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2021 JCE Agri Loyola

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________



Subject Number: J012
Time Allowed: 2 hours
(100 marks)


1. This paper contains 11 printed pages. Question Tick if Do not write in

number answered these columns
Please check.
2. There are 40 questions in this paper. 21
3. The paper has three sections A, B, and C. 23
Answer all questions in all sections. 25
4. The maximum number of marks for the 27
answers in section B and C is indicated 29
against each question.
5. Answer the questions in the spaces
provided 34
6. In the table provided on this page, tick 36
against the question number you have 38
answered. 40


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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

There are thirty questions in this section. Encircle the letter of your choice representing the right

1. Which of the following are examples Table 1 shows results of an experiment on

of natural resources? different types of fertilizer applied against
a. Water,air,vegetation yield (kg) produced. Use it to answer
b. Air, moon, water questions 4 and 5
c. Sunlight, soil ,rocks
d. Vegetation, soil, temperature
2. Which of the following is not a
CAN 5500
scientific approach to agricultural
Urea 6000
Sulphate of 3500
a. Problem identification
b. Experimental design
No fertilizer 5000
c. Data collection
d. Report identification
3. Why is it advisable to have a control 4. The aim of the experiment was to
in an experiment? find out the effects of ......
a. To avoid environmental a. Different types of fertilizer
interferences b. Amount of yields
b. To obtain equal results in the c. Different types of fertilizer
experiment against yields produced
c. To avoid human bias in the d. None of the above
experiment 5. Which one is the best type of
d. To compare the treatments in the fertilizer?
experiment a. Can
b. Urea
c. No fertilizer
d. Sulphate of ammonia

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
6. The removal of weeds from the field 11. Which of the following is an input
is known as cost in animal production?
a. Transplanting a. purchase of fertiliser
b. Stalking b. purchase of seeds
c. Weeding c. purchase of layers marsh
d. Thinning d. purchase of herbicides
7. Which of the following is not a 12. Rearrange the following in order of
category of marketing function how a vegetable fence is constructed
a. Exchanging 1. Digging the holes in which
b. physical poles are fixed
c. facilitating 2. Marking the boundary of the
d. demand field
8. Choose the correct answer to 3. Tying cross members to the
complete the statement. Chemical members
weathering is also influenced by 4. Fixing the poles around the
a. wind field
b. temperature changes a. 1,2,3,4
c. living organisms b. 2,1,3,4
d. water c. 3,4,2,1
9. The layer of soil that is most d. 4,3,1,2
cultivated is 13. Thinning should be done
a. sub soil a. 12 days after germination
b. parent material b. 1 day after planting
c. top soil c. 10 days after germination
d. partly weathered parent material d. Before planting
10. Plants and animals are examples of 14. Which of the following is a symptom
a. physical weathering agents of maize cob rot in maize?
b. chemical weathering a. Yellowish streaking on leaves
c. biological weathering b. Grains on the cob become rotten
d. natural weathering c. Spores on the whole plant
d. Brown spores on leaves

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
15. Which of the following is not an Table 2 shows the relationship between
example of internal parasites of price and demand of bananas of a certain
market. Use it to answer questions 19and20
a. Round worm
b. Hook worm Price (mk) Demand (kg)
c. Tape worm
d. Lice 10 100

Fowl chorela is a disease that attacks 15 90

chickens .use this information to answer
20 80
question 16
30 70
16. What causes the disease
40 55
a. Virus
b. Bacteria 19. What is the relationship between the
c. Fungi
price and demand
d. Protozoa
17. How is the disease transmitted a. When the price decreases, the
a. Contact with infected chickens demand of bananas increases
b. Picking from the ground b. When the price increases, the
c. Contaminated feeds and water demand of bananas increases
d. Death c. When price increases, the
18. Which of the following ways can be demand of bananas decreases
used to control the disease d. When the price increases, the
mentioned above demand of bananas remains
a. Sanitation constant
b. Ventilation 19. What is the price of banana when
c. Use of sulphadimidine drug demand is the highest?
d. Drying a. 10mk/kg
b. 15mk/kg
c. 20mk/kg
d. 30mk/kg
20. What name is given to a farming
system where crops are grown
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
together with raising animals on the a. Insuring cash crops and valuable
same farm? livestock against physical
a. Crop rotation damage or theft
b. Mixed farming b. Infection or death of animals as a
c. Mixed cropping result of disease
d. Agro forestry c. Theft of crops or livestock which
21. Which of the following types of soil can be a serious setback to
erosion occurs on flat land where the farmer
top soil is removed from a large d. It enables a buyer and a seller
surface area? located at different places to
a. Sheet erosion transact business
b. Gully erosion 25. Which of the following industries in
c. Rill erosion Malawi produces Chombe Tea
d. Splash erosion a. Kapani
22. What name is given to enclosures b. Unilever
built to restrict the movement of c. Press food limited
animals? d. Rab processors limited
a. Spray race 26. Which of the following is the
b. Fences function of phosphorus?
c. Granaries a. It increases disease resistance in
d. Crushes crop
23. Which of the following is the farm b. Distorted shoot growth
business management? c. Short internodes
a. Capital d. Increased branching
b. Labour 27. Why are finances important?
c. Preparing the land a. It helps to apply for credit
d. Farm budgeting b. It helps farmers to avoid over
c. Hire labour or pay wages
d. It helps to check on the
production method
24. Which of the following are ways of
28. Which of the following is a problem
reducing marketing risks?
of agricultural marketing?
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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________
a. Storage of farm produce a. Assembling
b. Inadequate land b. Find supplies
c. Inadequate labour c. Selecting of marketing channel
d. Storage of farm inputs d. transportation
29. Which one of the following is one of
the selling activities?

SECTION B (40 marks)

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

30. A farmer growing tomatoes kept the following record for the enterprise
 Bought seeds k300.00
 Bought fertilizer k2000.00
 Bought insecticide k400.00
 Labour charge k600.00price per head of tomatoes k30.00
a. Write down all the costs for the
b. Calculate the total income if the farmer produced 400 heads of tomatoes and sold them

(2 marks)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

c. Calculate profit/loss for the farmer

(3 marks)

31. Explain how the following ways contributes to the loss of soil fertility:
a. Crop removal
____________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
b. Monocropping
_____________________________________________________________(2 marks)
32. a. Give two examples of organic fertilizer:
________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
c. Describe two limitations of organic fertiliser:
___________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

33. Explain three importance of weeding

________________________________ _______________________________(6 marks)
34. Figure 1 is a diagram of the digestive system of a farm animal.


a. To which class of livestock does the animal belong?

________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
b. Name the parts labelled:
K ______________________________
L _______________________________
M ___________________________________ (3 marks)
c. State one function of part L.
____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

35. Table 2 below shows feeds for laying chickens at various ages.
a. Fill in the blank spaces by mentioning the type of feed in the spaces given

Age in weeks Type of feed

(3 marks)

b. Explain why laying chickens needs a lot of calcium

___________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

Figure 2 is a diagram of a farm equipment .Use it to answer question 37

36. a. name the farm equipment

________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
c. Name the source of power that can be used to operate the farm equipment
___________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
d. Give any two reasons for observing safety measures when using the farm equipment
___________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

SECTION C (30 marks)

37. Explain any four limitations of intensive system.

______________________________________________________________ (8 marks)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

38. Give any four importance of planting early.

_______________________________________________________________ (8 marks)

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STUDENT ID: ___________________________________ CLASS: ___________

39. Fill the gaps in the table below:

Name of industry Raw materials Products

Capital oil industry

(8 marks)
40. Give any three roles of agro-based industries in supporting the growing population
_______________________________________________________________(6 marks)


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