Design - Construction of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Design - Construction of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Design - Construction of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Abstract— A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic axis wind turbines (HAWTs) is the utmost familiar type in
energy from the wind into electrical power. Vertical Axis Wind use. But vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) has several
Turbine (VAWT) is one type of wind turbine where the main benefits, such as it can capture wind from any direction.
rotor shaft is set vertically and it can capture wind from any Because its shaft is vertical. However the generator and
direction. The aim of this work is to develop a theoretical model transmission can be placed at the ground level.[3]
for the design and performance of Darrieus type vertical axis
wind turbine for small scale energy applications. A small 3 Such systems could be a more viable option in rural
bladed turbine (prototype) is constructed and investigated the areas where grid electricity cannot be implemented due to
performance for low wind velocity. The model is based on NACA lack of infrastructure. Moreover, in an interruption or a
0018 airfoil & light wood is used as blade material. The full scale breakdown of the grid, vertical axis wind turbine could act
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine is made for 36 inch height, 24 inch as a backup. In un-electrified areas, basic electric energy
diameter, blade cord length is 3.937 inch & blade height is 24 needs are usually obtained by batteries, which are charged
inch. A 100 watt 24 volt brushless DC motor is used to measure by grid electricity available in city centers. Therefore
output power. The whirling speed of blade & electric power vertical axis wind turbine could play an important role as an
output for the corresponding speed is measured through alternative and cost effective source of battery charging.
Tachometer & Wattmeter. The power curves show the relation
between the rotational wind speed of the turbine and the power II. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF VERTICAL AXIS WIND
produced for a range of wind speeds. This approach indicates to TURBINE
develop vertical axis wind turbine with better performance to In VAWT the airfoils are arranged as they are
meet the increasing power demand. symmetrical and having an angle that the airfoils are set
Keywords—vawt; airfoil; wind velocity; power co- corresponding to the structure. This setup is equally
efficient efficient on any directional wind. When the VAWT rotor is
rotating, the airfoils are moving forward through the air in a
I. INTRODUCTION round path. Relative to the blade, the resultant airflow
Renewable energy is normally defined as the energy makes a varying small positive angle of attack to the blade.
which comes from naturally replenished resources on a This creates a overall force pointing diagonally forwards
human time scheme as like that wind, tides, sunlight, rain, along a definite line of action. This force can be projected
geothermal heat and waves. Around 16% of the global inwards past the turbine axis at a certain distance, giving a
annual consumption of energy comes from renewable positive torque to the shaft. As the airfoil rotates around the
energy sources. About 30 countries all over the world have
back of the apparatus, the angle of attack changes to the
renewable energy contribution greater than 20% of their
energy supply. Wind power is developing at a rate of 30% opposite sign but the generated force is still obliquely in the
yearly, at a installed capacity of 282,482 megawatts (MW) direction of rotation, because the wings are symmetrical.
worldwide at the end of year 2012. [1] The rotor spins at a rate irrelevant to the winds seed. The
Wind energy is the 1st used energy source in the human energy producing from the torque and speed can be
history. During the last decennium, technology of wind extracted and converted into useful power. Lift and drag
turbines enhanced very fast. Previously wind wheels forces along the approaching net relative airflow
produced just couple of kWh. Modern turbines can produce respectively. When the rotor is stationary and if the wind
millions of kWh in a year. [2] velocity rises quite high then the rotor must already be
The utmost efficient system to convert wind energy into spinning to generate torque. Thus the design is not generally
mechanical energy that can be harnessed for factual use. self-starting.
Wind turbines produce electricity that can be used for
institutes, homes and businesses. Now a days, horizontal
978-1-4799-6062-0/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE
III. VARIOUS COMPONENTS OF VAWT 0.50 for three blade turbines. The drag turbine operates at
Vertical axis wind turbine have the following general about 1/3 of the 0.59 Betz limit [4].
components: B. Wind turbine efficiency
• Rotor which convert wind energy into mechanical Power available in the wind which is denoted by
power. theoretical power can be determined by
• Hub is the center of the rotor in where the rotor Wind energy captured by the blades or power produced
blades are connected. Cast iron or cast steel is most by the generator can be determined by:
commonly used. In VAWT there are two hub at
upper and lower because blades are attached at two Pa = T (2)
Amount of torque produced can be determined by:
• The design of the particular blades also affects the
overall design of the rotor. Rotor blades hold the T = 0.5*ACtV3 (3)
energy out of the wind. They can capture the wind
and convert its kinetic energy into the circulation of Angular velocity or RPM of the turbine can be
the hub. determined by,
• Shaft is the part which gets turned by the turbine
blades. =V/R (4)
• The conversion of mechanical energy into electrical Power co-efficient or efficiency of the rotor can be
energy is done by generator. determined by:
• The foundation is necessary to prevent the turbine
from blowing over in high winds Cp = T/(0.5*AV3 (5)
Fig 2: Schematic diagram of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (all the
dimensions are in inch)
Fig 4: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
VI. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP • If the chord length increase thus the blades can capture
The vertical axis wind turbine is set on a small table. A more wind, hence performance is increased.
large size GFC fan is set in front the turbine. When the fan • The blade can be set at an angle to the arm thus it can
is running the wind start to strike on the wind turbine blades capture more wind.
and thus the blades start to rotate. The blades rpm is
measured by a tachometer and the produced power is • If one set of blade arm is used instead of two thus weight
measured by a multimeter to get various rpm and power by is loses and performance can be increased.
controlling the speed of the GFC fan by a regulator. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The present work was developed in cooperation with
Md. Ashraful Islam, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering &
Technology as a part of research.
[1] Edwin Cartlidge, "Saving for a rainy day", Science (Vol 334), 18
November 2011, pp. 922–924.
[2] John Oviemuno Ajedegba, “Effects of blade configuration on flow
distribution and power output of a zephyr Vertical Axis Wind
Turbine”, July 2008
[3] Andrew Tendai Zhuga, Benson Munyaradzi, Clement Shonhiwa,
“Design of alternative energy systems: A self-starting Vertical Axis
Wind Turbine for stand-alone applications (charging batteries)”,
Department of Mechatronic Engineering, Department of Production
Engineering, Department of Fuels and Energy, School of Engineering
Fig 6: Experimental setup for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Sciences and Technology, Chinhoyi University of Technology, P.
Bag 7724, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
VII. RESULTS [4] Asress Mulugeta Biadgo, Aleksandar Simonovic, Dragan Komarov,
Slobodan Stupar, “Numerical and analytical investigation of Vertical
From the proposed configuration, different output Axis Wind Turbine”, FME Transactions (2013)
power is obtained from the generator for different rpm. It is [5] Kragten A., “ Rotor design and matching for Horizontal Axis Wind
seen that, 32.4 watt power is obtain for 162 rpm which is the Turbines”, report KD 35, July 1999, nett price 40 euro, engineering
office Kragten Design, Populierenlaan 51,5492 SG Sint-Oedenrode,
highest output power and 11.5 watt for 57 rpm which is the The Netherland.
lowest output power. Various rpm is obtained by changing
the speed of the fan by a regulator. The obtained result will
be more accurate if it is tested in a wind tunnel and the wind
speed also can be determine through the wind tunnel.