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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Review Paper on Wind Turbine

Asst. Prof. Firdos J Khan1, Prasad S Patil2, Sanket D Patil3, Rohit S Chaugule4, Pratap R Sargar5
1Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
2,3,4,5Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai,

Maharashtra, India
Abstract - Traditional energy sources are near to end device for generating electricity. Developments in the field
thus world is shifting towards renewable energy sources. In of aerodynamics, mechanical/electrical engineering,
renewable energy major energy generation is done by Wind control technology, and electronics provide the technical
Energy Sources. Existing wind turbine has some drawbacks basis for wind turbines commonly used today.
which can be overcome by bladeless turbine. Study of 2.LITERATURE REVIEW
different wind turbine is done through various research
papers. After the analysis of all papers is found that According to the availability of required components
bladeless turbines are superior to bladed once, occupies less and their working is essential for implementation of the
space & produces equivalent power. This paper investigates project. This Paper provides information about the wind
the latest associated technology with wind turbine system turbine theory and types which is important for designing
and future research direction for bladeless wind turbines. of wind turbines.

Key Words: Renewable Energy, WindTurbine, 2.1 Blade Wind Turbine.

Bladeless Turbine.
S V R Wilson, et al. describe the measurement of Root
1.INTRODUCTION bending moments on a three bladed 500 W horizontal axis
wind turbine, which are obtained wing a purpose build to
This In the process of wind power generation there are rotating data acquisition system. The main aim of this
mainly two methods are considered, Rotational wind research was to integrate the moment when turbine was
harvesting and Oscillation wind harvesting. Though both yawing in response to wind direction changes, particularly
allow the transfer of mechanical energy to electric energy when yow rates were large. This situation usually causes
there is major difference in the mechanical system of the largest load on operating small turbine. At sufficiently
transmission of energy from one form to another. high yaw rates, the moment receives a significant
Rotational wind harvesting is the basic principle used in contribution from the cyclic Coriolis acceleration of the
the conventional windmill. In this type the spinning turbine rotating and yawing blades. Consequences of the
blades are connected along a center shaft to gearbox. This dominance of the Coriolis term for the assessment of blade
gearbox transmits the mechanical energy obtained from safety are discussed [1].
the rotation of the blades by the flowing wind to the
generator which translates the mechanical energy of Peter J. Schubel. et al. gives a brief review about a current
rotation of blades into usable form of electricity. Wind state of art for wind turbine blade design is presented
energy harvesting technologies have gained remarkable including theoretical maximum efficiency, propulsion
importance in the energy industry for past few years. The practical efficiency, HAWT blade design and blade 100 ds.
fact about conventional wind turbine is costly to The revised study gives complete picture about wind
manufacture, bulk in weight and maintenance is also turbine blade design and shows the dominance of modern
difficult. Wind technology is projected to have significance turbine almost exclusive used of horizontal axis rates. The
role in production of electricity for upcoming decades. aerodynamics design principles for modern wind turbine
World-wide energy policies now strongly promote for blade are detailed, including blades plan shape / quant
development of wind turbine and their technologies. aero fail selection and options attack angles. A detail
review of design loads wind Turbine blade is offered,
1.1 History
described aerodynamic, gravitational, centrifugal,
gyroscopic and operations conditions [2].
Utilizing the wind is not a new technology. From past
years the humans are using the wind power to ease the
S. Bahramiasl, et al. gives the information about offshore
everyday life, in household, farming and industry. Until the
last decade of the 19th century, the wind power has been wind turbines. They fabricate & test of an off-shore wind
used in graining, water pumping and to drive sail boats. turbine under different rotor rotation velocities and
During the last century the wind turbine has been used as a different heading angle of wind so as to obtain the effects

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4640
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

of these parameters on structure responses. They study on mast made up of fiber-glass (pivoted at one-third length
the response of a wind turbine under environmental loads from bottom), a crankshaft, a crank, a connecting rod and
has had a notable importance due to the fact that structure a hinge joint. The hollow and light weight mast makes this
behavior can strongly affect procedure of modeling and device portable and user-friendly. Also, this low-cost
optimizing wind turbine structures. After the all component opens a way for low-cost renewable source of
calculations they comes on the result that wind heading energy [7].
angle may change behavior of spectrums which can be
affected by rotor velocity as well [3]. Rishabh Ojha et al, they design such device is completely
different from a traditional turbine. This puts the
Hiromichi Akimoto, et al. describes the Floating Axis Wind technology at the very low range of capital intensity for
Turbine (FAWT) concept a rotating cylindrical float (spar such projects; it also makes it highly competitive not only
buoy) becomes the turbine shaft of the Vertical Axis Wind against generations of alternative or renewable energy,
Turbine (VAWT). The heavy rotor is directly supported by but even compared to conventional technologies. From
buoyancy and its connection to the power take off system research they get some fundamental results on the
is through flexible joints, so that do not have to keep the bladeless wind system and serve as stepping stones for the
fixed upright position of the turbine. They try to reduce future development of bladeless wind power generating
the supporting structures of the turbine design including system. The forces that is beneficial or useful to generate
the float system and the cost of device. The gyroscopic power in bladeless are different from those in
effects on the VAWT rotor contribute to the stabilization of conventional horizontal axial wind turbine [8].
the flexibly supported turbine. The motion of the proposed
turbine is tested in the regular wave conditions. They Davang Shubham s. et al, they give information about the
come on result shows that the turbine axis shows bladeless wind turbine, from that information it is clear
precession motion around the balanced tilt position [4]. that the Bladeless turbine wind generator is the best
option for electricity generation using wind power due to
2.2. Bladeless Wind Turbine. its various advantages. It helps to increase percentage of
renewable energy for electrical power generation and
Abhijit Mane, et al, studied that wind turbines are provides electrically as well as economically efficient
considered be only 59% efficient and more over with large power to the consumers [9].
rotors a large area wake formation means that spacing
between two turbine has to be kept very large. Hence, the Pratik Kumar Shah et al, gives innovative concept to
conventional method of wind power generation has generate clean energy using wind energy which is
through off again with innovative approach. After some distributed and flows across the globe. The bladeless wind
research they done project work include the design and turbine harnesses the kinetic energy persisting in the wind
development of vortex wind bladeless turbine a gyro due to virtue of its motion and converts this energy into
action-based e- generator to be couples to it generator to electric energy in similar manner to that of conventional
generate the electricity. Prototype working model wind turbines. However, if compare a bladeless wind
development has been done using 3.D. printing for vortex turbine to a conventional wind turbine with similar energy
turbine and e-generator to more scale model that will generation, the bladeless wind turbine would cost
demonstrate electricity generation and testing was done significantly less, around 45% less. They done various
to determine the effect of wind speed on turbine speed, simulations on solid works to simulate and test various
voltage, current and power generated by the model [5]. parameters to determine the effect of turbine speed, wind
speed on turbine, voltage, power and current produced by
David Jesús Yáñez Villarreal compares new wind the model [10]
generators with different characteristics & conventional
wind turbines to improve the exploitation of this clean 3. METHODOLOGY
energy source. They brief about the application of
magnetic forces to the resonant structure allows to Information was collected from various sources like
passively modify the structure rigidity, which leads to an technical research papers, webinars, YouTube videos and
increase of the lock-in range and consequently a higher websites. After attending the lecture series of Wind
number of working hours per year & Electromagnetic Resources for Renewable Energies from Coursera. The
induction is also one of the available strategies to information was then sorted into two topics i.e., Blade
transform the energy of the oscillatory movement into Wind Turbine and Bladeless wind turbine as per content of
electricity [6]. papers. After studying all the information from research
paper and lectures. The comparison of Blade wind turbine
Akshay Agrawal et al, they design windmill is entirely and Bladeless Wind Turbine has been done. And the
different from a traditional windmill. Instead of the huge detailed information of both turbines is as follow.
tower, nacelle and blades, this device has a conical frustum

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4641
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.1 Blade Wind Turbine electrical loading from the turbine onto other parts of the
system including the generator. Hence electrical power is
Power has been extracted from the wind over hundreds getting from generator.
of years with historic designs, known as windmills,
constructed from wood, cloth and stone for the purpose of As per study the above information from research paper, it
pumping water or grinding corn. Historic designs are found that bladeless wind turbine is superior then
typically large, heavy and inefficient, were replaced in the conventional blade turbine. Then, design of new
19th century by fossil fuel engines and the implementation technology has been developed to overcome this problem,
of a nationally distributed power network. A greater The New design of Bladeless wind turbine is done in Creo
understanding of aerodynamics and advances in materials, PTC software and principle of working is selected on the
particularly polymers, has led to the return of wind energy basis of above research paper. Material was selected
extraction in the latter half of the 20 th century. Wind according to the standards; Design analysis of bladeless
power devices are now used to produce electricity, and wind turbine was performed in the Anysis software.
commonly termed wind turbines. The orientation of the 4. EXPECTED OUTCOMES
shaft and rotational axis determines the first classification
of the wind turbine. A turbine with a shaft mounted
To generate electricity.
horizontally parallel to the ground is known as a
Get rid from bird deaths and noise pollution.
horizontal axis wind turbine or (HAWT). A vertical axis
Reduced the cost of installation and time.
wind turbine (VAWT) has its shaft normal to the ground. A
Save fossil fuels by using renewable energy source.
comprehensive look at blade design has shown that an
Make the world pollution free by using renewable energy
efficient blade shape is defined by aerodynamic
with zero drawbacks.
calculations based on chosen parameters and the
performance of the selected aero foils. Aesthetics plays
only a minor role. The optimums efficient shape is 5. FUTURE SCOPE
complex consisting of aero foil sections of increasing
width, thickness and twist angle towards the hub. This The From the research it is clear that the Bladeless wind
general shape is constrained by physical laws and is turbine electricity generator is the best option for
unlikely to change. Currently manufacturers are seeking electricity generation using wind power due to its various
greater cost effectiveness through increased turbine size advantages. The country like India which having more
rather than minor increases through improved blade rural population and condition suitable for wind
efficiency. This is likely to change as larger models become generation through bladeless wind turbine is the best
problematic through construction, transport and assembly solution. It will help to increase percentage of renewable
issues. energy for electrical power generation and provides
electricity as well as economically efficient power to the
3.2 Bladeless Wind Turbine (Vortex) consumers. Hence, we have to spread this concept because
only renewable energy can survive the world in coming
The main principle behind bladeless wind generator is future and in that wind, energy is efficient option. Since
the conversion of linear oscillation of mast to rotational most of states of India has many villages where there is
motion. As the mast is subjected to wind energy, it tends to still very less amount of available electricity distribution.
oscillate due to the vortices formed around the structure So, at that place’s establishment of this type of bladeless
of the mast, which can be converted to rotational force to wind turbine will help them to available electricity as well
generate electricity. In the bladeless wind system as job for family Persons. It must be established in every
configuration, the mast is fixed with respect to the ground state of India because of it is environment friendly as well
and the rib structure at the top of the mast comprising of as seeking available amount of non-renewable energy
thread arrangement is used for pulling the threads source.
attached to it. Energy is obtained by continuously
oscillation of the mast the vibrations from the wind 6. CONCLUSIONS
turbine are given to e-gyro generator. Gyro Torque is a
new type of infinitely variable transmission system based This work is mainly study on different aspects for
on gyroscopic reaction. Gyro Torque is capable of large harnessing wind energy. It has been suggested that it is
speed ratios, without the need to utilise gears for desirable to collect wind energy with a device that
generating electricity from wind and wave power minimizes maintenance needs, especially as far as
resources. The infinitely variable nature of Gyro Torque distributed generation is concerned. However, from above
means that more power from wind and wave sources can analysis and results obtained it can be concluded that
be captured and controlled to generate electricity at bladeless wind turbine can be proven as a better
reduced costs. By not transmitting the peaks and troughs alternative for conventional windmills if installed at large
of wind gusts Gyro Torque avoids severe mechanical and

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4642
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

numbers since it can produce outputs even at low wind


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© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4643

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