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Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan

Ujian Nasional SMA/MA
Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Program : SMA/MA IPS
Lamanya : 120 menit

Listening Section Narrator : The best answer to the question “What

In this section of the test, you will have the chance is the topic of the conversation?” is
to show how well you understand spoken English. “Expressing gratitude.” Therefore you
There arc four parts to this section with special di- should answer (E)
rections for each part. Now let’s begin with number 1.

1. A. She lost her kitty.

B. Her kitty was dead.
Questions 1 to 4 C. She could get a kitty,
Directions: D. She did not have a pet animal.
In this part of the test, you will hear some E. She was not allowed to get a kitty
dialogues and questions spoken in English. The
dialogues and the questions will be spoken twice. 2. A. The man felt happy to meet the woman.
They will not be printed in your test book, so B The woman got a better position in the of-
you must listen carefully to understand what the ice.
speakers are saying. C The woman moved to a new bank in Sa-
After you listen to the dialogue and the ques- marinda.
tion about it, read the ive possible answers, and D The man got a promotion to be a Branch
decide which one would be the best answer to Manager.
the question you have just heard. Now listen to a E. The woman supported the man to be a
sample question. branch manager
You will hear :
Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me 3. A. He wants to sit down.
choose the right loan I need. B. He recognized the woman.
Woman : My pleasure. Sir. 1 hope you can use the
C. His plane has been delayed.
money to buy your dream house. D. He wants to leave the place.
E. He wants to wait for a plane.
Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation?
A. Asking for help 4. A. To enjoy the holiday on the beach.
B. Giving opinion B. To camp by the lake
C. Giving direction C. To go to a sea shore
D. Expressing pleasure D. Nothing for now
E. Expressing gratitude E. To take a vacation by plane

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

PART II 8. A. D.
Questions 5 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear some incom-
plete dialogue spoken in English, followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues B. E.
and the responses will be spoken twice. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must lis-
ten carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. You have to choose the best response to
each question. C.
Now listen to a sample question.
Girl : I really made a mistake.
Boy : What about?
Girl : I have broken your pen.
Boy : That pen? Oh no. 9. A. D.
Girl : ....
Narrator : What docs the girl probably respond?
A. I’m sorry to hear that.
B. I really appreciate it.
C. I do apologize. B. E.
D. I love that pen.

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What

does the girl probably respond?” is “I
do apologize.” Therefore, you should C.
choose answer (C)
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. A. D.
Questions: 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear some mono-
B. E.
logues spoken in English. The monologues will
be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your
test book, so you must listen carefully to what the
speaker is saying. After you listen to the mono-
logue, look at the ive pictures provided in your
test book, and decide which would be the most
suitable one for the monologue you have just

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

11. A. D. C. The eruption of Mount Lokon
D. Dangerous areas for people
E. Volcanic zone for living

15. A. The residents living within 2.5 kilometer

B. E. radius from the mountain peak
B. The people inhabiting outside the dan-
gerous zone
C. The people staying alert with the current
C. D. The villager staying calm while the mount
is erupting
E. The residents having no houses within the
dangerous zone

This is the end of the listening section

PART IV Questions 12 to 15
Directions: The following text is for questions 16 to 18.
In this part of the test, you will heur several mono-
logues. Each monologue will be spoken twicc. Announcement
They will not be printed in your test book, so It is our pleasure to announce the promotion
you must listen carefully to understand what the of Bill William as our new Sales Manager. Although
speaker is saying. Bill has been with us for merely ive years, he had
After you hear the monologue and the question shown us his full commitment, dedication and more
importantly his great achievement in the computer
about it, read the ive possible answers and dc-
industry. The thirteen years experiences he had ear-
cide which one would be the best answer to the
lier in Eclipse Enterprises, Spark Software and Cloud
question you have just heard.
Development have proven to strengthen not only
his skills and capacity, but also strong networking.
Question 12 and 13 are based on the following The company would also like to extend its highest
monolog. appreciation to Ms. Rachel Brown, our former Sales
Manager, for the dedication and commitment she
12. A. The cure for the illness showed us until the day of her retirement.
B. Beautiful lady HRD Manager
C. A lotus lower
D. A rose lower 16. The announcement is mostly concerned with
E. A pond ....
A. Manager substitution
13. A. Jungle plant D. The beautiful lower B. Bill’s experience
B. The king’s spell E. Pond’s water C. Computer industry
C. The king’s dream D. Bill’s achievement
E. The new Sales Manager
Question 14 and 15 are based on the following
monolog. 17. What made Mr. William get the promotion?
14. A. National Disaster Mitigation A. Ms. Brown’s retirement.
B. North Sulawesi announcement B. Mr. William’s experience.

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

C. Ms. Brown’s recommendation. E. low­income children are not as good as
D. Mr. William’s achievement. high­income children
E. Mr. William’s networking.
20. What is expected by Joan Gonzales from Mon­
18. It can be inferred from the text that.... day’s newspaper?
A. Bill William is a skillful IT engineer A. To present information based on facts.
B. Bill William is a new Sales Manager B. To conduct more research.
C. Bill William is a skillful IT Manager C. To ix the information given. ‘
D. Bill William has 13 years of experience in D. To explain more about that school.
computer industry E. To be responsible for the report.
E. Bill William replaces Ms. Brown’s position
The following text is for questions 21 to 23.
The following text is for questions 19 and 20.
Don’t have time for an intensive skin care? You
Dear Sir/Madam, can still pamper yourself by doing the basics. Good
I am writing to complain about an article in last skin carc anil healthy lifestyle choices can help de­
Monday’s newspaper, “Schools fail low-income chil- laying the natural aging process and prevent vari­
dren.” As the head teacher of one of the largest ju- ous skin problems. Get started with these ive no­
nior high schools in the city, I feel strongly that the nonsense tips.
article does not describe our school. 1. Protect yourself from the sun
My school has children from many diferent eco­ One of the most important ways to take care of
nomic backgrounds, but a large percentage come your skin is to protect it from the sin A lifetime
from lower­income families. Nevertheless, our tests of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots
show that the children do well and beneit from the and other skin problems, as well as increase the
excellent work our teachers do. Last year our school risk of skin cancer.
moved from 24th to 5th place according to the of­ 2. Don’t smoke
icial assessment by the state government. This is Smoking makes your skin look older and con­
clearly not the “failure” that the article suggests. tributes to wrinkles. It narrows the tmy blood
I would strongly recommend that more careful vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which
research should be conducted in the future so that decreases blood low. It also his depletes oxy­
your newspaper will more realistically describe the gen and nutrients of the skin.
true situation in our schools. 3. Treat your skin gently.
Limiting your bath­time will keep your skin
Yours sincerely. gentle. Hot water and long showers remove oils
from your skin. Use warm rather than hot water.
Joan Gonzalez To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shav­
ing cream, lotion or gel before shaving.
19. The letter shows Ms. Gonzalez’s strong dis­ 4. Eat a healthy diet
agreement with the newspaper’s claim that.... A healthy diet can help you look and feel good.
A. children from low­income families do not Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains
perform well in the oicial assessment and lean protein. Some research suggest that a
B. the poor students in her school fail in the rich diet in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fat
national examination might promote younger looking skin.
C. her school only admit students from eco­ 5. Manage stress.
nomically advantaged families Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more
sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other
D. many of her students fail because of their
skin problems. To encourage healthy skin and a
parents’ low income

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

healthy state of mind, take some steps to man- in the Burial cave in Montainsell (Licidia, Catalonia)
age your stress, set reasonable limits, scale back The study found that ancient genetic material
your to-do list. and make time to do the things from principle Bacterium, streptococcus mutant,
you enjoy. causes dental carries. The mutant has increased its
genetic material change overtime. This is possibly
21. What is the text about? due to the coincidence of dietary changes that are
A. Tips to get healthy skin. linked with the expansion of humanity.
B. Tips to have gentle younger looking skin. Similar study conducted by researchers from
the University Autonma dc Barcelona (UAB) and the
C. Tips to healthy lifestyle.
laboratoria Nasional de Genomica para la Bie diver-
D. Tips to maintain your healthy skin.
sided, Mexico, put the gcnetic material in order and
E. Tips to prevent various skin problems.
found that genetic diversity has been produced,
especially in the fragment of a gene that codiies a
22. What will remove oils from your skin? virulence factor known as dextranase.
A. Long showers and hot water.
B. Warm water and limited bath-time. 24. How could the ancient genetic expand to hu-
C. Sun exposure and unhealthy diet. manity?
D. Shaving cream and lotion. A. Through coincidental links with human’s
E. Hot water and limited bath-time. dietary changes.
B. Through the change in its genetic mate-
23. Which of the following statements is men- rial.
tioned in the text? C. Through an increase in genetic diversity.
A. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle can D. Through the fragment of a gene.
stop the natural aging process. E. Through the investigated bacterium of
B. A lifetime of sun exposure can help de- eleven individuals.
laying wrinkles, age spots, and other sm
problems. 25. What is the irst paragraph about?
C. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels A. The research genetic diversity.
in the outermost layers of skin, increases B. The investigation of dental carries.
blood low. C. The investigation of Bacterium.
D. To protect and lubricate your skin, use skin D. The samples of individuals from pre-colo-
soap before shaving. nial Europe.
E. Uncontrolled stress can increase the level E. The investigation of the bacterium in
of your skin sensitivity and stimulate acne eleven individuals.
The following text is for questions 26 and 27.
The following text is for questions 24 and 25
Chinese Group Demands
Jakarta post: that Japanese Emperor
The research, published in the proceedings of Return Ancicnt Artefact
the Royal Society B, has investigated the bacterium
in eleven individuals ranging from as far back as the By Ankit Panda
Bronze Age up to the twentieth century. Samples February 13, 2016
have been taken from individuals in Europe and in
both pre and post-colonial America. The oldest case Adding to a growing list of diplomatic disputes
study was that of an individual from 1200 BC, found between China and Japan, a Chinese group is de-

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

manding that Japan’s emperor return a 1.300-year- A. stolen D. borrowed
old artefact that was allegedly looted by Japanese B. damaged E. taken
Soldiers in the 1930s. According to a Xinhua report, C. ncglected
The artefact in question in the Honglujing Stele,
originally from “north eastern China.” The request The following text is for questions 28 to 30.
was made in a letter addressed to Emperor Akihito
of Japan by China Federation of Demanding Com- Webcams Make Alaska Bears Accessible
pensation from Japan (CFDC) via Japan’s embassy in Mark Thiessen, Associated Press, Anchorage,
China. The request has been prominently reported Alaska Sci-Tech Tue, July 24 2012, 6:15 PM
by both China’s domestic and international me- A new video initiative is bringing the famed
dia outlets, suggesting that part of the intent is to brown bears of Alaska’s Katmai National Park direct-
shame Japan for its actions during the irst half of ly to computers and smartphones.
the 20th century. Without having to go there, you’ll be able to
From Xinhua’s report, it is unclear the extent to watch mature bears compete for salmon at Brook
Falls and other sites and cubs tumbling over each
which the Chinese government is involved in the re-
other as they play. Starting Tuesday, a live Web
quest for the return on the artefact. The China Fed-
stream (http://is.gd/bfPAs8) will allow the public
eration of Demanding Compensation from Japan to log on and see the brown bears in their natural
(CFDC) is a civic group, independent of the govern- habitat.
ment. According to Xinhua, “this is the irst time a “I think it’s an unparalleled opportunity for peo-
Chinese civic group has asked the Japanese imperi- ple to get that front row seat of the lives of the bears
al family for the return of a looted Chinese relic. “The at Brooks Camp”, said Roy Wood, chief of interpreta-
group” seeks compensation for personal, material tion for Katmai National Park and Preserve.
and spiritual damage causcd by Japanese militarism The project is a partnership with explore.org.
during the country’s aggression against China in the which set up four high-defmition cameras in Kat-
mai, spokesman Jason Damata told The Associated
20th century.”
Press. Three of them are at existing viewing stands
where bear fans come to watch the animals.
26. What can be inferred from the text? The cameras provide access to a national park
A. China and Japan had a great relationship that is diicult to reach and expensive for most tour­
during the irst half of the 20th century. ists. It is about 275 miles southwest of Anchorage,
B. China Federation of Demanding Compen- but no roads lead to Katmai. A trip there involves
multiple airplanes and a lot of advanced planning:
sation (CFDC) has asked Japan to return
it’s hard to get a lodge reservation at Brooks Camp
the artefact without any condition.
before 2014. Camping is allowed, but on a reserva­
C. Japan was ruled by China in the 20th cen- tion system that goes online Jan 5.
tury. “It takes a lot of time, a lot of efort and a lot of
D. CFDC wanted the Japan emperor to admit money, and the webcams will make it accessible to
their aggression to China in the 20th cen- anyone with access to a computer, a smartphone, a
tury. tablet device,” Wood said.
E. CFDC may have sent a letter directly to the
Japan emperor without involving their 28. What is the text about?
government. A. A video display of Katmai’s bears for com­
puters and smartphones.
27. “…, a Chinese Group is demanding that Japan B. The life of Alaskan bears in their natural
emperor return a 1.300-year-old artefact that habitat.
was allegedly looted by Japanese soldiers in C. How to protect the endangered Alaskan
the 1930s.” (Paragraph 1) bears.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to D. The bears of Katmai National Park in Alaska.
.... E. Webcams with the newest technology.

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

29. It’s proudly stated in the text that.... 32. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. a new video can be used with a computer A. The cargo plane was made of metal.
B. the project is partnership with explore.org B. The large cargo was the US government’s
and Katmai plane.
C. we can use the new video to shoot bears C. The US government requested to carry
without going to their habitat. critical materials.
D. Katmai National Park has made a video of
D. Howard Hughes designed a plane to carry
their bears in nature environment
a critical materials for wars.
E. webcams enable us to see bears’ life in na-
E. The plane was designed to carry a large
ture on a computer or a smartphone.
30. “... to watch mature bears compete for salmon
33. It can be inferred the text that Spruce Goose
at Brook Falls.” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is the most closely
A. was antique as it was used for only one
associated to ....
A. ight D. defeat
B. was a prototype of a w ar cargo
B. kill E. defend
C. becomes an artefact exhibited in Califor­
C. hug
D. was designed by a U.S. soldier
The following text is for questions 31 to 33.
E. was made of less critical material during
The plane with the largest wingspan ever built the war time
was nicknamed the Spruce Goose. The wingspan of
the Spruce Goose was 320 feet (almost 100 meters), The following text is for questions 34 to 36.
and the plane weighed 200 tons. It was so big that it
needed eight engines to power it. SNAKES
The plane was designed by Howard Hughes in
Snakes are reptiles (cold­blooded creatures).
response to a U.S government request for a plane
that was able to carry a large cargo for the war ef- They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled
fort. It was made of wood because wood is a less group, Squamata) but from a sub­group of their
critical material in wartime than metal. own (Serpentes)
The plane was so diicult to build that it was Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they
never really used. It was lown one time only, by had claws to help them slither along. Snakes arc
Hughes himself on November 2, 1947; during that not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just
light, it travelled a distance of less than one mile bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy
over the Los Angeles Harbor, but it did ly. Today, the to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the
Spruce Goose is on exhibit for the public to see in ground.
Long Beach, California. Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm
weather. This is because snakes are cold­blooded,
31. According to the text, why did the plane need they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.
eight engines to powe r? Most snakes live in the country. Some types of
A. It was very big and heavy and made of snakes live in trees, some live in water, but most live
wood. on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick,
B. It was very big and heavy and made of long grass and in old logs.
metal. A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizards,
C. It has the largest metal wingspan. and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can cat
D. It has the largest wooden wingspan. small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes pro­
tect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are
E. It was the largest cargo for the war.

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

protected by scaring their enemies away like the be used to control pests. In other words, it can be
Cobra. The lying snakes glide away from danger. said that an integrated pest management (i.e. an
Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its ecological approach that can be signiicantly reduce
technique is just like the sugar gliders. or eliminate the use of pcsticides) is safer and more
efective to lie used as a solution to deal with pests
34. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they .... in agriculture.
A. like sucking the cool blood
B. avoid sun-bathing to their skins 37. According to the text, stronger pesticides are
C. never sun bathe in the warm weather needed bccausc the pests ....
D. live on the ground in deserted burrows A. are becoming more and more harmful
E. require the sun’s warmth to heat their B. afect non target animals, such as ish and
bodies bees
C. are resistant to the existing ones
35. We know from the text that snakes .... D. afect natural balance
A. do not have claws E. are setting stronger and stronger them­
B. do not like sunlight selves
C. have two legs and claws
D. use their legs to climb the tree 38. An integrated pest management is ... in na­
E. use their claws to slither along the ground ture.
A. ecological D. chemical
36. How do lying snakes protect themselves? B. natural E. comprehensive
A. They ly away. C. signiicant
B. They use their fangs.
C. They scare their enemies. 39. “There is no one best way to deal with pests in
D. The stretch out their skin. agriculture” (Paragraph 1)
E. They cat the other animals. The underlined phrase is closest in meaning
to ....
This text is for questions 37 to 39. A. handle D. tackle
B. relate E. use
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) C. reduce

There is no best way to deal with pests in agri-

This text for questions 40 to 42.
culture. Pesticides are commonly used, but this may
cause many harmful efects on people as well as the
Low-Cost Airlines
natural environtment.
First, the chemicals in pesticides may build up as Before 1999, lying was too expensive for many
residues in the environment. This reduces the qual­ Indonesian people. Buses, ships, and trains were
ity of farm’s products. Pests can gradually become much cheaper. In 1999 the irst Indonesia’s low­cost
resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and airline was introduced. The low­cost (or no frills or
budget) airlines began in the early 1990’s in the
stronger ones have to be developed. Some pesti­
USA. The term low­cost doesn’t always refer to the
cides also afect non target animals such as ish and
price of the ticket, but to the operating costs. These
bees. This afects natural balance.
airlines can operate more cheaply than regular air­
To wipe out agricultural pests completely may lines because the reduced quality of the service
be very expensive. can reduce the cost of training the staf. Employees
Finally, understanding the ecology of the area sometimes have to work in two jobs ­the light at­
will help a lot in a pest control. Natural enemies can tendants sometimes clean inside the aircraft after

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

each light. Since 1999 several budget airlines have A. tell D. dropped
been operating in Indonesia. B. sank E. damaged
As a matter of fact, the emergence of discount C. disappeared
carriers has enormous beneits for travellers. Middle
class-people, who could not aford full fare, would The following text is for questions 43 to 45.
pay for cheaper seats. It’s not surprising that many
people prefer taking these no­frills airlines than
Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon.
spending more money to travel on regular planes.
They have a single sleeking leaf and lowers. The
Moreover, early ticket booking allows people to get
lower ticket price. Budget regular lights are cheap­ orchid family is the largest plant family which has
er because they do not give free in­light food or more than 20.000 unique varieties. Orchids are a
drinks. cosmopolitan family found within the Arctic circle,
However, bad safety records have been showed the island to the south of Australia, but mostly in
by plane crashes that have mostly happened to low­ Asia.
cost airlines. An Indonesian low­cost airline van­ Most orchids have longitudinal parallel leaves
ished without a trace; another plane cracked open with visible crossing. Orchids display many diferent
upon landing; a light overran the runway in Yogya­ marking like purple, white, yellow, pink, and nearly
karta and caught ire, and another discount aircraft black hues. Orchids feature thick white roots that il­
went of the runway in Java. lustrate their origin as Epiphites. The plants can also
Budgets lights may be less time ned energy
grow on other plants.
consuming, but safety is surely not less important.
Orchids grow in almost all types of environment.
Adapted from: kangGURU Radio English September 2006;
Some grow on the ground while others perch on
trees or rocks. Many others grown in green houses
for sale.
40. According to the text, the term ‘low­cost’ is as­
The scent of orchids is frequently analysed by
sociated with ....
perfume to identify the potential fragrance chemi­
A. the price of the ticket cal. Orchids are usually cultivated for the lowers,
B. the cost of the light but in China orchids have been used in traditional
C. the cost of the operation medicine for various disease. The orchid family in­
D. the low quality of the service cludes many commonly cultivated plants, such as
E. the minimum maintenance Palacnopsis and Cattleya.
Source: http://numari 123.blogspot.eom/7.Q 14/02/
41. The text argues that for many customers of report­text­orchid.html
budget lights, ....
A. safety is to be improved in budget air­ 43. What is the text about?
planes A. The types and functions of orchids.
B. low cost is more important safety B. The various functions of orchids.
C. the highest demands for budget lights C. The beauty of orchids.
are in Indonesia D. The origins of orchids.
D. safety is still well guaranteed in budget E. The varieties of orchids.
E. many low­cost airlines operating in Indo­ 44. Asia is mentioned in the text, to associate or­
nesia are not safe chids with their ....
A. functions D. origins
42. “An Indonesian low­cost airline vanished B. types E. lowers
without a trace ...” (Paragraph 3) C. varieties
The closest meaning to the underlined word
is ....

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

45. According to the text, most people grow or- The correct order is ....
chids .... A. 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 - 1 D. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5
A. to make beautiful B. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 E. 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 3
B. to enjoy the lowers C. 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3
C. for medical purposes
D. to change the land fertile This incomplete text is fur questions 48 to 50.
E. to create a good condition
Once upon a time, there was a king who had
46. Rearrange the following sentences into the been happy with his wife for many years. Unexpect-
correct and meaningful paragraph. edly, however, either out of jealousy or because of
1. She said, ’Take your hands away. Huckle- wicked gossip, or from some changes in his charac-
ter, he was tired of his wife and ordered her to return
berry. What a mess you are always mak-
to live with her parents. The poor queen was (48) ...,
but, she could not change her husband’s mind.
2. One morning, I blocked over the salt pot
“I will allow you,” said the king, making a solitary
at breakfast.
(49) .... “to take the dearest and most precious thing
3. So, you see, I wasn’t able to stop the bad you have.”
luck. “The next morning, when the king awoke, he
4. I reached for some as quickly as I could was in a bedroom and he did not recognize the sur-
to keep away from my bad luck, but Miss rounding. He blinked his eyes and looked (50)..., but
Watson grabbed my hand and stopped the only thing he was certain of was that he was not
me. in the palace.
5. Feeling worried and shaky. I was wonder- Angry and a little alarmed, the king called out
ing what was going to happen to me next. and at once the queen came in. “Where am I?”
You said I could take with me the dearest and
The correct order is .... most prccious thing I have. Nothing is dearer or
more prccious to me than you are. When you fell
A. 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 - 1 D. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3
asleep last night, I ordered the servants to bring you
B. 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 E. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5
here, the house of my parents. I could not live with-
C. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5
out you!”

47. Arrange the following sentences into a cor-

48. A. satisied D. surprised
rect and meaningful procedure.
B. amazed E. pleased
Emergency First Aid : External Bleeding.
C. delighted
1. If possible, raise and support the injured
49. A. concession D. conirmation
2. Leaving the original dressing in place,
B. conclusion E. repetition
bandage it securely.
C. devotion
3. Then, apply a sterile dressing or clean pad
to the wound.
50. A. at D. after
4. First, apply direct pressure with your hand,
B. for E. around
making sure there are no embedded ob-
C. out
jects in the wound.
5. Finally, treat the casualty for shock.

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

Ujian Nasional SMA/MA
Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Listening Section 3. Listening Script:

PART I Man : Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
Questions 1 to 4 Woman : No. Please sit down?
Man : By the way, what is the announcement
1. Listening Script: Woman : Flight AK 5052 Denpasar is delayed.
Man : Why are you so sad?
Woman : My pet is lost. She’s been missing for Narrator: What does the man ask the woman
when he sees her?
the whole day
Man : You mean your kitty Jawaban: A
Woman : Yes. Pembahasan:
Laki-laki itu bertanya kepada wanita itu
Narrator : Why is the woman sad? tentang tempat duduk yang masih kosong.

Jawaban: A 4. Listening Script:

Pembahasan: Man : Where should we take a vacation to this
Wanita itu sedih karena kehilangan anak year. Let’s decide soon
kucingnya. Woman : Well, I’d like to go somewhere warm at
the beach or we could rent a cabin by
2. Listening Script: the lake.
Man : Hi Aura, congratulation on your Man : I think going to the lake must be better?
promotion. It’s nice to know that you Woman : Okay dear
be new branch manager of this bank. Narrator : What have they decided?
When are you going to Samarinda?
Woman : Well, hon, what a good friend you are. Jawaban: B
Thank you very much for your support.
Mereka setuju untuk berlibur/berkemah di
I’m supposed to go to Samarinda before
dekat danau.
Nopember 15th next year.
Man : Good luck, then
Narrator : Why did the man congratulate the Questions 5 to 7
5. Listening Script:
Man : There will be the English speech
Jawaban: B delivered by the students during the
Pembahasan: ceremony next Monday
Laki-laki itu mengucapkan selamat kepada Woman : Really?
Man : Absolutely
wanita itu karena mendapatkan posisi yang
lebih baik di kantornya. Narrator : What is the best response to the man’s

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

A. I believe it can improve the students Eng- PART III
lish skills Questions 8 to 11
B. I assume a lag ceremony is important
C. I like English speeches and raising lags 8. Listening Script:
D. I think I can communicate in English This place is one of the most visited attraction
in London as it is a source of fascination for many
tourists. The palace is surrounded by parks on
Jawaban: A
three sides, St. James Park, Green Park and Hyde
Pembahasan: Park. There also 40 acres of gardens on the palace
Wanita itu percaya acara pidato Bahasa Inggris grounds, complete with a statuary, pool and Foun-
itu bisa memperbaiki skill Bahasa Inggris siswa. tain. Queen Elizabeth’s private Suites overlooks the
Green Park a lovely tree-lined preserve virtually
6. Listening Script: overlowing with dafodils in the spring.
Woman : Where have you been? I haven’t seen Narrator : Which picture goes with the mono­
you for two days. logue?
Man : I’ve been sick since last Sunday. I’ve got a
terrible cold Jawaban: E
Narrator: What is the best response to the man? Pembahasan:
Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat:
A. That’s very kind of you The palace is surrounded by parks on three
B. How lucky you are sides, St. James Park, Green Park and Hyde
C. I hope you will feel better soon Park. Palace artinya istana
D. I am very grateful to you
9. Listening Script:
The funny gentleman is a multimillion­dollar
Jawaban: C
actor. His ears however you could probably spot
from space. It's not all bad for him though, he’s
Wanita itu berharap agar laki-laki itu sembuh
Goofy saucer­shaped ears at a certain quality to
segera. his comedic performance ... and sure they’re fun­
ny looking but they’re also cute. They’re good
7. Listening Script: enough to get the most powerful man to play a
Woman : The weather is so hot today movie about his life.
Man : I’ll get the mineral water for you, glass
or bottle?
Narrator: Who does the speaker describe?
Woman : Bottle, please.
Man : Here you are
Woman : Oops! I can’t open it up! Jawaban: A
Narrator : What is the best response to the Pembahasan:
woman’s statement? Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat:
A. Let’s do it. It’s not all bad for him though, he’s Goofy saucer-
B. May I use it? shaped ears at a certain quality to his comedic
C. Would you take it? performance. Dia memiliki telinga yang
D. Let me do it for you. berbentuk cawan Goofy.

Jawaban: D 10. Listening Script:

Pembahasan:: This electronic device is a small light low power
Lelaki itu ingin segera membantu wanita itu electricity usage that has less processing power
untuk membukakan botol itu. than a big laptop. But it’s still suitable for word

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

processing running a web browser and connecting sufered a terrible illness. One night, the King had a
wirelessly to the internet. It is referred to a small dream. In his dream, he saw an old man who said that
phone computers. Such computers have been the illness be healed by lower in Krendawahana jun­
known by various things, including subnotebook, gle. And Dewi Arum was the only one who could get
ultraportable mini notebook, Ultra Mobile PC. it. After a very diicult journey, the princess found the
Typically this device will have a slimmed-down pond, but the king got angry with her for going on the
operating system, smaller than usual keyboard, journey and cursed her. “You don’t deserve to be the
smaller than usual screen, and very little storage princess and live in the palace. You deserve to live here
space. in the pond.” said the king. The princess disappeared
and in her place, a beautiful lower. The king regretted
Narrator: Which picture goes with the monologue?
what he had said but it was too late. He then brought
the lower to the palace and everybody got cured. Till
Jawaban: E today people call it Lotus
Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat: 12. What did the princess Dewi Arum ind in the
Typically this device will have a slimmed-down jungle ?
operating system, smaller than usual keyboard,
smaller than usual screen, and very little Jawaban: E
storage space. Keterangan ini merujuk pada Pembahasan:
laptop yang lebih kecil dan ramping, seperti Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat:
notebook, atau yang lainya. After a very diicult journey, the princess found
the pond, …. Pond = kolam
11. Listening Script:
The main body of this animal is bluish green 13. What was the cure for the illness?
in color. It is long and slender with the long face
Jawaban: E
that has black and white on it. The tail can take up
more than 40% of the overall body. It has a small
Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat:
bill that is very sharp at the end of it. The tail can
be up to 5 feet in diameter and it can weigh up to
He then brought the lower to the palace and
13 pounds. The tale is considered a treasured item everybody got cured (Dia kemudian membawa
when people ind this animal lying around. It can bunga itu ke istana dan setiap orang menjadi
have up to 200 strands and from time to time if you sembuh)
will fall out.
Narrator : Which picture matches with the Listening Script:
description in the monologue? After several days of increased activity, the national
disaster mitigation agency (BNPB) has announced
Jawaban: C that North Sulawesi Mount Lokon erupted at 10:20
a.m. on Tuesday. The agency declared areas within a
2.5 kilometer radius from the mountains be danger­
Dari monolog itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa
ous and urge nearby residents to stay alert. There are
binatang itu adalah burung merak
no residential areas within the Zone. There might be
other eruption. We call on the residents to stay calm.
PART IV Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a
Listening Script: statement sent to the city post. The agency said that
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named the residents living outside the Zone did not need to
Umbul Wening. The king had a very beautiful daugh- evacuate yet.
ter named Dewi Arum. She liked to swim and spent
hours swimming. One day, the people in the Kingdom

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

14. What is the monolog about? 20. Jawaban: B
Jawaban: C Pembahasan:
Pembahasan: Di dalam teks terdapat rekomeandasi dari
Monolog tersebut membicarakan tentang Joan Gonzales: more careful research should
letusan gunung Lokon be conducted in the future.

15. For whom is the evacuation necessary? 21. Jawaban: D

Jawaban: A Pembahasan:
Pembahasan: Teks prosedur tersebut berbicara tentang tip-
Di dalam monolog tersebut terdapat kalimat: tip memelihara kulit anda agar tetap sehat.
The agency declared areas within a 2.5 kilometer
radius from the mountains be dangerous and 22. Jawaban: A
urge nearby residents to stay alert. Pembahasan:
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat dari Tip ke-3 : Hot
Reading Section water and long showers remove oils from your
16. Jawaban: E skin.
Teks tersebut berisi pengumuman tentang 23. Jawaban: E
pengangkatan Bill William sebagai Sale Pembahasan:
Manager yang baru. Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama dari Tip ke-
5: Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more
17. Jawaban: D sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other
Pembahasan: skin problems.
Mr. William dinaikkan pangkatnya karena
prestasinya. Hal ini bisa dilihat pada baris ke-3 24. Jawaban: A
dari teks tersebut: “…..more importantly his Pembahasan:
great achievement in the computer industry.” Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf 2:
This is possibly due to the coincidence of dietary
18. Jawaban: E changes that are linked with the expansion of
Pembahasan: humanity.
Kesimpulan dari teks tersebut adalah Bill
William menggantikan posisi Ms. Brown. 25. Jawaban: E
19. Jawaban: E Paragraf pertama adalah tentang “The inves-
Pembahasan: tigation of the bacterium in eleven individuals”.
Klaim surat kabar tersebut bahwa “Schools fail
low-income children” = Sekolah-sekolah tidak 26. Jawaban: B
meluluskan anak-anak dari orang tua yang Pembahasan:
berpenghasilan rendah. Klaim ini berarti low- Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke-3 Paragraf
income children are not as good as high-income pertama: “The request was made in a letter
children (Anak-anak dari orang tua yang addressed to Emperor Akihito of Japan by China
berpenghasilan rendah tidak sebagus anak- Federation of Demanding Compensation from
anak dari orang tua yang berpenghasilan Japan (CFDC) via Japan’s embassy in China.

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

27. Jawaban: A to a U.S government request for a plane that
Pembahasan: was able to carry a large cargo for the war
“… a 1.300-year-old artefact that was efort.
allegedly looted by Japanese soldiers in the
1930s.” “looted” memiliki arti yang sama 33. Jawaban: C
dengan “stolen” (dicuri). Damaged (dirusak), Pembahasan:
neglected (diabaikan), borrowed (dipinjam), Disimpulkan dari teks tersebut bahwa Spruce
taken (dibawa/diambil) Goose adalah sebuah barang kuno yang
sekarang dipamerkan di California.
28. Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: 34. Jawaban: E
Teks tersebut tentang “tampilan video Pembahasan:
beruang di Taman Nasional Katmai untuk Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf 3:
komputer dan smartphone”. This is because snakes are cold-blooded, they
need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.
29. Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: 35. Jawaban: A
Disimpulkan dari teks tersebut bahwa Katmai Pembahasan:
National Park telah membuat tampilan video Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama paragraf 2:
dari beruang mereka di lingkungan alami. Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they
had claws to help them slither along. Berarti
30. Jawaban: A sekarang tidak memiliki cakar (claw).
“... to watch mature bears compete for salmon 36. Jawaban: A
at Brook Falls.” (paragraph 2) Pembahasan:
Makna yang dekat dengan compete (bersa- Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke­5 paragraf 5: The
ing) dalam konteks kalimat ini adalah ight lying snakes glide away from danger
(berkelahi). Kill (membunuh), hug (memeluk),
defeat (mengalahkan), defend (memper- 37. Jawaban: C
tahankan). Pembahasan:
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke­3 paragraf
31. Jawaban: A 2: Pests can gradually bccome resistant to
Pembahasan: pesticides. (Hama serangga secara berangsur-
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf 1: It angsur menjadi kebal terhadap pestisida.
was so big that it needed eight engines to power
it. Dan kalimat terakhir paragraf 2: It was made 38. Jawaban: C
of wood because wood is a less critical material Pembahasan:
in wartime than metal. Disimpulkan dari paragraf 4 bahwa “An
integrated pest management is signiicant in
32. Jawaban: E nature.
Gagasan utama paragraf 2 adalah “The plane 39. Jawaban: A
was designed to carry a large cargo” Pembahasan:
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama: The plane There is no one best way to deal with pests
was designed by Howard Hughes in response in agriculture. “Deal with” dalam konteks

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017

kalimat di atas artinya menangani. Makna 45. Jawaban: B
yang paling dekat dengan “deal with” adalah Pembahasan:
“handle” (menangani) . Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke-2 paragraf 4:
Relate (menghubungkan), reduce (mengu- Orchids are usually cultivated for the lowers, …
rangi), tackle (memecahkan), use (menggu- Kalimat ini menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan
nakan) orang menanam anggrek hanya sekedar
menyukai bunga itu.
40. Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: 46. Jawaban: C
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke-5 dan 6 paragraf Pembahasan:
1: The term low-cost doesn’t always refer to the Teks tersebut adalah teks recount. Urutan
price of the ticket, but to the operating costs. kalimat yang benar adalah :2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5.
These airlines can operate more cheaply than Teks tersebut diawali dengan “Orientation”
regular airlines because the reduced quality of yaitu One morning … dan diakhiri dengan
the service can reduce the cost of training the “Reorientation” yaitu Feeling worried and shaky
staf. …

41. Jawaban: E 47. Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Pembahasan:
Kesimpulan ini bisa dipahami dari paragaf 3. Teks tersebut adalah teks Procedure. Urutan
kalimat yang benar adalah : 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 - 5.
42. Jawaban: C Teks tersebut diawali dengan First, … dan
Pembahasan: diakhiri dengan Finally, …
Vanished artinya sama dengan disappeared:
(hilang) 48. Jawaban: D
tell: menceritakan), sank: tenggelam), Pembahasan:
dropped: (jatuh), damaged: (rusak). Pilihan yang tepat adalah “surprised” (terkejut).
Satisied (puas), amazed (kagum), delighted
43. Jawaban: E (senang), pleased (senang)
Teks tersebut berisi tentang macam-macam 49. Jawaban: A
bunga anggrek. Pembahasan:
Pilihan yang tepat adalah “concession”
44. Jawaban: E (hadiah, pemberian). Solitary concession
Pembahasan: (hadiah tersendiri). conclusion (kesimpulan),
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat ke-3 paragraf 1: devotion (pengabdian), conirmation (pen-
Orchids are a cosmopolitan family found egasan), repitition (pengulangan)
within the Arctic circle, the island to the south
of Australia, but mostly in Asia. Ungkapan 50. Jawaban: E
but mostly in Asia (tetapi kebanyakan di Pembahasan:
Asia) menunjukkan variasi terbanyak bunga Pilihan yang tepat adalah “around”. Look
anggrek terdapat di Asia. around: (melihat-lihat).
Look at (melihat), look for (mencari), look out
(memandang ke luar), look after (menjaga)

Supertrik Kisi-Kisi Lulus UN SMA/MA IPS 2017


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