1221 Question Paper
1221 Question Paper
1221 Question Paper
B.Tech. Summer 2018 - 19 Examination
Semester: 3 Date: 25/05/2019
Subject Code: 03105203 Time: 02:00pm to 04:30pm
Subject Name: Data Structures Total Marks: 60
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Start new question on new page.
Q.1 Objective Type Questions - (All are compulsory) (Each of one mark) (15)
5. The statement head->Link->Link->Link -> link = = NULL terminates a linked list after its _ node.
(a) 2nd (b) 4th (c) 5th (d) 3rd (e) first.
10. Inserting a Node at the end of link list takes O (1) time. True/False
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C) What are the methods for collision avoidance in hashing and explain one in detail.
Q.3 A) Write an algorithm for push and pop operation into stack. (07)
B) Write an algorithm to perform each of the following operations on singly linked list using (08)
head/first or start node.
1. add node at the end
2. insert a node containing x data after node having address p
B) What is Heap and explain it as per its types? Also construct MIN heap for the following Sequence. (08)
21, 18, 11, 4, 50, 56, 33, 11
Q.4 A) Explain Tower of Hanoi problem and Explain it by N=3 where N means no of plates. (07)
A) Transform the following expression to postfix and evaluate postfix expression (by assuming P=1, (07)
Q=2, R=3, S=5, T=5, U=6, V=4 and W=3) P +Q-R*S/T +U*V/W
B) Write an algorithm to perform each of the following operations on Circular linked list using (08)
head/first or start node.
1. add node at the start
2. add node at the end
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