Nursing Open - 2022 - Wang - Assessing Patient Safety Culture in Obstetrics Ward A Pilot Study Using A Modified Manchester
Nursing Open - 2022 - Wang - Assessing Patient Safety Culture in Obstetrics Ward A Pilot Study Using A Modified Manchester
Nursing Open - 2022 - Wang - Assessing Patient Safety Culture in Obstetrics Ward A Pilot Study Using A Modified Manchester
DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1332
Department of Obstetric, Xinhua
Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong Abstract
University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Aim: The primary objective of this study was to assess the patient safety culture in
Department of Endocrinology, Xinhua
a general hospital in Shanghai, China, through a modified Manchester Patient Safety
Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong Framework (MaPSaF).
University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
Design: This study has a qualitative interview design. Data were collected through
Department of Emergency, Xinhua group interviews and analyses performed through content analysis.
Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong Methods: The MaPSaF was translated into Chinese and used to assess the patient
University School of Medicine, Shanghai,
China safety culture in a large general hospital in Shanghai, China. Group interviews using
Department of Nursing, Xinhua Hospital the MaPSaF were conducted with 15 nurses in the obstetric ward. Participants rated
affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University
their safety practice individually on each of the nine MaPSaF safety culture dimen-
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
sions. The dimensions and scores were then collectively discussed and a practice-
wide consensus score for each dimension was agreed. Discussions were recorded,
Hui-rong Ding and Li-ping Jiang
Department of Nursing, Xinhua Hospital transcribed and analysed to assess patient safety in the obstetric ward.
affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University
Results: It took about 2 hr to complete the discussion focusing on patients' safety
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
Email:; employing the MaPSaF. Most participants recognized the process as acceptable and
useful. The MaPSaF directed team discussion about patient safety issues and facili-
Funding information tated communication, prompting some practice changes. All participants responded
Key Project of Nursing Research, School of
positively to the discussion and perceived MaPSaF as a good safety culture assess-
Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Grant/Award Number: JYHZ1913 ment tool, with clear, comprehensive and understandable entries. The process dem-
onstrated that the department of obstetrics in the hospital already had a positive
patient safety culture, but certain areas were highlighted as still needing improve-
ment. Based on participants' positive experience and perception of the MaPSaF, it
can be concluded that there is potential benefit in its adaptation and use in obstet-
rics wards of Chinese hospitals. The MaPSaF has the potential to strengthen existing
safety cultures and improve general safety through collaborative measures.
MaPSaF, obstetrics nursing, patient safety culture, pilot study
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Researches about safety culture have mainly adopted quantita- Level 5: Generative Risk management is integral to everything
tive research methods (Li et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2019; Wang, Fan, we do.
WANG et al. |
3.3 | Participants reasons for their choices and provide supporting information for
their perceptions for later discussion;
Fifteen nurses participated in this study. Most nurses held a bach- Step 5: After Step 4 has been completed, an open discussion was
elor's degree in nursing (N = 9), while five held a college degree and proposed about each patient safety dimension, during which work-
one a master's degree. All nurses were female and consented to shop participants discuss their perceptions with the rest of the team.
participate in this study voluntarily. Participant ages ranged from Address each dimension in turn and reach a consensus about which
23–50 years, with their years of nursing experience in current unit stage of 9 dimensions of the MaPSaF;
ranging from 1–32 years. Step 6: Participants developed an action plans to move their or-
ganization or team's cultural maturity to the right of the matrix and
to improve safety in the department.
3.4 | Group discussion
The MaPSaF provided the structure for the group discussion. 3.6 | Data analysis
Permission for use and a complete version of MaPSaF was obtained
from Professor Parker and translated it into Chinese. The scale was The discussion recordings were transcribed verbatim in 24 hr. Taking
first translated into Chinese by two Chinese nursing scholars with a categorical analysis approach, the transcript was repeatedly read,
good English skills, one of whom had a master's degree in nurs- coded and classified according to the MaPSaF nine dimensions. The
ing and the other was a nursing researcher with 2 years' overseas research team members discussed the results and continuously
study experience. Two draft translations were prepared, and after compared the results with the original data. If necessary, the results
discussion and modification, the most appropriate sentences were were returned to the participants to check whether the meaning is
selected for the translated version. Another two scholars translated clearly said.
the Chinese version back into English, and, after amendments, the
final Chinese version was identified and used to gather information
from study participants. 4 | R E S U LT S
has always been considered as the most important thing in clinical concerned shall not be spared until preventive measures are formu-
work. Both doctors and nurses attach great importance to patient lated.” After finding out the specific reasons for an incident, relevant
safety, especially when critically ill patients come” (N4). “On the measures will be taken against the parties concerned according to
management level, the head nurse ensure the safety of manpower the seriousness of the incident. Meanwhile, it will be notified at the
by reasonably arranging the rotation of nurses with different qualifi- general meeting of the whole hospital to warn colleagues in other
cations. Nurses in various positions strictly perform their duties and departments not to make the same mistake.
attach great importance to high-risk people, high-risk periods and At present, the nursing department and head nurse will use
high-risk links” (N7). management tools, such as the fishbone diagram and PDCA method
(Redick, 1999). Plan-do-check-action cycle, a kind of quality man-
agement tool, to comprehensively analyse whether there are prob-
4.3 | Perceptions of the causes of patient safety lems in the process or management level from five aspects, including
incidents and their identification staff, machine, material, method and environment and make corre-
sponding plans one-by-one for the problems found and continue to
The dimension of the perceptions of the causes of patient safety track them.
incidents and their identification was considered by all the partici- “We often hear from the head nurse errors or adverse events
pants (N = 15) to be at level 3. occurring in other departments at the hospital nursing conference”
At present, in the hospital, nursing adverse events are encour- (N10). “The problems are common, we can analyse and discuss to-
aged to be reported on time. Once a nursing adverse event occurs, gether, find our ward safety risks” (N1). “Now, if there is an adverse
the nurse will deal with it immediately to reduce the harm to patients nursing event, we are not particularly afraid because we have bought
and then report it to the head nurse, who will report it step by step. the nursing accident insurance; the hospital and the department will
However, the nursing adverse events reporting system is so com- bear the consequences with me together, much better than before”
plex that it severely discourages nurses from reporting. Nurses still (N10).
have concerns about patient safety incidents, for example one nurse
described: “If there is a work-related adverse event, we need to do
PDCA analysis; the nursing management department will require 4.5 | Organizational learning following a patient
analysis and rectification. The head nurse may also have opinions on safety incident
me, so if I can handle it, I will try to handle it by myself” (N3).
There was a consensus that nurses bear too much responsibility The dimension of the organizational Learning following a patient
for patient safety issues. Nurses are the executors and must take all safety incident was considered by all the participants (N = 15) to be
the responsibility for errors, while other relevant personnel will not at level 4. The participants believed that even though the frequency
bear the responsibility. However, if a nurse discovers and prevents of the whole hospital organization learning for patient safety was
an adverse event, the initiator should not be held responsible, and high, the effect was not noticeable. The main reasons given were
the nurse concerned will not be rewarded. that the content is irrelevant to actual clinical work, that it lacks per-
For example, one participant highlighted that “If a doctor pre- tinence and is too rigid. For example, one participant stated: “We
scribes the wrong medicine, the nurse does not discover the mistake have to attend the learning activity and nursing ward rounds of the
and carry it out. The nurse is responsible for the accident, but the whole hospital every month, but there are a lot of training contents
doctor will not be held accountable for the wrong medicine, nor will in our hospital, many of which are not related to our speciality. When
the nurse who found the wrong advice be rewarded. Suppose the we are listening, we will only know a little about them and never use
blood bank (pharmacy) sent the wrong blood (medicine) and we re- them when we return; it's a waste of time” (N8). Another partici-
ceived the wrong blood (medicine). In that case, the responsibility pant commented that “pregnant patients with thalassemia and other
is all on the nurse, and no one will investigate why the blood bank anaemia patients are different; we cannot replenish iron through
(pharmacy) provided the wrong blood (medicine)” (N2). iron supplements; many obstetric nurses don't know what needs to
be learned” (N2).
in the shift book” (N10). “We have five quality control teams, and vital signs or neonatal jaundice, a nurse needs to spend at least 30–
team leaders will take the lead to urge everyone to pay attention to 45 minutes on communication with family members, paperwork and
patient safety. For example, in key links such as blood transfusion transfer; it's really a waste of time” (N8).
and patient transferring, double-checking will also be carried out to
ensure safety” (N7). “Our head nurse is young and has a lot in com-
mon with us. We will ask her directly if we do not understand” (N9). 4.8 | Staff education and training about
In the event of occasional and external incidents, nurses will safety issues
look for help from the head nurse when there is a communication
barrier between them and colleagues, such as doctors, blood bank The dimension of the staff education and training around safety is-
workers and other department staff. For example: “It felt like the sues was considered by all the participants (N = 15) to be at level 3.
head nurse was definitely behind our back” (N6). Another participant “The new nurse standardized training rotation is every six
commented: “For example, sometimes we forget to do something, months, but obstetrics speciality is very strong, which means we
and the doctor would severely criticize us. However, if we tell the must spend at least three months training new nurses to learn how
head nurse, the head nurse will help us to communicate, which will to judge the situation in many ways including recurring abdominal
be much better” (N4). pain, vaginal bleeding (liquid), volume and shape, strip or the pres-
ence of placenta previa or early amniotic fluid pollution, etc. Upon
successful training, they undergo rotation to another department”
4.7 | Personnel management and safety issues (N6).
The participants believed that the online teaching platform
The dimension of the personnel management and safety issues was is convenient: “Since we started online education, the depth and
considered by all the participants (N = 15) to be at level 2. There is a breadth of our training have been further enhanced. The hospital
severe shortage of nurses and a heavy workload “We have 45 beds, can also use mobile devices (phones or tablets) to continue our ed-
theoretically, this should have 15–18 nurses, but in actual, there are ucation without commuting to the hospital during breaks, which is a
ten nurses, including nurses with sick leave and maternity leave. big step forward” (N5).
Moreover, several nurses under two years of standardized train-
ing. The lack of supporting departments, such as security depart-
ments, which is of concern for nurses during intense doctor-patient 4.9 | Team working around safety issues
Obstetrics is a department with a high accompanying rate of The dimension of the team working around safety issues was consid-
about 80% during the past year in our hospital, but the inadequacy ered by all the participants (N = 15) to be at level 4.
of birth or prenatal education makes the safety education of wards There are many risk moments in obstetric ward, such as sudden
particularly important. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, umbilical cord prolapse in patients with premature rupture of mem-
compared with mothers or mothers-in-law, husbands with no par- branes, painless haemorrhage of placenta previa and eclampsia in
enting experience are usually more anxious and panicked when their pregnant women with hypertension.
wives give birth. They rarely know anything about newborns and The participants thought this was related to the overall situation
postnatal care. Nurses can often explain and teach the patient's of the COVID-19 pandemic, the department setting and the lack of
current processing measures, while the cooperation of patients and nurses. Participants perceived that team members cooperated and
their families is still lower than expectations (N4). communicated and discussion patient safety incidents. “We are a
“As soon as the newborn cries, the family will ring the bell to call team, we help others when they need, and if I can't finish my shift,
the nurse. New parents are not sure whether the baby is hungry or I can find other nurses to help me. It's all about the patient” (N8).
uncomfortable but they will call the nurse for everything” (N6). We
urge women to breastfeed their babies as soon as possible. Some
women feel that breastfeeding will cause uterine contractions and 5 | D I S C U S S I O N
pain, so they do not want to feed, and repeated persuasion has no
effect (N6). 5.1 | The role of MaPSaF in obstetric care
“There is no operation in the medical ward at night, and the management
middle-shift operation in surgery is almost over. Only in the depart-
ment of obstetrics and gynaecology, which is in a continuous cycle Establishing an ideal safety culture by following the guidelines and
at night physicians and nurses are very busy with the newborns” evaluation matrix of MaPSaF for obstetric patients is essential in the
(N5), and “There may only be 40 patients in other departments, but current medical environment. All participants responded positively
obstetrics usually has 40 patients and 20 babies simultaneously. during the group discussion, and all thought that MaPSaF as an ex-
Mother-infant sharing increases the workload of nurses. If a baby cellent safety culture assessment tool, with clear and understand-
needs to be transferred to another department due to unstable able entries that could cover all aspects of patient safety, which
6 WANG et al.
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How to cite this article: Wang, L.-j., Zou, M., Wang, X., Jiang,
Wang, Y., Fan, Y., Wang, X., Ma, Y., Wu, C., Shi, H., Han, H., Liu, W., &
Liu, C. (2020). Multilevel analysis of individual, organizational, and
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regional factors associated with patient safety culture: A cross- obstetrics ward: a pilot study using a modified Manchester
sectional study of maternal and child health institutions in China. Patient Safety Framework in China. Nursing Open, 00, 1–7.
Journal of Patient Safety, 16(4), e284–e291.
Wang, Y., Han, H., Qiu, L., Liu, C., Wang, Y., & Liu, W. (2019). Development
of a patient safety culture scale for maternal and child health