, settlement. New attributes are used for these processes:
- Cash concentration → new attribute: Effective cash pooling
- Interest compensation → new attribute: Combined settlement
- Settlement → new attribute: Combined settlement
Point out that the participation conditions will be discussed in detail in Lesson 2 of
this Unit.
<Slide 21: Master Contract Maintenance: Creation>

System demonstration:
The slide depicts the demo scenario. Show the slide and explain the demo steps to
the participants.
 Master contract MC1 with 2 participant accounts (B and C) exists in the
 Account A exists in the system
Execute the following demo steps:
1. Create the main master contract MC 2.
2. Create the relationships for MC 2:
 Assign current account A to MC 2
 Assign master contract MC 1 to MC 2.

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SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_FAC1
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00

<Slide 22: Master Contract Maintenance: Change>

To change a single master contract, choose the following:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Change Master Contract
Show how to change the master data using the master contract created in the
previous demonstration.
Note that it is also possible to execute multiple changes to one master contract in a
single unit of work (the box on the bottom right hand side refers to the next slide).
You do this by using the order Edit Master Data of Master Contract.
<Slide 23-24: Master Contract Maintenance: Change>
The order Edit Master Data of Master Contract can be used to:
 execute multiple changes to one master contract
 execute multiple changes to multiple master contracts, including changes
to hierarchy
 create new master contracts (one or many within the same order)
For more details, see the notes for these slides. Do not discuss this order in detail in
the training session as its functions are limited mainly to Facilities, and it is meant to
be used not in the dialog, but rather as a service via the interface. If there are
questions, you can show the order:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Edit Master Data of Master Contract (BCA_OR_MNMC).
Note: The order can be used only for complex changes to the basic master data and
facility attributes. It is not possible, for example, to change ECP attributes. The
usage of RFCs of the order is restricted to making changes to master contracts which
have the following setting in their underlying master contract product: Attribute
‚Master contract category ‘value is ‚001003‘ (Facility).
Tip: The order provides two different check modes – ‚Simulate (XCHECK)‘ and
‚Simulate‘. Check mode ‚Simulate‘ - The system checks the recorded changes for
the individual master contract in relation to the settings in its underlying product (for
example, value restrictions, allowed member types, or minimum and maximum
number of participants). Check mode ‚Simulate (XCHECK)‘ - The system performs
a check on the recorded changes for the individual master contract in relation to
other master contracts.
<Slide 25-27: Master Contract Maintenance: Participation Conditions>

System demonstration:

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Show how the participation conditions can be maintained:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Change Master Contract
Maintain the participation conditions for the MC created in the previous
Consistency Report: Participation Conditions
Changes to participant accounts will be made in a system other than the Master
Contract Management system. This means the check against the participation
conditions of the master contract to which they are assigned as member cannot be
made in real time.
Important changes are:
 Contract closure
 Reactivation of participant accounts
 Contract holder change
 Product change
 Contract currency change
 Due date change
 Processing group change
 Business partner hierarchy change
 Loan term change
The consistency report detects and documents deviations after such changes. You
should run the report periodically. Choose SAP Menu→ Financial Services →
Master Contract Management → Master Contract Master Data → Periodic Tasks
→ Check and correct Participation Conditions (BCA_MCCH_RUN_PP).
<Slide 28-30: Master Contract Maintenance: Termination>

System demonstration:
Show how to create a master contract termination order using the master contract
created in the previous demonstration:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Terminate Master Contract
To execute the scheduled termination orders, you use the mass run function:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Periodic tasks → Terminate Due Master Contracts
Configuration for the Master Contract Termination:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Order
Management → Master Contract Termination → Define Notice Reasons for Master
Contract Termination and → Define Deactivation Reasons for Master Contract

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<Slide 33: Master Contract Charge: Combined Settlement>
Explain once again the different usage of the combined settlement feature.

System demonstration:
Display a master contract (product TR_FAC2) and show the settlement settings
(combined settlement tab page) and charge condition definition (financial conditions
tab page).
You may also show the configuration of the master contract product :
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Create Master
Contract Product or Change Master Contract Product
Select product: TR_FAC2

Choose: Used Attributes → Combined Settlement → General Attributes → Cross-

Track Attributes and set the Condition Type Restriction product attribute in such a
way that only charge conditions are settled for a master contract. Unless this
indicator is set in the contract, an account cannot participate in multiple master
contracts with the Combined Settlement feature. If the indicator is set, you are not
allowed to assign interest conditions to the master contract. Reason: You can
only assign an account to multiple master contract hierarchies simultaneously if the
indicator has been set for a master contract. The indicator prevents interest from
being posted more than once for an account. Note that the indicator must be set for
all master contracts of a master contract hierarchy.

Configuration of the financial conditions: 

SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Financial Conditions → Define Condition Type. Configure a
condition type with condition category 115010 Settlement Charges for each
application for which you wish to enable calculation of the master contract charge.
The condition type must be assigned the differentiation category 084 Calculation
Base MC Charge. For example:
 115011 Master Contract Charge
 115012 Facility Charge
 115013 ECP Charge w. Main Acct
 115014 ECP Charge w/o Main Acct
Additionally, it is possible to configure your own payment details for the posting of
the master contract charges:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Applications → Combined Settlement → Define Payment Details Types for
Combined Settlement Postings.
Show the standard condition: Master Contract Charge and point out the
the differentiation category 084 Calculation Base MC Charge and its available
options: SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Current Settings → Financial Conditions → Edit Condition Group
Condition Group Type: 51 – Master Contract Settlement

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Condition Group: 30 Facility
Condition: 115012 Facility Charge

<Slide 34-35: Master Contract Charge: Calculation Example>

Discuss the example on slide 43.
Slide 44 is optional. It shows the charge calculation in the case of Effective Cash
Pooling (ECP). It specifically depicts the difference between including or excluding
the main account. As the ECP is discussed in the next unit, it might not be clear for
the participants what the main account is and how the ECP is set up.
In order to support the possibility to run an Account Management System and a
Master Contract Management System in two different systems, it is necessary to
communicate feature locks between the two applications. For this purpose the
following reports have to be executed:
Use transaction SE38 to execute the reports. In a productive environment this is done
by scheduling batch jobs (e. g.: every 10 min, 30 min, …).

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Unit: Effective Cash Pooling

90 minute presentation and system demo

60 minute exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Define various cash pooling scenarios
 Explain the different pooling methods and rules
 Set up single-level and multi-level cash pools
 Explain how the cash pooling process works
 Execute a cash pooling run

Before you start to teach this unit:

Create 3 current accounts:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Check the exercise in advance. The exercise refers to the ZBA Scenario depicted in
Lesson 3.
<Slide 10: Introduction to Effective Pooling: Definitions>
The subaccounts can be managed in the SAP Deposits Management system, or in
any other account-managing system.
The integration between Master Contract Management (MCM) and SAP Deposits
Management systems is a standard functionality. This is a plug-and-play solution. It
is also possible to use only an SAP MCM system for Effective Cash Pooling, and
still keep the current accounts in the old legacy system. However, there is integration
work to be done in the implementation project to adjust the interfaces on the legacy
system side. The appropriate interfaces and the architecture are available on the
MCM side.
<Slide15: Master Contract Product for Effective Cash Pooling: Contract

System demonstration:
Refer to the unit: “Product Configuration”. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product. Show an existing
master contract product for effective cash pooling and emphasize the mandatory and
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optional configuration of attributes for this type of product:
SAP IMG→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Change Master
Contract Product
Select product: TR_ECP1
 The MC application: Effective Cash Pooling must be activated.
 Optional: Facility, Combined Statement and/or Combined Settlement
applications can be activated as additional applications. Note that Combined
Settlement can be used to calculate interest for inter-company loans and/or
MC maintenance fees.
<Slide 16: Master Contract Product for Effective Cash Pooling: Contract

System demonstration:
Create an ECP master contract based on the product shown:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_ECP1
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00
Show master contract attributes that are relevant for effective cash pooling:
- ECP tab: How to create an ECP Agreement
- Relationships tab: Add 3 current accounts as participants; specify simple
ECP rules for each.
<Slide 17: Master Contract Product for Effective Cash Pooling: Master
Contract Attributes>
The explanation of the other cash pooling methods:
BCK - Balance-based, posting balance without amounts subject to final
payment, key date-based
Book balance sweeping means that the value balances of the subaccounts, excluding
subject to final payment balance, with a date on, before or after the execution date
for the cash pooling process are swept to the main account in one aggregated
BBK - Balance-based, posting balance, key date-related
Book balance sweeping with an aggregated booking means that all value balances of
the subaccounts with a date on, before or after the execution date for the cash
pooling process are swept to the main account in one aggregated booking. So that the
behavior is similar to method ‘BCK – Book Cleared Balance (Key Date-based)’.
The only difference is that the subject to final payment amount is not subtracted: The
normal book balance is used.
For example, the new method may be used to set the balances of mirror accounts or
clearing accounts to zero.
FIX - Fixed amount

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Defining a fixed amount for transfers has the effect of always sweeping the
specified amount to the main account regardless of the amount available in the
subaccount. Funding of the subaccount by reverse sweeps from the main account
never takes place, if a fixed amount has been specified for transfer.

ITEM - Payment item-based

This method enables the clearing of each payment item on the subaccounts. The
system does not transfer balances, but the individual items of a participant account.
There is a separate sweep created for each payment item.
<Slide 23: Master Contract Product for Effective Cash Pooling: Subaccount
It is not the aim of the lesson to give the participants an exhaustive explanation of
each of the following attributes. Please concentrate only on those that are mentioned
in the slides, and which are relevant for the most commonly used cash pooling
techniques (ZBA, target balancing, trigger balancing).
Please point out that the pooling methods can be combined with each other in
order to create complex sweeping rules. However, for the sake of the training course,
we will only present some simple examples.

SAP0011000 Surplus Clearing

You can use this rule for zero balancing: If the subaccount has a credit balance, this
balance is transferred from the subaccount to the main account. This rule is a basic
rule that is recommended for use with all cash pooling methods except the ITEM

SAP0012000 Deficit Clearing

You can use this rule for zero balancing: If the subaccount has a debit balance, this
balance is transferred from the main account to the subaccount. This rule is a basic
rule that is recommended for use with all cash pooling methods except the ITEM

SAP0021000 Percentage for Surplus Clearing

You can use this rule as follows: If the subaccount has a credit balance, a percentage
share of this balance is transferred from the subaccount to the main account.

SAP0031000 Group Creation

You can use the rule attributes to group subaccounts. In these groups the
subaccounts can supply funds or balances. The system calculates the total balances
of all balance suppliers in a group. The clearing takes place between the main
account and the funds supplier. The rule has the following attributes: Group Number,
Balance Supplier, Funds Supplier

SAP0036000 Basis Amount on Subaccount

You can use this rule as follows: The amount for clearing from the subaccount to the
main account is limited to ensure that a certain amount remains on the subaccount.

SAP0041000 Check Against Posting Balance

You can use this rule if you have selected a method that is based on a value date
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balance (BVP, BVPF, BVK, or BCK). If the calculated value date-based balance of a
participant account differs from its posting date-based balance, the system uses the
posting date-based balance for clearing.

SAP0042000 Minimum Amount for Surplus Clearing

You can use the rule attributes to specify the minimum amount for surplus clearing.
If the clearing amount calculated by the system is less than the minimum amount,
then clearing from the subaccount to the main account does not take place.

SAP0043000 Maximum Amount for Surplus Clearing

You can use the rule attributes to specify the maximum amount for surplus clearing.
If the clearing amount calculated by the system is more than the maximum amount,
only the maximum amount is transferred from the subaccount to the main account.

SAP0044000 Minimum Amount for Deficit Clearing

You can use the rule attributes to specify the minimum amount for deficit clearing. If
the deficit clearing amount calculated by the system is less than the minimum
amount, then clearing from the main account to the subaccount does not take place.

SAP0045000 Maximum Amount for Deficit Clearing

You can use this rule as follows: You can use the rule attributes to specify the
maximum amount for deficit clearing. If the deficit clearing amount calculated by
the system is more than the maximum amount, only the maximum amount is
transferred from the main account to the subaccount.

SAP0046000 Surplus Clearing Only

You can use this rule to transfer the balances from the subaccount to the main
account again after the other rules have been processed.

SAP0051000 Constant Balance on Subaccount

You can use the rule attributes to specify a balance that is to be kept constant on a
subaccount. If the constant balance is exceeded on the subaccount, the difference is
transferred from the subaccount to the main account. If the constant balance drops on
the subaccount, the difference is transferred from the main account to the

SAP0052000 Fixed Target Balance on Subaccount

After the balance calculation, the system initially clears a surplus or a deficit to set
the value date-based balance of the subaccount to zero. After this, it clears the target
balance amount specified by the rule attributes from the main account to the
subaccount (current posting date and value date of the next working day).

SAP0053000 Fixed Amount for Surplus Clearing

You can use the rule attributes to specify a fixed amount that is transferred from the
subaccount to the main account.

SAP0061000 Total Balance Replenishment (Current Posting Date)

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When the system clears surplus, it uses the current posting date and value date of the
next day for replenishment. If the surplus clearing was used to transfer future
balances, the balance is replenished using the original value date. Depending on the
period, clearing can take place more than once for this rule.

SAP0062000 Total Balance Replenishment (Future Posting Date)

When the system clears surplus, it uses the posting date and value date of the next
day for replenishment. If the surplus clearing was used to transfer future balances,
the balance is replenished using the posting date of the next day and the original
value date. Depending on the period, clearing can take place more than once for this

SAP0066000 Replenishment for Unavailable Amounts

Surplus clearing has been used to transfer an amount (such as from a check
presentation) from the subaccount to the main account. This amount is not yet
available. After this, the balance of the subaccount is replenished with the non-
available amount from the main account (Balances Subject to Final Payment).

SAP0071000 Threshold Amount Based on Value Date-Based Balance

You can use the rule attributes to set up threshold values for the value date-based
balance. Clearing does not take place until this threshold value has been reached.

SAP0072000 Threshold Amount Based on Posting Balance

You can use the rule attributes to set up threshold values for the posting date-based
balance. Clearing does not take place until this threshold value has been reached.

SAP0073000 Check Against the Minimum Balance or Limit

You can use these rule attributes to specify whether the system is to run a check
against the limit or the minimum balance of the main account.

SAP0081000 Grouping of Identical Value Dates

The balances of a value date are transferred in a group rather than individually. This
means that only one position needs to be shown on the bank statement.

SAP0090000 Line Item Clearing

The system does not transfer balances, but the individual items of a participating
account. Use this rule with the ITEM method only.

SAP0091000 Payment Notes

You can use the rule attributes to define payment notes that the system transfers with
all the clearing runs. This can be done, for example, to describe the clearing runs on
the bank statement with the note Effective Cash Pooling. If this rule is used when
you run effective cash pooling, the system changes the text of amounts already
<Slide 28-29: Effective Cash Pooling Scenarios: Zero Balancing>
System demonstration:

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Training System
Use the following details for demonstration:
MC product: TR_ECP1

<Slide 30-31: Effective Cash Pooling Scenarios: Target Balancing>

System demonstration:
Use the following details for demonstration:
MC product: TR_ECP2

<Slide 32-34: Effective Cash Pooling Scenarios: Trigger Balancing>

System demonstration:
Use the following details for demonstration:
MC product: TR_ECP3

<Slide 36: Effective Cash Pooling Processing: Execution>

System demonstration:
Show the reports for ECP execution:
- Individually for a specific cash pool/cash pool hierarchy:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Effective Cash
Pooling → Execute Effective Cash Pooling (/FSECP/SINGLE)
- As a mass process for all or a subset of due cash pools:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Effective Cash
Pooling → Periodic Tasks → Execute Effective Cash Pooling (/FSECP/RUN)
Emphasize the function of the selection criteria.
Execute the cash pooling scenario that you have created before.

<Slide 39: Effective Cash Pooling Processing: Subaccount Lock>

System demonstration:
1. If time is left and participants ask, you can show how to create a PLM
document for a subaccount:
SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Account Management → Account → PLM
Document → Create PLM Document for Account
Select account: one of the account in your pool
Select lock type: 202000
Whenever a posting lock is set* (or removed) for an account, the master contract
managing component is informed about these changes by means of a special
messages. To ‘start’ messaging on side of the account managing component, a report
is provided, which can either be started via transaction BCA_ACC_MST_RUN -
Distribute Account Master Data or scheduled periodically. The processing of

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received messages on side of the master contract managing is done automatically
(without the necessity for starting an additional report).
2. Run the report: BCA_ACC_MST_RUN Distribute Account Master Data
3. Display the hierarchy of the master contract and show that the account is
locked: SAP Menu→ Financial Services → Master Contract Management
→ Master Contract Master Data → Master Contract Hierarchy →
BCA_DISP_HIER_MC Display Hierarchy for Master Contract
Note: A subaccount is excluded from the cash pooling process if it is locked against
any type of debit postings. This lock should also include postings resulting from
effective cash pooling.
The relevance of account locks for master contract applications is determined
according to systems configuration: IMG: Financial Services à Master Contract
Management à Master Contract à General Settings à Assign Process Usage
Locks to Master Contract Applications

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Training System

Unit: Charge and Interest Compensation

90 minute presentation and system demo

60 minute exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the main functions and processes in charge and interest compensation
 Describe the available rule settings
 Make the necessary Customizing settings
 Set up single-level and multi-level compensation pools
 Execute the calculation of interest compensation (combined settlement)

Before you start to teach this unit:

There is no master data prepared for CIC in the system. Prepare this before the
classroom training starts.
1. The process interim accounts are defined for your bank posting area. If not,
please create internal accounts and make the required settings. The
participants will assign process interim accounts in the exercise.
2. You always have to activate the determination tree of the process interim
account in the customizing: SAP IMG→ Financial Services → Master
Contract Management → Master Contract Applications → Combined
Settlement → Define Account Determination for Process Interim Account.
3. Check the exercise before the classroom training.
4. You can prepare the two compensation scenarios that are to be presented in
Notional Pooling Scenario
Your demonstration should be based on the exercise. The exercise itself is based on
the notional pooling scenario depicted in lesson 3 (slides).
Create two current accounts. Choose SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account
Management → Account → Account Master Data → Create Account:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Increase the committed limit of the accounts to EUR 50,000

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Use the master contract product TR_IC_NP to create a master contract. Choose SAP
Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master Contract
Master Data → Create Master Contract. First simulate only the compensation in
single run. There is only one settlement track for interest compensation.
Margin Pooling Scenario
It is recommended to prepare the scenario in advance:
1. Create two current accounts: one EUR and one USD account. Choose SAP Menu
→ Financial Services → Account Management → Account → Account Master Data
→ Create Account:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
Please change the conditions of both accounts accordingly:
Con. Gr. Cat. Settl Type Con. Group Type Condition
1 Settlement 001 1 Settlement 13 Settl Ref
Standard Current Acc Interest (MP)
2 Transactions - 2 Transaction 1
Current Acc
3 Events - 3 Events Current 1
9 Interest - 13 Interest 1 Margin
Reimbursement Reimbursement Pooling

2. Use the master contract product TR_IC_MP to create a master contract. Choose
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract. Refer to lesson 3 for the
configuration details.
All other necessary settings should have already been made.

<Slide 9: Introduction to Charge and Interest Compensation: General

Notional pooling: Benefit for the customer (delta) results from the offsetting of
credit and debit balances of participant accounts. Additionally, you define interest
conditions at master contract level to calculate the delta. The interest conditions can
be the same as the interest conditions of participant accounts or different, meaning
more or fewer advantages for the customer. If the interest rates are better, then the
customer enjoys even greater benefits.
Margin pooling: The credit and debit balances of participant accounts are virtually
aggregated to calculate the credit/debit ratio. However, the benefit calculation is
based on the individual balances of participant accounts. Benefit results from the
reimbursement of the paid margin for the portion of the balance for which the credit
and debit balances are identical.

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<Slide 13: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:

System demonstration:
Refer to the unit “Product Configuration”. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product. Show an existing
master contract product for charge and interest compensation and emphasize the
mandatory and optional configuration of attributes for this type of product.
You can use the following master contract product for demonstration:
TR_IC_NP – Notional Pooling
TR_IC_MP – Margin Pooling
MC_CIC – Charge and Interest Compensation (two combined settlement tracks)

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract

Management → Product Management → Product Definition → Master Contract
Products → Change Master Contract Product
Select product: TR_IC_NP
 The master contract application: Combined Settlement (with features for
Compensation) must be activated.
 Optional: If a combined settlement is used for compensation (CIC), only the
Facility application can be activated as an additional application.
 The following attributes must be activated:
o Contract Relationship
o Correspondence Recipient
o Basic Data
o Events
o Financial Conditions
o Combined Settlement
o Settlement Payment Details
o Administrative Data
 Optional attributes:
o Participation Conditions
o If Facility is active, then additional attributes must be defined
Hint: Spend some time on the Combined Settlement node or return to this as you
progress with the unit. Refer also to the explanation given in the Unit Concept of
Master Contract Management and explain again that the combined settlement has a
complex function and is used to:
- Calculate master contract charges (i.e. charge for number of participants) for
other master contract applications
- Calculate charge and interest compensation
- Calculate bundle pricing

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<Slides 14-15: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest
Compensation: Contract Relationships>

System demonstration:
Create a CIC master contract based on the product shown:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_IC_NP
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00
Show master contract attributes that are relevant for the charge and interest
- Combined Settlement tab page
- Relationships tab page: Add two current accounts as participants, specify the
condition type bundle for each account.
- Settlement payment details: Specify the payment reference account for a
master contract that is not a participant account
- Correspondence recipient: You activate this contract feature only if you
need to produce the correspondence during the combined settlement run
(CIC run)
<Slides 16- 23: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest
Compensation: Compensation Attributes>
Please always refer to the system when explaining the compensation attributes. Use
the same details for the demonstration as for previous slides.
<Slide 16: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:
Compensation Attributes>
This slide provides a complete list of the compensation attributes. Please do not
explain every attribute in detail as it might be confusing for the participants and will
take too much time. You only need to concentrate on the following attributes:
 Compensation Calculation Base (slides 17-19)
 Distribution Category (slides 20-21)
 Indicator: Include Compensated Credit/Debit Share (slide 22)
If you need to discuss the meaning of the other attributes, use the information below
to provide an explanation:
Limit Category
1. Value 1: Use the external limit of a master contract
2. Value 2: Use aggregated limits of the participant accounts
The limit category is only needed when calculating the overdraft interest or
commitment fee to determine the debit balances, overdraft balances, and the limit
amount that is not used. The limit determines from which point overdraft interest is
calculated (debit amounts exceeding limits are charged additional overdraft interest).

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Training System
Calculation at master contract level, where netted balances of participant contracts
are calculated, may include either one of the following as the limit: Limit assigned to
the master contract (global credit line of the facility) or the sum of limits assigned to
the participant contracts.

Currency Translation Category

1. Value 1: Debit and credit balances of accounts in the same currency are netted
together. The net result is used for currency translation.
2. Value 2: Debit and credit balances of accounts in the same currency are not netted
together. The balance of each account is used for the currency translation.
The system also provides a configuration in which different currency exchange rate
types can be defined, for example, mid-rate, bid rate, or ask rate. Furthermore, you
can define in the configuration which currency exchange rate type has to be used for
the currency translation of debit balances, credit balances, limits, info items, and
settlement results. In a compensation hierarchy, the system converts attributes (such
as limits or balances) and settlement results to the currency of the superior master
contract, according to the Currency Translation Category.

Delta Calculation Category

1. Value 1: The system does not calculate a delta for a condition type if there is no
compensation result (because there is no condition) for the hierarchy.
2. Value 2: The system calculates a delta for a condition type if there is no
compensation result (because there is no condition) for the hierarchy.
If necessary, you can explain the attribute using the following example:

Delta Calculation Category Delta Calculation Category

Method 1 Method 2

Delta postings: Delta postings:

DT Interest: 75 € CR CR Interest: 15 € DT
DR Interest: 75 € CR

Master Contract #1 Master Contract #1

Pool interest due to IC: Pool interest due to IC:
DT Interest 700 € DT DT Interest 700 € DT
No CR Interest Rate No CR Interest Rate

Account #1 Account #2 Account #1 Account #2


Individual settlement postings: Individual settlement postings:

CR Interest 15 € CR No CR Interest Rate CR Interest 15 € CR No CR Interest Rate
DT Interest 475 € DT DT Interest 300 € DT DT Interest 475 € DT DT Interest 300 € DT

Account Posting Category

1. Value 1: The system calculates and posts the settlement result directly.
The settlement is calculated at account level. The settlement results are posted
directly at account level. The profit and loss postings are posted to and from the
profit and loss (P&L) account. The P&L account is determined from the bank

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Training System
posting area (of the settled account), the general ledger group (of the settled
account), and the transaction types of the settlement postings.
2. Value 2: The system calculates and posts the settlement result indirectly.
The settlement is calculated at account level. The settlement results are not posted
directly at account level. No P&L postings are created. The settlement results of the
participant accounts are posted indirectly during charge and interest compensation.
The contra-entries are posted to the payment reference of the master contract.
3. Value 3: The system calculates but does not post the settlement result.
The settlement is calculated at account level. The settlement results of the participant
accounts are not posted, neither directly or indirectly. No P&L postings are created.
< Slides 22: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:
Compensation Attributes>
It might be easier to explain the Indicator: Include Compensated Credit/ Debit
Share using the example of margin pooling from lesson 3. Generally, it is calculated
as follows:
 compensated credit share = compensated balance /total credit pool balance =
40 000/100 000 = 40%
 compensated debit share = compensated balance /total debit pool balance =
40 000/40 000 = 100%
The compensated balance means the total pool debit or credit balance, depending on
which absolute value is lower, that is which balance has been compensated by the
< Slide 25: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:
Relationship Attributes >
Condition Type Bundle (CTB)
 The balances of the participant accounts are relevant for the compensation
calculation of different condition types.
 The example shows how the CTB influences the balance series relevant for the
compensation for different condition types. It includes the balances of account A
and B within a 3-month period: 31/12/08 – 31/03/09. There is no balance for
credit interest as this condition type is not included in either CTB1 or CTB2.

You define the condition type bundle and assign a condition type to it in
Customizing: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services →
Master Contract Management → Master Contract Applications → Combined
Settlement → Compensation Settings → Define Condition Type Bundle:
 If you set the Do Not Request Account Settlement indicator for a condition type
bundle, it means that no delta is calculated. You use it when you calculate the
charges for master contracts. You cannot set the indicator if you use the CTB in
the compensation process.
 The condition type bundle consists of:
o Condition types
o Delta calculation indicators
 The Delta Calculation indicator specifies for each condition type whether the
settlement results for this condition type are included in the delta calculation.
 For all assigned condition types, the according raw data from the account is
accumulated at master contract level.

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<Slides 29: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:
Financial Conditions>
System demonstration:
Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu → Financial
Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings → Financial
Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group
Use the following details for the demonstration:
Condition Group Type: 101 – Combined Settlement Interest
Condition Group: 101 - Combined Settlement Int.
<Slides 30: Master Contract Product for Charge and Interest Compensation:
Financial Conditions>
System demonstration:
Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu → Financial
Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings → Financial
Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group
Master Contract interest conditions:
Condition Group Type: 101 – Combined Settlement Interest
Condition Group: 102 – Margin Pooling Interest
Participant account interest conditions:
Condition Group Type: 1 –Settlement Current Acc
Condition Group: 13 – Sett Ref Interest (MP)
Condition Group Type: 13 –Interest Reimbursement
Condition Group: 1 – Margin Pooling

<Slides 32-35: Compensation Scenarios: Notional Pooling >

Lesson 3 shows two scenarios: notional pooling and margin pooling, including the
detailed configuration and the calculation step by step.
Note to definitions (slide 32): It is technically also possible to configure a notional
pooling scenario, including accounts, in different currencies. However, the interest
rates differ per currency; therefore there is no business reason to do so. Typically,
notional pooling is single-currency, while margin pooling is multi-currency.
Notional Pooling
Please show this scenario in the system. Prepare this scenario before the classroom
training. This scenario is similar to the one in the exercise. Refer to the solution of
the exercise for the subsequent steps. You can also show the configuration of the
financial condition.
Note: Process interim account for EUR and trainer BPA(RT00):

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<Slides 36-41: Compensation Scenarios: Margin Pooling>
System demonstration:
We recommend you first stick to the PowerPoint slides to explain the calculation
logic. Then execute the scenario in the system:
 Create a master contract and assign the accounts you have prepared in
advance. Use the product TR_IC_MP
 Show the difference in the definition of the master contract: go to the
Combined Settlement tab page and show the configuration of the
compensation method
 Show the financial conditions of master contract and participant accounts.
Explain the difference in comparison to the notional pooling
 Execute the combined settlement (the same procedure as in case of notional
 Show and explain the calculated results.
Note: Process interim account for USD and trainer BPA(RT00):
Note: If some of the payment orders were not posted (however there were no errors
during the combined settlement run), please check out the postprocessing office and
post the PO directly from the PPO:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account Management → Postprocessing Office
→ Postprocessing Order → Edit Postprocessing Order BCA_PPO02)
Choose the following selection criteria:
 Order Status = 1
 Order Assignment = 2
 Postprocessing Order Mode = 3

<Slide 44: Compensation Processing: Combined Settlement >

System demonstration:
Show the reports for executing the combined settlement:
- Individually for a specific master contract/master contract hierarchy:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Combined
Settlement → Execute Combined Settlement (/FSBPR/START_SINGLE)
- As a mass process for all or a subset of due master contracts:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Combined
Settlement → Periodic Tasks → Execute Combined Settlement (/FSBPR/RUN)
Emphasize the function of the selection criteria.
<Slide 49: Compensation Processing: Posting Process >
Example: notional pooling.
Please refer to the example from lesson 3. Show the participants the postings to the
process interim account (PIA).

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System demonstration:
You can show how to find the proper PIA in the derivation tree: SAP IMG→
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master Contract
Applications → Combined Settlement → Define Account Determination for Process
Interim Account.
Then go to this account. The PIA used in this scenario would be:
<Slide 50: Compensation Processing: Posting Process >
Example: margin pooling.
Please refer to the example from lesson 3. Show the participants the postings to the
process interim accounts (PIA). Indicate that in the case of commonly used
currencies you would use different PIA accounts.
System demonstration:
You can show how to find the correct PIA in the derivation tree: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Master Contract Applications → Combined Settlement → Define Account
Determination for Process Interim Account.
Then go to this account. The PIA used in this scenario would be:
 PIA EUR:DE/86000000/10000196 and
 PIS USD: DE/86000000/0010000440.

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Unit: Facilities

90 minute presentation and system demo

60 minute exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the types of global limits
 Create and display a facility hierarchy
 Configure the facility-relevant settings
 Calculate the facility-relevant charges

Before you start to teach this unit:

1. Create three current accounts:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
2. Create a loan account of EUR 5,000:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: LO_FRIL_TR
Account Holder ID: CUST_00

<Slide 13: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Overview>

Refer to the unit: “Product Configuration”. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product. Show an existing
master contract product for facilities (TR_FAC1) and emphasize the mandatory and
optional configuration of attributes for this type of product:
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract
Management → Product Management → Product Definition → Master Contract
Products → Change Master Contract Product
Select product: TR_FAC1
 The master contract application: You must activate Facility.
 Single-level and multi-level structures are possible.

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 You need to activate the following contract elements:
o Contract Relationship
o Agreement
o Limits
o Facility
o Correspondence Recipient
o Basic Data
o Events
o Administrative Data
 Optional Attributes:
o Participation Conditions
 If you want to calculate the charges for facility, you must also activate
(product TR_FAC2):
o Financial Conditions
o Combined Settlement
o Settlement Payment Details
Hint: Refer to the explanation given in the Unit Concept of MCM, and explain again
that the combined settlement has a complex function and that it is also used to
calculate master contract charges.
Configuration Hint (product TR_FAC2): Under combined settlement you need to
activate the following nodes to calculate charges for facilities:
 General attributes
– Combined settlement tracks
– Time periods
– Cross track attributes:
 Calculation Basis for Utilization
 Compensation
– Relationship Attributes -> Participating Accounts ->
Condition Type Bundle
Calculation Basis for Utilization: Specifies how the system calculates the utilization
that is needed by the combined settlement while calculating the commitment charge.
Condition Type Bundle: In the case of loan accounts, you need to choose Condition
Type Bundle: No Settlement. This prevents the Combined Settlement process from
requesting the account settlement details. You need to do this because the loan
account cannot deliver the same settlement results as the current account.
<Slide 14-20: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Global Limits>
System demonstration:
Demonstrate the global limits:

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SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_FAC1
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00
Go to the Limit tab page and show how to define:
- Committed limit
- Tolerated overdraft limit
- Seasonal limits
<Slide 21: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Contract Relationships>
Note that if you calculate charges for a facility master contract (charge for no. of
participants, commitment fee), you need to define the Condition Type Bundle (CTB)
for each account that is added to the master contract and that should be included in
the calculation.
The CTB defines which account details, such as limits, items, and balance series, are
included in the calculation. In the configuration you need to create a CTB with
appropriate condition types assigned and:
 The No Settlement indicator should be set. This prevents the Combined
Settlement process from requesting the account settlement details. This
is a must in the case of loan accounts as these accounts cannot deliver
the same settlement results as current accounts.
 The Delta indicator should not be set. This is required only for the
charge and interest compensation process, if the system calculates the
delta between the account settlement results and the master contract
results. This is not necessary for facility charges.
<Slide 23-24: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Facility Agreement>
You can specify in the master contract product whether the system checks the loan
contract term against the facility agreement. Choose SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Product Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Create
Master Contract Product. In the product tree go to Agreement → Participation
Condition → Loans and activate the Check Criterion attribute.
You can define which kind of check is performed during the assignment of a loan
 01 No check
 02 Check of condition fixing end – the system checks only the end date of the
condition fixing period. The end of the condition fixing period has to be within
the validity period of the facility agreement.
 03 Check of complete condition fixing period – the system checks the entire
condition fixing period. The entire condition fixing period has to be within the
validity period of the facility agreement.
 04 Check end of term – the system checks only the end date of the loan
agreement period. The end of loan agreement has to be within the validity of
facility agreement.

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 05 Check complete term – the system checks the entire validity period of the
loan agreement. The validity of the loan agreement has to be within the validity
period of the facility agreement.

You can find the condition fixing period on the Condition Fixing tab page in the
account master data:

You can find the loan agreement validity on the Agreement tab page in the account
master data:

When you assign a loan account to a facility, the check is performed according to the
configuration. If the term of the loan account is changed the Master Contract
Management is informed about this change. If the changed term of the loan account
does not fit the term of the facility, a postprocessing order is created in the Master
Contract Management system. The postprocessing order has to be handled manually.
<Slide 25: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Facility Attributes>
If required, draw the example on the blackboard to explain the meaning of the
clearing mode for currency translation.
Exchange rates
EUR / USD Bid = USD 1.20
EUR / USD Ask = USD 1.25

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<Slide 26: Master Contract Product for Facilities: Financial Conditions >
System demonstration:
1. Use master contract product TR_FAC1 to show the event charges. Create a
master contract and add 1 participant account. Save the master contract and
show the postings on the process interim account and the relevant payment
orders that transfer the charges to the participant account.
2. Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings →
Financial Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group.
Use the following details for the demonstration:
Condition Group Type: 50 Events Master Contract FAC
Condition Group: 30 Facility
3. Use master contract product TR_FAC2 to show the commitment fee and
charge for number of participants. Explain that these are the settlement
charges that are calculated and posted at the combined settlement. Create a
master contract and add 1 participant account and define payment reference
account. Save the master contract. Optionally: If you have enough time, you
can run the combined settlement.
4. Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings →
Financial Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group.
Use the following details for the demonstration:
Condition Group Type: 51 Master Contract Settlement
Condition Group: 30 Settlement Facility
Configuration Hint:
 To create condition types, choose SAP Customizing Implementation Guide →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product Management
→ Financial Conditions → Define Condition Type
 Use the following condition types (templates):
o Event charge: 117021 Add/Remove Direct Charges

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o MC charge no. of participants: 115012 Facility Charge
o Commitment charge: 105155 Facility Commitment charge

Facility – Financial Conditions

Pricing Option is a function that might be required in context of facility contracts.
A pricing option is an agreement with a customer that specifies individual
conditions at master contract level for all the participant accounts of the facility
contract (Condition Group: 0950 Condition templates):
 You define customer- and contract-specific interest margins as individual
conditions (for example debit interest, credit interest, and overdraft interest) in
the master contract.
 The defined margins are inherited by the participant accounts and act as template
conditions (master data) for these contracts.
 Margins can be transferred only to directly assigned participant accounts of the
facility master contract. The margin cannot be applied to the conditions of the
participant master contracts.
 An inherited margin can be edited in the participant account. A change to the
margin in the master contract will overwrite this change.
 The inheritance is only possible for settlement interest conditions.
 An individual condition in the participant account overrules other agreements,
such as: product price lists, business partner standard prices, pricing agreements.
 Note: the inheritance functionality must be realized in the implementation
<Slide 28: Facility Processing: Functions and Features>
Most of the system functions are common for all master contracts and are therefore
described in detail in the unit: Concept of Master Contract Management.
Show the following functions:
 Display facility hierarchy
This is a special function that gives you an overview of the whole facility hierarchy
and its current utilization. To display the facility hierarchy, choose SAP Menu →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Facilities → Display
 Complex changes to facility hierarchy
This is an order that you can use mainly in the context of facilities. It enables you to
make multiple changes to multiple master contracts as a single unit of work. The
order behaves like a container for recording the different types of changes. Choose
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Edit Master Data of Master Contract.
The Edit Master Data for Master Contracts order supports the following types of
 Change holder of a master contract
 Change limits of a master contract

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 Change seasonal limits of a master contract
 Change the participation conditions of a master contract
 Change the standard conditions of a master contract
 Change the individual conditions of a master contract
 Change participants of a master contract, by adding or removing a new
master contract or account respectively
 Change agreements of a master contract
 Change facility data of a master contract
 Enable or disable the Facilities application at the relation of a master
contract to its participants
<Slide 30: Facility Processing: Utilization>
Below you will find the explanation of the loans capital. If required, draw the table
on the blackboard to show the differences to the course participants.

<Slide 33: Facility Processing: Global Limit Check >

To activate the limit check for current accounts choose SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide → Master Contract Management → Master Contract
Applications → Facilities → Edit General Settings. If the checkbox Deactivate
Check Limit is not selected, the function is active and you can select the required
limit checks for the current account. You can deactivate this function by selecting
the checkbox Deactivate Check Limit.
Note: The setting in the master contract product overwrites the Deactivate Check
Limit. If you specified the utilization calculation basis for the effective utilization
and current accounts in the master contract product (for facility, not combined
settlement) and activate the checks for current account in Customizing (the
checkbox Deactivate Check Limit is not selected), the system calculates the effective
utilization for current accounts according to the settings in the master contract
product; it ignores the settings for the Deactivate Check Limit.
Note: The focus of the presentation is on the global limit. There are also other
checks that play an important role in the facility processing.
 Migration check

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 Term check (for loan accounts)
 Feature check
<Slide 38: Facility Processing: Display Hierarchy Utilization >
System demonstration:
Display the example of the facility hierarchy. Show the difference between the
effective and nominal utilization. Choose SAP Menu → Financial Services →
Master Contract Management → Facilities → Display Facility.
Some of the columns are missing in the picture on the slide:
- Facility lock – indicates if the master contract has been locked for facility
processing (feature lock).
- Reservation amount, currency, validity and type – these columns display the
reservation details. The system creates the reservations if:
o The external limit amount of current account has been increased
(reservation is visible if you display nominal utilization).
o You add a loan account to the facility and disburse it later
(reservation is visible if you display effective utilization).
- Subtotal – shows the utilization of the participant accounts, depending on
what has been defined in Customizing, for example limit amount in the case
of displaying nominal utilization, account balance in the case of displaying
effective utilization.
Note that the limit amounts GIL and GEL are displayed only for the master contracts
but not for each participant current accounts of the hierarchy. The account limits are
incorporated in the Subtotal column if they are relevant (in the case of nominal
Note: The effective utilization is always calculated and displayed for the current
date, which is the current system date, no matter what the posting date of the BPA is.
If you create a prenote it must be valid up to today’s date in order to be visible in the
Effective Utilization overview.
<Slide 40: Facility Processing: Periodic Tasks>

The following three mandatory reports are available:

 Monitor Consistency – technical report that checks the flow data for

 Run Facility Checks – determines limit excesses for facilities

 Reorganize Facility Data – technical report that updates and reorganizes

the tables

 Check and Correct Participation Conditions – only if you use the

Participation Condition feature.

Moreover, an additional report is available that you use if you extract the facility
data to SAP BI for reporting purposes:

 Transfer Data to BI – determines the current utilization values for the

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main commitment of all facilities and transfers this data to BI

The Monitor Consistency report checks the data consistency between the Master
Contract Management and Account Management module. If required, it can also
remove inconsistencies. The report can trigger the following actions that are
executed by the system:
 The system compares the utilization values of the facilities with the
utilization values of the account-managing system. Additionally, the
report can generate postprocessing orders for each difference found
between utilization values of the facility and the account-managing
system. If the indicator is not set, the system generates messages in the
application log instead of creating postprocessing orders.
 The system compares the utilization values of the facilities with the
utilization values of the account-managing system. It also replaces the
utilization values of the facilities with the values of the account-
managing system if the utilization values differ.
 The system checks the status of open reservations (prenotes). The status
is queried in the account-managing system for prenotes whose status is
Open and were therefore neither confirmed nor rejected by the account-
managing system. Depending on the result of this query, the
corresponding prenote is flagged as confirmed or invalid.
We recommend you execute the first and third variant of the program. The
production of the PPO orders for any data inconsistency found allows you to track,
analyze and remove the cause of the problem. At a later stage it will be possible to
switch from the first to the second variant, assuming that inconsistencies occur only
occasionally. The frequency of the report is based on the data volume expected for
the facilities. We recommend you run the report at least daily.
The Reorganize Facility Data report updates and reorganizes the tables used in
facility processing. Master Contract Management uses a complex concept of core
tables and interim tables to update the data that ensures a high processing volume,
for example, during payment item processing, and to minimize locking problems. To
avoid a bottleneck in the interim tables, the entries in these interim tables must be
reorganized regularly, and the core tables must be kept up-to-date. Reservations
(prenotes) are summarized for this purpose and transferred to the utilization. In
addition, obsolete entries for utilizations and prenotes are removed.

Transfer Data to BI
You run this report only if you extract data to SAP BI for reporting. The role of this
report is to determine the current utilization values for the main commitment of all
facilities and extract this data to BI. This data is transferred as raw data to allow
analytical reporting for the first data extraction, and for changes to this data.
Reporting provides functions to analyze and aggregate the extracted data. Only data
that has been released is relevant for reporting. If some of the facility master data is
in the release process, this data is not included for reporting during the analysis.
Typically, the data extraction takes place daily as the last step of EOD processing.

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<Slide 42-46: Facility Scenario>
Lesson 4 shows a facility scenario including the detailed set-up and the calculation
step-by-step. It is almost identical with the scenario from the exercise. Present the
slides and show the scenario in the system. You can use the exercise to follow the
particular steps of the demo. The scenario does not include the event charge
condition for adding/removing the participants: either use the product TR_FAC2, or
remove the charge condition if you use the product TR_FAC1.
Note: The whole scenario is set up in one currency: EUR.
dr. = Debit
cr. = Credit
In the tables the minus (-) stands for debit values. Indicate that the tables (slides 53-
55) resemble the view in the transaction: /FSFAC/DISP_HIER_MC Display Facility.

<Slide 48-49: Appendix Configuration>

If you have enough time you can show the configuration in the system. All the
Customizing paths are in the notes for the slides.

Exception Handling – Posting Control Office

 If the check process returns a result number, the posting control rules define the
 If this reaction is “postprocessing” or “reallocation”, a posting control order is
created for the affected UBT.
 This posting control order is to be handled in the posting control office.
 If a posting control order has been created for an account that is a member of a
facility, the PCO desktop displays the structure and the data for the facility.
 Transaction PCO_WL_ASS_MAINTAIN – Change Assignment of Users and
Org. Units to Worklists
 Transaction PCO02 / PCO03 - Posting Control Desktop
Exception Handling – Postprocessing Office
 If other problems occur in the facility system (for example during periodic
processing), a post processing order is created.
 If a postprocessing order has been created for an account that is a member of a
facility, the PPO desktop displays the structure and the data for the facility and
provides the information and methods to handle this exception.
 Transaction /SAPPO/WL_CHANGE – Change Worklist Assignment
 Transaction MCM_PPO2 / MCM_PPO3 – Postprocessing Desktop

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Unit: Combined Statement

30 minute presentation and system demo

no exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the solution architecture of the combined statement
 Configure a master contract product for the combined statement
 Create a master contract and assign participant accounts

Before you start to teach this unit:

1. Create one current account:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: CURRACCT5
Account Holder ID: CUST_00
2. Create one time deposit account:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TD_1M_PRV
Account Holder ID: CUST_00

<Slide 10: Introduction to Combined Statement: Solution Architecture>

Make it clear to the participants that the output management system (OMS) is
needed to create the combined statement. In general, SAP delivers all the required
data and the OMS needs only to consolidate the data and provide the layout.
The Master Contract Management system delivers the following data (in blue
writing in the figure):
 Address data
 Header data for combined statement agreement
 Transactions and settlement results for accounts
The output management system needs to (in grey writing in the figure):
 Create a consolidated balance overview
 Add any extra details, for example marketing information

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 Format and create the layout
Master Contract Management holds the agreement details, triggers the creation of
the combined statement, and provides the agreement-related data to the OMS.
The account-managing system, however, provides the account-relevant information
to the OMS. In most cases, this is the SAP Deposits Management system, but it can
also be a non-SAP account-managing system.
The OMS (non-SAP!) is responsible for creating a complete combined statement.
This requires the combination and enrichment of the data provided. The functions of
the OMS are not part of this course.
<Slide 13: Master Contract Product for Combined Statement: Contract
System demonstration:
Show an existing master contract product for the combined statement (CST) and
emphasize the mandatory and optional configuration of attributes for this type of
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract
Management → Product Management → Product Definition → Master Contract
Products → Change Master Contract Product
Select product: TR_CST
 The master contract application: You must activate Combined Statement.
 Only single-level structures are possible.
 You need to activate the following contract elements:
o Contract Relationship
o Combined Statement
o Correspondence Recipient
o Basic Data
o Events
o Administrative Data
 Optional attributes:
o Participation Conditions
<Slide 15: Master Contract Product for Combined Statement: Contract
System demonstration:
1. Create a master contract for the combined statement:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_CST
Master Ctr Holder ID:CUST_00
2. Go to the Combined Statement tabstrip and show the attributes of the combined

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statement: agreement and periodicity.
3. Add the participant accounts you have created before the lesson. Show how the
default values for participant attributes are derived based on the account product
(press the button). According to the settings:
 The bank statement agreement of the current account should be adopted to
the combined statement;
 And the bank statement agreement of the deposit account should not be
adopted to the combined statement.
4. Save the master contract.

<Slide 16: Master Contract Product for Combined Statement: Contract

System demonstration:
Show the Customizing table in which you can define product groups and assign
products to the product groups. Choose SAP Customizing Implementation Guide →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product Management →
Product Definition → Define Product Groups and Assign Products.
Then show the definition of the default values for the relationship attributes in the
master product template (Product Configurator). Choose SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide → Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Product Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products →
Change Master Contract Product. Go to the Combined Statement node, and select
Relationship Attributes → Default Values for Combined Statement.
<Slide 17: Master Contract Product for Combined Statement: Contract
System demonstration:
5. Display the account master data: SAP Menu → Financial Services → Account
Management → Account → Account Master Data → Display Account. Show that
the data for combined statement are entered on the tabstrip Comb. Statement –
Participant, and show that the bank statement agreement has been/ has been not
adopted (Bank Statement tabstrip).
If the bank statement agreement is adopted by a combined statement agreement, a
“snapshot” statement is created in order to inform the customer that a special event
(such as a bounced check) occurred on the customer’s account. As a result of the
event, no combined statement is created. The next due date for the combined
statement will not change.

You need to adjust the account statement and combined statement for certain
business events:
 Add account to the combined statement agreement.
 Change the value of the Adopt Binding Agreement indicator in the
relationship attributes for the participant account.
 Remove the participant account from the combined statement
 Close the account that participates in the combined statement agreement.

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 Terminate the master contract (combined statement agreement).
The required adjustments depend on the setting of the Adopt Binding Agreement
1. If you change the value of the Adopt Binding Agreement indicator in the
relationship attributes for the participant account:
 If one account is added to the combined statement with the information
that the existing bank statement has to be adopted, and this information
is changed so that a bank statement at account level is to be created
again, the existing bank statement agreement at account level is
reactivated, based on the last execution date of the combined statement
(or the account statement if there has so far been no combined statement
including this account). In addition, the combined statement will include
data from the account, adopting the starting point from the last combined
statement for this account.
 If one account is added to the combined statement with the information
that the existing bank statement will not be adopted and this information
is changed, so that the combined statement will replace the existing bank
statement agreement, the combined statement will include both data for
this account on the basis of the last (binding) bank statement, and the
data for the account starting with the last combined statement until the
date on which the indicator is changed.
2. If you close the account participating in the combined statement agreement,
the combined statement will be executed on the next due date. All statement-relevant
data from the account closure has to be included in the combined statement. In this
case, the statement-relevant data is the last posting of the final interest and charge
calculation and the transfer of the remaining balance.
3. If you terminate the master contract (combined statement agreement):
 If Adopt Binding Agreement is defined, the final combined statement
will be created. The due date will be changed to the date of termination.
The account-level statement will be reactivated based on the last
execution date, however the next due date will be recalculated starting
with the closure date (passed due dates will not be repeated). The
combined statement will include data from the account until the master
contract was closed only for information purposes (not binding). Data
for this time frame will be part of the combined statement and the
account-level statement.
 If Do Not Adopt Binding Agreement is defined, then the final combined
statement will be executed on the date of the termination (changed next
due date). The participant account is part of the combined statement with
all the data from the date the account was added or the last execution of
the combined statement until the master contract was closed.
<Slide 21-22: Combined Statement Processing: Data Provision>
 Note that no cash flow data for the loan account is provided.
 The SAP components provide raw data only. Formatting, grouping,
summing-up of statement data etc., is not provided. This should be provided
by the OMS.
 Together with the data set for master contracts, the system also provides the

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Training System
unique ID to identify the data provided from participant accounts and the
information about the data set.
 In addition to the specified data, an exit is provided to enable the customer to
include additional data. For accounts within SAP Deposits and Loans
Management, the extent of each data set and the determination of which
items are provided for the current statement period is done in exactly the
same way as the determination within the existing functions for bank
statements for single accounts. This shall be developed within the
implementation project.
<Slide 23: Combined Statement Processing: Combined Statement Generation>
Language Determination:
If required, explain the language determination algorithm. It works in the same way
as in SAP Deposits Management:
 The correspondence language defined for the correspondence recipient of the
combined statement is used. You define this in the business partner master data.
 If this is not defined, the language of the organizational unit within the bank
(contract-managing unit of the master contract) is used.
 If this is also not defined. The logon language of the current user of the process
is used.
 The system ensures that all the data provided to the OMS is in the same
language. Even if the correspondence language defined for the correspondence
recipient of the account differs from the correspondence language defined for the
correspondence recipient of the master contract, the language defined at the
master contract is used to provide the data of master contract and all participant
accounts to the OMS.
Hint: The relevant settings for correspondence:
 Language settings of the combined statement recipient
The correspondence language of a business partner (person) can be specified in
customer information management. Choose SAP Menu → Financial Services →
Business Partner → Maintain Business Partner. Go to the Address tab page and in
the Name information area make an entry in the Correspondence Language field.
Note that if a business partner represents an organization or a group, you define the
correspondence language on the Address tab page as well but in the Communication
information area. You need to make an entry in the Language field.
 Language settings of the organizational unit
You can maintain the language of the organization unit in transaction PPOMW.
Select your organizational unit on the left-hand side. Once it is displayed in the main
screen, use the menu Goto → Detail Object → Enhanced Object Description. Select
the infotype Contract Mgt: Bank and choose Change. Here you can define the
business language for your organization unit.
Event charge calculation for the generation of combined statements cannot be
calculated. If you need to levy a charge, expense counters could be updated by the
OMS or any other customer-specific application on a dedicated account participating
within a combined statement. Existing functions can be used, for example, to levy a
flat periodic (such as quarterly or annual) charge on the master contract to which the

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combined statement belongs.
<Slide 25: Combined Statement Processing: Combined Statement Generation>
Explain that:
 The process steps that are marked in orange are carried out by the Master
Contract Management component.
 Step 5 is within the responsibility of the account-managing system. In most
cases, this is the SAP Deposits Management component.
 Step 6 is not within the responsibility of the Combined Statement application
(Master Contract Management component) and is carried out by the output
management system.

System demonstration:
6. Please do some postings on the participant accounts assigned to your master
contract that you have created in the previous demonstration: SAP menu: Financial
Services  Account Management  Account  Turnovers, Balances and Key
Figures  Payment Item
7. Display the next due date for combined statement of your master contract: SAP
menu: Financial Services  Master Contract Management  Combined
Statement Edit Combined Statement Dates (FSCCM/CST_DUE_DATES).
8. Increase the posting dates for payment transactions and for end-of-day processing
for your bank posting area RT00. Example: If next due date of master contract is
04.08.2009, then the posting date for payment transactions has to be set to
05.08.2009; and the posting date for end-of-day processing has to be set at least to
9. Create a combined statement:
SAP menu: Master Contract Management  Combined Statement  Periodic Tasks
 Create Combined Statement (FSPL_CST_MASSRUN)
 If a Print pop up is displayed, enter LP01 in field for output device and
confirm your settings.
 Before executing the report, disable simulation mode and apply the
following selection criteria:
 Execution Date = Posting date for end-of-day processing of your
bank posting area
 Bank Posting Area = RT00
 Product = TR_CST
Afterwards, execute the transaction: SAP menu: Financial Services  Account
Management  Periodic Tasks  Combined Statement  Create Combined
Statement (BCA_CST_MASSRUN).
 If a ‘Print’ pop up is displayed, enter ‘LP01’ in field for output device and
confirm your settings.
 Before executing the report, disable simulation mode and apply the
following selection criteria:
 Bank Posting Area = Your bank posting area

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10. Display the results:
As our training environment contains no Output Management System (OMS) to
display the final combined statement, we can only display the raw data which SAP
provides to the OMS. To display the raw date, execute the following steps:
Enter transaction SP02 (Spool). The system provides you a list of documents. At
first you will find 2 entries. One contains the master contract and the participating
accounts. The other one contains the posting items of the participating account(s). In
order to display the spool content, mark the spool request and press button Display
Contents. Both files contain a unique reference number for the OMS to build up the
final combined statement. Check that the reference numbers in both files are equal.
Note: If you experience problems with displaying the PDF file, please refer to the
SAP Note 1308147. The ECL Viewer 6.0 delivered with the SAP GUI 7.10
Compilation 3 has compatibility issues with Adobe 9 (Adobe Reader 9 or Adobe
Professional 9 or Adobe Standard 9). The SAP GUI crashes/freezes when viewing
PDF files in transactions like SP02. The easy solution is to log on to the training
system using WTS environment.

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Training System

Unit: Bundle Pricing

45 minute presentation and system demo

45 minute exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the functions of bundle pricing
 Configure a master contract for bundle pricing, including account
 Create conditions for bundle pricing
 Execute a bundle pricing calculation

Before you start to teach this unit:

Check whether process interim accounts have been defined for all bank posting areas
in the currency EUR and USD. Check whether the interim accounts are correctly
assigned in the customizing (SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract
Management → General Settings → Define Account Determination for Process
Interim Account). This is a part of the exercise in Unit Charge and Interets
<Slide 8: Introduction to Bundle Pricing: General Functions>
Slide: All settlement charges and transaction charges can be discounted. If you
discount a settlement charges, the account settlement is a prerequisite for bundle
pricing calculation.
Comment: If you give the customer back part of the regular charges, these charges
must be posted to the account before the bundle pricing calculation. This means that
the account settlement is a prerequisite in the case of discounting settlement charges
(from business point of view). If a discount is a fixed amount, the account settlement
is not needed for the bundle pricing calculation. Note that technically the combined
settlement (BPR) does not require the results of the account settlement.
<Slide 10: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Contract

Refer to the unit Product Configuration. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product. Show an existing
master contract product for bundle pricing (BPR) and emphasize the mandatory and
optional configuration of attributes for this type of product:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Change Master

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Contract Product
Select product: TR_BPR
 The master contract application Combined Settlement must be activated.
 No additional applications can be activated.
 Only single-level are structures possible.
 The following attributes must be activated:
o Contract Relationship
o Correspondence Recipient
o Basic Data
o Events
o Financial Conditions
o Combined Settlement
o Settlement Payment Details
o Administrative Data
 Optional attributes:
o Participation Conditions
Hint: Refer to the explanation given in the unit Concept of MCM and explain again
that the combined settlement has a complex function and is used to:
- Calculate master contract charges (i.e. the charge for number of participants)
for most of the master contract applications
- Calculate charges and interest compensation
- Calculate bundle pricing
Spend some time on the Combined Settlement node or return to this as you progress
with the unit. Point out that some nodes must be deactivated as they are only relevant
for charge and interest compensation, for example compensation methods.
Under combined settlement, the following nodes must be activated for bundle
 General attributes
– Combined settlement tracks
– Time periods
 Bundle pricing calculation
<Slide 11: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Contract
System demonstration:
Create a BPR master contract based on the product shown:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following information:
Contract Start: 01.01.2000
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Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_BPR
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00
Show the master contract attributes that are relevant for bundle pricing:
- Combined Settlement tab page
- Relationships tab page: add the wo accounts you created before as
participants, specify the condition attributes and result attributes for each
- Administration data tab page: specify a cost unit
- Settlement payment details: specify the payment reference account for a
master contract that is a subaccount
<Slide 12: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Contract
Relationship Attributes for Subaccounts:
You use the relationship attributes to assign a condition calculation method and
result calculation method to one or more participant accounts on the Contract
Relationships tab page.
 Condition attributes define which and how accounts contribute to the
bundle pricing calculation. Using condition attributes you assign a condition
calculation method to the participants. If no condition attribute is assigned to
a participant contract, then the participant is not included in the bundle
pricing calculation.
 Result attributes enable the reimbursement of charges already paid by the
customer. By assigning the result attributes, you define which and how
accounts contribute to the calculation of the refund amount. Only already
posted charges can be included in the calculation. The configuration of the
result calculation method is based on the turnover classes. You need to
create the turnover class that represents the posting of charges.
Customizing paths:
Define Condition Calculation Methods
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Master Contract Applications → Combined Settlement → Calculation Types for
Bundle Pricing → Define Condition Calculation Method
Define Result Calculation Methods
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management →
Master Contract Applications → Combined Settlement → Calculation Types for
Bundle Pricing → Define Result Calculation Method.

<Slide 24: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Contract

If you use the volume or value of transactions when defining the condition
calculation method, you need to refer to the counters of the accounts:
 The position counter sums up the position counter of participants
 The amount counter sums up the amount counter of participants

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When you define the condition calculation method you need to specify the unique
counter ID in the field Diff.Cond.Calc.Meth. (Additional Differentiation
Characteristic for Condition Calculation Method).
Example counter: If you have enough time, you can show the Customizing settings
for the counters under SAP IMG → Financial Services → Account Management →
Item Management → Counters:
 Define Counter Types: Show the counter types 0400 (Transaction Counter)
and 0410 (Transaction Counter Amt), the assigned counter category
(payment transaction counter) and the assignment (condition group type). If
you select the checkbox Amount counter, the counter aggregates the value of
the transactions. If you do not select the checkbox Amount Counter, then it
counts the number of transactions.
 Assign Counters to Counter Types: Here you create the counters and assigne
them to a counter type.
 Define Derivation Rules for Payment Transaction Counters: Here you
specify which payment items are relevant for the counter. Example: Counter
400 counts all the payment items with the transaction type 030000, 080000
and 170000.
 Assign Counters and Condition Group Types: In the case of BPR, you assign
the counter via the condition group type. You need to make this assignment
If you want to reimburse the charges, you define the Result Calculation Type and
assign a turnover class to it. The turnover class definition enables a flexible
calculation of balances at account level, for example to calculate the balance only for
the selected types of turnovers.
Example of a turnover class: If you have enough time, you can show the
Customizing settings under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial
Services → Account Management → Item Management → Turnover Classes for
Flexible Account Balances:
 Define Turnover Classes: Show the turnover class CRD1 (CREDITS).
 Define Derivation Rules for Turnover Classes: Here you specify which
payment items are relevant for the turnover class. Example: turnover class
CRD1 (CREDITS) consolidates all the payment items with the transaction
type 080000.
<Slide 15: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Financial Conditions>

System demonstration:
Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu → Financial
Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings → Financial
Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group.
Use the following details for the demonstration:
Condition Group Type: 999 Bundle Pricing Calc.
Condition Group: 2
Customizing Tips:
To create bundle pricing conditions:
 To create the condition group type, use 5 Bundle Pricing Calc. as the

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condition group category. Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services →
Master Contract Management → Product Management → Financial
Conditions → Define Condition Group Type.
 Use the following condition types:
o 401000 Bundle Pricing Calc. – Use this condition type if the result
is a fixed amount.
o 401001 Flexible Bundle Pricing Calc. – Use this condition type if
the result is based on the result attribute. It enables the flexible
calculation of the refunded amount depending on the value of the
fees charged to the customer.
 To create condition types choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master
Contract Management → Product Management → Financial Conditions →
Define Condition Type.
<Slide 19: Master Contract Product for Bundle Pricing: Combined Settlement>
Point out that the account settlement is not a prerequisite to running the combined
settlement (comparing to CIC where it is). You may need to run account settlement
first only if you give back the customer the percentage of the settlement charges.
However, in this case the bank needs to ensure the right sequence. Technically, the
combined settlement for BPR calculation does not request the results of account
<Slide 21-22: Bundle Pricing Scenario>
Lesson 3 shows a bundle pricing scenario including the detailed set-up and the
calculation step–by-step. The scenario is not set up in the training system but it is
based on the scenario from the exercise. Present the slides, show the set-up, and then
execute the exercise step-by-step (see Bundle Pricing Scenario: Solution).
<Slide 24: Bundle Pricing Processing: Combined Settlement>
Show the reports for executing the combined settlement:
- Individually for a specific master contract:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Combined
Settlement → Execute Combined Settlement (/FSBPR/START_SINGLE)
- As a mass process for all or a subset of due master contracts:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Combined
Settlement → Periodic Tasks → Execute Combined Settlement (/FSBPR/RUN)
Emphasize the function of the selection criteria.
<Slide 25: Bundle Pricing Processing: Posting Process>

System demonstration:
Example: Bundle pricing scenario.
Refer to the example from lesson 3 (slides 21-22). Show the participants the postings
to the process interim account (PIA).
You might show how to find the proper PIA in the derivation tree: SAP IMG →
Financial Services → Master Contract Management → General Settings → Define
Account Determination for Process Interim Account.
Then go to this account. In this scenario the PIA used would be account

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SAP AG FS242 - SAP Deposits Management for Banking
Training System

Unit: Overdraft Protection

60 minutes presentation and system demo

30 minutes exercise

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 Explain the functionality of overdraft protection.
 Configure a master contract for overdraft protection, including account
 Explain how the system processes overdraft protection.
 Explain and configure posting control rules for ODP-relevant postings

Before you start to teach this Unit:

1. Create 3 accounts – one current account and two savings accounts:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Account Holder ID: CUST_00

<Slide 9: Introduction to Overdraft Protection>

Please note that:
 All participant accounts must be managed in banking services from SAP system.
 All participant accounts must have the same currency
These limitations (comparing to other MCM applications, such as Effective Cash
Pooling) results from the system development cycle. Some MCM applications, such
as Overdraft Protection and Payment Distribution and Monitoring, were already
available in the release 4.0 of Deposits Management system.
<Slide 13: Master Contract Product for Overdraft Protection: Contract
System demonstration:
Refer to the Unit: ‘Product Configuration’. Emphasize that the same Product
Configurator tool is used to configure a master contract product. Show an existing
master contract product for Overdraft Protection (ODP) and emphasize the
mandatory and optional configuration of attributes for this type of product:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Master Contract Products → Change Master

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Contract Product
Select product: TR_ODP
 The MC application Overdraft Protection must be activated.
 No additional applications can be activated.
 Only single-level structures are possible.
 The following attributes must be activated:
o Contract Relationship
o Basic Data
o Events
o Administrative Data
 Optional Attributes:
o Correspondence Recipient (if you want to create correspondence for
o Financial Conditions (if the direct charge for ODP is to be
calculated; please note that in this case Combined Settlement is not
required and allowed)
o Settlement Payment Details (if the direct charge for ODP is to be
o Participation Conditions
Hint: Account product: if you use an account as a funded account, you must
activate the field in the account product configurator in which the priority of funded
account is stored:
Choose: SAP IMG → Financial Services → Account Management → Product
Management → Product Definition → Account Products → Change Account
Product (product CURRACCT5). In the product tree go to: Posting Data →Payment
Item Control → Priority of Funded Account.

<Slide 14: Master Contract Product for Overdraft Protection: Contract

System demonstration:
Create an ODP master contract based on the shown product:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Master Data → Create Master Contract
Use the following details:
Contract Start: your current posting date
Contract Manager: RT00
Product: TR_ODP
Master Ctr Holder ID: CUST_00
Show the master contract attributes that are relevant for ODP:
- Contract Relationships tab page: add three accounts as participants; specify
the attributes for each participant account.

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- Point out that the funded account is always displayed at the very top of the
relationship scheme (with the hat icon before the account ID)
- ODP details: specify the ODP attributes
<Slide 17: Master Contract Product for Overdraft Protection: Transfer Rules>
In the configuration you need to:
1. Define Funding Account Types
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract → Overdraft Protection → Define Types of Funding Accounts
2. Define Basic Amounts
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Applications →Overdraft Protection →Define Basic Amounts
3. Define Transfer Rules
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Applications → Overdraft Protection → Define Transfer Rules
4. Assign Transfer Rules to Funding Accounts
Choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Master
Contract Applications → Overdraft Protection → Assign Transfer Rules to Funding
<Slide 20: Master Contract Product for Overdraft Protection: Financial
Create Correspondence
 Causes correspondence to be created if the Execute Overdraft Protection
report has made a cash transfer.
 The standard delivery contains the correspondence type BAO1 (Cash
Transfer for Overdraft Protection).
<Slide 21: Master Contract Product for Overdraft Protection: Financial

System demonstration:
Show the definition of the master contract conditions: SAP Menu → Financial
Services → Master Contract Management → Current Settings → Financial
Conditions → Condition Group → Edit Condition Group
Use the following details for demonstration:
Condition Group Type: 50 (Events Master Contract)
Condition Group: 10 (ODP)
Customizing Tips:
To create direct charge conditions:
 Use the standard condition type: 117020 (Dir. Charge Mst Ctrct)
 Define the differentiation category 006 Feature = 0302 Overdraft

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<Slide 23-24: Overdraft Protection Scenario>
Lesson 3 shows an overdraft protection scenario including the detailed set-up and
step by step calculation. The scenario is not set up in the training system but it is
based on the scenario from the exercise. Present the slides, show the set-up, and then
go through the exercise step by step (see Overdraft Protection:Scenario: Solution).
<Slide 28: Overdraft Protection Processing: Execution>
Step 5d. Explain what partial transfer means:
If the available amounts on all funding accounts are not sufficient, the report
attempts to execute a partial transfer. It means it reduces the transfer amount by the
amount of the payment item with the highest posting amount, and starts again
with step 1. If the available amounts are still insufficient, the report reduces the
transfer amount by the amount of the payment item with the second highest posting
amount, and so on.

<Slide 29: Overdraft Protection Processing: Execution>

System demonstration:
Show the report for ODP execution:
SAP Menu → Financial Services → Master Contract Management → Overdraft
Protection → Execute Overdraft Protection (/FSODP/RUN_PP)
Emphasize the function of the selection criteria.
If you want to execute the ODP for a single master contract, you use the same report.
You go to the Individual Processing tab page and enter the number of your master
<Slide 30: Overdraft Protection Processing: Post Processing of ODP-relevant
You run the ODP check object for a payment item if you have activated the check
object for the transaction type. Choose:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Account Management B Item Management B
Basic Functions B Transaction Types and Transaction Type Groups B Maintain and
Assign Transaction Types for Payment Items.
In the section Relevant Checks, select the Overdraft Protection checkbox . It means
that the ODP checks are executed for this transaction type.
Normally, you would mark all incoming debit postings as ODP-relevant, while the
items resulting from internal processes, for example settlement, should not be
included in the ODP process.

If one of the checks in the ODP check object shows at least one error during the
material checks, the system displays the Log Output dialog box in the dialog: you
can choose between the actions Force or Rule set.
 If you choose Force, the system ignores ODP and posting control rules;
and posts the item available balance.
 Normally, you always choose Rule set. The system then follows the
settings in the posting control rules (in Posting Control Office) and
creates a PCO account order of subcategory post processing.

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 PCO Order for ODP cannot be processed manually in the Posting
Control Office.
 To define posting control rules choose SAP IMG → Financial Services
→ Account Management → Item Management → Posting Control Rules
→ Define Main Rule Set.
<Slide 31-35: Overdraft Protection Processing: Posting Control Rules for ODP>
To define posting control rules choose SAP IMG → Financial Services → Account
Management → Item Management → Posting Control Rules. The following settings
are part of the SAP standard customizing:
→ Error Types → Define Error Types
Error Type = 230 Item(s) Relevant for ODP
→ Error Types → Assign Error Types
Assign error type 230 to the check object ODP and results 001 to 003. If you want to
differentiate between the system reactions as discussed in the slides 43-45, you need
to specify 3 error types and assign a result type from 001 to 003 to each one.
→ Define Main Rule Set
Define the initial response Post Processing for the error type 230 Item(s) Relevant
for ODP.
You can make the settings for the PCO account order under:
SAP IMG → Financial Services → Posting Control Office B Final Settings B Define
Settings for Account Orders.

January 2010 Page 89

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