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Check List: New Easternmost and Southernmost Records of Pseudoboa With A Distribution Map

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NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Check List 11(3): 1624, April 2015  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/11.3.1624
ISSN 1809-127X  © 2015 Check List and Authors

New easternmost and southernmost records of Pseudoboa

coronata Schneider, 1801 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Pseudoboini),
with a distribution map
Henrique Caldeira Costa1*, Giselle Agostini Cotta2 and Ross D. MacCulloch3

1 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Zoologia, Laboratório de Herpetologia.
Avenida Antônio Carlos 6627, Pampulha, 31270-901. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
2 Fundação Ezequiel Dias, Unidade de Coleções Científicas e Popularização da Ciência, CEP 30510-010, Gameleira, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
3 Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada
* Corresponding author. E-mail: ccostah@gmail.com

Abstract: The snake species Pseudoboa coronata has and Bolivia (Gaiarsa et al. 2013). In Brazil it is recorded
wide distribution from central Brazil to coastal Venezu- from Cerrado areas in the states of Goiás and Tocantins,
ela and the Guianas, eastern Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and from Amazon Forest in Acre, Amazonas, Maranhão,
and Peru. In this note, the known distribution range of Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, and Roraima (e.g., Silva Jr.
P. coronata is extended eastward to the border between et al. 2005; Zaher et al. 2008; Bernarde et al. 2013). Despite
the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, and southward to its wide distribution range, P. coronata is considered to
Cachoeira Alta, state of Goiás, both in Brazil. Consider- be rare, at least in some Amazonian areas (Cunha and
ing the limited biogeographic information for most taxa, Nascimento 1993). Here we present an eastward and
reports like this add significant data for future studies southward extension of the currently known range of P.
on biogeography, taxonomy, and conservation biology. coronata, as well as a literature review and updated map
of distribution records.
Key words: Amazon Scarlet Snake, biogeography, The range extensions are based on specimens housed in
Caatinga, Cerrado, distribution extension the snake collection of Fundação Ezequiel Dias (FUNED),
in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (Resende
and Cotta 2013). In 2011, while examining the specimens
Pseudoboini Bailey, 1967 is a monophyletic clade of from FUNED’s collection, we identified two Pseudoboa
Neotropical snakes containing the genera Boiruna, Clelia, coronata: FUNED 213 (Figure 1A and 1B), from the Usina
Drepanoides, Mussurana, Oxyrhopus, Paraphimophis, Phi­ Hidrelétrica Luiz Gonzaga (a hydroelectric power plant,
mophis, Pseudoboa, Rhachidelus, Rodriguesophis, and previously called Itaparica), located in the São Francisco
Siphlophis (Grazziotin et al. 2012). Its type genus, river on the boundary of the states of Bahia (at Glória,
Pseudoboa Schneider, 1801 currently has six recognized Rodelas, and Abaré counties) and Pernambuco (at
species: Pseudoboa coronata Schneider, 1801; Pseudoboa Petrolândia, Floresta, Itacuruba, and Belém do São Fran-
haasi (Boettger, 1905); Pseudoboa martinsi Zaher, Oliveira cisco counties); and FUNED 902 (Figure 1C and 1D), from
& Franco, 2008; Pseudoboa neuwiedii (Duméril, Bibron Cachoeira Alta, Goiás.
& Duméril, 1854); Pseudoboa nigra (Duméril, Bibron & The record from Luiz Gonzaga power plant is the first
Duméril, 1854); and Pseudoboa serrana Morato, Moura- of P. coronata for the Caatinga ecoregion (Desert and Xeric
Leite, Prudente & Bérnils, 1995 (see Gaiarsa et al. 2013 Shrublands biome [Olson et al. 2001]), and also its new
for a summary of geographic distribution and natural easternmost record (previously Nova Vida, BR-316, 25 km do
history of Pseudoboini). Gurupi, state of Maranhão, Brazil) (Zaher et al. 2008). The
Pseudoboa coronata differs from its congeners by having record from Cachoeira Alta is the second record for Goiás
17 dorsal scale rows and uniform reddish or reddish brown and the southernmost record of P. coronata (previously in
dorsum in both juveniles and adults (Zaher et al. 2008). Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia [Fugler and Cabot 1995]).
This South American species ranges from central Brazil Morphological data of these two specimens are presented
through the Amazon basin to coastal Venezuela and the in Table 1. Specimens were identified with the aid of the
Guianas, as well as cis-Andean Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, dichotomous key and color patterns in Zaher et al. (2008).

 Check List | www.biotaxa.org/cl 1 Volume 11 | Number 3 | Article 1624

Costa et al. | Distribution range of Pseudoboa coronata records

Table 1. Morphological data of two specimens of Pseudoboa coronata from

FUNED’s snake collection: FUNED 213 (Usina Hidrelétrica Luiz Gonzaga,
Bahia-Pernambuco border) and FUNED 902 (Cachoeira Alta, Goiás). SL+O
= supralabials contacting the eye; IL+C1 = infralabials contacting the
first pair of chinshields; IL+C2 = infralabials contacting the second pair of


Snout-vent length 644 mm 491 mm
Caudal length 179 mm 173 mm
Sex Female Male
Dorsals 17-17-17 18-17-17
Apical pits 2 2
Ventrals 189 180
Subcaudals 72 94
Anal plate entire entire
Supralabials 7 7
SL+O iii–iv iii–iv
Infralabials 7 8
IL+C1 i–iv i–v
IL+C2 iv v
Nasal divided divided
Temporals 1+2+2 2+2+2
Preocular 1 1
Postocular 2 2

unlabeled specimen originally deposited at the University

of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNC-W) in USA, col-
lected at Mendez, in the Ecuadorian province of Morona
Santiago, with a dorsal color pattern (dark brown with
narrow cream bands) different from that usually found
in P. coronata. The referred specimen was not found in
the UNC-W collections (Alex Vance, pers. comm.), mak-
ing it impossible to confirm its identity and, therefore,
its record was not considered. The other five Ecuadorian
specimens cited by Fugler and Walls (1978) are depos-
ited at the United States National Museum, Smithsonian
Institution. We were able to examine photographs of
those specimens, but one of them (USNM 204156 from
Macuma, Morona Santiago, Ecuador) has a brownish-
Figure 1. Specimens of Pseudoboa coronata used in this study. A and B: gray dorsum in preservative, suggesting it was not red
FUNED 213 (Luiz Gonzaga Hydroelectric Power Plant, Bahia/Pernambuco); in life. Since a careful analysis of this specimen was not
C and D: FUNED 902 (Cachoeira Alta, Goiás). Scale bars = 20 mm. Photos possible we were not sufficiently confident to include it in
by H.C. Costa.  our database. Those specimens cited by Fugler and Walls
An updated map of distribution records of Pseudoboa (1978) and Cole et al. (2013) were the only specimens cited
coronata is presented in Figure 2, based on the new speci- in the literature that were examined by us.
It is worth noting that some old records of Pseudoboa
mens and literature sources. Details about locality records
coronata were mistakenly based on other species: e.g.,
are presented in Table 2. Some references that mention
Wied (1824) (P. nigra), Jan and Sordelli (1870) (plate V,
the occurrence of P. coronata with poor locality data were
figures 3 and 4: probably P. neuwiedii; plate VI, figure 2:
not used (i.e., Boulenger 1896; Avila-Pires 2005; Embert P. nigra, based on Wied [1824]), and Boulenger (1896)
2007; Rivas et al. 2012). When possible, coordinates were (records from Rio de Janeiro and Petrópolis are of P. ser­
inferred from original mapped points (i.e., Chippaux 1986; rana, according to Morato et al. 1995).
Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988; Starace 1998), although Due to the existence of many biodiversity shortcom-
not all of them are associated with a voucher specimen ings in biological sciences, especially the Wallacean
in the original reference (e.g., some records from Pérez- shortfall (limited biogeographic information for most
Santos and Moreno 1988). Fugler and Walls (1978) cite an taxa; Whittaker et al. 2005; Cardoso et al. 2011), reports

 Check List | www.biotaxa.org/cl 2 Volume 11 | Number 3 | Article 1624

Costa et al. | Distribution range of Pseudoboa coronata records

Figure 2. Known records of Pseudoboa coronata. Red dots: locality records from which geographic coordinates were given by the original source or had
been taken from Costa et al. (2013), Paynter and Taylor (1991), Paynter (1993), IBGE (2011) or Google Earth©. Blue circles: locality records represented as
unnamed mapped points or cited as river names in the original source, from which geographic coordinates had to be inferred. Purple stars: new records.

of range extensions add significant data for future Caryne Braga for her useful tips about mapping. Davi
studies on biogeography, taxonomy, and conservation L. Pantoja (subject editor) and Vinícius A. São-Pedro
biology. Furthermore, the wide range of Pseudoboa (reviewer) provided useful comments and suggestions.
coronata, its occurrences in a variety of habitats, and the
absence of a careful review of its taxonomy support the LITERATURE CITED
Avila-Pires, T.C.S. 2005. Reptiles; pp. 25–40, in: T. Hollowell and R.P.
hypothesis that more than one species could have been
Reynolds (eds.). Checklist of the Terrestrial Vertebrates of the
treated under the same name. Guiana Shield. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington
13: 98 pp. doi: 10.2988/0097-0298(2005)13[25:R]2.0.CO;2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Avila-Pires, T.C.S., L.J. Vitt, S.S. Sartorius and P.A. Zani. 2009.
The review of specimens from FUNED’s snake col- Squamata (Reptilia) from four sites in southern Amazonia,
with a biogeographic analysis of Amazonian lizards. Boletim do
lection was funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Ciências Naturais 4(2): 99–118.
Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), through the Programa http://www.museu-goeldi.br/editora/bn/artigos/cnv4n2_2009/
Biota Minas. We thank Flávia C. Resende for measuring squamata(avilapires).pdf
the specimens. Marinus S. Hoogmoed kindly provided Avila-Pires, T.C.S., M.S. Hoogmoed and W.A. Rocha. 2010. Notes on
the Vertebrates of northern Pará, Brazil: A forgotten part of the
locality data of Surinam specimens. We are also grate-
Guianan Region, I. Herpetofauna. Boletim do Museu Paraense
ful to Omar Torres-Carvajal and the Museo de Zoología Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais 5(1): 13–112. http://www.museu-
QCAZ (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador) goeldi.br/editora/bn/artigos/cnv5n1_2010/notes(pires).pdf
for allowing the use of data from ReptiliaWebEcuador Beebe, W. 1946. Field notes on the snakes of Kartabo, British Guiana,
(http://zoologia.puce.edu.ec/Vertebrados/Reptiles/ and Caripito, Venezuela. Zoologica 31(1): 11–52.
Bernarde, P.S., S. Albuquerque, D.B. Miranda and L.C.B. Turci. 2013.
ReptilesEcuador/Default.aspx); Alex Vance for in­­­for­m­ation Herpetofauna da floresta do baixo rio Moa em Cruzeiro do Sul,
about specimens housed at UNC-W collections; James Acre – Brasil. Biota Neotropica 13(1): 220–244. doi: 10.1590/
Poindexter for photographs of specimens from USNM; S1676-06032013000100023

 Check List | www.biotaxa.org/cl 3 Volume 11 | Number 3 | Article 1624

Costa et al. | Distribution range of Pseudoboa coronata records

Table 2. Locality records of Pseudoboa coronata. Geographic coordinates not provided in the original source were taken from Costa et al. (2013), Paynter
and Taylor (1991), Paynter (1993), IBGE (2011), Google Earth©. An asterisk (*) indicates geographic coordinates inferred for locality records represented as
unnamed mapped points or cited only as river names in the original source.

Country Province/State Municipality, Locality Lat. Long. Source

Bolivia Beni *Rio Yacuma -13.71° -65.39° Fugler and Cabot 1995
Bolivia Beni Tumi Chucua -11.15° -66.16° Fugler and Cabot 1995
Bolivia Santa Cruz Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado -14.27° -60.87° Killeen and Schulenberg 1998
Bolivia Santa Cruz Santa Cruz de la Sierra -17.80° -63.16° Fugler and Cabot 1995
Brazil Acre Cruzeiro do Sul, Floresta do Rio Moa -07.64° -72.80° Bernarde et al. 2013
Brazil Acre Rio Branco -09.97° -67.80° Silva et al. 2012
Brazil Amazonas Canutama -06.53° -64.38° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Amazonas Manaus, Reserva Adolpho Ducke -02.98° -59.93° Martins and Oliveira 1998
Brazil Amazonas Presidente Figueiredo, Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Balbina -01.54° -59.84° Silva Jr. and Sites Jr. 1995
Brazil Amazonas Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Piaguçu-Purus -04.33° -61.80° Waldez et al. 2013
Brazil Amazonas *Rio Jaraqui -05.28° -59.66° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Amazonas Uaupés, Iauareté 00.55° -69.15° Hoge et al. 1973
Brazil Bahia/Pernambuco Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Luiz Gonzaga -09.00° -38.67° this study
Brazil Goiás Cachoeira Alta -18.76° -50.94° this study
Brazil Goiás Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Serra da Mesa / UHE Cana Brava -13.90° -48.31° Silva Jr. et al. 2005
Brazil Maranhão Aldeia Araçu, Igarapé Gurupi-Una -02.18° -46.21° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Maranhão Nova Vida, BR-316, 25 km do Gurupi -02.00° -45.99° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Mato Grosso Apiacás -09.54° -57.45° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Mato Grosso Aripuanã -10.15° -59.45° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Mato Grosso Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau -09.85° -58.25° Kawashita-Ribeiro et al. 2011
Brazil Mato Grosso Sinop -11.86° -55.50° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Pará Agropecuária Treviso, Rio Curuá-Una -03.15° -54.83° Avila-Pires et al. 2009
Brazil Pará Almeirim, Monte Dourado -00.86° -52.55° Frota et al. 2005
Brazil Pará Ananindeua -01.37° -48.38° Galatti and Yuki 1998
Brazil Pará Barcarena, Area under influence of the Projeto Fauna, Refinaria ABC -01.59° -48.73° Silva et al. 2011
– Rescue Area
Brazil Pará Belém -01.46° -48.50° Cunha and Nascimento 1983,
1993; Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Pará Boa Vista, rio Apéu, próximo de Castanhal -01.36° -47.99° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Pará BR-316, km 224 -01.65° -46.77° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Pará Brasil Novo, Caverna Planaltina -03.38° -52.58° Oliveira et al. 2013
Brazil Pará Breves, PA-159 km 18, comunidade Tancredo Neves -01.53° -50.39° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Pará Cachoeira de Arari, Sé -01.17° -48.75° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Pará Coari, Base Operacional Geólogo Pedro de Moura -04.89° -65.35° Prudente et al. 2010
Brazil Pará Estação Ecológica do Grão Pará Centre 00.63° -55.73° Avila-Pires et al. 2010
Brazil Pará Floresta Estadual de Faro -01.71° -57.21° Avila-Pires et al. 2010
Brazil Pará Floresta Nacional de Carajás -05.85° -50.20° Maschio et al. 2012
Brazil Pará Ilha do Mosqueiro -01.20° -48.39° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Pará PA-252, km 16, partindo da BR-010 para o Acará -02.01° -47.69° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Pará Santa Bárbara, Estrada do Mosqueiro -01.36° -48.25° Cunha and Nascimento 1978, 1983
Brazil Pará Santarém -02.44° -54.71° Frota et al. 2005
Brazil Pará Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Tucuruí -03.83° -49.69° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Rondônia Porto Velho, Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Samuel -08.86° -63.43° Silva Jr. 1993
Brazil Rondônia Porto Velho, Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Santo Antônio -08.80° -63.93° Marçal et al. 2011
Brazil Roraima# 1 km W da BR-174 / 1-5 km N da BR-210 01.94° -61.12° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Roraima Missão Catrimani 01.68° -62.28° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Roraima Rio Catrimani, Cachoeira do Cujubim 01.75° -62.28° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Roraima Santa Maria do Boiaçu -00.51° -61.80° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Roraima Serra dos Surucucus 02.47° -63.40° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Tocantins Palmas -10.17° -48.33° Marques et al. 2005
Brazil Tocantins Porto Nacional -10.71° -48.42° Zaher et al. 2008
Brazil Tocantins Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Luís Eduardo Magalhães -09.75° -48.40° Puorto and Barbarini 2004
Colombia Amazonas Leticia -04.19° -69.95° Shreve 1947
Colombia Amazonas *no further details -04.09° -70.01° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Caqueta La Arenosa 02.13° -74.81° Cortes-Avila and Toledo 2013
Colombia Casanare *no further details 04.52° -71.97° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Chocó *no further details 04.75° -76.85° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Cundinamarca *no further details 04.57° -74.62° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Guainia Estrella fluvial de Inirida 03.85° -67.82° Renjifo et al. 2009
Colombia Madalena *no further details 11.22° -74.10° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988

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Costa et al. | Distribution range of Pseudoboa coronata records

Table 2. Continued.

Country Province/State Municipality, Locality Lat. Long. Source

Colombia Meta *no further details 03.94° -72.35° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Meta San Juan del Losada 02.27° -74.58° Cortes-Avila and Toledo 2013
Colombia Vaupés *no further details 01.44° -71.43° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Vaupés *no further details 01.23° -70.82° Pérez-Santos and Moreno 1988
Colombia Vaupés Timbó 01.17° -69.99° Kizirian and McDiarmid 1998
Ecuador Morona Santiago Chiguaza -01.98° -77.97° Fugler and Walls 1978
Ecuador Napo Carretera a 1.5 km de Archidona vía a Quito -00.90° -77.81° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Napo Estacion Biologica Jatun Sacha -01.09° -77.61° Vigle 2008
Ecuador Napo Yachana Reserve -00.87° -77.24° Whitworth and Beirne 2011
Ecuador Orellana La Belleza, Comunidad Bocana del Suno -00.69° -77.12° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Orellana Parque Nacional Yasuní, Bloque 16 de Repsol YPF, en carretera km -00.91° -76.36° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Orellana Parque Nacional Yasuní, carretera Maxus 7.8 km -00.47° -76.59° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Orellana Parque Nacional Yasuní, En pozo Capirón -00.69° -76.49° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Pastaza Comunidad Santa Rosa -02.08° -76.93° Pazmiño-Otamendi 2013
Ecuador Pastaza Puyo -01.50° -78.01° Fugler and Walls 1978
Ecuador Pastaza *Río Liguino, tributary of Río Villano, upper Curaray -01.46° -77.47° Fugler and Walls 1978
Ecuador Pastaza *Río Villano -01.46° -77.74° Fugler and Walls 1978
Ecuador Sucumbios Santa Cecilia 00.05° -75.96° Duellman 1978
French Camopi Trois-Sauts 02.31° -53.25° Gasc and Rodrigues 1980;
Guiana Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
French Cayenne Cayenne 04.89° -52.34° Gasc and Rodrigues 1980;
Guiana Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
French Cayenne Kourou-Petit Saut 05.10° -52.96° Sheehy et al. 2014
French Cayenne *no further details 05.35° -53.13° Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
French Cayenne *no further details 04.67° -52.35° Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
French Cayenne *no further details 04.42° -52.10° Starace 1998
French Maripasoula Mitaraca 02.26° -54.51° Gasc and Rodrigues 1980;
Guiana Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
French St.-Laurent-du- Maroni (Maroni river?) 04.44° -54.38° Gasc and Rodrigues 1980; Starace
Guiana Maroni 1998
French St.-Laurent-du- *no further details 05.49° -53.50° Starace 1998
Guiana Maroni
French St.-Laurent-du- *no further details 05.46° -54.04° Chippaux 1986; Starace 1998
Guiana Maroni
French St.-Laurent-du- *no further details 05.26° -54.18° Starace 1998
Guiana Maroni
Guyana Cuyuni-Mazaruni Kartabo 06.38° -58.70° Beebe 1946
Guyana Potaro-Siparuni Kaieteur National Park 05.14° -59.42° Kok 2006
Guyana Upper Demerera- Berbice River 05.09° -58.24° Cole et al. 2013
Peru Loreto Andoas -03.00° -76.36° Henle and Ehrl 1991
Peru Loreto Iquitos -03.76° -73.26° Dixon and Soini 1977
Peru Madre de Dios Cuzco Amazonico -12.54° -69.06° Duellman and Salas 1991; Doan
and Arizabal 2002; Duellman 2005
Peru Madre de Dios Eco Amazonia -12.53° -68.94° Doan and Arizabal 2002
Peru Madre de Dios Pakitza, Manu National Park -11.95° -71.28° Catenazzi et al. 2013
Peru Madre de Dios Sachavacayoc Centre -12.86° -69.36° Doan and Arizabal 2002
Surinam Brokopondo Saracreek, 21 km S of Dam 04.46° -54.92° M.S. Hoogmoed, pers. comm.
Surinam Sipaliwini Kutari Head 01.94° -56.62° M.S. Hoogmoed, pers. comm.
Surinam Sipaliwini Road to Amotopo, km 212 03.88° -57.67° M.S. Hoogmoed, pers. comm.
Surinam Sipaliwini Upper Nickerie River 04.91° -56.85° M.S. Hoogmoed, pers. comm.
Venezuela Amazonas Puerto Ayacucho/Venado (S of Samariapo) 05.19° -67.77° Gorzula and Senaris 1998
Venezuela Delta Amacuro Alrededores de Curiapo 08.55° -60.97° Molina et al. 2004
Venezuela Monagas Caripito 10.11° -63.11° Beebe 1946; Roze 1966; Lasso et
al. 2004
Venezuela Monagas Sabana de Maturín, cerca Uracoa 09.33° -62.77° Roze 1966
Venezuela Sucre Benitez, Parcelamiento Guaraúnos 10.58° -63.62° Rivas and La Marca 2001
Cited as “Rondônia” by Zaher et al. (2008). However, “Roraima” is the correct location, according to the MPEG collection register book (A.L.C. Prudente pers. comm.).

 Check List | www.biotaxa.org/cl 5 Volume 11 | Number 3 | Article 1624

Costa et al. | Distribution range of Pseudoboa coronata records

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Chippaux, J.-P. 1986. Les Serpents de la Guyane Française. Paris: Galatti, U. and R.N. Yuki. 1998. Pseudoboa coronata (False Coral
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