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Transport of Lubricants in
Centralized Lubrication Systems

The choice of a suitable lubricant for the re- This should be done with due attention being The choice and specifications are also deter-
spective application and the choice of the paid to the loads to be expected in operation mined on the basis of financial and economic
right lubrication system play decisive roles in and the resulting ambient conditions. The lu- considerations.
the successful lubrication of bearings. bricant supplier will give the user support in
the choice of a lubricant, with assistance also
It is up to the user or manufacturer of the coming from the lubrication system’s sup-
machine to choose the right lubricant and plier in choosing an appropriate lubrication
specify how often it is delivered and in what system.
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems


General Remarks
The lubricant, and this is often overlooked, is a design element. Only Basically, a distinction is made in practice between lubricating oils
the right choice and combination of properties will provide an optimal and lubricating greases.1)
result. While the tribological properties of lubricants may be largely
known and described, the properties that impact their delivery are Lubricating oils are classified usually on the basis of their origin,
usually not. They are, however, elementary and must be considered such as:
not only for the choice of appropriate components for the centralized • biogenic lubricants made of vegetable oils and animal fats
lubrication system but also for its configuration. • mineral oils
• synthetic oils
The wide range of demands on lubricants has led to a barely mana-
geable number of sometimes highly specialized lubricants. Lubricants Lubricating greases are mostly classified in accordance with the type
are also adapted to the special demands of a lube task by way of their of thickener used, which in the case of metal-based thickeners is also
structure and through the admixture of special additives – ingredients referred to frequently as a soap. A few commonly used thickening
that impart certain properties and optimize functions. agents are:

• aluminum soap, aluminum complex soap

Deliverability • barium soap, barium complex soap
The general opinion that the deliverability of a lubricant can only be • calcium soap, calcium complex soap
determined on the basis of its consistency or viscosity is outdated • lithium soap, lithium complex soap
and no longer sufficient. Information on the consistency or viscosity • sodium soap, sodium complex soap
will only help to arrive at a preliminary decision about the choice of a • PTFE
possible lubrication system. The way the lubricant and lubrication sys- • inorganic thickeners (Bentonite)
tem behave during delivery can only be estimated. If there is a need • polyurea
for a high degree of availability and precision that also takes into • silica
account the special operating conditions and system properties, it is
advisable to first arrange for a special laboratory test to determine a Table 9 to 13 show examples of SKF greases. Information on choosing
a grease can also be found on the Internet at www.skf.com, in
lubricant’s functionality when used together with the lubrication sys- the product catalog or at www.mapro.skf.com

SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG has tested a large number of

lubricants over the decades, the focus being on their deliverability in
centralized lubrication systems. If it is not possible to fall back on
previous test results in the event of inquiries, SKF Lubrication
Systems Germany AG also offers to perform such tests as a service
to its customers.

2 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Physical Properties

Viscosity of Oils Consistency of Lubricating Greases

An oil’s deliverability is largely affected by its viscosity. Temperature In the case of lubricating greases, one does not speak of viscosity,
changes occurring while a centralized lubrication system is in opera- since greases are not classified as “Newtonian fluids”. In this case, one
tion (“cold” oil at the start, “hot” oil in operation) alter the viscosity of speaks of consistency, even though the lubricating grease, in addition
the lubricating oil being used. The change in viscosity depends on the to the thickener and additives, also consists in large part of oil. The
type of oil. It is described by way of the so-called “temperature-de- percentage of oil depends on the consistency grade (NLGI grade) and
pendence of viscosity”. As a rule, oil becomes less viscous (i.e. more ranges from roughly 70 % to about 95 %. As a consequence of chang-
runny) with rising temperatures and more viscous (i.e. less runny) es in temperature, the viscosity of the oil naturally changes as well,
with falling temperatures. A distinction is made between kinemat- meaning in this case the base oil, which consequently also chang-
ic and dynamic viscosity. The one is converted to the other using the es the consistency of the lubricating greases. The greatest change in
density of the oil and the following formula. consistency, however, is caused by the thickening agent, which grows
firmer with falling temperature. The consistency shows the degree of
Kinematic viscosity = rigidity of the lubricating grease.
dynamic viscosity / density
In accordance with the classification developed by the U.S. Nation-
The dimension (unit) of kinematic viscosity is mm²/s, formerly cSt (cen- al Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) drop “of the USA”, lubricating
tiStoke); for the dynamic viscosity it is mPa/s, formerly cP (centiPoise). greases are divided up into consistency grades in keeping with their
The kinematic viscosity is normally given for 40 °C. But in the case of penetration1). When the temperature drops, the lubricant gets “hard-
some manufacturers, it is also possible to find values for 100 °C. er”, the fluidity worsens as a result and the power needed for its de-
livery rises accordingly. For the operation of a centralized lubrication
The components selected for the centralized lubrication systems have system, one therefore has to expect higher hydraulic pressures during
to be able to reliably deliver the lubricating oil throughout the entire delivery and after the system’s pressure is relieved (residual pressure
expected range of viscosity. The more viscous the oil, the higher the = system pressure between two lube routines).
sheer forces during delivery and the greater the load on the pump
used to deliver the lubricant. The same applies to the expected pres- A change in consistency also occurs when oil separates from the
sure losses in the delivery tubing that the pump has to work against. thickener. That happens increasingly in the case of lubricants with an
The amount of pressure lost depends here on the tubing’s geometric elevated tendency to separate. The separation of oil and thickener
dimensions, mainly its internal diameter, and on the spatial extent of consequently results in hardened lubricant that leads to poorer flow
the lubrication system, the amount/time of delivery and the oil’s vis- properties, up to and including failure of the lubrication system.
cosity at the time of delivery. It also depends directly as well on the
operating temperature at which the lubrication system runs. Also, see the section covering the separation of oil on page 5.

Relaxation characteristics
Another important property affecting the use of a lubricant is its so-
called relaxation characteristic. This is a value that is determined in
the laboratory and permits conclusions about the lubricant’s flow, with
a special focus on the residual pressure and pressure relief response.

See Table 5

1-9201-EN 3
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Chemical Properties

Materials Surroundings
The components used in equipment and systems that come into con- Lubricants are subject to a natural aging process whose speed and
tact with a lubricant can interact chemically with the lubricant. Prima- form is catalytically influenced by many environmental factors.
ry attention is given in this respect to the design elements that serve Oxidation and temperature are the main factors accelerating the
as seals, e.g. O-rings, collars and rotary shaft seals. But the proper- aging process. The influence of heat and the addition of oxygen, e.g.
ties of plastics used in bodies, reservoirs and coats of paint can also when the lubricant is sprayed with air or stirred, promote oxidation
be changed by the lubricant. So the fluids to be delivered have to be and thus the aging process. In addition, this process is accelerated by
compatible with the materials used in the centralized lubrication sys- the presence of acidic reaction products, e.g. residue from combustion
tems. In case of doubt, information on the materials’ resistance to the processes and/or traces of metal abrasion.
lubricant will have to be obtained from the lubricant’s manufacturer They also act catalytically and have an abrasive effect or lead to
since, as a rule, only the manufacturer knows confidental the chemi- corrosive wear. When oil ages, acids are formed as well as deposits
cal composition of the lubricants. containing paint, resin and sludge that are mostly insoluble in oil, e.g.
oil carbon. These residues can be deposited in the oil reservoirs and
The materials used in the centralized lubrication systems made by thus make the lubrication system or even the system to be lubricated
SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG are largely compatible to com- malfunction. This is why reservoirs and system parts should be ins-
monly used lubricants based on mineral oils. Suitable solutions are pected on a regular basis.
available on request for special lubricant bases like, for instance, syn-
thetic and native esters as well as PAO, etc.
Lubricants contain chemical elements and compounds that can be
Ecology harmful to people and the environment. Harm can occur in many
Lubricants that get into the environment are harmful to flora and fau- ways if lubricants are handled improperly. Examples are contact with
na, and they disturb and endanger the ecological balance. That is why the skin and inhalation of oil mist and aerosols (pay attention to MAC
rapidly biodegradable lubricants should be used in especially sensi- values!).
tive areas.
Always pay attention to the information in the lubricant
The centralized lubrication system’s user is responsible not only for manufacturer’s safety data sheets and the operating instructions for
responsible handling of the lubricant but also for its purchase, sto- the centralized lubrication system when handling, using and disposing
rage, use and disposal. of lubricants. Unpleasant odors can cause nausea wich may require
medical attention.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to the miscibility of lubrica-
ting greases when switching to another type of grease. If incompa-
tible greases are mixed with each other, it is possible for bearings to
be damaged because, for instance, the consistency undergoes a great
change and the grease escapes from the bearing assembly.

Lubricating greases with the same thickener and similar base oils can
usually be mixed without any deleterious consequences, an example
being lithium soap greases with a mineral base oil. But also greases
with other thickeners like, for instance, calcium-complex and lithium-
complex soap greases can in some cases be mixed with each other.
Table 8 in the Appendix provides an overview of miscibility.

4 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Lubricant Requirements to Enhance Deliverability

Cleanliness Flow Pressure

The lubricant has to be largely free of contaminants. In the case of oil, The lubricant’s flow pressure within the centralized lubrication system’s
we recommend the use of filters with a fineness of 10 µm. expected operating temperature range has to amount to less
than 700 mbars.
In the case of lubricating greases, filtration is problematic but not un-
usual. Pay attention to the information in DIN ISO 51825 as regards Viscosity
particle sizes and cleanliness. The oil viscosity within the centralized lubrication system’s expected
operating temperature range has to lie within the viscosity range ap-
proved for the selected unit. Normally, oils can be delivered within a
No Entrapped Air viscosity range of 20 mm²/s to 800 mm²/s. Viscosities that deviate
Air in the form of bubbles (i.e. undissolved gases) leads unavoidably from this range are possible, depending on the unit.
to uncontrollable behavior and function slowdowns, up to and inclu-
ding malfunctions of the centralized lubrication system. Pressure
build-up and relief times are lengthened, the response of control Oil Separation (“Bleeding”)
equipment is delayed. The lubricating grease should not exceed the separation limits defined by
SKF. The FTG2 test procedure, developed and offered by SKF and descri-
bed below, provides conclusive results on these limits.
The lubricant must have an even consistency and must not split up
into semifluid and solid phases. Testing of Lubricants
As already mentioned, lubricant tests are offered and performed by SKF
Lubrication Systems Germany AG, as a service. The tests are related ex-
Temperature Stability clusively to the deliverability of the lubricant in SKF centralized lubrication
The lubricant used must be deliverable and remain homogenous at systems. The extent and type of tests depend, to begin with, on the con-
all anticipaced operating temperatures in the centralized lubrication sistency of the lubricant to be tested and on the lubrication system selec-
system. ted to deliver the lubricant.

A distinction is additionally made on the basis of the application, the

Lubricant Additives properties of the selected components and the type of centralized lub-
Solid additives, like graphite or molybdenum disulfide (MOS2), can rication system. The applications are roughly broken down according to
lead to deposits in the lubricant reservoir, pump, valves and distri- industries, such as wind energy, railways (standard-gauge railways or
butors. Greater wear, up to and including malfunctioning components, trams), motor vehicles (commercial or off-road vehicles), and such which
cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to make sure that there are only a require minimal quantity lubrication.
certain number of additives in the lubricant and that these additives are
so fine that they remain in suspension in the lubricant. Filters must not Tables in the Appendix provide an overview of the sometimes special
separate such additives. The following limits provide some guidelines: tests that are developed and performed by SKF Lubrication Systems
Germany AG. They can be ordered by the customer. Corresponding order
particle size <= 3 µm, percentage <= 4 % numbers can likewise be found in the tables.

Other values can apply, depending on the components. In case of It should also be mentioned that the tests listed there are only tests
doubt, it will first be necessary to conduct laboratory tests. relating to the deliverability of the lubricants and that a large number of
additional tests for analyses of lubricants and their usability can be perfor-
med in other SKF material laboratories. But that will not be discussed in
this document.

1-9201-EN 5
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Assistant in the Selection of an Appropriate Lubrication System

SKF centralized lubrication systems can deliver lubricants with the following consistencies, depending on the choice of components:

• oils with a service viscosity range from 2 mm²/s to 30,000 mm²/s

• lubricating greases with a consistency ranging from NLGI grade 000 to NLGI grade 5, depending on the effective flow pressure,
i.e. the flow pressure prevailing during delivery.

That means appropriate lubrication systems are available for a wide range of applications. Selecting a suitable systems and components is
assisted by giving due consideration to the respectively expected operating conditions, special lubricant properties and stability of the selected
materials in contact with the lubricants’ ingredients. Fundamental help with the choice of these components can be found in the product data
sheets, catalogs and technical documents. In addition, the technical field service and office staff of SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG are
available to the customer for consultation and configuration of the installation.

Centralized Lubrication Systems Centralized Lubrication Systems

for Oil Lubricating Grease
Deliverable Deliverable
– mineral oil, oil based on synthetic ester or native ester 1) – Fluid greases conforming to NLGI Gr. 00 / 000
Types of centralized lubrication systems Type of systems
– single-line systems with piston distributors – single-line systems for fluid greases conforming
– circulating lubrication systems with progressive feeders to NLGI Gr. 00 / 000 with piston distributors
– circulating lubrication systems with metering valve distributors – lubrication systems with progressive feeders
– oil-air lubrication systems with mixing valves Deliverable
– minimal quantity lubrication systems – lubricating greases conforming to NLGI Gr. 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Feed pumps / units Types of centralized lubrication systems
– gear pumps – single-line systems
– gerotor pumps – progressive systems
– piston pumps – dual-line systems
– aerosol generators Feed pumps / units
– srew pumps – gear pump units
Lubricant distribution – piston pump units driven by pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power
– piston distributors Lubricant distribution
– progressive feeders – progressive feeders
– metering valve distributors – dual-line distributors
– mixing valves – piston distributors
General limits on use in operation Limits on use in operation
– service viscosity ranging effectively from 20 mm²/s to 1000 mm²s 2) – operating temperature range (standard) 5 °C to 40 °C 4)
– individual types of units can deviate as described in the – operating temperature range (extended) -25 °C to 70 °C 5)
aquipment’s technical data3)
– operating temperature range (standard) 5 °C to 40 °C 4)
– operating temperature range (extended) -25 °C to 100 °C 5)

1) 3)
The oil has to be compatible with the materials used in the centralized lubrication You can find information on the permissible equipment-related service viscosity ranges
system. That applies especially to plastics (PA, PE, FKM) and sealing materials (NBR, in the technical data of the respective types of equipment.
FKM) that come into contact with the lubricant. In case of doubt, the lubricant Deviating from this equipment operating temperature range is only permissible if approved
manufacturer is the authority on the materials’ to ask for information on the materials’ stability. by the equipment manufacturer.
2) 5)
The viscosity of oil changes in operation. It basically depends on the oil temperature The lubrication system’s components for the “extended” operating temperature range
(temperature-dependence of viscosity). Decisive for the use of oil in a centralized always have to be chosen in cooperation with the lubrication system’s manufacturer and
lubrication system is the viscosity range effectively arrived at during the lower and the lubricant’s manufacturer.
upper operating temperatures of the centralized lubrication system.

6 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 1
Lubricants for delivery in centralized lubrication systems for commercial vehicles (ON/OFF-Road)

Lubricant Lubricating greases Lubricating greases Test:

NLGI Gr. 1 to 4 NLGI Gr. 000 to 00

standard =
Feeders / distributors Progressive / piston Piston on request = *
Feed pumps KFG / KFA KFU / KFB not applicable =

Order No. 999-999-952 999-999-954

Visual evaluation

Entrapped air *
Oil separation *
Contamination *
Plastic resistance

Discoloring *
Brittleness *

Penetration (temperature range)

Tendency to separate

Hardening / FTG2

Flow pressure

Pressure (temperature range)

Sheer test

Consistency stability *
Pressure build-up

Pressure/time response (temperat. range) *

System test

As specified (temperature range) *

Function test

As specified (temperature range) *

Spray patterns

Spray cone / quantity (temperat. range)

Delivery test

Volume / time (temperature range)

Particle measurement

Number / size

Result analysis

Test Report

1-9201-EN 7
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 2
Lubricants for Delivery in Centralized Lubrication Systems for Industrial Installations

Lubricant Lubricating greases Lubricating greases Oils Test:

NLGI Gr. 1 to 4 NLGI Gr. 000 to 00

standard =
Feeders / distributors Progressive / piston Piston Piston on request = *
Feed pumps KFG / KFA KFU / KFB MKU not applicable =

Order No. 999-999-953 999-999-955 999-999-95x

Visual evaluation

Entrapped air *
Oil separation *
Contamination *
Plastic resistance

Discoloring * *
Brittleness * *

Penetration (temperature range)

Tendency to separate

Hardening / FTG2

Flow pressure

Pressure (temperature range)

Sheer test

Consistency stability *
Pressure build-up

Pressure/time response (temperat. range) *

System test

As specified (temperature range) *

Function test

As specified (temperature range) *

Spray patterns

Spray cone / quantity (temperat. range)

Delivery test

Volume / time (temperature range)

Particle measurement

Number / size

Result analysis

Test Report

8 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 3
Lubricants for Delivery in Centralized Lubrication Systems for Railways and Trams

Lubricant Lubricating greases Test:

NLGI Gr. 000 to 00

standard =
Feeders / distributors Spray nozzles on request = *
Feed pumps PF100… / SP8 BF4.5 / SP9 not applicable =

Order No. 999-999-956 999-999-957

Visual evaluation

Entrapped air * *
Oil separation

Plastic resistance




Penetration (temperature range)

Tendency to separate

Hardening / FTG2

Flow pressure

Pressure (temperature range)

Sheer test

Consistency stability

Pressure build-up

Pressure/time response (temperat. range)

System test

As specified (temperature range)

Function test

As specified (temperature range)

Spray patterns

Spray cone / quantity (temperat. range)

Delivery test

Volume / time (temperature range)

Particle measurement

Number / size

Result analysis

Test Report

1-9201-EN 9
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 4
Lubricants for Delivery in Minimal Quantity Lubrication Systems
for Industrial Applications

Lubricant Oils Test:

standard =
MQL unit Vario not applicable =
Order No. 999-999-5xx

Visual evaluation

Entrapped air

Oil separation


Plastic resistance




Penetration (temperature range)

Tendency to separate

Hardening / FTG2

Flow pressure

Pressure (temperature range)

Sheer test

Consistency stability

Pressure build-up

Pressure/time response (temperat. range)

System test

As specified (temperature range)

Function test

As specified (temperature range)

Spray patterns

Spray cone / quantity (temperat. range)

Delivery test

Volume / time (temperature range)

Particle measurement

Number / size

Result analysis

Test Report

10 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 5 Table 6
NLGI classification of lubricating greases Example designation of a lubricating grease to DIN 51825

NLGI Grade Worked Penetration Consistency at Example 1)

KP 2 G –20
(10-1 mm) Room Temperature
000 445 - 475 Very fluid
KP = Lubricating greases with
00 400 - 430 Fluid mineral oil and EP ingredients

0 355 - 385 Semifluid

2 = NLGI Grades
1 310 - 340 Very soft

2 265 - 295 Soft G = Letter upper service temperature,

reaction to water
3 220 - 250 Relatively stiff

4 175 - 205 Stiff –20 = Lower service temperature

5 130 - 160 Very stiff
6 85 - 115 Block grease alternatives: K = Lubricating greases for the lubrication of rolling and plain
bearings with mineral oil as the base oil and thickener
KF = Lubricating greases with mineral oil and solid lubricant additives
KPF= Lubricating greases with mineral oil, EP ingredients and solid
lubricant additives
KE = Lubricating greases with ester oil as the base oil

Table 7
Additional classification letters for lubricating greases

Letter Upper Service Temperature (°C) Reaction to Water to DIN 51807

C +60 0 - 40 bis 1 - 40

D +60 2 - 40 bis 3 - 40

E +80 0 - 40 bis 1 - 40

F +80 2 - 40 bis 3 - 40

G +100 0 - 90 bis 1 - 90

H +100 2 - 90 bis 3 - 90

K +120 0 - 90 bis 1 - 90

M +120 2 - 90 bis 3 - 90

N +140 on appointment with the customer and SKF

P +160 on appointment with the customer and SKF

R +180 on appointment with the customer and SKF

S +200 on appointment with the customer and SKF

T +220 on appointment with the customer and SKF

U >+220 on appointment with the customer and SKF

1-9201-EN 11
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 8
Miscibility of thickeners

Lithium Calcium Sodium Lithium Calcium Sodium Barium Aluminum Bentonite Polyurea Calcium
complex complex complex complex complex sulfonate

Lithium – – –

Calcium – –

Sodium – – –

– –

– – –

– –



– – – – – –

Bentonite – – – –

Polyurea –

sulfonate – – –

Mixture permissible = Mixture not permissible = – Test required =

12 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 9
Basic choice of grease (lubricating greases available from SKF)

For standard applications LGMT 2 Multipurpose grease


Operating temperatures in continuous operation above 100 °C LGHP 2 High-temperature grease

Operating temperatures in continuous operation above 150 °C LGET 2 High-temperature grease

Low ambient temperature, down to -50 °C, expected operating temperature below 50 °C LGLT 2 Low-temperature grease

Shock loads, high loads, frequent starting and braking LGEP 2 High pressure grease

For applications in the foodstuffs industry LGFP 2 Grease compatible with foodstuffs

When high demands are made on environmental compatibility LGGB 2 Biodegradable grease

Please note:
– At relatively high ambient temperatures, it is advisable to use LGMT 3 instead of LGMT 2.
– For special operating conditions, see the SKF lubricating grease selection table 13.

Table 10
Bearing Operating Data

Operating temperature

L = low <50 °C

M = medium 50 bis 100 °C

H = high > 100 °C

EH = extremely high > 150 °C

Speed coefficient for ball bearings (n×dm ) [min-1]

EH = extremely high over 700 000

VH = very high up to 700 000

H = high up to 500 000

M = medium up to 300 000

L = low below 100.000

Speed coefficient for cylindrical roller bearings (n×dm) [min-1] Remaining roller bearings (n×dm) [min-1]

H = high over 210 000 over 270 000

M = medium up to 210 000 up to 270 000

L = low up to 75 000 up to 75 000

VL = very low below 30 000 below 30 000


VH = very high P > 0,15 C

H = high 0,1 C <P <= 0,15 C

M = normal 0,05 C < P <= 0,1 C

L = light P <= 0.05 C

1-9201-EN 13
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 11
SKF Lubricating Grease Selection Table

SKF lub. grease Description Operating temperature Speed Load

LGMT 2 Multipurpose grease for industry and automotive engineering M M L to M

LGMT 3 Multipurpose grease for industry and automotive engineering M M L to M
LGEP 2 High-pressure grease M L to M M
LGFP 2 Lubricating grease compatible with food M M L to M
LGEM 2 High-viscosity grease with solid lubricant additives M VL H toVH
LGEV 2 Extremely high viscosity, solid lubricant additives M VL H to VH
LGLT 2 Low-temperature grease, high-speed grease L to M M to EH L
LGGB 2 Biodegradable, low toxicity L to M L to M M to H
LGWM 1 High-pressure grease, low-temperature grease L to M L to M H
LGWA 2 Lubricating grease for a broad temperature range, high-pressure grease M to M L to M H
LGHB 2 High-viscosity grease, high-pressure grease, high-temperature grease M to H VL to M H to VH
LGHP 2 Heavy-duty grease M to H M to H L to M
LGET 2 Rolling bearing grease for extreme temperatures VH L to M H to VH

Table 12
SKF Lubricating Grease Selection Table (recommended = suitable = not suitable = –)

Vertical High-speed Slewing Strong Shock loads Quiet Low friction Corrosion
SKF lubri- shaft outer ring motions vibrations or frequent run protection
cating grease starting

LGMT 2 – – – –
LGMT 3 – – –
LGEP 2 – – –
LGFP 2 – – – – –
LGEM 2 – – –
LGEV 2 – – –
LGLT 2 – – –
LGGB 2 – –
LGWM 1 – – – – –
LGWA 2 –
LGHB 2 – –
LGHP 2 – –
LGET 2 – –

14 1-9201-EN
Transport of Lubricants in Centralized Lubrication Systems

Table 13
SKF Lubricating Grease Selection Table

SKF Temperature range Thickener / base oil Kinematic viscosity of base oil
grease LTL [°C] HTPL [°C] [mm²/s] bei 40 °C
LGMT 2 -30 (-22 °F) 120 (250 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 110
LGMT 3 -30 (-22 °F) 120 (250 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 120
LGEP 2 -20 (-4 °F) 110 (230 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 200
LGFP 2 -20 (-4 °F) 110 (230 °F) Aluminum complex soap / Medical white oil 130
LGEM 2 –20 (–4 °F) 120 (250 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 500
LGEV 2 –10 (–14 °F) 120 (250 °F) Lithium-calcium soap / Mineral oil 1 020
LGLT 2 –50 (–58 °F) 110 (230 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 18
LGGB 2 –40 (–40 °F) 90 (194 °F) Lithium-calcium soap / Mineral oil 110
LGWM 1 –30 (–22 °F) 110 (230 °F) Lithium soap / Mineral oil 200
LGWA 2 –30 (–22 °F) 140 (284 °F) Lithium complex soap / Mineral oil 185
LGHB 2 –20 (–4 °F) 150 (302 °F) Calcium–sulfonate complex soap / Mineral oil 400
LGHP 2 –40 (–40 °F) 150 (302 °F) Polyurea / Mineral oil 96
LGET 2 –40 (–40 °F) 260 (500 °F) PTFE Synthetic oil (fluorinated polyether) 400

More information on appropriate temperature ranges on request
LGGB 2 is briefly usable up to 120 °C
LGWA 2 is briefly usable up to 220 °C
LGHB 2 is briefly usable up to 200 °C

Table 14
Recommended operating temperature for SKF centralized lubrication systems

SKF grease Operating temperature [°C]

LEPP 2 > –15

LGEM 2 < 40, > –15
LGEV 2 < 40, > –15
LGFB 2 >0
LGFL 1 < 40, > –25
LGFP 2 > –15
LGGB 2 > –25
LGHB 2 > –15
LGHP 2 > –15
LGMT 2 < 40, > –25
LGMT 3 < 40, > –15
LGWA 2 < 40, > –25
LGWM 1 < 40, > –25

1-9201-EN 15
Order No. 1-9201-EN
Subject to change without notice! (07/2009)

Important product usage information

All products from SKF may be used only for their intended purpose as
described in this brochure and in any instructions. If operating instructions
are supplied with the products, they must be read and followed.
Not all lubricants are suitable for use in centralized lubrication systems.
SKF does offer an inspection service to test customer supplied lubricant to
determine if it can be used in a centralized system. SKF lubrication systems
or their components are not approved for use with gases, liquefied gases,
pressurized gases in solution and fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding
normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbars) by more than 0.5 bar at their
maximum permissible temperature.
Hazardous materials of any kind, especially the materials classified as ha-
zardous by European Community Directive EC 67/548/EEC, Article 2, Par. 2,
may only be used to fill SKF centralized lubrication systems and components
and delivered and/or distributed with the same after consulting with and
receiving written approval from SKF.

SKF Lubrication Systems Germany AG This brochure was presented by:

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® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.

© SKF Group 2009

The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may
not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permission is gran-
ted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or
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