Feminism Notes
Feminism Notes
Feminism Notes
Start or feminism
Renewal of an old tradition of thought
Diagnosed the problem, of women’s inequality in society
Aim – correct/criticism the portal and representation of women in literature.
o Mary Wollstonecraft’s - “A Vindication of the Rights of Women”
Discusses male writers
o Olive schreiner’s - “Women and Labor”
o Virginia Woolf’s - “A Room of One’s Own”
Portrays unequal treatment
o Simone de Beauvoir’s - “The Second Sex”
Male contributors –
o John Stuart Mill – The Subjugation of Women
Fought against legal and social equality
o Friedrich Engels – The Origin of the Family
Family structure is oppressive, religion = bad
Product of the ‘Woman’s movement’ of 1960s
o Realized the significance of the images of women promulgated by literature
o Realized it was vital to combat them and question their authority and their
o Woman’s movement concerned wit books and literature
o Feminist criticism should not be seen as a spin-off of feminism
o Its most practical ways of influencing everyday conduct and attitude
Toril Moi
o Feminist – political position
o Female – a matter of biology
o Feminine – lies much of the force of feminism
Representation of women in literature = most imp forms of socialization.
o Provide role model
o Constituted acceptable versions of the ‘feminine’ and feminine goals and aspirations
Feminists pointed out (19th cent lit) – very few women work unless desperation, focus on the
heroin’s choice of marriage partner, which decides social position = happiness and
fulfillment in life
Against 3 things
o Articulation of female gender roles ascribed through socialization
o Women should be conformed to a domestic space, married off
o Acceptable versions of feminism.
o People saw feminists as those who did not conform and were out to
destroy/castrate the concept of Man
Major events went into exposing what might be called the mechanisms of patriarchy
(cultural mind-set in men and women which perpetuate sexual inequality)
o Patriarchy = one kind of individual can hold power – masculine
Critical attention given for books by male author in which influential or typical images of
women were portrayed.
Feminist movement in the 70s was combative, vigilant and outspoken.
Elaine Showaiter
Feminist criticism has concerned disagreements about the amount and type of theory that
should feature in it
Anglo-American feminism more skeptical about recent critical theory and are more cautious
abt using them
French feminists adopted and adapted a great deal of post-structuralist and psychoanalytic
criticism as the basis of much of their work