2021 JCE Agri Loyola
2021 JCE Agri Loyola
2021 JCE Agri Loyola
Subject Number: J012
Time Allowed: 2 hours
(100 marks)
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
There are thirty questions in this section. Encircle the letter of your choice representing the right
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
6. The removal of weeds from the field 11. Which of the following is an input
is known as cost in animal production?
a. Transplanting a. purchase of fertiliser
b. Stalking b. purchase of seeds
c. Weeding c. purchase of layers marsh
d. Thinning d. purchase of herbicides
7. Which of the following is not a 12. Rearrange the following in order of
category of marketing function how a vegetable fence is constructed
a. Exchanging 1. Digging the holes in which
b. physical poles are fixed
c. facilitating 2. Marking the boundary of the
d. demand field
8. Choose the correct answer to 3. Tying cross members to the
complete the statement. Chemical members
weathering is also influenced by 4. Fixing the poles around the
a. wind field
b. temperature changes a. 1,2,3,4
c. living organisms b. 2,1,3,4
d. water c. 3,4,2,1
9. The layer of soil that is most d. 4,3,1,2
cultivated is 13. Thinning should be done
a. sub soil a. 12 days after germination
b. parent material b. 1 day after planting
c. top soil c. 10 days after germination
d. partly weathered parent material d. Before planting
10. Plants and animals are examples of 14. Which of the following is a symptom
a. physical weathering agents of maize cob rot in maize?
b. chemical weathering a. Yellowish streaking on leaves
c. biological weathering b. Grains on the cob become rotten
d. natural weathering c. Spores on the whole plant
d. Brown spores on leaves
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
15. Which of the following is not an Table 2 shows the relationship between
example of internal parasites of price and demand of bananas of a certain
market. Use it to answer questions 19and20
a. Round worm
b. Hook worm Price (mk) Demand (kg)
c. Tape worm
d. Lice 10 100
30. A farmer growing tomatoes kept the following record for the enterprise
Bought seeds k300.00
Bought fertilizer k2000.00
Bought insecticide k400.00
Labour charge k600.00price per head of tomatoes k30.00
a. Write down all the costs for the
b. Calculate the total income if the farmer produced 400 heads of tomatoes and sold them
(2 marks)
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
(3 marks)
31. Explain how the following ways contributes to the loss of soil fertility:
a. Crop removal
____________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
b. Monocropping
_____________________________________________________________(2 marks)
32. a. Give two examples of organic fertilizer:
________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
c. Describe two limitations of organic fertiliser:
___________________________________________________________ (4 marks)
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
35. Table 2 below shows feeds for laying chickens at various ages.
a. Fill in the blank spaces by mentioning the type of feed in the spaces given
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
(8 marks)
40. Give any three roles of agro-based industries in supporting the growing population
_______________________________________________________________(6 marks)
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