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Uic 429

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UIC Code 429

2nd edition, December 2000

Operating conditions for complete trains or

sections of trains formed of road semi-
trailers running on rail bogies
Betriebliche Bedingungen für die Beförderung von Gruppen bzw. Zügen aus
Sattelanhängern auf Drehgestellen
Conditions d'exploitation des segments et des trains constitués de semi-re-
morques routières sur bogies ferroviaires
Leaflet to be classified in Sections :
IV - Operating
II - Freight traffic
III - Finance, accountancy, costs, statistics
V - Transport stock

Application :
With effect from 1st July 1994
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of update :
1st edition, July 1994 First edition

2nd edition, December 2000 Retyped in FrameMaker

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including elec-
tronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of Railways
(UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any
method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are "analyses
and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature of the pub-
lication into which they are incorporated"
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
 International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2000

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, December 2000
Dépôt Légal December 2000

ISBN 2-7461-0227-7 (French version)

ISBN 2-7461-0228-5 (German version)
ISBN 2-7461-0229-3 (English version)


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Basic rules - Terminology .......................................................................................... 2

1.1 - Description............................................................................................................ 2
1.2 - Principle ................................................................................................................ 2

2- Bogie characteristics.................................................................................................. 3

2.1 - There are two types of bogie ................................................................................ 3

2.2 - Brake gear ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3 - Each bogie shall be registered as a wagon .......................................................... 3
2.4 - Markings ............................................................................................................... 3

3- Characteristics of semi-trailers ................................................................................. 4

3.1 - Semi-trailers shall conform to the road regulations in force in the country of
their registration .................................................................................................... 4
3.2 - Markings ............................................................................................................... 4

4- Operations involved in the formation and separation of a raft of semi-trailers .... 5

4.1 - Operations may only be undertaken at a specialised terminal by qualified

personnel .............................................................................................................. 5
4.2 - Special case of locking ......................................................................................... 5

5- Operations involved in the formation of a raft of semi-trailers: determination

of factors governing consist...................................................................................... 6

5.1 - Gross weight on rail .............................................................................................. 6

5.2 - Braked weight ....................................................................................................... 6
5.3 - Length of a raft of semi-trailers ............................................................................. 6

6- Labelling ...................................................................................................................... 7

7- Checks to ensure suitability for carriage.................................................................. 8

8- Running conditions .................................................................................................... 9

8.1 - On line .................................................................................................................. 9

8.2 - During shunting..................................................................................................... 9

9- Incidents .................................................................................................................... 10

10 - Computerised management..................................................................................... 11

11 - Nature of goods conveyed ....................................................................................... 12

12 - Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 13

12.1 -Overhaul of bogies............................................................................................. 13

12.2 -Overhaul of semi-trailers.................................................................................... 13
12.3 -Transfer of bogies .............................................................................................. 13

13 - International agreements ......................................................................................... 14

Appendix A - Raft of semi-trailers .................................................................................... 15

Appendix B - Example showing the markings on an intermediate bogie used

with SNCF semi-rail system....................................................................... 16

Appendix C - Example showing the markings on an end bogie used

with SNCF semi-rail system....................................................................... 17

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................18


The "Road semi-trailer on rail bogies" system of rail-road combined transport consists of a series of
road semi-trailer units coupled together to form an articulated set of rail vehicles. Each semi-trailer has
its own rail-bogie adaptater equipment enabling it to run either in road mode, when coupled to a tractor
unit, or in rail mode as part of a dedicated trainset. In the latter case, the road undercarriage remains
in position beneath the semi-trailer and is retracted by means of a technical device.

This document covers the various aspects concerned with the rail operation of this system of transport.
It describes in particular the technical characteristics of bogies and semi-trailers, operations for the
formation of rafts of wagons and on-line running and shunting conditions. The standard technical
characteristics of the different systems are given in UIC Leaflet 597 "Rail-road combined transport
systems: semi-trailers on bogies".

1 429
1 - Basic rules - Terminology

1.1 - Description

The semi-trailer part of a road tractor + trailer unit without the tractor.

The bogie itself and, in general, the adaptater unit to which the ends of the semi-trailers are secured
and locked in position.

Raft of semi-trailers:
Group composed of (n) semi-trailers mounted on (n+1) bogies (see diagram in Appendix A - page 15).

1.2 - Principle

Each bogie counts as a vehicle.

2 429
2 - Bogie characteristics

2.1 - There are two types of bogie

(See diagram in Appendix A - page 15).

- end bogie including:

• at one end, the conventional coupling and buffing gear;

• at the other end, the equipment necessary for hooking-up a semi-trailer;

- intermediate bogie including the equipment necessary for hooking-up semi-trailers.

O 2.2 - Brake gear

This equipment shall comply with the provisions applicable to conventional wagons for the prescribed
running speeds:

- G/P system;

- automatically-variable load brake;

- brake isolation service.

It shall also comply the provisions of UIC Leaflet 535-3 which lays down the percentages of wagons
to be fitted with screw brakes; for operating reasons, the end bogies shall, in all cases, be fitted with
screw brakes which can be operated from the ground.

Intermediate bogies shall be fitted with flexible coupling hoses on their sides; the movable end of these
coupling hoses shall be provided with a rapid coupling connector or normal-type connector enabling
them to be connected to the main air pipe on the road semi-trailer.

The end bogies shall be provided with either one or two of these coupling hoses in addition to the
ordinary brake hose coupling; the latter is located at the end where coupling takes place. A set of two
spare hoses shall also be included in the equipment provided.

O 2.3 - Each bogie shall be registered as a wagon

O 2.4 - Markings

The bogies are provided on each side with plates on which are inscribed the markings required for
railway operating purposes in accordance with the provisions of point VII of the RIV (see Appendices
B - page 16 and C - page 17 for example of the marking used for the technique known as "semi-rail"
on SNCF). The plates also show identification particulars for the technique used. The bogies shall also
be provided with a frame for other markings.

3 429
O 3 - Characteristics of semi-trailers

3.1 - Semi-trailers shall conform to the road regulations in force in the

country of their registration

Their special equipment includes:

- a folding or retractable road undercarriage with axles;

- folding or retractable legs provided with securing device enabling them to be maintained in the
raised position;

- technical equipment for bogie link-up;

- a main air pipe;

- a retractable under-roll bar.

3.2 - Markings

The arrangements for the identification and coding of these semi-trailers as intermodal transport units
(ITU) are described in UIC Leaflet 596-6.

4 429
O 4 - Operations involved in the formation and separation
of a raft of semi-trailers

4.1 - Operations may only be undertaken at a specialised terminal by

qualified personnel

A detailed description shall be given in the instructions for the use of each of the systems.

4.2 - Special case of locking

Before rafts of semi-trailers leave the formation yard, the locking system must guarantee the correct

- of the supporting legs;

- of the road undercarriage;

- of the semi-trailers in relation to each other and on the rail bogie.

Where the latter aspect is concerned, the locking mechanism must be secured by means of a safety
device to prevent movement in the event of a fault in the locking system.

In cases where a leak occurs in the main air pipe during running, the train driver must be able to check
the condition of the link mechanism securing the semi-trailer to the bogie concerned. Depending on
the particular system in use, it may be necessary to provide a device to enable visual checks for this

Where differing systems are introduced by railways, the system in use on the transferor railway must
be accepted by the transferee railway and so ensure that trains can be exchanged without restriction.
Where necessary, bi- or multilateral agreements should be concluded.

5 429
5 - Operations involved in the formation of a raft of semi-
trailers: determination of factors governing consist

5.1 - Gross weight on rail

Gross weight on rail is calculated on an overall basis for each raft: it is equal to the sum of the tares
of the bogies and the effective gross weight of the semi-trailers forming the semi-trailer group.

5.2 - Braked weight

5.2.1. - With all brake equipment operative, the braked weight calculated per bogie or raft of semi-
trailers, shall be equal to the gross weight on rail.

5.2.2. - Isolation of the continuous brake of a bogie.

The weight to be substracted is as follows:

- either the maximum braked weight inscribed on the bogie;

- or the braked weight which is obtained by assuming the load on the bogie to be the sum of the half-
loads of each of the semi-trailer bodies carried.

5.3 - Length of a raft of semi-trailers

5.3.1 - Method of calculation

The overall length of the raft of semi-trailers group should be taken, i.e. the sum of the separate overall
lengths marked on the bogies. If this gives an inflated figure and results in to operating problems, the
actual length may be taken.

5.3.2 - Determination of the overall length to be inscribed on the bogies

Intermediate bogie:
length of a semi-trailer +gap

End bogie:
half-length of a semi-trailer + length between the end of the semi-trailer and the bogie buffer-face

The overall length marked on the bogie depends on the maximum length permitted by the highway
code and may vary from one technique to another. The figures marked on the bogies shall, therefore,
show the values applicable for each technique.

6 429
O 6 - Labelling

Labelling is undertaken for each raft of semi-trailers; it is not specific to bimodal techniques.

The wagon labels shall be affixed to the end bogies. These alone are fitted with a label-holder frame
on each side, together with a box for documents, if necessary.

7 429
O 7 - Checks to ensure suitability for carriage

In addition to the checks to be conducted on conventional vehicles, further checks shall also be
undertaken in accordance with the instructions for the particular system concerned, each of the
operations being identified by a specific pictogram placed on the rolling stock. The checks shall, in
particular, ensure that:

- the equipment securing the semi-trailer to the bogie is locked in position and verified to ensure the
absence of leakages in the main air pipe;

- the road undercarriage is locked in the raised position, a function guaranteed by their remaining in
this position for at least 20 seconds after the tractor unit has been uncoupled (a control mechanism
acts in such a way that the axles of the road-running gear automatically descend and revert to the
road-running position within 20 seconds if the locking system fails to operate correctly);

- the supporting legs are locked in the raised position;

- the retractable under-roll bar is secured in the retracted position.

8 429
8 - Running conditions

8.1 - On line

As far as possible, the rafts of semi-trailers should run in full trainloads.

Where there is sufficient traffic to make this possible, the rafts of semi-trailers should, for operating
reasons and within the limits of technical and economic possibilities:

- run at the rear of conventional trains,

- be coupled together to form a train.

Trains capable of conveying these rafts of semi-trailers shall be covered by bi- or multilateral
agreements between railways. These agreements also stipulate the position and maximum number
of the semi-trailers in the train.

The driver shall be informed in writing of the inclusion of a raft of semi-trailers in the train.

8.2 - During shunting

Running over marshalling-yard humps, fly or gravity-shunting and buffing impacts are forbidden.

Vehicles must be accompanied by a tractive unit.

Running over retarders is permitted when these are inoperative.

The supply to the main brake pipe must always be maintained.

9 429
9 - Incidents

9.1. - In principle, where an accident requires the withdrawal of a bogie from service, the entire semi-
trailer shall be taken out of service, since formation and splitting operations are only possible at
specialised terminals.

9.2. - If during the formation of a raft of semi-trailers, the continuous brake on a bogie is found to be
defective (and there is no available replacement bogie) and if isolation of the bogie concerned should
impose a restriction on the line running speed of the train, withdrawal of the defective bogie is
recommended providing this operation does not delay departure of the train (see Point 5.2.2 - page 6)

10 429
10 -Computerised management

The data gathered must be compatible with existing data in respect of combined transport.

The principle adopted for the registration of bogies (assimilation with a wagon) and semi-trailers
(assimilation with an ITU) must be such as to enable this compatibility to be achieved. Existing data-
capture software shall be adapted where necessary.

11 429
O 11 -Nature of goods conveyed

All goods suitable for carriage are accepted with the exception of dangerous substances for which the
conditions of acceptance have not been laid down.

12 429
12 -Maintenance

12.1 - Overhaul of bogies

The types of overhaul and their frequency are determined separately for each technique and in
accordance with the rules applicable to wagons.

12.2 - Overhaul of semi-trailers

Rail-related aspects:
Time-based overhaul of equipment directly related to running safety (inspection for cracks,
effectiveness of locking systems).

Road-related aspects:
Overhaul in accordance with road-traffic regulations.

12.3 - Transfer of bogies

Transfer should be between train-formation terminals or between these terminals and main
workshops. Transfers are effected either by road or on special-purpose wagons.

Bogies conveyed light do not run on their own wheels.

13 429
13 -International agreements

The regulations governing bogie exchanges shall be laid down in bi- or multilateral agreements.

They shall be based on those contained in the RIV or comply with those which the RIV may be led to
lay down in respect of this particular technique.

14 429

Appendix A - Raft of semi-trailers

15 429

Appendix B - Example showing the markings on an

intermediate bogie used with SNCF semi-
rail system

1- Identification markings - Group

SR lettering 80 mm high (as on SNCF) blue and blue frame
2- Indication of max-loading weights for a wagon running under S conditions with
22.5 t/axle and SS conditions with 20 t/axle
3- Indication mark-length over buffers
4- Mark for wagon authorised to run at 120 and 140 km/h over certain C and D lines on
certain railways
5- Indication mark - Overhaul marking
6- Indication of type of compressed-air brake
7- Indication mark showing maximum braked weight with automatically-variable load-
brake equipment
8- Mark for disc braked vehicle
9- Indication of tare weight of bogie
10 - Frame for markings

16 429

Appendix C - Example showing the markings on an end

bogie used with SNCF semi-rail system

1 to 8 - All identification markings and indications contained within the frame formed by the
hatched line are identical to those shown on Plate page 16 (same drawings and
9- Markings showing the maximum angle of ferry-boat ramps permissible for the wagon
10 - Marking showing the minimum curve radius the wagon is able to negotiate
11 - Mark indicating that the unit is prohibited from running over marshalling-yard humps
13 - Indication of tare weight of bogie and maximum braked weight of the screw brake
14 - Frame for markings

17 429

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways

"Leaflet 535-3. - Equipping of wagons with devices for passing from one to the other and with screw
brakes", 1st edition of 1.1.1976 - Reprint dated 1.7.1995

"Leaflet 596-6. - Traffic of road vehicles on wagons - Technical organisation: Conditions for coding
load units in combined transport and combined transport lines", 3rd edition of 1.1.1996

"Leaflet 597. - Rail-road combined transport systems: Semi-trailers on bogies - Characteristics", 1st
edition of 1.1.1991 - Repring dated 1.7.1993 incorporating 7 amendments

2. Minutes of meetings

International Union of Railways

"Infrastructure Management Commission. - Point 5 - Approval of new Leaflet 429", Venice, October

18 429

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