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Sol 1 Lessons

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➢ Everyone has values!


 Not, “Do you have values?” ❖ Lifestyle Evangelism
 But, “What do you value?” ❖ Intentional Evangelism
Core - the very center; stripped of other o Church services
things. o Cell Groups
Values - precious; something dear to us; o Harvest Events
something we hold in high regard.

❖ Giving the CARE and ATTENTION to every
- Christ-likeness and Multiplying Ministry
new believer to reproduce in him the
CHARACTER of CHRIST with the aim
- Understand, Live and Transmit the Vision
that he fulfills God's purposes for his
life and bear fruit that will last.
- Evangelism, Leadership Development and
❖ HOW?
 Follow up the new believer and
connect him to a cell and the
- Devotional life, Prayer and Fasting and
 Send him to a Pre-Encounter;
Encounter Retreat & Post-
- Love, Honor, and Respect my Leaders
- Manage and Invest my Time for the Kingdom ➢ DISCIPLE
7. LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP ❖ It is empowering/training the believer,
- Accountable and Responsible through the Word of God:
8. I LOVE EQUIPPING & TRAINING  to win others for Christ
- Training is my Happy Hour  to lead his/her own cell group
9. I am a LEADER OF 12 DISCIPLES  to disciple others to become
- I am born to multiply leaders
10. ACCOMPLISHING Church Goal & Setting  Continue to retain the believer in
- I Support, Help and Fulfill the Goals cells and in the church.
11. I want to SEE MY CHURCH GROW  Let them attend the SCHOOL OF
- Pray, Work and Pay LEADERS
12. The IMPORTANCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE - Level 1 Doctrines
- I will prepare the Next Generation - Level 2 Cells
- Level 3 Leadership

➢ STRATEGIZE: (Long, Or Short Term Goals)

1. How many can they bring to the EGR?
 Minimum per leader: 3 delegates
 No. Of leaders: 12 (3 x 12 = 36!)
 Remind them of the agreed goal.
2. Every leader, brings at least 2 Christians
every month.
3. Mindset: bring new faces, or people
4. Encourage leaders to reach something so
they can move their own leaders too.
➢ BENEFITS OF SETTING GOALS: cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
1. Provides a clear, focused direction (Eccl. 4:9-12)
2. Helps evaluate our walk, strategy, what 3. THE RELATIONSHIP OF HUSBAND AND WIFE,
3. Emboldens us to do something we’ve not
 “revolution 10” – 10 houses, 10 o “Again I say to you, that if two of
cells, 10 days! you agree on earth about any thing that
 “revolution 7/5/3” they may ask, it shall be done for them by
 “revolution 52” (Nehemiah) My Father who is in heaven.”
‘For where two or three have gathered
together in My name, I am there in their
midst.” (Mt. 18:19,20)
 During wake
 During burial/internment
 During weddings
 During birthday parties
 While travelling
 Young pro gatherings

2. MULTIPLICATION – an indicator that we are doing

the great commission!

➢ ADOPT a methodology to effectively reap
the harvest SCHOOL OF LEADERS 1
✓ Learn and practice various witnessing LESSON 1 – THE POWER OF A
✓ Do your own ignite VISION
✓ Do your own conquest • What is VISION?
✓ 10 prescribed lessons VISION is idea of God revealed to the mind of
• reduce to 4 sessions man so that he can carry it out.
• remaining 6 lessons, taken up during cell • BIBLICAL REFERENCE
group meetings o For the earth will be filled with the
• make-up classes for absentees (SOL) knowledge of the glory of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
1. POWER OF “ONE” (Habakkuk 2:14 NIV)
o “and the two shall become one” o “Then God said, ; Let us make
(Gen. 2:24) mankind in our image, in our likeness”
2. GOD CALLS, A MAN AND WOMAN (Genesis 1:26)
o “Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their work. If 1. GOD WANTS TO COUNT ON US
one falls down, his friend can help him up. ❖ Jesus formed His own brave army, capable
But pity the man who falls and has no one of bearing spiritual weapons. He started by
to help him up!...Though one may be over raising up twelve men, passionate for the things
powered, two can defend themselves. A of God – twelve men of prayer, full of Jesus’
presence, who testified, “We have seen his is simple: These individuals were willing to allow
glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who themselves to be molded by HIM.
came from the Father, full of grace and truth”
(John 1:14). CONCLUSION
Vision involves having a clear image of what God
2. IT IS TIME FOR WORLDWIDE REVIVAL wants us to do. He reveals to us the purpose He has
❖ God confirmed to the prophet that a vision for our lives. Only through faith can we enter the
of government would come and following that spiritual real, to see what the Lord has pre-
would come the greatest worldwide revival. established for each one of us; we must then bring
“For the earth will be filled with the this vision into the natural realm, which can only be
knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters achieved with the help of the Holy Spirit.
cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)
LESSON 2 – the principles of
• He is the WORD OF GOD who became man o 42 The Lord answered, “Who then is the
• He is the OFFERING of God for REDEMPTION faithful and wise manager, whom the master
• He is the MANIFESTATION of the FULLNESS OF puts in charge of his servants to give them
DIVINE GRACE their food allowance at the proper time? 43 It
• Only THROUGH HIM can we KNOW THE will be good for that servant whom the master
HEAVENLY FATHER finds doing so when he returns. 44 Truly I tell
• He is the LAMB OF GOD who TAKES AWAY THE you, he will put him in charge of all his
SIN OF THE WORLD possessions. (Luke 12:42-44 NIV)

❖ Everything begins with the revelation of His ❖ The Oxford Language Dictionary defines
Word: vision : as a mental concept of distinct or vivid
o “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1a). kind, an object of mental contemplation; the
o “And God said, Let there be light,” and there action or fact of seeing or contemplating
was light” (Genesis 1:3) something not actually present to the eye; and
✓ Noah something which is apparently seen otherwise
✓ Abraham than by ordinary sight e.g. having the nature of
✓ Moses revelation, supernaturally presented to the
✓ Zechariah mind either in sleep or in an abnormal state.
✓ Mary (OED)
✓ The Holy Spirit
✓ Two of John the Baptist’s disciple 2. THE BIRTH OF THE G12
❖ The only information I found on cells was in
5. THE POWER OF THE PROMISE Dr. Cho’s books. He is a pastor in Seoul, South
❖ A promise from God in His Word is like a Korea where he leads the largest evangelical
signed check from Him. church in the world. Although we did not achieve
o “Through these he has given us his very the results we were hoping for, his teachings
great and precious promises, so that through helped us a lot at the beginning. In the year 1990,
them you may participate in the divine God gave me the revelation of G12, bringing an
nature, having escaped the corruption in the explosion to the cell growth in our ministry.
world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4)
G12 (Government of 12) G stands for 3. KEY REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING THE VISION
Government and 12 also signifies Government ❖ Being in agreement
❖ How did Jesus manage to change twelve
❖ Commitment and generosity
people into pillars of Christianity, though they
were neither cultured nor educated, and had
neither riches nor social standing? The answer
4. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VISION a. WIN - “This vision has no value if we do not
❖ It is innovative win.”
❖ It brings strength to the ministry
❖ It allows a team to be trained b. CONSOLIDATE - Follow-up, or Consolidation
❖ It enables people to be ministered to begins the moment someone is won, and
❖ It bears fruit continues until they become fully committed.
❖ Every person becomes a winner of souls The goal is that none would be lost as we apply
❖ It unites homogeneous groups this God-given Vision.
NOTE! A Practice point: it is advisable that
5. THE GOVERNMENT OF 12 the person who evangelized also
• HOW TO FORM A TEAM OF TWELVE? consolidates because they have already
❖ As a leader, you should involve your people establish a friendship and relationship of
when forming your twelve. This means that trust.
before they assemble their own team and ❖ Telephone/contact them within
multiply cells, they should help you to complete the first 48 hours (2 days), with the goal of
our twelve. When you have your complete team, meeting them wherever is suitable for them
they will receive the vision that god has put in within the first week.
your heart. Practically, the key group of twelve ❖ Consolidation should be
is that first group. The forming of this team can immediate, because your intention is to
often take a year. strengthen the step of salvation that they
❖ What is true in the natural ais also true in c. ENCOUNTER – is the first experience of
confrontation that the new believer has with
the spiritual. If a husband does not involve the
God, with His word, with themselves and their
wife, there will be no multiplication because past. The grace of God is there for them to
multiplication is the result of teamwork. completely rot sin out of their lives. They will be
❖ However, someone whose spouse, for able to reflect on their daily life and learn to
whatever reason, does not have the same see by faith, enabling them to conquer the best
commitment to the ministry can still be part of future.
a team of twelve. Their main goals should be to o “ if only I knew where to find him;
win their husband or wife for Christ and to spark if only I could go to his dwelling! I would sate
the flame of passion in them to win the lost my case before him” (Job 23:3-4)
( 1corinthians 7:16-17). o Every encounter has five (5)
❖ Single people are also suitable to be in a objectives:
team of twelve, as long as their testimony and ✓ Assurance of salvation
love for the ministry is worthy of this place of ✓ Inner healing
honor. ✓ Deliverance
✓ Fullness of the Holy Spirit
6. THE LADDER OF SUCCESS ✓ Knowledge of every step of the
❖ The steps of the vision (win, consolidate, vision
disciple and send) are collectively known as the
ladder of success because each step is like a
rung; as you advance, you will enter into a d. DISCIPLE - Everyone who receives the
higher level in your ministry. blessing of salvation and are consolidated
❖ You must win a person before you can will subsequently require training. This is
consolidate them. If we do not win, we cannot provided through discipleship or school of
consolidate. If we do not consolidate, we cannot leaders. The goal is that they reach the
disciple. If we do not disciple, we will have no fullness of measure of Christ.
one to send. The foundation is winning, and as e. SEND (CELLULAR MINISTRY) - This takes place
you can see, we must master all the areas of the when a person who has been trained and
Vision, becoming expert soul-winners. equipped gets ready to guide others to Jesus’
➢ Characteristics of a cell leader/life group 14
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others
leader: say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the
✓ A person of momentum. prophets.”
✓ Someone who knows how to look 15
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I
after each lamb. am?”
✓ Someone who discerns what spirits 16
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the
are operating around them and Son of the living God.”
knows how to defend their sheep. 17
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of
✓ Someone who needs the support of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and
the angels to make their work more blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you
effective. that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my
✓ You cannot allow your cell to church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome
decrease in size; you should it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
constantly be advancing, whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in
conquering souls week after week. heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will
✓ Multiplication: Breaking your be[d] loosed in heaven.”
personal record.
➢ How do other people see Me? (v.13)
CONCLUSION ➢ How do you see Me? (v.15)
It is our responsibility to commit ourselves to god, ➢ How did Jesus see His disciples? (v.18a).
making the decision to be the best multipliers, ➢ Jesus includes them in the building of His
faithfully reproducing ourselves in others. God has Church (v.18b).
called us to multiply. I was able to understand this
when the lord gave us the revelation of g12: from 1 Peter 2:5 NIV
each one of our disciples should come twelve. This you also, like living stones, are being built into a
can be achieved in one year as previously spiritual house[a] to be a holy priesthood, offering
mentioned. spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus
lesson 3 – A FIRM FOUNDATION ➢ Jesus ensured them that His Church would
prevail through all adversity (v.18c).
Matthew 16:18 NIV ➢ God entrusted them with the key for the
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I salvation of souls (v.19a).
will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not
overcome it. Acts 2:41 NIV
OBJECTIVES: Those who accepted his message were baptized, and
❑ To RECOGNIZE JESUS as the MESSIAH and the about three thousand were added to their
ONLY FOUNDATION upon which to build the number that day.
Church. God gave them powerful spiritual authority, so that
❑ To RECOGNIZE some of the FUNDAMENTAL whatever they did on earth would have an effect in
❑ To UNDERSTAND the DIFFERENT WAYS YOU ❖ The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, was
CAN DEMONSTRATE LOVE FOR OUR SHEEP established on a firm foundation, Jesus Christ,
(disciples). the cornerstone upon which the weight of this
INTRODUCTION: spirit building rets. Upon this foundation were
Matthew 16:13-19 NIV placed twelve columns – Jesus’ twelve apostles;
Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah later would come the living stones – the
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea believers.
Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say “Built on the foundation of the apostles and
the Son of Man is?” prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the
chief cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20)
Peter mentions several aspects relating to the 28
“Suppose one of you wants to build a
Lord Jesus’ ministry: tower. Won’t you first sit down and
o Acts 10:38-43 NIV estimate the cost to see if you have
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with enough money to complete it? (TO
the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went VISUALIZE OURSELVES HAVING THE
around doing good and healing all who STRENGTH TO REACH THE END OF THE RACE.)
were under the power of the devil, because
God was with him. (HIS MINISTRY ON THE 29
For if you lay the foundation and are not
EARTH WAS SUPERNATURAL) able to finish it, everyone who sees it will
ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began
“We are witnesses of everything he did in to build and wasn’t able to finish.’
the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. (TO FINISH WHAT WE START.)
They killed him by hanging him on a cross,
“Or suppose a king is about to go to war
SUPERNATURAL) against another king. Won’t he first sit
down and consider whether he is able with
but God raised him from the dead on the ten thousand men to oppose the one
third day and caused him to be seen. coming against him with twenty
(HE DIED AND ROSE AGAIN ON THE THIRD DAY) thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a
delegation while the other is still a long
He was not seen by all the people, but by way off and will ask for terms of
witnesses whom God had already chosen— peace. 33 In the same way, those of you who
by us who ate and drank with him after he do not give up everything you have cannot
rose from the dead. be my disciples. (TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING WE
He commanded us to preach to the HAVE.)
people and to testify that he is the one
whom God appointed as judge of the living 4. BEING FERVENT WITNESSES
and the dead. (HE SENT THEM TO TELL THE ✓ The Early believers became witnesses,
PEOPLE THAT JESUS IS THE JUDGE OF THE preaching with power from on high, just as
LIVING AND THE DEAD) the Lord had promised.
o “With great power the apostles continued
All the prophets testify about him that to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,
everyone who believes in him receives and much grace was upon them all” (Acts
forgiveness of sins through his name.” 4:33).
(EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM RECEIVE ✓ In his defense before King Agrippa, Paul
FORGIVENESS OF SINS) said, (Acts 26:19-20) 19 “So then, King
Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision
3. THE PRICE FOR HIS DISCIPLES from heaven. 20 First to those in
❖ What was the price? Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and
o Luke 14:25-33 NIV - The Cost of Being a in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I
Disciple preached that they should repent and turn
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus to God and demonstrate their repentance by
and turning to them he said: 26 “If anyone their deeds. Since the moment of his
comes to me and does not hate father and conversation, Paul could clearly see his
mother, wife and children, brothers and calling. He felt obligated to share the Gospel
sisters—yes, even their own life—such a of salvation with each and every person
person cannot be my disciple. (TO LOVE HIM (Romans 1:14) I am obligated both to Greeks
ABOVE ALL MEMBERS OF OUR FAMILY.) and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the
foolish. He never became ashamed of
And whoever does not carry their cross preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
and follow me cannot be my disciple. because he knew that through it, the power
(TO TAKE UP OUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM.) of God was working to bring salvation
(Romans 1:16) For I am not ashamed of the ❑ To understand some of the principles to
gospel, because it is the power of God that help you become a better leader.
brings salvation to everyone who INTRODUCTION:
believes: first to the Jew, then to the The G12 Vision is the tool that God has given
Gentile. to His children to bring revival to the world, possibly
the last and greatest in history. For centuries, the
5. LOVING THE SHEEP Lord has been preparing His Church for this moment.
✓ Peter was confronted. (John 21:15-17) He has awakened the hearts of whole families with
✓ Every believer is a child of God. (John 1:12- a great desire to understand the vision and to put it
13) into practice diligently, strategically and efficiently,
✓ Paul became a Spiritual father, even because they want to be useful in the work of God.
whilst in prison. (Philemon 10-11)
✓ Women can hear abundant fruit for God. (1 1. VISUALIZE THE GROWTH OF YOUR MINISTRY
Timothy 2:15) ✓ Abraham was not slow in taking hold of the
✓ Paul fought for those who had left the promise; every night he would gaze at the stars,
faith. (Galatians 4:19) imagining how his descendants would be. This
✓ Not bearing fruit brings shame. (Isaiah exercise fed his faith until God fulfilled His
23:4) promise. As these images flooded his mind, it was
✓ The example of the barren fig tree. easy to confess them with his mouth.
(Matthew 21:18-19) o 5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at
the sky and count the stars—if indeed you
CONCLUSION can count them.” Then he said to him, “So
Just as in the ancient times, God gave Moses shall your offspring[a] be.” 6 Abram believed
comprehensive designs for the tabernacle in the Old the Lord, and he credited it to him as
Testament and then told him to do everything in righteousness. (Genesis 15:5-6).
accordance with this pattern (Hebrews 8:5) They
serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of 2. PAINT THE PICTURE OF BLESSING IN YOUR MIND
what is in heaven. This is why Moses was ✓ God will bring life to the pictures that we
warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: paint in our minds. Whatever you want to conquer
“See to it that you make everything according to the in the natural realm should first be visualized in
pattern shown you on the mountain.” , the Lord Jesus the spiritual realm. As you do this, you will
left us a model for how His Church should be. What receive the assurance that the miracle is already
He establishes needs neither change nor conquered.
modification because He does everything perfectly. o “Now faith is confidence in what we hope
for and assurance about what we do not
LESSON 4 – THE VISION OF THE see.” (Hebrews 11:1).
o “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but
GOVERNMENT OF TWELVE (G12) on what is unseen, since what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Genesis 15:5-6 NIV (2 Corinthians 4:18)
He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky TO DO:
and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” ✓ Visualize the size of your ministry
Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[a] be.” ✓ Have very clear images in your mind.
Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him ✓ Invest time alone with God, because in this
as righteousness. intimacy, the images you receive in your mind
will increase in importance.
OBJECTIVES: ✓ Include all your disciples in the vision and
❑ To recognize the importance of the basic help them to also become visionaries.
principles of visualization and apply them
in order to reach the multitudes. 3. COMMIT TO FAITHFULLY IMPLEMENTING THE VISION
❑ To recognize the importance of being ✓ Do not think that by running faster you will
committed to the Vision, to know it and go further.
apply it with diligence.
Though a pregnant woman may wish for her Therefore, we need to be expert soul
baby to be born ahead of time, she knows that winners.
there is a time of waiting. Accelerating this
process would kill the baby while delaying it 4. DECIDE TO BE THE BEST LEADER
would put both the mother and her child at risk. - The teaching and training received at
Solomon said that just as we ignore the way that Training for your destiny, will enable a
bones form in a woman’s womb, we also ignore believer to open a cell, after having Level 2.
the work of God. Jesus took the time necessary You may be asking what steps to take:
to form His team of twelve; the fruit of which has ✓ Teach in season and out of season.
lasted through the centuries. ✓ View every member of your cell as a
potential leader.
✓ Motivate with your words.
✓ Do the whole vision through the team of ✓ Always work with goals. Involve the whole
twelve group.
o “What is twisted cannot be straightened; ✓ Do spiritual warfare.
what is lacking cannot be counted” ✓ Do not forget to always have an empty
(Ecclesiastes 1:15). What is complete? Twelve. chair.
Ex. Clock, Day, Year…etc. CONCLUSION:
- If a leader does not have their twelve The revelation of the Vision of the government of
disciples, their team is incomplete. What is twelve is those who wish to experience rivers of
incomplete cannot be counted. Jesus’ fruitfulness. Only those who determine to faithfully
contact with the multitudes was sporadic: with the Lord, will capture the powerful revival that
one day he was with one group, another day he longs to bring to your life, your family and your
he was with a different group. However, the ministry.
only group that Jesus did not change was
His twelve. lesson 5 – forming the best
- Jesus did form twelve. He left everything
aside: His glory, his greatness, His deity, to team
come and live with us. He was made man so
that He could focus on twelve; He spent the Matthew 16:18 NIV
largest part of His ministerial life with And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I
them, and invested almost seventy per cent will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not
of His time in them. overcome it.
- I believe that a believer’s greatest OBJECTIVE:
challenge is the formation of their team of ❑ To understand the steps to take to form a
twelve. Their prayers should be directed successful team of twelve.
towards forming this fundamental team ❑ To recognized in Jesus’ ministry the way in
believing that him who ask, it will be given, which He formed the best team.
and he who seeks, will find their twelve. ❑ To receive a true desire within our hearts to
- Ask, Seek, Knock form a team of twelve.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and INTRODUCTION:
you will find; knock and the door will be - Jesus broke away from the conventional.
opened to you. (Matthew 7:7). Instead of looking for His twelve in the best
✓ The Leader: an expert in all the steps of the schools of theology, He chose them after a night
Vision of prayer
- As a leader, you should learn each step of o 12
One of those days Jesus went out to a
the Vision in detail. mountainside to pray, and spent the night
- To consolidate someone, you must first win praying to God. 13 When morning came, he
them. If we do not win, we cannot called his disciples to him and chose twelve
consolidate. If we do not consolidate, we of them, whom he also designated apostles:
cannot disciple i.e. train in the School of (Luke 6:12-13)
Leaders. If we do not train, we cannot send.
The foundation of the Vision is winning.
- He won them in prayer, consolidated them, lost except the one doomed to destruction so
disciples them in the cell/life group, and then that Scripture would be fulfilled. (John 17:11-12)
sent them. - In this prayer, Jesus sums up the way in which He
- The success of Jesus’ ministry depended on His had dedicated Himself to His twelve disciples: He
disciples becoming as firm as rocks: faithful was always devoted to helping them treasure the
through times of testing, not allowing anything to Word He gave them in their hearts, reserving the
sway them from what Jesus had taught them. best teachings for them
- Jesus’ vision is the only vision that has been able o For I gave them the words you gave me and
to bring redemption, hope and life to all they accepted them. They knew with
humanity. To carry out His great plan of certainty that I came from you, and they
redemption, He had to apply some simple believed that you sent me. (John 17:8)
principles. - Jesus never saw working with the twelve as a
burden; He enjoyed every minute He shared with
1. CHOICE His disciples. They loved Him because they saw
- The Lord taught that when it comes to building a His sincerity and dedication; they were the
house, there are two kinds of people – the wise center of His attention. He spoke other people in
man who looks for a good foundation, and the parables, but He revealed everything to them.
foolish man who builds on sand. - The leader of twelve should dedicate
- Foundations refer to rock, something solid and themselves to their team, to making them into
firm, while sand brings to mind the multitudes the best leaders in the world, so that the
or many people who are not committed. anointing of God will flow through their lives.
- We see the outcome of both choices after the
passing of time, in times of testing. The rick 4. INVEST IN THEM
remains, the sand does not, just like people who - At the end of His life, Jesus prayed to the
once followed Jesus, but later returned to their Father:
normal activities. o John 17:6 Jesus Prays for His Disciples “I
have revealed you to those whom you gave
2. TRAINING me out of the world. They were yours; you gave
❖ Building friendships is part of the training them to me and they have obeyed your word.
process. - In that moment, he was so focused on His
- Every week we meet with the team of twelve work with the twelve that He did not pray
that the Lord has given us, but we also try to for the world, but for the twelve that the
spend time with them outside of church Father had given Him.
activities because we want to be around them
more. This takes away the barriers that 5. VISION
disciples can have towards a leader. - Shortly before ascending to heaven, Jesus
- We understand that friendship should not be instructed His disciples:
confused with tolerance. Although Jesus loved o Matthew 28:18-20
Peter very much, after His resurrection, He 18
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All
confronted him for having denied him three authority in heaven and on earth has been
times – He confronted him with his sin. Three given to me. 19 Therefore go and make
times, Jesus said, “Peter, do you love me?” disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
leading him to repentance. Jesus then invited the name of the Father and of the Son and
him to follow Him. of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you.
3. FOCUS And surely I am with you always, to the
o 11 I will remain in the world no longer, but very end of the age.”
they are still in the world, and I am coming to - The big question is: How can we effectively
you. Holy Father, protect them by the power transform nations though the Gospel? I
of[a] your name, the name you gave me, so that believe the answer is simple: BY DOING
they may be one as we are one. 12 While I was WHAT THE LORD DID.
with them, I protected them and kept them safe - We attain the key to multiplication when we
by[b] that name you gave me. None has been understand the importance of a leader or
pastor deciding to focus on twelve people to 1. THE SUCCESSFUL LEADER IS A DREAMER
train them, helping them to reach maturity ❖ This kind of leader has dreams given by the
in the Word, and to have healed heart and Holy Spirit
firm character. ❖ He strengthens their faith so that they can
12 – 144 – 1,728 – 20,732, 248,832 – 2,985,984 … carry out their dreams
❖ They must always live in the realm of faith
6. REPRODUCTION and never move into the complicated world of
- First, you MUST LOVE SOULS. The best thing logic.
you can do to help those who are lost and o “But my righteous one will live by faith. And
who live far from the Father is to first HAVE if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with
you if you present Him with some disciples. ❖ THROUGH FAITH, our relationship with God is
The Lord would prefer you to surrender your strengthened and we are able to conquer all our
whole life to His will. dreams
✓ One Month Prayer important than our feelings.
✓ One Month Connection ❖ BY FAITH WE PUT ASIDE OUR
✓ Have a Harvest Event WEAKNESSES, leaving them at the foot of
the Cross and we clothe ourselves with the
CONCLUSION: invincible strength of the Holy Spirit
We can draw a parallel between longing for disciples ❖ IF WE DARE TO BELIEVE, we will open the
and wanting to have children; we do not bring them heavens and cause the glory of God to descend
into the world so that they can be hungry or live in on us and on all that surrounds us.
miser, without having even their basic needs met. A
true father wants to have children so that he can 3. THE SUCCESSFUL LEADER MOVES THE SPIRITUAL
express his love for them through affection and the REALM WHEN THEY SPEAK.
provision of their needs. He also dedicates time to ❖ IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT FAITH
raising them as the best citizens. IS SPIRITUAL, not intellectual, and it must be
received in the spirit.
LEADERSHIP must make its way from our minds to our
emotions and then affect our will. If our will is
1 Corinthians 9:24 The Need for Self-Discipline committed one hundred per cent, we will be
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, ready to develop a life of faith.
but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to ❖ WE CAN ONLY CONFESS WHAT WE TREASURE
get the prize. IN OUR HEARTS.
❑ To fully comprehend each of the 4. THE SUCCESSFUL LEADER ENABLE ALL THINGS TO
characteristics of a successful leader. BECOME POSSIBLE
❑ To learn some of the principles to be able to o “without faith it is impossible to please God”
exercise a strong, lasting leadership. (Hebrews 11:6)
❑ To understand everything that a leader - Faith leads us to believe in things that can
should and can do. not be scientifically proven but that are
INTRODUCTION: real nonetheless, As a result:
- Successful leadership begins with a leader ❖ FAITH CONTAINS CERTAIN ELEMENTS THAT
who has a servant heart and clearly-defined LEAD US TO TRANSFORM THE CIRCUMSTANCES:
vision, as well as the strength to achieve believing with our heart and confessing with our
that vision and to continuously exercise their mouth.
faith, much like the men of God described in
Hebrews 11.
o “For it is with your heart that you believe CONCLUSION:
and are justified, and it is with your mouth A successful leader never comes about by chance.
that you believe and are saved” (Romans They are shaped in the fire of testing and pain and
10:10) are willing to pay the high price that their calling
5. THE SUCCESSFUL LEADER EDIFIES LIVES AND They know that first of all they have been chosen to
REPRODUCES THEMSELVES IN OTHERS serve God among people, not to be served by them.
❖ We must be aware of the need to raise up They have decided to surrender their ego at the
successors. Lord’s feet so they can be corrected where
❖ The spiritual awakening in these last days necessary. They successful leader does not run away
needs new generations leaders from the great challenges that life may bring.
❖ When leaders achieve the level of
commitment required, lesson 7 – THE ART OF
LEADER DO; they will copy them and learn Proverbs 11:30b
to persevere until they see results. “He who wins souls is wise”
❖ A team that works shoulders to shoulder
INSTRUCTIONS BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE ❑ To understand the importance and need of
USEFUL IN THE VISION. winning new people through evangelism.
❖ WITHOUT A COMMITTED TEAM, we will end up ❑ To learn the requirements that a soul
doing more work than expected, running winner should have to successfully
the risk of exhausting ourselves. complete their mission.
❖ An important step towards building a ❑ To learn some of the principles to help in
committed is establishing norms of conduct the work of an evangelist.
– as the leader you set an example worthy ❑ To learn to recognize when a person has
of following. A person I likely to be more been truly won.
willing to follow the leader who takes part
and lives the process of ministerial growth 1. WINNING SOULS IS AN ART
alongside them. - Solomon said that “he who wins souls is
o Follow my example, as I follow the example wise” (Proverbs 11:30b).
of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). - If you heart is not selfish and you desire to
❖ A TRUE LEADER DESERVES TO BE IMITATED help people attain God’s redeeming grace,
AND, INSTEAD OF SAYING, the best thing you can do is prepare
“Go,” says “Let’s go.” yourself to efficiently fulfill the noblest
mission in the world – helping people
7. THE SUCCESSFUL LEADER HAS LASTING escape condemnation so that they can
LEADERSHIP receive the grace of forgiveness.
❖ Effective leadership endures because of the
followers who have been genuinely formed. 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF PREACHING
❖ True leadership does not come from a ✓ Always speak about Jesus.
position or status of authority, nor does it ✓ Always motivate with words.
come from a professional title. Instead, it is ✓ Use positive language.
the result of our fruit. ✓ Use your words to fill people’s emotional
❖ Commit yourself to preparing leaders who emptiness.
are suitable to win, consolidate, disciple ✓ Use different resources to communicate
and send. effectively.
❖ The measure of success of a leader is ✓ Make sure that your message contains the
determined by the number of disciples they answer to the person’s need.
are training for leadership. ✓ Your message should be constant
✓ Your preaching should be anointed.
- The Apostle Paul expressed what his call to ✓ Conviction of sin
preach the gospel meant for him: “Woe to ✓ Faith in Christ
me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 ✓ Repentance
Corinthians 9:16) ✓ Change of lifestyle
- Preaching was not something that made ✓ Prayer
him feel proud; he did it because he had
PEOPLE’S SOULS. Someone who wins souls for God is a person who
“if I voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, feels a very special love special love for the lost. This
I am simply discharging the trust committed to is reflected in their evangelistic work wherever they
me” (1 Corinthians 9:17) go.
- Paul could clearly see the difference Winning should be a lifestyle for every one of us; our
between a person who works to receive a fundamental premise, because we know that Jesus
salary, and someone who works because chose us to save the world with His gospel of love.
they love what they do.
“Though I am free and belong to no man, I make THE CELL GROUP
myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as
possible” (1 Corinthians 9:19) “So the word of God spread. The number of
- Paul spoke about one of the FUNDAMENTAL disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a
PRINCIPLES OF EVANGELISM – HAVING A large number priests became obedient to the faith”
- The heart of a servant perceives people’s
needs and does something to meet them, OBJECTIVES:
even before meeting their own. ❑ To understand what a cell group is.
❑ To learn the purpose of cell groups.
5. ADVICE FOR WINNING ❑ To understand the ideal principles of a cell
Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, group.
whether in word or dead, do it all in he name of ❑ To learn the value of being faithful in the
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father responsibilities of a cell leader.
through him.” INTRODUCTION:
✓ Make winning a lifestyle, - Cells are one of the smallest
✓ Specialize in the strategy God gives you. microorganism in any living organism.
✓ Have homogenous cells. When it comes to church cells, it is
✓ Visualize how many people you want to win. interesting to note that although they may
✓ Establish weekly goals. start small, they can easily multiply.
✓ Plan fasting, intercession and prayer.
✓ Learn to put on outreach event. 1. THE CELL GROUP IS OUR FIRST EXPERIENCE
✓ Keep an eye on the excellence of the cells. - The cell is our first experience; IT IS OUR
✓ Go thought the whole process of the ladder FIRST CHALLENGE OF RESPONSIBILITY.
of success with every new person. - Our heart’s desire for each meeting was
that those who came could connect with
6. GOD’S REQUIREMENTS FOR WINNING SOULS Jesus so that their needs could be met. It
✓ Holiness speaks to them from the Word of God in a
✓ Spirituality simple, clear way so that they could
✓ Humility achieve the desires of their hearts. The Lord
✓ Faith kept on doing extraordinary miracles in the
✓ Simplicity people which motivated them to invite their
✓ Complete dependence on Christ closest friends.
✓ Determine to know the Holy Spirit
- David was diligent in this responsibility the • PRAYER OF THREE FOR A MONTH.
entire time he was with that small flock; he - Just not praying brings death, praying with
did not lose even one sheep, he took care of perseverance for thirty days releases life.
those that were ill, he constantly protected If we commit for one month to pray for
them, and he faced wild animals for them, people who are not yet believers, the Spirit
risking his own life to defend the sheep. of God will extend His mercy and give them
AS KING OVER THE NATION OF ISRAEL. - After the 30 days of prayer, contact each
person you have been praying for. The goal
3. DEFINITION OF A CELL GROUP is to show interest in their wellbeing and to
- Cells are small groups of people who meet share God’s love for their lives.
at least once a week in an effort to
develop all-round growth centered on the CONCLUSION:
Word of God. Given that there are generally many people in
✓ Host (Location and the Food) Sunday meetings and many people can be neglected,
✓ Leader (Word of God) the work in weekly cells meets their need. There
✓ Regular (Worship/Games/Icebreaker) people are motivated to attend an encounter and to
✓ Invites later join the School of Leaders, knowing that they
✓ (Acts 6:7, 20:20-21) will then be able to lead their own cell; in this way,
they too will become channels of blessings to others.
- CELL GROUPS make PERSONAL PASTORING Cell groups are the backbone of the Church.
- Jesus was always thinking about meeting lesson 9 – READY TO
the needs of every person and He developed
His ministry through contact with people. CONSOLIDATE
The cellular vision allows us to do what
Jesus did; even the simplest believer can Colossians 1:28-29
gather their family so that the cell leader “We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching
can directly pastor each person. everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present
- Cell groups are the mine from which you everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor,
extract your twelve leaders struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully
- The cell is an effective way of training and works in me”
selecting our team of twelve. From those
who meet weekly in a house, an office or a OBJECTIVES:
workplace, etc., we can select those most ❑ To learn some principles of leadership
successful at producing fruit to form part of through the example of the Apostle Paul.
our team of leaders who will support us in ❑ To understand what consolidation is.
the ministry (Luke 6:12-17) ❑ To learn to apply the fundamentals of the
process of Consolidation.
4. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CELLULAR VISION ❑ To see the principle of Consolidation
- OPENING A/YOUR HOUSE FOR A CELL MEETING is through the ministry of the Apostles.
HOME. - Consolidation is the stage following conversion
5. THE PURPOSE OF CELL GROUPS when the new believer receives constant care
• To open the door for our families and until the character of Christ is fully formed in
friends to be saved (Acts 10) them, to such an extent that the purpose of God,
• To help people to have contact with leaders. of “bearing fruit that last,” is fulfilled in their
• To provide the opportunity for the people to life.
receive a touch from God. - The consolidation process allows cell leaders to
discover the potential in each member,
awakening their ability to reproduce
themselves in the others while sharing and 5. PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION
reinforcing the message of Christ. o Acts 2:41-42
41 Those who accepted his message were baptized,
1. PAUL’S EXAMPLE and about three thousand were added to their
• Paul proclaimed, trained and taught number that day.
(Colossians 1:28-29) 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’
• He knew the calling on his life form the teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread
moment of his conversion. and to prayer.
• He was faithful to the vision God gave him.
• He preach a message of repentance. • Verify their decision
• It was his goal to become their father - Consolidation in the early church was effective
through the gospel. because they first helped people to understand
their spiritual condition, they then instructed
2. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF CONSOLIDATION? them, baptized all who accepted Jesus and
- Consolidation does away with the floating collected their details. We can conclude that
mass that moves from church to church. details were collected because the Bible refers
When we motivate new believers to join a to the number of people added to the Church,
small group, they are strengthen in their implying that they kept a record of the new
faith and become true disciples of Jesus. believers.
- In this way we teach them how to firstly
strengthen themselves in the Lord, and then • Devote yourself to the apostles’ teaching
how to get involved in the ministry, becoming a - The apostle’ teaching forms the foundation for
channel of blessing to others. the believer's spiritual growth. It consist of
three ingredients:
3. EFFECTIVE CONSOLIDATION ✓ First, spiritual milk.
- Consolidation needs to relate to act of winning. ✓ Second, the bread of Word of God.
Interceding in prayer for someone to be saved is ✓ Third, solid food.
very different from happening to be behind a
person when they decide to accept Jesus in their • Fellowship
heart. (ex. Mother waits for her baby to be born) - God created us as social beings, so He rejoice
- Before we win someone for Jesus, they start to when we have correct relationships with one
take shape in the spiritual world, through our another. A consolidator’s success depends on
prayer and patience. The process continues until the relationship, similar to that between a
their spirit is born into eternal life when they parent and their child.
accept Jesus in their heart as Lord and Savior. - The early church developed this practice,
resulting in true companionship; this is mainly
4. BECOME SPIRITUAL PARENTS established in small groups, like Cell
- In 1 Corinthians 4:15, Paul taught us that the Groups/Life Groups.
WORK OF CONSOLIDATOR IS BEING A FATHER AND - Cells promote closer contacts, we find it easier
A GUARDIAN, OR A NURSE is someone who is to tell who is present or missing from the larger
employed to take care of babies. meetings.
THE TIME AND CONCENTRATION, and it varies • Share in the breaking of bread
depending on the person you are consolidating. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the
It is important that early on, every new believer temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and
knows that Jesus has provided a new way for ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47
their life; therefore, take the time to teach them praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
the Four Precious Opportunities. And the Lord added to their number daily those who
were being saved. (Acts 2:46-47)
• Persevere in prayer
- Prayer needs to be a lifestyle for every believer.
Prayer makes sure we stay on the correct path.
Not praying would imply a break in our
communication with God. Jesus said that we ❑ To understand that the ‘one-hundred and
should watch and pray. The apostle always forty-four’ is the key to multiplication.
made every effort to ensure that the whole INTRODUCTION:
church maintained a constant life of prayer. - We can see here that a well-consolidated group
of 12 produced a hundred and forty-four. These
6. HABITS THAT THE NEW BELIVER SHOULD PUT INTO 144 bring the multitudes.
DISCIPLE, NOT JUST A CHURCH-ATTENDEE. Being - It is not difficult to grow when you are marked
a disciple means being willing to follow Christ, by God’s anointing, nor do you need to strive to
obeying His Word every day. get the multitudes to follow you; the people will
• TEACH THEM TO PRAY AS IF THEY WERE HAVING A run to you because of God’s Name.
CONVERSATION, using spontaneous and sincere - This is what happens when people implement
prayer; introduce them to prayer as worship, the vision. God gives them an anointing and
praise thanks, petition, confession and grace to influence people; He fulfills His promise
intercession. that the least will become a thousand and the
• TEACH THEM TO SET A TIME ASIDE EVERY DAY TO smallest, a mighty nation.
✓ What is God saying to me? Something o Isaiah 55:10-11 NIV
personal. 10 As the rain and the snow come down
✓ What is God commanding me? What He from heaven, and do not return to it without watering
wants to me to do. the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it
✓ What is God promising me? The promise I am yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11
going to claim. so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will
not return to me empty, but will accomplish what
CONCLUSION: desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Our responsibility does not end once we have taken
a person to church. The moment they accept Jesus - GOALS ARE DECLARATION OF FAITH. Through
in there heart is when the real work of Isaiah, the Lord said, (Isaiah 55:10-11). The road
consolidation begins. to success starts with the question: “Where am I
Our success in implementing the vision is directly heading?”
linked to the quality of our prayer life. This is - When we do not have goals and objectives in life
because the God who sees what is done in secret - We face the greatest obstacle in the realization
will reward you in public. of our dreams.
- WHAT IS A GOAL? It is clear objective with a set
lesson 10 – THE POWER OF 144 date. It is a dream to which you have assigned a
time limit.
Revelation 7:2-4
2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the 3. THREE THOUGHTS
east, having the seal of the living God. He called out - These will help you to organize your goals;
in a loud voice to the four angels who had been ➢ When do I want to achieve this goal by?
given power to harm the land and the sea: ➢ What do I need to learn so that I can achieve
3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until it?
we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of ➢ Who are the right people to help me reach
our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who this goal, and how can they help?
were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. - LIVING WITHOUT GOALS IS LIKE ADVANCING
❑ To understand that through the Vision, God ✓ Are declaration of faith.
gives us the anointing of multiplication. ✓ Should not return without the expected
❑ To understand the different strategies to results.
take care of the multitudes. ✓ Originated in the heart of God.
- In Isaiah 55, the Lord speaks about the rain 8
For physical training is of some value, but godliness
having four purposes. We can draw a parallel has value for all things, holding promise for both the
between these and four steps in the ladder of present life and the life to come.
✓ Water the earth: Win. PHILIPPIANS 4:9
✓ Make the earth bud: Consolidate. 9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from
✓ Flourish: Disciple. me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of
✓ Yield seed for the sower and bread for the peace will be with you.
eater: Send.
PSALM 32:8
5. THE 144 BRING MULTIPLICATION I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you
After this I looked, and there before me was a
great multitude that no one could count, from every
nation, tribe, people and language, standing before 2 TIMOTHY 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
white robes and were holding palm branches in their righteousness,
hands. (Revelation 7:9)
- Great multiplication comes from after
establishing the 144, who receive the seal of God
on their foreheads when they accept the call. In
his vision, the Apostle sees that every one of the
twelve had achieved their goal.
- Each leader was responsible for twelve
thousand. The same is true for those
implementing the vision: each person works
towards their goal of having twelve.
- They loudly declare that Jesus is the Savior.
“And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation
belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and
to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10).
- They know the redemptive power of the Blood of
Jesus. “ These are they who have come out of
the great tribulation; they have washed their
robes and made them white in the blood of the
Lamb” (v.14)
- They will be shepherded and comforted by the
Lamb of God. “For the Lamb at the center of the
throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them
to springs of living water. And God will wipe
away every tear from their eyes” (v.17)

A seed must die to produce fruit. Because of their
hurry to see rapid growth, some leaders have made
the mistake of missing some aspects of the vision out
of their disciples, resulting only in stagnation.
Therefore, you should set a goal to carefully and
faithfully carry out every detail of the vision.


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