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Analytical Chemistry

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Analytical Chemistry c. 1.

6 mM
d. 0.16 mM
1. Areas in Analytical Chemistry that deals with the e. None of the above
determination of how much constituents are 8. Which of the following is an example of
present. precipitation gravimetry?
a. Qualitative Analysis a. Determination of NaHCO3 by decomposing the
b. Quantitative Analysis sample with strong acid to convert the analysis
c. Structural Analysis into CO2(g)
d. All of the above b. Determination of %SO3 using the weight of
2. Which of the following belongs to classical BaSO4
methods of analysis? c. Analysis of Cu by electrodeposition method
a. Volatilization Gravimetry d. Determination of total suspended solids by
b. Precipitation Gravimetry filtering a liquid sample through a pre-weighed
c. Acid-base Titration filtering material
d. Both A and B e. None of the above
e. All of the choices belong to classical analysis 9. What condition is required to achieve a
3. Which of the following analysis belongs to macro precipitate that has fewer particles which are
analysis and has the major constituent in the relatively larger and purer?
sample? a. Rate of particle growth < rate of nucleation
a. 0.05 g of the sample with 1% of the analyte b. Rate of particle growth = rate of nucleation
b. 9.8 mg of the sample with 10% of the analyte c. Rate of particle growth > rate of nucleation
c. 0.1 g of the sample with 1.2% of the analyte d. None of the above
d. 10 g of the sample with 0.0068% of the analyte. 10. A 0.4054 g solid organic sample containing
4. You need to prepare 0.0250M solution of KMnO 4 covalently bound bromide and no other
(158.03 g/mol) for an experiment. How many halogens was placed in a porcelain crucible with
grams of KMnO4 should be added with sufficient about one gram of fresh sodium metal. In a
amount of water to 1000ml volumetric flask to process known as sodium fusion, the mixture
give the desired solution? was heater in a furnace to 450 deg C which
A. 3.95 g charred and vaporized the organic portion of the
B. 0.158 g molecule and converted the covalent bromide
C. 3.950 g into sodium bromide. Excess sodium was
D. 0.1580 g decomposed by adding small portions of water
5. You need to make 10.0 L of 1.2M KNO 3. What which also dissolved the sodium bromide. The
molarity would the KNO3 need to be if you were clear solution was quantitatively transferred to a
to use 2.5L of it? beaker, acidified with dilute nitric acid, and
a. 5.0 M diluted to about 50 mL. a 6 mL quantity of 0.1 M
b. 4.8 M AgNO3 was added to the solution and the
c. 2.0 M mixture heated to about 60 deg C for an hour to
d. None of the above age and digest the precipitate. After filtering, the
6. Which of the following is not a unit for mass of the silver bromide produced was
concentration? determined to be 3.78 mg. What is the
a. moles per solute / L solution percentage by mass of Br 2 in the organic
b. mole solute / kg solvent compound?
c. moles solvent / mL solute a. 3.97%
d. micrograms / L b. 7.94%
7. A stock solution of sodium acetate is 1.0 M. To c. 2.88%
make solution A, 2.00 mL of the stock solution is d. 4.54%
transferred and diluted to a total volume of 100 e. None of the above
mL. Solution B is made by transferring 5.0 mL of 11. The % (w/w) P in an unknown fertilizer sample
Solution A and diluting it to a total volume of 250 was determined by precipitating it as MgNH 4PO4
mL. Solution C is made by transferring 1.0 mL of and heating this precipitate strongly to form
Solution B and diluting it to a total volume of 25 Mg2P2O7. If a 6.500 g of the unknown yielded
mL. What is the concentration of Solution C? 1.500 g of the Mg2P2O7, what is the % (w/w) P in
a. 1.6 μM the sample?
b. 16 μM
a. 20.73% 18. Consider the titration of MES (pKa = 6.27) with
b. 3.21% NaOH. Which region of the titration curve is
c. 6.422% where the pH is equal to pKa?
d. 14.24%
e. None of the above
12. It is a source of contamination in which the
contaminant ion replaces an ion in the lattice of
a crystal.
a. Surface adsorption
b. Mechanical entrapment
c. Occlusion
d. Inclusion
e. None of the above
13. Which of the following is not an indicator in acid-
19. What is the absorbance of a solution that
base titration?
transmits 30.0% of incident light?
a. Methyl orange
a. 70.0
b. Phenolphthalein
b. 0.523
c. Bromocresol green
c. 0.155
d. Eriochrome Black T
d. 3.0 x 104
14. Which of the following indicator-endpoint is
20. The typical instrumentation diagram of an UV-
Vis spectrophotometer is
a. Ag2Cr2O4: yellowish brown precipitate
a. Light source  monochromator  sample
b. Eriochrome Black T: blue
holder  read out device  detector
c. Phenolphthalein: red
b. Light source  sample holder 
d. Both a and c
monochromator detector read out device
e. Both a and b
c. Light source  monochromator  sample
15. Which of the following does not meet the
holder  detector  read out device
requirement for primary standards?
d. Light source  monochromator  detector 
a. High purity
sample holder  read out device
b. Large molar mass to minimize the error in
21. A device that allows the selection of a single
wavelength of light for excitation in
c. Soluble in titration medium
d. High affinity towards water
a. Light source
e. All statements are correct
b. Detectors
16. The Zn in a 0.7457g sample of foot powder was
c. Monochromator
titrated with 22.5 mL of 0.01639 M EDTA.
d. Amplifiers
Calculate the percent Zn in the sample.
22. Turbidimetry and nephelometry are analytical
a. 3.24%
methods based on which of the following?
b. 6.48%
a. Light scattering
c. 2.34%
b. Photon emission
d. None of the above
c. Photon absorption
17. A 1.200 g sample of either NaOH, NaHCO 3,
d. Nuclear repulsion
Na2CO3, or any other possible combinations plus
e. Paramagnetism
some inert impurities is dissolved and titrated
23. Transmittance is given as T=P/P o. if the power
cold with 0.5000 M HCl with phth as indicator,
incident on the sample, what does P represent?
the solution turns colorless after addition of
a. Radiant power transmitted by the sample
30.00 mL of acid. MO is then added and 5.00 mL
b. Radiant power absorbed by the sample
more of the acid was required to reach its end
c. Sum of powers absorbed and scattered
point color. What is/are the constituent/s of the
d. Sum of powers transmitted and reflected
sample and theirpercentages?
24. Which of the following is not an application of
a. 22.08% NaOH and 41.67% Na2CO3
b. 22.08% Na2CO3 and 41.67% NaOH
a. Paints
c. Cannot be determined
b. Inks
d. 22.08% NaHCO3
c. Cosmetics
d. Composition detection 31. Which of the following operators would not lead
25. Which of the injectors is suitable for trace to an incorrect pH reading using a glass
analysis? electrode?
a. Split injector a. Measuring the pH of a basic solution with a high
b. Splitless injector concentration of Na+
c. On-column injector b. Using a brand-new electrode directly out of the
d. Headspace sampler box
26. A mixture of compound A and compound B is c. Calibrating and measuring pH at 50 deg c
applied at the top of a silica gel column. The d. None of the above
partition ratio of A greater than the partition 32. A pH meter is an example of which type of
ratio of B. Predict the elution of A & B from the membrane electrode?
column: a. Glass ion selective electrode
a. B will come out of the column first b. Potentiometric biosensor (enzyme electrode)
b. A will come out of the column first c. Solid-state ion selective electrode
c. It is difficult to say if separation of A & B is d. Liquid-based ion selective electrode
possible. e. Gas-sensing electrode
d. There is no separation between A & B 33. Which of the following is correct?
27. In molecular exclusion or gel permeation a. Weighing samples on the edge of the pan of an
chromatography, large molecules analytical balance
a. Pass through the column slower than small b. Estimating the lower meniscus of a liquid inside a
molecules buret by viewing it downwards
b. Pass through the columns faster than small c. Weighing hygroscopic substances on a top
molecules loading balance
c. Pass through the column at the same rate as d. Centrifuging two samples by placing them side
small molecules by side inside the centrifuge
d. Will not pass through the column at all 34. It is the desired constituent in the sample and
28. “Fronting” of a chromatographic peak is a result the object in the analysis.
of which of the following? a. Matrix
a. Interactions between the stationary and mobile b. Interferences
phase c. Blank sample
b. Overloading the column with sample d. Analysis
c. Interactions of the solute with the stationary 35. It is a type of blank in which it contains all
phase components except the analyte and is taken
d. Small theoretical plate heights through all steps of the analytical procedure.
29. Reversed-phase chromatography refers to which a. Method blank
of the following? b. Field blank
a. Stationary phase and mobile phase of similar c. Reagent blank
polarities d. Both A and C
b. A nonpolar stationary phase and a nonpolar 36. It measures the agreement between results of
mobile phase several replicate analyses.
c. A polar stationary phase and a nonpolar mobile a. Precision
phase b. Accuracy
d. A nonpolar stationary phase and a polar mobile c. Both a and b
phase d. None of the above
e. A polar stationary phase and a polar mobile 37. Which of the following best describes systematic
phase error?
30. Solutes containing halogens can best be studied a. It is a determinate error and causes large relative
in gas chromatography with error
a. A flame ionization detector b. There are three types of systematic error:
b. An electron capture detector instrumental, method, and gross
c. A flame photometric detector c. It is an indeterminate error that causes data to
d. A thermoionic detector be scattered
d. Can lead to outlier data
38. Which of the following is the best method for c. Weighing liquid samples contained in a
the detection of systematic error? stoppered flask
a. Periodic calibration and proper maintenance of d. None of the above
the equipment
b. Proper self-training, proper data recording
c. Analysis and blank determination
d. All of the above
39. Sampling where the instrument is placed in the
a. Grab
b. Composite
c. In situ
d. None of these
40. Inorganic samples that do not dissolve in
oxidizing acids can be dissolved by ____.
a. Oxidation
b. Fusion
c. Reduction
d. Dissolving in base
e. None of these
41. What is the purpose of QA/QC?
a. To determine the precision and accuracy
b. To demonstrate absence of interferences
c. To demonstrate absence of contamination from
sampling equipment, glassware, and reagents
d. All of the above
42. This term refers to the systematic or persistent
distortion of a measurement process that causes
error in one direction.
a. Bias
b. Personal error
c. Random error
d. Uncertainty
43. This type of blank confirms that the source of
contamination was not from laboratory
a. Field blank
b. Reagent blank
c. Equipment blank
d. Method blank
44. A material that is sufficiently homogeneous and
stable with respect to one or more specified
properties, which has been established to be fit
for its intended use in a measurement process.
a. Blank
b. Quality control standard
c. Reference material
d. Primary standard
45. Which of the following will lead to a lower
apparent mass during weighing?
a. Weighing samples that was just taken out of a
hot oven
b. Weighing samples with density near that of the
standard weight used for calibration

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